Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 10

  Chapter Ten - A Deadly Night

  Trudging to the cabin for the last night of the full moon, I see how tired not only Nicholas and Kayla are but also Jeff and Grant. If I am being honest with myself, I’m not feeling in the best form either. We finally arrive at the cabin as twilight sets in, graying the mountain range and forest.

  By tomorrow, Cecil will have arrived with Amanda who agreed to help us. Despite, Kayla’s fear, Charlie and Nicholas manage to get her to face tonight somewhat calmer and more relaxed.

  The moon rises, the children’s bodies contract and contort, but at least tonight their conversion to wolf is faster. Although Nicholas claims that there isn’t any pain while their bodies change, I’m wondering if he actually pushes it out of his mind considering how their bodies jerk about and their bones sound as if they are breaking. As the children transform, Grant and Jeff phased.

  Tonight, I connect with them during the transformation and by some luck, Nicholas does not kick me out and Kayla seems more responsive. Despite the growls and occasional lunges at each other, it seems easier with Nicholas and Kayla, more containable.

  Four-thirty a.m. rolls around leaving only an hour of so more to go, Nicholas and Kayla seem to be drifting, at least they are lying down. Suddenly, Jeff bolts toward the door. Before he reaches it, Nicholas and Kayla spring up, pacing and growling wildly, they are almost a blur. Kayla lunges toward the door, crashing over Jeff who is thrust to the floor and breaks the door.

  She’s off before the scream is out of my mouth, Nicholas quickly follows with Grant and a rising Jeff behind neither is quick enough to catch them. Reaching the door, they are moving faster than lightning. Despite Reginald throwing spells at them, it does not slow them down enough for Grant or Jeff to contain them. Running out into the night, I am nowhere near fast enough. Vicious growls echo off the trees.

  Pulling out my phone, I alert Andrew and the others that the children are out of the cabin. Despite our being hours away on foot and by car, I know from their speed that if they are heading toward Sanctuary, it will not take them anywhere near what it did for us to travel back usually.

  Running, I call their names, trying to communicate with them on some level, knowing that if Reginald’s spells could not impair them, the protective barriers won’t even slow them down. Despite Andrew and the others locking down Sanctuary and warning the others, a crippling fear for all my children and my family grips my heart.

  Traveling deeper and deeper into the woods, the vicious growls are interrupted only by the sounds of spells being cast everywhere. My blood runs cold as I realize, not only are our witch friends out in the woods, but I hear the voices of the St. Cloud’s calling out to the children as well. Andrew comes from the trees, lifting me up and traveling quickly. I can barely hear him through the whistling wind. “Nicole and Jacob are with Eva and Catherine, they will be fine. Do you have any indication which direction Nicholas and Kayla are heading in or why they bolted from the cabin?”

  “No, right before it happened, Jeff ran to the door as if he sensed something, but Kayla bolted, knocking him down, breaking the door and then was out in a flash, everything happened so fast.” Andrew stops running, closes his eyes in concentration and then we are off, bolting through the forest. We catch sight of two wolves, but it is Jeff and Grant, they appear to be tracking the children.

  Moving again, a breaking dawn begins to color the sky offering us hope that the children are slowing down in preparation for their conversion back.

  “It sounds like they stopped.” Andrew whispers to me as I see Grant and Jeff slow down, slipping into a low crouch and slinking through the trees, probably to sneak up on the children. As we draw nearer, the sight before us freezes us in our tracks. The children are contracting on the ground, but the horror comes from what lies beside them. Lucas is on the ground writhing in pain, I see the tear at his neck.

  Jeff and Grant immediately phase into their human form. From the look passing between them, I know Lucas is going to die. Rushing to Kayla and Nicholas, I fight against the tears. How could I have been so careless? I should have gotten them farther away. My mind is freefalling. If I had gotten them away, Lucas would not be dying.

  Nicholas converts first. Grabbing at my arms, he screams. “Mom, it wasn’t us. I swear. We came across him like that.” Bolting out of my arms, he rushes towards Andrew who has his hands on Lucas’ wound. “Dad, please you have to save him!” He is crying uncontrollably as Kayla converts and becomes alert to her surroundings.

  “What happened? Where are we?” Her eyes turn from mine and she looks to Nicholas and Andrew who are hovering over Lucas and I know she cannot see the wound. As her eyes scan our faces, she panics. “What’s going on? What happened?”

  Before I can respond, Gabriel, Damian are there grabbing Lucas and Reginald joins us. “Andrew you have to go, we’ll make sure that they get back.” Andrew is off like a flash.

  “Nicholas, what happened? Why is everyone so upset? Why are they carrying uncle Lucas?”

  Nicholas’ jagged response rings dead through his tears. “Uncle Lucas was attacked and they think we did it.”

  I force down my own anxiety in hopes of reassuring them so that we can travel back quickly. “No one is thinking anything. It will be alright.”

  Nicholas’ words register with Kayla and she grips me tightly, she’s inconsolable, muttering to herself. “I knew I was going to hurt someone. What have I done?” She keeps repeating this, her voice getting lower and lower. I try to move quicker, fearing that she is slipping into shock.

  Nicholas yells out, grabbing her hands as we travel. “You didn’t hurt anyone. Kayla, I remember everything.” His eyes widen and I know he sees his sister slipping away. His voice turns forceful, but he releases her hands so that we can continue on unhampered. “I remember running through the woods and by the time we got here, he was already on the ground. We didn’t do that and you have to believe that!”

  Her eyes focus momentarily. Thank God. She shouts back. “You don’t remember everything, sometimes you said you get lost and maybe it wasn’t you, maybe I was the only one who did this. Maybe you found me after I killed him.”

  “No one is dead.” I interrupt holding her tighter to me. I need to keep her talking.

  “He will be and it is because of me.”

  Despite my trying to keep her talking, with every step forward, she is slipping away, even Nicholas, seeing his sister’s pain and retreat can no longer fight the abyss which is this situation is hoisting them down. By the time we reach Sanctuary, the children are shut down. Their robotic auto-pilot movements have us traveling at a crawl. Reginald picks up Kayla and Jeff lifts Nicholas.

  Rushing them into the terminal building, I begin checking them out. Despite their normal vital signs, each is engulfed in a comatose state, not seeing or hearing anything. Speaking to them, I try assuring them that we know that they did not do it, but other than the occasional flicker in Nicholas’ eyes, I am not getting through and Kayla’s eyes remain unfocused and her mind unreachable.

  I want to check and see how Andrew is making out with Lucas, hoping that I could give the children some hope, but looking how Kayla just stares blankly and Nicholas’ eyes have closed slightly, forming unfocused slits, I’m afraid to leave them.

  After what feels like an eternity, Damian enters. “Any news?”

  Pulling me toward the corner of the room, his tone is almost inaudible. “It doesn’t look good. Andrew is trying, but he may have been too late. Nicole and Jacob are outside. Maybe they can help you in here.”

  Turning to Nicholas and Kayla, tears are escaping the sides of their eyes and I know they heard Damian’s whisper. “Let them come in.”

  As Nicole approaches Kayla, she hugs her and whispers. “I know you didn’t do it. You would never hurt anyone, especially uncle Lucas, please come back to us so that we can figure out who did attack him.”

  Jacob is whispering something
similar to Nicholas. They keep repeating these words, refusing to let go of their siblings. After a while, I see light returning to Kayla and Nicholas’ eyes. Although they still do not speak, I know they are listening. I whisper softly in each of their ears. “They are right. This is not your fault.” Despite my fear that one of them bit Lucas, I need to make them understand that this is not their fault. I should have gotten them further away and been better able to contain them. “We need you to come back to us and help to figure out what happened.”

  Kayla remains comatose, but Nicholas stirs. After a moment, he opens his mouth and his voice cracks. “Mom, is uncle Lucas really going to die?”

  “Your dad is doing all he can.” I wish I could reassure him, but know that lying to him will only make things worse. “We have to just wait and hope.” I gently stroke his cheek. “I need you to tell me everything you remember from last night.”

