Read Second Time Around Page 14

  Forced her? If anything, she’d forced him. Her cheeks flamed at the memory. He’d tried to slow her down to no avail. So what if her body felt more relaxed than it had in months, years even? Her mind was churning like a banana in a blender.

  How could she ever face Jared again? One look at her and he’d know. Maybe she should simply find him and confess. After all, there could be consequences to what she’d done that wouldn’t be apparent for months yet.

  She lifted her head and took a deep breath. Why had she been so stupid as to have unprotected sex with Quinn? She knew better. A rapid calculation of the math involved had shown her she could be in big trouble.

  The image of a little girl popped into her head. One with black hair and Quinn’s eyes. Angrily, she shook away both the picture and the longing that filled her. One time didn’t mean she’d get pregnant. It had taken months before she got that way with Zack. And there wasn’t going to be another time. She’d make sure of that. Somehow.

  She also wasn’t going to mention the possibility of a surprise pregnancy to Quinn. Not unless she was sure her fears had come to pass. What she’d done last night had caused enough problems between them without adding more to the list.


  At Zack’s delighted yell, the brush flew out of her hand and her gaze darted frantically to the stable doors. Abruptly, her heart was lodged in her throat, and she had to quell the urge to run.

  Quinn was standing in the sunlight, dust motes glittering around him, one hand braced on the doorframe. He was dressed in black jeans and a white T-shirt that hugged his body lovingly. His hair was tousled, tumbling down onto his forehead, the white streak standing out starkly from the surrounding darkness.

  His gaze was locked on her even as he caught Zack and swung him into his arms. “Hey there, champ. How ya’ doin’ this morning?”

  “Okay. Mom is going riding with me.”

  “Is that right?” He hugged Zack before putting him down. “Guess you need to finish getting your horse ready.”

  He grimaced as he straightened, watching Zack run back to his pony, and for the first time she realized his face was pale, covered in a light sheen of sweat. Instantly, concern overpowered her other emotions and she hurried to his side.

  “What are you doing out here? You should still be in bed.”

  “I wanted to talk to you.” His grin looked labored as he released the frame and draped an arm over her shoulder for support. “Don’t worry. The stairs were the hardest part.”

  “You could have sent Duncan to find me.”

  “Would you have come?” He arched a brow in question.

  Heat flushed her cheeks. “I’ve been really busy this morning, and it’s Martha’s day off.”

  “That’s what I figured.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a scrap of pink silk and offered it to her. “You left in such a hurry you forgot these.”

  She’d only thought her cheeks were hot before. Now they had to be three shades darker than the panties. Hastily, she snatched them and crammed the garment in her own pocket. There was a bench inside the door and she ducked her head as she led him to it.

  “Sit with me.” He patted the wood beside him.

  “I really should get the horse ready. I promised Zack—”

  “Lanie, you can’t pretend we didn’t make love last night.”

  It had been too much to hope he would let this slide. Weakly, she sank down next to him, trying desperately to gather her thoughts. “I’m not, but it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t blame you,” she hurried to assure him. “It was my fault. I’ve been under so much stress lately—we both have—and what with Zack almost getting seriously hurt yesterday, and finding out what you went through after the accident, it was too much.” She realized she was running her words together the way Zack did when he was excited, and took a deep breath. “That’s why it happened.”

  He lifted his hand and curved it around her nape, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t,” he said gently. His other hand brushed her hair back. “Don’t lie to yourself, Lanie, or to me. It’s always been like that between us, like a match to dry grass, and it always will be. Last night was too wonderful to turn it into something bad, or to feel guilty about. We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I did.” She swiped at her eyes. “I promised Jared I wouldn’t sleep with you, and I broke that promise. But it’s more than that. How am I supposed to make a rational decision if I keep doing things like this? It’s not fair to any of us.”

