Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 9

  Chapter Nine - Facing The Werewolf Challenge

  The door opens before I even touch the handle. Running into the children’s room, I can’t believe they are safely tucked in their beds. “Mom is that you?” Kayla rubs her eyes, jumps up and throws herself into my arms. “You’re here!”

  “I’m here and so happy to see you.” I grip her closer to me. Nicholas and Nicole rise and run toward us as Jacob enters. We were all hugging as Andrew’s arms embrace our group. My family is truly here and no matter what, we will face whatever comes together. Shock grabs hold of me as I realize that in the midst of my joy, I feel the difference in temperature of Nicholas and Kayla. Jason was right. They are running hot, and not just a little. My stomach twinges. As happy as I am, I know without a doubt that they will be facing a change and we need to prepare them for that. They all begin talking at once. Nicole is grasping Jacob’s hand and staring into his eyes, finding her true connection to her brother. Someone’s stomach grumbles giving me a good idea to get us quickly back into our routine with a little flair. “Let’s go outside and make s’mores.”

  “Really? You always say that midnight snacking is a bad thing.” Jacob eyes the clock.

  Andrew laughs. “She may say that, but your mom was infamous around here when she first arrived for her midnight snacking.”

  I laugh with him. “I think we can make an exception this once.” The children quickly throw on their shoes and sweaters before running down the stairs laughing and hugging each other before I can even gather the ingredients.

  Joining Andrew and the children, I see a new and even stronger bond growing between them because of this experience in the way they are holding on to Jacob and he is whispering that he spoke to me about learning all they could so that something like this will never happen again. Relief at this revelation flares in Nicole’s eyes.

  “I’m so glad that you are o.k.” Nichole squeezes Jacob’s hand tighter. “I can’t tell you how awful it was knowing that they got you again. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe worrying.”

  “I was afraid for you too. When they told me that you were with that crazy woman and someone who looked like me that could hurt you, I was so afraid that if he were to harm you, the last thing you would remember is me causing you pain.”

  “But it wouldn’t be you.” She states trying to reassure him.

  “I know, but still to have someone look like me hurting you, I couldn’t stand that.” By the time I reach them, they are locked in a bear hug as tears escape down their cheeks. Putting down the food, I hug them.

  “It will be alright. You are both so brave and kept your head despite everything. I’m so proud of all of you.” I look at them. “I know how scared you were, but you did so well and you watched out for each other. You are all so grown up. I can’t believe how much you remembered and how well you followed directions to help us find you.”

  “Mom, how did you come to us? Is that something that we can do?”

  “I am not sure if you can do it, but I do know that we are going to ensure that we teach you all we can about your powers and abilities.”

  “Jacob did tell us that and we know the rules. We promise that we won’t use them without your permission or ever in anger.” Nicholas states confidently.

  “Mom, what happened to the others there? Could they still be coming for us? Why did they take us in the first place? Do they know about you and dad? Would they have taken us to hell?”

  Taking a moment to figure out how to answer them, Lucas approaches us. “Would you mind if I joined you?”

  “Why would we mind?” Kayla jumps up, hugging him.

  Sitting down, his eyes glance to me and I know he wants to answer their question so I nod. “They didn’t come after you because of your mom and dad. They didn’t know anything about you, not really. They were very bad people who wanted me to suffer, not you. Their fight was with me, no one else. You know how your mom and dad have always tried to warn you about falling in with the wrong people when you enter the real world?”

  “Yes, but you are married to aunt Catherine and have been here for a very long time, why would they want to hurt you?”

  “A long time ago when I was human, I came in contact with those people and I didn’t think to look beyond the surface, the way your parents are trying to teach you. I married a woman in their family and agreed to have her change me, but then when I saw what they really were, I ran away and took one of the people that they were trying to hurt with me. They didn’t like what I did and they wanted to get revenge upon me by hurting you.”

  “But we aren’t your children. I still don’t understand.”

  “You’re right, but the people who grabbed you mistakenly thought that you were mine and they wanted to use you to hurt me. I’m sorry that you got mixed up in this whole mess because of the mistakes I made in the past.”

  “It’s not your fault uncle Lucas.” Nicole rises and hugs him. “They were just very bad people. I’m glad that you got away from them.”

  “I am too. I love it here and I love all of you very much.”

  “Why don’t we start the fire and get these marshmallows roasted. The air always smells so nice when you make s’mores.”

  After they gather the twigs and place them all on the wood, Andrew pulls a lighter from his pocket. “Wait, allow me.” I place my hands on the sticks and concentrate on the flames and heat I want to generate and the heat this world has to offer. As soon as I feel the sticks become hot, I remove my hands. A moment later, the children’s eyes are mesmerized by the little fire.

  “How did you do that?” Nicole stares at me and her eyes widen.

  “Let me show you.”

  The shock on each of their faces is clear. Taking her hands, I cup them around the tip of a small branch. “Place your fingers on the tip and concentrate on the elements around you. Think about the sun and heat, lava and fire. As soon as you feel the branch getting hot, remove your hands.”

  Closing her eyes, she concentrates for a long time. All of a sudden, her hands recoil quickly from the branch. A moment later I am holding a lit twig and Nicole is beaming from ear to ear. Andrew, Lucas and I hold the twigs so the others could try and their triumphant smiles light up the darkened night.

  “I can’t believe you let us do that.” Nicholas laughs as he finishes his marshmallow. “That is so cool.”

  “I figure it wouldn’t hurt to teach you that now. I know that you are all curious to understand your powers and you showed me how much you understand. I’m sure that as much as you think starting the fire was great, you also realize how dangerous it could be.”

  “We do mom, don’t worry. We would never want to see anything happen to the forest or the people here. We know it is not something to play with, but thank you for showing us.” Jacob inches closer to me and places his hand on mine.

  We stay there enjoying the night sky with the children resting against our legs until their eyes droop. As I tuck Nicholas in, he whispers groggily. “You’re not going to leave home tonight are you?”

  Leaning down, I kiss his cheek and whisper. “I’ll be right in the next room.”


  “Sleep tight. I love you and you are safe at home.” He is unconscious before I even withdraw my lips from his ear.

  Despite the exhaustive few days, I am no longer tired. Entering the kitchen, I make some coffee. When I came out, Andrew is not in the living room so I head back towards the children’s room. He is stroking Kayla’s temple gently. Hearing my approach, he turns. His features confirm my worst fears. Rising silently, we go into the living room. Knowing what we will face, I need to ask. “How much time do we have before the first full moon?”

  “About ten days.”

  “Is there anything we can do to stop it?”

  “I don’t think so. I can smell the changes in their blood.”

  “Is there any way for Cecil to get in touch with Amanda beforehand? Maybe
the spell that allows them to control their conversion could help us.”

  “She is already looking for Amanda. That’s why she stayed behind.”

  “Did you know for sure before we came home?”

  “No, but I thought it would be best to be prepared just in case.”

  “Andrew, I know I said I trust Grant, but do you think we should ask Reginald if he knows anyone?”

  “Mia, I think that your instincts about Grant are correct. I see a very bright aura around him.”

  “I think I’m just afraid, that’s all.”

  “I know. I’m afraid too, but Nicholas and Kayla are wonderful children. They will be able to handle this and we will help them.”

  “But what if they can’t control the conversion? What are we going to do? Maybe I should take them to the cabin alone. It is too dangerous for you, Jacob, Nicole or even anyone in your family to be close to them. If they were to bite you...” The vision pops unbidden into my head as my heart races out of control. “Is there any possibility that because you can smell the changes in their blood, they are changing before the full moon?” I jump up, running into the archway. They are all asleep, but I can’t stop the fear that is overtaking me. If Nicholas and Kayla were to change now, they could kill Nicole and Jacob.

  Andrew stops me before I take another step. “Mia, they are not going to change tonight.”

  “How do you know?” You said this isn’t your realm.”

  “Mia, you know what Grant told you about the first full moon. From everything we could decipher from our search, he was giving you the correct information.”

  “What research are you talking about?”

  “As soon as we realized the children were bitten, I gave Ryan the combination and instructed him to get the phone from the safe. He found information regarding first transformations and all of the information tells about it commencing on the first full moon after the initial bite.”

  “Did he find out anything else?”

  “He found an account from Reginald regarding his observations of a transformation. Although it was not an initial transformation, it appears that the process is fairly quick but, for younger werewolves, they may reemerge to their former self with no recollection of where they were or what occurred.”

  “Grant did tell me that about his mother when she was first changed. She was not a natural born werewolf.”

  I could see from Andrew’s eyes that there was something more. “What are you afraid to tell me?”

  He hesitates. “I don’t want you to panic, but in Reginald’s account, the werewolf he was observing became violent and turned on him, despite befriending him in his human form.”

  “I need to take them then and go. Andrew, you and the children can’t be around them!”

  “Mia, you won’t be strong enough to contain them both on your own, werewolves are very powerful and very fast.”

  My mind is reeling at the thought of what is coming. I force myself to control my breathing. I need to think. If they will be powerful and fast, the cabin is not far enough away. I have to get the children somewhere isolated, somewhere where they cannot harm anyone. “Andrew, Grant said they learned to control themselves, but did you find any information about how long that may take?”

  “From Reginald’s account, he stayed with his friend for three cycles. By the time he left, he was no longer a target even after Samantha transformed.”

  “Maybe I should take the children to Italy until they can learn to control the transformation. You could ask Antonio to leave for just a while.”

  “No!” I hear the panic creeping into his voice. “I don’t want you, Nicholas and Kayla that far from Sanctuary and our family.” He gently strokes my back in an attempt to calm my raging heart. “It will be alright. I know it seems impossible at the moment, but everyone is still here and they will help us figure out the best way to help the children.”

  Lifting my face to his, I stare sternly. “If we don’t come up with something in a few days, you have to let me take them and leave. I won’t risk our family and the children have already gone through too much. It’s not only dangerous for Nicole and Jacob, if Nicholas or Kayla killed someone, especially someone in their family, they would never recover from that.”

