Read Secret Admirer: Chapter 2 Page 1


  Adriana Synai Cortez

  “Not really sure how I feel about it, something in the way you move. Makes me feel lie I can't live without you, and it takes me all the way...

  I slowly sat up, yawned and grabbed my phone to turn my alarm off. Saturday is finally here! I got up and opened my shades to reveal the warm sun, lighting my room. At the same time, Mama peeped her head in my doorway. “Morning, mi bella mariposa. How are you?”

  Walking to her and giving her a hug, I replied, “I'm good, Mama. How did you sleep?”

  “Just fine. Listen, I have to go pick up your dress from Alysse. She just called me and told me it was ready.” My youngest cousin Alysse was a professional party dressmaker. She surprised me a week ago when she invited me so she could show me some sketches for the party today at West End.

  “Great! Tell her I said muchas gracias a whole lot once again. She's coming to the party too, right?”

  “She said she wasn't sure because she has three dresses to make. She also said there was five extras that go along with the dress. And before you ask, no, I don't know what it is.”

  Mama must have read my mind; she does it all the time. Nevertheless, I was ecstatic. I grinned wide and asked, “Do I have to pay extra for them?”

  “Nope. Aly said they were personal gifts from her.”

  “She is the sweetest! Excuse me Mama, let me get my purse.” I grabbed my wallet and pulled out $10. “Give this to her when you see her. She really deserves it, after all she's done for me. And don't take it to play the lottery at the corner store, either.”

  Mama laughed her light chuckle and took the crisp, clean bill. “I promise, on mi corazòn, that I won't. Besides, I don't think Elliot's is open today. Anyways,” she said while walking back to her room, “I want you to be mostly ready when I come back. I mean take a shower, do your hair, things like that. I'll text you after I leave Aly's house, so keep your phone close by.” I ran in to give her a hug before she closed her door to get dressed.

  I went back into my room, picked up my phone, and sat on my bed Indian style. My clock said 11:20 a.m., meaning my best friend, Mia (short for Mianna) La Havas, was already awake. She takes her younger twin brothers to daycare at 9:30 every Saturday morning. “Hey Mia, you still need a ride to the party?”

  “Yea, did ur mom say if I could ride wit u? I got $ to pay her back”

  “Hold on let me ask her.” I got up and went to her bedroom door, which was open. Wow, she was fast at getting dressed. So I went to the top of the hallway stairs. “Mama!” I called.

  She came to the bottom of the stairs, keys in hand. “Yes, Adri?

  “Is it okay if you pick up Mia along the way to the party?” I gave her puppy eyes, because I really wanted Mia to come with me. “She said she'll pay you for gas money to and from there.”

  Mama sighed. “Okay, but tell her to be ready by quarter after 1. I'm not waiting long either.”

  “Thanks, Mama! See you later!” I ran down the stairs, hugged her and ran back to my room to text Mia. “She said yea! Be ready round 1:15”

  Next, I texted my cousin, Julian. We've become very close ever since he moved to Mississippi with his dad two years ago, after his mom passed away. He's like my older brother that I've never had. He's getting ready to come back, but he won't be here for the party. “Hey bro, what's going on?”

  “Just got out of the shower, bout to go hang w/ my friend Chris. How r u?”

  “Good. Don't be getting in any trouble or I'm telling your aunt Deanna.”

  “You wouldn't dare”

  “Try me.” He didn't text me back afterwards, so I went to send a text to my best friend (and crush of five years), Kaire Morrison. I met him when I first came into town in 2007, when my mom was hired as a secretary at the City County building in Downtown Pittsburgh. That's where she met his older sister, Ms. Kacia. He had perfect chocolate brown eyes, mocha-colored skin, and his smile made my heart melt every time I saw it. I leave notes in his locker every now and then, telling him my deepest feelings. He suspected me of doing it, but I get Mia to write them, because he knows my handwriting. Every time I see him, it makes me want to kiss him and be held by his strong, loving arms.

  I texted him, “Morning lazy. Bring money so we can take pics together :)” I want to be in a picture with him to keep forever.

  “How much should I bring?”

