Read Rush Page 6

  Like gold, war for whatsoever reason is like a pact with the ‘devil‘, and a promise to the killed. As my boys go back East which I have planned since ‘63 is like the great-bravery provided as the dream, West. Is, it more to let people die at the hands of destruction or as the legacy of hope in some type of destiny, to the begotten. As I send my two sons off to other places as a hope that tomorrow, one day will be a hope-fulfilled; opposing the ‘direness’ of destiny or of the defiance of gold; and on December 25, our anniversary he threw his shovel, pan shucking boots into the pyre and burned them. He cried because for so long he’d held his dream, a dream he realizes he will never see. It comes bitter-sweet and I drink sour-tears as the many-dead in the local cemetery are the fodder of the flames of so much hunger and relinquish.

  ~William has bought himself a surveyors shop now, no longer used by those who sought-gold. He has learned all he needs to take on new land-granters trying to expand the area from its once small-tidings and becoming a metropolis to port-and-land and newly begun living-residencies… Though we have a higher-standard of living, I shall never let money determine our lives. Eternally, thankful to God and Country and the right to be happy in-attained hopes. Will is happy-now, for some time, soon he will seek-to travel East to be with his brothers whom number only two. He missed the death of his brother. He explores the land as his-job and hunts, helps land-owners with what he’s learned and builds clientele which have become his good-friends. We are moving ever-further from the once harshness of what was thought instant-prospering and now, we see bustle and activity of a vibrant and profiting-community.

  I have walked the lanes of our-town speaking with individuals with their children who attend Calvin Elementary School named after Mrs. Calvin now dead some ten-years. A worker’s union has been established by the increasing populous and improved living-standards. The once loud, rowdy and violent have dissolved into law-abiding and proper-society. We have our own museum, local-transport trains now reaching the entire-continent and soon, more will come West with the increased-growth. The poor-home has been turned into an old-folks home and the poor have disappeared due to the training, hiring and developed community-holdings of welfare for the disadvantaged. Several hospitals have begun working as the new-land grants to the wealthy has paid for new City-needs. It has been said California is not long in becoming wealthy after its charter in ‘38, to become a state. The trails west once, bogged by Indian and hard-travel now have seen Calvary-forts appear across the territories. And now, with the end-of-the-war wild natives, marauders and thieves have to contend with Sheriffs and Marshals. My son has expressed desire to be a cowboy. He loves all the stories of Jesse James and Wild Bill Hickok. All the illustrious-tales of life Out-West. He must understand that life is not all-poetic.

  Will is a man who never thought of such things, his-travels West are statements of duty; not ‘dudey’-superfluous. He is guiding his sons to be level-headed… It will not be long-before he goes back East to be with his brothers not eighteen years since seeing all his-kin. He does not know this but I have paid an agency for him to go with his brothers to visit-Ireland and share our wealth with his-family. His father, whom I have heard many-stories of and his grand-mother Cynthia Foster Mc Masters is a strong-willed mother whose big-family from America has not seen her is aging, gracefully. I will surprise him with a steward to take-care of his-business, a guide to take him through and a gentleman’s gentleman to enlist all the services he-needs. Along with a $20,000 note of silver in his name to buy all he-needs. On the Christening of our daughter she will hand him the gift we both loved-him to have. Soon Sarah will be going-off to lady’s school; I have taught her everything I know and now, so beautiful and mature; the men are taken-with her every time I walk with her to shop. She realizes that she must attend finishing-school soon then she will pick the man which she chooses. For now she keeps her undivided-attention to her-learning.

  Gold has now dwindled to an almost unnoticed, commodity. No-longer the serene ‘insanity’ eating men’s souls, alive. Most young people have never seen the hunger it’s created. All the signs of destruction, dissolute and despair so common only a decade, ago. Los Angeles no-longer reeks disparity or disposal. Her elegant streets, timely design and utterly, utmost engendering is now almost an ‘only’ existent. Yet, we are not impervious to impropriety. No longer entitling what had been the wanting-entitled.

