Read Scarlett The Devil's Daughter Page 9

  Chapter Nine

  The house is quiet when I get home which I am glad about. All I want is to get to bed and sleep. I am exhausted as it's been such an eventful day.

  I wake up fairly late the next day and just spend a few minutes lying in bed re-living the events of the day before. When I think of Drake I still can't believe that he is now my boyfriend. He is also so talented and I just hope that he pursues it.

  By the time I am dressed and ready and head off downstairs the place is deserted. I am glad of it though and set about making myself some breakfast. As I sit at the table I once again marvel at the size of my father's house. This kitchen alone would take up the blueprint of my entire house back at Rivercreek. I imagine it to be a very empty place when we all leave to go home after the summer.

  I head off upstairs to get ready and as soon as I reach the top step I hear voices down below in the hallway. Peering over the banisters I see my father walking in with a man in a suit. I can't hear what they are saying and I watch as they make their way to my father's den.

  Thoughtfully I head off to my room to grab my things. It doesn't take me long and I am soon ready. As I leave my room I come across Luna coming out of her and my father's room. She has obviously slept in as she is in a robe and looks dishevelled and sleepy. Seeing me she smiles brightly. "Scarlett honey good to see you; how are you today?"

  I smile back at her. "Great thanks Luna. Are you ok, you're not ill are you?" She laughs and rolls her eyes.

  "No just exhausted. I had a lie in to try and get over the events of last night." She sees my puzzled expression and smiles. "I went out with your father to some sort of function, I can't even remember what it was all for. I had rather a lot to drink and we were back quite late. What about you honey how was your day yesterday?"

  I know that I am grinning and just smile. She looks at me with a knowing smile and then squeals excitedly. "Oh my God honey I recognise that look. You met someone didn't you?" Laughing I raise my finger to my lips. "Ssh don't tell anyone, they are the last people I want knowing my business."

  Luna giggles. "Don't worry it will be our secret. You must tell me all about him later. We can have a girly chat. I know we can go to the spa and have massages and you can tell me it all then. Oh please say you will it will be such fun."

  Feeling cross with myself I wonder how to let her down gently. The thought of going to the spa for a girly chat makes me want to kill myself.

  Trying to paste a regretful look on to my face I say, "I would love to Luna but will have to pass. I have to work again today and won't be back until late, maybe another time."

  She looks cross. "You poor girl. I can't think what has possessed your father to make you work so hard in that bar. I will have a word with him and tell him to get you out of it. It's just not fair on you."

  Quickly I say, "Please don't Luna, its ok. I enjoy it and it doesn't feel like work really." She shrugs and then walks with me downstairs. "Anyway honey just say the word if you change your mind. Have a good day, oh and I nearly forgot. I bought you some great new clothes yesterday on my shopping trip. I will put them in your room and you can try them on later. I think you will like them and I didn't want you to feel left out of the fun."

  I groan inwardly. If she has so much as bought me one dress I am going to run screaming from this house forever. Instead I plaster a smile on my face. "Thanks Luna you are very kind."

  Making a quick exit I head towards the garage.

  By the time I have sorted out the motorbike I notice that my father's guest is leaving and I watch as he gets into a dark green car and drives away.

  I am quite surprised that he came to the house as from what I understand my father doesn't like doing business at home as he has an office block in the town from which to control his empire. Pushing all thoughts of my father out of my mind I once again head off to work.

  When I enter the bar it is strangely deserted. I think that I must be the only one in here and it feels odd. Heading out the back I hear raised voices coming from the office. I can't help but hear Drake shouting and freeze on the spot.

  "I won't let you do this Dylan it's suicide."

  Dylan replies angrily. "We don't have a choice; if I succeed then all our problems will be over and we can start our lives over again. Surely it's worth the risks involved."

  There is a small silence and I feel bad for listening. Then Drake says in a broken voice. "Please bro, don't do this. I'll think of something else. I can't risk anything happening to you too, it's not fair on the rest of us especially mom."

  I can't hear what Dylan says and I decide that I had better let them know I'm here as I don't want them to think I'm spying on them so I call out, "Is anyone in this place or am I working on my own today?"

  The door to the office flies open and Drake comes storming out. When he sees me he grabs my hand and pulls me into the bar. I can see that he is angry and upset which is unlike him. "What's wrong Drake, has something happened?" He pulls me tightly against him and I can feel his heart pounding in his chest.

  He says in a tight voice, "No it's fine. Just a minor disagreement with Dylan. Brothers hey?" I try to lighten his mood. "Tell me about it. At least yours is Dylan and there's only one of him. Imagine having four total nightmares to live with, it's no wonder I work."

  Pulling back he looks at me softly and appears to shake himself. "I'm sorry Scarlett that's not the sort of welcome I want to give my girlfriend." As I hear the words a delightful shiver runs through me. His girlfriend- how I like the sound of that.

  He leans down and his lips brush against mine gently. Then he kisses me more passionately and as we kiss I can feel the despair within him. I try to read his thoughts but all I can sense is his fear. Whatever it is they were arguing about is serious that much I do know.

  We set to work and I notice that Drake is still subdued. Dylan makes a brief appearance and then retires back to the office on the premise of paperwork. Luckily it is a fairly quiet morning and I try to lighten Drake's mood.

  About half way through the morning I notice a man come into the bar. He looks familiar and I watch him approach Drake who nods and leads him out the back. Racking my brains it suddenly comes to me. This is the man who was with my father this morning. Suddenly I get a horrible feeling that I am about to find out why my father arranged this job.

