Read Savaged Page 12

  “Yes,” I whispered. I hadn’t thought about it, but I honestly didn’t care. I felt the muscles in my thighs clamp down, and I let out another moan as his fingers slipped out of me and grazed over my clit.

  I could feel it—the head of his cock. He was sliding it up and down, across my folds, over my clit, and back down again until he finally centered on my opening. I gripped his shoulders tightly.

  “Relax, baby,” Adam breathed into my ear. His mouth covered my earlobe, and he sucked on the flesh there, which would have been pretty distracting under other circumstances, but not right at the moment. He pulled back, and I felt his tongue move across my jaw and then my lips before he stopped and spoke again. “Look at me, Olivia.”

  I took in a shuddering breath and opened my eyes wide, looking into his. With one hand, he continued to caress the side of my face, but I could feel the other muscles in his shoulders and back harden as he pushed slowly forward.

  It didn’t hurt, not at first anyway. It was a strange sense of pressure where I obviously hadn’t felt it before, but it wasn’t painful. Adam kept stroking my face, nipping lightly at my lips. He pushed forward again and then stopped.

  “Still okay?” he asked. I realized his breathing had increased to nearly the same rate as mine, and his words came out with a gust of air. I nodded. “God…you are so tight…baby. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, please…”

  With a grunt, he pushed inside me completely, and I cried out as the pressure of him within me caused me to clench, tightening around his shaft. I felt a twinge of pain, but it subsided quickly into throbbing.

  “Oh…shit…fuck.” Adam moaned and closed his eyes for a moment before looking back at me. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Just a little,” I said.

  “Are you all right now?”

  “I think so.”

  “Damnit, say yes or no, Olivia,” Adam chastised. “I am having a hard time controlling myself here. Damn…ugh!”



  He pulled back slightly and then moved into me as another groan escaped his lips. He moved back again, slowly—agonizingly slowly—and then pushed inside, filling me. His rhythm was leisurely, sensual, and warm. He pressed his mouth against mine, and I moaned against his tongue. The kiss started slow, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. Then the intensity increased, and I wrapped my hands in his hair, pulling him down to me.

  “God, Olivia!” Adam pulled away from my mouth and buried his face in my neck. “So fucking tight…so good…”

  His lips were at my neck, and he sucked at my skin. I knew he was marking me again. I wanted him to mark me. I wanted his marks all over me. He pulled back his hips until I could feel the ridge near the head of his cock right at my pussy’s entrance, and then he slammed back into me.

  I screamed, but not in pain.

  “Oh yes, Olivia.” Adam moaned into my mouth as my body shuddered against him when another orgasm rocketed through me. “Fuck, that feels good...I could feel you coming on my cock…fuck…so fucking tight…”

  He increased his rhythm a little, rocking into me over and over again while his hands stroked up and down my body, over my breasts, up to my shoulders, down my arms, across my stomach, down my legs and back up again. My entire body tingled under his touch.

  Adam’s thrusts came faster, slowly increasing until he set a pounding rhythm. Each stroke hit my oversensitive clit, and I cried out every time he made contact with it on the down thrust. I felt his hand drop down my leg, and he lifted my knee up high, changing the angle. He pulled my leg up until it was resting over his shoulder.

  “Oh…God…fuck…you feel so good, baby…ah…shit…so good…”

  He panted words into my ear, growling the curses while the other words came out in short, raspy breaths.

  “You are so tight, Olivia. Baby…I can’t…soon…ugh…ugh…”

  His words dissolved into grunts and moans, and his speed increased. I felt pressure building up inside of me—again—and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, holding me off the couch and against his chest as he continued relentlessly pounding. I felt myself let go again with another incoherent scream.

  “Oh…yeah…” Adam’s lips were against my ear as he pulled me against him even tighter, the rest of his body going still and rigid as he thrust into me three more times with a long moan. His cock seemed to stretch me even more, and I could feel him emptying into me.

  Adam’s weight dropped onto me as his muscles relaxed, and we both fell back onto the couch. He placed his head against my chest, and his hair tickled my chin. I held his shoulders tightly with my head tilted to rest on top of his. I moved one hand up to run my fingers through his gorgeous black locks.

  After only a couple of minutes, Adam pushed up with his arms, and I felt his cock slide out of my no-longer-virgin pussy.

  “Fuck…I must be crushing you.”

  “No,” I said as I blushed. “It’s okay. You feel good on top of me.”

  “You feel pretty fucking fine underneath me.” Adam smiled and his eyes wandered down and back up again. “The view from here is incredible. I could get used to this.”

  I giggled and covered my mouth with my hand.

  “The view from down here is pretty nice, too.” I smiled shyly.

  Adam gazed down at me and gave me that beautiful half smile that went straight to my pussy. I could feel it clenching, and I had to shift my thighs a bit. Adam shifted his hips against me and cocked an eyebrow. That look, combined with the half smile, was definitely making me wet again.

  Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and his smile disappeared. I reached up and touched the side of his face, about to ask him what was wrong when he spoke.

  “This monster you work for, do you have any idea what he’s really doing here?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I said.