  Dear Diary,

  With elation, joy and sadness my Will has left by sea-for Boston, Massachusetts. He has been grateful for several-days that I had to pack his bags for him. I let him-drink before he leaves and now he has set-about singing, dancing and parading in an utter-statement of his thankfulness. Tomorrow when he settles down he will be placed-on a ship. And soon, not to disturb his joy, our Sarah shall be going-away for mid-stay to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She’s read all she could about her shaping-house and involving herself with all the provided-training, opportunities and knows all her-subjects with some-agile. After Will returns in eight months, I will say goodbye to the last-child I have. Yet, I and Will, will have time to enjoy ourselves-beyond the many problems which have persisted-in, so many-ways.

  My Mama has died after several-years of suffering… Beatrice said, she went in her-sleep with Papa at her-side. She will be buried-in her family’s mortuary. I will not see her-again until I go to Heaven. My sisters say she has wanted to see me, before she died. On their-visit they told me all she had-done since my leaving. We had a great-time. Though, we are no-longer young we were as school-girls, re-union for a-second, last-time… Though, I had so much work to-do since getting that contract, we enjoyed our few-moments with them-telling me how Papa had sold the business to a young and upcoming-tailor from Lyons; a friend of his-father; Papa, devoted much-time to teaching-him the ropes and now he had become a great-tailor, as he.

  Never shunning-help he now-delivers cleaned and sewn-clothes to those, who are to busy to pick it up. As well, he meets with his friends and laughing-a lot. This is the greatest story they, could have told me. I still adore them, Papa and how-life went-on despite of my dreams, elsewhere. I sat-down with Will-alone, for the first time in six-year. We drank newly grown red-wine from a newly, started vineyard and ate bread, as when first-married and now, we celebrate something which mattered more than gold ever-could…

  There are regular-coaches, trains and horse-man who come-through our city and there is traffic and bustle, as never-before. The once, town of 1,400 now numbers in the tens of thousands, everyday there are people starting new-innovations from a strange-concept known as ‘science’ to a unique implementation-of-machines. There are sewing-machines, cotton-machines, guns; new traveling-devices, printing devices, and several-changes due to them, known as New Era inventions. One, I think is important, is books which once cost in the dozens of dollars now can cost-dimes. Writers such as Samuel Clemens, Shakespeare and great Greek Epicists. My daughter like to hear of the ways of Andrew Jackson and travels of Alexander the Great.

  We discussed it and I had to ignore, what they-say for their-father’s stories of Ireland-’tales’. We’d all listen-up to Leprechauns, Giants and monsters they go-back as for as the English-language. We all seemed to have agreed on Norseman tales. Afterward we enjoy the reality of life as student, worker and professional which it seems always, never under-whelms. As we plan our next adventures dutifully, we seek to stay-close as the lines of life take us, elsewhere. I believe we will always stay-close.

  Dear Diary,

  Zack and Bau will be moving-East as they have been hired-by a broker to sell-guns, out-West. They enjoy the idea of selling newly, ideas in fire-arms, those-stories of the West and the greatening, demand for defense, and as war goes; out-shooting, the enemy… It is growing greatly, exaggerated that killing is an idea whose time has come. As the papers-mention, people have a certain-destiny that an easy-killing is better than discussing what seems unfavorable.. It seems ??
?superstition’, is an over-baring, pomp. Devising-elements of superstition, as superiority. Men, who divorce their-attitude, from their atonement. The greater-appease of uncivil, policy is increasing un-apropos-development of so many who use their-hands instead of their-minds. The advantages-of improvement often offer more dispute-rather than definition; as we empower the ‘lesser’-statement, of impressing. We-live as individuals, not commanded-by imposing but impact-intention.



  The ‘Undivided’

  Patrice and I, awakened to howling-coyotes, some of the farmers from outside of town were likely, hunting… Will was on-assignment for his-business with several of his-friends. They had to travel-into the countryside. Will had learned to be adept at outdoorsman-ship, hunting and climbing… Many of his friends, were successful-hunters working for the U.S. Calvary, as suppliers and guides. Since his days as a westward-trail-hand, he’d gained quite-skillful at target-shooting and cleaning and cooking-venison and quail, as well as catching-fish when we had no-money.

