Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital A Hidden Enclave For Angels, Demons, And Vampires Page 28

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Confrontation And Commitment

  “Mia, may I see you a moment?” Looking up, I know the facial expression which will meet mine. My father is going to give me yet another speech about what I am doing wrong in my life. I only hope this feeling of happiness in Andrew’s arms is enough to make me hold my tongue. Andrew squeezes my hand before I ascend the remaining stairs.

  I follow my father into his room where he sits rigidly on the couch. Sitting in the recliner, I wish it could just transport me into another dimension. I am not ready to hear him pass judgment on me again. I had enough of it when I was a child, but I’m not a child anymore. I try to focus on my mother’s words about taking care of him and mending fences. I keep telling myself he is still mourning and here only for a short time before we return to our long distance relationship or none at all.

  “Mia didn’t your mother and I raise your right?” His voice is curt.

  Taking a deep breath to calm the angry response rising up my throat, my response sounds matter of fact. “Father, I’m not doing anything wrong and I don’t know what you’re getting at.”

  “I heard you on the steps trying to worm your way into Dr. St. Cloud’s life. I have asked around. Did you know his great grandfather started this facility and his family has worked in the medical field for generations? His father was a well-respected cardiovascular surgeon who was highly respected for his advances in technique.” Despite my father’s aggravated tone, I find it fascinating to learn about this aspect of Andrew’s life.

  “What does his father’s reputation have to do with me?”

  “Mia, Andrew is also respected, especially for one so young. He is your superior. Do you really want to blow this job too? He sounded pretty clear about not wanting to commit to you and your insistence upon taking whatever part of him he is willing to throw you, can only lead to disaster. I know that you have never listened to me before, but if you keep pushing and he feels cornered, they will force you to leave. If you are forced to leave for misappropriate behavior it would ruin you. Although I think this place is a mistake, I promised your mother I would not interfere with this career choice of yours.” From his tone, one would think my career choice is that of a prostitute. Every bone in my body aches to scream “mind your own business,” but I hold my tongue.

  “You have to realize that if he talks about your unprofessional behavior, it would be a disaster. His word carries weight Mia. If he talks it will not only affect your career, but mine as well and my work is all I have left. Before your mother became ill, I was on the short list to head a new research transplant team for a facility focusing on synthetic hearts. Just think of the break through, no more lost patients due to the failure to find a human heart.” He pauses. “Then your mother got sick and I had to remove my name to care for her. The backers have refused candidates based on their failure to reflect the proper moral fiber and now they are looking at me again. If they look at my family, I have your brother who hid his situation and now is the center of rumors which will keep him from advancing since all he wants to do is play house. Then there is your situation which based upon what I just saw confirms my worst fears. Your willingness to settle for whatever little scraps of time he throws your way is pathetic. Are you two playing house as well?” He inquires aggravated.

  “I am not playing at anything!” I stop immediately, I’m too angry.

  “Is he married? I didn’t want to ask and spark unnecessary questions.” He sounds more concerned now than irritated.

  “He isn’t married and I am not throwing myself at anyone.” I retort coolly, straining to keep my voice even. “It’s complicated, but he wants to be with me. I’m not doing anything to endanger your career or mine. I am not doing anything wrong! In fact, I am trying to carry on my career, raise Nicholas and Kayla in a warm, loving environment and keep their family close. As far as Stephan and Marie, Stephan does not want to play house, he’s asked Marie to marry him and make their family a solid unit. However, she is afraid because your cool son put his career in front of everything else so he could gain your respect. He had nothing to do with them so that he could do what you wanted of him, so why don’t you cut him a little slack.” I stop, taking in a deep breath to calm my angry tone.

  “Dad, it may ease your mind to know that Marie loves him and I wouldn’t be surprised if she says yes to him during this trip. Either way though, you need to understand that it is his life and they need to work out whatever arrangement works for them. I am sure that if these benefactors know you and your skillful advances, they won’t let anything stand in the way of getting you on board. No one is more proficient in this area than you. Despite our disagreements, I have always admired your work ethic and incomparable skills. Anyone would be lucky to have you!”

  His face softens, but I see the desperation in his eyes for this distraction. I’m not sure if it is that I can see him now through adult eyes of wanting the best for his children or realize that losing my mother fuels his desire to cling to anything that will bring relief but I find myself hoping my father finds his peace in this endeavor.