  He closes his eyes, but I know it’s in concentration. “I remember you were with us when we were changing this time. I felt very tired, but it wasn’t as hard as the other night. I could feel you and even Kayla. I was able to talk to her and she was talking back to me. I could understand her. I was really afraid that being tired wouldn’t allow me to fight my desire to run, but it seemed to be going alright. Even Grant and Jeff didn’t seem as anxious, but then, I remember the hairs on the back of my neck raising and I could sense something was coming.” His features turn frustrated. “No, wait, it wasn’t that I sensed something coming, I sensed danger and I think Jeff did too because he got up and moved away from us. It was coming closer and then Kayla bolted. I knew I had to follow her. I could sense Reginald in the woods and knew he was trying to stop us, but it wasn’t like the last time, I knew he wasn’t the threat so I pushed passed him. Whatever he was trying to do felt uncomfortable but not crippling and I knew it wouldn’t stop me so I thrust myself forward. Everything in me could feel danger, but I tried to focus on Kayla. I didn’t want her out there alone. I knew she must have sensed it too but ...ugh!...why can’t I say it.”

  Putting my hands on his shoulder in hopes of calming him, I keep my tone soft. “Nicholas, take it easy. The words will come. You are doing wonderfully. Relax and concentrate.”

  His eyes shift to the back wall and narrow slightly as if he is trying to picture it all in his mind. “It was really strange. I didn’t just sense it. I smelled it, but then rustling seemed like it was coming from all sides and in my confusion to try and listen and hear which direction it originated from or was heading toward, my mind was getting lost and I had to keep fighting just to stay focused on Kayla. I lost her once, but then something strange happened and I envisioned where she was in my head and my body began moving toward her almost as if it were on automatic pilot leading me right to her. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes.”

  I had to interrupt him. “When you lost her, was it near where we found you?”

  “No.” He said confidently. “I lost her earlier when we were just outside of the cabin. Afraid that I might lose her again if I concentrated on what was around me, I decided to just keep my focus on her. Mom, I know what you’re thinking, but I’m telling you, she didn’t do this and neither did I. My mind didn’t get lost anymore once all I did was concentrate on her. I swear to you and I was near her when we came across uncle Lucas, he had already been attacked.”

  His tears slip quickly down his cheeks and I hug him fiercely. “It will be alright.” I hear the door open and it’s Andrew. From the look on his wearied face, I know it isn’t good news. “How is uncle Lucas?” Nicholas inquires before I can.

  “We have to wait and see. We are doing all we can.” He hugs Nicholas, but I know from the way he glances at me that he was too late to help him. After Nicholas releases him, he goes over to Kayla and places his hands at her temple. Two minutes later a tear rolls down her cheek as she finally shuts her eyes. Jacob and Nicole are talking with Nicholas and Andrew gestures for me to follow him outside.

  Moving down the hallway, he turns toward me. “It doesn’t look good, he probably won’t last through the night and Amelia is missing. No one has seen her since this happened. Grant and the others are searching for her now. Did Nicholas say any more about what he remembered?”

  I reiterate everything Nicholas told me. “Mia, I’m sorry to leave you alone with the children, but I want to give Lucas and Catherine whatever time I can to say good-bye.”

  “I understand.”

  “Kayla should sleep for a while, but as soon as she wakes, see if you can get any information from her at all.” He kisses me and retreats to Lucas’ room.

  When I return, Nicole and Jacob are gone and Kayla is still asleep. Sitting by Nicholas, “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m worried. Mom, what if uncle Lucas dies? Aunt Catherine is going to think that we killed him and everyone is going to hate us, but mom I swear we didn’t attack him.” His tone is reaching a crescendo and his body stiffens. Knowing that Lucas is probably going to die, I don’t the children around when he does, we need to tell them somewhere they feel safe and loved, not a hospital room. “Did Jacob and Nicole go back to the suite?”

  “Yes they went to get Kayla’s favorite music box.”

  “Let’s call them and tell them to wait there for us. I’ll carry Kayla. I’m sure she’ll feel better in her own bed and you look like you could use some rest.”

  Tucking Kayla in, Jacob opens her music box and Nicole crawls onto the bed, hugging her. Following Jacob into the boys’ room, I get Nicholas’ favorite story to read to him. Even though I catch him rolling his eyes because he thinks he’s too old for me to do things like this, I see a smile play on his lips and know he is grateful for the distraction. After an hour, he and Jacob fall asleep.

  Calling over to check on Lucas, Jackson answers and lets me know there is no change and that Grant and Jeff are still looking for Amelia, so I’m surprised when I hear a knock and its Jeff.

  “Francis told me that you came back here and I promised Charlie that I would check in with you before going back out to look for Amelia. How are they doing?”

  “Come in.” I back away from the door. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I promised Grant I would come right back after seeing Charlie.”

  “Kayla hasn’t really responded and Nicholas just fell asleep. Jeff is it possible that he is right and they didn’t attack Lucas?”

  His eyes shift to the floor revealing his answer. “If they didn’t attack him, who did? I know Nicholas says they found him like that, but it is probably because they don’t remember. It was animal instinct, something they couldn’t control. When you first turn, instincts are very hard to control and it is only natural that they would consider a vampire a threat. I just don’t understand why he was out by the cabin and why your friend didn’t stop him.”

  Thinking about what he is saying, something doesn’t make sense. “Lucas wouldn’t have been out at the cabin, he knew that it was off limits.”

  “Mia, there was definitely a vampire out by the cabin and it was not Reginald. His scent became very familiar over the last few evenings, even to the children in their wolf form. I detected the scent before your children and I sensed danger, probably because we have been raised to fear and distrust vampires. He had to have been out there and that had to be the scent that Kayla was following when she burst through the door. She was definitely following someone and when we do that, especially sensing danger, we don’t give up the hunt, we follow the trail.”

  “She loves Lucas, she wouldn’t go after him. She wouldn’t see him as a threat.”

  “Maybe not when she is human, but this conversion is new to them, maybe it is inbred in all werewolves that vampires are a threat. I’ve heard rumors that they sometimes work together and I have to say the friends you have working together and the ones I hear about do tend to cross the lines of understanding, but you have to consider that in her werewolf form, her instincts would be lik
e the majority of us and we do go after and kill vampires.” He sighs and I can see concern in his features. “I’m sorry, I have to go. Charlie is very anxious for Kayla and Nicholas and I want to let him know that physically, at least, they will be alright. I just hope that you can make them understand that it was not their human fault. It wasn’t even their animal fault. They instinctively felt a threat approaching and they did what we do. You need to make them understand that. In fact, if Kayla hadn’t knocked me down, I’m telling you that with the sense I got, I could have very well bitten him before my ability to recognize him. I’ll check with you later.”

  “Let me know when you find Amelia. I know that after her incident in England, Andrew was concerned about her well being. I just hope she didn’t wander off and get sick.”

  “That’s what Grant is afraid of too. She has been keeping to herself too much since we got here. He’s afraid that her refusal to let them continue to treat her may have made her really sick and she wanted to get away from here, maybe even go home. Paul is trying to see if she boarded a plane.”

  “Call me as soon as you know anything, will you?”

  “No problem. If Kayla is feeling up to it, I know Charlie would love to come and see for himself that she is at least responsive and maybe he could even help her.”

  “I’ll let you know when she’s awake. Jeff, is there anything that can be done for Lucas? Did you ever come across anything, even a rumor that might help him?”

  “Mia, I’m very sorry, but I know that all of our stories were that if a vampire bit a werewolf it was fatal and if a werewolf bit a vampire, the same was true.” He turns to leave and then whips around. “I don’t know if this will help you at all, but it was rumored that David was bit ions ago before my pack settled on the surrounding land and survived, but no one could ever say that for sure and considering that he is dead now, he can’t confirm it either. I will talk to you soon.”

  As I shut the door, my mind is reeling with all that occurred in such a short amount a time. So much of this does not make any sense. Why would Lucas be anywhere near the cabin? Everyone in the family knew how dangerous it would be to not only them, but to the children. Knowing that even Andrew was forbidden, Lucas would have never risked coming near there. It just doesn’t add up.

  My nerves are getting the better of me. There is something that is nagging at me. I begin pacing trying to decipher the information that is churning in my mind and becoming too jumbled. Taking in a deep breath, I try to concentrate when two things hit me. Jeff confirmed that they recognized Reginald as being out there if he saw Lucas he would have made him leave and if he is right that David was bit and survived, maybe there was something in his blood that could give us the answer to this problem. I have to confirm that David was bitten. The only one who may be able to answer this for me is the one person I have been avoiding since returning to Sanctuary.

  Calling Martina to sit with the children, Gabriel comes in with her. His response takes me aback and I realize my thoughts must have registered with him. “He wouldn’t have gone into the woods, Mia, he was feeling guilty enough; he would have never risked them like that. Have you asked Reginald if he saw him?”

