Read Scheralt: Marooned Page 6

Chapter 5: Trail to Dansk

  Morning finds an irate Marissa in a skirt, tunic, and headscarf glaring at Chaytan’s back as he carries her pack to a kirtag. The pack is lighter and smaller than when she arrived with the excess being stored at Timberlane.

  Of all the things, the skirt irritates Marissa the most. She cannot remember the last time she wore a skirt and finds its full ankle length awkward. The thought of mounting her kirtag while wearing the skirt reignites her fury at Chaytan. Additionally, Chaytan would not allow her to pack one space uniform even though she promised not to wear it.

  Katree complained about Chaytan pawing through her clothes but accepted wearing a skirt with no objections. Jake is annoyed. He wants to wait a day for the possible return of Mike. Marissa is certain this trip will be a disaster since all the traders are unhappy and uncomfortable.

  Chaytan made it clear that he is leaving with or without the traders. Everyone is in a bad humor with the exception of Kangee and Enapay. It makes for a grim and silent group leaving Timberlane.

  On the trail, Chaytan is setting a brutal pace trying to travel as far as possible before nightfall. The day is windy blowing Katree and Marissa’s head scarves loose, forcing the Klarn to catch or retrieve the scarves, and slowing the journey. Marissa ties the scarf behind her neck as Zonta showed her. This is the proper way to wear it but the wind dislodges it easily. If their hair were long like the way the native’s hair then the scarf would stay in place. Marissa and Katree enjoy the stops to admire the suppleness and skill the Klarn demonstrate as they lean from their saddle to snatch a wayward scarf. At times, it becomes a contest as to which Klarn will retrieve a scarf. Finally, Chaytan, annoyed by the delays and the Klarn’s antics, has Katree and Marissa unpack their hats to hold the scarves in place. Marissa is not going to suggest tying the scarf under the chin when she wants the hat to shade her eyes. She smiles at Chaytan’s frustration by the delays and feels he deserves the aggravation for forcing her to wear the scarf and skirt.

  Marissa finds the low plains to be hot, dry with cracked ground that the kirtags’ hooves turn to dust. The dust gets in the nose and mouth leaving a fine grit on her teeth. It turns out that the scarves are practical for keeping the dust from her hair, the little bit she has. Kangee shows Katree to wrap the long ends of the scarf ends to cover her nose and mouth creating a dust filter.

  “Watch the kirtags shake their curls from the top of their heads into their eyes.” Kangee tells Katree. “The curls catch the dust and keep their eyes clear but are thin enough to allow the kirtag to see. The scarves...”

  “Quiet!” interrupts Enapay. He continues in the native language. “She will remove the scarf if you explain its origin. Chaytan is the only one to address the Traders.” Kangee returns to his position alongside Chaytan leaving Katree to ride with Jake. Marissa slows her kirtag to ride with Enapay and asks, “What did you stop Kangee from saying about the scarves?”

  Enapay ignores Marissa by quickly riding away and positioning the pack kirtag between them.

  Marissa rides ahead to catch up with Kangee and quietly, trying not to be overhead, threatens, “I will quit using the scarf unless you tell me what Enapay interrupted. It cannot be as bad as insect eggs imbedded in the material and we inhale them when breathing through the scarf.” The worst thing she could think of that might not be too offensive.

  Frowning at Kangee Chaytan interjects, “What is that about?”

  Kangee glances at Chaytan relieved that he is calm, “I started to tell Katree why the scarves work.”

  In the native language, Chaytan reprimands Kangee, “Protocol requires that you do not acknowledge the traders. Their welfare is the Trader Guards concern. If the Trader belonged to a clan, you would have given insult and had to pay reparations. Instead, you will ride in the rear guard position. Alone and contemplate your failure to duty.” After Chaytan finishes, Kangee refuses to look at Marissa and quickly rides to last position trailing behind Enapay and the pack kirtag.

  Chaytan considers the incident then glances back checking on the riders before he asks, “Promise you will wear the scarf to protect your face then I will tell you about the scarves.”

  Marissa triumphantly agrees, “Yes.”

  Again glancing around before explaining, “The black trim and fancy stitching that covers large areas of the scarf, is made from the kirtag’s curls. It collects the dust like the curls over the kirtag’s eyes.” Chaytan watches Marissa lift her hand to the scarf. .He glowers as he assumes that she is removing the scarf. Marissa laughs tucking the scarf more firmly in place then turns and rides away.

