Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 3

Chapter 2: Scheralt

  The shuttle is a simple cockpit with two form-fitting seats for the pilot and co-pilot and two harnesses dangling from gimbals for use by the occasional passenger.

  Jake who will pilot the shuttle orders Marissa, “Secure all the packs.” Marissa checks the shuttle’s storage for loose packs and secure containers then locks the movable metal divider separating the passengers from the trade goods.

  “Katree, you are co-pilot.” Jake assigns Katree to the second form fitted seat, relegating Marissa to the harness that is not as secure as the pilot and co-pilot seats. The harness has minimal padding and is only for emergency use.

  As the shuttle leaves the Celeste, the shuttle experiences a massive jolt caused by the Celeste immediately breaking orbit.

  Katree screams, “Ohhhh!” from the co-pilot’s seat.

  “Meat head! SLOW DOWN. Damn it!” Jake swears at Captain Jerupt for abruptly breaking orbit early forcing Jake to compensate for the sudden acceleration.

  The force twists Marissa in the seat harness roughly jamming the restraining strap tightly against her chest and knocking the air out of her lungs. Her vision darkens and pain radiates from where the harness digs into her chest. Only fear keeps her from blacking out. She knows that she will have a bruise on her chest in the exact shape of the harness. She listens to the shuttle’s engine and hears no dangerous coughing or rough vibrations. The jolt was just the Celeste’s thrust hitting the shuttle before it completely cleared the ship.

  The crew is nauseated from the rushed decontamination procedure, shots, and vaccines. Aggravating the crews’ misery is the rough shuttle ride through the atmosphere. Marissa wants to strangle the captain as the harness slowly releases her chest leaving a dull ache but eases her breathing.

  The smooth, soft shuttle landing contrasts to the departure from the Celeste. As the shuttle door opens, a blast of hot exhaust air enters the shuttle’s cabin giving the crew a first taste of the port. The air smells from the overheated landing pad and contains the metallic taste from the shuttle’s brakes.

  The Scheralt spaceport is typical, with unadorned block buildings for administration, barracks, visitor VIP quarters, and temporary quarters. There is nothing to differentiate the buildings from each other. All are the same utilitarian construction and a uniform grey. The temporary quarters carry the unofficial nickname the slums, a name not approved by port administers. The quarters do not encourage lengthy stays with many traders preferring the comfort of their shuttles instead.

  Walking toward the shuttle is one of the spaceport’s gray uniformed clerks with a cocky attitude and an expression of distaste as he frowns at the shuttle. Marissa is closest to the shuttle door and the first out, followed by Jake bearing the trade permits.

  “I’m Marissa. What is your name?" Marissa inquires. With fake cheerfulness, she addresses the clerk trying to decrease his antipathy for Traders, which will guarantee a confrontation with Jake. “Where is the visitor’s quarters?”

  “I am Armsman Gene. I want your documentation." He replies with a sneer dismissing Marissa without a glance and returning Jake’s glare.

  Jake pushes the Celeste’s Trade agreements and landing authorization into the Gene’s chest forcing him to grab the papers. Thankfully, Gene wants to finish quickly and ignores Jake’s posturing. He glances at the Celeste’s papers then escorts the crew to the slums where a clerk assigns sleeping slots.

  Sleeping slot describes a shelf that is 2 foot high, 7 foot long and 2 foot deep with a pull down curtain providing the only semblance of privacy. The result is a checkerboard of rectangles that fills both walls along the corridor behind the assignment desk. The slots are the bare minimum needed to stretch out prone. They are hard, and far from comfortable. Jake will have difficulty fitting into the sleeping slot, especially, if he wants to have company at night.

  The clerk nods to Gene, “The slot is temporary until the landing permit is verified.” He points to a wristband reader, “ID.” Jake slides his wristband through the reader. Lucky for Jake, he gets the bottom slot. Jake may tear the bedding out and sleep on the hallway floor rather than squeeze into the sleeping slot. It will not be the first time that the Celeste pays for his destroying a slot.

  Handing Jake a tag, the clerk adds dismissively, “Additional landing fees pay for the slot and damages. Fees accumulate until the tag is returned.” Marissa had hoped that Jake would sleep in the shuttle. The clerk then processes Katree and Marissa in the same dull manner. Marissa wonders at the military’s love of grey even though a brighter color will not increase the comfort of the sleeping slot it might improve the clerk’s attitude.

