Read Run to Me Page 6

  She didn’t head for the bar. “You see…business associates. Those are the familiar people in the crowd below?”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “I also see an ex-lover who didn’t exactly like our end.”

  “What?” Her eyes went wide. Then narrowed.

  “Things got tense.” Serious understatement. That was why he’d mentioned Reva Gray first in his text to West. She could be the bigger problem. “Reva wanted more.”


  This wasn’t going to win him any points with Willow. But he’d rather just tell her the truth and be done. “We were involved for sex. At least, that’s what I thought. No strings, not for either of us.”

  Willow blinked. Once. Twice. Her expression seemed to go absolutely cold.

  “Come on, Willow. People hook up all the time. It’s no big deal. I’m sure you’ve had—”

  He stopped. Too fucking late.

  Willow glanced away from him. “I have no idea.”

  Shit, shit, shit. “I am such an asshole.”

  “I think that you are.” She gave a brisk nod. “Apparently, that Reva down there does, too. You know what? I believe I will have that drink.”

  She marched toward the bar and he looked around, wondering if there was a hole he could crawl into. Unfortunately, Jay didn’t see one, so he straightened his shoulders and headed after her. “I’m sorry.”

  She held up a bottle of vodka. “Is this good?”

  “Yeah, great. But, listen, I just didn’t think when I—”

  “You constantly think. We all do. And you—well, especially you. I don’t believe your mind ever stops spinning.” Her cool stare raked over him. “I’m not so sure your brain works quite like everyone else’s. I tried to look inside, to see more than your fears, but I couldn’t.” She poured vodka into a nearby glass. A lot of vodka and chugged it right down.

  “Baby, hold up, that’s too much—go slow with—”

  She slammed down the glass and angrily confronted him. “I go slow with everything.” Her eyes gleamed at him. “I go slow because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. You remember all of your lovers. What—dozens of them? Women who didn’t matter? Women like me that you just hooked up with and walked away—”

  “They are nothing like you.” They needed to be clear on this point.

  She flinched.

  Fucking hell. Why could he not say the right thing to her?

  “I’m going downstairs. I’m not the one who can get hurt. You stay here.” Her words were rapid fire. “I’ll find the bastard who shot me and deal with him myself.” She tried to march around him.

  Jay caught her shoulders, held her tight. “They are nothing like you,” he gritted out, “because I never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

  Her breath heaved out. “What?”

  “They are nothing like you because you are strong—and, no, I’m not talking about your super strength. I’m talking about the core of steel inside of you. You’ve been through hell, but you’re still standing. Because you were strong before Lazarus. You’re strong where it matters most. In your heart, baby, and in your soul.” He sounded like a freaking greeting card, but it was true. She had to stop seeing herself as some kind of freak. She wasn’t.

  To him, Willow was perfect.

  “And I don’t just walk away from lovers. I’m not some user. I don’t screw every woman I meet. I happen to be pretty picky about relationships. Reva was a friend first. We thought we’d make good lovers. Didn’t work that way.”

  Her lashes covered her eyes. “You think…you believe we’d be good lovers, too. You and I—”

  “It’s not the same thing.”

  “But what if you’re wrong about that, too?”

  The way he was on fire for her? Hell, no, he wasn’t wrong. If they got together, they’d burn the bed down.

  “What if you’re wrong, and then you walk away. What happens to me?”


  But she’d pulled away from him. “I’m going downstairs.”

  “I’m coming with you—”

  “No.” She pointed at her chest. “I’m the bodyguard, remember? I’m going back down, I’ll do a scan, and I’ll see who I can find.” Her gaze darted around the room. “This area is safe enough. I’m assuming that’s bullet proof glass?”

  “Yes,” he hissed. “But Willow, we need—”

  “I think I need more vodka,” she muttered as she headed for the door. “And I definitely need some distance from you.”


  Because of those last words, he didn’t follow her. He stood there, with his hands clenched at his sides, and he watched her storm away from him. Beautiful Willow. Strong Willow. Hurting Willow. He’d done that. With careless words.

