Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 25

Chapter Twenty-Four –Stephan’s Stunning Secret Is Revealed

  David’s parents are very excited when we arrive and at their request, we go right over, despite the late hour.

  Their faces are beaming brighter than a baseball stadium on opening day as they greet their grandchildren. Their joy is unfathomable.

  After several hours, I rise to leave, not wanting to keep them up all night, but they beg us to stay with them while we’re here so they can spend as much time with their grandchildren as possible. Andrew goes back to the hotel for our things.

  As I set up the couches, Suzanne talks about how she was nervous when David first came home. I know she is asking how I am doing, probably worried about her grandchildren. I try to put her at ease.

  “I get nervous, but Andrew’s family is very good to me. They made a home for them before they were born in the residency where I stay.”

  “Mia, not to change the subject, but you and Andrew appeared close the last time you came and he seems very fond of the twins, very attentive. I know it is none of my business, but I was wondering if you and he had any plans. I’m not trying to pry, it’s just that…”

  I put my hand on hers. “I understand you are concerned considering that your grandchildren are involved and you want what is best for them. Andrew is a good man, he and his family adore the children. They all work at the hospital and are very helpful. I care for him and he cares for me, but it’s complicated.”

  “Mia, he isn’t married, is he?”

  “No, I would never do that.” I couldn’t tell her the real reason or she would gladly encourage Stephan to reinitiate a custody battle. “It’s just that he is my boss and now there is more than just he and I and we don’t want to get involved only to have it be wrong.”

  She laughs. “I’m sorry. It’s just that you are so cautious, so guarded and so self-deluded. You are already involved with him. He seems to know what you are looking for before you realize it and the way he looks at you, I have never seen a man in love more, my David included. I’m not saying David didn’t love Katrina, he did, but the way Andrew looks at you, there’s just something, a spark and devotion there in his eyes that…I can’t describe but which exists, I’m positive.”

  Not knowing what to say, I’m relieved to have to answer the knock at the door. I shouldn’t have been surprised when Andrew enters carrying two portable cribs. I shake my head. “What?” He inquires all too innocently.

  “I just should have known that’s all.”

  “Trust me, this is a good thing.” He walks past me toward Suzanne whose eyes sparkle. “I thought we could leave these here in the loft so that if you could stand our invasion every so often, they would have a place to stay when we visit.”

  Their faces beam. “You really are going to let us share their lives, thank you for giving us a part of our son back.”

  Andrew’s returning smile sets my heart ablaze. How could he even doubt his own goodness for a moment?

  Martin and Suzanne place the twins snugly in their beds and retire. I crawl into Andrews lap. His arms instantly encircle me while my fingers trace his perfect lips. Kissing the tip of my index finger, we both shiver. My shiver is from desire blazing within me and from his responding actions I know his is as well. Bringing me closer into his steel chest his lips brush against mine tenderly. My heart pounds like a sonic boom. After a few moments, he leans his head back slightly, giving us breathing room.

  When I wake, Andrew has a new computer set up for Suzanne and Martin so they can skype and see their grandchildren when we are not here. They are overjoyed. I am stunned that he thinks of everything to make others happy.

  We drive to the church for yet another somber service. Guilt washes over me like a tidal wave and I lose my fight with unshed tears when Katrina’s obstetrician, who was a close friend, speaks of all the hopes and dreams Katrina had for her children, how she envisioned their first steps, how she and David would teach them how to swim and how to sled down the hills that lined their backyard. Andrew wraps his arm around me, but for the first time this offers no comfort as Anastasia speaks of how Katrina would learn to bake so that she could send them to school their first day with a homemade treat to warm their tiny bellies and let their beautiful hearts know how she was with them even when they could not see her. I’m chilled to my very core. I see the life Anastasia describes ripped from Katrina. Wanting to run, but knowing I can’t run from myself, I sit hiding my face in Andrew’s suit, hoping my tears will remain silent.

  At the restaurant, Anastasia comes over. As she strokes their cheeks, her words ring in my ears and I feel the break coming. Putting Nicholas in her outstretched arms, I excuse myself. I desperately search for a place to fall apart without the eyes of those who already have such a low opinion of me watching. Walking through the kitchen, Anton leads me to a small room. “Thank you.” I collapse in the chair, my head falling into my hands.

  Unsure of how long I am sobbing before the cool hands that I love so much wrap around me. “You’re going to be alright.”

  I can’t even lift my head. He deftly lifts me into his arms. My eyes remain closed but the tears refuse to stop and so do the images of the life that was robbed from Katrina and David to get to me.

  “Mia, it’s alright, they are here and happy.”

  I force my head up. “What did you say?”

