Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 7

Chapter 6: Dansk

  The travelers arrive in late afternoon discovering Dansk is a much larger city than Timberlane. A large complex climbs halfway up the mountainside with the rest of the city spreading onto the plain consisting of smaller homes and buildings.

  Chaytan leads everyone to the left side of the city where a set of barns, corrals, and meadows spread into an adjacent valley. Several Klarn meet the Traders taking the kirtags, unsaddling and releasing them into a corral with water and feed.

  Turning to the traders after dismissing Enapay and Kangee, Chaytan instructs, “I told the Klarn to send your packs to the trade center where you will be staying. First you must register at the trade center and obtain visitors rooms.”

  Now that the traders have arrived at Dansk, Jake arrogantly demands, “Where is the Trade Center?” Jake is constantly being assertive to the point where he is belligerent. In contrast, Chaytan gains his authority by being competent.

  Chaytan calmly replies, “The tram will take us.” As he conducts the traders to a tram station containing electrified cars on a siding. The car is the first modern and sophisticated equipment the traders have seen the Klarn use.

  Amazed, Katree squeaks with delight, “Transports.” The car doors open automatically startling her to step back. Her movement away causes the door to close automatically, as it no longer senses her presence.

  After taking a seat at the far end of the car, Chaytan further instructs the traders, “The tram stops at the beginning and end of the rail. The trade center is the last stop and this is the first. The tram adds cars at the front and drops cars from the rear for any station between the two ends. The system uses the sidings to give the additional cars time to match the main trams speed or slow the car to stop at the station. The system is efficient and fast.”

  The traders enter the trade center with Chaytan directing them to the registration booth where Chaytan first registers Marissa. “Clan starport, trader Marissa registers for metals and crystals.” Next Chaytan presses a small button causing a wristband to be issued that Chaytan slips over Marissa’s recorder. Chaytan repeats the process registering Jake and Katree and then hands them each a cuff.

  Resenting Chaytan’s initiative registering the traders, Jake crossly challenges, “Why do you not get a cuff? Where’s the trading done?”

  “I’m already registered as Wanahton’s representative.” He dislikes Jake and his demanding attitude but is willing to explain the trade center symbols. As Trader Guard for Marissa, he needs to explain the registration to her, which results in informing Jake and Katree at the same time. “You are registered for metals,” as he points to a symbol on the cuff, “and crystals” as he points to the second symbol. “The same symbols are shown on the trade center exchange board. I will show you.”

  Chaytan rushes the traders to the trade center exchange where multiple corridors branch from a hub. He points out the two spokes with the symbols matching the traders’ cuffs. Finally, Chaytan escorts the traders to the housing center for visitors. He is glad to leave their company and Jake’s antagonism.

  Marissa selects a room and is stunned by comforts included. This is not a slot like at the spaceport but a room with a bed and small kitchen. The bathrooms and showers are communal but these are luxurious accommodations from Marissa’s perspective. After days roughing it on the trail, she is eager to take advantage of the large bed hoping it is as comfortable as it looks.

  In the morning, Chaytan leans against a wall staring into space waiting for Marissa in the commons room. As Marissa walks into the room, she has a few moments to observe him before he notices her. He is no longer wearing his tall boots and trail gear instead; he has short boots with gray slacks and an embroidered tunic. He looks up, catches Marisa observing him, which triggers his grin. He glances to the left of Marissa directing her to another Klarn waiting, Kangee.

  Taking a few steps closer and stopping at Marissa’s side, Kangee tentatively smiles, “Greetings Marissa, I am returning your scarf.” Glancing at Chaytan as if for permission before continuing, “I cannot stay, I have duties assigned. I apologize for the harm done to your possession.” Kangee hands Marissa a new bright colored scarf not the one damaged on the trail.

  Chaytan nods an approval to Kangee as he leaves, then Chaytan straightens and advances to Marissa. He invites her, “If you have not eaten breakfast and are willing to try a local café, we have a few minutes before the exchange opens.”

  “I have no idea what would be good. I cannot read the menus. It would be a waste of time unless you’re willing to select something for me. Even then I do not have the credits in the account to purchase.” Marissa refuses Chaytan's invitation as gently as possible. He has been kind and helpful on the trail so she does not want to offend him.