  “Damn.” The curse was soft as he pulled her head to his chest. “You should never have made that kind of promise, Angel. We’re still married, no matter how it occurred. What we do together is none of Harper’s business.”

  “But it is.” She tried not to let herself wallow in the comfort of his arms, tried not to remember he’d been her best friend long before he was her lover. “This will kill him, Quinn. He loves and trusts me.”

  “Then don’t tell him.”

  “I won’t have to,” she whispered. “He’ll know.”

  “Not unless you tell him. He might suspect, but he can’t know for sure. Don’t do that to him, sweetheart.”

  “It’s so dishonest. And what if—” She bit her tongue to stop the words. He knew her too well, though.

  “What if you’re pregnant?”

  With a sigh, she lifted her head to stare at him. “You thought about it?”

  “Of course. I was pretty sure you weren’t on the Pill.” His eyes narrowed suddenly and his body tensed. “You weren’t going to bring it up, were you?”

  “Not unless I was sure. But I would have told you if it turns out I really am, Quinn. I never intended to keep Zack from you.”

  He glanced at his son before his body relaxed again. “Sorry. I know you didn’t.” His thumb traced her jaw as he gazed down at her. “Would having another baby be so bad?”

  She hesitated before answering him, but she had to be honest. “Under the circumstances, it could be. I went through it alone the first time. I don’t think I could stand doing that again.”

  “You won’t have to, Lanie. When will you know for sure?”

  “In a few weeks.” Her lips curved in a wavering smile. “My timing really sucked.”

  A laugh shook him, and before she could brace herself, he kissed her. It was an easy kiss, but it still sent sparks shooting up her spine.

  “I think your timing was great.” He grinned at her. “And I wouldn’t mind a bit having another one. Maybe a girl this time.” His smile faded. “I missed so much with Zack. Missed seeing you get big as a house, missed feeling him move inside you. I’d like a chance to do all that now.”

  “Quinn, I doubt I’m pregnant, and last night can’t happen again.”

  He sighed. “Not unless you’re sure you can trust me, you mean. Just tell me one thing. Is there a chance for us at all, Lanie? Do you still care about me?”

  “There’s a chance,” she murmured. “As for still caring about you, of course I do. You’re Zack’s father. But there’s Jared, too.” She rubbed her forehead. “Sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy.”

  “You’re not crazy, just confused. Give it time and stop worrying so much. This will work itself out.”

  “Have you been talking to Sherry?” She smiled at him. “She told me almost the same thing.”

  “I knew she was smart.” He pushed himself to his feet. “Guess I’d better head back and let you two get on with your ride.”

  Anxiously, she stood with him. “Shouldn’t I help you? And you probably haven’t had breakfast yet.”

  Slowly, he leaned down and gave her a long kiss. “Stop worrying,” he commanded. “I made it out here, I can make it back. And Duncan does a pretty mean omelet. Besides, I promised him I’d spend some time in the hot tub.”

  She nodded. “Okay. We won’t be gone long. I plan on riding out to the cabin to make sure Cody is settled, and then we’ll head back.”

  Her heart clenched as she watche
d him limp slowly and painfully toward the house. If only she could be sure he’d stay. But even without Edward in the picture, there was that damn company. Five years ago she’d known he would never give it up, hadn’t really wanted him to. It was as much a part of Quinn as his arm. All she’d wanted was some kind of compromise. With today’s technology, was it so far-fetched to think he could run McAllister Pharmaceuticals from here, with only an occasional trip to Chicago?

  She sighed. He’d brushed aside her suggestions then, and she couldn’t bring herself to believe things would be any different now. Sooner or later the company would call him back.


  She glanced at Zack then hurried to help him lift the child’s saddle onto the pony’s back, pushing her troubled thoughts aside. This was her special time with Zack, something they did every Sunday, and she wasn’t going to let anything interfere.

  * * * * *

  Quinn stopped inside the kitchen door and leaned heavily against the wall, taking deep breaths. Knowing Lanie was watching him had been the only thing that kept him moving across the yard.

