Read Second Time Around Page 15


  “Yeah, you remember. Judith. Your fiancée. Auburn hair, nose turned up so much she’d drown in a light rain. Judith.” The high-class hussy, she added mentally.

  As though he’d heard her last comment, he chuckled. “Judith was never really my fiancée. We had an arrangement of another sort.”

  “I don’t think I want to hear this after all,” she mumbled.

  She didn’t have to look at him to know he was grinning. It was in his voice when he answered her.

  “Actually, Judith was probably more attracted to you than she ever was to me.”

  “What!” She bolted upright.

  Laughing, he pulled her back into her former position. “From the minute I regained consciousness in the hospital, Edward started parading women in for me to look over. Women he deemed ‘socially suitable’ for the CEO of McAllister Pharmaceuticals. It was driving me crazy. I’d met Judith at several parties and was aware of her inclinations. I also knew her parents were giving her a hard time about finding a husband and settling down. They were even threatening to cut off her money.”

  He shrugged. “When Edward started pushing me in her direction, I made a deal with her. We’d let everyone think we were engaged. It got Edward and her parents off our backs, and allowed her to pursue her interests safely. All we had to do was appear in public together occasionally. The truth is, we couldn’t stand each other.”

  “What about all those women who showed up with you in the Chicago newspapers? Didn’t being engaged put a damper on your dating?”

  He turned his head to gaze at her, his arm curling around her neck. “Were you keeping an eye on me, Lanie?”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks and she blessed the darkness. “Watson is a small town. Believe me, every time your name was in the papers, I heard about it.”

  He hesitated before tilting her face up to his. “Would it surprise you to know I wasn’t interested in those women? I wasn’t interested any woman except one, no matter how hard I tried to forget her.”

  She snorted. She couldn’t help herself. “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t sleep with any of them?”

  “No, I’m not telling you that. I’m only human, Lanie. But there wasn’t as many as you seem to think, and none of them mattered to me. Remember, I had a lot of operations on my leg stretched out over the last five years. Between my time in the hospital and the physical therapy afterward, I was usually in too much pain to even think about it. The other night was the first time for me in a long time.”

  Her gaze searched his face. “You’re serious.”

  “Oh, yeah. Dead serious,” he said fervently. “If it hadn’t been for the dreams, there were times I’d have wondered if ‘it’ even worked anymore.”

  “Dreams?” She couldn’t stop grinning, or stop the feeling of elation that swept her. All that jealousy when she’d read the Chicago papers had been for nothing. He hadn’t cared about those women.

  “They damn near killed me. And you starred in every one.”

  Before she knew what he was doing, he shifted her until she was on his lap, the hard length of his erection pressing against her thigh.

  Quinn’s voice went husky. “I’d wake up needing you so much that I hurt. That hasn’t changed. I still need you.”

  Delicately, she cleared her throat. “How many surgeries have you had?”

  A sigh escaped his lips. “Seven. The last was a few months before you came to Chicago.”

  Her eyes widened. “Do you need any more?”

  “No. That was the final one. And stop changing the subject.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Yes, you were.” His hand slid up her side, halting just below her breast. “It’s what we both want, Lanie. Stop fighting it. Last time, you made love to me. Now let me return the favor.”

  She twisted to face him, her hands moving up his chest until they twined around his nape. “I shouldn’t,” she whispered.

  “You should.”

  “It will only create more problems.”

  “It may solve a few.” He pulled her closer, his mouth coming down to cover hers.

  “You brought me out here to seduce me,” she said accusingly when they came up for air.

  His hands were everywhere, stirring fires hotter than the water in the tub. “Guilty as charged,” he murmured. “I had to do something. At the rate you’ve been working, I figured I’d be lucky to see you again before winter.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. I promised to spend part of each day with you, but it’s our busiest time of year.”

  “There’s one thing that would help.” He pushed a strand of wet hair away from her face. “Let me move into your room with you.”

