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  Perhaps, this sounds like a women caught-between the odes of ‘wonder’ and ‘Malay’; but I chose not to stray-from the precepts of this country’s opuses, that I will follow in-mission, motivation and model. In the honor-of-Man, their will be presence that no-man, ever-to come, will not see the redemption of her shores, lands and opuses for human-struggles that have engineered, the provision that Man shall not let Man be turned-asunder; or over-lay against the stridency of his brother. It is my hope, in-joined with these divisions in my treasured, honor; Will, Patrice, Bau and Zackary-the dreams they pursue-in, ever-event, for progress… And the-temptation they-face and I, as wife and mother; through tribulations, working through the destined of their life’s journey. I shall never, turn-from these intrinsic-embodiments; whether empowering, or impetuousness; I see this, vibrancy in-heart, hold and health… Which-in their utter-undertone we-renew those precepts, engrained-in their-life and self-resolute, in outcome…

  These few-’ideas’, are only-mine yet mother always, said I had a head-for the heeding. She is probably, watching me-from heaven seeing the vibrancy I still-have, the loving-husband which still loves me, as when the day I first met him. With as much honored, devotion that nothing has changed… Our loving-children which warms the heart as the day we were blessed-at bringing-them into this-world. Invoking, the principle of singletarian-affirmation under-written in heart, with the so deep, pride-of homeliness. I still-promises them hope, as they venture-off into the unknown, as if they were close-to my bosom. Vilified-by entailing and en-told and still, pretentious as those, chosen in ‘vivicry‘, and enduring. It is, some-significance when the rejuvenation, rest-on utter-words and chilly, emotion. Which grow-to embrace forcefulness and unifying propriety… Elaborate-channels; person to people, people to community, community to regional, and the region to state, government, country and civilization; in the basis-of right, reason and sake-of what becomes resolve, ‘resign’ and representation; resolution-in the honor of seeking one’s self, in the duty of saving-the-world.

  Yes, the vivid-impression, so eloquent in the spirit of promise, provision, deliberateness and composed, delighting in the promoting-price, pro-sound and dignity-of-proctor in-vigil of men and might not-only, in intention but independence. The defining-of-life in these United-States means more than any simple law, war or man and gives fostering to embodiment to the divine-promise of all the world.

  March 16, 1869

  Dear Diary,

  My Sarah is getting married, soon. As I let her attend boarding-school she has met a gentleman of gentlemen whom has entertained her-fancy; which I have tried to dissuade… But she is a strong, vibrant-woman who has a good-head and a strong-heart and I intend not to avert her natural-tendencies for the sake-of-umbrage. I and her-father both want her to seek her-passion, as in my-country we devoted much time to ‘Amore’, and self-propriety. Her father, too knows of the youthful, wiles his-heritage puts-on women of tender-years. Her red-hair is from the Irish-lineage. As I had wished, she has tended the arts and studied lady-like imparting, and now after much maturing she-finds the energy to follow her heart…

  My father had great-distain for in-cherish, evolving-through my-mother the ‘license’ to, be self-embarking. Though his-control of me, seemed illusive; I listened unto his-thoughts and further-followed his principles in an indefinite-fortitude; until space-and-time let us both silence what was a paternal-love that had its time. This, too does my Sarah embrace, shall she-follow the designs of self-principle and fortitude, uninstalled previously.

  Zackary Todd Seamus Mc Masters has earned himself a-position, as associate-manager of a weapons company in-Michigan. An out-post supervisor for the wilderness-hunters and trappers, he plans to spread-fast among the rural who have been fighting-Indians in home-posts… The logistics of home-steading has called for faster, more-powerful and effective-weapons of war which means that killing will be at an-advantage. This aspect I will-warn him that there is ‘two’-sides to a fire-arm. He was always a finesse, young-boy. Hunting, with his-father and always wanting to his on-target and kill-fast. Yet when he had slept at night-he comes to his-mother after hearing-noises. I try-to get him to promise to hold back-from being overly, impulsive. He-is well-trained, earning his weapons-medal in boarding military-fielding. While Baumgartner has shown his crescendo-by mastering Bach and Beethoven in a-year, putting-on concerts before head-masters and leaders, in a proud-showing of ability. He will arrive-home this month, he is more impeding than his brother while using his-brain to inordinate special-out of pure virtuoso. He will follow some self-focused-deeming I have yet, to know; the headmaster has thought-of many areas he could seek in his-plethora of his-ineptitude…

  Will my beloved, is a patient, calm and strong-man. He knows the facets, of what had, to me, been his greatest-impact to attain the-objectives within his-powers. I rarely, speak-of it but the great-presence of work is sometimes, too over-shadowed-by the immense-strength of what is manual labor-in grained. Before the day-is out he will have-worked his-body into determination-effort; rather than self-drive… Yet refining, isn’t everything yet to me it is a sign-of devotion to a once well-inspired, dream…