  Gene impatiently waits for the traders to finish before silently escorting the crew to the administrative center. Apparently, the spaceport administration has scheduled immediate orientation.

  “By the time the orientation is finished, the approval and verification of the trade permits will be complete. If the documents are correct, they will be returned to you.” Gene coolly informs the crew as he ushers them into a viewing center and starts the program, “or you get to meet the base commander.” He breaks into a malicious grin at the last comment.

  Orientation is a typical government sponsored video that drones on about the boring port rules and regulations in nauseating detail. Every port uses the same script. Katree mouths the exact words said by the speaker and performs a mocking rendition as if she is reading from the script. Her act brightens the presentation for a few moments. The only new information is the limited transportation on the planet caused by magnetic storm damage.

  By the time the information presenting trade protocols displays, Katree has her head on Jake’s shoulder lightly dozing.

  Unenthusiastically Marissa asks, “Jake is this information in the trade agreement? I comprehend every third word.” Both physically and mentally tired Marissa wishes for the program to end as she stands to keep herself awake.

  Looking over toward Jake and Katree, Marissa finds both suddenly alertly listening to the presentation;

  “.. A trader is a trader pair consisting of one female trader and one guard as one unit. All trade negotiations are the responsibility of the female trader with the guard responsible for the formal introduction and protection. Both roles are required for trading with the natives. Without the formal introduction and a guard, the female trader is barred from negotiations. A guard cannot trade and a female cannot perform introductions. The format and wording of the introduction …..”

  Although surprised by the definition of a trader, Jake and Katree immediately volunteer as a trader pair. Obviously, Katree was paying closer attention than she appeared or Jake was aware of the definition and prepared.

  “Marissa looks like you get to do the fetch and carry.” Jake sends an encouraging smile at Katree with both looking delighted with the arrangement.

  “I thought there is a requirement for a minimum of two trader pairs. Having only one pair may interfere with our trade negotiations.” Marissa tries to puncture their delight.

  “We will ignore that and not bring it to anyone’s attention. We might get away with only one pair by letting everyone assume that you are part of a pair. We will not mentioning a missing trader guard.” Jake advises.

  Morning finds the crew at the medical facility where the medical staff reinforces the rules on offworlder/native relationships. Basically, the message is ‘DON’T’. The usual ‘exchanging bodily fluids causes addiction’ is overkill which is discounted by the crew. Jake starts laughing at the next message, ‘the natives kill males that violate their females’. Every military base and spaceport has a version of the same story:

  Local girl dates solder/ officer/ spaceport personnel. Girl gets pregnant. Father shoots/maims/ jails solder/ officer/ spaceport personnel. Pick which version of soldier or officer, the rationale is to inhibit fraternization.

  The medic scowls at Jake and emphasizes, “We h
ave the graves to prove it!” This causes Jake to laugh harder. Interrupting Jake’s amusement, a message arrives from the port commander turning Jake’s expression into a scowl.

  “The port commander invites all of us to a meeting.” This is unexpected since Jake received the approval of the trade permits the first thing in the morning. There are no grounds for Jake’s invitation, let alone inviting the whole crew.

  When the Celeste’s crew enters the Administration building, an aide immediately approaches and offers to ‘guide’ them to the commander’s office. The trip through the complex illustrates the feelings of the port toward traders. The personnel ignore the traders, refusing to acknowledge their existence. In contrast, the commander’s door is open and inviting, evidently anticipating the arrival of the crew. Making Marissa wonder what the commander wants from them.

  Commander Saldicy is a tall, dark haired female. She rises and walks around her desk to offer each crewmember a firm handshake and smile. The greeting of each crewmember by name shows an intense interest by the military arm of the port, alarming Marissa. Someone matched faces to names to make the commander’s introductions individual and special.

  Subsequently, the commander accompanies the crew to a cozy arrangement of chairs in a VIP lounge with the aide offering a selection of refreshments. Marissa observes the proceedings with a glint of suspicion but Jake’s ego inflates under the attention and Katree accepts it all as her due.

  After everyone is settled with a drink the commander starts, “Let me come straight to the point. I know you do not have a guard to complete your second trader-guard pair. I am in a position to complete the pair by volunteering one of my personnel as the guard.”

  “What will it cost us?” Jake eyes show a flash of wariness before greed dominates his expression.

  “Nothing at all. The guard is to record clan interaction in order to fulfill a directive to improve port and native relations.” The commander’s gaze remains centered on Jake indication that she knows Jake is the primary trader for the Celeste. This is another indication that the military has detailed information on the crew increasing Marissa’s alarm.

