Read Savaged Page 11

  Adam was silent for a moment, his eyes dark and not matching the tight smile on his face. Suddenly, he laughed.

  “Not a chance! Now hand the lady her phone.” He paused for a moment and then spoke again. “Elissa, I want to thank you for allowing that piece of trash to use your cell. I would suggest you have it cleaned. I wanted you to know your friend is safe—she won’t be harmed in any way. Sorry for the earlier threat, but I really needed to talk to him.”

  He closed the phone and handed it back to me.

  “So…um…” I babbled, “…you have what you came for? Are you going to let me go now?”

  “Let you go?” Adam looked at me questioningly. “I didn’t realize I was holding on to you.”

  He took a step closer to me, and I found myself staring at his lips as he moistened them with his tongue. His voice dropped.

  “I rather like the idea though.”

  “What idea?”

  “Holding on to you.”

  “What’s stopping you?” The words were out before I could bite them back.

  “It didn’t seem like the most opportune moment.” Adam shrugged. “Technically, you are my captive though I have never actually told you leaving wasn’t an option, and you have never asked to be released.”

  “I guess I kind of assumed…”

  “You know what they say about the word ‘assume.’” He smirked.

  “So…I could go?”

  “Hmm…you could,” he said. “You could also buy into the whole Stockholm Syndrome thing. If you did that, I might find an opportune moment.”

  “Stockholm Syndrome?” I questioned.

  “Never mind.” He waved a hand at me. “Stupid, psycho bullshit that only really occurs in movies. We’re not in a movie.”

  “I can’t argue with that,” I said, though I rather felt like I was.

  “If we were in a movie,” Adam said, his voice dropping to that dark, soft murmur, “then this would be the part where I would make my move on you. Maybe shove you up against the desk and show you the way I’d mark you if you were mine.”

  “That sounds like an interesting movie,” I replied.

  “Is that a movie you would like to see, Olivia?”

  “I’d rather not choose.”

  I glanced down at the floor for a moment, then slowly back up until I met his eyes. His expression surprised me. He seemed confused or maybe taken aback. After a moment, his eyes changed, and I suddenly felt caught in the eyes of a predator intending to devour me.

  A half second later, his hands were on my waist, then around my back, and then pulling me against his body. I didn’t even know how he had reached me so quickly. His mouth covered mine. I felt his tongue against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to receive it. Instinctively, I moved my arms around his neck and shoulders.

  He ran his tongue along mine, tasting me while he gripped my back with his fingers, then moved down slowly to grab my ass. In one fluid movement, he hoisted me up and dropped my butt onto the edge of the desk, leaving my eyes level with his. He slid his hands back up the sides of my body, lightly tracing over the edge of my breasts and over my neck until he cupped my face in his hands.

  He deepened the kiss, pushing me backwards a little so I had to release him and brace myself against the desktop to keep from falling. His lips and tongue moved over my mouth and then down my chin to my throat. I could actually feel his kiss in my toes. He dropped one hand to my shoulder, then down farther to cup my breast. I gasped as his thumb brushed over my nipple. I could feel his mouth against my skin, warmly sucking at the flesh at the base of my throat. His tongue lathed over my neck where he had been sucking.

  “You’re going to have to button that blouse all the way up later,” he remarked as he pulled back a moment, and then ran his lips up the side of my neck. I tilted my head to one side, allowing him easier access and hoping he’d see it for the silent plea it was.

  Mark me again.

  His hands wrapped around my ass once more, and he pulled me up against him while he pushed his hips forward. I felt something hard press up between my thighs and I gasped, my eyes going wide. Adam grunted, reached down between us, and pulled out the gun he had shoved into his pants. He tossed it over on the other side of the desk and immediately latched on to my throat again.

  He pushed against me, and this time I knew what I was feeling wasn’t a gun.

