Read Sapien Strife Page 1

Sapien Strife

  by reedman

  Copyright 2012 Jordon Ross

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Design by reedman

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, trademarked products, events, and locations are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual events or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.


  The sun pierced the window of a small studio apartment. Upon the bed was a frail human. His body was entrapped by the arms of a giraffe anthro. At eight feet four inches, the giraffe’s body was the definition of giant. At five feet ten inches and skinny, the human wasn’t. The eyes of the giraffe slowly opened to the sun, and the human he adored.“Wake up, Jon.” The giraffe rubbed his head until he woke up. Jon slowly looked up at the giraffe he woke up to, again and again.

  “Good morning, Terry. Can you loosen your arms please?I need to stretch.” Terry only loosened up, because he loves watching Jon stretch. Staring at every inch of his small body twist and turn so he could prepare for the day, was always a show for Terry.

  Terry always had a thing for Jon’s body. “So thin, so beautiful, so mine.” Terry would say that about Jon all the time. Of course the love wasn’t purely physical, Terry loved Jon for a lot of things. The way he saw through the muscles, how he was always happy around him, and his giggle, especially the giggle. Jon’s giggle was the cutest.

  Terry walked up behind Jon on the balcony, who had finished stretching and was now staring at the sunrise. He held Jon from behind and slowly began swaying side to side. Jon slowly leaned his head back to rest on Terry’s chest. “I wish it was like this forever, Terry. With all the damn bills....I just don’t know. Maybe a second we can apply for assistance.”

  Terry lightly pressed his beefy fingers against Jon’s lips, silencing him. He turned Jon around and got down on one knee to look at him right in the eyes. “Don’t say that Jon. Don’t ever say that. I will never let us go to something like that.”Terry pulled Jon in and held his misty-eyed head. “I love you too much to end up like that.”

  Jon wiped his eyes and kissed the giraffe on the cheek. “You’re right Terry. I’m sorry I said that.”

  Terry gave Jon a light squeeze, then kissed his forehead. “Let’s have breakfast Jon. Then we’ll plan our day.”

  Jon smiled. “You and food, I swear.” Terry was always eating something. If it wasn’t for the constant exercising, Terry would be a big blob. Somehow, Jon stayed his skinny self as well, despite Terry constantly feeding him. Yet, Jon didn’t care. He always liked seeing Terry put on his apron and start acting like a super chef.

  After a few minutes, Terry turned around with his masterpiece: a giant stack of chocolate chip pancakes. They were covered in butter and syrup. Terry placed the huge stack in between them at the table and grabbed a fork for each of them. “Let’s eat!Gotta be full to start the day.” Terry immediately started devouring pancake after pancake, each piece on the fork for a second, then disappearing into his throat. Jon however, was slowly working through his first pancake, taking his time with each piece he ate. When breakfast was finished, Jon collected the dishes, and put them in the dishwasher for later.

  While he was showering, Jon went to the bedroom and prepared Terry’s construction uniform for work. He folded the shirt, vest, and pants into a pile. When he tried to reach for Terry’s helmet, it slipped off the shelf and hit his head. Jon fell back on the floor from being hit the head. When he opened his eyes 3 seconds later, Terry was standing over him, scared. “Are you okay Jon?I heard you fall.”

  Terry scooped up Jon in his arms, and held him against his wet, naked body. He was always worried about Jon being hurt. Being a very big guy, Terry was secretly convinced he was going to crush Jon one day. Jon however, was used to this paranoia now. “Terry, I’m fine.” Jon gave him a reassuring kiss on the neck. “Now go dry off. We both still have to go to work today.”

  “I don’t know Jon, that bump looks serious. I might have to keep you home and take care of you.” Jon saw the evil curl in Terry’s smile as he dried off.

  Terry was always trying to find excuses to stay home with Jon, and Jon would always ignore them. He threw the work clothes at his boyfriend. “Nice try, now get ready for work. My class is meeting in an hour and I want to make it.”

  Terry was soon outside, walking hand-in-hand with Jon. Well, more like Jon was hugging his entire right arm. He always acted like this whenever they left the house. Even though sapiensexual relationships were severely hated, even illegal in some states, Jon wasn’t scared. In fact, Jon was one of the most prominent protesters for sapiensexual relationships in the city. He teaches a class on sapiensexual relationships. In secret, Jon’s sapiensexual class is the only successful one that hasn’t been shut down. His was passed by word of mouth rather than worthless ads. Others were scams or were destroyed by anti-human groups.

