Read Scarlett The Devil's Daughter Page 10

  Chapter Ten

  We stay at his grandparent's house for most of the night and then reluctantly head back before the dawn breaks. As I ride home all I can think of is their problem. I wanted to ask why they didn't sell the house to help them but it seemed so callous given the obvious love that Drake has for the place.

  When I get to the house I sneak inside and luckily make it to my room without anyone seeing me and just collapse into bed. I sleep until quite late and wake up still feeling extremely groggy.

  Once again when I go downstairs there appears to be nobody around. Thankfully I help myself to some breakfast and sit at the table to eat it. As I sit here Luna suddenly comes into the kitchen. She is wearing exercise clothes and look like she has just had a workout.

  "Scarlett honey you're here thank God." I look at her in surprise. "Where did you think I'd be?" Laughing she grabs a water from the fridge and joins me.

  "We waited up for you for ages. Your father was worried that he hadn't seen you for a few days and wanted a word." I can feel the fear grip hold of me inside. I don't want any more conversations with him if I can help it.

  Nervously I look around me. "Is he still here?" Looking cross she screws up her face. "No he had to go to work. I told him that he should relax a bit more but he never listens to me. What is it with this family? All you lot ever do is work, you should relax for a change and just enjoy yourselves." Suddenly she jumps up and her eyes burn brightly. "I know, I'll arrange a family fun day. We can all go somewhere and have a great time bonding with each other. Oh this is going to be good. Right then as soon as I've showered and changed we will get our heads together and come up with some ideas. A picnic may be nice or a trip out on a boat. I won't be long."

  Stifling a giggle I imagine my family on a fun day. Like that would ever happen. Luna means well but she must be seriously delusional if she can't see what sort of family we are. We are hardly the Brady Bunch and the thought of everyone on a picnic makes me want to laugh.

  Quickly I get ready and scribble a note for Luna, telling her that I had to leave for work.

  I decide to stop in the town for some supplies before I go to work and park the bike outside the general store. The town is quite a nice one and I enjoy walking along the tree lined main street.

  The shops look expensive and there are little coffee houses everywhere with tables and chairs outside. I can just picture my sisters here. It's right up their street and I am sure that they have managed to hammer my father's credit card mercilessly during their stay.

  I decide to grab a coffee and just enjoy the sunshine for a while. I have been cooped up in the bar for weeks now and have forgotten how nice it is just to relax in the sunshine. I wish that Drake was here with me and vow to make him take some time off and bring him here.

  I am soon joined by a couple of girls who take the table next to me. I keep my back to them as I don't want to make eye contact with anyone.

  As I listen to them it strikes me that they are just the same as all the other girls from home. All they talk about is shopping and boys and where their next beauty treatment is going to be. I don't have many friends but the ones I do have are nothing like them. They are like me, more into bikes and music. I envy Drake his talent. I am not sure what mine is yet and I am undecided as to what I want to do after my education finishes. One thing I do know though is that just as soon as I can I will put as much distance between my father and I as I can.

  As I finish up I can't help but hear the girl's conversation. "Are you going to the fight next week?"

  "Yes who isn't? I mean all of that testosterone in one room; it's enough to keep me going all semester."

  "Yeah there's nothing like seeing a couple of hot guys beating the shit out of each other."

  They laugh and then they really get my attention. "Whose fighting do you know?"

  "Yes the usual crowd but I also heard that Dylan has put his name down."

  "Gosh that's unusual. They must really need the money." "Hmm yes I heard that his father's in a bad way. He doesn't stand a chance in hell though going up against Marius."

  "God no. He's unbeaten isn't he? Dylan must have a death wish."

  They laugh and then one of them says, "I wouldn't mind a go at his brother though. Trouble is I'd have to fight off most of the girls in High school first. It would be worth it though." "Yes it certainly would. Trouble is ever since Taylor he's kept away from girls. She must have really broken his heart when she left him for Caleb."

  The other girl laughs. "Fat lot of good that did her though. How long did it last? No they'll be back together as soon as the next semester starts. The trouble with the Knight family is they can take their pick and nobody ever says no."

  "Yes I know, I wish that Marius would pick me though, trouble is he seems keen on Layla, she appears to be the exception to the rule and they've been dating for ages now." Their conversation turns on to more mundane things and I quickly make my escape.

  Despite everything I just heard the only thing that I can concentrate on is this girl Taylor. I didn't like hearing that Drake had a girlfriend and the fact that she left him for Caleb is another nail in the coffin.

  Once I have my shopping I head off to work. I feel unsettled and hope that it eases by the end of the day.