  Not easily turned away Chaytan counters, “If you’re willing, it is my treat.”

  Marissa sighs and agrees, “OK but do not be offended if the taste does not agree with me.”

  Chaytan directs Marissa into a market area then turning to the right where a delicious aroma permeates the air. The area is crowded with trader guard pairs strolling through the area with many nibbling on a pastry or drinking from a flask as they intermix and talk in small groups. Chaytan leads her along the shops explaining the various products until Marissa slows and inhales deeply an aroma the reminders her of fresh baked bread. She stops, closes her eyes as she remembers burning her fingers as she broke open a hot roll, watching steam rise from the center and melting butter into the soft center. Her stomach growls its opinion.

  Chaytan laughs, saunters to a small shop, and selects two pastries, then places his armband on a square of green crystal paying for them. Gathering the pastries and two flasks, Chaytan steers Marisa away from the shops to vacant area.

  Chaytan chuckles at her distrustful look. “Try one. I guarantee it is better than what you have been eating.”

  Marissa shrugs and takes the tentative bite, then with a moan she quickly finishes. The crust is flaky with a berry filling that is tart, warm and tastes better than it smells. Encouraged Marissa sips from her flask finding the drink hot with a flavor similar to coffee.

  Glancing at Chaytan, she finds him warmly smiling and shaking his head, “Why do you punish yourself by eating bad food?”

  Taking exception to his opinion, Marissa defends, “It is not bad but a balanced nutritious concentrate that is designed to keep my body healthy. What I just ate may make me sick or contain something poisonous to me.” Marissa privately agrees with Chaytan that the rations taste bad.

  Displeased at her response that implied the local food is unhealthy, Chaytan instructs, “I am your Trader Guard. I will do nothing to endanger you.” He now considers it the best time to address a sensitive subject. “At the same time, your behavior reflects on me. It also will effect trading. You need to understand Klarn custom. Refusing an invitation to a meal is an insult. Refusing food offered is an insult. Another trader might invite us to the midday meal or to a dinner after trading is finished. These invitations are rare. If offered we will accept.”

  Marissa absorbs the information noting that Chaytan imparts information as a command. She then asks, “My refusal this morning was insulting you?”

  “Yes. I realize you are not Klarn and did not know the customs.” Chaytan smiles to take the sting from the criticism.

  “My refusal to eat at Timberlane was insulting Zonta?” Marissa vainly hopes for a negative response as her embarrassment increases.

  “Yes. I reminded Zonta that the traders did not intentionally insult. Let us finish the drinks and collect the others.” Chaytan directs Marissa to the walkway out of the market.

  Before leaving the market, Marissa asks, “Why is everyone waiting here?” curiously scanning the other trader pairs wandering in the market.

  As they leave, Chaytan explains. “It’s early in the trading session with many gathering here to initiate negotiati
ons and renew acquaintances. Most here already have selected their booths or are permanent traders in the market.”

  As Marissa and Chaytan enter the trader housing, Jake advances to stand in front of Marisa blocking her movement and accuses, “Where have you been? You have duties to attend. This is not a vacation.”

  Marisa calmly replies, “I was observing the trading practices.” As she turns, she notices Katree’s smirk while she peruses Chaytan from head to toe implying a different set of trading practices. In retaliation, Marissa decides not tell them what she learned from Chaytan about invitations to dine.

  The traders follow Chaytan to the metals trading area where Jake and Katree select a booth near the entrance. Jake orders Marissa, “You need to find a booth further inside where we will not be competing. Remember, tonight we will meet to discuss changes to the trading policies. After you set up, the rest of the day is yours to enjoy.”

  As Marissa walks through the trade center, Chaytan explains the various booths’ costs with the booths in the higher traffic areas having a higher government tariff. The tariff pays for the complex. He suggests a booth near to the finished metals. The final selection is Marissa’s and she secures it with the registration cuff. The assignment is complete when a symbol of a spaceship appears above the booth indicating a spaceport trader.