  Mother Suzanne, my-former Nanny and now-mother of three; and owner-of the best dry good-store in-town has saw-fit to invite-us to dinner, as we are the lone-couple sitting-at home. Meeting at church, where we sit alone-childless now she must have-felt sorry for our empty-home… As I-live alone as once mother and no longer youthful, determined-wife. My aging, has me reading the newly published-books, journals and newspaper which are being brought-west through stage-coach and local-associates. They are full of written-works; which have quite informative and insightful-discussions. And the foreign-papers brought-by ships telling of my native France, Germany and England. And of Washington D.C. which have a whole-circle of writers embellishing on politics, government-workings and the many aspects of international-relations. There are a few-journalist which write very, well and can demonstrate an ideology-of meaningful, insight… And the tales-of Daniel Boone, the Alamo and Buffalo-Bill. These fairly, new characters are unique, home-spun heroes which Will can’t get enough.

  Will has begun a job of construction a fancy home for one of the local-politicians, they met-over a cup of coffee-at the popular-diners, which have popped-up… Started-by a Frenchman who brews his coffee shipped-from Colombia. He speaks French and Spanish very-well. I believe he is a provocateur who has seen much of the world… He has been to Africa, and has seen elephants on a hunting-expedition. He tells of the growing-fight to take-over that country-by colonials and the take-over of their-land. The African once, slaves are a strong-people divided-between their tradition and family.

  I have met an African-American on their migration from slavery back-East. They speak good English and are strong and proudly, hospitable. I believe they-will make a good-citizen to our-country. ‘Mr. Douglas’, is a knowledgeable and distinguished-man I have read about him in many journals helping to get his people free. It is becoming more apparent that the decisions they make in, our society will prove beneficial to everyone and raise the standard of all our lives.

  Dear Diary,

  Will is down with pneumonia, he had just finished surveying for the new doctor from New York when he came down sick, coughing and wheezing. He was out at-night trying to finish the last of the land-register, when he fainted. They brought him home and the doctor gave him some medication to take. I have him in bed-resting. I will pray he will be okay. Everyone of our friend visit everyday and bring soup, and drink. His best-friend brought him some brandy-wine, and they tried to bring up his-spirit. We received a letter from Boston, Horace had wanted to visit this Spring but I regret that Will may be down for some time. He may be glad to see his brother as his family has rarely, visited. I will tell him to come and informed him of the condition of Will.



  Dear Diary,

ill has been suffering with this pneumonia. I was informed-by his-physician that it can hang-on and that he could die. I have no-choice but to keep him in-bed. Horace, his brother has saw that he stay in-bed and recover… His-children have had it and he says all you can do is keep him warm and wait it out. He has really, been keeping Will spirits-up he had more than once made Will’s side hurt in laughter. Horace is a store-owner, he has made his share of money-with renown merchandising, service and shipping as far as New York, and Washington D. C. A robust-man of independent ability. Will adores his-brother yet, if he realized what a proven, shrewd man he is, he might be more solemn. Yet, he is his-brother and has the long-experience from back East. Horace has asked to visit his-shop and see what he could learn. Will invited him to do so, with very little chagrin. If he knew how conscious he is of his-work and how independent; he’d want his-explanation, and understand that he was quite sophisticated… Yet Will was quite-acquiescent and Horace was quite-insistent on their compared-work…

  Will has let Horace and his assistant examine all the papers, business-connections and all his-clients. I would think this odd, yet Will is a very sharp-man. I have to not resent; even of me, not being-able to see what he does. I opened-all the papers and access to his office. Even his most-important papers, which he-gave me the combination to his safe. The dry-air of his office shows how typically, strict he aligns his-work. Horace looked-at all the things registered, references and reallocations to the framing of his-productive and assignment-work. Will insisted to me that he is a reliable man and divested himself from diversion and can improve most anything he has aptitude. I don’t resent his-brother, yet I am of the mind that releasing-all his private papers could undermine his practical-ability.

  I see the different-avenues that Horace has privy, he-looks at his-papers and sees-areas and junctures where Will could improve his monetary in-take and lower his-chances for loss. He is quite a-dynamo. Reading very-fast and capable-of recognizing, where he could be vulnerable. I have asked what he sees in some cases and he-tells me what exactly, the point of concern. Will still insists that Horace is security to any of his-concerns. He tells-me this, while he is still bed-ridden… Horace, has taken me-aside and confided-in me the truly, competence he relies-upon; and that he would never undermine his-brother as he would-not un-abide what their-mother has asked-him; and all his-brothers, that they look-after each-other and see that they always, can rely… Horace was quite the man-of-gendarme; a philosophical man yet not-divided in yen or yearn, but good-head and a compliant, determination. He quite evenly, possesses Will’s duty and drive, yet he is subtle and can easily over-power Will’s un-enlisting, due his urban-savvy. I will-try to learn as much as I can; while he is still-here and invite him-to our little-diner and have him talk-to our commerce-committee where once I, had been a mainstay.