  “I want inside of you,” Adam hummed against my neck. “Since you walked through that door, I’ve had trouble thinking about anything other than having you naked and riding my cock. I don’t even have a fucking condom, but I just might be willing to take the risk.”

  “My period just ended yesterday.”

  Why in the hell my mouth decided to form that particular group of words was completely and totally beyond me. I also knew, without a doubt, I would give him anything he asked of me. I wanted him to be inside of me. I wanted him to take my virginity, and as stupid as it was, I wanted him to come in me.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his lips moving up and his tongue running over the curves of my ear.

  “I’m sure it ended yesterday,” I responded, a little unsure what he meant.

  “Are you sure you want me to fuck you without any protection?” he clarified, nibbling my earlobe. “I’m clean, but you only have my word to go on.”

  “I believe you,” I answered. Honestly, at this moment, the risks took a back seat to my raging hormones, and it just didn’t matter to me.

  “You don’t have to do this.” Adam pulled back from my neck and looked straight at me. He placed his hands on either side of my face. “You understand that, don’t you? This is your choice if you want it. You will not be harmed regardless of your decision. I swear to you, I will make sure you are home safely by the end of the day, no matter what you do. Do you want to have sex with me, Olivia? Because I really want to lay you over this desk and listen to you scream my name when you come but only if you want it, too.”

  “Yes,” I heard myself say, because I was pretty sure I wanted this as much as he did and maybe more so. “Um…does it have to be on the desk?”

  Adam laughed and nodded toward the black leather couch on the other side of the office.

  “Would that be better?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Adam slid his hands around my back, under my arms, and hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He carried me over to the couch, placing me gently on my feet.

  “Unbutton your blouse,” Adam murmured, “all the way this time.”

  I suppressed a giggle and reached up to undo the remaining buttons. My hands shook a little as I pulled the buttons through their holes. Part of me was jumping up and down screaming, “What the hell do you think you are doing?” But another, previously untapped part of me was jumping up and down screaming, “Yes, yes, yes!” I decided to listen to the latter.

  When all the buttons were released, Adam reached out with one hand and pushed the fabric off my left shoulder, exposing my beige, boring bra. I tried not to feel too horrified as I silently berated myself for not taking Melody up on her offer to go lingerie shopping. At least this one was lacy.

  Adam’s finger slid under the strap, and he ran it down the length until he reached the cup.

  “Simple, beautiful, no pretenses.” He looked back up at my face. “You are exquisite.”

  I felt my teeth grind into my lower lip and rubbed my fingers together, unsure what I should do next. Thankfully, I didn’t have to decide.

  "Unzip you skirt," Adam commanded. He took a step back and I hesitated again. He cocked his eyebrow at me, and I felt myself blush for the five hundredth time in the last hour. I reached behind my back and pulled at the zipper. When it was down as far as it could go, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband.

  Adams covered my hands with his, stopping me from lowering my skirt. I looked up at him, confused.

  "I want to do that," he said. He moved my hands away and put his in
their place. His thumbs grazed over the skin at the top of my hips before he slowly pushed the fabric down my legs.

  As he pushed the skirt down, he dropped down on his knees before me. When he reached my feet, he gripped them one at a time and lifted them off the floor, tossing my skirt off to the side. Then he slid his hand slowly from my ankle, up the back of my calf to my knee, and back again. His hand paused over the strap of my red heels.

  "Hmm," he muttered. "I think we'll leave these where they are."

  “You want me to leave my shoes on?”

  “They’re fucking hot,” he said definitively. “Yes, I want them on.”

  He ran his hands back up my legs, still kneeling on the floor in front of me. I felt my face flush when he looked back into my eyes.

  “That blush is also fucking hot.”

  I’m sure his remark only caused me to redden even more. His hands reached my panties, which were also beige and boring, but at least they matched. He grasped my hips and raised himself off the floor before attacking my neck again.

  “I want to see your breasts, baby,” he whispered into my ear. “Take off your bra for me.”