  “It won’t come to that. We will find an answer. Mia, I’m not trying to be unreasonable, but it would be more dangerous for you and them to go off and try to handle this on your own. You could lose track of them, they could transform back to their human form alone and without any knowledge of how they got there or where they are. If we have to, there is an old abandoned caretaker house deep in the woods at the base of the mountain range. We can take them there and see if you, Reginald and Emma’s family can put up a protective shield around the area. In fact, let me go and speak with Gabriel about checking the condition and seeing what we need to make it habitable. I’m sure that no matter what shape it is in, we can get it repaired in only a few days. I’ll be right back.”

  After a moment, I run upstairs and get the phone knowing that Ryan would have returned it by now. Scrolling through the files, I see one labeled werewolves and begin reading. I knew Reginald has a photographic memory, but never realized how meticulous his record keeping is. He not only documented the transformation and the differences between each full moon cycle, but included extensive photographs as well.

  I didn’t hear Andrew come in. Sitting beside me, I finally rip my eyes from the screen. He doesn’t even glance at the file. “Have you seen this before?”

  “I reviewed it with Gabriel when you fell asleep on the plane with Gabriel. I didn’t realize that after we saw this, he had already considered taking precautions if the children were going to phase. He and Eva have already been out to the workman’s cottage and work has already started. It should be ready by tomorrow evening. Emma has already laid the groundwork with her family to form a protective barrier around the area.”

  “Do they think it will hold?”

  He takes my hands. “They are hopeful, but they did not want to put anything in the barrier that could harm the children and where they are also witches, we just can’t be sure. They are trying to put up just an encampment barrier which has been successful in holding animals at bay, but it may not hold witches. They are hoping that because this is their initial transformation, their animal physiology will mask any of their other forms.”

  “Could they set up some stronger barrier around Sanctuary as a second avenue of protection? I’m not suggesting one that would hurt the children, but one that may have a stronger deterrent.”

  “We can discuss that possibility with them in a few hours. They returned only an hour ago to catch some sleep. You should sleep too your body is still trying to recover from the loss of blood and stress from the last several days.”

  I know he’s right, but the gravity of the situation is overloading my senses causing my mind to race. Jacob screams. “Get away from her, take me, take me!”

  Andrew is by Jacob’s side before I even reach the arch. “Jacob, it’s alright. You’re home, you’re safe. We’re right here.” He gently lifts him and lays him on the sofa. As Jacob’s eyes flutter open, he clutches Andrew as if he is a drowning man trying to avoid going under again. Andrew rubs his back and I take his hand.

  Jacob’s muffled voice resonates from Andrew’s chest. “It’s alright, I’m home.” Then his head whips away from Andrew and he turns to me. “Where’s Kayla? Is she safe?”

  “She’s in her room still asleep.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Jacob she’s fine really and so are you.”

  “I’m sorry. I just saw David, he killed her.”

  “Jake it’s o.k. She’s fine and David is gone. He can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

  Jacob slowly releases Andrew and his posture relaxes slightly. We hear rustling from the bedroom. Andrew rises. “Stay with Jacob and I’ll see who is up.”

  I sit next to
him. “Jake, I know what it’s like to feel afraid and to continue dreaming after a traumatic event, but if you could talk to me about it, I know it would help you.

  “It was so strange. We were here and I saw a huge wolf lunge at Kayla. It came from out of nowhere, without even a sound. All of a sudden it was there, no warning, no sound with its teeth bared and as it headed toward Kayla it transformed into David, grabbing her and biting her neck drinking.” His stomach contracts violently and he cries. “I couldn’t get to her. I was so afraid and he was so quick, he killed her before I could even move.”

  I hug him tight. “You did save her and she is safe in her bed.”

  “I didn’t save her not really. She got bit because of me. What’s going to happen to her?”

  “She will be alright. You know how strong of a family you were born into and how many friends we have to help us. Everything will be alright.”

  As I hug him tighter, I see his eyes closing. Andrew returns taking him from my arms, he kisses his head, and returns him to bed.

  “Who got up?”

  “Kayla, she had a bad dream.”

  “Did she tell you about it?”

  “She did, she dreamt that a wolf, someone called Amelia was chasing her.”

  “Amelia, why would she think that she would try to hurt her?”

  “I don’t know, but she said that she saw a woman turn into a wolf and that someone screamed Amelia come back, but instead she chased her into the forest. She said Jacob’s scream began dragging her from her dream. She calmed down and fell back to sleep.” Rising, he holds his hand out to me. “I know you said you are not tired, but you need to try to get an hour or two. If not for yourself, do it for the children, they are going to need you as strong as possible in the upcoming days.”

  Following him into the bedroom, I curl into his side, but sleep refuses to find me. Visions of the children’s dreams flash though my head, along with the thoughts of Nicholas and Kayla transforming, getting past the barriers, and hurting those they love. By four o’clock, I can’t lie in bed a moment longer. The room is closing in on me. I check on the children who are still asleep. Despite Andrew’s disapproving look, I need some fresh air to try and clear my aching head. I want to think clearly today. “I’ll be back shortly, I just need to take a walk and think.”

  “Mia, you haven’t slept at all, you should at least try to eat something.”

  “I can’t right now. I won’t be long. I promise.” Unsure of where I’m going, I wander through the courtyard. I should have known where I was heading. Grant is heading up the stairs. “Grant I’m glad you’re up. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Turning toward me, my eyes lock upon the familiar eyes of an old friend. Was I always so blind as to shut myself off from the paranormal world that surrounded me before I entered the gates of Sanctuary? I’m speechless as he moves closer. Maybe all mythological creatures gravitate toward each other whether their immersed in the world of the surreal or unaware of where they belong.

  The shock on his face mimics my own. “Mia, is it really you?”

  I can’t stop staring as I fight to close my gaping mouth and nod silently.

  I can hear him mutter softly. “Ken told me my dad was staying with a doctor named Mia, but I never put together that it was you. You’re family always seemed so normal, I never suspected.” He seems to be talking more to himself and then stops in front of me. “I’m sorry about your mother and sister.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Word gets around the medical community.”

  “So what type of doctor did you decide to become?”

  “A heart surgeon”

  “That’s wonderful.” Despite finding my voice, I know my eyes are still wide with shock. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to stare. I just can’t get over it. I’m sorry I didn’t know about your mom when we were in school. Grant told me what happened.”

  “Thank you. It was a long time ago and your friendship really helped me through some dark times. In fact, it was your...” He stops suddenly, his eyes shifting toward the ground.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I guess I’m just surprised to see you.”

  “Have you seen your father yet?”

  “Yes, I arrived in the middle of the night. I just went for a walk to clear my head before my wife gets up. When I don’t sleep, I sometimes get headaches and I don’t want to be grouchy with anyone so I figured I would go for a run and get some fresh air. It always seems to help.”

  I glance down and am surprised he went running in dress shoes. Catching me, he must realize what I’m thinking. His casual response staggers me. “I didn’t run as a human, Mia. It is much more helpful when I exercise as a wolf.” As my face meets his, his voice sounds concerned. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew?”

  “No, I did. I just realize why I must have gravitated here, that’s all. Jeff could you see if your family is awake yet and if they aren’t could I ask you some questions?”

  “Sure, I’ll be right back, unless you want to come in.”

  “No, I’ll wait. If they’re sleeping, I don’t want to disturb anyone.”

  “I’ll just be a moment.” He returns a minute later. “They are still asleep.”

  Sitting on the step, he sits beside me. “How much do you know about what happened over the last few days?”

  “My father filled me in on everything that happened and how David is dead.”

  “Did he tell you that my children were bitten?”

  “Yes, he told me that two of your children were bitten by mistake but that your husband and other son helped them.”

  “They did help them, but I’m afraid not soon enough. Their blood is changing and I fear that they will undergo the transformation. I need to know how to help them and how to protect my family. Did you father tell you that my other children are part vampire and that my husband and his family are vampires.”

  “He did.” I can see understanding overtaking his features. You’re afraid that if the children transform while they are all together they can hurt their siblings or your family.”

  “Yes, I’m very afraid of that, especially since your father says that a werewolf bite is lethal to a vampire. Is there anything I can do to stop the transformation?” Desperation seeps through my words.

  “No, not the initial transformation, but if someone can reach Amanda, she can help them control future transformations so that they don’t involuntarily transform with each full moon. My father told me that you were some kind of witch. Do you know Amanda or does anyone in your coven know her?”

  “I don’t belong to any coven. In fact, I didn’t know anything about this type of world or myself until I came here several years back. However, a friend of ours is searching for Amanda now trying to track her down and bring her here.”

  “That’s good. She is extremely powerful. Even the young werewolves she helps learn to control their transformations quickly as long as they are not in a panic type situation. My son mastered his transformations when he was only three.”

  I can’t help but smile at the pride in his voice?

  “He’s twelve now, but to look at him you would swear he was twenty.”

  “I thought that natural born werewolves didn’t go through their first transformation until they were twenty-one.”

  “Normally, you would be correct, but my wife was bitten while she was pregnant with my son.”

  I gasped. “How did that happen?”

  “It was an unfortunate accident. I was assisting a friend of mine who was concerned for his son’s first transformation and my wife came out to their home to surprise me not realizing what I was there for. Before I could get to her, it was too late.”

  In less than twenty minutes, he leaves me gaping at him again.

  “It was a shock then, but we are alright now. Mia, I know that this seems awful to you considering what your other children are and your husband
, but it will all work out. I can help you this time if you don’t shut down and let me.”

  Opening my mouth to inquire what he means, I close it seeing Andrew and the children coming toward me. Seeing me, Kayla runs. I catch her as she hits the top step. “Good morning sweetie. I didn’t realize you woke up. I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

  “That’s alright, dad said you went for a walk and you weren’t too far.”

  As I hug them all good morning, I catch Jeff and Andrew starting at each other, their expressions revealing that they met before. Unsure of whether their encounter was good or bad, I decide it might be best to just introduce the children. “Jeff, this is Nicholas, Nicole, Kayla and Jacob.

  Releasing me, they shake his hand. He stares at Nicholas. “You look just like your dad. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “It’s nice meeting you too. Are you a friend of my mom’s?”

  “Yes, a very old one to your family. I went to medical school with your mom and used to hang out with your uncle and dad.”

  Nicholas looks to Andrew, but I realize he is speaking of David.

  “Will you be staying at Sanctuary?”

  “For a while, I came to see my father.”

  Jacob smiles at him. “Is Paul up yet?”