  Marissa knows that Enapay was right to stop Kangee. Katree would have removed the scarf, afraid she might ingest animal fibers. A foolish fear but Katree mistakenly believes the food and air on the ship are pure with no biological contaminants.

  It is dark by the time Chaytan signals to stop for the night and make camp. Enapay helps Marissa dismount and takes her kirtag to unsaddle and feed. This allows Marissa to stretch and walk around away from camp. Each of the Klarn cares for their kirtag and one of the traders’ kirtags. Marissa stands stargazing as the clear sky darkens to night and the stars slowly sprinkle across the heavens. A small animal bursting from the taller grass catches her attention. It has orange and tan fur with black patches on its muzzle and large ears. The animal skids to a stop, stares at Marisa, turns abruptly, and flees.

  Suddenly there is a hand on Marissa's shoulder. Then Chaytan quietly censures, “There are dangerous animals that can harm you. You should not be out here alone.”

  “The animal I just saw appeared more afraid of me.” retorts Marissa. “It was small with large ears, black spots on its muzzle, mostly tan that blended with the grass and very fast. Is it one of the dangerous animals?” She gazes at the spot where the animal disappeared.

  “A small face with large eyes is a Shire Fox. They are shy but steal any unguarded food. The night guards are enough to keep them away from the camp. Where you are to stay.” Chaytan admonishes as he turns Marissa toward the camp. She starts to resist but realizes that she is too tired to argue and she wants something to eat.

  Arriving back at the camp, Marissa finds the Klarn eating on the far side of the camp and the traders sitting apart on their packs eating field rations. As Marissa joins the traders, Jake tosses to her a packet of field rations and sullenly complains as he checks that none of the Klarn can overhear, “Chaytan is dictating to everyone. I have the first night watch and everyone is to get some sleep as soon as the natives finish eating. Here comes our dictator, probably with more orders.” Both Katree and Marissa look toward the other side of the camp finding Chaytan with Kangee and Enapay, approaching the traders.

  Making eye contact with Jake, Chaytan explains, “For the safety of all the traders, introductions must allow Katree and Marissa to work with Kangee and Enapay. As her Trader Guard, I am correcting the introduction for Marissa.”

  Chaytan continues with a formal introduction for Marissa, “Marissa acknowledge clansmen Kangee and Enapay.” Marissa smiles and nods to both clansmen as Chaytan call their name.

  “Trader Marissa may you have good trading.” Responds both Kangee and Enapay establishing their right to interface with Marissa. The clan’s formality in relationships has been a major cultural barrier that Chaytan is trying to dismantle for the journey. He now has Kangee and Enapay able to instruct Marissa and work with her. Perhaps now Chaytan can avoid disciplining the Klarn for infractions instigated by the traders.

  After a short hesitation, Jake glares at Chaytan but copies the formal introduction for Katree. With the introductions complete, Katree and Marissa enter their tents to avoid the friction between Jake and Chaytan.

  Early morning, Marissa crawls from her tent finding Chaytan sleeping just beyond the tent opening. Her advance instantly awakens Chaytan.

  Surprised, Marissa snaps, “What are you doing here?” staring at
an alert Chaytan rising from his bedroll.

  Calmly Chaytan explains, “As your guard I sleep outside your tent.” while noticing the dark circles under Marissa’s eyes and the tired droop to her shoulders. He considers how best to aid the stubborn trader.

  Wanting to be alone, Marissa orders, “Go back to sleep.” as she steps away from the tent and Chaytan.

  Chaytan ignores her and starts packing. Within moments, he has the tent and packs ready to load on the pack kirtags. He joins Enapay, who had the last watch and reheated the remains from the night meal. Chaytan obtains a hot breakfast and indicates the tent and packs are ready.

  Meanwhile, Marissa spies an animal hopping in the short grass at the camp’s edge. Walking slowly, she edges closer but with its back turned the animal hops further away frustrating Marissa’s efforts to see if the front is the bright yellow she glimpsed.

  Chaytan commands, “Do not wander out of camp.” With the sound of Chaytan's voice, the animal takes flight.

  Marissa turns and accuses Chaytan, “Was that another dangerous animal?” with her hands on hips glaring at him for the interruption of her morning’s pursuit. Obviously, the little hopping creature was able to fly and was not afraid of Marissa.

