Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 24

  Chapter Twenty-Three – The Arrival

  Fixing coffee to take with me, Andrew places his hand on mine. “Mia, your mother is weak this morning. It’s going to be close as to whether she can hang on to see her grandchildren. I called Christian, he is coming early. You should spend time with her. Eva has your rounds covered.”

  Fighting the tears, I want her last moments to be happy. I pray Christian will make it in time so that she could hold them before joining Katrina and David. I feel shaky. “Come on, let’s go.”

  “Mia, I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you more time.” He embraces me.

  “You did give me time and her a sense of peace.”

  When we arrive, she is looking at a photo album of when we were children. We look through them. There is even one of me holding the box with the eagle. It’s strange to realize that was the first contact I had with Andrew.

  He steps in to tell me Christian arrived and glances over my shoulder. He chuckles.

  “Mom, I love you. Stay strong for me ok.” She looks up and smiles, but I see the vacant look creeping into her soft hazel eyes.

  Christian appears pleased. “We’ll be calling you mom shortly.

  Will you be coming Mia?”

  “Can I?”

  “Of course”

  I grab Andrew’s hand. “Will you come with me? I’m nervous.”

  He stares at me. “Are you sure?”

  “After seeing so much death, I think you deserve to welcome in new life, don’t you.” His eyes sparkle.

  The operating room looks prepared for any possibility. Eva and Catherine are standing in between two incubators and two warming tables. I’m confused.

  “Don’t worry, Catherine was a nurse and even a trauma surgeon in Rome and Eva has been a surgical assistant and a pediatrician.” Andrew says reassuringly. “When you live as long as we have you move around quite often. We stayed in the medical field, but have several specialties.”

  I hear the babies’ heart beats echo. They sound strong. Andrew wraps his arms around me, kisses me, then goes to assist Christian. Nicholas comes out first with quite a set of lungs on him. Christian turns to me. “Would you like to do the honors? He hands me the scissors. My hands are shaking when he places Nicholas in my arms and my heart melts. “Welcome to the world.” I whisper kissing his head. Eva comes beside me. “Mia, can I take him? We need to do a few things. Besides, you will want your hands free.” She points to Kayla Ann.

  Christian’s face turns serious. I realize she isn’t crying. Fear grips my heart as I stare at Andrew. “It’s alright Mia, just give Christian a moment.” Although his voice sounds unalarmed, the room begins to spin as I forget to breathe.

  Catherine comes behind me, her cold hands touching my head and neck. “Mia, breathe. Everything is fine, her heart is strong.”

  I watch frozen as Christian clears her airway and finally take a breath as she cries. Catherine helps me over. “You gave me quite a scare.” I say through tears. “You really are your mother’s daughter, beautiful and spirited.”

  “We should cut the cord, Mia.”

  “Give the scissors to Andrew.”

  Andrew looks at me awe struck.

  “Go ahead.” His face lights up and he looks more beautiful than I have ever seen him before.

  “Mia, we should check her out.” Catherine puts her hands out.

  I panic. “Mia, she’s fine. It’s routine. Please don’t worry.”

  The monitor goes dead and Andrew flicks it off. Katrina’s body lies cold and still. It is strange seeing my face white and lifeless. If the world were as it should be, I would be the one laying there and she would be holding her children experiencing this unbelievable bond of love. The tears of joy turn to tears of sorrow. She missed the most joyful day of her life and now it really is time to say good-bye. Going over to her body, I kiss her head. “Katrina, I swear I will do right by them and protect them with my life. Sleep well. I’ll try to make you and David proud.”

  Andrew is beside me. “Mia it’s alright. Come, there are two little ones that need your attention.” He leads me over to Nicholas and Kayla. We each coo walking down the hall. Reaching my mother’s door, I become nervous. What if she already passed? I hesitate.

  “It’s alright, she’s alive. Gabriel would have gotten us if anything happened.” Andrew says soothingly.

  My breathing returns and I open the door. She is surrounded by pillows in such a way that even in her frail state, she can hold the babies. Her face is ashen but she becomes excited as we place them in her arms. Glancing at my father, tears glisten in his eyes as he watches her. He moves to touch her and them.

  Stephan isn’t here. Gabriel whispers. “He is downstairs. He cannot accept this.”