  “Mia, they will always be with their children, watching over them.” He responds soothingly.

  “But how, they are not here and doesn’t everyone join the fight?”

  “It is not the same as you think of war. They are allowed to watch their loved ones and although they are not here the way they thought or you want them to be, they will see their children take their first steps and grow, they will experience the joy in a different way not limited by human perceptions.” He kisses my head. “We need to get back. It’s almost time to leave.”

  Before returning, I go and splash water on my face. Coming out, I’m surprised to see Stephan bending down speaking with a little boy. I stop dead in my tracks when I hear Stephan ask the woman to come in so he can introduce his son to our father.

  Turning around, Stephan stares at me and then with a resigned expression, turns so he is looking at both of us. “Marie, this is my sister, Mia. Mia, this is Marie and my son, Edward.” I stand there mute, surprised that my hand reaches out to shake Marie’s.

  “It’s a pleasure meeting both of you.” I say finally, kneeling to shake Edward’s hand.” He smiles widely and I easily see Stephan’s features. He hugs me.

  Marie moves closer. “He’s very affectionate.”

  “It’s fine. He’s adorable.”

  Edward jumps into Marie’s arms and Stephan walks into the dining area. I wait a moment. Most of the guests are gone. I go stand beside Andrew who doesn’t appear surprised.

  I whisper. “You knew, didn’t you?”

  “David’s letter” He replies softly.

  “That’s what was in it?” I answer too loudly.

  Stephan is before my father. “Dad, I would like you to meet Marie and my son, Edward”. He says in a small voice.

  My father falls back into the chair behind him, his face turns to stone. After a moment, he holds out his hand, but his voice remains rigid. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Marie.” He glares at Stephan. Edward holds out his hand and my father’s face softens. “How are you young man?”

  “I’m very good grandpa.” My father’s face turns ashen, but softens as Edward hugs him, shock never leaving his eyes.

  While Marie talks to David’s parents, Stephan moves toward me.

  “Mia, you really surprise me sometimes. I thought you knew, but you had no idea.” This is the first time I think I have ever seen Stephan surprised.

  “Stephan, I don’t understand. Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

  “It’s a long story which I’m not proud of. I guess you aren’t the only one who’s made wrong decisions.” He
sounds repentant. “Look, we don’t agree, but I’m realizing that I have no right to cast stones. I lost three years of my son’s life for my mistakes. Marie has agreed to sit with me and see if we can work things out, so I can get to know him. Since she is being so good to me, I should assure you that I am going to try to lighten up on my judgments and I won’t be coming after you or Katrina’s children. David was very persuasive, setting forth how I should get to know my own family before I try to steal his.” His tone and words shock me. I hadn’t seen this Stephan since I was a toddler and he actually liked me. I can’t help but wish this Stephan stays.

  “Stephan, I hope you work it out, but I am curious, how could you walk away?”

  “I was a resident, not ready to be saddled with a family. I wanted to make dad proud and progress, but that took working long hours. How could I come home and say I had a baby with a woman I met at a bar.” Stephan being forthcoming shocks me even further, but I say nothing hoping he’ll continue. “When she told me she was pregnant, I wanted her to abort the fetus or give the child up. We fought and I hadn’t heard from her. When I learned mom was sick, I started thinking about what could have been if I hadn’t been so selfish, but I was afraid to contact Marie. David’s CD had pictures and videos of Marie and Edward thanking me for the money and letters I sent.”

  I interject. “You said you had no contact with her.”

  Stephan eyes shift. “David was sending them money and little notes to Edward. He was a better man than I could ever be and left me the gift of an opportunity to get to know my family, so how could I go against his wishes for his own. I better get back to Marie. We are taking dad back and then going to talk.”

  “I hope it goes well. Don’t ever forget what is important.” I remark glancing towards Edward. “No position is worth losing more time.”

  “Hopefully this time I’ll make the right choices.” He picks up Edward and reaches for Marie’s hand. Looking at them, I hope for everyone’s sake they work it out. I stand dumb founded. This is a night of firsts! Thinking back, I can’t even remember the last time we had a civil conversation.

  Andrew hugs me. “Congratulations mom. You should say goodbye to your father.”

  I do just before we take Martin and Suzanne home. Despite the sorrowful day, I’m happy to see some good come of it. Martin even sings to the twins.

  Andrew whispers. “Why don’t we go for a walk and give them some time?”


  “Martin, Susanne would you mind watching the twins while I take Mia for a walk?” He inquires sincerely.

  “Really, you want us to watch them alone?”

  “You are their grandparents, she trusts you completely.” They smiled widely. “We won’t be long.”

  “Take as long as you like.” Martin replies happily.

