Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 1

  Scheralt: Marooned

  By Marel Lenmen

  Copyright 2013 Marel Lenmen

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: Celeste

  Chapter 2: Scheralt

  Chapter 3: Journey to Timberlane

  Chapter 4: Timberlane

  Chapter 5: Trail to Dansk

  Chapter 6: Dansk

  Chapter 7: Trail to Scheralt

  Chapter 8: Spaceport

  Chapter 9: Escape

  Chapter 10: Trial

  Chapter 11: After the Verdict

  Excerpt from Scheralt: Hostile Takeover


  Independent Traders Database Report on Scheralt System. Updated 5200.01.01

  Printed 5212.07.15

  The Scheralt star system produces severe magnetic storms. The star charts marked it as a system to avoid even though it was along a highly traveled trade route in a densely populated section of space. For centuries, the severe magnetic storms deterred exploration. The long-range scan showed the magnetic fields in the system would destroy a ship's navigation and life support systems before a ship could approach any planet in the system. With new ship design and increased speed, the exploration became feasible.

  The explorers found five planets in orbit around the star Scheralt. Four planets were frozen rocks or orbiting too close to the star. The fifth planet is inhabitable with a mild climate for most of the year and an indigenous population. The natives call themselves Klarn and call the planet with the galactic designation Scheralt-5, Ninovan.

  The initial exploration showed little of value and was limited by the short period where there were no magnetic storms. The surprise was the large scarcely populated cities and a rail system crisscrossing the planet. The conclusion was that a sophisticated society built the large cities and then the magnetic storms destroyed the industry and culture. Since there was little of monetary value on the planet, it was ignored until an academic study by Gannesmede University. For details, see Gannesmede University documents, Scheralt 500 to 599.

  The initial observations show the natives living a primitive existence using animals for transportation and primitive weapons for protection. The vacant cities are the reason the initial observation considered the Klarn primitive. When the storms cease, the power to operate machinery is gone allowing the population to spend the time pursuing recreational activities. The most important discovery is that the housing material shields against the magnetic fields. Subsequent studies of samples show the material is military grade shielding. This attracts the military and Xeres Corporation to Scheralt disrupting the sociological studies by the academics.

  Confusion exists as the actual events that cause the Klarn to revolt. Military files concerning the incident are sealed. There are no academic files covering this period although the university scholars were still on Scheralt with some personnel living with the Klarn.

  Apparently, the Klarn quit working when the magnetic storms ceased as they always have in the past. Since the military was desperate for the shielding, Xeres Corporation convinced the military to force the Klarn back to work. This situation lasted until the first magnetic storm when the Klarn escaped forcing the shut down of shielding production. Frustrated by finding few Klarn and wanting to demonstrate a show of strength, the military cruiser in orbit destroyed the Klarn city of Orath. The reasoning was that the natives would then concede the futility of resistance. Instead, the Klarn captured the spaceport, which included at the time the military commander, the ship's captain, and the Xeres Corporation executives.

  There have been hints that sabotage by the academics aided in the failure of critical spaceport defense systems, but there are no records of any arrests or charges. The academic community on Gannesmede supported their colleagues on Scheralt in condemning the military and Xeres Corporation’s actions. They generated the public outcry that along with the military's need for the shielding, forced the military to sign a treaty with the Klarn. The importance of the transmission speeds in resolving the conflict cannot be discounted. The transportation of troops and ships takes 5 to 10 years but the transmission of information takes only months. In addition, the Klarn made it clear there would be no manufacturing of shielding until the military signed a treaty.

  The treaty signed was entirely in the Klarn's favor. The military get their shielding but on the Klarn's schedule. Only Klarn can own property and buildings on Scheralt that makes the spaceport Klarn property. The Klarn purchase and control all items imported to the planet including control of the spaceport's transports on the planet and in the Scheralt star system. For treaty, details see Scheralt Treaty 5189.

  After signing the treaty, the first expelled from Scheralt was the Xeres Corporation. Next, the select military that forced the Klarn to work for the Xeres Corporation. Xeres kept their rights to control trade to Scheralt but that is part of their agreement with the military and various other planets not the natives.

  There were changes in the Klarn Society. The Kirch came into existence from the Klarn that Xeres forced to work in their plant. Their most distinctive characteristic is a stubborn resistance to acquiring aspects of offworld culture. There has not been another group of inhabitants of any other world, which has gone to such lengths to avoid offworlders. The tendency of the Kirch to avoid direct contact has made it easy to dismiss them as unimportant. Although they never deal with the spaceport, the Kirch are involved in many judicial decisions that their overall impact is enormous. Time has not diminished their hatred and distrust of offworlders. Noticeable effect of the Kirch's refusal to accept offworld customs is the conservative clothing, and language. They will often define in detail an item just to avoid using an offworld term. They never bow to anyone; they are not even willing to nod.

  The Klarn Council is the main governmental body with each clan having a counselor representing them. The council chooses the akicita. The akicita are like police officers. Each akicita is selected from various clans but not all clan have members picked for akicita duty. Surprisingly, the Kirch dominate the akicita.

  The introductions are key in recognizing status and rank among male Klarn and in dealing with the natives. The formal phrasing and complicated greetings take several minutes to complete as a complex ritual.

  The current situation with the Klarn forces the Xeres Corporation to use intermediaries to trade on the planet. Contract workers deal with the Klarn and shipping of shielding materials to the military procurement facilities.

  Into this mix, the trader Celeste gains a trade permit that supposedly only the Xeres Corporation owns.