  “He’s evil, Olivia,” Adam said while he moved his mouth back to my neck again. I felt his hips push against my thigh, and I was pretty sure the gun was still on the desk, so there was something else sticking into me. “Damn—I want you again.”

  “I’m all right with that,” I said softly.

  “You aren’t sore?”

  “I’m okay,” I responded. “I want you again, too.”

  “I know I said I’d make sure you were home safely tonight,” Adam said softly into my ear, “but how would you feel about maybe coming with me instead? I really need to finish up work here, and I think if I fuck you again now, I’ll never get it done.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I can’t tell you,” he said. “I will tell you we won’t be coming back—not anytime soon, anyway.”

  “And you want me to come with you?”



  Adam hesitated.

  “I want to show you what Mr. Kender’s done,” he said. “I want you to understand. I also want to take you to posh hotels all over the world and see you naked and laid out for me in as many beds as possible. I want to give you everything. I want to make you mine. I can’t do that if you stay here.”

  He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me against him. I could feel him most definitely against my leg as he pushed his hips forward, grinding into me. He slid one of his hands down over my arm, across my hip and down my leg. He reached around my knee and pulled, hoisting my leg over his hip.

  “Never mind the work,” he mumbled, and I felt him near my core again.

  “Okay,” I heard myself tell him.

  “Okay…what?” Adam looked up into my eyes, and for the first time, he sounded just a little unsure.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “You will?”

  “Yes,” I said, a little louder and more definitively.

  I felt my entire body—no, my entire being—relax into his arms.

  This was what I wanted. This was what I needed. I felt like that one little word—“yes”—was the last major decision I
was going to have to make, and I calmed in a way I hadn’t felt since before my dad’s death. His passing had left me without any other choice but to grow up too soon.

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” he whispered softly in my ear. “I’m going to cover you in diamonds during the day and fuck you senseless during the night.”

  “I’m not so sure about diamonds,” I said, moaning as his mouth covered my earlobe, and he sucked on it, “but the last part sounds like exactly what I want.”

  I felt Adam’s stomach muscles tense as he slowly entered me again. He breathed his words, hot and wet, into my ear.

  “Want no more.”

  ~The End~

  What I Want

  This has to work.

  “Did you get in yet?” My question sounded a lot like a snarl. Patience was not one of my best attributes. Cole glanced over at me and pointed at the screen of his laptop.

  “As soon as that bar reaches one hundred percent, I’ll tell ya.”

  I reached up and scratched at the back of my neck. Frank was twirling his gun around, which made me a little nervous. I didn’t like him and was already regretting having him here. He was good, though. I couldn’t begrudge him that.

  Nearly three years I’d been planning this. Cole had been with me since the beginning, Frank only more recently. Three years since my life was turned upside down with a single phone call. I went from upscale businessman to ruthless, outside-the-law avenger six months later all because of the fucker on the thirtieth floor and his depraved sideline business.

  I started pacing, and Cole glared at me out of the corner of his eye. I tried to relax a little, but this endeavor had just been too long in the making. My head could just barely wrap around the fact that the day was finally here. This was it—my single best shot at bringing Mr. Alexander Kender down. We’d checked everywhere else. The only place we hadn’t been able to search was his actual personal laptop in his office. He carried the damn thing with him everywhere, rarely ever leaving it unattended except when he went to a particular board meeting on Tuesdays.

  Tuesday. Today. The meeting would begin four minutes from now. If he stuck to his regular routine, he’d be carrying his cup of chai tea to the meeting room right now.

  “And three…two…one…”

  The blaring alarm rang out all around us.

  “Let’s go,” I said. Frank twisted the key to the elevator, and we all started on our way up from the parking garage. Cole pulled the ear buds out of his ears and stood, holding his own laptop precariously balanced on one arm. It was the longest fucking elevator ride in the history of elevator rides.

  Frank had his gun grasped in both hands, pointed directly at the elevator doors. I held mine loosely in my hand, the weight of it bothering me. I narrowed my eyes at my overzealous bodyguard.

  “Frank, this is a data capture,” I reminded him. “No shooting, no hostages, no collateral damage. Remember?”

  “Sure, boss,” he said with a completely unconvincing grin.

  I shook my head and growled incomprehensively. I had to get rid of this guy when this was all over. He was beyond a loose cannon. He was a menace.

  The elevator doors opened, and there was no one in sight, thankfully. I tucked my gun back into the waistband of my trousers. It was uncomfortable but still handy. The door to the stairs was open as well as the door to the inner office. We waltzed in like we owned the place. For the next half hour, we would.

  The inner office was large and expensively decorated with black leather furniture, original artwork, and a huge bookcase with a bunch of first editions the bastard had probably never read. I cringed a little because the whole place wasn’t unlike my own office had been back in the day. Cole walked through the door and around me, heading straight for the filing cabinet. I told Frank to stay outside and watch for anyone who might have either ignored the fire alarm or come back inside.

  Stepping around to the other side of the huge mahogany desk, I took off my jacket and draped it over the back of the leather office chair. The laptop was sitting right there in plain view. The only question remained: Was the data on the hard drive or hidden within the network?