  After selecting a booth and setting up, Marissa has Chaytan, take her to the crystal trade market where there is a dense mass of traders. The female traders line the area in the front of the booths with their guards standing at their backs acting as buffers to the crowd. It creates what looks like two walls of guards with an aisle between and two rows of booths on the outside. As one pair leaves from in front of a booth another takes their place. Marissa only wants a few seconds at each booth wishing to be taller so that she can look over the taller Klarn and not wait for a Trader pair to leave.

  Marissa progresses quickly through the market doing a quick survey of the crystals displayed. When she has seen about a third of the booths, Marissa starts to feel stalked. She leans close to Chaytan and whispers, “Chaytan we’re being followed.”

  Chaytan quizzically, “Are you sure?” He is assuming that the crowds pressing around her are disturbing her.

  Affronted at Chaytan’s doubt, Marissa sharply explains, “There’s a Klarn dressed all in black clothing, tunic with very little embroidery, and tall knee high boots. Every time we move to another both he is near.”

  Chaytan stiffens, stops, and turns spotting the Klarn Marissa described. He snaps, “Kirch. Remain here.” Chaytan stalks to the Klarn and engages in an animated conversation.

  When he returns frowning, Chaytan firmly orders Marissa, “Do not talk to a Kirch. They hate spacers but he is interested in the ore.”

  Confused Marissa asks. “That one talked to you about trade? I thought the females did all the trading.”

  Sharply Chaytan replies, “We did not talk about trade.” His impassive facial expression indicates that the subject is closed.

  Even more confused Marissa pursues a clarification, “I thought all of you are Klarn. What is a Kirch?”

  Chaytan tries to think of a simple definition for the Kirch. “They are Klarn but are very conservative in dress and outlook. They believe the offworlders bring ideas to contaminate the basic beliefs of the Klarn. So offworlders are to be avoided.”

  As they near the entrance to the crystal trade center, a young Klarn marches up to Chaytan, waits for recognition, and then hands him a small black box. Chaytan studies the box then nods to the Klarn.

  Marissa sensing Chaytan’s distraction, volunteers, “If you need to go, I am tired and can find my way back to my room. You said nothing else can be done until tomorrow morning.” Chaytan is relieved that Marissa is confident in navigating the trade center freeing him to attend to the summons he received. Alone, Marissa finishes checking the last few booths without any other stalkers appearing before returning to her room.

  That evening, the three traders gather in a small meeting room. Jake looks at Marissa and sternly asks, “Have you tried to leave the trade area?”

  Marisa replies, “No.” noticing Katree’s detachment as if trying to distance herself from Marissa. Marissa feels exposed and vulnerable and is worried about the cold reception she is receiving from her crewmembers.

  Harshly Jake reprimands, “That was why you had the rest of the day to see if you can find a way into the industrial complex. It is right behind the trade center.” Obviously, Jake is predisposed to be difficult.

  Marissa reacts defensively, “I was not trained to spy or read minds. If you wanted me to search for the industrial complex you had plenty of time to tell me.”

  Marissa’s remark incites Jake to criticize her further. “You better learn fast and start showing me some respect,” His lip curling in disgust. The abrasiveness provokes Marissa but she realizes the futility of responding. She clenches her jaw and turns away from Jake.

  Katree, in order to change the subject and let hot tempers cool, launches the trade policy discussion, “Pricing depends on delivery. Starport delivery is a lower price since the purchaser must transport the ore. Onsite delivery is a higher profit but we must obtain waivers from starport and the clans then register orbit and flight plans with both.”

  The change in topic diverts Jake to trade policies, “Do we have any data on past sales?”

  Studying the trade board Katree adds, “Yes, the trade board keeps a history plus current transactions. I recommend that we use the second highest recorded price as our minimum.”

  Astonished by the information Katree retrieves, Jake rationalizes, “They’re riding animals but are using a sophisticated trade system and transportation. The system displays the data in both languages. It must be a leftover from when Xeres Corporation had their plants operating. That reminds me, the corporation will pay triple premium for blue crystals. I checked the crystal market but did not find blue crystals listed. If you see them buy them immediately.”

  Cautiously, trying not to incite Jake’s antagonism Marissa asks, “How do we buy them? We do not have a positive balance in the accounts.”