  “I’ll catch up with him after I see Marlena.”

  “Come on, we’ll go together I don’t want you seeing her alone. Did Jeff give you any indication as to whether they believed David got bit?”

  “He said they hadn’t confirmed anything, but I’m hoping he did.”

  “She refuses to speak to any of us. The only way we have gotten any information from her at all is my eavesdropping into her mind.”

  “Well then you will just have to eavesdrop again. Although she can refuse to answer me, once I ask the question, she probably can’t force her mind not to think of the answer. Does she even know what you can do?”

  “No, I don’t believe so. We have been very careful around her, none of us even speak within earshot.”

  “Good, then she won’t even have a reason to block her thoughts.”

  As we race toward the restricted building, Gabriel calls Reginald to have him meet us.

  Before we even stop walking, Gabriel asks Reginald the question. “Did you see Lucas in the area before Kayla came bolting out?”

  “No, I didn’t see anyone in the area, at least not in the front of the cabin where I was. I thought I heard some rustling in the woods behind, but I was concentrating so much on keeping the spells focused around the cabin and trying to hear what was going on inside, that I wasn’t really focusing on the outside. Despite that I would have smelled if Lucas or any of us were in the area, I have become very attune to everyone here, I could probably pick up your scents anywhere.”

  Then he turns to me. “There must be something much more important than your asking me if Lucas was in the woods to get you away from the children considering what they are going through now, why are we outside of this building?”

  “I need to see if Marlena can confirm whether or not David was ever bitten by a werewolf and survived. If he was then I’m hoping that maybe there is something in his blood that can save Lucas.” Without another word, he opens the door and we go up to her room.

  Forgetting that Marlena still looks like me, I gasp as I meet her eyes. A shrewd grin crosses her lips. Taking a moment to regain my composure, I don’t want to give her a chance to think or throw me off so I throw the question out right away. “Marlena I need to know if David was ever bitten by a werewolf.”

  Her face registers her shock at my question before her expression turns impassive. Staring at her, I only hope her mind is recalling the incident.

  Gabriel touches my back gently and we leave. He can’t contain his smile any longer. “You were absolutely correct. Despite her stoic appearance, her mind raced to a time when she was pleading with the others to help David. He was bitten.”

  Excited I turn to Reginald. “When you tested his blood, you said there were abnormalities, could they be the key to helping Lucas?”

  Before he can answer, Gabriel’s hand is on my arm. “Mia, Marlena was bit as well.”

  “She survived too! We have to find out what they did so we can help Lucas.”

  “Mia, they didn’t do anything. Her mind was still racing, that’s why I didn’t have you leave right away. She was remembering how surprised she was when they were still alive a few days after the bite had healed because normally vampires are dead within a day or two.”

  “If they didn’t do anything, how did they survive?”

  “It had to be something in their chemical makeup when they transformed. Hopefully, whatever it is remains in their blood.”

  As he says this, an awful thought strikes me and I sink to the floor. “Mia what’s wrong?”

  “There chemical makeup has changed. I tainted their blood and killed David. My blood could have destroyed whatever allowed them to survive.”

  Lifting me off the floor, he tries to sound reassuring. “That may not be true. We have found things in their blood that we cannot explain; things that are beyond what happens after a vampire conversion.”

  “Has their blood revealed anything?”

  “Not yet, but as Marlena was thinking about the incident, I had an idea. I need to get some of the blood that we have stored from David and get it into Lucas. You should go back to the residency in case the children wake up.”

  Reginald interrupts. “You should also take some of Marlena’s blood, it may be stronger since she survived and where she did not drink as much of Mia’s.”

  “That’s a good idea but I don’t have time to fight with her, can you get hers so I can start Lucas on this treatment quickly? He was not doing so well when I left.” Reginald nods and Gabriel is off.

  Entering the suite, Jacob is awake. “Were you visiting uncle Lucas, how is he?”

  “No I didn’t see Lucas. I went to see someone else to see if they could help.”

  “Did they?”

?We don’t if it will work yet. Uncle Gabriel and dad are with him. I’m sure they will call us as soon as they know anything.”

  “Mom, can I tell you something?”

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “I know you don’t believe Nicholas that they found uncle Lucas like that, but I do. When I was an animal, trying to track Nicholas and Kayla, I knew what was going on, I could tell their scents and feel the threat from the others. I would never have confused Nicholas and Kayla as a threat and I know that they would have never attacked uncle Lucas or mistaken him as a threat either. They would have known it was him.” He hesitates, debating whether to say something, and his voice drops. “I know that you got hurt when you were with them, but that was when they were converting back and you were in the way. Nicholas remembers his paw swiping near you, but he didn’t realize that you were hurt until dad tried to hide the lash.”

  “Jake, I’m not disagreeing with you. Things aren’t adding up. I’m hoping that Lucas will get better and be able to give us the answers. Your dad may have even asked him about it and may have some answers when he gets back, it’s just right now, they are focused on helping him in any way they can.”

  “I understand but how do we help Kayla and Nicholas to see that everyone knows they didn’t do it. I know how worried Kayla was about hurting someone. How upset even the thought made her. Even though she changed into an animal she would have held on to that fear and her aversion to hurting anyone, especially her family. That wouldn’t have disappeared. Mom, I don’t care what she turned into, who she is and what she believes is right and wrong would not change. She was so lifeless when I saw her, I know it’s because she fears that everyone believes she did it. We need to help her.”

  “She will be alright. We just need to give her some time.” Hugging, him I wonder if he is correct. Can animal instincts overtake their personality and overshadow the love that is ingrained in them for the people here? I need to talk to Jeff or Grant. I need to know whether when they turned, they kept any part of themselves or if that only came later.

  “Mom did you hear me?”

  “Honey, I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked you if the wolf versions of Kayla or Nicholas are big or small.”

  “Why would you ask me that?”

  “It’s just that Uncle Lucas is so tall and strong, if Nicholas and Kayla are small wolves, wouldn’t he be able to stop them?”

  “Jake, if they both jumped on him or if he realized it was them, he may have been too stunned to do anything or may have been afraid that he would hurt them.”

  “We didn’t jump him. We didn’t even see him until we stumbled over him.” Nicholas says coming out of the bedroom.

  “Nicholas, when you changed form, do you remember thinking like yourself?”

  Sitting next to Jacob, I can tell from his expression he is contemplating my question. “I remember being afraid and trying to concentrate on you and Grant telling me that it was alright and you were with me. I focused on fighting the fear and tried to gain more control over myself, but I was thinking like me. It feels like the way I’m thinking now. Mom, I knew exactly who you were, even when I was feeling lost and I knew who Grant and Jeff were.”

  “How did you know what Grant was saying? All I heard was grunts and growls.”

  “I heard him talking not grunting.”

  “What about Kayla, did you hear anything from her?

  “For a long time, all she kept saying is ‘I won’t hurt anyone.’ She kept repeating that until you made her wobble. After that, she kept saying to herself ‘Don’t move’ instead. I know that when she changed back to herself she says she doesn’t remember, but I’m telling you that when she was in that state, even when she was being a little more lively than me, she was always concerned about doing the right thing and not hurting anyone. Even if I hadn’t been with her to see that she didn’t do it, I would know that she couldn’t because she never stopped worrying about it and she never stopped telling herself stuff so as not to hurt anyone.”

  Something occurs to me. “Nicholas, I need you to close your eyes and concentrate on only what you saw around, nothing else.”

  Sitting silently for a long time, I can see from the way his eyelids move that he is envisioning the images, scanning them carefully. “I see Grant and Jeff. They are standing before Kayla and me. Kayla is lying beside me and you are sitting between us.” His head begins moving as if panning the room. “I can see the walls to the cabin and the board where the window broke. Jeff is moving toward the door. He’s pacing and his nose is toward the floor.”

  I remember this. “That’s very good. What do you see next? Remember concentrate only on what you see, nothing else.”

  His head whips sideways. “Kayla has gotten up, her head is moving around, she is staring at the back window and then her head whips around to the door. She bolts, knocking Jeff over and is outside.”

  He instinctively stands up but does not open his eyes. Gently, I guide him back down. “It’s alright. What else do you see?”

  “I push past Reginald. Kayla is out in front of me. She’s moving quickly through the trees and underbrush. I can see the forest. It doesn’t appear as dark as it usually does to me.” He’s up again, his eyes flying open. “I saw something ahead of Kayla, but it was only a shadow. She was chasing someone.” He says breathlessly.