  “He has to say goodbye or he will hate himself.” I go to get him. Stephan is staring blankly into the flames. Sitting, I startle him. “Stephan, I know you don’t care for me, but I know without a doubt how much you love our mother and how much you respected Katrina. Our mother is about to leave this life and your niece and nephew are upstairs waiting to meet their uncle. You need to say goodbye to her and hello to them. Please come!”

  He turns, staring blankly at me.

  “Are you alright?” In my alarm, I notice him clutching the letter and a CD.

  “Stephan, please there is not a lot of time left!” I plead. “I don’t know what is in the letter, I assure you and I don’t even want to know. David gave it to me sealed. You have to come with me.” I grab his hand and for the first time since he was seven, he doesn’t shake it off.

  When my mother realizes I returned with Stephan she smiles weakly. “Mia, I think you should take the children now.” She gives each of them a kiss. “I love you little ones, I’ll be watching you always.”

  I take them from her, hand them to Andrew and hug her. “I love you mom.” I fight ensuring not even one tear escapes.

  Stephan goes to her. “I love you too mom, you knew that always, right?”

  She hugs him back. “Of course I knew.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” He whispers.

  “You have, Stephan, I go on in you, your sister and now my grandchildren.” She kisses him. “Don’t ever forget that.”

  Seeing my parents need these last few moments, we head downstairs and wait until my father comes down, tears rolling down his face. “She’s gone.” He says collapsing into the chair. Jackson and Andrew take the children from Stephan and me so we can comfort him.

  “What am I going to do without her?” He keeps saying. When he cannot cry any longer, his voice turns somber. “We have to make arrangements, Katrina and your mother both need to go home.”

  “Dad, we can do that in the morning, you need to rest.” I can see him eye Nicholas and Kayla and place them in his arms until he and Stephan finally head off to rest.

  Jackson and Eva pick up Nicholas and Kayla carrying them across the courtyard so quickly that they probably don’t even feel the cold.

  Andrew insists on carrying me. “You look like a natural mother.” He states lovingly.

  “Are you kidding, I’m so nervous.”

  “Just trust yourself and don’t forget that you have help. Did you see how they already have my sisters wrapped around their beautiful little fingers? They practically ripped them out of Jackson and my arms. You may have to fight for time with them.” He smiles.

  “I know someone else who is absolutely taken with them.” I say slyly.

  “You’re right, I heard Jackson telling Kayla how he would teach her to hit a mean fast ball.” He states innocently.

  “I didn’t mean Jackson and you know it.” I tease.

  “Alright, I’ll admit it. I am very taken by them. When Nicholas wrapped his hand around my finger and opened his eyes, if I had a heart, it would have melted immediately.”

  We are all in the nursery and I turn to Eva and Jackson. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how
much your help means to me.”

  “Are you kidding, we love children. These two are pure joy. I’ll be happy to flip you for the midnight and three a.m. feedings.” Jackson teases.

  “I’ll keep that in mind when they’re followed by the midnight and three a.m. changing.” I tease back.

  “I can take the smelly as long as I get to teach them how to drive when they’re older. I see two Italian sports cars.” He winks at me as they leave.

  Andrew wraps his arms around me. “How are you doing really? You looked ashen when you saw Katrina on the table.”

  I lean against him. “Andrew, she should be here, not me.”

  His face twists as if I punched him in the stomach. He grips my arms. “Don’t say that! I can’t lose you, not like that.” His body tenses. I try to change the subject.

  “When did you give Stephan the letter? It made him trance like.”

  “He was going to serve you in Minnesota when we returned for Katrina’s funeral. I couldn’t allow him to hurt you! I wanted to wait, but he didn’t leave me any options.” His tone is livid, and then softens. “It worked, he dropped the suit.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “He rescinded the paperwork.”

  Relieved, I lean down to kiss them. Andrew kisses them too. “Come on, you need to rest.”

  “What if they wake and I don’t hear them?” I ask concerned.

  “Don’t you remember the set of lungs on them? Besides I can hear a pin drop.”

  Waking hours later, I am surprised they haven’t cried to eat and go to their room. Andrew is sitting between the cribs, his eyes filled with such love, it takes my breath away. Holding his arms out, I crawl into his lap. “They are so amazing!”

  “So are you.”

  He rocks me until they stir. It’s amazing to watch how he interacts so naturally with them, they have really bonded.

  “You looked quite natural. I’m a little jealous.” I tease after they go back to bed.

  “You’re just nervous. I think the little fright Kayla gave you made you anxious. I can see how much you love them. Trust yourself and don’t worry about mistakes. Children are resilient they find the right path no matter how many mistakes their parents make. You of all people should know that!” He leans down, kissing me lovingly.

