Read Secret (Peters Junction Series Book 1) Page 30

  Chapter Twenty-One

  April came round the door with a load of groceries just in time to see Marie and Ben stepping quickly away from each other. She took in her sisters flushed face and her gaze drifted over to Ben, her eyebrows raised in silent question.

  “Ben’s leaving tomorrow,” Marie said matter-of-factly, as if the statement held little importance to her even though it was obvious to everyone she was upset. Before either she or Ben could say anything else, Marie stalked off to her room and closed her door firmly, barely stopping short of slamming it.

  A heavy sigh left April’s lips when Ben instinctively went after her sister. He stopped in the middle of taking a step and turned back to face her, red heat creeping up his neck. He tried to appear nonchalant but April could read the guilt and wariness in his eyes as if I have feelings for your sister was printed in bold letters across his forehead.

  “I like you Ben, and I know she’s reached the age of consent,” she said softly, putting the shopping bags down at her feet. “But she’s not ready for this.”

  Ben nodded his agreement even whilst asking, “Don’t you think that’s for her to decide?”

  “Perhaps,” April frowned. “But she’s been through more than any kid her age should have to go through, and I don’t want her to grow up too soon.”

  “I think it’s too late for that. She’s not a kid anymore,” he said gently. “Besides, at her age, you’d been through so much more.”

  “I know. I just want her to enjoy this age in a way I never could. If you start this, you’ll only hurt her.” April held up her hand to stay his protest. “You know your career will take you away for long periods of time and during those absences, she’ll miss you terribly. Instead of being out with her friends, enjoying the last few months of school and living as carefree as any teenager deserves, she’ll be missing you and worrying about the beautiful women you’re spending time with.”

  “I wouldn’t cheat on her!”

  “Perhaps not,” April conceded. “But that won’t stop her from worrying about it. Especially if you’re on TV kissing someone else.”

  “That’s not the same thing! Are you going to get jealous every time you see Lachlan kissing someone else in his movies?”

  “Probably,” April chuckled wryly. “But I’m mature enough to know the difference between kissing for work and cheating. It’ll be different for Marie. Stuck out here in a small country town where nothing happens, knowing you’re in a city somewhere kissing an attractive actress even if it is for work. She won’t be able to see you and you won’t be able to give her the constant reassurance she’ll need to know that she’s enough. It would be torturous for her.”

  Slowly he nodded his understanding.

  “I have no objection to you Ben.” Her tone was resigned. “All I’m asking is that you wait until she’s eighteen, wait until she’s finished high school. After that, if you still want to see how things work out, I won’t stand in your way.”

  Ben let out a startled laugh and at the affronted look on April’s face, he quickly explained. “I’d already decided all this which is why I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  April drew her eyebrows together, “So what was the point of this conversation?”

  “I dunno.” He smiled warmly. “But I’m glad we had it.”

  “Me too,” she said, returning his smile.

  Together they grabbed the grocery bags abandoned on the floor and turned to find Lachlan leaning against the wall at the doorway to the kitchen. He was staring affectionately at both of them, but all he said was “Coffee’s ready.” Then he relieved April of her burden, slung his arm across her back and guided her into the kitchen.