Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 14

Chapter 11: After the Verdict

  After the magistrates announce the final verdict, Chaytan appears and escorts Marissa to a healer for an examination. The healer informs Marissa that she is using the information given to the magistrate. They found actual small burns in the minds of Katree and Jake. The healers are confident that they can tell if the MMS did any changes and are testing all witnesses. In contrast, the healers refused to treat the mercenaries’ minds except for a light reading to verify effects of the MMS.

  Marissa asks, “Chaytan what happens now?”

  “The mercenaries will be sentenced probably to death. Tomorrow, Commander Saldicy, the Xeres representatives, and witnesses are returning to the spaceport.”

  Marissa retorts, “Then I do not finish my sentence for lying.”

  Chaytan laughs. “Oh no. You will finish the sentence. You can return to the spaceport after completing your sentence. The trial has gained you several admirers when everyone heard of the beating you suffered and still testified. No one will bother you.”

  The commander and Goliath meet after the trial in the commander’s room.

  Goliath rants, “I have lost two good men to these savages. Have your men steal those scooters the natives use and kidnap the girl, Marissa. Demand her return for trial at the spaceport for theft and as an insurgent. She knows a way into the plant at Dansk that my satellite scans did not register. I want that information. Have your men kidnap a Klarn so we can treat him to spy for us.”

  Commander Saldicy replies, “The traders and Mike are returning with us tomorrow by agreement with the Klarn. Once back at the spaceport, we can see to everything else.”

  Thinking about the returning traders, Goliath plots, “The Klarn are not happy that Jake and Mike were found innocent. With a careful selection of weapons from the armory, we have three trader bodies to create an incident showing the Klarn to be undisciplined savages. We leave no witness just the evidence of a savage Klarn attack with mutilated bodies. The Klarn atrocities will justify your attack in retaliation on the plants in Panche and justify a battleship to control the savages that endanger the shielding manufacturing plants.”

  As the commander watches, Goliath unravels and plots unattainable actions. Right now, she needs to pacify Goliath and get him to leave so she can assess the damages. “Goliath as Oust's employer you can get his location. We need that before we can plan.”

  Goliath nods his agreement assuming the commander will act according to his wishes. “I will get my aide to bring you the locations.”

  As Goliath leaves, the commander sighs in relief. She deliberately kept the notification of the Klarn complaint from Goliath, as it would have restarted his rant.

  Finding that the Klarn lodged a formal complaint directly to the military liaison at headquarters is going to complicate matters. The best piece of information is that the Klarn’s communications system is operational where as the spaceport’s communication is dead. It will buy some time for the commander to plan without Goliath sending messages to headquarters. The bad part is that the Klarn did not hesitate but must have sent their complaint as soon as they delivered the verdicts.

  Opening the complaint, the commander begins to read and plan her next move. The Klarn demand an investigation and protest the invasion of Klarn lands by Xeres, demand monetary compensation from Xeres for the death of Napayshni and injury of Yahto by Xeres personnel, demand removal of the abandoned Xeres plant by the ship currently in orbit, demand an investigation of the military recorder found at the Xeres disabled sled. Additionally the Klarn formally banish from the planet, Trader Jake of the trade ship Celeste, Mike of the spaceport Scheralt, and Goliath of Xeres Corporation. The Klarn cite the trials, convictions, and evidence with copies attached.

  The commander is relieved. Most of the complaint is against Xeres Corporation. She must send a report to the headquarters to stave off an investigation to cover her participation in the Xeres fiasco. The only people who can implicate her are Goliath, and possibly his aide and Mike. She can blame Mike for the misappropriation of the military equipment and for the treaty violations by calling him a rogue in the pay of the Xeres Corporation. He checked the equipment out on verbal orders. If he has an accident, he cannot testify on receiving orders from her. Mike interfaced with the Traders from the Celeste and arranged the monetary transactions between Xeres Corporation and the Celeste. The rest of the Klarn demands are Xeres’ problem.

  Goliath demands are impossible to meet. He is ignoring that magnetic storm disabled the spaceport. The corporation paid her in a secret account under a different name so there are no transactions to trace back to her. Marissa only received minor threats, Jake only knows what Mike told him and the reason she gave the traders for adding Mike to the trader teams. It is weak but if the Celeste leaves orbit, she can tell the investigators Mike initiated the offer to help the traders.

  First step is to see the Klarn transmit her report. Next, using Goliath's authorization, have the Xeres Corporate ship shuttle the Celeste’s crew back to their ship on the rim. Goliath does not know that she has his transmittal codes. Goliath also does not know that the Klarn can transmit during the magnetic storms, an item the commander is keeping to herself. It will be a long night but she must complete it all before they leave for the spaceport in order to use the Klarn communication system located in this facility.