  “Can you see who she’s chasing?”

  His tone reflects his frustration. “No, they are too far ahead. They’re only a shadow.”

  “It’s alright. You are doing very well. Please, I need you to relax and sit back down.”

  Jacob grabs his hand and he sits back down. “Think about what you see as a picture, the way Rachel told us to freeze things when we are afraid so we don’t react and we can think about what is around us. Remember, you remove yourself from it, it is only a picture in front of you and think about the shadow only.”

  Nicholas squeezes his eyes tightly shut. “The shadow is running and is far out in front of us.” He jumps up again. “It’s carrying something and traveling extremely fast through the woods, it crouches lower. I can’t see it.” He gasps. “Kayla tripped over uncle Lucas. He’s on the ground and he’s hurt. He was definitely on the ground. Kayla didn’t even see him because she tripped over him. Her head hit a rock.”

  “That’s very good. Which side of the head did she hit?”

  “The right”

  “I’ll be right back.” Gently moving Kayla’s head so as not to disturb her, I examine her head but there is no mark on either side.

  Returning, they are both staring at me expectantly. “Did you see the bump?”

  “No, there was nothing on her head.”

  “But I saw her hit the rock. There has to be a mark, she hit it hard.”

  “She may have, but no mark remains.” Remembering how Andrew told me that vampires heal quickly and how when Nicholas got staked by Jonathan his hole healed almost immediately, I wonder if the same holds for wolves. “Nicholas, don’t worry, it could be that it healed.”

  “Bumps don’t heal that quickly, even I know that.” He shakes his head and looks dejected.

  “You’re right when you’re in human form, but you know how dad heals if he gets hurt, maybe you heal the same way when you are a wolf. We have to ask, but Grant and Jeff are looking for Amelia right now.”

  “Can we call Charlie and ask him or maybe Paul?” Jacob inquires.

  As soon as Charlie hears Nicholas is alert, he asks about Kayla and then is at the door almost instantly, accompanied by Paul and Julianne.

  “Charlie told us what you asked. You wouldn’t see any type of cut or bump on Kayla now, it’s been hours, she would have healed. We don’t heal as fast as vampires, but we do heal quicker than humans.” Paul says as he walks in. “How’s Lucas?”

  “We are waiting to hear. They are trying everything they can. In the meantime, Nicholas is trying to remember exactly
what he could see and smell. Paul, can you tell me when you changed, were you still thinking and feeling like yourself or are you ruled more by your instincts?”

  “You pretty much think like yourself, but your senses are heightened and you know that you are stronger and quicker than you could ever be otherwise. You react quicker to things.”

  “Do you still recognize the people who are familiar to you?”

  “I did, but at first it was more their smell. I had to get away from my mother when I first changed. Although she smelled familiar and I knew who she was, she was so nervous, it drove my instincts wild. It was very annoying and I was afraid that I would really growl at her and get in trouble when I changed back, so I ran from her.” An extremely sad look crosses his face and he becomes very quiet.

  Jacob jumps off the couch, hugging him. “Paul it’s alright, she is still with you, watching over you.”

  “Thanks Jake.”

  Charlie moves over to Nicholas. “How’s Kayla doing?”

  “She is still asleep. I think she’s afraid to wake up because everyone believes we hurt Lucas.”

  “I believe you. I know you wouldn’t hurt your uncle. You would know it is him. They don’t remember because there transformation was a long time ago, but I remember even when I was an infant. I changed immediately. I could feel my fur. My dad doesn’t believe me, but I remember my mom stroking my fur. That’s why I know that you remember. You have to, you’re older.”

  “Thanks Charlie. It’s good to know someone believes me.”

  Sitting next to Nicholas, my tone turns contrite. “Honey, I’m sorry that I sounded like I don’t believe you. I guess I let my fears overtake my common sense. If you say Kayla tripped over Lucas, I do believe you. I think that we need to concentrate on the shadow you saw.”

  “What shadow?” Julianne asks.

  “I saw a shadow. Kayla was chasing something and I think that your uncle also smelled it.”

  “Did you smell it too?”

  “I’m not sure. I was so surprised when Kayla jumped up that I was focused on her.”

  “Nicholas, let’s try our exercise again but this time with you concentrating on what you smell only. In the meantime, Charlie would you mind going with Jacob into Kayla’s room and telling her that we do believe her. I know your charm made her feel better, maybe hearing your voice will too.” Nicholas closes his eyes.

  “Think about right before you saw Jeff get up and concentrate only on what you smell or sense.”

  His body turns still as stone for several moments then he speaks very deliberate. “I could smell the wood on the floor, it is cedar.” He seems surprised at this. “I can smell our fur. They all smell different, but I can’t really describe it. I have smelled similar scents from the animals around here, but they are not quite the same and they are all mixing, it’s confusing.”

  “It’s alright Nicholas. Take your time and you know that it is your fur and the fur of those around you, that’s really good. If it’s confusing to separate them, that’s o.k. Tell me what else you smell.”

  “It’s not so much what I can smell, it’s what I feel. I can feel Kayla’s fear and my own, but it isn’t as bad as the night before. Even you seem calmer mom. Jeff is getting anxious. He’s up and moving.”

  “Nicholas, wait. Don’t think about what he’s doing. Think about the smells or the feelings.”

  “I don’t smell anything, but I sense Jeff getting nervous and so is Kayla. She’s becoming really afraid.”

  I hear a sharp intake of air and his breathing is becoming more rapid. “Someone is coming” His head whips around.

  “From what direction?” I inquire before he can even think about it.

  “It’s coming from behind us.” So why did Jeff and Kayla run to the door?

  They smelled it and were trying to get out the quickest way. “Nicholas, there are no windows in the corner where we had you. Do you recognize the smell?”


  “Do you smell or feel anything else?”

  “We’re outside now. I can smell the crispness of the air and the pine needles. No, not just that” His back arches and his eyes fly open.

  “What is it?”

  “I smell a vampire. Mom, I smell Reginald, I didn’t realize it was him for a second but before I can even become afraid, his scent registers, I know I’m not in danger from him and I start chasing Kayla.”

  “What else did you smell? Did you smell what Kayla was chasing?”

  Paul places his hand on Nicholas’ shoulder. “Relax, it comes easier if you stay calm.”

  “I can smell the dirt and moss that we are running across. Kayla’s fur is much more distinguishable and so is mine. I can sense danger, I can smell something, it’s not human, but I don’t know what it is. Ugh.” His frustration is palpable. “Why is everything getting so mixed up? I can’t do this, I’m mixing up our scent with Reginald’s and I can’t ...”

  Kayla surprises us all coming out of the room, sitting next to Nicholas and grabbing his hand. “I’m sorry I left you for so long on your own to face this.”

  “You didn’t leave me and mom really does believe us. I’m just mad because everything is getting mixed up in my mind.”

  “No it’s not. I heard you, you are upset because you think the smells are getting mixed up, but they were mixed up.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The smells were mixed that night.”

  “I thought that you said you didn’t remember what was going on.”

  “I didn’t, but after dad touched me and my mind began relaxing, things started coming back. I thought I was dreaming, but I was remembering. I could see us running, but more importantly, I remember that smell. It was overwhelming. It smelled like a mix of us and our family, but with it I was afraid. Whatever it was wanted to hurt us! I could feel it, but I can’t explain it.”

  “What do you mean that it was a mix of us and our family?

  “It wasn’t human. I know that for certain. It was a mix of vampire and wolf. Everything around me wreaked of that smell.” Her hands fly up, covering her face. “It wanted to hurt us. Why would I chase something that wanted to hurt us?” Her voice is absolutely panicked.

  “It’s alright, it didn’t hurt us.”

  “No, it hurt uncle Lucas.”

  “Kayla, do you know who it was? Who were you chasing?”

  Her head turns in my direction, tears spill over her rims. “I couldn’t see them, they were too far away. It was only the back of them. The one who hurt uncle Lucas and wants to hurt us is still out there. Mom it wasn’t us, there was someone else.”

  Paul rises and begins pacing and mumbling. “Maybe there is still some trace of them. Mrs. St. Cloud, could you show us where they found Lucas?”

