Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 10

  Chapter Nine - A Family’s Secret Revealed

  Before shutting down, I check my emails and notice one from my mother. Mia, I’m glad to hear your work makes you happy. I realize now how hard you’ve struggled and we pushed, but we always had the best of intentions. Love, Mom.

  Staring at the screen, the words are incomprehensible. What could have brought about her change of heart? I respond hoping we could start a new relationship. Mom, I know you always wanted the best for me and I disappointed you. I hope we can start fresh. What brought about your change of heart? Write soon. Love, Mia. I hit send and am surprised by her response minutes later.

  A physician who was called in to consult with me on the case of a young child mauled by a bear opened my eyes. Not only were his surgical skills invaluable, but listening to him comfort the parents, assuring them that she had a strong soul and would not stop fighting to come back to her life because of their encouragement, got me thinking. As we waited for signs of recovery, we began talking about how our perceptions of what is right sometimes interferes with others choices. I couldn’t help but think about how our perceptions of what the other was doing shaped our relationship.

  Staring at her words they ring with a sense of familiarity. Could Andrew be there trying to smooth things over while helping the girl? I test my theory. I’m glad you found someone that allows you to see a different perspective, that’s how I saw my misconceptions. Who is your insightful comrade?

  Her response is immediate. My insightful angel is Dr. Andrew St. Cloud. The name is rather ironic, since I blamed Eva, for your running from us, but from your emails, I wonder if she is your angel.

  Eva is helping me. I type.

  Honey, I just got beeped. We will be in New York for New Years, see if you could meet us, I would really like to see you. Love Mom.

  Closing my computer, I wonder if the people here really can work miracles for all who enter. My mother and I haven’t been civil since I was seven and now we’re conversing.

  The next morning, I have each patient recount their ordeal, each speaks of witnessing brute strength from the dark, shadowy creatures and being saved by beautiful, glowing angels. I save William for last. He confirms his paintings reflect the woman who saved him, her brilliant light which beat back the darkness and that the St. Clouds and their brilliance remind him of her.

  “The major difference doc though is that her light was brighter than Andrew’s and the shadow surrounding the creatures I saw and have her stepping on was darker than the one trying to envelop Nicholas.” I feel my mouth drop and immediately snap it shut. “Look doc, I know that the world outside of this place does not believe what I said, but there are creatures that hide amongst our world and they are fighting. There is a battle between good and evil going on right in our own midst, but most of us are too blind to see that we are getting caught in the middle and are the tools they use to impair each other.”

  “William, are you saying that the people here believe that?” I try to sound nonchalant.

  “Yes they do even though they don’t admit it. I will also tell you that you didn’t ask me this to fill in your records, you know they are special too and you’re just trying to figure out what they are.”

  Trying to maintain a professional mannerism, I smile. “You are a very insightful man, but I do have to update the records.”

  Crossing the courtyard in the midst of my first snowstorm here, Andrew is stepping out of the residency. His features are paler than the snow crystals falling and just as uniquely beautiful. The thought of everything he has done for me, including allowing my mom to see who I want to be for the very first time, overwhelms me. Without thinking, I hurl myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist as we fall backwards into the snow. “Thank you for everything. No one has ever done as much for me as you.”

  My reaction catches him off guard. He hugs me back. Desire unfurls within me, electrifying my every nerve and I pull myself closer, hugging his statuesque physique. “You’re welcome.” His voice turns solemn. “My sister tells me we have a lot to discuss.”

  My heart races anxiously.

  He rises taking my hand. “Come with me.” His voice trails off. “There’s no avoiding this now.”

  Glancing sideways, I see Andrew’s eyes filled with unbearable sadness. I hate that I’m causing him such discomfort. Nervous that he may ask me to leave, my blood pulses through my veins. I’m too hot…too cold…lightheaded, I can feel myself sway and he must too because he carefully tucks me into his side practically carrying me. I want to tell him that I won’t tell anyone, but my mind is racing and I can’t form the words. Should I tell him everything or just my observations regarding the accident? I could always put off what I told Eva as allowing my overactive imagination to be overwhelmed by the patients’ stories. We are walking down a path toward a darkened nursery, I need to decide quickly. His hand reaches the door. My heart spikes. This may be my only opportunity to try and convince him that I have no intention of hurting him or his family.