  Commander Saldicy decides to be solicitous to the Klarn, admitting that the evidence against Mike while not conclusive has convinced her to investigate thoroughly his involvement with Goliath of the Xeres Corporation. Salvaging her relationship with Xeres Corporation may take a bit more creativity but control of the communications on the base leaves her with many options for creative evidence. The commander’s smile grows as she contemplates her plans and not finding a flaw.

  The morning after the trials, the grim and forbidding Kirch escort the Traders, Commander Saldicy, Mike, and Goliath to the rail system with two Kirch accompanying them to the spaceport.

  Arriving at the spaceport Commander Saldicy immediately orders an emergency meeting with her aides. “The Klarn have banished the trader Jake from the planet. We are complying with their demand. The shuttle from the Xeres Corporate ship will land at 8:00 Scheralt time tomorrow morning, pick up the traders and then depart. I want the traders escorted to my office in 30 minutes. Dracon, you may leave and see to this.”

  Turning to her other aides, she issues additional orders to solve her second problem, "Judith, I want a written order demanding the appearance of Goliath, his aide and Mike for formal questioning about the items listed in the Klarn complaint. Get started on that now. Also find a list of standard questions that we can use during the interrogation.”

  Before proceeding she checks her notes, “Gabriel, within in an hour you will provide for me to sign, an order restricting the Xeres personnel and Mike to their quarters. The restrictions will include that they cannot leave their quarters without my permission and must have a security escort at all times with no communication permitted with anyone.” That keeps Goliath away from the shuttle landing and communication with his ship.

  Finally, the report initiated weeks ago that will satisfy headquarters. The commander is glad that she had the foresight to start the investigation. “I want the report on the formal investigation of Xeres personnel’s actions on Scheralt delivered in two hours for the second meeting. That is all for the present.” Her aides leave in a rush not wanting to incur the commander’s temper and damage their fitness reports.

  Jake and Katree enter the commander’s temporary office with trepidation. Commander Saldicy begins immediately, “The Klarn has sent a formal demand for you to leave Scheralt. You will be on the Xeres shuttle leaving tomorrow morning at 8:00.”

  Surprised by the commander’s order Jake counters, “I have not seen a complaint from the Klarn. Besides, we need more time to arrange for the sale of the trade goods with Goliath. You
can’t just...”

  The commander interrupts, “My Aide will give you a copy of the complaint and the order ejecting you from Scheralt. Take your trade problems up with the Captain of the Xeres ship. You will meet him tomorrow.”

  Jake asks, “Can the Xeres ship communicate with the Celeste? The Celeste’s shuttle...”

  From the back of the room, the commander’s aide interjects, “The Celeste’s shuttle is not operational.”

  Coldly the commander informs the traders, “I am initiating strict compliance of regulations on all ships in the Scheralt system. I am sure that an inspection of the Celeste will meet all safety regulation and documentation will match the Celeste’s systems. You need your captain to understand that the inspection will be thorough.” The commander signals her aide that the interview is finished. The aide brings in two guards to escort the traders.

  The commander smiles to herself betting the Celeste leaves the system as soon as the crew is aboard. Now, she needs to motivate Goliath to return to his ship. No lights and bad rations might do it easily but the truly cruel is disrupting the plumbing. Then there is the small matter of the missing trader, Marissa. She was not on the Klarn ejection list and she might return by tomorrow in order to be sent with the other traders back to the Celeste.

  Marissa still with the Klarn is finishing her sentence. She missed everyone leaving. Neither Jake nor Katree stopped to inform her of their departure. Perhaps they assumed she would be with them.

  At lunch, Chaytan appears and with a nod to the Kirch takes Marissa to a café where she expresses her fears. “They know that I saw the plant operating, they can force a reading of my memories and extract what I saw of the process. I am afraid. I dread returning to the spaceport.” She picks at her meal. Her stomach feels as if filled with rocks.

  “All the machines, MMS, are broken including the one at the spaceport. Do not ask. I can not tell you the method used.” Chaytan knows that will ease one worry as he watches her rearranging her meal and eating little.

  “Some of the power was working in the Medical Center. Do you think that it is possible the Celeste’s shuttle is functioning?” Marissa's attitude improves with the hope of quick departure from Scheralt. “I can possibly avoid the Commander and Goliath then leave before they are aware of my return.”

  Communications are private. Normally, Chaytan would not have the information but his duties made two messages available to him. He debates telling Marissa. He does not want to fail her again and be injured again. Resolutely he gives Marissa the bad news. “I do not believe the shuttle is operational. The Commander sent a message for the Xeres ship to transport the crew to the Celeste.” She might still be able to avoid the commander and Goliath if Jake and Katree help her.