  “It’s locked,” Cole said. I jerked my head to one side, indicating he should step away. I pulled the gun from my waistband and shot the lock on the cabinet twice. Cole reached over and yanked at the cabinet door again, but it didn’t budge. I walked over and pushed against Cole’s shoulder until he moved away. Then I leaned back and kicked the whole cabinet to the ground. The top drawer wrenched and bent and started spilling its contents on the ground. Cole laughed, and I went back to Mr. Kender’s laptop computer.

  Twenty minutes later, I was ready to rip someone’s head off, probably whoever got closest to me. Cole hadn’t gotten anywhere with the passwords, and he was supposed to be the fucking expert. I yelled at him, and he stood up and pointed to the little machine, telling me to try it for myself. I sent him back to look through the paper files though I knew there wouldn’t be anything there. My hands grasped my hair, pulling it a little and making me flinch at the pain. It didn’t help.

  The door opened, and I glanced up to see Frank walking back into the office. My first thought was to tell him to do what he was fucking told before I put a bullet in his skull, but that was before I saw the brunette in high heels.

  Silky dark hair was running down her back and just begging to be wrapped around my wrist while my cock reached for the back of her throat. I saw wide dark eyes that would look so good as she stared up at me with need and adoration while I plowed into her over and over again. She had beautiful, flawless, cream-colored skin over her cheeks, her neck hidden by a bright red scarf and white button-down blouse, buttoned up way too high up for my tastes, for I could see nothing of the skin of her throat. Skin I wanted to taste, lick, and suck on until I left my mark on her, claiming her as mine. Softly rounded hips were covered by a sleek skirt that dropped to just above her knees, but it was her legs and the fucking red high heels covering her feet that made my cock jump up and take serious notice.

  Red high heels.

  Holy shit.

  Little bitty thin straps wrapped around her ankles made me want to find some kind of matching set for her wrists and spread her out on a four-poster bed in a hotel room, secured tightly so I could do whatever the hell I wanted while she begged and moaned and writhed underneath me.

  Get a grip, Lebourn.

  “What the hell is this?” I asked.

  “Hostage.” Frank grinned, and I wanted to rip the lips right off of his face.

  “I told you before,” I said with a snarl. “No hostages. Why the fuck do you think we had them evacuate the damn building?”

  “Relax, Adam,” Cole smiled. “Frank is just doing his duty.”

  Leave it to him to try and diffuse the situation and totally fail. I flexed my hands a couple of times and took a long, deep breath. I looked her over again, and I was just as impressed…and a little bit harder…as I had been the first time.

  “Let go of her, Frank.” Quickly, he did as I said, and I watched her move her hand up to where his fingers had obviously gripped her too tightly. She rubbed at the bruise forming there. Without glancing at Frank, I told him to get out. Her gaze followed him as he walked out the office door and shut it with a noisy clash. I beckoned her with my fingers. “Come here, baby.”

  She didn’t even flinch at the term, which I found very interesting. She also didn’t move, which pissed me off.

  I didn’t meet too many new people. When I did, I made it very clear to them exactly what my expectations were. As I have said, I’m not a patient person. I don’t wait for people, I don’t put up with anyone questioning me, and I sure as hell don’t want to have to repeat myself. Either listen to me, or get the fuck away from me.

  “I don't ask twice,” I said as I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She took a few steps closer but was still way too far away. Too far away for what, I hadn’t decided just yet. She was nervous, of
course, and was having a very difficult time looking at me. I raised an eyebrow and glanced down at a spot on the floor near my feet. She finally took the hint and walked closer, her fingers twisting around themselves in front of her stomach.

  “Let me see your arm,” I said, reaching my hand out. She hesitated only a moment, and again, a sharp look was enough to remind her just who was in charge here. I took her hand in mine and felt the warm skin of her fingers before lightly tracing up her arm. I massaged the reddened skin in the shape of Frank’s meaty paw. On a whim, I moved my hand up and took her chin between my fingers. She tried to lean back, but I held her in place. She didn’t try very hard. “What's your name, baby?”


  “Olivia.” Nice. An olive branch offered to me—as if I had any mercy left. I remembered just how long it had been since I entertained a lovely young woman, and my cock reminded me that he hadn’t had a lot of action lately, either. This one was truly, truly beautiful, and I found myself wanting to reassure her everything would be all right. “Frank is an animal. He won't touch you again.”

  She nodded just a little, my grip on her chin keeping the movement subdued.

  “I'm going to ask you some questions, Olivia,” I said as I dropped my hand from her face. I needed to make sure she knew what I wanted. “You are going to answer them quickly and truthfully. Do you understand me?”


  What the hell? Either she understands or she does not. What’s with answering my question with a question? I wasn’t lying on a couch, and she didn’t seem like much of a therapist, though I wouldn’t mind a little physical therapy with her. I felt the muscles in my hands and arms tense, and a mental image of her over my knee with her round little ass reddening under my hands danced around in my head and begged for attention.

  “Are you asking me a question?” I glared at her.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Let's try this again, then.” I cocked my head to one side. She had better get it right this time. Strangely enough, I wanted her to get it right this time. “Do you understand?”