  Jeff’s eyes tear away from Nicholas. “I’m sure they must be up by now, why don’t we go see.” He moves toward the door, opens it and calls out. Paul is out in a flash. From the way Jake and Paul’s eyes light up, I know they formed a lasting friendship while trapped in the dungeon.

  Jacob turns to me. “Mom, can we show Paul and Julianne around or do we have to go to school this morning?” His inquiry is full of hope.

  “I guess you could miss one more day. Why don’t you see if everyone wants to look around, but don’t go too far and no powers Jake, everyone will be up and about soon.”

  “I know, I promise.”

  “Let me get the others and I’ll be right back.” Paul runs back inside. When he returns, the young man following him looks exactly like Jeff and runs over to him. “Dad, can I go too?”

  “Sure Charlie, but no phasing here.”

  “Don’t worry, I know.” With that, they are off.

  Another look passes between Andrew and Jeff. “How do you two know each other?”

  Andrew replies coyly. “We met one evening outside of your apartment window.”

  I hear Jeff laugh and knowing there is more to the story, I look at him aware Andrew isn’t going to say any more. “Andrew is being too nice. I attacked him outside your window. I knew what he was and thought he was hunting you. I didn’t realize he was watching over you.”

  Despite seeing they are fine, I gasp as a picture of them fighting flashes through my mind. Andrew intertwines or hands, bringing mine up to his lips and kissing it softly. “It was a misunderstanding, that’s all. I’m just glad you distracted him when you threw a cup up against the wall so that he lost his opportunity to sink his teeth into me.” He chuckles.

  “She did have quite a temper back then didn’t she?” He chuckles, but then a flash of sorrow passes between them. Andrew’s response immediately causes them to change their expression. “It’s a good thing for me and the woman walking her dog below us. Could you have imagined her face if a vampire and werewolf dropped out of the trees?” They both laugh.

  “Andrew, Mia tells me that you are worried about Nicholas and Kayla’s transformation. Because of the obvious, I tend to agree with her. Their first transformation shouldn’t be anywhere near yourself or your other children. Is there anywhere away from here that you would feel safe in sending them and that they would feel safe considering what they have already been through?”

  Andrew appears caught off guard and Jeff answers his unspoken question. “I arrived last night and my father filled me in on what happened, how you and your family went to save my siblings and then offered them a place to stay when the pack pulled their typical crap.” Aggravation pierces his tone as his body turns rigid.

  “I take it that you are not very fond of them.” Andrew states and I know he is trying to give Jeff an opportunity to vent regarding this subject before anyone else comes out.

  “No, I understand the need for rules, but when things happen, they need to learn to adjust. They need to learn to look beyond just their own beliefs and rules. They think what we are is a curse and believe that we need to live in obscurity, hiding all of the time, never helping, never changing. They can’t look beyond the bad to see all of the good that we could accomplish. They refused to even help me recover my mother’s body so that I could give her a proper burial, they just let her rot there and be food for those vicious vampires.” He stops suddenly. Worried eyes shoot towards Andrew as Jeff braces himself for an angry response which I know will not come.

  “Jeff, relax. I didn’t take any offense and I agree with you. Some of my kind are more vicious, more barbaric than I have seen from any creature, but I assure you that my family and the individuals that are here are nothing like that. We do not kill to feed. Our goal is to protect life. That is what this place is dedicated to. We help those who have been touched by darkness so that they can find strength in each other and the help that we can provide.”

  His posture relaxes. “My father did say that. He said that your group refused to openly go after David and his barbarians unless there was an immediate danger to anyone who was on the land. I just couldn’t believe it. Grant also told me that some of them escaped and that you left three of them in the estate when you left. You should know that those on the estate were not the only coven that David sired, it was his closest, but he never wanted his line destroyed so there are others. I believe that he sired six additional full covens and then some rogue solitary vampires who refused to settle in one area. Two covens are rumored to be in Europe, two in South America, one here in North America and one in Asia. They are all just as barbaric and just as vicious and each is headed by the oldest males that David sired.”

  I am speechless, but Andrew inquires. “How do you know so much about them?”

  “Unlike my former family, those that I am with now utilize our strength to protect people against such atrocities. We have gone up against William, one of David’s older creations and the covens he has sired many times. We almost succeeded in destroying William himself in Louisiana last year, but he eluded us. His coven there was not so lucky. Can I ask you something? My father said that David died a human, is that true?”

  “We are not entirely sure if he was human, but what we do know is that his heart was beating and blood began to course through his veins.”

  Jeff’s mouth opens as if to speak, but then he freezes. After a moment, he shakes his head. “That can’t be. I saw him kill my mother, nothing human could have ripped at her like that. He couldn’t have been human. It’s not possible.”

  Grant joins us. “You’re right. When he attacked your mother he wasn’t human. I don’t know what happened, but I can assure you that he is dead. I saw it myself.”

  A woman holding a young child follows him out. Reaching Jeff, he kisses the child and then her. “Mia, Andrew, this is my wife, Sarah and daughter, Andrea.”

  “It’s very nice to meet the ones who finally convinced Grant to come.” She smiles.

  Grant takes the young girl in her arms and holds her up in the air. She smiles and his whole face lights up.

  I can hear Sarah ask Jeff. “Where are Charlie and Mark?”

  “They went exploring with the children. They’re not too far. Don’t worry.” He wraps his arm around her waist.

  I turn to Grant. “How is Amelia feeling this morning?”

  “She seemed fine when I checked on her, but said she wanted to sleep in. Have you heard anything from your friend, has she found Amanda?”

  “We haven’t heard anything back yet so I am going to take Nicholas and Kayla to a cabin that we have at the base of the mountain range.”

  “Mia, you can’t be
alone with them and Andrew can’t be with them, it will be too dangerous during their first transformation. I know he can heal, but I don’t think it would be safe and truthfully, you are not equipped to contain them.” Grant’s worry for my safety is apparent.

  A look passes between Grant and Jeff and then Jeff and Sarah before he nods. “Mia, I don’t know if you have made any arrangements with your friends, but we would be happy to help you, if you trust us.”

  Andrew interjects. “We have done some research and one of ours has been involved with a transformation before, but this is something that is out of our realm, any information and help that you could provide is greatly appreciated.”

  Grant turns to Andrew. “Have you any leads on where Amanda is yet?”

  “Cecil has a lead on her that she is following up. I’m hoping that she can find her before the first full moon and help.”

  “Even if she does come, she wouldn’t be able to do anything during their first transformation that has to happen on its own without interference. One of our members insisted on her help before the child had undergone the first transformation and returned back to his human form. Amanda tried to warn him that she didn’t know what would happen and didn’t want to do it, but he insisted.”

  “What happened?”

  Grant shakes his head as if trying to rid himself of a disturbing memory. “Jack’s body began fighting itself, transforming in and out without any control until one day, his organs began to shut down. It was terrible, nothing like that has ever happened since. We found as long as the first transformation is completed, the spell is fine as long as Amanda herself does it. We have run across other witches and they have tried to perform the ritual, but to no avail.”

  Jeff turns to Andrew. “Does this cabin have any reinforced walls or steel doors?”

  “No, but if you tell me what is needed I’m sure that we could get something along those lines together in the next few days. Is there any possibility that you know of for the children to begin transforming before the night of the first full moon?”

  “I have never seen anyone, even those who were bitten, change before the first full moon, nor has there been any stories which I came across which would indicate that possibility. Could you show me the cabin so that I can get an idea of what is there and tell you what we may need?”

  Andrew kisses my cheek. “I’ll show Jeff. It will be quicker if we go alone. Let Eva know that no patients should go beyond the recreation building today. We have a lot to accomplish and will be faster on foot if we don’t have to worry about who may see us.” He asks Jeff. “Would you mind going on foot?”

  “Are you kidding, I love to run.”

  Grant interjects. “Would you mind if I come with you?”

  “Are you kidding, any help you could provide would be invaluable.” Andrew puts his hand on Grant’s shoulder just before the three of them are off.

  I turn to Sarah. “It was nice meeting you. If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to call extension twelve and we can get you anything you need. I have to go and ensure the patients don’t go into the woods today.” Her facial expression changes and she is staring at me.

  “Sarah, is something wrong?”

  Her voice turns cold. “No, it’s just nice to put a face to the name finally. I heard you and Jeff speaking on the porch and Jeff telling your son he knew your family in medical school, it finally clicked as to who you are.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

  “You’re Mia Angelis. You’re the one Jeff fell in love with in medical school.” Her tone is full of disdain.

  “He knew my whole family. We were friends. That’s all.” Her face turns harder and I wonder what Jeff really told her, but I don’t have time to inquire or fix her misapprehension. The patients are going to be out soon and I can’t have our plans hindered or their seeing creatures which they have come to associate with destroying their lives. “I really have to go. It was nice meeting you. I’m very glad you came.”

  Walking away, I hear her mumble. “I bet you are.” Although I would like to stop it, I have no time to deal with this blooming issue right now.

  I let Eva know and then check on the children who I find playing in the recreation building. It is nice to see them smiling.

  Andrew returns and we lead the children over to the kitchen for lunch. “Where are Grant and Jeff?”

  “They went back to check on Amelia and Sarah and then talk.”

  “Were they any help as far as the cabin was concerned?”

  “Yes, Gabriel is going into town with Ryan and Jason to secure some metal reinforcements for the windows and a stronger door to make the cabin more secure.”

  When the children finish, Jacob asks if they could show the others the lake and cabin, so we walk up there. As they play hide and seek in the trees, Andrew hugs me. “Mia, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Was Jeff the friend you told me about that you needed but who had moved on, all of a sudden, when you couldn’t move forward?”

  His remembering this story catches me off guard. “He was, but that was so long ago, what made you think of that now?”

  “I was thinking about what he said about hanging around with you, Katrina and David and then it clicked as to who he was.” Sadness flicks across his features and his voice turns soft. “It’s my fault that he moved on and you didn’t stay in touch. That night outside of your window, after our little scuffle, I warned him to stay away from you. I was trying to keep you from our kind and from being part of this existence. I didn’t realize that wolves could have normal families like his. I thought he was going to drag you in, I thought he would change you and ...”

  As frustration wells within him, I place my fingertips up to his mouth. “Andrew, stop. It was a long time ago and you didn’t do anything wrong. You were trying to protect me. Besides, I would have never moved on with him that way. I told you, my heart was always searching for you after Lake Anna and I’m so grateful that I found you and for our family.”

