Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 2

Chapter1: Celeste

  “I want both ready to land on Scheralt in a week,” growls the man standing on the door as he stares with obvious frustration into the room containing two bodies.

  A cold metallic voice replies from a speaker in one wall, “Captain Jerupt, they cannot be ready. The medical procedure to awaken them takes a week. Then they will need three weeks to gain strength to survive the planet’s gravity. Only you and Jake are physically ready for the planet’s gravity.”

  “This is an emergency. Implement emergency procedures. Katree can wear the THERP to help her. Marissa will just have to struggle. They land on Scheralt in a week.” With that command, Captain Jerupt leaves.

  An hour later, a tugging against her arms and legs causes an increase in the overall ache in her body as Marissa’s awareness spreads. The cold air blowing across her arm creates goose bumps; the astringent stench forces her to breath through her mouth leaving a sour taste.

  Initially glancing around the room, one would assume that it is a medical bay. A closer examination reveals stains on the ceiling and walls indicating age and neglect that is unacceptable for a medical facility. Neither of the room’s occupants is completely aware of their surroundings nor the attentions of the medical robot, commonly referred to as a med-bot, working over the two awakening female crewmembers.

  The med-bot checks the readings on a THERP, Therapeutic Exercise Routine Player, which will manipulate the body simulating muscle control. The THERP is keeping Marissa's body in a relaxed state as if she is a plastic doll waiting for a child to pose her. This matches Marissa's pale face and a head covered in light brown stubble. A face that looks like it has never seen sun light and a head recently shaved; do not create a healthy countenance.

  A green metal band wraps around her left wrist with tiny green and yellow lights blinking at a slowly increasing rate. The band is an ID worn as a health monitor and tracking device for all crewmembers. The blinking lights indicate the physical health: Red, dangerous emergency; Yellow, fair; Green, excellent, with alternating colors indicating a status between two solid colors. The lights on the wristband flash faster indicating the subject is waking and the pulsing indicates the heartbeat.

  “Marissa, begin exercising,” Breaks the quiet.

  The voice is from SIS5009, the ships computer or SIS for short. SIS5009 is the designation for Species Interface System 5009. The number 5009 is the year the shipyard created the system. The current year is 5212 that makes the SIS5009 nearly 203 years old. Marissa helped salvage the SIS5009 from a derelict ship but the appearance of another ship interrupted the work forcing the abandonment of the interface cables. This creates multiple problems for the Celeste.

  The Celeste, a space trader, has four crewmembers: Captain Jerupt is the owner and pilot-navigator, First Mate Jake is the Navigator, Marissa is the Maintenance Engineer, and Katree is Logistics. Every crewmember has a primary function and either two or three secondary functions. This gives backup and redundancy of jobs and allows for two active shifts when necessary.

  The Celeste is more a mishmash of parts than space ship. Thanks to Captain Jerupt. He throws nothing away nor dumps it in space with the result that there is little area for additional cargo. This forced the ship to carry the current cargo as an attachment to the exterior of the ship.

  “Marissa, begin exercising.” the message repeats, which slowly penetrates the dark haze of her consciousness.

  Slowly Marissa is becoming aware of the ache in all her joints and muscles creating a desire to return to the pain free darkness. The head ache; nausea and buzzing in her ears are the familiar results from an extended stay in Cryo, cryogenics sleep. With that thought, Marissa opens her dark blue eyes, in time to see the med-bot moving away with her THERP. A quick glance shows that she is not wearing a THERP, as medical procedures require for crewmember recovering from Cryo.

  The med-bot moves to administer to the room’s other occupant who has the bluish skin cast of some one just extracted from Cryo. She will remain unconscious for the next few days while the THERP stimulates the joints and muscles and administers pain inhibitors. Deep space flight requires Cryo sleep for crewmembers but has side effects giving spacers a bad reputation. Medicine developed the MMS, Mental Monitor System, to counter Cryo’s side effects by minimizing mental atrophy, psychosis, and aggression, but has not eliminated the pain endured during recovery. Recovery consists of two phases; the first phase is a treatment with pain inhibitors while unconscious, the second phase is four days of exercise. During both phases, crewmembers wear a THERP to support and enhance the physical abilities.