  I reached behind my back and undid the clasp. He pulled away from my body enough to allow me to drop the straps from my shoulders and let my bra fall to the ground at his feet. He just stared at my tits for a moment, his eyes dark. A low growl escaped from his throat, and he ran his tongue over his bottom lip.

  “Exquisite,” he said again. He raised his hands from my waist and cupped both my breasts. He lifted them slightly, and then he ran his thumbs over my nipples. I suppressed a groan because that touch went in a line straight from my nipples, down my stomach, and caused my lower muscles to clench.

  I ran my hand from his shoulder to the knot of his tie and pulled at it. He halted his movements and let me loosen it enough to pull it over his head. I started unbuttoning his shirt, desperate to see the muscles outlined through the fabric. I finished the last button and pushed the garment down his arms. He let go of my breasts just long enough to let his shirt fall to the floor, joining my skirt and bra, and I got my first look at his exposed torso.

  He definitely did not disappoint.

  The word “sculpted” didn’t even do him justice.

  I reached out and traced his pectorals and then ran my fingertips down his sternum and across perfect, six-pack abs. His muscles were hard, but his skin was soft with just a smattering of hair around the middle of his chest and his navel. My fingertips traced over the diagonal lines leading into the front of his pants.

  He was magnificent, and I wanted him. However, one thought kept plaguing me: He doesn’t know I’m a virgin.

  I really ought to tell him, shouldn’t I? I mean, wouldn’t he want to know? Shouldn’t he know? I was so out of my element, and my body was hauling me off on this whitewater rafting trip without a lifejacket. I was both thrilled and terrified.

  “Adam?” I whispered into the top of his head. He hummed an acknowledgement as he continued to stare at my breasts. “Um…there’s something I should probably tell you.”

  “If you just remembered you have a boyfriend, I’m not going to be pleased.”

  “No, it’s not that,” I said. I took a deep breath and just blurted it out. “I’m still a virgin.”

  He stopped his hands immediately, and that insecure part of me that didn’t believe this was happening anyway knew he was going to push me away. He did pull away, dropping his hands from me completely and taking a step back. He raised his hand and brushed his fingers through his hair.

  I’d blown it. I shouldn’t have told him.

  “Olivia,” he asked, “are you serious?”


  “Are you asking questions again?”

  “No. I mean…yes, I’m serious.”

  “You’re a virgin.”

  I nodded.

  He sighed and ran both his hands through his hair at the same time. “You think you have to do this, don’t you? You think something’s going to happen to you if you don’t.”

  “No!” I said, my tone finally completely crystal clear. “I want this. I do. I don’t think I have to…I want you to be the one.”

  “You want to lose your virginity to me?”

  “Yes.” I made sure my answer didn’t sound like a question this time.

  “A guy you just met, and only met, because you were taken hostage.”

  “If I had met you in a coffee shop, I’d still want you.”

  Adam glanced down over my mostly exposed body, and he flicked his tongue over his lips again.

  “You don’t want to,” I said softly, nodding my head in understanding. I felt myself blush again, but the embarrassment was of a completely different sort.

  “Oh, I most certainly do,” he corrected me. “I’d love to be the first man inside of you. I’m certain how much I want you just tripled. I’m just finding it a little hard to believe you want it.”

  “I do,” I said again. “I want to…please.”

  “Please?” he repeated, taking a step back toward me. He slid his hands up my arms and shoulders and settled back on my face. He pulled my mouth to his, locking his lips again with mine. He kissed me hard, almost brutally, and I could feel in his hands, his lips, his tongue, the way his body pushed up against mine that he did want me. He released my mouth with a gasp and trailed kisses over my jaw.

  “Say please again,” he whispered gently into my ear. “I want to hear you beg me.

  “Please,” I said. “I want you…please.”