  Chaytan wryly remarks, “A meadowlark, sings in the morning to lure traders away.” as he mockingly notices her frustration. At the same time, it is a reprimand for wandering away from the camp again.

  Marissa hears Enapay snicker at the exchange. Chaytan then hands her a bit of roasted meat. “You liked this the last time.” referring to the meat. Marissa checks to see that Jake and Katree have not exited their tent as she accepts the meat.

  Chaytan noticing where Marissa glanced, “They are not stirring yet. You can enjoy a tastier and better breakfast. Also, Enapay has filled your travel flask with fylar juice.” The Klarn drink the juice to provide them with strength, stamina, and energy while traveling. He turns and joins Enapay to awaken the rest of the party and start the day’s journey.

  Marissa observes the Klarn, Kangee is the tallest with a slight build an indication of his youth. He is more wiry than bulky muscle and has a playful attitude. Enapay, the quietest, has a calm manner, speaks seldom even to the other Klarn and moves with a quiet grace. His calm manner is probably the reason that all of the kirtags are his responsibility. Chaytan appears imposing, stern with a thoughtful demeanor as if studying strategies and yet Marissa occasionally caught a glimpse of laughter in his eyes when viewing Kangee’s antics. All the Klarn defer to Chaytan but maintain a comradeship that the traders lack.

  Chaytan again stops late, traveling as long as possible. While the Klarn care for the kirtags, Jake draws Katree and Marisa away to have a private meeting.

  Arrogantly Jake explains, “Tomorrow we will be in Dansk. We need to plan. Marissa, you will need to be extra cautious since Chaytan is your Trader Guard. What we discuss tonight is to be kept between the three of us.”

  While watching that the Klarn do not come close enough to hear, Jake clarifies, “We have a chance to earn enough credits to retire in style. Xeres Corporation wants the method the natives use to make the magnetic shielding and are willing to compensate us for getting it. We are to record the plant when powered during a magnetic storm and retrieve a control unit. The corporation is willing to pay a general bonus to all the traders, invest in Celeste by upgrading equipment and give Captain Jerupt a trade permit to a planet controlled by the corporation, not the fringe trading we usually get. Additionally, all crystals will be bought from us at a premium credit. An extra bonus goes to the trader that does the recording, and a second bonus for getting a controller. Although, the Xeres corporation representative said the last item is unlikely.” He checks to confirm that Katree and Marissa are eagerly accepting the plans.

  Marissa patiently points to a major flaw, “Magnetic storms will destroy any recording. Plus, we do not have any recording equipment with us.”

  As Jake glances at the supply packs stacked next to tents, he smugly reveals, “Mike has a set of class 10 shielded recorders hidden in the field rations.”

  Annoyed at the mention of Mike and suspicious that the commander is maneuvering the traders to perform espionage, Marissa quietly asks. “Jake, when did you learn about all this?” her eyes narrowing at Jake and remembering the denials she heard in Timberlane.

  Haughtily, Jake straightens with self-importance. “When I delivered Mike to the transport, Captain Jerupt was on the com and outlined the agreement with the Xeres Corporation.”

  With her chin resting on her fist, Katree narrows her eyes at Jake and coolly raises an objection, “What is stopping the Xeres Corporation from dealing directly with the natives?”

  “There is some bad blood and feelings toward the Xeres Corporation.” Then he sneers, “The natives will not talk with Xeres’ employees. This gives us the opportunity to profit and gain favor with the corporation with the Celeste becoming a preferred trading partner.”

  After silently evaluating the information, Katree with a calculated coldness inquires, “Did we get some of the compensation and bonus in advance? Is there a sealed and written contract?”

  Jake sensing Katree’s acquiescence by her questions, eagerly replies, “The captain received 50% of the general bonus, fuel replenishment for the Celeste, and spare parts that the corporation has already.” Katree nods approvingly. Her expression brightens with a smile and her eyes reflect a greedy glow.

  Worried and frowning Marissa tries to instill caution and lists her misgivings, “Can we trust anything the corporation tells us. So far, it has been nothing but lies; Mike lied to us about the corporations being involved, Commander Saldicy lied about the sociological study, and both hid the recorders from the natives and us. The corporation is bribing us to spy on a production plant. This is dangerous. We are not part of the military or Xeres Corporation. We have no protection. If the Klarn catch us, no one will help us. People go to prison for this or worse we could be marooned here. Both Xeres and the military can abandon us to the mercy of the natives.”