  Stepping through, drawing in a deep breath, my words flow quickly. “I know that you saved me after my accident! I suspect your family has powers beyond mere mortals because some of you are angels while others struggle from being overtaken by evil influences. I feel very loyal to you, Eva and Gabriel. I won’t ever reveal your secret, but please don’t ask me to leave because I don’t want to put anyone in jeopardy if I ever slip.” I draw in a jagged breath as he stands frozen. Not even the melting snow dripping down his awestricken face shakes him from his immobility. The stiller he stands, the more labored my breathing becomes. The silence is so deafening, I can’t stand it! “Please don’t make me leave!” His eyes briefly flit towards my hands and I realize they are pressed together in supplication. “I love it here! I didn’t mean to hear your siblings fighting or observe what I did. After the accident I died and saw you, Catherine and Eva trying to save me. I’m sorry, but really I won’t tell anyone!” Tears begin to prick my eyes and I turn away.

  His cool hands gently grab hold of my shoulders turning me back to him. His eyes stare intensely into mine searching for answers to unspoken questions. His eyes sparkle and grow more serene as if my thoughts reveal some answers. His celestial face softens. “Come and sit, you must be exhausted from piecing together so many puzzles in my short absence.”

  Leading me to a bench, I sit facing him. If he tells me to leave, I want to commit every inch of his beatific face and every glistening fleck of his sky blue eyes to memory.

  His voice turns paternal. “Mia, I’m not going to ask you to leave, but I warn you once you know the truth, you’ll probably bolt to get as far away from us as possible, despite the mounting storm.”

  Staring into his eyes, I could never imagine trying to run from them. In fact, I could never imagine the desire to look into another’s eyes. My resolve to uncover the truth waivers, I just want to hold him close. Shaking my head in hopes of clearing my clouding thoughts, there is something I need him to know. “Andrew, your sister helped me find a home here and you have made me feel welcome and safe. I would never do anything to betray or harm you! There is nothing that you could tell me that would make me afraid of people who evidently strive to do magnificent things.”

  Anguish fills his eyes. “You may feel differently when you hear what vile creatures we are and what has a hold on us! I never intended for you to learn any of this. I wanted you to come here, find some peace and confidence in what you are doing, and get away from those who were causing you such trouble…” It’s agonizing to watch him struggle to find the words he is looking for. “I hoped to give you some breathing room to discover what a truly wonderful person you are. I thought you could find yourself with us, enjoy your work and move on to a happy life.” A wave of sadness crashes over me threatening to crush me under its weight at the thought of never seeing him again. His strained voice drags me to the surface. “Then, my brother sent you into the embankment to stop your arrival an
d you suffered life threatening injuries which we had to heal.”

  I gasp as Nicholas’ irate image flashes before me. “Why would Nicholas want to stop me from coming? I never even met him, besides it was an animal that caused the accident.”

  “Nicholas believes that protecting you is a danger and it would be better if you were…somewhere else.” His tone turns disgusted.

  “I still don’t understand, you said that he caused my accident. A large animal caused it, not another car.”

  “No, Mia!” He’s at a loss.

  In those silent moments, John and Stephanie’s stories of animals turning into men bombards my thoughts. “Are you telling me that the animal was your brother?”

  “Yes.” He murmurs.

  I freeze, they are not human. “So you’re telling me that in addition to the swiftness enjoyed by Gabriel and I suspect all of you that you can change into animals? How is that possible? How could you cure me without instruments? I’ve only seen you sip tea, why don’t you ever eat? Do you turn into the lights I see in the forest too? Did you turn into the creatures that killed some of the patients’ family members? Are you an angel?” The questions pour out, but the last one causes me to hesitate because he would be the exact person I would want to guide me if I died.

  “That is quite a barrage of questions and I’m sure you’ll have more.” He says wryly. His hand hesitates towards the hand resting on my knee before he quickly steeples his hands, gently taping his lower lip with his joined index fingers. “While I was away, I was trying to determine how much to tell you. I knew you were suspicious. I even suspect Gabriel asked you not to confront me. I intended to tell you only about the accident, but you seem to have pieced together our puzzle.” He closes his eyes in defeat. When they open, the suffering of a hundred lifetimes is etched in his perfect features. “Are you sure you want to know the truth? Our story is somewhat overwhelming and more than most want to know about what goes on around them.” Do I detect a tinge of hope that I may say no? I nod.