  Chaytan plots the best means to ensure Marissa’s safety. “The Commander is insisting on your return. It is part of the trial agreement and we must comply by sending you in two days. Your sentence ends tomorrow. You can travel the following day or delay staying here an extra day. I can arrange for you to stay hidden with the Klarn outside the spaceport until you leave Scheralt that way you can avoid the Commander. Ask for Paytah.” He will have Paytah keep her under observation just in case there is trouble even if she stays on the spaceport.

  “With no power, it should be easy to hide for a few days. It will best if I do not delay here. This way I am two days behind them, which should be enough time for Jake and Katree to complete the sale of the crystals. After I arrive at the spaceport, we might be able to leave immediately.” Marissa hopes the Xeres ship does not have another MMS. If the commander does not declare her an insurgent, she still might avoid the MMS scan.

  “I am surprised that there have not been problems as I finish my sentence. The clans were not happy with Mike and Jake going free and I thought there might be some retaliation against me.” Marissa admits to her other fear, serving her sentence in an open public area.

  Chaytan is not sure of Marissa’s reaction to the Klarn’s justice. Perhaps it will alleviate her fear. “Napayshni’s clan petitioned for permission to execute Oust and Jeffrey. The magistrates granted the request. Yahto’s clan received permission to guard them. This satisfies the clans. Everyone else is angry at those that hurt a Matre and trader.”

  The involvement of the clan in the execution shocks Marissa. It contradicts the documentation that the Klarn are not serious and want to play most of the time. “Is the method of execution decided by the clan?” Marissa wonders how bloodthirsty they really are.

  Hesitating to explain but feeling he must finish a topic that he now regrets he opened. “The magistrates must approve the method. They insist on it being as painless as possible.”

  “There is a lot the spaceport does not understood about the Klarn; the clan’s involvement in the execution, the Kirch's attitude and beliefs, the military style raid on the base, the lack of a military, and the magistrate blaming you for my injuries. The list can get longer but I have been here only a few days. Why does the spaceport have a skewed vision of the Klarn?” Marissa wonders if Chaytan will answer. Too much of what she listed deals with the disabling of the spaceport.

  Chaytan laughs knowing she will not like his avoiding the question with a philosophical platitude. “The spaceport sees what they believe to be truth and are blind to everything else. To understand much of what you list, you must be Klarn.” He then watches Marissa’s temper flare.

  “OK. I will ask you something simple that even you can handle. What is a Matre?” She determinedly pursues the answer. “I have heard the term several times but I do not know its meaning.” She hopes he catches the implied insult. She knows he is baiting her to avoid talking about the raid and the military.

  “You will not like the meaning. It is ‘mother to be’”. Chaytan tries to smother his laughter at the horrified look on Marissa’s face.

  “No. I do not want to know how that became associated with me. But since you are defining words what is an ‘Amarst’ as the magistrate called you that at the trial.” Marissa watches Chaytan’s face as he hesitates and then evades, “I am afraid that I can not tell you. It does not matter since you will go back to your spaceship. The word only has meaning here on Ninovan.”

  “OK. Maybe you can tell me how I am to pay for my lodging since I am no longer a witness. I have some crystals but they are at the spaceport.” exasperated Marissa stares daggers at Chaytan.

  Ignoring her irritation Chaytan assures her, “My clan has taken responsibility for you. The lodging and expenses are my responsibility as I am still your Trader Guard.” Chaytan has finally allayed all of her worries allowing Marissa to finish her lunch.

  Two days later Marissa finally completes her sentence and the Kirch disappear. Instead, Enapay arrives carting a pack containing her Castian silk and the items left at Dansk. He is her escort to the spaceport.

  The rail car ride is long but Enapay shows her the amenities. The cars are equipped with sleeping and dining areas with a marquee to alert the passengers to the next stop. Apparently, the Klarn socialize during a trip. Enapay frequently stops and chats with various groups. This is the most Marissa has seen him talk. She hopes it is not about her.

  Arriving at the rail station finds a small vehicle capable to carry three to four people. Surprised Marissa asks, “Where are the scooters?” then as second thought, “Or the kirtags.”

  With a sheepish look, Enapay tells Marissa, “The scooters are for prisoners and to discourage resistance.” Changing to a wicked grin, he adds, “If you prefer we can travel by scooter.”

  Marissa enjoying his teasing concedes, “No I'm adventuresome and will try this newer ride.” The ride is smooth and comfortable, nothing like her other trips. A couple of hours later, Enapay leaves Marissa at the spaceport gate.

  Walking across the spaceport, Marissa feels the stares and animosity. Hoping that her Klarn dress is the cause, she ignores the
hostility. Entering the ‘slums’ Marissa tries to register for a sleeping slot finding that she is not welcome and can not stay.

  “Trader crew members can register.” Then the clerk sneers. “You do not have a ship.” She walks away from Marissa without allowing Marissa to question or protest.