  “Thank you for saying that. Mia, I wish you would listen to me. From what I heard, Andrew is not interested in a relationship and you will lose all career possibilities if you are fired for inappropriate behavior!”

  There is a tap on the door, which was now ajar. My father responds. “Come in.”

  Andrew’s features are tight. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but father Jeffers is here to go over last minute details with Mia.” I rise, but before we leave, Andrew takes another step toward my father. “Dr. Angelis, I overheard some of your conversation and want you to know that I have nothing but the utmost respect for your daughter. She is going to make a fine psychiatrist. She has a special gift for being able to read and understand patients’ needs better than most veterans. Dealing with such complexities of the human mind is extremely difficult and she rises to the challenge. I’m sure that you have some questions seeing the close relationship we share. I assure you that nothing inappropriate is going on. I care for her and respect her too much to ever put her in a compromising position. Considering everything that has transpired, we have decided to take this slow. I am a careful person and do not want to do anything to hurt Mia, the twins or her career, but it does not mean that we are playing at anything. Mia is very well liked here and highly respected. She is too important to me to play games with.” His sincerity leaves my father speechless, which is a first. He turns to me. “Mia we need to go. Dr. Angelis, we’ll see you at dinner.”

  “Thank you for those words.” I smile as we cross the courtyard.

  He intertwines our hands. “I meant every one. You are going to be a wonderful physician and as far as being liked and respected here, you should have no doubt about that. In fact, I have been warned by more than one of my siblings that if I do anything to hurt you, I will have more to fear than just the fiery pit of hell, something far worse!”

  “So that’s why you stay with me. Now I see!” I say exaggerated and his features lighten.

  “How long were you listening?”

  “From the beginning, I was worried he would upset you and I hated the thought of you getting flack because of me.”

  “He and I were at each other long before I ever encountered you, but you have taught me that he runs out of steam sooner when it is a monologue.”

  We talk with father Jeffers and I convince him to stay for dinner, joking that we needed a little divine intervention. As he and Andrew go for a walk, I go to ask Stephan to be the twins’ godfather. Despite his shock that I would even ask him, he agrees and I learn that not only has Marie accepted his proposal but that they are expecting another child and plan on getting married by a justice of the peace upon their return home. It’s nice having such a civil conversation with my brother. He is definitely a softer, more cordial person with his son who loves him unconditionally.

  Rising, an idea pops to mind, but I need to find Andrew fi

  Descending the stairs too fast, I trip. Nicholas grabs me to stop me from falling. I am surprised to feel the warmth of his touch. “Thank you for stopping my fall.”

  “Where’s the fire?” He asks concerned.

  “I was in a hurry to find Andrew and father Jeffers.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, I just needed to know if I could do something here tomorrow.”

  “I saw them go into the recreation building.”

  “Thank you again.”

  As I enter, Andrew comes over to me. “Are you alright? Did you and Stephan fight? You seem anxious.”

  “No, I’m just excited, but I wanted to check with you about something.” His intense eyes stare at me and I momentarily lose my concentration. “I was wondering if we could have a wedding here after the baptism?”

  “She said yes.”

  “She did and they are planning to go home and get married at city hall. She’s expecting another baby. I thought it might be nice to combine events.”

  “That’s a marvelous idea, but why did you think you had to ask permission? This is your home now too.”

  “I was thinking about something else, but you need to tell me if it sounds like I’m interfering. You know David and Katrina’s house hasn’t sold and it would be perfect for a family. I thought that maybe Stephan and Marie could stay there and pay some money to Martin and Suzanne.”

  He looks at me, his eyes shining. “I knew I was right, you have a special gift for identifying how to help others.”

  I could have stayed right there lost in his glorious gaze, but I had to talk to Marie. “I should ask Marie.”

  “I’ll tell father Jeffers about the possible changes.” He kisses me on the cheek causing my heart to pound as he lingers there.

  Upon my return, Marie is putting Edward down for a nap, so I wait on the steps. Nicholas catches sight of me from the foyer. It’s strange to see Andrew’s face surrounded by such light hair. “Did you find Andrew?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “I am. Nicholas, were you baptized?” I ask curiously.

  “I believe that we were baptized in a little church in Italy. I don’t remember it myself of course.” He laughs.