  I gently stroke his cheek and am surprised he does not pull away. “Andrew, you have done wonderful things for me and your truth cannot be any worse than my suspicions. I want to know because I believe that I’m more involved than I realize. Maybe I can help!”

  For an all too brief moment, he leans into my hand. He appears to be savoring my touch, but then straightens himself. His voice softens. “You are going to think that I am deranged. If you don’t, I may reveal more than you want to know.” My stomach fills with butterflies. “We are not angels or demons in the sense that humans think of these things. However, we are not human anymore.” He pauses to gauge my reaction. I refuse to give him a reason to stop. “Do you believe in God and the devil?”

  “I believe there is a divine being.”

  “What if I were to tell you that angels and demons fight for the souls on this plane?”

  “I never thought about a soul. I believe we have a moral compass that guides us, but I never thought about angels fighting demons for it.”

  His tone turns grave. “Angels and demons have fought since Lucifer was cast out of heaven. They war for the souls on earth to enhance their armies. Although people have free will, there are guardian angels who try to guide them, while demons fight to lead them astray through malignant influences or creatures of the night. Our mother was unique. Strong souls, such as hers, only come along very rarely and would have proven a powerful force against the darkness. My father was assigned as her guardian angel, but Satan wanted her, so he destroyed the lives around her, to isolate her. He sent his creatures of the night, what you call vampires, to maliciously murder her family before her! My mother was locked away. One day she escaped, traveled far away and fell in love, but her husband was bitten by a vampire and transformed into the evil that she shied away from. His constant barrage isolated her once again, but she still had hope, she was carrying his child. When the child was born, the darkness claimed him too! My father tried to show her that she was not alone, but since God believes in free will, when angels are here, they can only gently influence. The devil, however, does not play by the rules. Desperate to join her son, she committed suicide which is not forgiven. As my mother lay dying, she finally saw the angel who watched over her, but it was too late. Her soul was cast into hell!”

  His features twist in agony. Taking in a deep breath, he continues. “She got him to send her here to fight for souls. When angels and demons are here, they can take on human or creature form to assist in their work. My mother sought out her protector angel. They fell in love, and took human form. From their love came four sets of twins. We were human and had strong souls.

  My father feared for my mother because their time on this plane was running out! He went to the archangel, Michael, and begged him to plead for mercy to be bestowed on her and offered for his soul to be cast into hell. Michael was so touched; he petitioned and was granted the power to send them to purgatory. They were thrilled. It was decided that the children of their union, since we were all in our twenties, could go on and our deeds would decide where our souls resided.

  However, Satan became aware of his impending loss and would have none of it! He got hold of our mother and began ripping her soul into as many pieces as she had children and was going to cast them into the deepest parts of hell. My father tried to barter his soul, but the devil would have none of that. He also demanded our souls since we were a product of her defiance.” His tone oozes disgust and he pauses calming himself. “Michael refused and a fight commenced between the devil, his minions, Michael and his angels! Fearing he would lose, the devil tried to hedge the odds by sending his creatures of the night to transform us. As they did, he attempted to extract our souls so that they would be his for eternity. Before he could complete his task, Michael captured our souls and was whisking them toward the heavens when Lucifer hurled an encasement at him, causing him to fall back toward earth, allowing Lucifer to trap our souls and the fragments of our mother! The fighting intensified.

  My father, fearing we could be lost forever made one last bartering attempt. Satan believed his demonic imprint on our now entrapped souls would allow him to control us and we would be his power on this plane, but he needed control over the encasement which the fighting forestalled, so he accepted my father’s deal.

  It was agreed that when we were destroyed, our souls would go wherever our actions led and our parents would go to neutral territory, provided that we could figure out the event or key which would unlock our prison within a thousand years. Otherwise, our souls and the souls of those we fell in love with would be under his control on the plane of his choosing and my parents would both be his to torture in hell!”

  He pauses again, searching my eyes. Finding nothing, he continues. “Then there was the problem of who would take possession of the encasement. Neither side trusted the other, not to be able to break it open and take possession of the souls. My father proposed that the encasement be separated with each of us to have our own. Since we are tied to this plane because of our new found immortality, the encasements would remain reachable by either when time ran out. As my father said goodbye, he passed on some of his powers in hopes of combating the darkness imposed by our conversion.”

