Read Ruled By Rabbits Page 8


  Daddy looked up and saw Cola staring at the curtains and Duster watching from about a foot away.

  “Good girl, Bear,” Daddy said. “You show those curtains who’s boss.”

  “Duster, you heard him,” Cola said. “Daddy said I can attack the curtains. Daddy needs my help!”

  And with that, Cola hopped full force at the curtains …

  Cola’s little paws scratched at the curtains … she bumped into Daddy’s feet … she placed herself under the curtains and pushed the material up with her nose … Daddy moved his feet … Cola had freed Daddy’s feet!!

  “Good work!” Duster cheered and rushed over to nosebonk Cola.

  Daddy sat up and was chuckling as he watched Cola tackle the curtains.

  “Good girl, Bear!” Daddy reached over and petted Cola and Duster too.

  “Wow, he doesn’t know how close he came to losing his feet to those curtains,” Cola sighed.

  Duster had a hunch this wouldn’t be the last time Cola and the curtains had a misadventure …


  Cola sighed. She can't believe she is actually thinking the thought ...

  She has finally found a use for the curtains in the living room.

  She isn't admitting defeat over the curtains but perhaps they have reached a short compromise of sorts.

  When Mommy and Daddy went grocery shopping, they brought home a cardboard box. They decided to keep this box and it ended up in the living room and of course, it was in Cola's way!

  She tried to go around the box. She tried to nudge the box out of the way. She tried hopping in other parts of the apartment. She even tried going around the box again - it just wasn't working for her.

  Cola was waging war on the curtains last night, huddled in between the patio door and the evil curtains, when she stuck her nose out from underneath the curtains and there was the box! Still in her way.

  Now think about this, the curtains AND the box, too much for one bunny to take.

  She ducked back behind the curtains and that's when it hit her (not literally of course) - she could sneak attack the box, using the curtains for cover!!

  Bunny brilliance at it's best!

  Cola ran back and forth behind the curtains, making sure the box thought she was at the other end of the patio door and then she lunged!

  She hit that box full force. She scratched it with her paws, she chewed on it, she head butted it ... she was fierce.

  Cola dashed behind the curtains. She was about to head butt the curtains when she realized, this one time, maybe we were on the same team ... maybe the box was annoying the curtains as much as it was her. She thought of how the curtains bumped in to the box when the wind blew them, this box had to go!

  Grrr ... she hopped at the box. She ran around it, had to make it dizzy. Then she chewed on the other side!

  Whew, all this energy put towards making the living room the perfect environment for Duster and her to relax in ... she deserved some bunny love!

  She hopped over to Duster and flopped over beside him.

  “Good work, Cola,” Duster congratulated her as he groomed her fur.

  Cola sighed happily, they are still Queen and King of the living room.

  (Daddy ended up making a play house out of that box!! He cut doors in all four sides and now the bunnies have a really cool bunny fort to play in and chew on!!!)




  “What is that noise?” Cola asked Duster, looking around the living room.


  Duster’s ears went out to the side and he hopped up and looked around.

  “I am not sure - never heard that noise before.”

  Duster stretched and they ventured out of the cardboard house that Daddy had built for them.


  “Oh that is annoying,” Cola declared. “Let’s split up and search the apartment. “

  She headed for the bedroom and Duster went to check out their cages. A few minutes later they met back near the TV, neither of them had found anything.