  “Do you remember a lot of your childhood?”

  He contemplates before answering. “Not a lot, but I do remember one sunny afternoon when we were all by a small river. We were trying to cross a decrepit bridge to see what was on the other side, maybe hunt. As we crossed, I fell through into the stream and was being carried toward the basin. If Gabriel didn’t jump in and save me, I wouldn’t be here. He pulled me toward the edge.” He shakes his head as if trying to dispel a disturbing thought.

  I couldn’t make sense of his memory. Andrew told me that happened to him and is the reason he and Gabriel are so close. Before I could ask him about this, Marie approaches and he leaves. As he passes, I hear her, “Hi Andrew.”

  “Stephan said you were looking for me.”

  “I was.” She sits next to me and I tell her about my idea to combine events and am thrilled to see she likes the idea. She unexpectedly hugs me tightly.

  “How are you set for something to wear? I have a winter white suit that would probably fit you.”

  “I brought a black dress so if you wouldn’t mind, I’d love to try it on.”

  When I come back, Eva is holding a garment bag. “I heard there may be a wedding. You certainly make this place fun.” She laughs.

  I hand Marie my off white suit.

  Eva puts her hand on my shoulder. “Mia, you are a great doctor, but your clothes, are too sedate. She hands Marie the bag. Try this on? If you need help altering it, Serena is great with a needle and thread.”

  As Marie heads upstairs I go in and talk to Martin and Suzanne. Despite their objections about receiving rent and the trust I am setting up for them, they are thrilled that the house will be occupied by a loving family.

  “We should let you get ready for dinner.” Martin says rising to leave.

  When he opens the door, my heart stops. Andrew is there looking breathtaking, his perfect features made even more beautiful by his sparkling smile and soft pale eyes.

  Crossing the room, he wraps his arms around me. “How did it go with Marie?”

  “She is thrilled. Your sister even gave her a dress because she thinks my clothes are too conservative.” I reply with mock annoyance.

  “I think you always look beautiful.” He leans down, his cool lips brush mine, sending my once stopped heart pounding wildly. “Why don’t you get ready and I’ll stay in case the twins get up.”

  Everyone is seated for dinner downstairs. The soft glowing lights reflecting on the St. Clouds make it appear as if my family is surrounded by perfect life size porcelain dolls. When dinner is through, much to my father’s relief, Stephan tells him about their plans to marry after the baptism. Much to my surprise, my father has nothing negative to say when Stephen tells him that he is giving up his position at the hospital to take a position in the small practice Marie works at so that he can spend time with his family. As he speaks, my father’s eyes even soften.

  “I can only hope you two are as happy as your mother and I were.” Sadness fills his voice, and I can feel the tears welling in my lids. “Have you decided on a place to live? Your apartment is barely big enough for you. If you need help, all you have to do is ask.”

  “When we get home, we’ll look for a house to rent.”

  Hearing this, I decide it’s now or never, but can’t help fidgeting. We have had a pleasant visit so far and I would hate to go back to the way we used to be. Andrew places his hand upon mine and I immediately calm. Clearing my throat, all eyes turn to me. “If you would like, Katrina and David’s house is available to rent.”

  Stephan’s eyes widen. “I thought you had it on the market?”

  “I changed my mind. You know I can never stay to one course.” I try to joke. “I was thinking it is a good family home. You could keep or get rid of any furnishings you don’t want and pay some reduced rent to Suzanne and Martin.”

  Marie hugs me, while Stephan stills his mouth agape. “Thank you that would be wonderful. You’re not at all how your brother described.” She pulls away, her face red as she realizes what she said.

  “We have had a rocky past, but maybe we are headed toward a more amiable future.”

  Father Jeffers goes over details with them while my father makes telephone calls in my suite so I can help clean up and prepare for tomorrow.

  Walking into the nursery, they have set up a beautiful lattice surrounded by newly formed blossoms. It looks breathtaking.

  I turn to Andrew. “How did you do all of this so quickly?”

  He laughs. “It’s nothing. You should see the cake Gabriel is putting together.”

  I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. “I hope you left something for me to do.”