  I sit there as still as stone, astonished as the images bombarding my thoughts, yet I cannot wrap my mind around the concepts. I don’t know how to react, but he is wrong on one point, I did not think he is deranged or lying. I try to gauge my voice. “That is quite a story, but I don’t understand one thing.”

  He interrupts me shocked. “You have just one question!”

  I try sounding amused. “I have much more, but what happened to your souls, do you store them in a vault?”

  Unfastening his top two buttons, he pulls out an ornate piece of jewelry unlike anything I have ever seen – a serpentine triangle pendant, surrounding a dangling figurine. The bottom left angle houses a deep crimson ruby blazing under the light with fire, while at the
bottom right there’s a brilliant diamond shining as if it is directly under the sun. The top appears to have lost its jewel. Looking closer, I realize it is an empty chamber and that the others are not stones at all, but lights bouncing within the chambers’ confines. Gasping as the incomprehensible realization of what they are hits me, my shaky hand reaches out palming it as my fingers glide over its white light. “Is that you?” I whisper.

  “Yes and over here is my mother.” His long finger, gently strokes the red light and he appears lost in some distant thought.

  “Did you lose something here?” I stroke the top chamber.

  “No, over the centuries, I have never let my emotions get the better of me and fill that chamber.” His features now a steely resolve.

  “Do your siblings have the same?”

  “We each have an identical one.”

  “So you were conceived by the union of a demon and angel. You’re not an angel, despite having angelic powers.” My head shakes. “You’re not a demon, but the devil believes that because of your mother, he has a claim to you and has tied you to the underworld by making you a vampire.” My eyes tear from his back to the pendant “and your soul is trapped in this object, along with part of your mother’s shredded soul until you find something to unlock the chamber.”

  He chuckles, probably at my factual tone. “When you sum it up like that, it sounds pretty simple. I guess you could call us angelic vampire demons.”

  “Have you ever come close to opening the chambers?”

  “No, until this last century, we were fighting and making things worse. Nicholas, Serena, Jonathan and Francis believed that embracing vampirism and providing Lucifer enough souls was the key, but we fought against them because believing that would only result in more lost souls! We are trying to convince them that if band together, we can find something during a moment when his side is weak that will help us gain our freedom.”

  Listening to him, a grave thought enters my consciousness. “Did your siblings have anything to do with these patients’ tragedies, is that why you opened this place?”

  “No.” He shakes his head emphatically. “Those were the works of demonic creatures or vampires. Our battling caused significant damage, especially to Nicholas and me. Every time he would do something bad, I got much weaker and each time I would combat it with something good, he would become weak. Fearing that this could happen to us all and we would destroy ourselves before finding a solution, we came here seeking neutral territory. At first it was just us, but after suffering certain tragedies, our siblings waivered and we came to an understanding. We use our skills to help others figuring if we can free the souls of the terminally ill and bring them peace or help those who suffer at evil’s hands maybe we can bring peace to ourselves. Our siblings assist us provided that those who appear to be already tagged for the underworld are delivered by them without our interference.”

  Enthralled by his account, the knowledge that he is also a vampire finally pierces my consciousness. Should I be terrified or do I admire him for his compassion? Staring into his eyes, all I want to do is hug him fiercely to remove the anguish from his features. At that moment, I’m sure I have nothing to fear. I need a distraction, before my wayward thoughts lead to actions I know he will not like. “After my accident, you healed me, yet I have no scars and I didn’t see instruments. Did you use some sort of angelic power?”

  His features turn solemn. “We eventually used instruments, but before then I advanced your healing because your wounds could be healed.” He inhales a deep, worrisome breath as if remembering something upsetting. “If your body couldn’t have stabilized, I wouldn’t have been able to save you!”

  “Why is that?”

  “Since we are not celestial creatures, we cannot do what true angels can do, our powers are limited.”

  “What gifts do you possess?”

  “Our talents appear to be polar opposites of our twin. As I can advance healing, Nicholas can advance death, but we can both see the aura of someone.”

  Astonished, “You can see someone’s soul?”