  “I hope it was worth it.” Duncan poured another cup of coffee and set it on the table. “Because you look like death warmed over.”

  “It was.” He grinned in spite of the pain radiating from his thigh. “She finally admitted she still cares about me.”

  Duncan snorted. “Can you make it to the table?”

  Quinn straightened. “She doesn’t love Harper,” he insisted stubbornly. “She just needs time to realize it.”

  Beside him, the phone rang and he lifted it from the hook. “Hello?”

  “Heard you nearly got yourself killed yesterday. You ready to give it up and come back where you belong?”

  He stiffened at the familiar raspy voice, the pain in his leg suddenly forgotten. “It’s not going to work this time, Edward. I said all I had to say before I left.”

  “I know what you’re doing.” Edward’s voice was curt. “Do you really think the board is going to put up with a four-year-old boy owning controlling interest in the company?”

  “They don’t have much choice, do they? And since I’ll be voting his shares until he’s twenty-five, they can address any problems they have to me. Regardless, you’re gone.”

  “Does your wife know you’re taking over the company?”

  Quinn lifted a hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Lanie is none of your business and this conversation is over.”

  “Wait.” There was a brief silence before Edward spoke again. “We can work this out, Quinn. If it’s custody of the boy you want, we’ll hire the best family lawyers in the country. We can even get the damn ranch back if you want it that much.”

  Anger curled inside him, and when he spoke it was through clenched teeth. “I don’t need you to tell me what I can do, Edward, and the only thing I want right now is you out of my life. Don’t bother calling again.” He dropped the phone back into the cradle.

  Duncan was still in the same spot, listening unashamedly to Quinn’s side of the conversation. “I take it he knows you’re buying up the stock?”

  “Looks that way.” He limped to the table and lowered himself to a chair. “Tom must have passed the five percent mark on the buy-up. Edward is not a happy camper right now. He even offered to help me get Zack.”

  “This surprises you?” Duncan slid a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Quinn and moved the coffee closer.

  “No, I expected a reaction like this when it finally hit home that I’m not going to sit back and let him get away with what he’s done.” He paused. “What surprises me is he knows what happened with the bull.”

  “How the hell could he know that?”

  “He couldn’t. Not unless someone told him, and there were only a handful of people here.”

  Duncan joined him at the table. “Well, I didn’t tell him, and neither did you.”

  “You can cross Lanie off the list, too. She hates him. That leaves Sherry, Cody Simmons or Harper.”

  “I don’t know.” Duncan looked doubtful. “Sherry seems pretty loyal to your wife. I can’t see her spilling her guts to Edward.”

  Quinn nodded. “I agree. The Simmons kid showed up out of the blue yesterday. It’s possible Edward sent him.”

  “Or it could have been Harper. He does stand to gain a lot if you leave.”

  “Yeah, or Harper.”

  He kept his gaze on Quinn. “Are you going to tell Lanie?”

  “No.” He shrugged. “If it is Harper, I couldn’t prove it, and she wouldn’t believe me anyway.” Pushing the plate aside, he lifted the coffee. “I only wish I knew what he was going to try next. Edward won’t give up until he stops breathing.”

  “Neither will you.” Duncan scooted the plate back in front of him. “Whether you like it or not, you and Edward are cut from the same mold in some ways. When it comes to stubborn, you can match him dollar to dime. Now eat.”

  With a sigh, Quinn picked up the fork and dug in, his mind whirling. “Why hasn’t Edward started buying up stock on his own now that he knows what I’m doing? It isn’t like him.”

  “Maybe he is.”

  “No, Tom is watching the market closely. If anyone were buying up the stock, he’d know it. I’m missing something here, Dunc, and I don’t like the feeling. I don’t like it at all.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Lordy, what a week it’s been.” Lanie plopped down on the couch next to Quinn. “I don’t think I’ve had five minutes to sit down since last Sunday.”