  Coming closer to Marissa in order to intimidate, in a harsh voice Jake exhorts, “It doesn’t matter. This is an opportunity to make a huge profit. We are doing this. Tomorrow at the noon break, your ration packet will contain the second recorder. Keep it with you. Do not worry about prison. The only authority on this planet is Commander Saldicy and she provided the class 10 recorders. It’s not as if we are stealing from a corporation.”

  Then in an icy manner he finishes, “You screw this up, Marissa, and I will see that the captain leaves you on this planet.” Marissa shudders under the callous threat from Jake knowing the captain would maroon her. Maintaining an impassive expression, Katree sidles to Jake and gestures toward the watching Klarn, which closes the discussion.

  Merissa enters her tent thinking about Jake’s meeting. Jake is wrong on all issues; recording is stealing, not from a corporation, but from the natives. There is another authority on the planet, the Clan leaders. With the threat of marooning, she comprehends that Jake has chosen her to be the scapegoat if this fails. There will be no aid from Katree; she will curry Jake’s favor to avoid Marissa’s fate. Why the commander is supporting the Xeres Corporation is an unasked and unanswered question. The military has no allegiance to the Celeste and her crew. There will be no aid from that quarter if trouble develops. Realizing she cannot change any of it, Marisa attempts to go to sleep. The problems prey on her mind causing a night of restless sleep.

  Morning comes with Marissa unhappy and worried with the threat from Jake, which is the first thought as she opens her eyes and continues to plague her all morning. Kangee noticing her distraction playfully tugs her headscarf and accidentally drops it on the ground. Before he can retrieve it, Enapay and the pack kirtags have trampled it. Kangee dismounts to extract the scarf from the dirt, finds it no longer wearable, and looks dejected. Returning the scarf to Marisa, Kangee is red face
d and apologetic as he tries to hand her the badly mangled scarf.

  Hiding her grin, Marissa instructs, “You need to wash it before you return it.” She is working hard to keep her expression serious when laughter will make Kangee wilt even more. His wretched expression almost has her accepting the scarf.

  Enapay, who stopped to watch, has no sympathy and laughs at Kangee tucking the scarf away. Shaking his head in disapproval of Kangee’s reckless actions, Enapay indulgently advises Kangee, “You are lucky that tonight we will be in Dansk or you will be doing double watches again.” Nodding toward the trail he adds, “Chaytan has noticed your foolishness.”

  Kangee glances to the front of the procession and perceives that a disapproving Chaytan has halted the journey and is patiently waiting for them. Kangee grimaces at Chaytan's expression.

  Marissa unpacks a clean scarf and resolves to enjoy the day and ignore all worries for now. Kangee’s antics did force her thoughts away from her worries. She sends Kangee a sympathetic smile then urges her kirtag to rejoin the rest.

  At noon, Jake guarding against the Klarn observing him, hands Marissa a ration packet that does not contain food. Instead, it contains a recorder. The recorder resembles the medical monitor wristband she wears.

  Trying to minimize Marissa’s alienation created by his threats, Jake adopts a conciliatory manner. He attempts through flattery to reconcile Marissa to the project. “I know you want this venture to succeed and your engineering knowledge will help select the best areas to record. As you can see, these recorders are simple to operate. The green light is also a button to start and stop the recording, the red flashes when recording, and the blank area between is the lens. I have confidence in your good judgment that is why you get one recorder. Since Katree will usually be with me, it would not benefit for us to have both. We have agreed to share the bonus if we succeed in recording the plant.”

  Snidely Katree adds her observations, “You may have the best chance at getting a recording. That young Klarn, Kangee, likes you. If you play him right, he could help you get the recording or a controller.”

  Katree further advises as she calculatingly contemplates the Klarn. “He would be easily distracted trying to impress you. If nothing else, you can drop the headscarf like this morning. It is something to keep in mind, and possibly using on the others at an opportune moment. They also are very solicitous to you, apparently concerned by your weakness. It is something else to use and might be advantageous if I quit wearing the THERP.”

  Jake snorts, “They just do not know her like we do. She lacks a proper feminine outlook.”

  Marissa is thankful that the break is short, cutting the conversation abruptly. She feels even more dismayed and tainted from the unscrupulous behavior proposed. The conversation ruins her resolve to enjoy the day.