  “Long?” Marissa whispers hoping that SIS understands her one word question. The THERP cannot exercise the throat muscles used for speech. This creates soft-spoken crewmembers.

  “12 cycles standard” reports SIS5009.

  12 cycles explains why Marissa is having trouble moving. There is nothing ‘standard’ about keeping a crewmember in Cryo for 12 cycles. The recommended amount is 10 cycles, max. The captain heard a story from another ‘Captain' in one of the seedy space bars that someone was kept in Cryo for 20 cycles with no problem. Now he believes the Cryo settings are too short. Captain Jerupt only trusts the opinions of other ‘Captains’ because no one else is as smart. Pilots and navigators are included since most captains are either a pilot or navigator or both.

  Thankfully, the system controls can only adjust to 12 cycles. Since Marissa, who is the Maintenance Engineer, is responsible for all repairs, she did not ‘fix’ the Cryo controls to run for 20 cycles. Marissa plans to leave the Celeste long before the captain figures out a 'fix' to the system.

  Wake cycles are the time not spent in Cryo sleep and determine experience and pay scale. A wake cycle defines work experience with Marissa needing five wake cycles to qualify for a better position and ship. Working on the Celeste for five wake cycles is not the easiest way to advance. The Celeste looks more like a derelict but it is the best position Marissa can get without Academy credentials.

  “Begin exercising.” Repeats SIS5009.

  “Foof” Marissa’s response

  “Captain’s orders. If you do not start, I am to summon Jake to aid you,” continues SIS5009.

  It hurts but Marissa moves her left arm onto her stomach hoping that the slight movement will satisfy SIS5009 for a moment while Marissa clears her disoriented and hazy thoughts.

  “THERP?” Marissa gasps and hopes SIS5009 understands that Marissa wants strapped into the THERP to aid in the exercise. Talking is exhausting but at least Marissa completed another word.

  “Accelerated physical exercise restricts THERP usage to initial awakening. Katree requires the THERP during her awakening,” continues SIS with a cold assessment.

  Translated it means Marissa must move unassisted. Usually, the THERP system augments the muscles as a crewmember performs his duties for the first weeks out of Cryo. To be awake indicates that Marissa has completed phase one of Cryo recovery. Only during an emergency is accelerated physical therapy used to awaken multiple crewmembers. Even then, crewmembers share a THERP with alternate shifts using the same THERP. The muscle weakness is dangerous with crewmembers handling the ship and hazardous equipment.

  “Why?” The one word question seems to confuse the computer for a moment.

  ‘Captain's orders. If you do not start to exercise I am to summon Jake to assist you.” Repeats SIS5009.

  “Space cooling system” Marissa whispers.

  Thankfully, the misassembled piece of electronic circuits and artificial intelligence heard and understood. The computer and Marissa have had this argument before and the computer knows that Marissa can make the cooling system function below normal by triggering a sensor fault. SIS5009’s sensors have not been able to catch Marissa ‘fixing’ the system. SIS tried preventive measures but Marissa turned the malfunction back on for a day after the last preventive maintenance performed. Marissa timed the last ‘lesso
n’ for when she was not on the ship as insurance to keep her alive. Marissa keeps the computer worried so that SIS5009 makes sure that Marissa is safe. This is a dangerous game but the only insurance available. The captain and Jake brag about their engineering skills but Marissa repaired systems that both attempted and failed.

  “Jake report to PT.” SIS5009 broadcasts undaunted by the implied threat.

  “Retract!” Marissa whispers as she rolls off the bed and attempts to stand; instead, she falls flat on the floor. The fall adds to Marissa's aggravation at the inflexibility of the computer.

  SIS realizing that Marissa is finally moving but knowing she is willing to carry out her threat countermands the order, “Correction, Jake report to Nav Center.”