  “There are two things which you could help with.” His voice is full of mischief. “First, you could kiss me.” He leans down and my heart pounds wildly as his porcelain lips touch mine and his arms encircle me tighter. Feeling the cool curves of his muscles against me, my breathing turns shallow and so does his. My racing pulse heats my blood and as it courses through my veins, all I want to do is throw him to the floor and make love to him the way I see us making love in our visions, but I refrain and he gently pulls away going behind the trays, pulling out a large box.

  “This is number two.” He smiles, approaching me. Inside are two antique lace baptismal gowns and a soft taupe silk dress. “They’re beautiful, but you have to stop spoiling me.”

  “Indulge me. You look so soft and lovely when you dress in delicate clothes.”

  “Is that your way of telling me you agree with your sister’s assessment of my wardrobe?” I feign hurt feelings.

  His features tur
n concerned. “I didn’t mean…”

  I put my fingers to his lips. “I’m only teasing. Thank you, it’s beautiful.”

  “Not nearly as beautiful as you” I see desire in his eyes before he hugs me and wonder what he is thinking. “We should get back.”

  When we return, my father is on the telephone, his mood quite uplifted. I hear the twins rustling. Kayla looks as if she wants to sleep so I put on her mobile, but Nicholas begins to cry, so I take him out. He may be hungry. In the living room, my father is excited.

  “I take it that was a good call.”

  “That was the lead gentleman of the finance committee funding the proposed research project I told you about. They asked me to head the project and pick a team!” His eyes dance like a child’s at Christmas.

  “I am so happy for you. See, you worried for nothing, our lives didn’t affect your chances.”

  “They are very excited to get started. They received high recommendations from colleagues and a large investor saying that I was the only one who could really lead the project.” He is practically jumping up and down like a child who just opened his favorite new toy. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I have to contact a few colleagues!” He kisses Nicholas and uncharacteristically hugs me before floating out the door.

  When I turn around, Andrew is sitting on the sofa with a very satisfied look upon his face. I should have known that he would have had a hand in this quick turn of events.

  “You encouraged them to give my father another call, didn’t you?” I ask crossing the room. His expression immediately turns too innocent, telling me I am directly on target. “Thank you.”

  “I really didn’t do anything but make a call telling them that your father was freed up and I was sure that the backers would love to have someone of his caliber and experience head up the project, it gives the project clout.”

  “You by chance wouldn’t be one of those backers would you?” His silence tells me I am right once again, despite his trying to distract me by playing with Nicholas.

  The next morning is hectic. As I help Marie, I take out a short strand of pearls with a blue topaz, pear shaped stone that hangs gently in the middle. “This was my mother’s. I thought that it might be nice for something old, borrowed and blue.”

  As I place it on her neck, Marie puts her hand upon mine. “Thank you. I won’t ever forget this.”

  “Don’t be silly, we were all here anyway and I love a happy ending.”

  Finishing up, I run downstairs, before Stephan enters with Edward.

  Jackson meets me downstairs taking Nicholas. “Did Andrew pick that out for you? It’s very flattering.” He motions to my outfit.

  “Thank you and yes he did.”

  Jackson snickers at my obvious annoyance.

  Stepping outside, John, William, Teri and Stephanie join us. We have invited everyone since they miss so many fun and festive occasions being separated from their own families. William carries his sketch pad.

  We decide to have the wedding first so Marie can attend the baptism. Martin and Suzanne reach for the twins as soon as I come in, giving me an opportunity to walk around enjoying the beautiful flowers.

  A cool set of arms wrap around my waist and Andrew leans his head on my shoulder, kissing my cheek. “You look absolutely breathtaking.” His voice is so sultry, I melt.

  Turning to face him, his eyes reflect a desire I am sure mimics my own and his absolute perfection stuns me. His pale shirt compliments his sky blue eyes which shimmer like the blue flames of a baked Alaska. He steps back, still holding my hand and I can’t peel my eyes from his. I hear a “hmm” come from his lips.

  “Is everything alright?” Looking down at myself, I hope I haven’t soiled my dress or overlooked some baby drool.

  “I think you forgot something.”

  Glancing down assessing myself again, “No, I don’t think so.”

  He reaches into his pocket and removes a box. “No, I’m pretty sure that you should be wearing this.”

  Opening it, I see a thin gold intertwined chain with a delicate, tear drop diamond pendant. I place it back in his hands. “I can’t take this, it’s too much.”