  He was proud-of his skill even loving to read Daniel Boone-tales, which he thought over-fabricated. He has taught Zack and Bau, with Bau excelling at fishing and quail-spotting. I enjoy hearing his long-winded stories which he has the previous, craft of telling. I enjoyed the food, better. By our third-year of marriage, I was telling him-not to get himself dirty which he always-did and him clean the meat, which I let him… Bau, was the smart-one with him-giving the ‘giff’ to his-stories with a skill-of succinctness, and sincerity.

  Since the unionization of California, and dissipation of Spain we have blossomed into a country of benefaction, growth and wealth. In the dust of the gold-rush, our-state is one of redemption where once, we idealized the metal-ore and the outer-limits of survival the thirty-sixth state is rebounding into a bonafide-industry, community and residence of great-growth. While palm-trees and citrus-grow in the warmth of the seasons tends to stay and the ocean-air even helps the lungs. Life under the sun enriches soil and sand and the sea quietly welcomes the ships and sailors to possibly live-out their lives-away from the brine. The Coast has small towns popping-up from Sacramento to Capistrano, which have rich animal-life. The whaling-ships come to take a rest from their chores, and ships from as far away as Russia and former East-coast; ships on their way to the islands’ dock to take-on supplies.

  Many who set-to sea are divided-between living and working as they-follow their noses-to sums or settling-down with their ladies. America’s fleet which is set in-Virginia often have never seen such hospitable, weather, elsewhere. This individual-aspect will no-doubt bring habitable-seekers and others who’d rather live comfortably rather than endure cold harshness and harsh-deeming… I hope-to divide my-time between the grand independent-virtues and vocal; which is to make clothing and care-of my young-children. I attend church every-Sunday. Involved in community, propriety-of helping and the uniting of Christian-law to advocate-assistance, empowerment and bestowal-of providing, presence and practices of-faith. Individually, we-‘promote’, ‘preside’ and ‘pronounce’… As Will was quite a self-made hunter, I was a quite sincere-mother and wife; which often had to pull-out of his imaginary-journeys while everyone-else followed quite, gleefully. As important as it was that we have-meat and food; Will, put his-mind and skill to work and acknowledge that he could-meet the needs. Imparted-to me in action his reliability that he was quite, suited… Now, indivisible between his-lack of need for money and my-lack of need-for his redeeming, skills; he oft met me in the other-direction. So, as I observed him sharpening his-knifes and cleaning his-gun; it points-out of the once, necessary-need. As this simple-indicative, I release-from basic-civilization. I, too want-to have basic-skills which don’t require sums or practicality; yet, of course, the basics of women are-their prowess-at seeking and marrying-men…

  As such, I plan to devote skill at such, and frame the functional as far as womanly, honor can go. I hear-through my daughter that back-east has begun greater-individual ability, of the woman from work-to-skill, comparable to men… Women, wanting-and proving their-prowess, in many areas. There are already women, who are proving-themselves in nominal ability... Independently, it has been a requirement that-in the originating, harshness; lent to, by rough-beaten trials-of living, the attitude and success-of the ‘trail-blazer; family out-fitter and dutiful-professional; the face-of those who went-west, has changed… No-longer do those who-travel are seeded to the morbidity of determination; but reach an-achievement in overcoming, reliance, and reception. Men and women, with their-children can look-forward to a-life of thriving, not-divided into rough-sacrifice.

  And, in my homeland women are founding greater, sophistication in the arts and other skillful-areas… Perhaps, one day we will determine which great-accord that will be taken to a greater-achievement. As, I in the declaration of freedom have been in an act of diligence; which I chose-out of great-love for a-place which do not deny people the grand-design; and willing-to put forth effort and invest-in themselves under self-empowering, circumstances… The whole world has changed in course-of advancement; in Paris, France many-things invite and welcome the wants-and-needs of the simple-peasant. Royalty, have been over-thrown by those sick-of their-power and in-outcome the many commoners have an opportunity which was denied-them, by monarchy. Money, now goes-to help rebuild and replenish the disadvantaged, oppressed and imprisoned, for rebellion. My-sisters say the great-weight of living has been lifted-to allow social-reform and imminent-domain to all who-wish to have-it…

  The sun-shines on the keeper-of-the-poor, and advances the intentions of the rightful; and un-impetuous; to empower their-dreams; and prosperity to improve living-standards and answer the unprivileged and outcast, and replenish the thirst of the wanting and deserving… Yet the livelihood-living, working and surviving, is the sign-of basic-greatness. Employed, nit through imposition but a shared one-ness to overcome. As I understand that the only-of-prowess sometimes turns into the oneness-of-prosperity; each, will succumb to further-succession as so-many great civilizations have this, the living benevolence-of-humanity...