  I wrap my arms around his waist, pulling myself toward him. My pounding heart accelerates as his lips move from my mouth to my cheekbones and down my jaw line before returning to my lips. All too quickly, he pulls back from me and leads me to the couch. Putting on the news, we see a storm is coming.

  I curl up to Andrew’s side and his fingers begin gently gliding down my arm, my hand, passing my fingers and rest on my thigh. The fluttering butterflies in my stomach are doing flip flops. I uncurl my legs and he brings them across his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist while I move my hands clasping them around his neck.

  His perfect lips on mine send a jolt directly to my heart before they move to my ear. “You are so beautiful.” He pulls me against his chest. We are still kissing when I hear a knock and begrudgingly rise to answer it.

  “We’re wondering if you need help.” Eva inquires shyly.

  “Just admit you wanted to see the babies.” Jackson elbows her.

  “Come in. They should be up shortly.”

  They sneak a peek before joining us. “They are so beautiful.” Eva sits next to me. Andrew insists on making me coffee and Jackson joins him.

  “How are you doing really?” Eva inquires.

  “I’m overwhelmed. I love the twins, but wish the circumstances were different. Andrew seems quite taken with them.”

  “I can understand that. He helped raise us and always spoke of wanting a family, but then when our life ended, he never spoke of it again.”

  Eva and Jackson feed Nicholas and Kayla. It’s strange to watch how two little lives bring such joy, despite the surrounding tragedy.

  Andrew answers the second knock. I see Nicholas, Jonathan, Serena and Damian and hear one of them say they want to offer condolences and wonder if they could see the twins. Andrew appears hesitant. Advancing toward them, I hope my blessing rising out of the ashes of tragedy can also be their turning point.

  “Come in.”

  Serena puts out her hand. “Mia, I’m sorry about your mother and sister. I know you consider us the bad guys from our history, but let me assure you, we are hoping to start fresh and even help.” Her tone sounds absolutely sincere.

  “I would like that.”

  Nicholas comes over to me. “Mia, I’m really sorry about your mom and sister. I wish…” His struggling pulls at my heart strings and I take his hand. “Nicholas and Kayla are a new start for me and an opportunity to do the right thing like you’re trying to do.”

  “I am.” He assures me.

  They all appear awed by my miracles that rose from the stagnant ruins of death. When they leave, Andrew offers to bring Stephan and my father to the suite. My father looks as if he hasn’t slept and Stephan is still clutching the CD secure in his pocket.

  As they visit with Nicholas and Kayla, Andrew makes arrangements for us to travel in a private jet.

  I call David’s parents who are excited to hear their grandchildren have arrived. Andrew even sends them pictures.

  The drive and plane ride are fairly quiet. My father is asleep and Stephan is staring at something on his laptop.

  After settling the twins in the hotel cribs, I go into the living room and hear Andrew talking to Martin. Sneaking my hands under his arms, I wrap them around his chest, kissing the back of his neck. He shivers. “Have I told you how wonderful you are and how you think of everything. I didn’t even think to take pictures.” He turns. I stretch to kiss him and although his encircling arms are cool, being close to him sets off such electric sparks within me, overheating my blood so I never feel the cold.

  Arriving at the funeral home, it’s strange to see my mother lying there lifeless, but looking better than she did at Sanctuary.

  As people file in, I hear whispers about how it is a big mistake to leave the children to me because I will run when things got too tough. One of my father’s colleagues even comments on how he wouldn’t be surprised if I leave them on someone’s doorstep. With each passing comment, Andrew’s body grows more rigid and I can feel the tension rolling off him. The dinner is even worse, and Andrew’s mood appears to be getting darker.

  Arriving back at the hotel, he is still aggravated. “Andrew, they didn’t agree with my actions but they don’t matter. I put it behind me, thanks to you, so relax.”

  He hugs me a little too tightly then releases me. “I’ll be back. I have to work this out.” He doesn’t return until the morning, but his face appears serene.

  Once again we are traveling. My father, Stephan and the twins sleep out of pure exhaustion. I am grateful for whatever rays of light are shining upon me making these twins so easy. Staring into Andrew’s glorious eyes, I feel privileged in this respect too. Looking upon this exceptional being who stares back at me lovingly, I cannot imagine what I did to deserve such a gift, but am grateful for the blessing bestowed on me.