  February 26, 1870

  …Preliminaries, of the new-applying of the work Will, has committed himself. I buy for tailor-shop, and he looks at how I function in my daily-duties. From formality to framework, I work and serve my-customers on a regular-basis; and do-it very, well. It, the process of being a shop-owner, I have carried out so many transactions. Will, has only several-years experience and can only think of work as a service-not, a business. He has learned to survey yet professional know-how, is something very capable, to-accomplish. The individual must learn-fast and be-efficient. I tell him, it does-not come easily, as work is not always a business-matter and the-effort must be to make the most of time, money and action. He is an action-man, but this does not prelude him, from being a profitable-businessman and quite lucrative. He is a man who-mastered and overcome so much. Yet now, we are progressing and proceeding with better, more sumptuous times. Where this, is a new era of function and ability, when in 1848 the work of honest men was deeding and vital. Now, with all the improvements we are in an industrialized-world. Inventing and espousing so-much complement and enable, that to keep-up the embattled-vocational prove-his worth on a larger-scale. Proctor and procession, kindled and commanded; that profession-tells of incorporation and incurring that acts-to gain, garner and grant the best of gross-product, in transaction-of monies.

  Will does not innately, know all these proverbs that incursion, he may never. But the resounding-sophistication is defined-by enlistment, effort and incentive taken to opportunity and proving-profit as production. He will-face with help of me, his assistant and with the learning-from friends, acquaintances and associates and ultimately, in--obligation and onward… Subsequently, that may prove the worthiness he-designs, procured by and shown in-understanding, and implication. He and I are brave, and have taken on the greatest-struggle of providence in modern-times… Yet we did not take on the great-overcoming of the world but to us, it was so. And many men have died, and suffered.

  But by the grace of God so-much has happened. I do-not delight-in the sufficiency or the elaborateness of what we’ve overcome. It is more-wise to understand that the best-things in life, are visionary. That in this great-country we are able to pursue happiness, and out-spanned those indifferences and indefinites; and pose-those procurements and possibilities and decide-in self-evidence and instill-our proclaiming; that we are the evident-trial-blazers to proceed, progress and proclaim the profound, yet there is still much to find and many more great things in our world. My children, their children and onward shall know the blessings-of life and liberties so-innate to our-world, and so wondrous. We have indeed-found our-way and I hope to see glorious-things, to come.

  Our President Hayes is supposedly, a great-leader, with several-years of voting-in our state has lit a light of possibility; and given us many-aspects of hope. He is man-of-vision, entertaining many-factors of concerns, interests and generations… Intending to turn the world around and investing in new-avenues of ventures. It is told that he will advance our-society and implement the vast-prospects of west, east and north, and south. A war-with Spain, may see our country fulfilling, former-president Monroe’s vision of not spreading colonialism… He-invites leaders to his-office and plans to open his thinking to bettering, ever-contentions that might invoke a better-world. Sarah and her-family will be in Washington D.C. Her-husband is a successful-engineer who builds in growing-towns, he says that stocks is the-way, to go. And that Rutherford B Hayes will-promote that contention. Giving-legitimacy to this, new-dimension.

  He says, gauging the greater-philosophy, of men of power will prove an invaluable-asset. These favored-corollaries, have such new-intentions to the potential and not, just-proctored. This is a foundation which may solve many commercial factors in financial-status. Many flourishing, independent-businessmen in our area are wise and shrewd; yet they have fewer-investments. They will bring profit to the region one-day. I watched them and learn-specifics that I recognize that there will be a greater-license to be ‘men of profit’, and less-distinction to be a manager of workers. Yet less is the once, important-resign to have funds for delivered, work in the obvious name-of making income when land, ownership and workers, are under individual-intentions.

  May 8, 1871

  I have been sick for several-days and my-doctor say that I have a cancer which I may need-to travel to New York to-see a specialist. A Dr. Pearce Drummen, he has training-in Oncology of medicine, he wants me to get a biopsy which will mean surgery. My studies at Sorbonne allowed me understanding of medicine. I have six-years of training allowed me by my father’s friendship with the educated and heraldry that gave-me admittance-into their program. I will leave-in October for the East-coast. My sisters who arrived-in August of ‘67 where very impressed with the U.S. in the east but I told them that our West is beyond-measure and I-would not go-back there to-stay. And then there is the new-medical warning that there is an epidemic Out-West that is heading this way.

  Proclaimed by the Arizona Star a leading western newspaper that many-natives have come-down with the disease. A noted-writer says they have no-prot
ection against the out-break and that thousands of Indians die, within weeks. The U.S. military, who have a resistance-against the disease say it is quite-lethal. The homesteaders keep the Indians away from their-children and that, if it last much longer; the transportation West by-train, coach and horses will be prevented; and that ships will be the only-transport west to east and back, again.

  Our shipping-industry have strict travel-codes that “prevent” and curtail-disease as the carrying of South American and Mexican-travel. Mr. Hayes has implemented a due-course to put medical-enlistees of doctors and nurses-to combat the further spread. I still, will be traveling by the ship which I booked for arrival-in March. It shall be an illuminating-experience… If anything, I can enlist my-services and try-to prevent any further deaths, if possible.