Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 15

  Chapter 1: An Accident

  The Gannesmede University research team is arriving in the Scheralt star system aboard the inner system ship, the Orion, owned and operated by the Xeres Corporation. Dr. Robeson leads the team, which includes four other professors from various academic disciplines along with their six graduate students.

  A screaming alarm reverberates through out the ship.

  “Captain Jameson, there is an unauthorized intruder in the ionization chamber for the drives.”

  “Turn off the alarm. Check your sensors. That chamber is locked while the engines are engaged.”

  “Captain, this is security. There was an intrusion into the ionization chamber. The damage control doors have sealed the passageway and contained the contamination.

  We retrieved the remains, a few pieces of metal.”

  “Identify the intruder. I want a full investigation and report.” Captain Cid Jameson coldly commands.

  Turning off the communications, the captain turns to the other occupant of the small cabin assigned to Dr. Dick Ximber. “Dr. Robeson is late and I must return to the bridge to monitor the investigation.” The captain sports a malicious grin that is identical to Dr. Ximber’s grin. “If Dr. Robeson arrives, give him my apologies. I will meet you in my cabin after the investigation to discuss the exploration.”

  Later, the captain and Dr Ximber meet in the luxurious accommodations of the captain’s cabin Dr. Ximber helps himself to a drink from the fully stocked and open-bar, which is equipped with a countertop of marble, and onyx.

  Smiling at Captain Cid Jameson of the Orion, Dr. Ximber settles in a luminous living area on a sofa as he greets his old friend, “Cid, I am astonished that you are on a mere intersystem ship. I thought you would be captain of the large transports.”

  “I am no fool. The last expedition you headed for the corporation, the captain earned enough to retire. This system has a better location on the shipping lanes than the previous expedition. I should do as well or better. However, I am surprised that you are only a professor. Why did you leave the executive offices of Xeres for a mere professorship?”

  “The company wanted to silence any opposition from the university. I am on a retainer for consultation and receive a percentage of my old pay based on the pro Xeres Corporate papers generated by the University. I also do not have to watch my back as closely as I did in Xeres headquarters, and I was in the perfect position to head this expedition when the Xeres management suggested it to the Gannesmede government.”

  “Oh yes. That reminds me that I must inform you that Dr. Robeson entered the ionization chamber without authorization or protective clothing. Congratulations, you are now the head of this expedition. Security found that Dr. Robeson had an unauthorized copy of the maintenance bypass codes to the ionization Chamber.”

  “It was foolish of Dr. Robeson to wonder into restricted and dangerous compartments. He really should have observed the warning signs that I saw clearly marking the restricted area.” Dr. Ximber callously snickers while he smugly preens. “I now have full control of the research team without the annoying interference of the late Dr Robeson.” Dr Ximber now has the position that he feels the University wrongfully denied him. It was humiliating to be second to Dr. Robeson whose only accomplishments were teaching and writing a few papers.

  “Cid, can anyone tell what was last displayed on the warning signs?” This is Dr. Ximber’s small nagging worry that a small insignificant detail like the displays will cause a major investigation and scandal.

  “No. Since the ionization will have erased and damaged the displays, the maintenance crew will have to replace them. The displays are contaminated and will be jettisoned.” Captain Jameson knows that he can easily attribute Dr. Robeson’s death to the professor’s careless disregard of safety measures. The only contradicting evidence that might exist is in the jettisoned displays.

  “Getting back to the topic of the research team sent by the university, I am astounded the company allowed any academics access to the planet. Xeres usually likes to be firmly entrenched before allowing outsiders to enter.”

  “This is a public relations image project. The government in this sector was withholding the permits. The Gannesmede government is suspicious of our motivation, and do not believe that the corporation is best suited to explore a new system. Allowing the university to do the first contact has opened up the permits.”

  “Your idea?”

  “Yes. Having the company fund the expedition only if I was a senior member of the team, guarantees that the academics follow the company’s agenda.” Dr. Ximber still is angry about having a co-lead forced on him instead of being named the head of the team by himself.

  Puncturing Dr. Ximber’s ego, Captain Jameson deliberately points out; “Except the university appointed Dr. Robeson as the head.” reminding Dr. Ximber that he only obtained the position by default.

  “An error that is now corrected,” snaps Dr Ximber. He needs the captain’s cooperation and support for the exploration of the system. That it took the death of Dr. Robeson to gain him the lead research position bruises his self-esteem but his chief worry is that it indicates a lack of standing in the university’s administration. An item he must correct if he wants to be department head. This research project is essential to enhancing his position.

  “Outside of drinking my private stock, why did you want to meet?” The captain watches Dr. Ximber savor the drink he poured. Knowing that Dr. Ximber does nothing without a self-serving purpose, he waits to hear his demands.

  “I was told by Director Haipt that you will aid and support me. I need your help on a few additional matters. Not all of my teammates favor the Xeres Corporation and you need to be aware of our opposition.” He likes including the captain as if he is a viable team member thus possibly making him more compliant to Dr. Ximber’s plans.

  “You did not select the team? That is not the usual policy. I thought the co-lead chooses the team members while the lead works with the government and permits.” The Captain resents that Dr. Ximber overlooked him when he selected the participants on the last expedition. In addition, he knows that the Director of Xeres division five, James Haipt, selected him for this operation. He does not need Dr. Ximber’s support or approval for his decisions.