  After a few blocks, the couple stopped in front a two story building. It was Jon’s school. Terry’s work was a construction site across the street. Normally, the two would kiss and have a long goodbyes, but anti-human protesters have been circling the area recently, so they parted with a silent goodbye. Jon unlocked the front door and walked up to the second floor. He stored his supplies and private information on the second floor.

  “Mr. Rosera?We're here!” A loud voice echoed through the building. It was soon followed by the sounds of multiple people entering and filing into the room where Jon would begin his day. He walked downstairs to the classroom smiling. The sight of anthros young and old, eager to learn from Jon, was always a sight to see. People, not afraid to be true to themselves.

  Jon grabbed his clipboard and went over his lesson plan.“Okay class, your first week is done. You now know how to socialize with humans and all the cute fun stuff. For the next week, we'll go over all the legal things: where you can marry, your rights as a sapiensexual couple, and other various things.” The whole class didn't argue. They quietly sat there, waiting for Jon to continue.

  It was about six at night when the last class left. Jon waved to a lion as he was leaving for home. Jon went to his classroom when he heard a knock at the door. He opened it to two hooded figures. Before Jon could invite them in, they pushed their way in and roughly shoved Jon to the floor. They kept their hoods on, but he could see their anthro muzzles. Jon wasn't scared, so he tried talking to them. “Look, I know what you want to do, and I suggest you don't try it.”

  The two immediately laughed.“Yeah, and we're supposed to be scared of one human?” The two hooded figures began to advance.

  Jon laughed.“It's not me you should be worried about. My boyfriend's a different story.”

  Right then, a large shadow loomed over the two hooded figures. They turned to see a very tall and buff giraffe, his hands balled up in very large fists. The two looked at each other and gulped. Terry leaned in very close and spoke in a voice that even disturbed Jon.“You tried to lay your hands on the human I love. Why shouldn't I crush you both?”

  Jon looked to the larger of the two, who seemed to wet his pants. Jon walked over to Terry and kissed his cheek.“It's okay Terry. You don't have to break these two. They'll leave and never come onto this street again. Will you?” The two were gone without a word. Jon looked up to his boyfriend, who dropped his scary guy facade and now had a face of concern.

  Terry held Jon close and checked him all over.“Are you okay?Did they hurt you anywhere?Maybe we should get you to a hospital or to the police. I never should have worked such a long shift. I should've gotten here earlier.”

  Jon nuzzled Terry's chest, trying to relax him.“It's okay sweetie. I may not be a giant like you, but I'm still tough.”

  After a few cute looks from Jon, Terry was ready t
o walk home. He would never admit it, but he was never more scared in his life then he was back there. Yes, he's been the tough guy to keep Jon safe, but he's never seen anyone actually hurt Jon before. Seeing him on the ground, helpless, was the scariest thing Terry would ever know.

  Terry opened the apartment entrance door and let in Jon. They walked up the stairs to the second floor to their apartment. Jon unlocked it and the two got ready for their Saturday night dinner. Jon grabbed a giant bunch of grapes while Terry grabbed a horror movie. Every Saturday night, Jon would eat at work and Terry would eat an extra large lunch. When they got home, Terry would pick a movie that would scare Jon into his arms and Jon would feed Terry grapes.

  Jon walked to the couch, were Terry was about to start the movie. Jon snuggled up in Terry's arms, who gave him a small squeeze.“I found a scary one this time. I won't say, but I think you'll like it” Jon smiled and pushed a grape in between Terry's lips. A familiar smile appeared on the giraffe's face and he kissed Jon. He returned Terry's kiss with another, along a bonus tongue exchange. The two were soon kissing and feeling each other over. Saturday nights usually end up like this.

  The movie was two hours long. Terry watched the last half of it with Jon fast asleep, curled up on his torso. After it finished, Terry lifted Jon up and carried him to bed where he instantly fell asleep. Jon moaned, then sighed with content. They both knew this week was like every other. Exhausting.

  It must have been early in the morning when the phone rang. The ringing woke up Jon, for he was a light sleeper. He looked up at Terry, who was snoring away. He chuckled at the snoring giant, then walked over to the phone. The voice sounded very gruff.“Terry?” Jon didn't want to be rude, so he grunted like Terry would early in the morning.“Good. Just wanted to let you know, your mother and I will be in the neighborhood around four. See you then.” The person on the other end hung up, leaving a confused Jon holding the phone.