Read Secret (Peters Junction Series Book 1) Page 29

  Chapter Twenty

  The next day, to Lachlan’s relief, Marie went back to school so he wouldn’t have to worry about the budding relationship between her and Ben. Unfortunately, that also meant that there was nothing else for Ben to do but to remain with him and April as a reluctant third wheel.

  They spent the day playing cards, talking and watching a movie on TV but by early afternoon, it was obvious Ben was bored and Lachlan was desperate to be alone with April.

  “I’m going to book a flight home for tomorrow,” Ben announced when April had gone to the shop for a few groceries. “Can you drive me to the airport in the morning?”

  They were sitting on the couch, supposedly watching a movie that neither one of them was paying much attention to.

  “Okay,” Lachlan agreed easily and flicked off the TV. “I’m sorry Ben, I know we’d planned to get away for a bit and this isn’t what we had in mind.”

  “It’s all right. I like April and I’m glad to see you happy.” Ben raised his hand and waved off his concern. “How long do you think you’ll stay? I’ll fly back and you can meet me at the airport and we’ll drive home again.”

  “You don’t need to do that.”

  “Don’t be stupid and don’t bother arguing, you won’t win.” Lachlan couldn’t resist grinning at Ben’s forcefulness, causing his brother to throw a pillow at him. Catching it easily Lachlan tossed it back, sparking a pillow tossing contest to see who could throw it the hardest.

  “Thank you for coming with me,” Lachlan said sincerely, a few moments later when the pillow had landed behind the couch and neither one of them were willing to pick it up. He knew that without Ben there he would have somehow screwed this up.

  “No problem. Just…” Ben hesitated, uncertainty clouding his features. “Just be careful. I know April has her reasons for privacy and I know they’re good ones, but I get the feeling there’s more to it and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Lachlan opened his mouth to argue but Marie chose that moment to walk in the door.

  “Hey,” she said brightly, when she saw the two of them seated in the lounge. Her arms were loaded with books and Ben immediately rose to help her with them. A small smile passed between them and Lachlan was suddenly glad his brother had decided to leave. “Is April out?”

  “Yeah, she went to the supermarket,” Lachlan supplied, narrowing his eyes at Ben who now dangled a stack of books under one arm and had his other hand hovering above Marie’s elbow as if he was moments away from grabbing hold. Seeing Lachlan’s expression though, he quickly checked himself and dropped his arm, turning his head to scowl at the wood burner.

  “Where do you want these?” Ben grumbled to Marie, gesturing to the books.

  “Dining room table’s good,” she said with a frown. “I have some homework I need to get through.

  Nodding, Ben stalked off, leaving behind a bemused Lachlan and a confused Marie. “Did I do something wrong?” Marie asked Lachlan quietly.

  “No,” he smiled, wondering if Marie even realised his brother had developed a crush on her. “He’s just bored. He’ll catch a flight home tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” Was all she said. “You’re staying?”

  “I’ve got two more weeks before I have to be in L.A.,” he offered in explanation but despite the smile she flicked his way, he noticed the crease between her brows and felt forced to ask, “Are you okay with me staying here?”

  “What?” she asked, surprised. “Of course. April wants you here, I haven’t seen her this happy in… well… ever really.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t seem convinced.”

  “Absolutely.” She gave him a genuine smile so he abandoned his questions.

  “I suppose Ben’s got work to get back to.” She tried to make the statement sound casual, but Lachlan could hear the anxiety in her voice. It was definitely time for Ben to leave.

  “Uh, no,” Ben said from the doorway. “I just don’t like being a third wheel to these two all day.” Ben gestured to Lachlan and it was implied April was next to him, joined at the hip.

  “I could keep you company,” she grinned brightly. “I only have three more days at school before the holidays, then I’m all yours.”

  The back of Lachlan’s throat clenched at her choice of word and Ben looked sorely tempted to accept her offer. Clearing his throat in an effort to break into Ben’s conscience, Lachlan stood up. Reluctantly, Ben dragged his eyes away from Marie and looked pleadingly at him. Lachlan got the feeling that at the present, he was third wheel.

  “Who’s for coffee?” Lachlan said as he brushed past the both of them on his way out of the room. He paused briefly beside his brother with his hand on his shoulder, as if awaiting a response to his offer. In reality, he was digging his fingers into Ben’s flesh in stark warning.

  “Yes please,” Marie said. Ben only nodded but Lachlan knew he’d gotten his message across. Ben had to leave, there was no choice. If Marie was a bit older and finished with school, then perhaps the situation would be different, but right now, things being what they were, it couldn’t happen and they both knew it. Lachlan continued into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on but kept his ears on the conversation going on in the other room.

  “I think it’s best if I go,” he heard his brother saying and he winced at the obvious reluctance in his tone. “I need to go.”

  “Why?” At that moment Marie did not sound like a naïve teenager whose feelings weren’t being reciprocated. No. Instead she sounded like a young woman whose heart was about to be crushed.

  “Because there’s nothing to do here, and I’m bored out of my mind,” Ben moaned.

  “Of course,” she said angrily, going for the defensive tactic. “I apologise for the dull nature of our lives. I’m surprised you’ve hung around this long.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Lachlan fought the urge to go club his brother upside the head. He should just agree with her, make it easier on himself. There was no way he could let her down gently, so he may as well let her be angry. “It’s only that with your sister’s privacy issues, I’m stuck in this house with nothing to do but watch the two of them shoot doe eyes at each other all day and it’s driving me mad!”

  “So it’s April you have a problem with? April is the best—”

  “I don’t have a problem with April, I like April,” Ben interrupted before she could berate him anymore.

  “Ah.” Even from the kitchen Lachlan could hear the hurt in her voice. “So it’s me then. Don’t worry, I’ll stay out of your way until you’re gone.” Hearing footsteps approaching the kitchen, Lachlan quickly retreated away from the doorway he’d been eavesdropping in. Abruptly the footsteps halted.

  “Yes,” he heard his brother say quietly and Lachlan could picture Ben holding Marie’s arm to stop her walking away from him. “I am going because of you, but not because I don’t like you.”

  Aw shit! Just open up a fucking can of worms, Bro! Was his brother seriously that stupid? Way to string her along dumbass!

  “So you do like me? Then why...”

  “I like you too much,” Ben murmured and Lachlan couldn’t help the audible groan that escaped his chest. He had already started towards them, intent on interrupting the cosy little scene before his brother really did do something stupid—like kiss the girl—when he heard the front door open.