  “A spy.” Marissa mumbles earning Jake’s scowl and Katree’s snicker.

  “No. No! This is strictly a sociological study that benefits the port. We want to learn more about the natives in order to strengthen our relationship.” Saldicy replies quickly wanting to allay suspicions of the traders. “For this reason, we can provide travel beasts, supplies, and the contract for proper guides. We know the local natives and can make the travel arrangements, allowing you time to secure your shuttle, select gear, and rest. This way, with both of our efforts, you can start traveling as early as tomorrow.”

  “I thought the natives delivered the trade goods to the port. Why travel?” questions Jake.

  “The natives avoid the port. Besides, the clan villages have the best trade goods. In a few days, the clans are having a gathering where the natives concentrate to trade. If you are interested in the crystals, then the gathering is the best opportunity to trade for quality stones. I would suggest traveling as soon as possible using my assistance. If this is agreeable?”

  “Deal!” Jake growls before Marissa can make any more comments.

  “Good! The guard will meet you at the temporary quarters in the morning with the provisions. The native guides usually wait at the front gate.” Saldicy smiles as she shakes Jake’s hand to close the deal.

  Outside Jake grabs Marissa’s arm spinning her to face him. “Why do you want to ruin a good deal. The provisions the commander is providing cuts the cost on this trade run.”

  Marissa counters, “I do not trust the spaceport commanders who are treating us as VIP’s. Normally, spaceport commanders do not invite traders to their office unless the traders are in major trouble. I doubt if the captain has ever met a port commander.”

  Marissa adds. “If a deal is too good to be true then there is a trap in it somewhere. I do not like this. There is too much rushing and no chance to think about repercussions. For example, in the past our best time from orbit to trail was five days compared to this trip, one day.”

  Defensively Katree interjects, “The commander said that this benefits the spaceport.”

  Quickly, Marissa points out, “Port commanders are not known for generosity by giving away provisions. Commander Saldicy is ambitious and will do nothing to endanger a promotion by spending money on traders. I do not see a sociological study getting enough research money to pay for this trip.”

  “There is no profit without risk. What is the alternative? A late arrival to the trading and the leavings of others.” Growls Jake as he walks away dismissing Marissa’s concerns.

  “Why is the commander in such a hurry? What is the commander hiding?” Marissa demands to Jake’s back. She cannot understand Jake’s complete acceptance with the Commander’s plans. His greed is blinding him when he needs to be more cautious.

  Katree follows Jake after glaring in Marissa’s direction. She may not agree with Jake but she wants that special bonus promised by the captain. Marissa is feeling pressured and has a bad feeling that this trade is not going to go smoothly.

  Coming toward the traders is Gene, the cocky escort from yesterday. His attitude has undergone a reversal projecting a friendly and courteous demeanor. “I am to help you select gear from military supplies.”

  Leading the traders to the armory, Gene explains, “The magnetic storms destroy modern weapons. Although the base weapons contain shielding, the prolonged and repeated exposure to the storms diminishes its effectiveness resulting in the weapons eventual failure. So, the commander restricts the modern weapons to the military.”

  Jake argues, “The weapons indicate status to the natives. I got that from the orientation. Why am I restricted?”

  Gene commiserates with Jake. “There is the treaty with the natives that bans modern weapons except at the spaceport. This limits you to primitive swords and knives.” He is enjoying Jake’s discomfort with the idea of primitive weapons.

  Arriving at the armory, Gene opens a gallery with a wide selection of weapons. Katree has no interest in the weapons, but the archery selection attracts Marissa even though she is still too weak to draw a bow. Jake gravitates to the knives and swords and selects a knife and belt sheath.

  “The weapon lends status to you but do not challenge the natives. They are proficient in these primitive arms.” Gene warns. “You can take your selections with you and pack them in your gear. The Commander only asks that you return them before you leave.”

  In the morning, there is a robocart and a stranger waiting with Gene as the Celeste’s crew exits the temporary quarters.

  Marissa observes, “A blue sky with few clouds and a light breeze with lots of sunshine create a good start for traveling.” She is enjoying the warmth of the sun on her face and the breeze.

  Gene warns, “There only good weather predicted for the next five days. Temperatures are predicted to remain mild with low UV but you will need some sun protection since you just left space and have little exposure to sunshine.” As he hands out hats like the port personnel wear, he tells the traders, “These are yours. The commander felt it is something you would neglect to include in your gear.”