  “It’s Mia, please and I can, but if someone is out there I don’t think that it would be a good idea for you to be out there. I’ll go with some of our family and see if they can detect anything. Paul, call your father and warn him that there may be someone else out there.” Knowing Andrew and Gabriel are helping Lucas, I call Jackson and Damian. Turning to tell the children, I’ll be right back, I see Paul whispering to Julianne, his expression grave. “Is everything alright?”

  “No, they found Amelia.” His eyes shift to the children.

  “Paul, Julianne, why don’t you come with me. We’ll be back shortly.”

  “Mom, we can help.” Nicholas says as we head out the door.

  “Not this time. If someone is out in the woods, I want all of you to stay here. Don’t leave the building. I mean it.”

  Paul’s tone is dead. “Charlie, Jeff wants you to go home as well, now.”

  “But I can wait here.”

  “No, you can’t, he wants you home right now.” He turns to Julianne. “Take him and I’ll see you in a few minutes.”


  He cuts her off immediately. “Please don’t argue. Just
do it! We’re losing time.”

  Julianne and Charlie leave with Paul and me. Jackson and Damian are waiting at the bottom of the stairs. “What happened?”

  “They found Amelia’s body, her throat was ripped out.”

  I gasp. “Where, when.”

  “About five minutes ago. She was about fifteen miles from where you found Lucas. Dad’s distraught, Jeff is trying to get him back, but he ran off. Jeff said he is blaming himself for losing Nicholas and Kayla.”

  “They wouldn’t have killed her Paul, they didn’t harm anyone. I believe Nicholas and Kayla did see someone else out there.”

  “What’s going on?” Jackson interrupts.

  “Nicholas and Kayla both remember chasing someone who they felt was a threat when they stumbled over Lucas. Someone is out there and I believe that someone is the one who hurt Lucas and maybe killed Amelia.”

  “Mia, Lucas said it was a wolf that got him.”

  “I don’t care. The wolf wasn’t Nicholas or Kayla.”

  “Maybe they don’t remember it. We know that they couldn’t control themselves.” Jackson’s voice is full of understanding.

  “No, I thought that too, but they did remember and they were thinking like themselves. They wouldn’t have gone after Lucas; Nicholas even recognized Reginald’s scent after a moment.”

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but with every passing moment we could be losing the scent and if dad is running anywhere near there and someone is out there, he could be in some serious trouble. We have to find him.”

  “We’ll go. We’ll get out to the site and then find your father. Where is Jeff?”

  “He’s taking Amelia’s body back here. Mia, he is afraid, he probably believes Nicholas and Kayla killed her, that’s why he wanted Charlie away from them. I know my brother is a fighter. You may want to get someone here to watch them. I know that he has been going after the clan here that David created and I’m not sure how that affected him or what his reaction to Amelia’s death will be. I know he became pretty violent when his mother died.”

  Jackson pulls out his phone. He is talking too quickly for me to hear. Hanging up, he turns to me. “Go back upstairs with the children, we can move faster on our own. Eva and Catherine will be here in a few minutes and I have alerted Ryan at the school. When Jeff comes back here, see what you can find out about Amelia’s wounds. You may be the only person he lets near the body and see if you can determine if he is going to be a problem. We are going to meet Francis and Reginald in the woods.”

  Paul interrupts. “I need to go with you. If Grant is as bad as I fear, he is going to need my help and you won’t be able to approach him. Not to mention, if there is any chance of a scent out there, I can probably help and truthfully you will need me to help convince them that it wasn’t your children who did it. Even you have lingering doubt. I can sense it.”

  I hate to admit it even to myself, but despite how good they are, I wonder if they really couldn’t control themselves, and maybe Nicholas doesn’t remember everything. I know how the human psyche can block out things that the mind cannot handle and wonder if that is the case here.

  Paul interrupts my introspection. “He’s right, you need to talk to Jeff, but don’t waiver and I need to go with them.”

  “It’s too dangerous.”

  “I can handle myself. I won’t be caught off guard. I only got caught in England because I was so worried about my siblings that I wasn’t concentrating enough, I won’t make that same mistake.” He heads toward the door.

  I open my mouth to object, when Jackson puts his hand on me. “Don’t, he is right, we can’t approach Grant, nor would he believe us. We’ll make sure he stays safe. Don’t worry.”

  I wait for Eva and then head over to meet Jeff at the terminal building knowing he would never bring Amelia’s body anywhere near his children. Jeff is already there when I arrive. His face is hard as if he has shut down completely and is on automatic pilot, carefully examining the wounds. He stops a moment when I walk in, but immediately turns back to the task at hand without even a word. I approach slowly and can see that not only are there several lashes, but one side of her neck and clavicle area is torn to shreds.

  Putting my hand on his shoulder, I want to tell him how sorry I am about his aunt and to tell him what we discovered, but he whips around facing me, his eyes enraged, and his features murderous. His hand comes up as if he is going to push me when a voice calls out behind me. I freeze as Julianne yells. “She didn’t do anything and neither did her children. Jeff stop!”

  He pushes past me and phases before he is even out of the room.

  She comes over to me quickly. “Mia, you need to warn the others. He smells vampire and wolf all over Amelia and there’s no telling what he will do.”

  “I call Jackson to warn him then call Ryan and Eva. We assume he is going after our party in the woods, but can’t be sure and I want to cover all of the bases. I even call Andrew, in case he heads that way.

  After closing the phone, I turn to Julianne. I don’t understand, how could vampire be on her? Wasn’t she attacked by a wolf?”

  “I don’t know, but I could smell it as soon as I walked into the room.”

  It must be because Reginald was in here with David’s body earlier. “He probably smelled David. I’m sure there must be traces of him and my family all over this room.”

  “No it wasn’t him. None of us would ever forget his scent and that is not it.”

  “Maybe it’s Andrew’s or James.”

  Julianne’s eye’s shift toward the floor as if she doesn’t want to see the body and considering who is on the slab, I cannot blame her. “Maybe we should leave.”

  “I have to do this first and make sure that I am right.” Stepping closer, she inhales deeply and jumps back, her widening eyes staring into mine. “He smelled a vampire and wolf on her body. It is not from the room, it is from the wound. That’s what made him so crazy.”

  Gently, I lead her outside. “Julianne, my family would not do this to your aunt. I know that you don’t know me and considering you have been dealing with David’s family, I can understand your apprehension about vampires, but I assure you that my family is nothing like that. They are dedicated to preserving life not taking it.”

  She smiles. “I know that. You don’t have to convince me. I haven’t been here long, but I have talked to your students and observed what you have going on up here and I also know what you risked coming in for Jacob, Paul and I. Believe me, it is not Paul, Charlie, or I that you have to convince, it is the adults.”

  “Do you recognize the scent?”

  “Not really, there is something that’s familiar about it, but not quite, I can’t put my finger on it, but I know for sure, it isn’t your husband or his family, there is no trace of them coming from the wound, there’s only a faint scent of Andrew on her skin, but nowhere near the tear.”

  “You can be that specific?” I inquire stunned.

  “When a wound is pretty fresh and we really concentrate, yes.”

  “Maybe you should go back and make sure Charlie is doing alright. I have to go and speak to a few people about what is going on. We have to get some answers before things get out of hand. Stay within the grounds and on your way back, try to call Paul and let him know what’s happening.”

  “I can’t call him, he has probably phased so that he can detect scents and follow my dad’s tracks, but I’m sure that they will return soon and I’m sure that he heard your warning to Jackson.”

  She’s off and I head to Andrew to tell him what’s going on. Although I’m sure he is busy with Lucas, if things are about to explode and there is someone else on the grounds, he has to know. Arriving, I hear Lucas is awake.

  Opening his door, I see a distraught Catherine and weary Andrew. My heart sinks, it doesn’t look like David’s blood is working. Plastering a smile to my face and forcing my tone to sound upbeat, “I’m glad to see you up.
You look better than when we first brought you in.”

  “Mia, I look terrible, but Andrew and whatever is in David’s blood seems to be giving me some more time to spend with my Catherine and I’m very grateful for that. How are Nicholas and Kayla?”

  “They are very worried about their uncle and they need you to get strong.”

  “Come on Mia, we both know where this is heading, but you need to promise me something.”

  “What?” Catherine’s features turn from desolation to stoic as she kisses his hand.

  “You need to make them understand that it wasn’t their fault.”

  “Lucas, can I ask you about the wolf that attacked you? Was there one or two?”