  “I’ve noticed.” He turned the TV off and smiled at her. “Got everything done?”

  “For now. The new people I hired took over the riding groups today while Sherry and I worked on our booth for Frontier Days. It’s all ready for tomorrow. And Cody is great. Not only with the kids, but with taking appointments and handling the customers. I don’t know how I managed without him.”

  “Maybe things will slow down next week and you can take some time off.”

  With a sigh, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Not a chance. Next weekend is our first trail ride and campout. It’ll take most of the week to get ready for that, even if I have the kids take turns manning the booth.”

  “No wonder you’re tied up in knots.” He stood and pulled her to her feet. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”


  She tried to free her hand but he hung on. “Quinn, I just put Zack to bed. What if he wakes up?”

  “Duncan is here. He’ll listen for him.”

  Across the den, Duncan looked up from the book he was reading. “Sure. No problem. I’m going to take my book upstairs to my room, anyway. If he even makes a peep I’ll hear him.”

  Reluctantly, she let Quinn lead her through the house and down the back steps. They were almost to the bunkhouse when she blinked in surprise. “Your leg. I can barely tell you’re limping.”

  “Duncan is good at what he does. It’s still sore in a few spots, but nothing I can’t handle. By next weekend I should be ready for the trail ride.”

  “You’re going with us?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” Instead of entering the bunkhouse, he went around the side and onto the deck, pausing to flip a switch on the hot tub. Water spurted and gurgled in the darkness.

  “Quinn, what are you doing?” A curl of anxiety mixed with anticipation suddenly tightened her stomach.

  He leaned over to check the water temperature then stood and reached for the buttons on her shirt. “Thirty minutes in the tub and you’ll feel like a new woman.”

  “But I didn’t bring a swimsuit!” Even to her ears the protest sounded weak, and she cast a yearning look at the tub. Right now the thought of immersing herself in jets of hot water seemed heavenly.

  “You don’t need a suit. Its pitch dark out here and there’s no one around but me.” He lifted a hand and ran his fingers down her jaw. “Don’t tell me you’re bashful? What happened to the La
nie who used to go skinny dipping in the lake with me in broad daylight?”

  “She grew up. Maybe.” With a wry grin, she glanced at the tub again. “Okay, but I can take my own clothes off, thank you.”

  The only light came from the millions of stars brightening the sky, but it was enough to see his outline, to know he was also undressing. Her pulse rate jumped. She had tried not to think about last Saturday night, to block it from her memory, and she’d been so busy she had almost succeeded. Now it all came rushing back, heating her blood until her fingers shook.

  Thanks to her fumbling, he made it into the water before she did. It swirled around his narrow hips as he waited. When she hesitantly reached the edge, he held out a hand and took hers.

  “There’s a bench under the water. Just step down.”

  She tested the water with a toe, then did as he suggested, taking another step down until she was standing beside him. He smiled at her gasp of pleasure as bubbles slid over her skin. A little embarrassed, she sank onto the bench until the water reached her chin. Her hair was getting soaked, but she didn’t care. This felt too fantastic, like thousands of fingers were massaging every inch of her body. “Forget every disparaging remark I ever made about hot tubs,” she murmured as the tightness eased from her muscles.

  “We should have brought a bottle of wine with us.” Quinn seated himself and stretched his arm behind her along the rim.

  “The way I feel right now, one glass of wine and I’d fall asleep and drown.”

  “I’d save you.” He pressed on her shoulder. “Lean back and relax.”

  Relax. Easy for him to say, she thought. He wasn’t sitting in a pool with a sexy, naked man while geysers of water did strange things to certain parts of his anatomy. Things she had to get her mind off of right now.

  Letting her head rest on his arm, she gazed up at the stars, searching for a topic of conversation that would be safe.

  “What ever happened to Judith?” There, that should change the direction of her thoughts.