  What is not hurting before now aches from the added bruises caused by her fall. Luckily, the bed control is just above her head and easy to reach. Marissa lowers the bed then using the bed and the control, Marissa manages to stand. Payback is the first thought as Marissa straightens with one hand on the bed to steady her. SIS is going to run hot for everyday Marissa is on this accelerated PT, Marissa promises to herself.

  SIS still concerned for its own survival, which SIS analyzed depends on Marissa’s well being tries to placate her. “Marissa is not operating to full capacity; Jake is a motivational resource available for use per the captain’s orders.”

  Marissa, while amused at the thought of Jake’s reaction at being reduced to the role of a ‘resource’, issues, “Pervert.” as her one word response.

  SIS5009 corrects her, “Pervert definition: one that has been perverted; specifically: one given to some form of sexual perversion.”

  “Ooooh, enough” does not stop the computer as it continues the reprimand; “Perversion defined as; an aberrant sexual practice or interest especially when habitual. Jake’s helping does not make him a pervert. Even if helping is not normal behavior for a Petain, the helping is not habitual thus not perversion.”

  A computer would concentrate on the word ‘habitual’. Jake helping anyone is not usual but in this case, he would be helping himself to her private body parts. Marissa has a deep-seated aversion to be in the same room with Jake, which he interprets as a challenge or a flaw in Marissa.

  Jake is the first mate and navigator. Navigation is his primary function with Pilot and Trader as secondary. Jake is a native of Petain, a planet with gravity greater than earth. The result is a species that is short, broad, and muscular. In space, short is good but there is little gravity for all that muscle to work against. The solution is PT, Physical therapy, training or just plain exercise. The problem; Jake hates exercise. He swaggers into a compartment and blocks the passageways when he moves from compartment to compartment. He enjoys making the crew ask him to move out of the doorways that he deliberately blocks.

  Jake’s solution to exercise is sex. He read that you burn 500 calories for 5 min of sex. That has become his mantra on exercise. Jake does not take ‘NO’ for an answer and like most Petain’s; he knows he is a gift to all women. He accuses Marissa of not being a true female because she repeatedly refuses his attentions. According to Jake, Marissa has a problem after all Katree is willing to oblige him.

  Once, Jake tried to coerce Marissa. Using his most oily smile he sauntered over to her while she was repairing a bot. “Hey girl, we haven’t seen much activity recently, some intense exercise would do a body good.”

  Marissa clenched her jaw trying to keep her temper and stop herself from telling Jake that she has not been a girl for years. Instead, she changed positions maneuvering the ‘bot’ in between them using it as a barrier and made the repairs as noisily as possible to drown out Jake’s voice.

  Not discouraged Jake started, in what he conceived as a witty manner, “You can’t beat burning up 500 calories for 5 minutes of exertion. Marissa had enough and cut in “Its only burns up 500 calories if you do it right! I don’t think you come equipped nor have the stamina to burn off more than 100 calories at best.” As Jake stalked off, Marissa had a moment of anguish. Jake would find an opportunity to pay her back; but it did feel good to tell him off.

  Coming back to the present, Marissa winces as she turns to find the door out of sickbay. Nothing has changed in sickbay. It is a place where one spends minimal time because it is far from a cheerful environment. Truthfully, there are worse places on the ship. The least the captain could do is paint the ceiling and walls to eliminate what the crew hopes are rust stains but no one wants to investigate closely.

  By shear will power, Marissa manages to shuffle to the sickbay door. Each motion is with a dull ache as stiff joints and muscles remember how to move. Her body aches just standing still, movement makes it worse but experience tells her that she will improve only with exercise not medication.

  “SIS, send me to PT.” Thankfully, SIS has the med-bot roll alongside Marissa providing the support in place of the THERP until Marissa climbs onto the training equipment.