  “How could I possibly deny that?” He looked into my eyes, and his breath came out in short pants. He placed his hand on the belt at his waist, unclasped it, and then went for the button and zipper. His hands coiled back around me, and he pushed against my body with his until the back of my legs hit the edge of the couch. I would have fallen, but he held me tightly, slowly lowering my body until my back hit the cool leather.

  He stopped moving for a moment, just gazing down at me and running his hand over my cheek. I looked up at him, trying to control my unsteady breathing as he rose up, placing his leg between my knees and pushing them apart.

  “So beautiful,” he said. “So trusting. Trapped underneath me…just waiting for me to sink into you. You don’t even know what it will be like.”

  He ran his fingers down my side and stopped at my panties. Using his thumb, he ran it from side to side, underneath the elastic, his fingers tickling my stomach. He stopped his hand at my navel, then moved it down, flicking over my clitoris and down into my folds.

  “Jesus…so ready…” he mumbled. “You’re so wet, Olivia…you really do want this.”

  He hit that spot with his thumb and put pressure against it. My hips bucked up against him, and I saw him smile before he descended on my breasts with his mouth.

  His thumb made circles over my clit, setting a rhythm matching the strokes of his fingers over my pussy. I moaned and tried to raise my hips again, but his hand held me down. I could see his bicep muscle flex as he held me.

  I felt one of his fingers teasing the entrance to my pussy, running a little circle around it before pushing in partway. He looked up at me and pushed in a little more, watching my face. My hands gripped his shoulders, and I bit down on my lip. He traced over my clit with his thumb again, and I cried out.

  Adam slid his finger farther inside of me, and I felt him moving it around in a slow, deliberate circle. He pulled his finger back and then slipped it into me again while his thumb kept circling around on my clit. He dropped his lips back to my breast, and his tongue traced a matching circle around the nipple. I heard myself moan.


  “That’s it, baby,” he said softly. He sucked my nipple into his mouth while pushing down on my clit and gliding a second finger inside of me. I pushed my hips up to meet him as a shudder began in my legs, ran up my thighs, stopped right under his thumb, and then radiated from that point throughout the rest of my body. All my muscles
tensed at once, and I couldn’t breathe.

  “Come on, baby,” Adam ran his tongue over my nipple once more before he moved his hand to the back of my head, twining his fingers into my hair and looking straight into my eyes. “Come on—let go. Come for me, Olivia.”

  As if my body could do nothing other than obey his commands, I felt the building release explode over me and I cried out his name over and over until it subsided.

  “So fucking beautiful.” Adam smiled and looked down at me. “I could watch that over and over again.”

  I just stared up at him and tried to catch my breath. Adam chuckled and reached down, pushing his trousers and boxer shorts to his ankles before kicking them off and onto the floor along with his shoes and socks.

  My eyes went wide as I looked down and saw…oh…my…God!

  I didn’t have any real basis for comparison. I wasn’t much for watching pornos, and I hadn’t even looked through any magazines like that since I was in high school. Regardless, I was pretty sure that Adam’s cock was not average sized. It looked absolutely huge.

  “Is that going to…fit?”

  “Yeah, baby. It will fit.” Adam chuckled. He gripped the edge of my panties and pulled them down slowly before tossing them off to the side of the couch.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” He reached back up and cupped my face. I could feel that massive cock up against my thigh.

  “It’s…big,” I breathed. Adam laughed again.

  “You’re great for the ego.” He smirked and then brushed his lips over mine in a gentle, soft kiss.

  I reached down between us and touched the tip, feeling it twitch against my fingers. I ran two fingers down the side of it, and then back up again, surprised at how soft his skin was there. Adam grunted and flexed his hips. I pulled my hand back and ran my fingers back up his stomach and chest before placing them against his shoulder. Adam moved between my legs, pushing them farther apart and bending my knees before running his fingers over my labia and then inside of me again.

  “I’ll be gentle with you,” Adam promised. He ran the thumb of his other hand over my cheekbone. “It’s still going to hurt a little. You know that, right?”