  He hugs me tighter. “But if I hadn’t interfered, maybe he could have helped you when you needed it. Maybe you wouldn’t have ...”

  I stretch and kiss him before he can work himself up any more. “I thought we agreed you would try not feeling so guilty about everything all the time. Really, Andrew everything is fine. I’m just glad that I’m with you and that he is here now, because I remember what a decent soul he is. I think he and Grant can help us.”

  “You are right about his soul, his aura is very bright, even brighter than Grant’s, but Sarah is jealous of you and is angry that Jeff wants to stay and help. She had no idea that you were here and Martina says she’s pretty upset knowing you are involved.”

  “How can she be jealous of me? She’s married to Jeff and has a wonderful family. Couldn’t she see how much I love you and my own wonderful family?”

  “She is Jeff’s second wife. He was married to her best friend. Charlie is not hers and Jeff and his first wife are friends now, but I guess she married him when he was still struggling with some issues and he cheated on her with Sarah.”

  “How did you get all of this? It was going through her mind when Martina came to track me down because Gabriel couldn’t reach me. I let my cell die again.”

  I laugh. For as meticulous as Andrew is about everything, he is forever allowing his phone to die. Leaning into his chest, he hugs me tightly. “Maybe I should talk to her? Let her know that I’m not trying to cause any trouble for them. All I want to do is get answers to help Nicholas and Kayla. Maybe I should just take Grant.”

  “Mia, you are going to need them both during that first transformation.”

  “Why, what did they tell you?”

  “When the children first transform their animal instincts are going to tell them to hunt because they will be ravenous. We are reinforcing the walls, window and door, but I don’t want to put th
em in a cage or prison type environment. After what they have gone through, it may cause even more problems. This will be traumatic enough for them and we are unsure how it would register in their subconscious if we place them in a barred room the way the wolves usually handle a transformation until they can learn to control themselves. In our case having them more agitated and wanting to run from their surroundings may be a recipe for disaster. I know Grant said they may not remember, but we are crossing lines, the children are not just human, they have other powers and that may affect their memory, so I don’t want to take any chances, but if they do break free, they will be too strong and too fast for you. You are going to need Grant and Jeff both in case the children split.”

  “Are you sure that I couldn’t keep up with them?”

  “Grant told me he is not even sure if they could keep up with them because young wolves are much faster than matured ones, but he says they are not as silent so they could track them if they get away. Mia, I think you and I should do this together. I’m sure that I could heal, even if they did bite me and I don’t like the idea of you trying to handle this on your own, too much can go wrong.” His tone is laced with worry and fear.

  Withdrawing from his embrace, my voice is louder than I wanted. “Absolutely not! You need to stay with Nicole and Jacob. You saw what happened to him last night. He needs to have at least one of us with him because you know that the nightmares aren’t over. They will probably get worse as he thinks about Nicholas and Kayla changing. That is going to be frightening enough for him and then to worry about you, it’s too much. Besides, you are not sure if you could heal. Andrew please, you can’t take that risk and you have to be here to protect Nicole and Jacob in case something goes terribly wrong. For everyone’s sake, you have to stay here and you know it.”

  After what feels like an eternity, I hear his resigned sigh. “I just don’t like you out there exposed.”

  “I’ll be fine and maybe because of my connection to them, they will be calmer.”

  He appears skeptical. “From Reginald’s account, they may not recognize you when they first transform, they may even try to attack you. You need to prepare yourself for that.”

  “I don’t mean connect with them after they have changed. I’m talking about during the transformation. Jacob felt me when he got caught for the second time.”

  Andrew’s features register his shock. “I thought you could only feel them, but that they couldn’t even sense you.”

  “I thought so too, but when Jacob became really frightened, he felt me. Maybe I can make the same connection to Nicholas and Kayla. If I could somehow communicate with them while they were transforming on another level, they wouldn’t have to be so alone and maybe they wouldn’t be out of control. I’m hoping that I can help them.”

  “Mia, you know how much that drains you. If you fail and something went wrong, you would be vulnerable.”

  “That’s why I thought I would take these few days to try it. If I can’t do it, then I would still have a few days before the full moon, but if I could do it, then maybe it would make it easier for them, less traumatic, and less dangerous.”

  “When do you want to try?”

  “I thought I would try tonight as they are falling asleep. Their minds will be more open then. If it works, then we could try again tomorrow when they are more awake.”

  That afternoon, Andrew meets with Gabriel and the others to work on reinforcing the cabin.

  I’m surprised to see Jeff coming toward me alone.

  “I’m sorry about Sarah’s behavior earlier. I hope she wasn’t too unpleasant.”

  “She wasn’t unpleasant at all. I should be apologizing to you. I hope I didn’t do or say anything to upset her.”

  “No, it’s not you at all. She gets jealous sometimes. It’s my fault. I have been really stupid sometimes and haven’t made her feel secure in our relationship, but I really do love her.” He shakes his head and changes the subject. “I’m glad to see that you’re doing well. Although I do have to say I am surprised to see you with Andrew. The night I met him, he seemed so determined to keep everything from our world away from you. He practically bit my head off swearing you would have a normal life and nothing from our world would ever touch you.”

  “Sometimes life takes a very strange turn of events and things you never expected happen.”

  “Yes, I would have never pegged you for a witch, but Grant tells me he thinks that you are one of the most powerful ones he has ever come across, especially after what you did to David.”

  “I must have just caught him off guard.” Disbelief that anyone could really think I’m strong resonates in my tone.

  “No. Trust me nothing ever caught him off guard. It had to be something you did.”

  “Jeff, not to change the subject, but in the short time I have known your father, I know he feels very bad about what passed between you and feels he failed you by not being there for you when your mother and brother passed. He feels very guilty that his inability to deal with the situation and loss caused you to be left to grieve on your own. I hope that your coming here can be a new start for you two and that you can both begin to heal. I know how difficult it can be to lose someone. I wish I had known about your mom, you could have talked to me.”

  “Mia, I couldn’t talk to anyone then. How would I be able to tell anyone that vampires killed my werewolf mother and brother?” He shakes his head. “If I tried to talk about it but hide what really happened that would have only made me angrier and more frustrated than I already was. Besides, you were dealing with a bad issue of your own.” Sorrow once again flickers across his features and my stomach is queasy as I realize now what he is referring to. “In fact seeing the way you shut down, despite how close we had become is what first led me to realize what was going on with Grant. Watching you close yourself off, isolate yourself from everyone, even me after...” He ceases suddenly when I involuntarily shudder. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I run off at the mouth. It’s just that watching you helped me realize that everyone deals with bad situations differently. My father shut down and tried desperately to hold on to my mother’s memory, while I got angry and had to run, but you can’t run from yourself can you?”

  “No, you can’t. However, sometimes we do try, don’t we?” I say hoping to lighten my now darkened mood.

  “I tried running from myself and ran directly into my first wife. I should have realized though that I wasn’t really ready or stable enough to know myself, let alone share a life with another person. We are friends now and I wouldn’t trade Charlie for anything, but I really put her through hell.”

  “Charlie looks just like you.”

  “Almost, he has his mother’s green eyes and thankfully her temperament.” We both laugh. “I can’t believe how much Nicholas looks like David. Is that how you learned about Andrew? I heard that you were in the accident with your sister, was he close by when it occurred?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mia, the night he was out your window was not the only time I saw him watching you. After our encounter, he was not the only one who was observing you. I knew what he said, but for a while, I still wasn’t convinced that he wasn’t hunting you. It was only after I began to watch him that I came to realize he was a watcher, a guardian. I had heard of it, but never saw one before him.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “There have been stories of werewolves and vampires who sometimes can’t help but be drawn to a human with such a strong desire to protect them, to ensure their safety that they become their guardians. The connection they feel to protect them and keep them from harm can’t be ignored, it’s like a compulsion and they stick to that individual until they move on to the next plane. However, they usually go unseen, undetected to the human they are protecting because they don’t want that person to be frightened or to become aware of our existence. Although in your case, I guess Andrew couldn’t help but reveal himself to yo
u. I could see he was falling in love with you and that’s when I finally left. I just assumed that when you got into the accident, he rescued you and you became aware of what he was.”

  “No, he was with me in the accident, but you’re right, he also saved me that evening.”

  “Now I don’t understand.”

  “By the time of the accident, Andrew and I were already working together and I had already fallen in love with him, but he was fighting it so that this world wouldn’t touch me. Back then, we had no idea what I was.”

  He features betray his surprised by my revelation. “I thought this hospital story was just a front to hide the community you formed up here. Are you telling me that this is really a hospital with normal humans that you treat?”

  “Yes. This is really a hospital. Andrew is head of the terminally ill department and I help people whose lives have been devastated by the surreal. However, we don’t confirm this world to them, we just try to help them find peace with what has happened and give them a safe place to find solace where people don’t treat them as deranged because they talk about vampires or shadowy figures that killed their loved ones.”

  Stunned he mechanically sits on the fallen log I am standing before. “How can they stand to be around people and not attack? How can they hide what they are from the patients? I have only heard of the watchers being able to control themselves against feeding on the human that they are guarding. I know that everyone isn’t as barbaric as David and his covens, but still...” Kneeling next to him, I know he’s talking to himself, but feel the need to answer him.

  “There are many vampires who don’t kill, especially the ones here, they are committed to preserving human lives and protecting those that darkness tries to claim. The St. Cloud’s and their friends are truly amazing, Jeff, they have dedicated their existence to helping. This is not the only hospital that they have established and their friends are running and caring for people in the others.”

  He looks up at me stunned. “They really don’t feed on their patients?”

  “Oh no. Never. This is not a front at all and since our children were born, they have even set up a school here so that our children could learn how to use their strength to help others and grow up with families who want to ensure that their children don’t see what they are as a curse, but a gift, one that comes with great responsibility and one that can never be used in anger.”

  He shakes his head.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just amazed. You fought so hard against everything medical in school and now, listening to you, you have really embraced it and sound as if you love it.”

  “I do. Back then, you’re right, it was in no way what I wanted, but Andrew’s sister came into my life and showed me that there was another way to help in the medical field and she threw me a line when I really needed help.”