  “Dr. Robeson selected both Dr. Kelso and Dr. Jralt as members of the team in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation of the natives.” Dr. Ximber hates the implication that the Dr. Robeson did not trust him to select the team members. “Dr. Jralt is our biggest problem. We have to include him on the team because of his integrity in anthropology. He usually concentrates on proving the harmful changes the corporations have made on various societies. He is no friend to the corporations, which will inhibit us from achieving our goals on the planet. I want to isolate him and preferably off the planet where he can not interfere.” Dr. Ximber fears that Dr. Jralt can effectively interfere with the Xeres Corporation’s plans for the Scheralt star system.

  “How can I help?”

  “As you know, we are to evaluate the minerals on planet three. I want to leave him here, on the Orion, to supervise the testing and evaluation of the ore samples. It is the reason that I am assigning Dr. Robeson's graduate students to him. Frank is the geology major.”

  “He could interfere with the mineral evaluation.”

  “I am sure that you can arrange that the samples have the yield the company wants published. You have complete control of the Orion and access to the test lab. Besides, Dr. Jralt’s expertise is anthropology not geology.” He resents that he has to point out the obvious to the Captain. It would be beneficial to have a more imaginative captain, one who could eliminate Dr. Jralt from the team.

  “The technicians and students are to obtain the samples. They might notice any interference or alterations in the data.”

  “We both know the technicians are not a problem since they are employees. The students are e
asily discredited and no one cares what they have to say anyway. Regardless, their reports must be reviewed by me.”

  “What about the other Professors?”

  “Dr. Kevin Kelso is self absorbed in his pet research into language similarities between planets. He has the support of a powerful family on his home planet, Tecante, where he has an established and secure position if he decides to leave the university. The university campaigned heavily to get him to accept a professorship. He did not want to in his words ‘rehash other’s research’ and wanted to continue traveling to various planets searching for common language elements.” In contrast, Dr. Ximber gained his professorship by the Xeres Corporation endowing his chair for 4 years. The corporation had to campaign heavily for the University to accept him at the same time the university practically begged this tramp to join. Dr. Ximber resents Dr. Kelso’s financial independence.

  “Isn’t Tecante the planet where the corporations are severely restricted?”

  “Yes but Dr. Kelso is a vagabond more interested in roaming the galaxy than the politics and policies of the university or his home world. I doubt that he will notice anything outside of his research.”

  “Isn’t Kelso the name of the government head on Tecante?”

  “Yes. It is a common name on that planet. I was told there is no relationship. He should not be a problem neither will Dr. Claber who recognizes my ability and that I am a rising star in the university hierarchy. He is timid and easily influenced and will follow my lead. Additionally, he is the only team member that I selected which Dr. Robeson agreed to admit to the team.”

  “You seem to know your team’s viewpoints. My orders are to assist you in anyway possible. What are the corporation’s plans? I was not given much information before getting my travel orders.”

  “Dr. Claber is the key element that gives us the edge in setting up the corporation on this planet. His research is in social stratification. He wants to support his theory by using the MMS to show that primitives do not have the mental ability to advance.”

  Perplexed, Captain Jameson lists what he knows about the MMS, “The MMS, Mental Monitor System, was developed to counter cryogenics side effects by minimizing mental atrophy, psychosis, and aggression. We all use it during long space flights that take years. How does his research help promote the company.”

  “The MMS has the additional ability, when in the right hands, to make the natives compliant to the corporation developing the planet. Anyone questioning the natives will find that they are pleased with the Xeres Corporation and our policies. If there are any usable resources then the natives will agree to our management and development. We eliminate any opposition at the start by using the MMS before any documentation or organization of opposition.”

  “I thought the MMS was certified as harmless and only strictly controlled units were able to modify behavior of convicted criminals. Even then, the judicial system must approve the use in place of execution.”

  “One of our subsidiaries manufactures the MMS. The market for the unit that modifies behavior is too small to justify its production so the company manufactures all with the capability. With the feature integrated into the design, the cost of that feature becomes minimal. The only difference between the units is the style of the case. Thus our development of the planet is guaranteed with the MMS.” Dr. Ximber chuckles at a solution that the corporation proposed. “If anyone should discover the misuse of the MMS then we have Dr. Claber as the perpetrator of such a heinous crime.” Captain Jameson smiles at Dr. Ximber and reminds himself to watch the good Dr. Ximber closely.

  “Now, I understand why the security assigned to the Orion is so light. What are the bonus and financial incentives if this is to be that easy?”

  “A finder’s fee of $25,000 for each resource discovered. This is to be split among all executives that are in system at the time of discovery. That means you and me. An additional 5% of the profit on any resources developed is split between us. A bonus of $50,000 to each of us if there is no opposition from the university or Gannesmede government.”

  “Do I thank you or Director Haipt for the incentives?”

  “Actually, both of us. Your major part is ensuring the ore samples reflect the yield the company wants the University to receive. The addition of watching Dr. Jralt should easily work within that goal and eliminate a major block for the project. I control the discoveries on the planet’s surface.”

  Dr. Ximber explains how the research aids the corporations plans, “Dr. Claber wants to use the MMS to define the development of the natives by comparing their mental scans to others in the galaxy. The MMS will prove that their society is incapable of advancement, and needs our protection and help to improve and develop into a fully functioning and meaningful member of the galaxy. We will need to develop their resources in order to pay for all this help we are providing them.”

  “Yes, we will help them right out of their resources,” sneers the Captain, as he contemplates his share of the proceeds.

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