  She shouldn’t even be thinking about making love to him again. Tomorrow she’d suffer the agonies of renewed guilt. But right now, she wanted him and damn the consequences. He was her husband. And if he ended up leaving again, well, she’d deal with it the way she had before.


  “For tonight,” she whispered. “That’s all I can promise.”

  “I’ll take what I can get.” He stood, letting her slide down his body until her feet found the bottom of the tub. “Unless you want to make love right here, we’d better get out. I can’t wait much longer.”

  The thought of making love in the tub heated her blood even more. But this time she wanted to feel his weight, to hold him the way her heart ached to hold him. She wanted to forget the last five years had happened and simply love him. For tonight.

  * * * * *

  They left their clothes on the deck, slipping across the yard naked, and the trip took twice as long as usual. Quinn couldn’t keep his hands off her, didn’t even try. Every other step, they stopped to kiss, to tease. By the time they reached the darkened house, Lanie was giggling like a teenager. At this rate, they were going to wake everyone on the ranch, and company was the last thing he wanted right now.

  Lanie was a step ahead of him as they reached the porch, and he caught her around the waist, pulling her back against his body. His hands splayed low on her abdomen, he leaned down to nuzzle her throat.

  “Um.” Her arms came up to circle his neck, the position arching her upper body as her head tilted to the side.

  Slowly, he slid his right hand up her stomach. “Your skin feels like silk,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I’m still wet.”

  He let his left hand drift lower, into the tangle of curls, his fingers exploring gently. “Yes, you are. Very, very wet.” He circled her ear with his tongue, eliciting a moan, and at the same time her legs shifted to allow him greater access. “I should probably dry you off before we go inside.”

  “Dry me off?” Her voice sounded dazed, drugged with desire.

  “Yes. Slowly and carefully, until you can’t breathe, can’t think about anything but me.” He skimmed a hardened nipple with his palm.

  “Quinn.” His name was a fevered gasp on her lips, her body trembling under his touch.

  “God, if this is a dream I hope I never wake up,” he groaned.

  “Quinn, I’m going to—”

  “Let go, Angel. I want to feel you.”

  She arched even more, her body pressing into his hands, clenching around his fingers. Silently, the climax shook her until she was limp. He supported her until it was over, then turned her to face him.

  “I want to taste you,” he whispered. “Here.” His mouth descended on hers, drinking deeply, taking his time. Nearly crazy with need, he lifted her to the rail running around the porch.

  “And here.” His tongue trailed down her neck to a nipple. He teased it, made it peak into a hard pebble before he took it between his teeth. When her head dropped back, he moved to the other breast, showering it with the same attention.

  She inhaled sharply as he lowered himself to one knee. “And here,” he breathed against the swollen folds. With infinite tenderness, he lavished her with all the love he’d kept bottled up for five lo
ng years, tasting her the way he’d imagined doing. Tasted until her hands were fisted in his hair, until her breath came in ragged sobs.

  When he could stand it no longer, he stood. Hands on her hips to brace them, he eased forward, sheathing himself inside her tight passage. Lanie’s legs closed around his waist, and her arms circled his neck, pulling his mouth to hers as he moved. Tongues touched before lips met, battled together feverishly. Teeth nipped, then lips soothed the pain away. The essence of love drifted around them, and he tasted salt.

  “You’re crying,” he murmured.


  “Don’t.” His lips moved to her eyes, drying the moisture. “Don’t cry, Angel.”

  “Oh, Quinn.” This time her mouth found his fully.

  The kiss deepened, became frantic as he increased his movements. It took every ounce of his willpower to hold off, to wait for her. Even when she tightened around him, the tiny spasms caressing his length, he forced himself to wait, to catch her cries. He didn’t want to miss a single sensation from her climax.

  As it began to fade, he withdrew, then buried his length with one hard thrust, straining with the ecstasy of his own release. It felt as though he were being ripped in half, the climax was so strong. And he never wanted it to end, never wanted to be separate from her again. Colored lights exploded behind his eyes as he clung to her, and he barely recognized his voice calling her name.