  “There was only one and it came at me from the side. Mia, Andrew said they thought I was at the cabin, but I wasn’t. I would never risk them like that. I was only out in the woods after we got word that the kids had gotten loose. I didn’t want them to phase back somewhere alone, not knowing where they were and it was beginning to get light out. It’s bad enough knowing that I caused all of this.”

  “I know you weren’t out there. Nicholas remembers what happened at the cabin, he remembers seeing Reginald and even his scent, but he doesn’t remember you there at all. He swears that he would have known it was you and Kayla confirms the same thing.”

  “Kayla is talking again?” Andrew interjects surprised.

  “Charlie and Jacob got her speaking again. Once she was convinced that I believed her that they weren’t chasing Lucas but someone else, she came out of her room.”

  “Lucas, what did the wolf looked like?”

  “It was brown and fairly big, why?”

  My heart sinks, but as I look around the room, I realize how many different variations of one color there actually are. “Was the wolf a deep chocolate brown?”

  “No, lighter, it was taupe, maybe tan, why?”

  My heavy heart lifts realizing it wasn’t Kayla but turns fearful again as it strikes me that there’s another wolf on the land, one that was not the four that I had been with. “Lucas, neither Nicholas nor Kayla are light brown. They were telling the truth, they didn’t do this to you. They did find you.”

  “Then who did it?”

  “I don’t know, but Nicholas is almost black, while Kayla is a deep brown almost like dark chocolate. It couldn’t have been Grant or Jeff either. They are both shades of gray.”

  “Do we know what color the others are?” Catherine asks, her eyes more alert.

  “I don’t, but Julianne could probably tell me.” I call her. “Julianne says that she and her family are variations of gray, except for Charlie who is almost black.”

  Andrew’s features turn grave and Gabriel is out the door before another word is spoken. Andrew turns to head out. “I’ll be back, get Lucas started on Marlena’s blood.”

  “Be careful, if it bites you.”

  “Don’t worry.” He kisses me gently on the forehead before leaving.

  Before I give Lucas the blood, his body starts contorting, pain etched in his face. Finally he stops contorting enough that he can safely drink. “I’m alright now. Mia, you should really get back to the children.” Knowing he wants time with Catherine, I leave.

  I want to check on the children, but wonder if it would be more useful to find James and see if Amelia’s body could give us any clues as to what we were looking for. I find him in the research lab. “I need your help.”

  “Sure, just let me put this vile away. I’m testing the abnormalities in your, Marlena and David’s blood. Give me one minute.” He returns instantly. “What do you need?”

  “How good are you at autopsies?”


  “You know Amelia’s body was brought in. Everyone thought it was the kids that attacked Lucas but they didn’t. I don’t know what Grant and Jeff believe about Amelia’s attack, but they probably suspect the children or a vampire. I need to know what you can tell me about the one who killed Amelia. Everyone is out in the woods right now, and I need to know as much as you can tell me before something bad happens.”

  He rushes downstairs and immediately starts examining the body, carefully cutting layers of muscle and cleaning the bone underneath. He shakes his head as he brings the light closer and closer. Finally, he turns to me. “I know why Jeff went so ballistic, he was right, he did smell vampire all over her, but it is not one of us. Come and take a look.”

  Moving closer, he points out two nicks on the bone about an inch to inch and one-half apart. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Yes, and from the looks of it, not only was it done by one very determined vampire, it was done more than once.”

  “What do you mean she was bit more than once?”

  “Mia, look at the indentation carefully, she was bitten at least twice because the indentation indicates two different angles. The tearing through the muscle is quite barbaric. I have seen many a bite, but whoever did this was angry, not just feeding.” Although I can’t see it, I know he is sure. Just then, his watch goes off. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “No, that’s alright, I have to get in touch with Andrew. Call me and let me know what else you find.” Letting Andrew know what we found out and what we now suspect, I run to get Martina, other than Gabriel, she is the only one who could confirm my suspicions. We walk into Marlena’s room together.

  She stares at me as a smirk crosses her face. “So I hear that your children did my job for me, Lucas is dying and because you killed David and turned me, he will turn to nothing before day’s end. It’s rather ironic, you may have turned me into a lowly human, but I will return to my rightful and superior state while your precious Lucas will finally be turned to ash by the one thing he insisted on saving.”

  “Lucas will be fine.” I retort trying to sound convincing.

  “You are not a very good liar. My blood is contaminated by yours, he was bitten by a wolf that...” She stops and then just stares coldly at me. “He will die.”

  “Marlena, I know that some of those, David sired who live here have been contacted and that they are on our land. I know that they killed Amelia and that they somehow have a wolf that attacked Lucas, although why you would have what you claimed is a plague escapes me, but I know my children didn’t do anything to their uncle and that Lucas will be fine, but you will never be a creature of the night again. I’m done here, I have what I want.”

  “There’s where you are wrong. You’ll never have the answers you are looking for until you know what you are.” She starts laughing. “You won’t be able to save him and you won’t be able to hold onto me.”

  I turn. “What are you talking about?”

  As I became more frustrated, she only laughs harder. Not being able to listen to her for one more second, knowing we now have bigger problems, I bolt from her room to warn the others that we have barbaric vampires and a werewolf on Sanctuary grounds endangering everyone.

  Outside, Martina stops me. “Mia, you were absolutely correct, the minute you started talking about the ones David sired, her thoughts drifted to David contacting those who are here, while they were getting her in position to meet our family, they let them know that Marlena was on her way here with the imposter Jacob and that they were to help her if she needed them to take out Lucas and his family.”

  “But they originally took Marlena to Victor’s farm, not here.”

  “You forget that we didn’t try to interfere with them at all. When she thought there were more children coming, she gave them the order to find out from where and to find out about the family so that if everyone didn’t arrive, they would be ready to take them out wherever they are. They came across our name and Sanctuary doing a search. When they didn’t find anyone there, they must have figured out it was some sort of deception and they came here. Mia, this is not good. We don’t know how many are out there and by now, I’m sure they have contacted the others and know that David is dead and even if
they don’t know about the imposter Jacob and what happened to Marlena, they will probably try to come here to get her, we are not prepared for this! They are not demons so what protects us from a demon’s most deadly powers will not help us. We have to gather everyone and let them know what is happening. I know that when she looked at you, there was a flash of you throwing David several feet, you should let all our witches know what you did, maybe it will work on the rest of them too. Did Andrew say if they found Jeff or Grant?”

  “I know that Paul caught Grant’s scent heading up toward the cabin and they were following it.”

  “Mia, they need to get back here. We are going to need everyone’s help if those vampires are coming. Do we even know how many?”

  “Jeff may know if they found him, he said something about David siring a coven here and someone named William heading it.” Calling Andrew, it goes directly to voicemail. “Andrew you need to call me as soon as you can, we have some information and need you back here. We think a coven David sired is on the land!”

  Martina is leaving a similar message for Gabriel. We call Eva to warn her and she informs me that Cecil and Amanda have arrived and are with them. Hanging up on her, we go to warn the witches. I instruct them about what I did to repel David and hope it will work. All of our children are moving up to the buildings, and I am about to go check on my own when I realize Sarah and the children are probably still in the house. Martina and I rush there.

  Sarah answers. “Grant is not here and neither is my husband. Considering what your children did to Jeff’s aunt, I would prefer that you not come in. I’m sure you understand.” She moves the door, but I wedge my foot in the opening.

  “My children did not do anything to Amelia or anyone else. However, there is a real threat out there and everyone has been instructed to move up to the main area of Sanctuary, they are gathering in the recreation building.”

  “I’m sure that we can take care of ourselves, we don’t need your help.”

  “Sarah, I don’t know what I did to you to instill this type of hostility, but I believe that William’s coven or at least some of them are here and that is who killed Amelia. With Grant, Jeff and Paul all out, it would be best if you would at least go to the recreation building where the rest of our families are, especially if you would not feel comfortable coming back to the residency with me.”

  “A werewolf killed Amelia and bit Lucas so stop lying to me.”

  Martina interjects. “She is not lying to you. She is trying to protect you and your family. So please come with us and get with the others”

  “We’ll go but I don’t need you to escort us.” Ousting my foot, she slams the door.

  We are still on the porch when my phone rings. “Mia, we found Grant and Jeff and are on our way back. You are absolutely right William’s coven is on our land, or at least one of them. Jeff said that is what he smelled on Amelia. He wasn’t coming after us because he thought one of us did it, he was coming after us to warn us and to find Grant. They were searching for a lead, but we don’t have any. We don’t know if they are still on the grounds somewhere, but we are coming back now, we are not far away, we should be there momentarily. Where are you?”