  The med-bot leaves her with an energy booster to drink. Marissa is exhausted after the walk from Sickbay, which is next to PT and gulps the drink. Although a short walk, the pain indicates the atrophy of her muscles is severe but the med-bot has initiated Marissa to start phase two of the recovery program.

  The training equipment is functional, but has no entertainment enhancements. It is just boring exercise staring at blank walls without movies, music, or reading materials available. The captain had Marissa cannibalize the entertainment enhancements to keep the barely functional ship running and to save money. The walls are not blank but the grime and stains are not esthetically pleasing to view. Along with the odor of stale sweat, the effect is nauseating, another place to put in minimum time.

  The med bay and PT are typical of the Celeste. Jerupt is the owner, pilot, and captain. Captain Jerupt’s species is unknown and Marissa has not been able to get SIS to aid her in discovering it. His species may help her develop an approach get the Celeste cleaned and upgraded. Hopefully, she can convince the captain that it is profitable to make improvements and maintain the ship. Profit drives him to cut maintenance on the ship. Profit makes the Celeste looks like a derelict. Unfortunately, Jerupt accepts only his own opinion as fact especially when an opposing fact cuts into his profits. According to the captain, buying more THERPs or other benefits for the crew, cuts profit. Another example, accelerated PT is implemented only for emergencies and not to shorten therapy as the captain has done previously. The Celeste has too many ‘emergency’ repairs because of deferred maintenance. Marissa has a feeling there is again no true emergency.

  Logistics crewmember is Katree, a human species mix. She maintains that she is human since that is the majority of her DNA. Primary function is supplies and stowage. She wants to be a navigator and is willing to sell her soul for the opportunity. The Celeste added Katree at the last stop. She is the other body in the med bay.

  Marissa is the Maintenance Engineer. Ships systems, computer, equipment, and bots or robots, are all her responsibility. Species: Human and a bit of unknown. Since Marissa does not have verifiable academic certification for the position, she is on the Celeste. The captain is her backup on the computer system. The bots are her backup on all other systems and her specialty is bot repair.

  Marissa remembers leaving the last planet the Celeste visited. The Celeste used a sling shot technique around the ADR0MEEN star to minimized fuel and maximized acceleration to 050VERES. Every thing was functioning when Marissa entered Cryo with 050VERES as the destination. After leaving ADR0MEEN, the Celeste’s crew was to be in Cryo for five cycles and then trade ore for silks on 050VERES. If there was a systems problem then SIS should have awakened Marissa. The 12 cycles will place the Celeste at Scheralt that means either the captain did not go to 050VERES or he did not wake all the crew. 050VERES is a profitable stop for both captain and crew. The missed opportunity to trade irks Marissa, and does not add to her bank balance.

ter a few minutes of exercise a repair robot or bot rolls into PT, stationing itself next to Marissa. Marissa glances at the bot thankful that it is available to support her weakened body. Later when Jake saunters in, the bot moves between Jake and Marissa.

  “You have your body guard already.” Jake sneers at the handy bot that keeps getting in Jake's way.

  Marissa hoped that Jake’s avoidance of exercise would keep him away long enough for Marissa to regain her strength. She is not concerned that Jake will damage the bot while there might be a witness but he is rough on the bots. Jake crushed a bot giving the excuse that it malfunctioned tripping him resulting that he landed on it. Marissa actually suspects that Jake kicked it down the ladder into the hold because it takes a lot of abuse to do major damage to a bot. The only good thing that resulted was the captain did not want to pay for repairs or replacement; instead, he hired Marissa who is petite and can squeeze into the tight spaces that a repair bot uses.

  “What is the emergency?” Marissa demands after glancing to find Jake leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and ogling her.

  “What will you give me to know?” answers a smirking Jake.

  “SIS, what is the emergency?” irritated Marissa asks SIS, ignoring Jake.

  “Captains designation.” This is not what Marissa wanted to hear. With Captain Jerupt it can be that, he wants company. The answer motivates Jake to saunter out of PT but at the door, he turns and gives Marissa a mocking salute.