  “I’m not sure if it is their soul or tendency to be good or evil. Eva can enter people’s dreams, while Serena projects herself. Gabriel enjoys extra sensory perception, while Jonathan can distort people’s perceptions. Catherine is able to calm storms, while Francis can enhance them.”

  As he says this, I remember how my conversation with William got interrupted by a fast approaching storm as we caught sight of Francis which dissipated as soon as William left. “Are Jackson, Damian and Lucy human?”

  “No.” Sadness fills his voice.

  “How did they…” I can’t even finish.

  “Sometimes you come across your better half, someone that you can’t live without and in that moment, when you can’t force yourself to deny it any longer, they become ensnared!” Anguish overwhelms his features. “For Eva that happened with Jackson, she fought it for years, even sent him away, but he was tenacious like you and when he came back, he knew enough to force the truth and pursued her all the more because he believed they were better together, no matter what their fate! Damian and Serena were love at first sight. We were together when a hurricane hit, Catherine tried to calm the storm, but Francis wouldn’t allow it and a hospital collapsed. After witnessing the destruction, they had a change of heart and we searched for survivors. Serena found Damian and fell in love. She begged me to help heal him and promised to try to do the right thing if I would help. He hasn’t left her since. As for Jonathan, he found Lucy after we suffered a great loss and she hasn’t left him since. He turned her immediately.

  “Do they have special abilities?”

  “They share their spouse’s fate and powers.”

  “Why would your brother try to stop me from coming and why does he hate me? He doesn’t even know me!”

  He becomes lost in some unknown thought before finally speaking. “That’s not entirely true. When you were young, you rescued me when I was losing a confrontation with him. He was circling around when you interfered with is attack.”

  Seeing my bemusement, he leans down staring into my eyes. “Mia, I was the eagle you rescued, my brother was the fox!”

  I gasp. “I didn’t save you, my siblings fixed you up.”

  “Mia, your throwing dishes at Nicholas interrupted his frenzied attack and alerted the others to my location.”

  I gasp at the memory. “So he blames me for that and now thinks I threaten him, but why?”

  “We’re not sure, we think he is hiding something, but I suspect that it is because you have a very strong aura around you.”

  “That can’t be true! I have never done anything right my whole life!”

  He hesitates but then gently strokes my knuckles with his index finger. “Mia, I wish you would stop looking down upon yourself because you made choices others disagreed with and beating yourself up over the girl on the train, you couldn’t have saved her or the boy in Minnesota.” His impassioned voice is pleading.

  “You’re wrong. I saw the signs; if I pushed; Christian might be safe now instead of in a grave!” My hands fly to my face to hide my now flowing tears.

  He pulls me into his cold embrace as he strokes my back trying to comfort me. “You couldn’t save him! It was not your call.”

  Looking up, his proximity stuns me.

  His fingers wipe my tears. I don’t know if it is my vulnerability that touches him, but his cool lips ever so briefly brush my cheek with gentle kisses. His lips murmur against my skin. “You’re going to be alright. You are a strong, compassionate person.”

  He hoists himself from me, stands, and begins pacing wildly, murmuring to himself, as I sit stunned at how safe I felt enfolded in his arms, despite his revelations. My heart feels whole for the first time. His utter panic pulls me from my reverie. “It will seal her fate, hand her to him to cause chaos and destruction. It will be worse than what happened with father!”

bsp; He’s trying to convince himself to stay away from me. This thought crushes my very soul. I am caught in a tsunami unable to emerge. Staring at him, I know I love him. Is he afraid that he will seal my fate because he has feelings for me too? I try to think through the repercussions of my revelation. “Andrew, please stop.”

  He stops short and I stand, taking his hand, my voice cracks. “My fate is already sealed!” We stare into each other’s eyes for an immeasurable moment. I feel his free hand gliding gently up my arm, across my shoulder and up my neck until my face rests within his cold palm. Desire unfurls within me as his seraphic face moves closer to mine. His porcelain lips brush mine as soft as a passing breeze. Releasing his hand, they move to my back, pulling me closer to him. His lips move urgent upon mine. I sense his need. My heart pounds; scorching blood courses through my veins; I’m on fire; every muscle in my body aches to be close to him. I need him. I want him. I can’t live without him. As I pull him closer, he hoists himself from our embrace. “No, I’m sorry, this can’t be!” His face fills with anguish and he is gone.