  Fearing a magnetic storm caught the Celeste and destroyed the ship, Marissa rushes to the Administration Center where an aide informs her, “The crew returned to the Celeste two days ago. The ship left orbit and the Scheralt star system. You missed ship movement, have no status or rights to any accommodation on the base.”

  Marissa protests, “It takes 10 days to get to the rim. They must still be in system. Call the ship.”

  “The derelict that you call a ship takes 10 days; the Xeres ship is 4 to 5 times faster. It is probably on its way back. We cannot contact any ship. Communications are down.” Frustrated with Marissa not accepting being stranded on Scheralt, the Aide starts searching for support from the nearby troops to escort her out.

  “I can pay for accommodation.” Marissa assures the Aide.

  The aide laughs. “It does not matter. The commander left orders to escort you off the spaceport.”

  “There are trade goods that are mine. The Klarn scheduled the deliveries. Where are they stored?” Marissa tries to find out the status of her trade goods. “Did Xeres buy them? Or transport them to the Celeste?”

  “Xeres Corporation claimed all deliveries. You need to discuss it with them. It is not my concern. Your escort is here.” The aide turns to two soldiers, “See her off the base, and that she does not return.” Marissa has no choice but to walk ahead of the soldiers and off the base.

  A Klarn female approaches Marissa. “Why have the offworlders sent you out?”

  Marissa looking lost and uncertain as to her next move, states, “The Celeste left and the spaceport ejected me.”

  “You are still a Trader and the responsibility of the Gaagii Clan,” explains the Klarn.

  “How do you know me?”

  “Paytah has your picture. He distributed it to everyone before the raid. Since your face is healing, you are recognizable. If you want help, Paytah will know who to contact.” The female next asks, “Do you know where to go?”

  “No.” replies Marissa as she looks around. She was at the spaceport only for short periods and only in a local house once, at night, when a Klarn dragged her there. She doubts if she can find that one today. “I was told by Chaytan to find Paytah.”

  “I can show you to Paytah’s. He has a large house and family.” They walk along a clean and wide street to a small cluster of buildings. Several buildings are obviously homes with individual touches of flowers and arranged shrubs. None was ostentatious to indicate a residence of importance.

  When Marissa enters the house, she recognizes the Klarn. He is the one from the night she escaped the spaceport when he called her an illegal alien.

  Thankfully, the female accompanies her. “Paytah, the spaceport expelled Marissa. I believe she needs lodging and aid.” Marissa appreciates the unintentional support.

  “Chapa, you bring me nothing but trouble. Don’t look so pleased with yourself. Macha notified me of your coming so you are not the first but thank you for guiding her here.” With that remark dismissing her, Chapa leaves Marissa with Paytah. He studies her and concludes, “You are a problem. The alert is downgraded but you are still an illegal alien.”

  Disgusted with his attitude Marissa demands, “Why am I an illegal alien?”

  “All spaceport people are to remain on the base. You are illegally on Klarn lands. The minute you left the base that makes you an illegal alien.” Paytah smiles knowing the term irritates Marissa. He heard from Chaytan that she guards her independence fiercely and wants to be in control.

  Marissa feeling abused, she growls at him. “The soldiers escorted me from the base. Are you going to escort me back? Do I stand on the border while the two of you push me back and forth?”

  Surprised at Marissa's upset, Paytah regrets his goading. “I apologize. I should ease your fear not add to them. No. You will stay here. I will send a notification to Chaytan that you are with my clan. It will go to him tonight along with Commander Saldicy’s message about the shuttle crash.”

  Marissa asks, “What shuttle crash?” The Celeste left but they might have lied.

  Paytah seeing her fear clarifies, “An unauthorized transport crashed last night not a space shuttle. It is not your crewmates. They left two days ago.”

  “I can pay for my lodging. I have some silk that the weavers will buy. Kimimela was interested in getting more. The silk merchants only sell to certified customers that they have direct access to the customer’s accounts. I am an approved customer. The Celeste and many traders are not.” Marissa promotes her ability to support herself.

  “I also have crystals but the Xeres Corporation is claiming them. I may not be able to reclaim the crystals since I cannot return to the base.” Marissa tells Paytah.

  Paytah laughs, “Chaytan is paying for your care. However, I will retrieve your crystals just for the pleasure of pointing out to Commander Saldicy that the Xeres Corporation is a thief, if you can prove that the crystals are yours. Do not worry; the crystals are still at the spaceport. The shuttle was on the ground only long enough to pick up passengers.”


  Report on Commander Saldicy’s desk.

  The shuttle stolen from the hanger is number X549876. Goliath, Xeres personnel, and Mike are missing from their quarters and cannot be located on the spaceport. Assumption is the pilot of the crashed shuttle is Mike with Xeres Corporation personnel as the passengers.

  The commander reads the report and smiles at a mission well planned and executed.


  Scheralt: Hostile Takeover

  Excerpt from Scheralt: Hostile Takeover