  For the first time since he’d left Wyoming so many years before, he felt like he belonged somewhere. Here, with her. He didn’t give a damn about the ranch, he realized. Not unless Lanie came with it.

  Silence reigned as they recovered, each holding onto the other. Somewhere in the darkness a night bird called to its mate.

  Lanie gave a shaky laugh. “We didn’t make it to the bed.”

  “We’ve got all night. We’ll get there.”

  He leaned back and cupped her face in his hands, running his thumbs over cheeks. “Why were you crying?”

  Moisture glinted in her eyes, and she nibbled her bottom lip for a second. “It’s just… It was so beautiful, Quinn. You’ve never made love to me quite like that before. It was always wonderful, but this time.” She sighed. “I don’t know how to explain it. My feelings are all tied up with how much pain we’ve been through, how much we’ve missed. And it was for nothing.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t, Angel. As much as I hate that I wasn’t here for you and Zack, maybe it took losing you to make me realize what I had, how much I really need you. I will never take you for granted again, and I’ll thank God for every minute we have together.”

  She leaned against him heavily and closed her eyes. “You fight dirty, McAllister.”

  A smile lifted his lips. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you don’t leave me.”

  Her eyes opened and she gazed up at him intently. “Including lie?”

  His smile faded. “No, Angel. I haven’t lied to you, and I never will.”

  A shiver ran over her as she nodded. “I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.” She slid off the rail and caught his hand. “It’s getting chilly out here. Why don’t we try to make it to bed this time?”


  She grinned at him over her shoulder. “Not in the least. If I’m going to feel guilty tomorrow, I want to make sure it’s worth it.”

  “That sounds interesting.”

  “You have no idea, McAllister. No idea at all. But you’re about to find out.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The feeling of being stared at brought Quinn out of a sound sleep. Groggily, he opened his eyes, wondering if Lanie were awake. No, her warm body was still curled beside him and he could hear her soft, even breathing.

  Neither of them had gotten much rest last night, both bent on making up for lost time. He smiled. They hadn’t succeeded, but they’d sure gotten off to a great start. It was almost dawn before exhaustion had forced them to sleep. And from the dim light showing through the window, it wasn’t much past that now.

  “Did you have a bad dream?”

  Quinn whipped his head around at the question, his startled gaze meeting the curious gray eyes of his son. Zack was sitting Indian style on the foot of the bed, his dark hair rumpled.

  “Mama always lets me sleep with her when I have a bad dream,” he explained.

  “No.” Quinn rose up on an elbow. “No bad dreams. Only very good ones.”

  Zack nodded wisely. “Billy’s mom and dad sleep together all the time. Are you going to sleep with Mom from now on?”

  Good question, Quinn thought. He certainly hoped so, but he doubted Lanie was ready for that yet. Last night had been nothing short of a miracle and he didn’t want to push his luck.

  “I don’t know, Zack. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. Your mom isn’t used to having someone in bed with her. It might take a while before she gets accustomed to the idea.”

  Zack glanced at his mother. “Does Mom like you better now?”

  Lanie shifted, the blanket sliding down a bare shoulder, and Quinn hurriedly adjusted it. Once she was decent, he patted the bed beside him.

  Zack didn’t need a second invitation. He scrambled up the bed and settled in Quinn’s arms.

  “Why do you think your mom didn’t like me?”

  One small shoulder lifted in a shrug. “’Cause she acted mad when you first got here. I was scared she’d make you leave again and I don’t want you to go.”

  “I’m not going to leave, Zack.” He smoothed his son’s hair down. “A long time ago, before you were born, your mom and I lived together here on the ranch. But something bad happened and I left. It hurt your mom because she wanted me to stay. Now she feels a little like you do. She’s afraid I’ll leave again, and this time it would hurt you, too.”

  “Didn’t you tell her you were staying?”