  “Now, allow me to introduce Mike. He is an anthropologist and will act as the Trader Guard to complete the trader pair with Marissa.” Like Jake, Mike is short, broad and has the physical attributes of a native of Petain.

  Marissa takes one look at the smiling Mike and wants to return to the Celeste. She fears she is not physically ready to repulse amorous advances from a Petain. Jake will be occupied with Katree and this will give Mike the wrong idea about Marissa.

  Jake sees a possible rival in Mike. He moves to stand toe to toe with him as he introduces Marissa blocking Mike’s gaze at Katree. He points to Marissa, “Marissa is your trader partner. Katree is mine.” He shift
s his weight to lean into Mike forcing Mike to take a step back.

  Ignoring Jake, Mike nods to Marissa and moves to the robocart. Mike demonstrates the robocart by dropping one side, lowering the bed to a few inches from the ground, and extending a ramp with a roller belt imbedded. The traders slide their packs onto the ramp and easily roll them into the robocart joining Mike’s packs and the provisions for the trip.

  Everyone is thankful the commander loaned the cart. It has saved dragging the packs to the front gate. Katree notices the cart contains more supplies than required for a short trip. Concerned, Katree asks. “Is there a list of the provisions and supplies provided by the commander? Do we have to sign for them?”

  Mike quickly placates Katree, “I signed for everything provided by the commander. There is nothing for you to sign.”

  “Good, and welcome to the team.” asserts Jake, grinning he grasps Mike hand squeezing harshly attempting to assert physical dominance with the handshake. The rivalry is established as Mike smirks, reciprocates the harsh grasp. With neither Jake nor Mike breaking contact, Gene enjoys watching the contest.

  Rolling her eyes at male posturing, disgusted, Marissa starts walking toward the gate, “Break it up you two. Time to get started.”

  Katree hesitates while admiring both men then turns and follows Marissa.

  Without an audience to feed their egos, Jake and Mike break apart allowing Mike to activate the robocart to follow him.

  Greeting the traders at the front gate are four natives accompanied by ten strange animals but no transports. Mike and Gene seem to have known about the animal’s presence. Gene thanks the natives for being so prompt.

  Jake demands. “Where’s our transportation.”

  Gene smiles and points to the animals. Jake stares. Katree groans and pales closing her eyes while shaking her head as she realizes the animals are the transportation. Marissa wonders why they are surprised. She remembers the commander saying ‘travel beasts’ when she described the provisions.

  Gene eagerly explains. “Due to the magnetic storms destroying port transportation, you have to use the native transportation, in this case, kirtags. I am sure the commander mentioned the travel beasts at yesterday’s meeting.”

  The natives turn their backs but not before Marissa notices their amusement at everyone’s surprise and discomfort. Gene, wanting to remove himself from a potential conflict, rapidly strides toward the administration complex leaving Mike to initialize introductions. Introductions and initial greetings are a formal acknowledgement defining status and rank among the native males. This is important for first meetings. Status and rank keeps conflict between males to a minimum and is a method to help protect their females.

  One native approaches Mike nodding an acknowledgement and greeting still with laughter in his eyes.

  “Trade Leader Jake claims co-operation from Chaytan.” Mike grasps Jake’s and the native’s forearms to bring the men together. With the wording of the introduction Jake’s position as head of the trade group is established, and Chaytan is placed in a subordinate position through the word ‘claims’. The naming of Jake first also sets precedent in Jake’s favor.

  “Trail Leader Chaytan wishes Trader Jake, good trading,” counters Chaytan. Omitting the ‘leader’ part of Jake’s title, Chaytan sets his position as equal or above Jake when on the trail.

  Jake ignores Chaytan while Mike waits for Jake to contradict Chaytan. After an awkward pause, Mike leads Marissa to Chaytan and continues the introductions. “Chaytan accept Trader Marissa’s words.” Mike deliberately omits Chaytan’s title, an insult that Chaytan ignores. His introduction limits Chaytan to general conversation with Marissa. As trail leader, he cannot order her actions or introduce her to the other natives.

  “Trader Marissa, may you have good trading.” Chaytan’s laughing blue eyes are now hard as Chaytan watches Jake motion Katree forward.

  “Chaytan accept Trader Katree’s words.” Jake formally introduces Katree following Mikes wording.

  “Trader Katree may you have good trading”. Chaytan nods to Katree and continues with; “Trail leader Chaytan names clansmen Kangee, Mato and Enapay. “ With each native nodding as he is named. This is not a true introduction with the attendant status and privileges.