  After two days exercising alone, Marissa hears a rustling sound at the room’s door. She turns and sees the med-bot escorting Katree to a training station. Katree has on a THERP helping her move at almost a normal pace.

  “Hi Katree. How are you feeling?”

  “BAD” mumbles Katree as she walks to a trainer. Marissa feels a stab of jealousy because the THERP allows Katree to walk, not shuffle.

  “SIS, what galstar?” With another crewmember present, Marissa attempts to obtain information on the Celeste’s current location. Galstar is the galaxy and star system designation used by space traders.

  “ABELL2029-2A SCHERALT.” translating to galaxy Abell2029, segment 2A, sun SCHERALT.

  The Abell2029 galaxy is the largest with a 100 trillion stars. Navigation divides the galaxy into 100 segments with a trillion stars in each segment. SCHERALT is the 32-digit number for star number 975543577277 in segment 2A. The names are based on a 32-digit number system making a shorter designation for each star. ADROMEEN is the 32- digit numbers for star 358487898583 with 050VERES the 32-digit number for star 5401701852 in a decimal number system.

  Scheralt explains the 12 cycles and justifies Marissa’s fear that the captain is maximizing profit at the crew’s expense by saving on food, water, and supplies. He saved a little less than half by not waking Katree and Marissa. The next designated stop was 050VERES with five cycles in Cryo, not SCHERALT.

  “SIS, what is the emergency?” Marissa tries again to get some information from the computer.

  Not surprisingly the computer’s reply, “Captains designation.” is the same as two days earlier.

  At least the exercise has revived Marissa to an alert awareness of the ship and surroundings. Urgency for answers drives Marissa to quiz the SIS5009 hoping the computer will co-operate and answer a few more questions.

  “SIS, respond with crew status.”

  SIS lists crew title and status. “Captain Jerupt meditating, First Mate Jake mandatory monitoring navigation orbit, crewmember Katree mandatory physical therapy, crewmember Marissa mandatory physical therapy.”

  Captain Jerupt’s meditation translates to sleeping but the SIS5009 will never use the term sleeping. Jake’s status as mandatory monitoring navigation is not normal. If the orbit is stable, there is no need for monitoring. Since Katree and Marissa are newly removed from Cryo, mandatory physical therapy is normal. It appears that the captain and Jake are on alternate shifts. No way is Marissa going to talk with Jake. He will want payment for each question Marissa asks and Marissa knows the currency he will demand. First, she has to find what SIS knows.

  “SIS define situation requiring mandatory monitoring of the navigation orbit.” Marissa orders.

  “Unable to comply.” replies SIS causing Katree send an alarmed glance toward Marissa from her position on the other trainer.

  That did not work well. Marissa tries a different approach, “SIS, display the first two communications from the planet.”

  SIS displays the message on the only working view screen in PT. Marissa motions for Katree to go and read the display presented by SIS. Since Katree is using a THERP, she can move to the screen easier. Marissa is moving better after two days of training but still slower than Katree.

  Katree softly reads, “Spaceport Scheralt: planet status atmosphere 20% O2, 78% N2, and 2% CO2. Temperature range -60 to 120, gravity 0.9, UV at 15, Spaceport current Temperature 25, Wind 10 km., Storm condition 0. Alert: monitor magnetic storms.” Then she adds, “The alert is in large red letters.”

  Second communication reads, “Storms severe and will destroy instrumentation unless class 10 shielded. Ships with Class 10 shielding can remain in orbit with great risk. All other vessels must move to outer system perimeter. No repair facilities on station.”

  That explains the mandatory monitoring. The Celeste is substandard class two shielded with the documentation showing it as class four, the minimum for access to most star systems. The captain has the navigation and SIS5009 covered with class four shields using parts from the last derelict found. Storms that require class 10 shielding will destroy the Celeste. Marissa wonders what that does to any creature on the planet’s surface. There has to be something here or Jerupt would not have Scheralt as a trade stop. It also does not explain the emergency status since the ship can remain outside the star’s perimeter where class two shielding is adequate. Avoiding the star system would also be a prudent move for a ship with class two shielding.