  “We warned the families by the school and are moving them all up to the recreation center. I’m at Grant’s but Sarah won’t come with us, she wants to go alone.”

  The next moment, Jeff’s voice rings through the line. “Mia, I’m sorry if I scared you but David’s covens make me murderously crazy. Please, Grant told me what a powerful witch you are, do not let my family go alone, they have our scents because we have been after them before and have caused them damage. If they catch her alone with the children, she won’t be able to protect them. Please knock again and see if she will take the phone.”

  I knock but she refuses to answer. Going near a window, I shout a warning to Charlie or Julianne. “Julianne, Charlie, please I need you to open to door Jeff is on the phone and Grant is with him, you need to come with us now, they need to talk to you, please come and get the phone and have Sarah talk to Jeff. I’m not leaving until you come with me.” I knock several minutes and hear arguing. I decide to give her one more minute and then, we’ll break the door down, if necessary. Finally, someone puts their hand out and I give them the telephone. I wait outside scanning the trees and can tell Martina is straining to hear if anything is approaching.

  A minute later, the door opens and Charlie comes out with Julianne. “She’s just getting something for Andrea and will be right out.” Charlie hands me the telephone. Without a word, she comes out and we begin walking back.

  We are half-way back when Martina stops suddenly.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “There is someone coming up behind but not a scent I recognize.”

  She and I position ourselves in the back and we all began moving quickly. I whisper to her. “Are you sure it’s not Grant or Jeff with the others, maybe the combination is messing up the scent?”

  A menacing voice retorts from the trees. “She’s sure.” All of a sudden, three vampires jump out before us. One grabs Martina and is about to stake her when I flick my wrist causing the stake to go flying. She pushes him so forcefully that he hits the tree. The other two fly toward us but I repel them, throwing them off balance and yell to the others to start running. Julianne and Charlie phase and are gone instantly and I can’t understand why Sarah hasn’t. We are all running, but a male vampire catches Sarah while another knocks me down from behind. As he lifts me, I see Martina and the third one fighting. Struggling to loosen his hold on me, he pulls my hands tightly behind my back. I see the one holding Sarah run his nose along her neck. I scream and he looks up at me.

  He bares his teeth at me. “Smell her before you bite. You may have gotten lucky too. This one has a very familiar scent. She belongs with the ones who attacked our coven with the wolf. William will be very pleased. Is yours one as well?”

  His cold nose skims my neck as he inhales deeply. “No, but she has been in a room with Marlena. I can smell her on this one and it is pretty strong so Marlena must not be too far.”

  The one turns his opened mouth toward Sarah’s neck, when all of a sudden, something hits the vampire holding me and I’m free. Knowing what will happen if that vampire bites Sarah or Andrea, I throw myself at them, with my arms outstretched knocking all of us off balance. Falling, I feel something cut my hand. There are growls and tearing sounds. Someone helps me up and I see Sarah and Andrea get up as well.

  Three wolves, Andrew, Jackson, Gabriel and Francis are fighting the vampires. Andrew yells to Martina. “Get them out of here.” Raising my hand to repel the vampires to give Andrew and the others a quick advantage to end this encounter, my eyes freeze on the blood seeping from my wrist. Martina grabs me and we are quickly moving away with Sarah.

  Running, it hits me that they are sired from David and what Marlena said. I wonder if they have what can save Lucas in their blood. Wrenching my hand free and turning on my heels, I call out. “I have to go back, get Sarah to the recreation center” As the fight comes into view two have already been destroyed. “Andrew don’t!” He drops the match engulfing the last. I’m too late. The adrenaline immediately vaporizes and I fall to my knees.

  Andrew is by my side, yelling to Jackson. “Go get the first aid kit.”

  “Why did you come back?” I can see he is confused by my actions.

  “They were part of David’s coven. Their blood may have had the same element as David’s to ward off a werewolf bite.”

  Jeff approaches us. “Mia, we have killed some of William’s coven by biting them. I don’t think that they have what you need, nor do I think that these ones were sired by David himself, they were not as strong as his creations.”

  Jackson returns, handing a solution to Andrew who is about to pour it on the bite. Grabbing his arm and pulling my injured one away, my voice is almost breathless. “Tie a tourniquet around it instead. Get me t
o Lucas, please now. If there is a chance we need to take it.” Andrew takes my arm and I feel his healing heat. “No stop that can wait too!”

  From everyone’s features, I know no one knows what I’m considering. “There may be some of whoever got me at the wound site, maybe it could help. We at least need to try.” I’m in Andrew’s arms and heading toward the terminal building.

  Opening the door, Lucas looks terrible. Catherine appears still as stone and is fighting with every fiber of her being to maintain control. Andrew places me on the bed next to Lucas. “Lucas, I need you to bite my wrist.” His features turn horrified. “Lucas, please, one of William’s men bit me and if our blood mixed, maybe you could get it before it becomes too contaminated with mine, please you need to hurry.” Although Jeff is skeptical, we can’t pass up even the slightest possibility. I place my bloodied wrist up to him.

  But Catherine grabs it. “Mia, you know what happened to David.” I turn to her. I know, but he drank a lot. Catherine, look at Marlena, she is alive and she bit me too. We have to try before it’s too late. What we have given Lucas so far is not really working.” Patting her hand reassuringly, “Marlena bit me days ago, she is still here, we don’t have time, Catherine, and this may be our only chance, please!”

  I look back at Lucas. “Please you have to do this, just remember, not too much.”

  “I can’t bite you.”

  “You have to before his blood flows and combines too much with mine. Lucas please you have to do it now!”

  A pained look crosses his face as his teeth sink in. I lock my wrist tight and force my heart not to speed up with the pain. He is off my wrist very quickly and whispers. “I’m sorry.”

  I touch his arm with my good hand. “Lucas this will work, you need to believe it. I do.”

  He hugs me tightly.

  Knowing that Cecil and Amanda are with the children and knowing there could be more vampires still on the land I want to get back to them. “We’ll see you in a while.” Rising, I feel a little light headed and my gait is unsteady. Andrew places his arm around my waist and we leave. As soon as we are outside the door, he sweeps me into his arms, taking me into an unoccupied room. He washes my wrist with solution before placing his hand over it. The heat pulsates through the wound, healing it quickly. I try to rise, but he places his hand on my shoulder, gently holding me down, and reaches for the EKG leads.

  “Andrew, I’m fine, really. I only got a little dizzy. That’s all.”

  After examining me and my several protests, he allows me to rise. “See I told you that I’m fine. Come on, Eva said Amelia arrived and I want to see what is going on with the children.”

  Getting off the gurney, Andrew embraces me tightly. “I know you think that I’m being over cautious, but Mia, your heart and pulse rate have never returned to the rhythm they had before David bit you and your blood is still registering those abnormalities, although the growth rate does seem to be slowing down. It’s just that with the changes in you and then what happened to the others, everything seems to be tied to you and I’m very concerned.”

  “I know you are, but I feel fine.” I hug him and plant a chaste kiss on his sculpted lips. “I really do want to check on the kids and Andrew, the ones that you destroyed may not be the only ones out there. Marlena seemed too confident. What if there are others coming for her?”

  “We will handle them. Now that everyone is on alert and on the main grounds, we can search.”

  “But they still have a werewolf or werewolves out there. What if you are bit. I know I told Lucas it would be alright, but we don’t know anything for sure.” I feel the panic rising within me. As we walk down the hall, Jeff comes toward us.

  “How are you feeling?” He inquires standing beside me.

  “Fine. How’s Charlie?”

  “He was scared at seeing William’s men, but he’s better now. I hope you don’t mind, but he asked to see Kayla and I let him go over to your place.”

  “We don’t mind at all. Charlie is a very nice young man. He is the one who got Kayla speaking again. I’m very grateful to him for that”

  “I’m very grateful to you.” He lifts my bandaged hand. “If Sarah or Andrea were bit” He shakes his head. “Thank you.” He turns to Andrew. “If you wouldn’t mind, I need to see Lucas and his bite.”

  “What’s wrong?” Andrew’s interest is immediately piqued.

  Jeff’s eyes fall toward the floor. “When I went in to see Amelia, I thought I caught Lucas’ scent around her mouth. I need to confirm whether or not she is the one who bit Lucas.”

  I gasp. “Why would she do that?”