  With that introduction, Chaytan reduces Jake and Mike’s authority, making Chaytan in charge of the natives, a brilliantly performed maneuver. In contrast, Jake and Mike's introductions lost them status and control of the natives. It also limits Katree and Marissa’s association to the traders and Chaytan.

  The orientation described the importance of introductions emphasizing the wording as significant in setting precedence among males. Although described during orientation, the implementation contains implied rules that are not apparent. Such as by using the terms ‘accept Trader Marissa’s words’, Marissa can talk with Chaytan but has no authority. Whereas the term ‘acknowledge’, would have set Marissa’s position as an equal. Although Marissa remembers little of the complex description concerning introductions, she feels that these were not well done. The main point in the orientation was the importance of performing the introduction correctly.

  As Chaytan rejoins the natives waiting with the kirtags, Mike grabs Jake whispering, “Fool! You needed to restate the introduction I made for you. Chaytan challenged your position as Trail Leader.”

  “Who do you think you are calling me a fool. I am the head of the trade group. What are you grousing about?” questions a confused Jake. “We exchanged names. You were to establish my leadership with that claimed co-operation nonsense.” Jake bristles at being called a fool. His hand forms a fist ready to strike Mike for the offense.

  “It is not nonsense to the natives. Chaytan left out part of your title when he responded to the introduction. That was the challenge. It was crucial that you respond. I could not. I did my part. I did leave out his title on the rest of the introductions which is a counter challenge but not a strong one.” Mike explains while watching Chaytan gather four kirtags together. He shrugs off the damage to the relationship with the natives. They can rid themselves of the guides when the reach the Trade Center at Panche.

  Katree finds the natives fascinating as she compares Jake and Mike to them. The natives call the planet, Ninovan, and themselves Klarn. The Klarn are all more than 6 feet tall with proportions more in keeping with their height than the shorter Jake. A display of strength and flexibility ensnares Katree as she stares at the three natives unloading the robocart and strapping the packs and provision on the pack kirtags.

  The kirtags are strange looking with mostly gray shaggy coats, white rumps, their heads covered in spiral curls, no manes, no tails, and their backs level with the native’s chests. Apparently, the Klarn designated only two kirtags to carry the traders’ packs. A long lead rein ties the pack kirtags to the saddle of a third kirtag equipped to ride. Ignoring the packing of the gear and provisions, Chaytan leads four kirtags toward the traders leaving two near Mike and Jake.

  Stopping near Katree and Marissa, “These two kirtags are for Katree and Marissa. They have a very calm temperament and are easy to handle with a smooth walking pace that will not tire the rider.” Chaytan glances at Marissa and asks, “Do you know how to mount?”

  “No, can you show me?” When Marissa stands next to the kirtag, Chaytan grabs her by her waist, swings her onto the kirtag’s back, arranges her legs in the saddle, and adjusts the stirrups while laughing at her wide eyes and stiff posture. She is happy that she did not scream in surprise at the rapid move. Even after settling in the saddle her heart is still beating rapidly from the fright.

  “You will learn by the end of the trip.” Quips Chaytan and moves to Katree to perform the same task.

  “It smells!” cries Katree with an expression of intense revulsion on her face. She clutches the saddle with a white knuckled grip. After watching Chaytan lift Marissa, Katree was prepared for
his lifting her into the saddle. She fears the animal can turn its head and bite or have insects infesting its hide that will bite her.

  Chaytan attaches a lead rein to her kirtag, connects the other end to his saddle, and gracefully mounts his kirtag. The lead rein is more like a thin rope than a true rein and is the same as the reins tying the pack kirtags to Enapay’s mount.

  The native, Kangee, rides to where Marissa is waiting. When he is alongside, he leans over attaches a lead rein connecting Marissa’s kirtag to his saddle. He silently waits for the rest to mount.

  With the pack kirtags’ ready, the other Klarn mount their kirtags then turn and watch Jake and Mike struggle. After seeing everyone mounted, Chaytan turns his kirtag away from the spaceport with Katree following placidly. Kangee glances back at Marissa then rides ahead to be alongside Katree tugging on the lead rein to start Marissa’s kirtag to follow.

  Evidently, the Klarn have a pre-arranged riding order with Mato ranging ahead, and Enapay riding alongside Marissa as he leads the pack kirtags. This arrangement left Mike and Jake trailing the group.