  Katree does not look very happy. She knows that a dangerous magnetic field can kill or maroon the crew on the planet. At least marooned, the crew has a chance to be picked up by another trader. If this rock is on a frequently traveled trade route, unfortunately that is not the type of trade route followed by the Celeste.

  Priorities now are to exercise and recover as much as Marissa can. Basically Katree and Marissa will live in PT; Marissa for the next two days and Katree for the next four days with the med-bot providing food, energy drinks and relaying their medical status to SIS. The Med-bot has limited intelligence that SIS supplements. All the bots are probably original equipment on the ship with the SIS5009 interface enhancing the bots beyond their original specification. Thus, the med-bot is not up to date but significantly improved.

  “Well Katree, what star system do you last remember?” Marissa asks.

  “ADROMEEN.” Katree starts her training with better body control than Marissa has displayed but Marissa does not have a THERP for assistance.

  “Will it be you or I that talks with Captain Jerupt?” Marissa inquires.

  “I will. The captain likes me and tells me more than if you ask. You know you would be treated better by the captain if you would bend a little.” Katree gloats emphasizing her point by running her hand down the length of the THERP.

  “Like you are? It seems that you were in Cryo 12 cycles according to my math but math is not your strong point.” That did not make any friends. Marissa momentarily regrets the barb but the temptation was too much for her to pass up. Katree is right about getting cooperation and information from the captain.

  “Play Xenon Metalica” Katree requests SIS to pipe in her favorite music ending two days of silent contemplation for Marissa. A loud beat without lyrics permeates the room as Marissa winces donning a pair of noise suppressors. Normally individual music is piped to headsets so as not to disturb others in an area but the headsets are not functioning. Katree does not care if anyone objects to her selecti
on as long as she is pleased.

  Two day later when Marissa leaves PT, she starts a data search about Scheralt that runs while she performs her regular duties. When she checks the results, she is surprised to find that ships ignored the planet until recently considering it a dangerous morass for space ships. Its major product is magnetic shielding exclusively purchased by the military. The information is sparse with no indication of products for a profitable trade.

  Marissa waits until Katree is about to be released before entering PT. “Katree it has been four days since you started the physical training. We have not seen the captain in that time. With mandatory PT ending and no crew meeting scheduled, I believe the captain is avoiding any questions and us. He knows that I will use space authority definition of emergency to question the emergency status. When are you going to talk to him?” Marissa sips an energy booster while waiting for her reply.

  Katree delays her reply enjoying every moment that Marissa waits knowingly straining Marissa’s patience.

  “The captain may be sleeping and I do not want to awake him. He has been on duty for 12 hours while we have just been playing.” Katree looks at Marissa with a mocking sweet smile.

  “SIS, respond with crew status.” Marissa dryly requests.

  SIS lists crew title and status. “Captain Jerupt mandatory monitoring navigation orbit, First Mate Jake meditating, Crew Katree mandatory physical therapy, Crew Marissa limited duty.”

  “Well Katree, it looks like the captain is awake so there is no reason for you to delay. Additionally you may get some extra exercise that is not included in the PT routines.” Marissa enjoys watching Katree’s smile fade in response to the implied insult.

  Marissa remains in PT as Katree slowly strolls out to find the captain. “SIS, update current planetary storm conditions.” While Marissa waits for the update, she starts her normal exercise routine. Although released from medical to limited duty status, Marissa has not recovered the strength and stamina she had before entering Cryo. It will take weeks to recover fully.

  “Storm Condition 2. Alert: magnetic storm increasing. Projected full storm in 10 days.” That is not good news; the spaceport sets the storm condition to match the shielding class needed to survive the magnetic storm. Storm Condition 2 requires the ship to have class two shielding.

  “SIS, define orbit status.” Marissa can exercise and talk which is an improvement over four days ago. Marissa hopes Katree gets back soon with information on the current emergency.