  The night is brisk but beautiful. We walk to a nearby park. As I head toward a bench, Andrew grasps my hand, leading me toward the swings. “Why don’t you sit down?” He clears the seat.

  I laugh. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

  “No you’re not.” He says amused as his eyes sweep down from my head to my toes. “Trust me.” I sit down and he pushes me gently. Each time the swing motions forward, it seems to take one sorrow from the day and the past weeks and pushes it into a place where I can lock it away.

  When he sees I’m feeling better, we walk over to a bench and look at the twinkling stars lining the darkened sky like diamonds. Even their beauty cannot compare to the way Andrew’s eyes sparkle when they are clear blue, serene and catch the sun’s rays.

  I lean into his side and his knuckles stroke my cheek. The shiver of desire raises goose bumps on my arms. I don’t know how he knew, but his hand reaches into the sleeve of my jacket and he runs his index finger across the pulse in my wrist. I turn and his expression is playful, maybe smug. “So you think your funny do you?” I feign anger, then move both of my hands to his incomparably beautiful face and kiss him with such passion, he is caught off guard. I feel the electricity and intensity of the kiss send a shiver through his torso. I gently pull away, my heart pounding as quickly as if I had run a three minute mile. “Now you know how I feel every time you kiss me!” I say breathlessly.

  “What are you thinking of right now?” His voice is breathy too.

  “Besides trying to slow my heart, just how strange families can be?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When I was six, I remember telling a friend that someone had stolen Stephan replacing him with an evil clone because he went from loving me to being so negative. It’s strange how that perception stuck with me and fueled the animosity which formed between us. Yet tonight, with Edward, I could see the soft side of Stephan, making me feel as if the good Stephan was always there, just dormant and waiting for someone who loved him unconditionally to free him from his imprisonment or wake him from his slumber, like in the old fairytales we read as children. Were you close to your siblings as children or was there always the division which exists now?”

  His eyes appear distracted. “Our childhood was very different. We had no technology and lived secluded lives. My brothers and I worked the fields, while my sisters loomed wool and cooked. When we played, we skipped rocks across the pond or swam. We were close because we didn’t associate with the outside world for fear of crossing an angel or demon that would learn our secret. It’s funny though…” His voice trails off.

  “What’s funny?”

  He seems apprehensive.

  “You can tell me.”

  He sighs. “No matter how many times I think about our life before the conversion. I can’t remember Nicholas. It’s strange. I helped raise Eva, Catherine and Francis and can see them clearly, but I can’t remember my twin and I just don’t understand why. The more I push my memory, the harder it is to see him.”

  A strange look comes over his face and I wonder if he is concerned about telling me this. “Thank you for trusting me with that.” I hug him tightly.

  “I do trust you, with my life.” He responds earnestly.

  Heading back, we hear rustling from the trees and I see a pair of glowing eyes. Andrew draws me closer, taking in a deep breath. Instantly, I am in his arms traveling faster than I can comprehend. My racing heart fills with fear as I realize something is chasing us. He darts through tree lines streets and backyards leading them away from our real destination. He finally puts me down, but keeps me close.

  “What was that about?”

  “The rustling you heard was a vampire. It could have been a coincidence and he is just hunting, but I have to consider that because you are off Sanctuary grounds, he is trying to get you here.”

  “Andrew the…” He places his hand over my mouth.

  “I know. We are heading back. I want to confuse our path. I have to pick you up again. I don’t sense anyone else or that he followed us here, so it may be that he is just hunting. If he was sent by him for you, knowing that you are with me, I would assume more than one would come. Are you ready?” He picks me up and we are once again speeding around. I’m happy I hadn’t eaten because he would be wearing my stomach contents without a doubt.

  Despite Andrew’s confidence that Martin and Suzanne aren’t in any danger, I am still anxious as we say our good-byes. Stopping by Stephan’s to see if my dad needs a lift, I’m glad to see the Marie and Edward still there. I’m glad to see my father’s eyes less vacant and that he will be staying with Stephan for a few days.

  The plane ride home is smooth, but I wonder what damage that creature might be causing as he moved on to some unsuspecting victim. An unbidden thought frightens me. “Do you think it will go after my family since we averted his attack?”

  “I don’t believe that he would go after any of your family members, even if he was sent for you. Their last attempt failed miserably and they lost their ability to manipulate Nicholas. Besides, we left so many dead ends that he couldn’t trace us back to any particular place.
Once he realizes we are gone, he will join up with whoever gave him the order, if he was sent for you and if he wasn’t, he will go hunting someplace else.” Although his face appears undisturbed, there is a trace of something in his voice that I cannot pinpoint.