  “Yes, but it’s hard for her to believe me when I didn’t stay last time. Pretty soon she’ll know I’m telling the truth. Your mom and I are still married, Zack. I love both of you, and I’m never going to leave you.”

  “Not even if you get busy again?”

  “No, not even then.”

  “Okay.” He sat up and leaned across Quinn to shake Lanie. “Mom?”

  Lanie groaned but kept her eyes closed.

  “Hey, Mom!” He shook her again. “Martha said if you were going to open the booth on time, you better haul your bottom out of bed.”

  One eye opened a slit. “What time is it?” she mumbled.

  “Six-thirty,” Quinn supplied after a glance at the clock.

  Cursing under her breath, Lanie sat straight up, then frantically clutched the sheet to her chest. “I’m late! Zack, run downstairs and tell Martha I’m awake. And tell her to forget any breakfast for me. I won’t have time.”

  Zack bounded out of bed, slamming the door behind him when he ran out of the room.

  “What time are you supposed to be there?”

  “Seven.” Her gaze swept over him. “You’re still here.”

  A grin twitched at his lips. “Where did you think I’d be?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d leave when I fell asleep.”

  “And miss holding you? Not a chance.” He ran his hand down her bare back. “Feeling any guilt this morning?”

  “No— Yes.” She buried her face in her hands. “I don’t know!”

  “I love a decisive woman.” His grin turned to a chuckle. “There probably isn’t too much guilt if you can’t make up your mind.”

  She raised her head and stuck her tongue out at him. “It’s too early to be thinking about things like that, and I’ve got too much to do. I’ll worry about it later.”

  With a flick of the blankets, she stood and headed for the adjoining bathroom. Quinn watched the view with a great deal of interest, then followed her. Having a baby certainly hadn’t hurt her. In fact, her shape was fuller now in all the right places.

  She looked up in surprise when he entered the bathroom. “Quinn
, what are you doing?”

  “I thought I’d help with your shower. A job always goes faster when two people are working on it.” He caught her around the waist and kissed her soundly. “Besides, I figure it will give you something else to think about today. Staying in that booth must get awfully boring.”

  * * * * *

  Lanie leaned her elbows on the booth counter and took a deep breath as another group of tourists drifted on down the street. Boring? She grimaced. Like she’d had time to be bored. The booth had attracted a steady stream of people all morning. And thanks to Quinn, she hadn’t made it to town until eight. Luckily, she’d done most of the setting up yesterday. The only thing remaining had been putting out the brochures and the entry forms for the drawing.

  Quinn had been right about one thing, though. Every time she thought about his ministrations in the shower, her stomach lurched and heat flashed through her body. It had been hard to concentrate on answering questions. Right in the middle of a conversation, she’d catch herself eagerly scanning the crowds for sight of his dark hair, that tall, sexy body.

  She was treading on dangerous ground here. Somehow, she’d let herself get caught up in Quinn’s seductive web, and the worst part was, she didn’t regret a second of it. Oh, the guilt was there, and the fear of being hurt again. But to her surprise, spending the night with Quinn had been so wonderful that guilt took a backseat to the rest of her emotions.

  All these years with Jared she’d told herself the physical side of a relationship wasn’t important, that what really mattered was caring and shared goals. Suddenly she found herself rethinking that idea. Was she really ready to settle for a life without fireworks? Could she, in all honesty, marry Jared knowing she’d be cheating them both? Because deep in her soul she knew no man alive could do to her what Quinn could accomplish so easily.

  With something akin to horror, she realized she’d barely thought of Jared all day. Dear Lord, had she agreed to marry him only to give Zack a father? How had she fooled herself so badly?

  She took a deep shuddering breath as the truth hit her. Even if Quinn left again and they continued with the divorce, she couldn’t marry Jared. She’d rather spend the rest of her life alone than be tied to a man she didn’t love. It wasn’t going to be easy, but she had to tell him. Soon.