  “Low altitude orbit in 8 hours,” is the monotone reply from SIS.

  A few hours later, a smiling Katree saunters into PT. She looks smug and waits for Marissa to ask what she has learned from the captain. Marissa ignores her knowing Katree is too smug to keep quiet.

  Katree, breaking the silence, excitedly blurts out “You and I are going planet side as traders. We drop to the planet with Jake in less than 6 hours.”

  Marissa, with disbelief in her voice “I doubt the captain will want us to take the lead in negotiations, are you sure you understood what he said?”

  With her head held high, Katree turns her head slowly to look directly in Marissa’s eyes and in a condescending voice, “Trade is only performed by native females, the captain while regretting he can not participate directly, has assured me that he has every confidence in my (Katree makes a quick correction) in our ability to make a profitable trade. We also get a special bonus for a successful trade.”

  Marissa, wanting to take advantage of Katree’s desire to prove how much the captain trusts her judgment, switches the topic hoping to trip Katree into revealing more than she should. “Did the captain explain the reason for the emergency awakening from Cryo?”

  Without missing a beat, Katree rattles on “With the storm season approaching early this year, there was not enough time to get us in physical shape unless the captain used emergency protocol for Cryo recovery. Captain Jerupt, will drop Jake and us, then the Celeste will break orbit moving to the star system’s perimeter to avoid the magnetic storms. The captain will wait at the perimeter for a recall signal when the trade is completed.”

  Katree is going to say more but stops when Jake appears.

  Jake warns, “Have you both heard? We need to be ready to go planet side in six hours.”

  Katree quickly replies, “I was just telling Marissa about bonus for a successful trade.”

  Smothering a frustrated sigh, Marissa asks, “Did the captain define the amount of the special bonus? Or what qualifies as a successful trade?”

  The silence from both Jake and Katree answers Marissa more completely than any lies they were scrambling to make up.

  Before they can come up with some trite answer Marissa adds, “We’re just out of PT and barely functioning on ships gravity. The planet’s gravity is nearly double!” Marissa shakes her head at Katree. “It is going to feel like we have suddenly doubled our weight every time we take a step. We need at least two more weeks in PT to be able to go planet side. For your information, the last time the captain used the term successful trade, I received zero bonus.”

  “The captain said you would complain and not appreciate that he will be isolated and alone for the whole time that we are lounging in sunshine and cool breezes. I trust the captain’s word about the bonus. He knows the strain our bodies are undergoing for this emergency but we will not be running a marathon just waiting for the natives to bring trade goods to select.” Katree’s supercilious tone is grating causing Marissa to grind her teeth.

  “What are we trading?” Marissa asked in her best business manner.

  “The rest of the ore that we’re towing is to be traded for crystals.” Katree answers distractedly.

  “Do you have any information on the natives? Or the value and market for the crystals?” As Marissa seriously begins thinking about the trade.

  “Spaceport admin requires a mandatory orientation about the natives and their customs. We will learn all we need to know at the orientation before we even start trading,” Katree chirps ignoring the questions about the crystals.

  Marissa, with a growing dread, wonders what Captain Jerk is up to now. Mandatory orientation indicates there is a problem or trap when dealing with the natives. Spaceports do not waste their resources on such matters and only require orientation when they need it to protect their profit margin or Spaceport’s security. Marissa speaks cautiously. “Other than the orientation on Galatia 5, I haven’t attended one that was beneficial for Traders. Has the captain traded here before?”

  Katree, lost in her personal concerns changes the topic, “I hope there is a good commissary so I do not have to eat field rations or native plants or flesh.”

  “Didn’t the captain tell you? The natives provide all food to the base with meat predominating,” Marissa teases Katree. Katree shudders in revulsion as Marissa contemplates packing food concentrates.

  Jake, irritated with the questions Marissa has brought up snaps “Quit dragging your feet. We must complete decontamination and leave before the captain breaks orbit. Move It!”