  He removes the chain from the box. “Mia, I want you to have it. I just wish it could be another kind of diamond. I wish…” As he takes in a deep breath, I raise the tips of my fingers to his perfect lips.

  “What brought this on?”

  “It’s just that I heard you about loving happy endings and I can give your father a happy ending, your brother has found his happy ending, but I’m impeding yours by allowing my fears to forestall our talk.” His tone turns solemn as his bright eyes dim, holding a sadness of a thousand lifetimes.

  “I have my happy ending.” I stretch to kiss his cheek. “I am very happy here with you and our talk can wait! As you said, we have time and that is all I ever wanted.” Winding my arms around his neck, I pull myself into his chest. “I don’t need anything else, but this.” I tilt my head up and stretch to kiss him once more knowing he can hear the way my heart skips a beat before breaking out into a sprint. I feel his smile against my lips.

  We hear someone clear his throat. It’s father Jeffers. “I could perform a double wedding.” He smiles and winks at Andrew.

  Andrew places the pendant around my neck, draws my hands up to his and kisses them lovingly. “I have to help Gabriel. Excuse me.”

  Father Jeffers smiles and I can feel the heat rise from my over stimulated heart all the way to my cheeks. Thankfully, I am rescued by Stephan coming in with Edward. They take their places at the lattice and I escape to my seat, still flushed.

  Andrew’s family strolls to their seats. They all look breathtakingly beautiful in their dark suits with light shirts for the men and light spring dresses for the ladies. Eva looks exceptionally lovely in her ice blue halter, silk dress with matching strap shoes. The pale shimmering material glints like her eyes. As she crosses over to see the twins, it is nice to see the way Jackson’s eyes follow her. His face reflects his pure joy and love. Seeing him, I can understand how easily the choice must have been for him to gamble his eternity. Her appearance lights up his eyes and obviously overwhelms his heart. My eyes dart to the rest of the family. Serena and Damian share the same look, but Jonathan and Lucy do not. The door opens and Andrew strolls in with Gabriel. I catch a brief glimpse of that same look in his shimmering eyes, causing my breathing to spike, before he turns to speak with Gabriel.

  My father and Marie appear at the end of the aisle. Looking at my brother, his features turn absolutely blissful.

  As we rise, Andrew comes to stand beside me, draping my arm over his, his eyes glance sideways at me.

  As Marie walks toward Stephan, her eyes never leave his. Andrew is stroking the back of my hand with his when all of a sudden he grasps my hand and I feel something tug at my consciousness as a veil appears before my eyes and my surroundings change.

  I am standing in a cavernous, chilly hall. My eyes scan the walls. They are large blocks containing odd shaped high windows. Ornate tapestries hang from the ceiling, and I now realize my hand rests upon someone’s. Turning, I do not recognize the man who’s smiling down at me. “Are you ready my dear, everyone is waiting.” I look around and realize the hall is filled with people, dressed in their finery. I feel as if I have stepped back through time, but to where. The clothes date so far back and for the first time I become aware I am standing in a castle and the veil before me is that of a bride. My eyes quickly look forward and there at the end of the aisle, to my relief, the eyes staring back at me are the ones I am now so used to in my visions, the darker version of Andrew’s. His hair is once again sandy, but his features never waiver, they are chiseled, beautiful and all too familiar. My heart races as I travel toward him, his eyes hooded, but with what emotion, wanting?

  I am jerked back into the present by the loud applause. I see Stephan kissing Marie in a fashion that could light the nursery on fire.<
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  I glance at Andrew and hear rather and see him exhale. I wonder what else he may have seen, his eyes are alight with desire, just before he closes them, taking in a jagged breath. Knowing that he is trying to calm whatever riotous thoughts accompanied that vision; I turn back to the lattice and see Edward tugging on Stephan’s coat as he covers his eyes. When Stephan looks down, he lifts him in his arms and turns to us. “I guess the best man has had enough of the PG rated version of this ceremony, now for the G rated version.”

  Stephan’s laughter brings Andrew back; we pick up the twins and walk over to the baptismal font with Stephan and Eva. To my surprise, Nicholas remains still and Kayla doesn’t cry.

  When the ceremony is completed, the men separate the aisles of chairs and add tables. Andrew and Gabriel retrieve the trays of food.