  Quickly, before Jake takes an aggressive stand, Katree puts forward, “Our options are to let the accounts go to a negative balance, get additional credit from Xeres, or sell the ore quickly even at a loss. Jake, will you find out if the Xeres representative agrees to cover our losses? Do you still have the portable com unit?”

  “They will agree if they want the blue crystals. We can just tack the loss onto the crystal’s price. I understand that Captain Jerupt or Xeres did not set a definite price. I’ll let the captain know what we are planning.”

  Marissa questions Jake on one point, “The price is not set? Isn’t there a range or maximum?”

  Turning to Marissa and ignoring the questions, Jake contemptuously commands, “Marissa, quit arguing about everything. The priority is to get into the industrial complex, second is to find blue crystals. Do you understand?”

  Marisa replies quietly, “Yes.” She knows even if she accomplishes the tasks, Jake’s regard will not improve. Leaving Jake and Katree and going to her room, Marissa wonders why Jake is ignoring the questions on pricing. How important are the blue crystals? How rare?

  On the second day of trading, Marissa finds the day opening with five bids on the ore but all are lower than Katree’s minimum. All through the day, there is a lot of activity with females carrying assay kits stopping to test the ore samples. Since most do not know the trade language, the trader guards translate information. Surprising Marissa finds herself enjoying the seriousness and technical expertise of the traders. A few traders use the trade language but insist on translation to ensure there are no misunderstandings. Marissa learns a few common words by listening.

  The soft brush of Chaytan's hand on her shoulder draws Marissa’s attention as Chaytan suggests in her ear, “It is late. Trading will soon sto
p and visiting will commence. Do you want to see the light display?”

  Intrigued Marisa looks over her shoulder at Chaytan and asks, “What light display?”

  Smiling down at Marissa’s upturned face, Chaytan reveals, “A storm is causing the night sky to light in patterns. The best view is on the mountainside where nothing blocks the skyline.”

  Returning Chaytan’s smile, Marissa agrees, “Yes, as long as it’s not too far to walk.”

  Chaytan appropriates a scooter and takes her to a cave entrance near the mountaintop. The aurora is a panorama of greens reds and blues inundating and flowing across the heavens. A piercing whine interrupts the peace and quiet of the night. Chaytan retrieves and checks a small box.

  Reluctantly Chaytan turns to Marissa, “You will have to come with me. Regrettably, there is no time to return you to the trade center.”

  Using the scooter, they travel deeper into the cave, the dim head light occasionally reflecting off the rough stone walls and patchy floor. Marissa holds tightly as the scooter bounces and jars; she is frightened by the reckless speed and near collisions with rocks and walls. The mad ride ends at the entrance to the industrial complex.

  Chaytan stalks through a doorway into the complex towing Marissa up a flight of steps into an office. He turns to leave, ordering in a hardened voice, “Remain here until I return. Do not leave this room. Understand?”

  A subdued Marissa quietly consents, “Yes, will you be gone long?” The abrupt change in Chaytan and the rough ride destroyed the exhilaration she felt at the end of the trading.

  “I do not know.” Chaytan abruptly replies as he hurriedly exits the office closing the door firmly behind him.

  The rough ride has left Marissa sore, wide-awake, and bored. She opens the door a crack, peaks at the complex, and sees a dimly lit vast processing plant. The plant is operating with huge machinery running and Klarn operating the process in the dim lighting.

  As she watches, the crystal lighting slowly brighten revealing more detail and fascinating Marissa. Concentrating on the scene distracts Marissa until the door bangs open knocking her against the wall. Looking up she finds an angry Kirch standing over her. Grabbing both her arms, he begins shaking her violently, raising her onto her toes and forcing her to whimper from the harsh treatment. His grip is going to leave bruises. The Kirch’s questions have an accusing tone. He releases one arm and pulls off the headscarf exposing her very short hair. “Offworlder!” he spits as an epitaph increasing her fear and underscoring Chaytan's warning not to talk to the Kirch.

  He drags her out the door while talking into a black box as he marches along a walkway. They enter a room containing two other Kirch and one Klarn. After a short discussion, they place Marissa in the center of the room; remove the Trade cuff, recorder, and medical wristband placing them on the table that is against the wall.

  Marissa tries to explain, “Chaytan brought me here. Call him.” When there is no reply, she pleads, “Let me go.” However, there is still no response from her guards.