  Drake returns and I nod towards the office. "Who was that Drake?"

  He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Mr Anderson our accountant. He looks after the financial side of things and there are some documents that he needs Drake to sign. It's all boring stuff that I am glad to keep away from."

  He gets called away by a customer and I take the opportunity to sneak into the back. I know that I shouldn't but I pass the office and stop, pretending to tie my laces.

  I hear the man say, "It's a good offer, you should seriously consider it."

  Dylan answers wearily, "You know that it's not enough. It would just about pay off what we owe and there would be nothing left over to put Drake through College and take care of my father's medical bills; not to mention how we would live. No we have to struggle on it's the only way."

  Mr Anderson obviously doesn't like the answer and snaps, "Don't be a fool Dylan. At least this is something. I mean there are a stack of bills that are due, which reminds me I need you sign this Insurance application form, oh and this one to renew the licence."

  I hear Dylan sigh heavily and quickly move away. My head is churning with the information that I've heard. One thing I do know though is that my father is involved. If he is out to destroy this family then he will have to go through me first.

  After an hour Mr Anderson leaves and I decide to take Dylan a coffee in. Drake is still occupied with customers and once I make the drink I push open the door to his office.

  He is sitting at the desk with his head in his hands. He looks up and on seeing the coffee smiles weakly. "Thanks Scarlett, I don't suppose you put a brandy in i

  Dragging a chair over I look at him with concern as I sit in front of him. "Are you ok Dylan? I know that something is wrong. Drake's mind is somewhere else and you look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Maybe it would help to talk."

  Leaning back Dylan musters a smile. "It's fine Scarlett, really. I just hate doing paperwork and when our accountant comes calling it depresses me."

  I look at him thoughtfully. "But this place does really well. Surely it's just a matter of keeping everything afloat."

  He lowers his eyes and hesitates before saying, "If it was just this place then it would be fine. We would have lots of money left over each month and be doing well for ourselves. The trouble is my dad's medical bills drain everything from the business and we are behind on everything else."

  Looking at him sympathetically I remember Mr Anderson's comment. "Dylan if you sold up would that solve your problems?"

  Dylan's eyes flash and he looks angry. "Did your father send you to do his digging?" I look at him in surprise and he must see it in my eyes because he looks immediately contrite. "I'm sorry to snap Scarlett. You may as well know that Mr Anderson came here with an offer from your father to buy this place. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last."

  Looking worried I say softly, "I'm sorry Dylan, I didn't know. He doesn't tell me anything about his business and I was wondering why he arranged this job. The strange thing is though he hasn't mentioned it once so I am unsure as to why I am here."

  Dylan looks at me and I can tell that his mind is working away. "Maybe he'll let you know later. We can't sell to him though as what he is offering is just not enough. I need to find another solution to our problem before Drake finishes school. I want to get him to college to study music as it's his dream and he is very talented. He shouldn't have to give up on his dream because of our family situation."

  Before I can reply Drake comes in and looks crossly at us. "Come on guys it's getting busy and I'm not a machine you know." Grinning at me Dylan jumps up and we follow him outside.

  For the rest of my shift it's all I can think about. Coupled with what I heard when I first came in I know that something bad is going to happen.

  Drake and Dylan are upbeat as usual in front of the customers and it breaks my heart when I see the worry in their eyes. At the end of the day Drake sinks down in to a chair and pulls me on to his lap. "Do you fancy going somewhere Scarlett? I need to get out of here and want to spend some time alone with you." Smoothing his hair away from his face I kiss him gently on the lips. "Come on then; we could go for a ride if you want."

  He shakes his head. "No I've got a better idea." Mystified I follow him outside and he slings his arm around my shoulder and says, "There's a place not far from here that I go to to be alone. It's only a short walk and nobody ever goes there so it's private."

  As we walk I enjoy the feeling of his arm around me. It makes me feel safe and loved, a feeling that I have never had before. I would walk all night with him if he asked me to.

  Before long we come to a street where there are just a few houses and Drake stops in front of one of them.

  As I look at it it appears empty. The grass is long and the paintwork peeling. We walk up the steps and to my surprise he pulls a key from his pocket. He grins at me and I notice that his eyes are sparkling with excitement. He opens the door and I follow him inside.

  The moonlight filters in through the windows and bathes the room in a ghostly light and I look at him in surprise. "What is this place Drake?" Grabbing my hand he squeezes it gently. "It's my grandparent's old place. They died a short time ago and we can't bear to get rid of it. One day I hope to have the money to restore it and live here myself. I come here a lot just to be alone and write my music. It calms me down and it holds nothing but happy memories for me."

  I can feel the tears pricking behind my eyes. Seeing them he laughs and pulls me against him. "Don't cry for me Scarlett, I love coming here. Things are tough for us at the moment but that will pass and then the future will be bright."

  Thinking about my conversation with Dylan earlier I tentatively broach the subject. "Listen Drake, Dylan told me earlier about your situation. It totally sucks and I know that things seem bad at the moment but you will find a way." Drake pulls me towards him gently. "I know we will. Anyway I didn't bring you here to talk about my problems, I came here to escape them and spend time with my girl. Come on darlin, I've waited all night for this."

  I follow him into another room where there is an array of old fashioned furniture placed around it. He pulls me down on to the couch and holds me against him. Stroking my hair he then kisses me lovingly and I just give myself up to the sensation as we lie there in the moonlight doing what most teenage couples do for a change.