  He mumbles to himself and his features reflect a profound sadness. “Why couldn’t our pack be that way?”

  “I’m very sorry that your pack wasn’t there for you when you were going through your mother’s death, but it sounds as if you have found a home now.”

  “It is better now.” His head whips around and he stares at me, a look of horror overtaking his features. “Mia, did you say Andrew’s sister?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “They were converted together?”

  “His whole family was converted, why?”

  He grabs my hands. “Mia, families don’t get converted. Vampires usually only attack one or maybe two, we have only heard of David changing families.” Squeezing my hands tighter, his eyes dart to the children. “Are you sure you know Andrew? Mia, David’s coven is very clever, they have spent years lulling people into complacency only to hunt them viciously later.” His grasp tightens further and I cannot feel my hands.

  “Jeff, it’s alright, let go, you’re hurting me.”

  Before I even realize what’s happening, Jacob flies at Jeff, knocking him to the ground and is standing before me protectively. “Mom, are you alright?”

  “Honey, I’m fine.” Turning him, I hug him. “Why did you do that?”

  His features change from upset to confused as Jeff rises, rubbing his head. “You said he was hurting you, I knocked him off the log so that he couldn’t hurt you anymore.”

  I’m stunned that he could even hear me. “Jacob, it’s alright. Jeff was just caught off guard by something I said and his hands mistakenly grabbed my wrists. It’s alright Jacob. I’m fine. Nothing happened. He wasn’t trying to hurt me.”

  Turning to Jeff before I tell him to apologize, Jacob’s voice is timid. “I’m very sorry for knocking you over. I thought you were trying to hurt my mom, like that other man.”

  “It’s fine. I would have done the same thing if I thought someone was hurting my family. You have quite a grip and great hearing.”

  “Are you sure you’re alright? I know that I’m not supposed to do things like that, but I panicked. I don’t want my mom hurt.”

  Putting his hand on Jacob’s shoulder, Jeff’s voice is reassuring. “I’m fine really and I didn’t mean to hurt your mom, it was an accident. She is very lucky to have you as a protector.”

  “Jake why don’t you tell the others we will head back in about ten minutes.” Walking away, he keeps glancing back to make sure I’m alright. He is so much like his father at such a young age.

  Turning my attention back to Jeff, “I’m sorry about that, so much has happened that he is afraid ...”

  Jeff raises his hand. “You don’t have to explain to me. I understand and really he didn’t hurt me, I was just caught off guard. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but Mia how many of Andrew’s family are here?” Concern for this matter resonates strong in his tone.

  “Jeff, Andrew was not created by David I assure you. Andrew and his family’s story is unique and has nothing to do with David or any of his creations. I saw what happened to his family. I assure you there is nothing cynical or deceiving about them. They are good people and all they want to do is help.”

  He sits there, his mouth agape. Finally he pulls himself from whatever he is contemplating. “He was a vampire when I saw him. You couldn’t have seen his creation.”

  “I didn’t see it when it actually happened. It’s a long story, but sometimes I can see histories or what happened when I am around the area where it happened and have items from the time period. On our honeymoon, Andrew brought me back to his home, where his family was attacked and converted. I saw what happened to them and despite how awful it was for them, they emerged a good, strong family. They have no connection to David and they are nothing like the vampires that you have described, I assure you. If they were, I would have never let Nicholas and Kayla come here, nor would I have fallen in love with him and had a family with him.”

  Jeff backs up on the log, his eyes showing his absolute disbelief. “Are you telling me that Jacob and Nicole are natural born vampires, Andrew didn’t sire them for you?”

  “Yes, they are our children, not his creation. They are not full vampires. They only have some vampire features.”

  “Is that really possible? I thought that was all rumors and stories. We have heard about rare cases, but I always thought that was a lie.”

  “It is rare, but it’s not a lie.”

  Composing himself and moving closer to me, his tone returns somewhat to normal. “I’m sorry, it’s just that since what happened I have tried to learn all I could about them and now you’re turning everything that I have learned upside down. Good vampires who don’t kill to feed. Who would have thought?”

  I laugh. “You would be surprised at how many I have come across since meeting Andrew and how much they really do band together to help each other and to ensure the safety of those who are in danger from other creatures of the surreal. Jeff please you need to believe that everyone on this complex, whether witch or vampire, is committed to the greater good and keeping their families in
the light. It sounds like what you have learned is very one sided and I assure you that no one here is like that. Right now, we are all afraid of what will happen to Nicholas and Kayla when they transform and are committed to helping them through this so that my family can be united again. I’m sure your father told you what they went through and what Paul and Julianne went through at David’s hands. All we want to do is help the children, including Paul and Julianne deal with the repercussions from that awful event and help them move on.”

  “Grant did tell me what you did and how you were just as concerned for my family as you were for your own. He also told me how you turned yourself over to David to buy the others more time to join together and come up with a plan of attack. That’s why you have to allow us to help you with Nicholas and Kayla. You helped save my family. Let my father and I help you save yours. I know you haven’t seen me in a very long time and now know what I am and you don’t know Grant that well, but we can help, but you are going to have to trust us and believe me when I say that Andrew can’t be there. The smell of a vampire when they convert will make them violent. They will feel threatened and will not recognize Andrew as their father. They will only smell the danger from a vampire and will want to attack. You know they won’t even recognize you as their mother, but where you are not a vampire, they won’t see you as that type of threat.”

  His words frighten me. “Will they always see Andrew and their family as a threat because of what they are?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. I know when we convert, we do. However, that could also be because of our experiences with them. Your children may not have the same reaction to the smell of a vampire because they have been raised not to fear vampires.” Something seems to occur to him. “Mia, I am not being coy with you, it’s just that they have been raised different and there are so many factors now to consider, especially because of their most recent experience. Although they may not come to want to attack vampires because of how they were raised, they have also experienced terror because of David’s family that may play a pivotal role in their first conversion. Are they powerful witches as well or is that just you?”

  “They have had powers since they were babies, but we have always restricted their use because we wanted them to grow up working for what they wanted and to grow as individuals first.”

  He sits contemplating. “This may also change their conversion. Mia, when we saw the cabin with Andrew, he refused to allow us to install a cage for them, are you committed to that as well.”

  I nod emphatically.

  Despite his sigh, his voice is calm. “I can understand why and I’m not trying to be unreasonable, as I told Andrew, I agree that even if we were to put bars around the windows and doors, against his wishes, he is right that the walls would probably give way from the force exerted, but all of this is going to make it essential that Grant and I keep them contained. We won’t hurt them I promise, but we may do things that will upset you. Are you committed to coming with us?”

  “Yes I am. We can’t put them in a cage, especially after what they have already experienced and I don’t want them going through a conversion alone, they have already been traumatized.”

  His eyes turn understanding, but his tone reflects his concern. “It would be more traumatic if they killed you or someone in their family.”

  “Will they really be that out of control that they can’t be contained by you and Grant?”

  “Young werewolves are extremely strong and powerful. They are also very fast. Normally we have two on one and the others are alert, but ours have grown up knowing and being prepared for this. For those who have been bitten, we usually use the cell when they first convert and have two standing guard. In your case, I do understand why you don’t want to use the cage, but you need to understand that we are already at a disadvantage where your children have no knowledge of this, are not prepared, have already undergone a traumatic event which will make their conversion more unstable, their fear will contribute to heightening their need to run, more importantly, we don’t know what their witch powers are going to enhance or cause to interfere with their conversion.”

  My heart rate spikes with each word spoken as anxiety creeps into every cell of my being. “Should we be searching for others to help us or should I get them further away?”

  “Normally I would say yes to both, but Mia, this could be very dangerous where they have increased powers. I’m concerned that things could get out of control like they did causing your children to get bit in the first place if there are too many wolves involved who are also unfamiliar with each other and considering my men’s aversions, I do not even want to send for them. They may react too aggressively. We are already concerned when our own go through conversions, that’s why Grant refused Paul when he begged to help. In fact, I wish I could convince you not to come. You need to understand that their animal instincts will react to your fear.”

  “Jeff, I have to be there. They need me and I’m hoping that I can connect with them to make it easier. Did Grant tell you at all about me?”

  “He did tell me that you somehow could feel them and know what is happening, but he didn’t think you were communicating with them.”

  “I wasn’t, but I did get through once and I’m hoping to try to do it again over the next few days. If I can somehow connect and they can feel me with them during the conversion, I can help contain them and calm them.”

  As the children approach, we rise. Jacob inches over toward Jeff, once more. “Mr. Sheffield I truly am sorry for knocking you down.”

  “Jake don’t worry about it, I’m fine. I would have done the same thing if I thought someone was hurting my mom and you can call me Jeff.” He smiles.

  Jacob smiles and seems to relax as we walk back. Andrew and the others haven’t returned so I make dinner. As they are eating, I hear a knock, its Emma.”

  “Where are the children?”

  “In the kitchen, eating. Why?”

  “Mia, we have placed various protections between the cabin and Sanctuary, each a little stronger, with the strongest here. If they get this far, we are hoping that this will knock them down as opposed to just repel them, but after speaking with Reginald, he didn’t want to put anything that could possibly make them lose consciousness because he didn’t know what that would do during the conversion. He wants you to see him. He has some repellant spells that you could use to try to keep them away from any doors or windows. He will also Patrol the area around Sanctuary just in case they break through our barriers.

  “Would you mind staying with them? Where’s Reginald?”

  “He’s at the terminal building with James. They are setting up some tests. Go on, I’ll stay until Andrew returns. Victor called. They are on their way back.”

  Reginald is alone in the lab. When I enter, he puts down the vile. “Let’s go to the lounge.”

  “Have you discovered anything?” I inquire on the way.

  “We have tested some of Sebastian’s blood and the chemical makeup is definitely that of a human. There are some abnormalities and James is trying to follow those leads, but it sounds like we have a much greater issue to deal with first. The first conversion is difficult to watch and a little slower than the rest. You need to be prepared, not only for what you see, but to throw the spells I am going to teach you. I promise you that they will not hurt them, but I’m hoping that they will throw them back away from the openings. Even if they hit the wall or floor, it won’t harm them.”

  As this thought flashes in my head, along with the feeling of being thrown against the estate walls by David, I shudder.