  One Kirch takes the trade Cuff and leaves. Marissa moves to lean against one wall but the Kirch moves her back to the room’s center while the three impassively stare at her. Marissa shivers in fright, with the waiting unsettling her composure. After a while, she closes her eyes to avoid the stares but then starts to sway. When she tries to sit on the floor, the Kirch reacts by pulling her back onto her feet. During the whole time, not a word is spoken not even between the Klarn. Marissa begins to wonder what they will do if she faints, as she starts to be light headed.

  Suddenly, the door opens. A Kirch returns with the trade cuff. He hands her the wristbands and cuff then crosses his arms taking up a fourth position watching Marissa. She decides the return of her possessions indicates that she can leave. When she moves to the door, a Kirch grabs her arms and moves her back.

  Disappointed, frustrated, and tired, Marissa demands, “What do you want from me. Tell me.” She searches the faces around her seeing only grim determination and condemnation.

  After another long staring session, Chaytan enters the room. Marissa is relieved but unsure after noticing that Chaytan has the same grim condemnation as the others. Tentatively Marissa asks, “Can I leave?” Without replying, Chaytan pulls her from the room.

  Wearily, Marissa implores Chaytan, “We are not going back through the cave on the scooter are we?”

  Chaytan looks at Marissa then realizes that she is near to collapsing from exhaustion. He reassures her. “No. We are taking a different way to the trade center housing. I am sorry that the Kirch restrained you. The Kirch make up the majority of the security forces that have the responsibility to apprehend violators and bring violators to the Magistrates. They were doing their job. The delay was caused by difficulty in finding me.”

  After a pause while Chaytan ponders a decision, he continues, “Tomorrow, I can not be with you but the Kirch will not bother you again as long as you stay in the trade center. Trade cannot proceed without a guard present but the traders can test and assay the ore samples. I will meet you at the booth when I am freed of my other duties. Until then, the security at the center will protect you and your samples for the time I am not available.”

  As they progress through the complex, Marissa witnesses the Klarn process a black material. One section is not running where an open access panel shows a Klarn removing blue crystals, and installing clear crystals. The blue crystals wanted by the Xeres Corporation. Marissa had started to believe that blue crystals did not exist on this world. They encounter no one after leaving the industrial complex indicating that it is very late. When Marissa gets back to her room, she collapses on the bed without undressing.

  Marissa sleeps late until awakened by Katree knocking on her door and pleading. “Marissa are you awake? Jake wants a meeting immediately.” Bleary eyed and still wearing the wrinkled clothes from yesterday, Marissa moans, “Yes, give me a few minutes.” She quickly changes into another skirt and tunic, promising herself a shower and breakfast after the meeting.

  When Marissa hurries into the meeting, Jake belligerently confronts her. “Marissa you were not in until late last night. Did you get into the complex?”

  Hesitantly, Marissa answers, “I saw the light show last night caused by the magnetic storm.” Taking the seat the furthest away from Jake, she decides not to tell Jake about the complex especially since she recorded nothing. His antagonism makes Marissa wary. She speculates on what he knows and hopes that the Klarn did not contact him last night.

  Sneeringly Jake comments, “Useless waste of time. You need to stay focused on our goals.” While he glares at her, he informs her, “Your ore has received the highest recorded bid. Accept the bid. Although we may need to stay longer, failure to accept this bid would cause suspicion. If he wants more ore, send the purchaser to us.”

  Resolved to ignore Jake’s biting remark, Marissa asks Katree, “Who purchased?”

  Efficiently, Katree retrieves the data, displays it on the trade board, and then reads, “Kirch Leader Sewati with delivery to the spaceport.”

  Marissa studies her hands as she explains, “They will not buy from you. They hate spacers.” She almost added that the purchase was due to Chaytan but decided that would only irritate Jake.

  “Why did they buy from you?”

  “Perhaps, they think I am a native because I used a few words of greeting in their language.”

  Coolly analyzing the situation, Katree states, “We can transfer more ore to her account. Then Jake, you can search for the crystals and entrance to the plant.” Marissa moves to look over Katree’s shoulder at the accounts. She is surprised that her account shows the highest price and volume. That she also knows will not sit well with Jake who takes pride in his trade negotiations. Thankfully, Katree did not let Jake know all the details.