  The one person he wanted to treasure, and he kept screwing up.

  He yanked out his phone. Texted both West and Sawyer Cage. Willow is heading to the lower level. Keep eyes on her. Anything happens to Willow…

  His fingers paused because a wild, dark thought ran through his head. If anything happens to Willow, I’ll fucking lose my mind.

  Jay swallowed. And he didn’t send that particular message to his friends. Instead, he just texted…

  Anything happens to Willow, and I’ll kick your asses.


  Fury twisted inside of Willow. Fury and…jealousy? She’d never felt jealousy before, so she wasn’t one hundred percent sure what she was dealing with but…

  But the image of Jay, kissing that redhead—Reva. The image of him holding her, having sex with her…

  The fury burned hotter.

  She stomped down the stairs. Her gaze swept over the bar. Two men came toward her, smiling, but she moved past them without a word. Her senses were amped up. She was looking for danger. Looking for the shooter. Wanting to get this job finished and get the hell out of that place.

  She’d thought that Jay felt something for her. Something real. Perhaps something more than guilt. But she’d forgotten that he’d had a life before her.

  And whatever life she’d had, it was long gone. Along with her memories. Along with any family she’d had. Any lovers who’d been with her. Casual lovers. Serious lovers. All were gone.

  The scent of perfume—a mix of rose and jasmine—became stronger. Her head turned toward that scent and Willow found herself watching as Reva slid through the crowd. Reva’s eyes—a pure emerald green—were on Willow.

  Reva was absolutely stunning. Perfect features, heart-shaped face, red hair long and styled to flow over her shoulders. She wore a green dress, one that matched her eyes, and her lips had been painted a bright red.

  Men were practically falling at the woman’s feet. A faint smile curved Reva’s bow-shaped lips.

  A gorgeous woman, and Willow decided that she might hate Reva.

  Then Reva stopped right in front of Willow. Reva’s green gaze swept over Willow, iced a bit. “So you’re the new one.” Her voice held a crisp accent.

  “I don’t think you understand…”

  Reva met her stare. “I saw the way he looked at you. The way he touched you.” She still smiled, but the smile never reached her eyes. “I get that he’s feeding the bodyguard story to the reporters, but who is going to buy that line? He’s screwing you, and he likes to have you close.” Now she gave a little, tinkling laugh. “Like you’re strong enough to be anyone’s bodyguard.”

  The woman was just insulting. “You have no idea.”

  Reva’s smile vanished. She stepped right up to Willow. “No, you’re the one with no idea. No idea who it is that you’re truly fucking.” Her voice was low, and the crisp accent had faded into a ragged rasp. “He’s dangerous. You can’t trust him.”

  Willow’s heart was racing, and she put her hands behind her back. The better to avoid the temptation to make this woman fear.

  “You want to know the real Jay Maverick?” Reva pointed to the left. “Let’s get out of this crowd, and I’ll tell you his secr
ets. Then you’ll realize the man you’ve taken into your bed is little more than a monster.”

  Without another word, Reva turned on her very high heel and stalked through the crowd, heading to the left. Moving toward the ladies’ rest room.

  Willow gazed after her a moment, then she looked up, her stare going to the second floor. To the VIP area. Her eyes narrowed as she peered up at that darkened glass. Jay was watching.

  Little more than a monster.

  Her shoulders straightened, and she headed after Reva.


  “Oh, shit,” Jay muttered. Then he surged away from the glass.

  Chapter Five

  “No one else is in here.” Reva stood with her arms over her chest. They were in some kind of waiting area—like a lounge. Filled with black, leather sofas and chairs. And all of the walls were covered with mirrors. Reva had locked the door right after Willow entered. “Just you and me.”

  Willow crossed her arms over her chest. “You had sex with Jay.”