  Noticing this, Reginald speaks firmly. “Mia, you can’t hesitate. In that moment, they will be gone. They are that fast. It would be better if you could keep them contained because in truth, our protective shields may not work. I’m concerned about the things we don’t know with such a mixed conversion and the effects on their already traumatized bodies to place certain things
in the shields which may repel witches as well. What I’m teaching you will hopefully just keep them off balance enough to go through the first conversion without running anywhere.”

  Listening intently, I try the spells with him. After about half an hour I feel extremely weak as if I am fighting against a riptide and fall toward the floor while tossing Reginald back. Surprisingly, he catches me before my head hits the table and guides me gently to the floor. “Mia, what happened? Are you alright?”

  I try to rise, but my head spins violently and my stomach contracts. Helping me to the daybed, he goes to the kitchen and brings me back juice. Andrew enters as I’m still drinking and as he glances at Reginald’s worried face, his features turn concerned immediately. “Is everything alright?”

  Clearing my throat in hopes of answering strong, I’m disappointed as my voice sounds uncertain. “We were just practicing some spells and I became a little tired.”

  I catch the look passing between Andrew and Reginald. “Mia, it is more than just you being tired, isn’t it?” His tone is accusatory.

  “I’m fine really. I just hadn’t eaten and with the stress, you know me. I become weak at the drop of a dime when I don’t eat.” I laugh, but their expressions remain concerned.

  Andrew inquires of Reginald directly. “Do you think it is more than just exhaustion and hunger? Is there a possibility that she could still convert because of the bites or that there is something going on that we are unaware of?”

  “I really can’t say. You know that everyone who is bitten either dies or is converted. I can’t explain why it didn’t happen. You should try to run some more tests and see if there are significant changes.” I shoot him an angry look, which I hope Andrew does not catch. “She could be right, it could be just her body is still recovering from the loss of blood. She should eat and you should at least check her out and make sure that physically she appears to be the same.

  Looking down at my watch, I realize the children will be getting ready for bed. “We can do that later. I want to see the children before they go to bed and I still need to try to connect with Kayla and Nicholas.”

  Andrew opens his mouth to object and I rise. “Don’t fight me on this please, you won’t win.”

  Walking back, I am fighting to take every step, but try to appear un-phased not wanting to give Andrew any reason to give me trouble with what I have to do. When we arrive, the children are ready for bed and Gabriel and Martina are there.

  Kissing them and tucking them in, Andrew insists that I eat something before beginning the process of trying to connect to them. Quickly downing some granola cereal, I begin concentrating. I quickly connect to Nicholas and Kayla, but Gabriel informs me that he sees nothing to indicate that they are detecting my presence. After a few hours, they are sound asleep and I am extremely discouraged. Gabriel excuses himself and Andrew hugs me.

  “It will be alright. We still have time.”

  “I know. I was just hoping that I could make it easier for them.”

  “You may still be able to, even if you can’t connect to them. Besides I have an idea.”

  Taking in a deep breath, he doesn’t speak for what feels like an eternity. When I can’t take it any longer, I inquire “Are you going to tell me?”

  “I will, but first I want to check you out. I know how you love to downplay how you feel and I saw the look on Reginald’s face, so let me get Eva to stay here and you are coming with me.” His has his no nonsense tone and I know arguing with him is futile so I resign myself to my fate.

  After an hour of him running his tests and while we are waiting for the blood work to return, he finally clues me in. “You connected with Jacob when he was frightened and really needed you. I think you can do the same when we tell Nicholas and Kayla what we suspect is going to happen to them. I know that it is going to be frightening, but we need to prepare them. I know that Reginald said sometimes they don’t remember their initial conversions, but we can’t depend upon that and we can’t hide what they will be going through. They seem to have accepted Grant and his children which may make this easier, especially if we don’t show them that we are concerned. Maybe after that, your connecting with them will be easier because despite any downplay that we can manage, this is something new and will be somewhat frightening for them.”

  I hate putting them through something else, but he is right, we have to tell them. “When should we tell them?”

  “I would like to get them back in to their routine as soon as possible, so I think if they feel up to it, we should have them go to school tomorrow and then give it another day or two depending upon the read we get from them. I know you don’t want to wait, but I think that the stronger they go into this situation feeling like themselves, if that is possible, the better they will be through the conversion.” He takes my hands, caressing my knuckles with his thumbs. “During that time, Mia, you need to do all you can to get stronger and to rest. Although the other tests have come back within normal range, your heart rate and pulse rate have changed; they are slower than before this happened. Something may be going on with you that we are unaware of.”

  With so many more important issues to worry about, I don’t want him concerned with this and try to distract him. “I know one way to get my heart and pulse to race.” Allowing my hands to glide up his strong arms and across his shoulders, I brush my fingertips down to his fastened buttons.”

  His arms snake around my back, drawing me into an embrace while his lips tenderly nuzzle my neck until they are up to my ear. “I think you are trying to distract me.”

  “You said you want my heart racing, can you hear it now?” It’s pounding erratically.

  I feel a smile cross his beautiful lips as they leave gentle kisses across my cheek to the corner of my lips. “Yes I can.”

  “Maybe you should take me home and see if we can keep my heart at this sprint.” Claiming his lips heated blood courses through my veins. I’m vaguely aware that he is intertwining our hands and walking backwards.

  When we return, Eva lets us know the children are sleeping soundly before leaving. Leading Andrew into the bedroom, I slowly unbutton his shirt and allow my fingertips to run down his torso. I can’t believe how my heart still races wildly and how he still shivers at my touch. We stay locked in each other’s embrace until I wake at four-thirty.

  It is nice seeing Andrew’s eyes closed and I’m hoping he is relaxing, but as I move, his eyes spring open. “How are you feeling this morning?” He inquires quietly.

  “I believe you adjusted my heart rate to a sprint” I tease, “But if you would like to increase it again, I’m sure we have an hour or so before we have to wake the children.” Leaning up on my elbow, I run my fingers across his muscular chest.

  He embraces me tenderly and kisses me, but all too quickly, he is releasing me and leaning on his own elbow. “Mia, I love starting your heart, but we need to talk a moment, before the children wake up. I got the results of your blood test a few hours ago and it has changed.”


  “Some of the abnormalities we see in David and Marlena’s blood counts are now in yours. We don’t know exactly why and I can’t say for sure it is because he and Marlena bit you, nor can we tell whether the abnormalities are temporary or permanent, but it has changed and I’m concerned. I don’t like not having the answers where you are concerned and with what you are going to try to do in the next few days.”

  Putting my fingertip upon his lip, he sighs and I curl up into his side, raising my eyes to meet his. “Andrew, you just said this could be something temporary. I feel fine, really and we need to concentrate on what is happening to Nicholas and Kayla, prepare them and still deal with all of the fallout from the events which transpired over the last week. I’m sure in time, my tests will turn up normal so that you don’t have to worry so much and our family will be fine again.”

  Pulling him closer, I don’t want him obsessing about this issue. Drawin
g my lips across his muscular chest, I kiss every inch of his torso tenderly, but his body remains rigid and his mind focused on this new development. “Andrew, please I really do feel fine, but I will make you a deal, if you promise to push this issue aside for the moment, you can run all of the tests you desire later.”

  He draws in a resigned breath and I know he’ll concede to my wishes. “I promise I won’t push it right now, but if you start to feel any changes at all, you have to tell me.”

  “I will, I promise. Now let’s see about getting my heart racing again.” I pull him towards me.

  Breakfast is on the table as the children rise and hurry to get ready for school. I’m happy to hear them chit chat about some of the assignments that are coming up.

  Over the next two days, they seem to be getting back into the swing of school and their routine, despite the nightmares that creep into their dreams about the dungeon.

  Andrew and I are readying ourselves to talk to them in the morning when Kayla’s screams. “I didn’t kill anyone. They…” Reaching her, I hug her tightly, reassuring her that she is home and safe. When we question her about her dream, all she remembers is someone yelling that she killed her uncle. As she finally falls asleep, I begin questioning whether telling her in a few hours is the right thing to do. Maybe it would be better to see if they remember their initial conversion and speak to them later if they remember it at all considering they are still dealing with the other traumatic experience. Despite my qualms, Andrew holds steadfast that we have to prepare them and that although it might frighten them more at first, in the long run they would be better prepared to deal with the lapse in memory and possibly the conversion itself.

  When the children enter the kitchen, we tell them they won’t be going to school because we have to talk about something.

  Tears well in Kayla’s eyes and she grabs Nicholas’ hand; he rubs her arm. “We already know what they are going to say. We have been counting down too. You can’t worry about it. They won’t let us do anything bad. Last night was only a dream. They won’t let you kill anyone. Charlie said it really isn’t that bad. We just have to learn to control it and then look at it as another power.”

  Andrew and I can’t hide our shocked expressions. In my peripheral vision, I catch Jacob shaking his head. “Mom, did you really think we weren’t going to figure it out too.”

  Nicholas interjects. “We feel the change coming. What we couldn’t understand is why you were afraid to tell us. Didn’t you think we would notice the whispers?”

  Andrew responds. “We wanted to get as much information as possible about the situation and put as much protection for you in place before we talked to you so that we could assure you that everything will be fine. I’m happy to hear your attitude because you’re absolutely right, it will be another power that you can exercise and you will learn to control it and to control your transformation. Do you remember Cecil?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “She is following a lead to get Amanda, the witch who helped Charlie control his transformation so that he doesn’t involuntarily change with the full moon. As soon as she reaches her, she will come and help us make it easier for you, but for the first time, mom is going to take you with Grant and Jeff to a cabin.”

  Nicole turns to Andrew. “Dad, I think that we should all go up with them so that we can help too. I know that Kayla is afraid that she could hurt someone because of her dreams and maybe if we all go together it will make her feel better.”

  His tone fills with understanding. “We can’t go with them this time honey because our presence may make it more difficult for them.”

  “I don’t understand, we’re family, we would make it easier not harder.”