  Remorselessly, Jake again confronts Marissa, “Did you find any blue crystals?” He maint
ains the hard-eyed glare aimed at Marissa from the start of the meeting.

  Marissa confesses, “No. The trading was continuous yesterday. I did not get the chance to look or shop.” She looks to Katree for understanding but receives a cold inflexible gaze. Jake derisively snorts and ends the meeting.

  Marissa makes a quick stop in her room to finish her morning routine, then returns alone to her trade booth. By noon, she sells the rest of the ore. That frees the traders to perform the searches designated by the Xeres Corporation. Marissa is not looking forward to skulking and spying as she closes the booth. When she lifts her pack to leave, a trader pair approaches. Marissa shakes her head, indicating that she is closed. The trader speaks haltingly, “No trade. I am Kimimela. I learned trader talk. I want practice with you. Please.”

  Marissa blinks as she slowly understands then agrees but adds a request of her own. “You teach me Klarn language?” With that agreement, Kimimela invites Marissa to lunch. Remembering Chaytan’s admonition on refusing invitation to meals, Marissa accepts with the explanation that Kimimela will have to make the food selection for her.

  Lunch is pleasant with Marissa learning a few new words such as the language is Kirsharn, and three different ways to say hello and goodbye. It turns out that Kimimela is a cloth trader, sent to the Trade Center to get exposure to the spacers and improve her language skills. Marissa decides to show her the Castian silk.

  “I will buy all,” is the excited response from Kimimela. She motions for the Trader Guard to examine the silk. He nods his approval as Kimimela continues, “Price?”

  “I have the one piece. I want blue crystals. I understand the silk can be used to close a sale.”

  “Blue crystals are bad, a waste. I have one with a flaw that I should throw away.” Kimimela longingly runs her fingers down the length of fabric.

  Marissa unfolds a longer length of the silk and asks, “This length for the crystal?”

  Kimimela shakes her head, “The crystal is useless. I feel like I cheat you.” Kimimela reluctantly withdraws her hand from the silk with a heavy sigh.

  Starting to feel a chance of success, Marissa adds, “The silk in payment for information about the blue crystals. I saw a Klarn remove blue crystals. Why remove blue crystals?”

  Kimimela fingers the short length unfurled from the roll. She nods and indicates a yard length. “I will give you the flawed blue crystal. Blue is the color after used. First, they are clear or yellow crystals. Other colors have different uses. Some send messages, some make machines move. Clear save everything.”

  Kimimela fingers the silk and demands, “I want trader to bring more. Call to other offworld traders to bring ... name?”

  Marissa motions for a means to write, and prints 'Castian silk grade 10'. “The Castian silk is listed by grade. This is 10. The lower numbers are higher grades and cost more. Add the color you want. I must warn you. The Castian’s do not sell to anyone. You may have trouble getting the silk.”

  Kimimela and Marissa close the deal at the cloth merchant’s booth where Kimimela cuts her length of silk from the bolt and gives Marissa the flawed crystal. Both thinking they made an excellent deal.

  Now, Marissa understands that she needs to watch the industrial buyers. The buyers indicate the crystals purpose. She finishes the afternoon purchasing crystals by following a few industrial buyers. She ignores the jewelry shops and obtains non-faceted red and green crystals for the Celeste to sell to the corporation. Happily, she does not see either Jake or Katree.

  Marissa is returning to her room pleased with the purchases when she notices Kangee accompanied by two Kirch. Alarmed by the Kirch presence, Marissa stops tightly clutching her purchases to her chest as if they will protect her. A frowning Kangee seriously states, “There is trouble. Come with me, please.” He hands her packages to another Klarn with instruction to deposit them at the registration in the housing area.

  Then Kangee with the Kirch escorts her to an imposing building where she sees Katree and Jake surrounded by Kirch along with Enapay.

  Marissa sidles next to Katree and whispers nervously, “What is going on?”

  Unconcerned about the jeopardy represented by the Kirch, Katree flippantly answers, “We were stopped entering the industrial complex and were brought here.” In a move snubbing Marissa, Katree edges closer to Jake placing her hand on his arm in support.