  Spots of color appeared on Reva’s cheeks. “Is that what he told you? That we fucked? My, my…and here I didn’t think he was the type to kiss and tell.” Now she sauntered toward Willow. “Did he tell you all the times? All the places? All the—”

  Willow held up her hand. “Don’t come any closer to me.”

  Reva smiled again. The smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Are you afraid of me, bodyguard?”

  I’m afraid if you get closer, I’ll give into the growing urge to make you see some fears. And that wasn’t right. But the twisting fury and yes, had to be jealousy, inside of Willow was growing worse with every moment that passed.

  “You shouldn’t be afraid of me. It’s Jay you should fear. You might think he’s charming and sophisticated. You might think he can give you the world.” Reva shook her head. “But he won’t. He’ll give you a good time in bed, a very good time, but that’s it. He’ll use you, and when he’s done, he’ll toss you away.”

  Willow straightened her spine. “Is this what you wanted to tell me? That you think Jay is going to have sex with me and then walk away?”

  “The only lover he stayed with for long…that was Elizabeth. Dr. Elizabeth Parker. And I think he just stayed with her because he liked her mind, not her body.”

  Shock had rolled through Willow. This…how had she not known this? “Jay and Elizabeth were lovers?”

  Elizabeth Parker was involved with Sawyer Cage. They were planning to get married. But…

  Elizabeth was also the doctor who’d first created the Lazarus serum.

  Elizabeth and Jay.

  Why hadn’t they told her?

  “Didn’t know that? Oh, right, you’ve probably met her, haven’t you? Jay still keeps her around. Says they are just friends, if you believe that lie.”

  Willow’s temples were pounding. “You hate him.”

  “I hate that he pretends to be something he’s not.”

  “You said that he was a monster.”

  “He grew up dirt poor, did you know that? On the streets? And it did something to him. Made him savage. Wild. Jay will do anything to get what he wants. I’ve seen him destroy competitors, wreck companies, break lives, and never hesitate.”

  Someone pounded on the door.

  “Go away!” Reva snapped. “We’re busy in here!”

  “It’s the frickin’ bathroom,” a woman’s disgruntled voice snarled back.

  But Willow heard the sound of her footsteps stomp away.

  “He’ll sweep you into his world.” Reva’s eyes were chips of green fire. “And then when he’s done, he’ll leave you and never look back.”

  Willow studied her. Tried to see past the other woman’s rage. “You don’t hate him. You…love him?”

  “No.” Reva backed up. “Of course, I don’t love him! But I put in the time. Do you understand? Do you know how much money that man is worth? He’s—”

  “You’re mad because you want his money or him?” She was trying to understand.

  “I want both!” Reva snarled.

  “This is a waste of time.” Willow kept her voice brisk. “You said that you were going to reveal his secrets, but you didn’t tell me anything of the sort. I knew he grew up hard. I knew the two of you were involved.” She hadn’t known about Elizabeth, though. “Unless you’re the one trying to kill him, we’re done.”

  And there it was—Willow heard the furious and wild beat of Reva’s heart accelerate.

  “Never!” Reva cried out. “I wouldn’t do that! He’s no good to me dead. I wouldn’t—”

  “I believe you.” Because Reva wanted Jay back in her life. She didn’t want him in the grave. “Now we’re done.” One suspect eliminated. She headed for the door.

  But Reva grabbed her hand. “We’re just getting started.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Willow whispered as she stared down at Reva’s hand. But it was too late now. Some people projected their emotions so strongly—they all but screamed them. Reva was one of those people. Her emotions bubbled and burned as they erupted from her. When Reva touched her, Willow didn’t even have to pull up her powers.

  She was immediately hit with Reva’s fears. They slammed into her mind, tumbling straight at her, over and over again. A sharp cry broke from Willow because she hadn’t expected Reva’s worst fear to pierce so deeply.


  “It’s the ladies’ room, man,” West argued as he stood in front of Jay, blocking the way. “And it’s Reva. The woman can’t hurt Willow, and you know it.”

  “There are all kinds of ways to hurt in this world, and you know that.” The words erupted in a hard snarl.