  Moving closer to Nicole, I turn her face so that she will look at me. “Nicole, you know how much Kayla and Nicholas love you, but the first time they transform, they may be confused because it is a new form, they will have other senses that are more dominant than the ones that they are used to so it would be better if they didn’t have people distracting them. Jeff and Grant are coming with me because they have been through this before and they will be able to help me make them more comfortable and calm.” Although I want to downplay everything as much as possible, it is obvious that they have drawn certain conclusions and their dreams are clearly defining the dangers. “Mom, do you really think that they can help us and keep us from killing or biting anyone? It was really confusing when Grant’s pack was in the woods and I know they said that it was a mistake, but I’m afraid that we could make the same type of mistake if we’re around anyone. Maybe Nicholas and I should go somewhere alone until it’s all over.”

  “Kayla, you are not going to hurt anyone, Grant’s pack made a mistake because they were in attack mode, they had already lost some of their pack and knew David and his coven were dangerous, but you will be with me, you have grown up loving and trusting your family. When you transform, you will not be in attack mode, you will be in a warm, comfortable cabin and I will be with you to help reassure you that everyone you love only wants what is best for you.”

  Although her body slumps in relief, I catch the looks passing between the children and wonder what else they may have discerned.

  “Dad, since we already know what you wanted to discuss with us about, can we go to school today? We still have a few more days before the full moon and we would rather not focus on it. Charlie told us it wouldn’t be that bad and that his dad was really good at containing him and some of the others, so there really isn’t too much more you could tell us.” His eyes shoot to the floor and his tone turns somber. “We are just hoping to get through it and then be able to stop transforming until we get a handle on the powers that we want to learn about.”

  Andrew’s eyes shoot to mine and I nod. “If that’s what you want to do, get your books, but after school we need you to come back here so mom can try something with you.”


  Kayla appears calmer as she picks up her books and Nicole hands her an apple for snack.

  Returning late in the afternoon, I am finally able to connect with Kayla and Nicholas. After several hours, they not only feel my presence, but intermittently, they hear me with every fiber of their being.

  Trying the next day, my communicating with them is still intermittent.

  As the sun rises on day of the first full moon, butterflies overwhelm me. Cecil found Amanda and they are on their way, but we still have this phase to go through. Hopefully after the full moon cycle, Amanda will cast her spell and the children will be able to cast this power aside until they feel more secure to use it.

  Kissing Andrew, Nicole and Jake good-bye, Andrew pulls me aside. “Mia, you need to let Jeff and Grant take the lead. They are more equipped to handle this and your heart rate is still slower than before. Please be careful and know that I love you.” His worry and concern are seeping through his strong façade.

  Squeezing his hand, hoping to reassure him, I try to ensure my voice sounds confident. “I know you love me and I know you love our children, so you watch over and protect Nicole and Jacob and I will protect Nicholas and Kayla. I will see you in the morning.” Kissing him good-bye once more, we go to meet up with Grant and Jeff.

  At the house, Charlie is waiting outside and yells in for his dad before running over to Kayla. He whispers. “It won’t be that bad, don’t worry really. The more relaxed you are the easier and quicker it will happen. Then it will be all over. You’re not concerned anymore about hurting anyone are you because I spoke to my dad and he promised me that nothing would happen to you.”

  Even whispering, her nerves pierce through our quiet surroundings. “I’m not worried about something happening to me, I’m more worried about what I might do to someone else.”

  His hand moves toward hers and I see him drop something into her palm. “This is my good luck charm, place it around your neck, the chain is big enough that even when you transform it won’t bre
ak or hurt you, I always wear it and I have never hurt anyone. Wear it and I’m sure it will bring you luck too.”

  “Thank you” Placing it around her neck, she tucks it into her shirt.

  I catch a smile between Charlie and Nicholas before they notice I’m watching them and then they try to redirect my attention. “Mom, there’s Grant.” As I move closer to him, I hear Nicholas whisper. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I like Kayla, she’s cool.”

  “Jeff just needs a minute and then we can get started.”

  We drive as far as we can and then hike. By mid-afternoon, Kayla cannot tear her eyes from the sky and is becoming more anxious with each passing hour. Nicholas tries to make her feel better as she strokes the good luck charm underneath her shirt, but as the sky darkens so does her mood.

  Jeff and Grant try to reassure her, but even I cannot draw her out of her shell to even glance away from the window. As the last ray of sun sinks below the horizon, she turns rigid. I don’t need Andrew here to confirm that her palpitating heart is racing with anxiety.

  Even Grant and Jeff seem more anxious now. They continuously cross the room, checking the locks and circling the children. Leading them over to a blanket in the corner, away from all openings, I take their hands and try to connect with them before the phasing begins in hopes of maintaining my connection to keep them calm so that I will not need to utilize the spells Reginald taught me. Although I practiced with Andrew to avoid hesitation, using it against my children is another story. I offer a silent prayer that I will be strong enough if it becomes necessary to use it and keep them contained because the alternative is unthinkable.

  As we concentrate, I feel Jeff and Grant move closer. My eyes fly open as I feel Kayla’s muscles contracting. Her eyes fill with terror at what is to come. All of a sudden, Nicholas bursts into form and is growling viciously. As he rises on all fours, my authoritative voice ringing in his head, surprises even me. I didn’t even realize I also connected with him. As I yell “Nicholas sit now” I feel him fighting to do what he is told. He’s not strong enough to overcome his struggle and his head whips toward Kayla. His growl echoes through the cabin. She screams, but then her face turns hard, her body shakes and contorts violently before bursting into wolf form.

  My back is turned to Nicholas who is growling fiercely, as I turn to see him, his teeth are bared and I am suddenly buried under a ball of fur. Struggling to free my hands, I wrench my right wrist free and throw the repellant spell. A wolf flies across the room, but it is not Nicholas who is still growling beside me. As the wolf rises lithely to his feet, it must be Jeff because Grant is just phasing as Nicholas and Kayla are now charging toward each other head on. I’ve lost my connection and have no choice but to throw the spell toward both of them. I gasp realizing if I fail, they will be fighting each other and Grant and Jeff will have to rip them apart.

  My spell does not work as well on them. They merely wobble and step back slightly. I am in the midst of four werewolves, each growling viciously.

  Nicholas and Kayla redirect their attention and jump toward the corner where I had thrown Jeff and are about to pounce on him. Knowing I could move him more effectively, I use the repellant spell in reverse to bring him closer to me. I fight to keep each wolf straight in my head. Jeff is a dark gray wolf; Grant is spotted gray; Nicholas is almost black; while Kayla is chocolate brown.

  Nicholas and Kayla are about to crash into each other when I see Kayla flying toward the bed in the opposite corner. She lands lithely on her feet as I hear a satisfied huff come from Nicholas. I wonder if he repelled her toward the bed with the spell they learned in England, but how? I cannot even dwell on the thought. She springs again, this time heading for Grant. I move him quickly, and she hits the wall. Although she doesn’t seem fazed, I wince.

  Nicholas lunges toward her. I scream thinking he will hurt her, and so must Jeff who tries to intercept by jumping between them, but before he lands, Nicholas is already by her side, his nose is stroking hers. On some level, piercing through the shock, I realize he is not trying to hurt her at all; he is trying to comfort her and I force myself to concentrate and try to connect with them once more, but can only connect to Nicholas. His body seems rigid as if he is trying to force his every movement and is fighting with himself. I feel the struggle within him and can hear him screaming at himself that he can’t lose control.

  Suddenly, rage engulfs him and a vicious growl rips through his chest. He crouches as if to lunge at Jeff and I throw the repellant spell, but this time, his stance does not even wobble. Readying myself to redirect the energy to move Jeff, I see Grant about to pounce, but Nicholas thrusts himself backwards from the crouch. I’m not sure how he is doing it, but he has moments of extreme control.

  Kayla, on the other hand is growling wildly and bearing her teeth. She crouches and lunges toward Nicholas. Throwing my energy her way, she goes flying across the room. I scream realizing she is about to hit a window, if she breaks it, she’ll be gone. Quickly, I redirect my energy to the window, hoping to hold it in place, but as I do, I feel something repelling my energy and it ricochets back toward me sending me flying instead.

  I hit the wall with such force, I sink to the ground. Kayla is also on the ground with Jeff and Grant ensuring she does not move from the corner.

  Shaking off my surprise, Nicholas’ head whips toward my direction and then quickly toward the window, he growls viciously and bolts through the window. Scrambling to my feet, I’m surrounded by glass, yelling for him to come back. A commanding voice orders him to stop and a spell is cast. I should have known that Reginald would not be far away. Approaching the window, I hear a thud, then a whimper coming from the other side as I yell again. “Nicholas, come back please.”

  Grant jumps past me and is outside growling at Nicholas, pinning him to the cabin wall. His eyes are focused on Reginald as he growls again in warning. He wants him to leave, and so do I. If the children bolt and he cannot deflect them, they may bite him. Kayla’s dream flashes through my memory. Climbing though the window, standing between Reginald and Nicholas and Grant, I yell. “Reginald, leave. Leave now, please.”

  Grant is forcing Nicholas toward the door as Reginald retreats about two hundred feet, with his hands still outstretched verbalizing spells. Although Grant is grunting and growling, the sounds are not angry. I wonder if they are somehow communicating. As Nicholas gets closer to the door, he crouches as if he is going to spring away, moving quickly I fling open the door as Grant lunges at Nicholas knocking him inside. Quickly closing the door and locking it, I run to stand before the window, hoping that I can compel Nicholas away from it and scanning the room for something more permanent to block it. As Grant inches Nicholas closer to where Jeff is containing Kayla who seems more unstable, continually contracting and springing forward, I realize that by each window and door there are planks on the floor, a hammer and some nails. Lifting the plank up, I am not strong enough to keep it up and pound the nails. Releasing it so I can cast the levitating spell, a pair of hands lifts it, holding for me.

  “Mia, nail it in place quickly, he won’t be able to hold both of them if Nicholas loses control again.” Jeff’s eyes never leave Grant, Nicholas and Kayla. Securing it, he phases back just in time to jump between Nicholas, Grant and Kayla as Nicholas lunges forward. I throw the repellant spell and he wobbles for a few seconds. He is much stronger, Kayla is much easier to manipulate.

  As the hours pass, their growls and lunges are more frequent, but have less force. My connections with them are intermittent and it appears Nicholas is losing control more easily, but his attacks are weaker. I wonder if with each hour inching closer to daylight, their strength diminishes, maybe that will allow me to connect with them again. Closing my eyes, I concentrate and this time I am much more successful, neither kicks me out. I feel the fear engulfing both of them and the rigidity of their muscles, allowing the calming spell to flow through me, I feel Kayla relax sl
ightly, but Nicholas is still rigid. Inching closer to him, hoping he will not lunge at me, I tentatively place my hand behind his furry ear, stroking it lightly. I can feel the rigidity in his body slowly release.