  “About $40-$50. See u! :D” Okay, now that I'm done texting, I can go get ready. First, I grabbed my strapless bra and lacy black thong (a joke Christmas gift from Mama). I also grabbed and my hair spray, my crimping iron, and my thin bath robe. I kept my mind in a mechanical mode, making sure I get ready on time to see Kaire. He was the only thing I could think about as I got in the shower and stood there as I let the water hit my body, making me relax. Maybe on Monday, I'll get Mia to write him something, like a song verse. Maybe Drake's Find Your Love would work, the part where he says, “Too many times, I've been wrong. I guess being right, takes too long.” Before I moved here to Pittsburgh, I did have a boyfriend, but that's long ago. My only focus is Kaire.

  “Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma mad, mad, mad!” My phone rings and I jump out out of the shower, dry off my hands, and read the text from Mama:

  “Just left Aly's house, on my way back. Be ready when I walk in” Talk about perfect timing. I turn off the shower, put my bra and thong on (secretly wishing Kaire could see), and put my silky pink Playboy robe on. Mia sends me a text:

  “Ready to see Kai? U need to look off the hook girl! Who knows, he might grab u in his arms and kiss him (;”

  “Yeah, I guess. Don't say that, I already have enough fantasies about him”

  “No duh, u tell me about them ALL the time.”

  “Sorry. I can't get him off of my mind. Do you want me to stop?

  “No, just lighten up a lil.” She was right. I do tell her every thing I think about about him.

  I didn't text her back; instead I plugged in my crimping iron and sprayed my thick, long hair hair. I started to hum Aaliyah's “More Than A Woman” while I was waiting for it to warm up. I heard Mama's keys as she entered through the back door. “Adri? I have your surprises,” she called up the stairs.

  “Can you bring them up for me? I'm doing my hair,” I answered.

  “Sure.” She comes up and after a few minutes, opens the bathroom door. “I laid everything out on your bed. Here, let me crimp your hair. You'll only need to do a couple strands in the front.” Mama grabs my bangs as grins at me, so I'm thinking one of the extras is a kind of clip that goes in my hair. I sit there as she crimps my hair, something she hasn't done since I was 13. When she gets done, she motions for me to go in my room and check out my things on my bed. I take my phone and excitedly run into my room.

  As soon as I enter, I freeze. Laid around my custom made dress: A mini clip-on hat, a pair of long purple earrings, a chunky, shiny black bracelet, a diamond necklace, and lacy, fingerless black gloves.

  “Do you like them? I helped Alysse make the gloves, that's why it took me longer than usual to come home.” Mama sneaks behind me and lays her head on my shoulder. Almost instantly, I turned around and wrapped her in a huge hug.

  “I love them, Mama! They're amazing! Thanks a lot.” Tears of joy threaten to fall from my eyes, but I'm able to hold them back.

  “You're very welcome, mi mariposa.” She holds me for a little while longer, making me feel like I have a complete family, with my dad here. However, that dream will probably never come true. My dad abandoned Mama after she told him she was two months pregnant with me. He left her, saying, “It was only for the sex, I'm not taking care of some kid.” Well, here I am 16 years later with my wonderful mom, a
nd I'm doing just fine. She has taught me everything I know. The tears in my eyes go from joy to bittersweet. Somehow, Mama senses this, and holds me closer. “It's okay. Don't cry, you're too beautiful to.” She stands back and wipes away a tear that has fallen with her hand. I look t her and sniffle.

  “I'm okay, Mama. Go ahead and get dressed.” I sit on my bed and touch everything gently, as if it was made of delicate glass. It was all so beautiful.

  “Don't rush me, little lady. I'll be ready before you.” She smirked.

  “Oh yeah? We'll see about that.” And with those words, I closed the door in her face, picked up my dress, and felt the soft, silky inside, as I slipped it over my head, careful not to mess my hair up. Next, I went into the closet to grab my black, four inch, peep-toe Brash heels. As I was slipping the left one on, Mia sent me a text: “Send me a pic of ur outfit”

  “Hold on. I'm getting ready, BTW, why? You'll see me in a few.”

  “I'll put it up on FB so Kai can see. We are friends on there u know.”

  “I know that.” Heart pounding, I thought of what he would think of it, then decided. “Okay, give me a minute.” I finished putting on my shoes, flipped my crimped bangs to the right and clipped on my mini hat. I slipped on my bracelet, put on my earrings and gloves, and went to knock on Mama's door. “I thought you said you would be ready!” I called.

  At the same time, Mama opened the door. “I'm ready, so text