  West’s brows shot up. “Does that mean that you hurt Willow?”

  Yes, he just had, dammit. “I’m going in—”

  Then he heard Willow’s cry. Sharp. Pain-filled. Jay shoved West out of his way and grabbed for the door. When it didn’t open, he kicked the thing in. “Willow!”

  She was on her knees. Reva was touching her shoulders. At his cry, Reva spun toward him. Her eyes widened when she saw his face. “I didn’t do anything to her!” Reva yelled even as her hand flew over Willow’s hunched form. “I swear it! I only grabbed her wrist to stop her from leaving and your girlfriend freaked the hell out! She’s psycho!”

  “Stop. Touching. Her.” But Jay didn’t wait for Reva to let Willow go. He bounded across the room and scooped Willow into his arms.

  “Some bodyguard,” Reva muttered. “More like a drama queen. She—”

  “She doesn’t want to be on the streets again.” Willow’s voice was low and flat, totally devoid of emotion. “She thought the streets would be better than home, they hurt her so much there. Over and over, but when she got on the streets, she didn’t have any money. She has to have money. Because when you don’t have money, you’re vulnerable. They’ll make you do things. They’ll make you—”

  “Shut the hell up!” Reva’s enraged shriek.

  The little room went dead silent.

  West stepped inside, and he pushed the broken door shut behind him.

  Reva stood there, her body shaking and her face stark white. She lifted a trembling finger and pointed at Willow. “How do you know?”

  Because that was Reva’s worst fear. Jay knew it. He hadn’t needed Willow to tell him. Reva had always feared others would find out about her darkest truths. The pain she tried to hide.

  “Let me go,” Willow whispered to Jay.

  He didn’t want to let her go. He wanted to keep right on holding her, but she was pushing against his arms. So he lowered Willow to her feet, and he stayed close to her.

  “You told her!” Reva charged, and then she was racing toward Jay. Her hand flew out and she slapped him with all of her might. “You sonofabitch! How could you?”

  He hadn’t told Willow a damn thing, but he wasn’t going to admit that to Reva. If he did, then Reva would know Willow’s secret. That couldn’t happen. Reva would sell any story for the right amount of mone
y. And there would be a whole lot of money offered if the truth about Willow made it into the public eye.

  Reva drew back her hand to hit him again, but West caught her wrist. “Easy…”

  She jerked away from him. “Don’t you ‘easy’ me, West Harper! You knew, too, didn’t you? What, were you both laughing at me? Making fun of me? Oh, there goes Reva…pretending she’s so high class. Pretending she’s something she’s not, pretending—”

  “We all pretend sometimes, Reva.” Jay kept his voice gentle. “Nothing wrong with that.” His gaze remained on her. “And there’s nothing wrong with having a rough start, with overcoming it. With making something of yourself when you’ve been through a nightmare. If anything, it’s a success to be proud of. Not something to hide.”

  Reva’s eyes glittered with tears. “I should have known. You research everyone. Anyone who gets close to you. But…I changed my name, got a new life, paid for that life, so I thought I was safe, I thought—”

  “You are safe. No one outside of this room ever needs to know about your past.”

  Her furious glare flew to Willow. “You told your lover, your current screw. You’ll tell the next one! You’ll tell—“

  “He didn’t tell me,” Willow cut in.

  Shit. Jay opened his mouth, trying to get a ready lie in place.

  “She’s on my payroll,” West threw out before Jay could speak. “And has top clearance. She has access to my files and while we’re trying to figure out who is after Jay, I filled her in about you. There’s no one else on the team who ever needs to know.”

  Some of the tension left Reva’s shoulders. She blinked her eyes a few times and then focused on Jay. “You knew all along?”

  He had.

  “It…didn’t matter?”

  No, it hadn’t mattered. He didn’t care about her past.

  But Reva was already shaking her head. “Maybe it did matter. Maybe that’s why you didn’t stay, maybe it’s the reason you walked away.”