  The Kirch, a magistrate sitting behind the desk, forcefully orders, “Silence!” deliberately staring at Marissa and Katree and then proceeds to question the Kirch witnesses with Enapay translating for the traders. The other Kirch and Klarn testify that they found Jake repeatedly outside the Trade Center in an unauthorized area. The latest violation was in the industrial complex.

  The magistrate’s verdict, “Trader Jake and Trader Katree deliberately entered the restricted area, fine is assessed to the trader account, place the cuff on the payment desk.”

  Katree’s cuff changes to red indicating the account has a debt. Bewildered Katree stares at the cuff unsure what is next. Obviously, she cannot pay the complete fine.

  The magistrate nods to Enapay who steps forward and inquires, “Marissa, a balance is owed. Will you accept the debt?”

  Marissa quickly consents; as she places her cuff with Katree’s and watches as Katree’s cuff turns from red to yellow indicating a zero balance. Marissa's remains black but they will not know the balance until they check the trade board.

  Satisfied that the fine is paid, the magistrate continues his judgment, “Trader Jake and Trader Katree, you are banned from the Dansk trade center. Tomorrow you must leave Dansk. The guards will see that you remain in the trade center housing or market area until then.”

  The magistrate dismisses everyone signaling the guards to escort Jake and Katree. Jake is furious and unable to suppress it, he turns and accosts Enapay, “Chaytan and you are under contract as our guides. I demand that he arranges our departure for tomorrow. He must guide us back to the spaceport.” Enapay neither acknowledges nor denies Jake’s demand as he walks away. The guards stop Jake as he tries to follow and remain with the traders until they enter the housing complex. Then the guards take a position outside the entrance. There are two guards, one for Katree, and one for Jake.

  After leaving the guards, Jake initiates a meeting in order to discuss the ejection from Dansk. It provides an opportunity for Marissa to ask, “What happened to you?”

  Smugly, Jake brags as he recalls, “I got into the industrial complex by Katree fainting outside the entrance. I carried her into the complex’s entry then with everyone watching Katree, I slipped into the plant. I just got started recording when the Klarn discovered me and forced me back to Katree.”

  Then Katree blithely continues with her part, “Everyone was solicitous until the Klarn dressed all in black seized my arm displaying the medical band. Then he bellowed something at several Klarn who ran after Jake. And you know the rest.”

  Scheming to recover and salvage the project, Jake turns to Marissa and commands, “You are not restricted. Get into the complex and find the blue crystals.”

  Marissa protests, “They will be more alert after your failed attempt. At night everything closes that will make it hard to hide my movements. I used my silk to trade for a blue crystal but it is flawed.”

  She hands the crystal to Jake suspecting he will try to claim the crystal as his discovery.

  Jake huffs his disagreement, “I did not fail. I got in the complex.”

  Katree takes the crystal and closely examines it. “The flaw is not noticeable unless under strong light. A good jeweler may be able to cut out the flaw.” When she goes to hand it back to Marissa, Jake intercepts it.

  Marissa protests, “I traded my silk for that. It is mine.”

  “I will return it to you after you locate more of them.” Jake pockets the crystal and reiterates, “That still leaves getting into the complex. You have u
ntil morning.” He stalks off, disappearing into his room with Katree following.

  Exasperated, Marissa meanders through the crystal market avoiding the housing and more orders from Jake. She suddenly realizes that her silk purchased the blue crystal not the Celeste’s funds. Angry at allowing Jake and Katree to appropriate the crystal, she feels like crying in frustration because this is not the first time the captain or Jake appropriated her personal trade items.

  Deciding to salvage something to compensate for the loss of her blue crystal and the triple payment as promised by Xeres, Marissa takes the silk to a booth selling green crystals, a high value crystal by Klarn standards. There she trades a one-foot length for 100 crystals. Using the account tied to the cuff, she purchases 300 additional which is the equivalent value to the silk traded for the blue crystal. Tired of the Captain Jerupt and Jake stealing from her, she lists these as her personal trade goods when the trader ships them to the spaceport. Although Jake will get more than that for the blue crystal he stole from her, she feels justified with the crystal purchase.