  ***The enlistment of my-services has provided me with a-wealth, I have not known since leaving-France. The great-oracles of Men-and-might have finally, shown-light for their-reward; so the many, may-see the benefit-of-the-’many’, and the advancement of the-wanting as they gain the prime-order to proceed to follow their-dreams, and order their-world… This utterly, profound-accomplishment is the ‘ultimate’-success, that doesn’t ire men’s souls; but individually, feeds their God-given right to-make a foundation; they embellish their-soul; and doing so, they capture what no-man should have to-live without or be held-back from…

  Now, as the last-parchments assign me; through our U.S. government, I realize that I-will not-see the likes of such-numbers, in inventory, again. Dimensionally, the great populous-of-men and women who-have had need of tailoring are quite a multitude; which our-government has chosen to benefit… Un-doubt-ably, we must thank the president for our good-fortune; after a war, which-without, there would be those without basic-clothing… As I, observe those many-numbers of sizes; cotton, wool and material; buttons, pens and needles; pockets, sleeves and garments; has been made to care for so many people… This investment; in mankind indelibly, off-sets the underscored, and bares the uncountable-impressively, and implicatively. The young-seamstress, tailors whom have seen their profits go immensely, into wealth; and the rest, a benefit that has served them, well. This is not likely, a plausible of which America will leave set without incentive, enlistment or gratitude, invaluably…

  In such a vane, a living-status has occurred of which a staying-power occurred, as dividend in besetting, source and substantiation. Employing, encouraging and incursive, involving in proclivity embossed-on, all of us. I see men who would have not seen the chance to express his-dreams as part-of, being able-to work in his own-way that his wife may have children which h
e was able to take-care. And now, contributive to the community and enriching of store, school and society. And those, who underscore the satisfaction of being bestowed to-succeed in eventuality, given by others-in the now, matured-women with several young-children; once a young-woman, needing-guidance as imparted, so atoning… The many-implications of life, living and livelihood; implicative and indicative by so much sustaining of the work, being worthy. Now we-walk streets which indelibly, carry the blood-of-’the lost’... While insurrection, join the great-decency of man; envisions hope which will not-die. The ‘score’, scale and scope indivisible-in utter, infinity…

  This support so, oracle of supplant; is a mantle, of American-manifestation. Now we have-made thousands of wearing-garments and of their workmanship, productiveness and pride; which they need may one-day will mean so much, more than the taxes and grants which paid-for them. Our times are joining-together reinforcing the simple-intention; to see things-better and the most insistence; that sense of Los Angeles, California, in the western most-state and duly, granted-charter of its keepers from Spain to France and to U.S. Americans in their progressive-which has been utterly, the root-of-promise, and the deliverer-of-dreams.


  February 26, 1869

  Collaboration, efforts of the inspirational, in code-to-unite and fulfill the earth; and use of ingenuity, planning and resources-of independent-means. And out-span the definition and despair of so many, in harshness, overwhelming and despondency, the former-code of indifference and suppression; once held-back and under control of so many, for the few… It is a wondrous-country, to embark and extol the benefit of all, in the name of progress, gain and individual-impact. As I have arrived, in this country to seek my own future. I, too have taken the reigns to un-open the once divorcing, dimension; my people and their-ways and restitutions in long-held, dissociate… In our great-country-undivided and honorable, we seek to give the grand-design of fortune, vision and in ultimate, impact to; decided in only, promise, the dimension of human-gain and imported-dominion. Enterprising and impressing, the venture, self-vocal and the ever-driven to expect-from ourselves baring against impossibility only, decided-by argent of self, duty, passion and prideful, circumstances of self-obligation…