  With deliberate, slow motions, I move my lips to his ear. “Nicholas, it’s mom, I know that you are trying to fight to keep control, it’s alright. It’s almost daybreak. You are doing it. I’m so proud of you. I love you, you’re going to be alright; everything will be alright. Relaxing more with each word spoken, he sinks to the floor, placing his head on my knee. Kayla follows suit, placing her head on my other knee. Stroking her head slowly, I croon softly. “Kayla, honey I’m here. Hold on for just a little while longer, it’s almost over. You made it, the morning is almost here. You did so well, you didn’t hurt anyone. You are doing fine.” I stroke their backs and for the first time, they are still as their eyes shift to the un-boarded window which is now showing the hints of a rising sun. As the sky becomes lighter, I continue whispering in their ears. As the first stray sunbeam hints that the sun will release the moon’s hold, their bodies begin contracting violently. Jeff jumps at me, pushing me away as Grant jumps between them separating them from each other.

  After several hair raising growls and vibrating wolves, my children are again before me curled up tight in balls. The door opens as Grant and Jeff phase back to their human forms. I race toward Nicholas and Kayla as Andrew rushes through the door to us all.

  As I reach Kayla, Andrew reaches Nicholas. Kayla’s eyes are wide, filled with uncertainty and fear. “Is it over? What happened? Did I hurt anyone?”

  “It’s all over and you did wonderfully. You didn’t even leave the cabin and no one is hurt. Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything. How do you feel?”

  Pausing as if assessing her body, her reply reflects her astonishment. “Strange, my body feels as if it has been in a fight and sore, but I can’t remember last night. I can’t remember it happening. Did I really change?”

  Nicholas chimes in. “You sure did and mom is right, you did really great.” He brushes Charlie’s charm. He was right, it brought you luck. I told you that you weren’t going to do anything bad and you were worrying for nothing, but I will tell you that you have one vicious roar.” He laughs, but her eyes grow wider.

  “Did I roar at you?” She inquires quietly.

  “You did and I roared back.”

  “It sounds like you remember a lot of what happened.” Andrew looks at him, his relief, pride, and amazement flit across his features.

  “I do, sometimes I felt lost, but when I came back, I could see mom trying to talk to us and Grant and Jeff trying to keep us inside.” He turns to me. “Did I make it outside once and go after Reginald?”

  “You did make it outside, but you didn’t go after anyone, Grant forced you inside and we boarded up the window. Do you remember why you tried to leave?”

  He sits contemplating. “I remember Kayla trying to get out and then you screamed something and she went flying, but when I looked at the window, I could see a reddish haze coming through, it hit you, knocking you into the wall.” His eyes close in concentration. “I smelled something and everything inside me was telling me that it was dangerous and after what it did to you, I wanted to destroy it.” His hands fly up to his face, he’s shaking and mumbling. “You said Reginald was outside. I was going to hurt Reginald. I wanted to kill him.”

  Andrew’s arms enfold him instantly. “It’s alright. You didn’t do anything to him. He’s fine. You must have realized that the spell he was casting to keep you inside touched mom and you thought there was a danger. You were trying to protect mom and you didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “But dad, I could have. My senses felt overloaded by something. If Grant didn’t stop me I would have gone after Reginald. I could feel myself fighting when I saw who it was, but it was too hard to fight to control myself, I was losing and he could have gotten hurt or killed!”

  Jeff moves closer to him. “Nicholas, you did amazing, especially for your first time. I have never seen someone who went through his first transformation be able to stop himself or fight against their instincts the way you did and I promise you it will get easier with each transformation and with Amanda’s help. I’m sure that you will master control over your transformations and instincts in a very short amount of time. You have amazing control, you should be very proud of yourself.”

  “But what if it was my dad or someone in my family… what if I went after them?” His hysteria and desperation seep through his words as he fights back the tears.

  “You didn’t go after Reginald. You recognized him, fought your wolf instincts and gained control ensuring you didn’t move against him. Your instincts to protect your family will be even stronger.

  I interrupt. “Nicholas, Jeff is right. Just think about how you comforted Kayla when I repelled her.”

  Kayla inches over to him. “I’m sorry that I growled at you. I just wish I could remember what happened. I don’t like this.”

  Turning my attention to her to answer, Nicholas responds. “I know you don’t, but we are in this together. I’m sure that next time you will remember. I think you were just so frightened that you couldn’t close yourself off and calm down the way Jacob and Charlie were trying to teach us to do when we get frightened, that fear blocked out everything else. You need to come up with something really cool to build in your mind. I think you just haven’t found it yet, but as soon as you do, you will start remembering too. I promise, when we get home, we can try to concentrate together.” He turns to me. “Can we go home now or do we have to stay here until the passing of the full moon stage?”

  “I think we should go home for now. I’m sure you’re hungry. Uncle Gabriel is probably whipping up some waffles and your sister and brother are anxious to see you.” Andrew rises.

  Before leaving, Kayla goes over and hugs Grant and Jeff. “Thank you for keeping me in here and from hurting anyone.”

  Jeff gently reassures her. “You are very welcome and your brother is right, you will remember soon and it will get easier once you are not so afraid of it. I see Charlie gave you his good luck piece, why don’t we get you home so you can tell him it worked.”

  We travel quickly home. Entering the recreation room, we are met with the relived faces of our family. Nicole and Jacob practically throw themselves at Nicholas and Kayla hugging them as Jacob whispered another impassioned apology. Charlie waits off to the side and as Kayla is released, she turns and hugs him. “Thank you for this” She moves to remove the charm from her neck, but Charlie’s hands stop her.

  “Hold on to it until this is over. By then, I will be done crafting you your own good luck charm.”

  The children eat and talk animatedly about last night as Andrew and I speak with the others. Cecil will be arriving in a day or two, but we still have to wait for the passing of this phase of the moon. I can feel the butterflies returning to my stomach as I offer a silent prayer up that everything will go as well as the first.

  After breakfast, I know Nicholas and Kayla need to sleep, but Andrew tells me that Jacob and Nicole were up all night worrying too, so we tuck them all in. Leaving their rooms, I catch Andrew staring with concern as he has all morning. “What’s wrong?”

  “How bad was it really and how sore is your back?”

  “It was very hard seeing them change and I couldn’t really stay connected to them, but I was happier as the night progressed. They could hear me more and at least I could comfort them.” He is now staring at me skeptically. “Andrew my back is fine, lifting the board wasn’t that hard and I had help. It was very clever of you to place boards near every window.”

  “Mia, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  I’m puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

  Removing the jacket he placed on me when we were walking back to the car, he takes my hand. Leading me into the bedroom and over to our mirror, he turns me part way around. For the first time, I
see the back of my shirt is shredded and bloody. I gasp, not because I’m hurt, but because I didn’t realize anything had happened. I turn to Andrew. “I’m fine. I didn’t even know that I had gotten hurt. I remove my tattered shirt and head toward the bathroom to shower and clean up.

  Andrew grasps my hand. “Mia, how did you not know that happened? Those lashes are pretty deep, you must have felt that and from the looks of your shirt, you lost more blood.”

  “I was so focused on the children, honestly, I didn’t know it happened. It must have happened when the children were transforming back. Maybe that’s why Jeff pushed me out of the way and Grant jumped between the children putting space between them.”

  “When you get out of the shower, wrap yourself in a towel, I’ll be back with some supplies.” He kisses my forehead and is gone instantly.

  As the warm water washes over the lashes, they sting and I wonder how I hadn’t felt them before. Returning to the bedroom, Andrew is waiting with a portable EKG and IV. “That really isn’t necessary. I feel fine.”

  “Humor me, I want to bandage your back and then see if the loss of blood has put a further strain on your heart.”

  Before lying down, I wrap my hands around his waist and stretch to kiss him. “If you really want to get my heart started, I know of a way.”

  Although he kisses me back, I feel his distraction. He is focused more on me medically. Gazing up, his eyes are filled with concern so I lay down. After beginning the healing process on my back, he stretches out beside me stroking my arm as the IV is running and we talk about the night’s events.

  After removing the IV and packing up the supplies, he finally allows me to sit up. “Mia, I think that you should consider allowing Grant and Jeff to take them up alone tonight. I’m not sure how much good the solution is doing in bringing up your counts. You said you couldn’t really connect to them until it was almost daylight and you need to consider the effects if they swipe at you again or worse. I know that Nicholas did well last night, but even he is going to be weaker tonight. A little rest is not going to be able to compensate for how fatigued he is. Tonight may be worse. Reginald said he would stay outside again this evening to try to keep them contained in the cabin.”

  Grabbing his chin and forcing his face to meet my own, I clear my throat to ensure my tone reflects my resolve. “You know I can’t let them go through this alone. Andrew, Nicholas struggled so much last night and I could feel his unbridled fear that something was going to go wrong and you know how frightened Kayla is. I have to be there, even though my connecting with them does not always hold, I was some help last night. They need me there, the way Nicole and Jacob need you here. I will be fine. I promise. I feel fine now and it won’t be much longer.”

  Rising, we check on the children who are still fast asleep. “Why don’t you let me get you some juice and something to eat, you didn’t eat at breakfast.” Andrew heads toward the kitchen. Wanting to remove the worry reflected in his eyes and tone, I grab his hand. “I’m really not hungry just yet, but I know of a way to work up an appetite.” Moving my free hand to his top button, I brush my fingertips along the v in his shirt and begin unfastening his buttons.”

  Stopping my deft fingers, his tone turns serious. “Mia, I know you are trying to distract me and as much as I love you, I don’t want to make you more tired.”

  “You won’t be, I promise.” Moving my hand out from under his, I quickly unfasten the last button and glide my fingertips gingerly over his torso. Shuddering, he sweeps me into his arms and places me on the bed. His kisses go from tender to all consuming and I am lost in his embrace. As I lay with my head on his torso hearing his breathing slow as I struggle to slow my own, I hope this feeling of contentment stays with me tonight when we will once again be separated and facing the unknown.