  “I don’t know, but I had been speaking with Lucas earlier and I could have sworn that when I went close to her I caught it again. I know that Amelia was acting strange and keeping to herself, so I doubt that she ever spoke with him, but before I voice my opinion to Grant, I need to see Lucas.”

  Heading back down the hall, when we open the door, Lucas is barreled over in the bed and Catherine is struggling to straighten him, and reassure him that everything will be alright. Andrew runs his hands all over him as Jeff inches forward, taking a deep breath. He shakes his head, inching closer. Andrew finally gets Lucas to lie back in the bed and he appears to be calming.

  Jeff stands next to him. “Lucas, can I examine your bite as a wolf?”

  Lucas nods but I can tell he is puzzled by the request. Jeff phases and gets right up to the bite. He stays there several moments. I gasp as he steps away, the bite is healed. Jeff phases back and he stares at Lucas. “Thank you. I need to go.” He is swiftly out the door. Andrew’s hands are still traveling over Lucas as Catherine speaks softly to him.

  I catch Jeff in the hall. “What did you discover?” Turning around, his eyes are blank and he looks like he is in shock. “Jeff, what did you find out?” He stares but can’t seem to find his voice, so I lead him to a bench. “Jeff, please what’s wrong?”

  After several moments, he pushes the words past his lips. “Amelia bit him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, there were microscopic traces of her scent around the wound site. Your family wouldn’t have smelled it because his scent is so overwhelming. In fact, I almost missed it because I couldn’t believe what else I smelled. “I smelled your blood in him and the blood of another, but it wasn’t William’s man.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Mia, I smelled fresh pumping blood, his blood. His heart was beginning to pump.” Jeff’s voice drops and is barely audible.

  “Are you saying his own blood was flowing through him and that he’s human now?”

  “That can’t be, I know what I heard, but it has to be impossible. He’s a vampire, his heart can’t be pumping and his blood cannot be flowing, it was almost free of venom. I don’t understand it. I must be going crazy. What type of place is this? Vampires and witches working together; vampires around humans without feeding on them, and your family back in England trying to save even the wolves.” As he stares at me, a look of incomprehension crosses his features. “It’s ironic, I had found some peace when I first met you, it was because of you that I was able to begin forgiving and understanding my father, but now, our paths cross again and you have turned my understanding of everything upside down. Nothing is making sense anymore. Vampires can’t change, yet Lucas right now is human. He was a vampire when I went in to the room and in a matter of moments, he wasn’t anymore. What is it with you people, who are you, really?”

  “I don’t know how it happened.”

  Before I can even finish, Andrew is by my side. “Mia, Lucas is asking for you.”

  I turn to Jeff. “Excuse me.” Lucas is hooked up to an EKG machine which registers a heartbeat. I step closer to Lucas. “How do you feel?”

  “Shocked” He is holding Catherine’s hand, stroking it with his thumb. “Thank you for saving me. I could feel the bite extinguishing my existence.”

I’m speechless knowing what is happening now.

  He leans toward me, hugging me. “Thank you. I was not ready to leave this existence and Catherine.”

  “Is there anything that I can do for you?”

  “Yes, you can get Nicholas and Kayla and bring them here. I’ll have them shut off the machine.” His eyes shift to the EKG. “I want to let them know myself that I am doing much better.”

  “We’ll get them and be back.” Jeff is gone. As we walk across the courtyard, Andrew brings me closer to his side and I can tell his eyes are scanning the surrounding area.

  “You don’t think they would come here do you?”

  “Considering what we just endured because of David, their atrocities know no bounds so we can’t discount that possibility. We don’t even know how many there are. We have Marlena, they probably don’t know Alexander is dead, and they did get to Amelia and manipulated her into biting Lucas. I don’t know how much they know of what went on down there or your involvement in David’s demise, but I’m not taking any chances. I don’t want you or the children walking around here without one of us.”

  Forgetting that Amanda and Cecil are in our suite, I am caught off guard when I hear Kayla. “I don’t feel any different.”

  An unfamiliar voice responds. “You won’t feel different but now with practice you can control your transformation so that you are no longer a prisoner to involuntary phasing when there is a full moon.”

  “Does that mean I can force myself to never transform again, if I don’t...”

  As we enter, Kayla stops talking. She and the other children fly at us. “Your back, are you o.k.? Charlie told us you got bit again.” Kayla grabs my arm.

  “We are fine and so is Uncle Lucas, in fact, we came to get you. He’s asking to see you.”

  “Is he going to be alright?” Jacob inquires, his voice filled with excitement and hope.

  Andrew responds carefully considering we don’t have the answers. “The bite is healed and he is anxious to see you.”

  They run to the door, but then Nicholas turns around and addresses Amanda. “I’m sorry, do you mind if we go? I know you came a long way to help us, it’s just that we’re so worried about our uncle, we’ll come right back, we just need to see he’s alright for ourselves.”

  “It‘s fine, go and see him. I will be here when you return and Kayla, in answer to your question, you won’t have to turn ever again if you don’t want to.”

  Going over to her, I extend my hand. “It’s so nice of you to come all this way. Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it. I’m sorry to take them away so quick and have you wait, it’s just that...”

  “Please go and see Lucas, I will still be here when you return and then you can tell me how you brought David down. I have been trying to do that for centuries.”

  “We won’t be long.”

  “Take your time.” She smiles, but looks preoccupied. Staring at her, it’s strange but as she smiles, her face looks familiar, but I can’t place why.

  Heading into Lucas’ room, the EKG is turned off and he looks much better, but Catherine’s eyes are still fixated on him and she appears concerned. The children jump toward Lucas. They are happy and relieved. Catherine backs away as they climb on his bed and I touch her hand, whispering. “Can we go into the hall?”

  She shoots a glance at Lucas and we move outside.

  Moving over to a bench, I take her hands. “Catherine, I know that you are afraid for him, but you look like you are about to fall apart. Is there anything that I can do for you?”

  “You saved him and gave him more time, I’m just afraid of what will happen. Mia, is it really possible that he could be human? I know that all the signs seem to indicate a human physiology. He even gave himself a paper cut to see if it would bleed and it did, but is it truly possible?”

  “I don’t know, it seems like it is, but I’m not sure how.”

  Her features reveal she is deep in thought. “Catherine what’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry a selfish thought just crossed my mind. It’s nothing.”

  “What is it? I wouldn’t push, but your features look as if whatever you are considering is devastating.”

  “I’m happy for him, he has a second chance at life, that is what some of our kind have been searching for since their conversion, but if he is human, our time together is very limited. I feel as if I just found him, I can’t believe how soon I will have to let him go, but considering how soon I thought I would have to let him go, I…” She sighs and looks as if she would cry if it were possible. Her eyes shift to the floor. “I’m sorry. That sounded so selfish. I am happy for him, especially if that makes him happy. I just hate the idea of losing him.” She takes in a deep, calming breath and then squeezes my hand. “Mia, promise me that you won’t even tell Andrew what I told you, I know it is terrible and I shouldn’t be thinking this way. I just...”

  Pulling her into a hug, I feel her anxiety and know I would feel the same way if it were Andrew. “It may not come to that. We don’t know what will happen.”

  “Mia, there isn’t a trace of venom in him anymore.”

  “Let’s give it a few days. You know that things always seem to work out the way they should in the end. I’m sure that we can think of something and there are options each of you can consider.”

  She shakes her head slightly. “I could never ask him to choose this existence for me again. Mia, even though we band together and some of us have made peace with what we are, it is only because it was foisted upon us and the alternative is intolerable. I would never ask him to throw away his miracle for me.” She straightens herself up. “I will just make the best of the time that we have together and the memories of what we share will sustain me. Mia, please don’t speak to anyone about this. I can’t ruin his happiness.”

  “I promise, but I do think that you should consider being honest about your feelings with him.”

  “I’ll think about what you said.” Despite her words, her features reveal she could never speak to him about it. “If you don’t mind, I think we should get back in there.”

  Lucas and the children look so happy. They kiss him and scramble off the bed. “We’ll see you later.” Nicole waves.

  Andrew goes up to Catherine, squeezes her hand and whispers something that I cannot hear. Crossing the courtyard, we pass several of our family and our friends forming groups to search the woods. Andrew stops in front of Gabriel. Give me one moment and I will join you.

  Upstairs, he kisses us good-bye. “Mia, remember, don’t leave here. I’ll be back soon.” Then he is gone.