Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 6

  Chapter Six - Incapacitated And Alone In Enemy Territory

  Alone, unable to see, and without a hope of communicating with my family, I am sure of only one thing, I am on enemy territory and if the animals do not devour me, they will. My heart sinks as I consider never being able to see my children again, never knowing if they are safe, and never being able to warn them that these barbarians are out to annihilate them.

  Moving forward, I stumble and fall. I’m lightheaded and feel ooze dripping from my wound. Placing my hand on my head, the bandage is saturated. Tears well in my eyes, but as my fingers glide down to feel if the other bandage is also saturated, they skim the strap of my pendant. Images of similar pendants which adorn the necks of each of my wonderful children flow through my thoughts as does Andrew’s angelic face.

  Ever since entering into this surreal world, everyone has told me that I am strong. I need that to be true now. I need to stay calm and think clearly if I am ever to have even the slightest chance of seeing my family again. Sitting up, I concentrate on the spells Emma taught me about how to draw upon the energy in nature to make myself feel better and give my wounds the ability to heal. Pulling just above the hem of my shirt, surprisingly I rip enough to tie a tourniquet around my head. As my fingers reach up, it feels as if the bleeding is slowing, so I repeat the spell a few more times.

  Something furry crosses my outstretched legs. I let out a gasp and clasp my hands over my mouth to stop the oncoming scream. I can’t afford to alert them that I am on their territory. Listening intently as I try to push the scream down, I hear the animal retreating through the dry brush. Telling myself that it isn’t anything that wants to hurt me, I stand and focus my thoughts on projecting a shield around myself to repel any oncoming future threats. Outstretching my hands, I move forward but hit the ground as my feet catch on underlying roots. Slapping the ground in absolute frustration, this is impossible! I can’t see, don’t know where I am going and the estate is vast. How will I ever find my way off and even if I do, who would help me?

  My little angel sits now on my shoulder screaming into my ear. You can’t give up, your family needs you. Think. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I know we drove for a while, but Amelia wouldn’t risk going into the territory, she must have dropped me on the fringe. If I had only thought about that before I started moving, maybe I could have at least backtracked into the wolves’ territory, but then again, maybe she already convinced the others that I was evil too. I’m on my own.

  Getting on my hands and knees, I don’t know whose territory I’m heading towards, and can’t risk falling again, but I have to keep moving. For better or worse, I have to keep moving forward. Despite knowing death will probably claim me in this forest of the unknown as the protectionist spell fails allowing the animals or barbarians to get me, I refuse to invite it in warmly and hope to at least give death a small run for its effort.

  After what seems like hours, the underbrush beneath me is clear of upturned roots. The sun is warming the earth above me and ground beneath me. Lifting my face for a moment, I relish the sun’s rays and allow it to heat my stiff body. Moving my hand to the bandage, I’m relieved that it is no longer soaking wet. Forging forward once again on my knees, I freeze in my tracks as my hand sweeps over a set of shoes. Too stunned to scream, someone grabs me and I’m immediately on my feet. It must be them!

  “Mia, I’m so sorry.” I recognize the voice immediately. His words are fast and pleading. “I know it’s no excuse, but my sister wasn’t thinking, she was only trying to protect our family. She should not have done what she did, but please do not cast any spells on her, she really is a good person. We have been fooled before and she lost both of her children in an attack.”

  “Grant, I have no intention of doing anything to her. Please believe me when I say, that all I want to do is get to my family and bring them back together. I have no affiliation to David or anyone in his family. I couldn’t even figure out how they learned that Lucas returned until I begged your sister to look at the picture that was in the paper talking about our helping at the new hospital wing. I still can’t figure out how they knew he was at the hotel and why on earth they would think that my children are his, but either way, everyone I love is in danger, my son is captured again and now they may know his secrets and who knows what is happening to him!”

  “Mia, I know how fearful you are, I am too. I went and talked to the elders about this situation, but they refuse to go up against this family now. My sister tried to convince them that you were here to destroy us and in league with them. We have lost so many members of our pack in past altercations with vampires that are not nearly as strong or barbaric as David. The elders are afraid to move against them without help. They are sending some of our members to speak with a strong pack that we know.”

  “Did she convince you that I was in league with them too?”

  “No, she could not convince me of that. I could tell how frightened your children were when they were inside the dungeon and I know the panic I heard in the woods from your friends trying to get to them. I wasn’t delayed in finding you because I was debating whether or not my sister was correct, it took me so long to find you because I followed a wrong lead of your sent from when you were here the first time.”

  I throw my arms around him. “Thank you for coming back for me! I was sure that I was going to die.”

  He tries to joke. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that witches don’t die? You really must be a strong one. I have never seen anyone touch David before. If we work together maybe we can save the people we love. I know that you are probably really upset with our pack, especially after what my sister did to you, but I hope that doesn’t stop you from considering that our working together may solve both of our issues. Unfortunately, right now, I am on my own again with a witch.” He chuckles. “It seems to be my forte lately.” He chortles. “The elders will not move on this without assistance and my sister has convinced them to be at least suspicious of you, so we cannot return there because they would probably believe that I am bewitched. Although my children assure me that they will help, I do not want to separate them from the protection of our pack now. It is not because I am suspicious of you, but please understand that I cannot risk any more of my family and they are safest among our kind on our territory.”

  “Grant, I know that you may not believe this, but I am not upset with your sister or your pack. I know the extremes someone can be driven to because of suspicions and loss. My family has always fought to try and do the right thing and I don’t want to hurt anyone. I understand if you want to get back to your pack. I know I cannot return there, but I am begging you to please get me to civilization. I may not be able to contact my family, but there are people that I can trust and that can help me. I need to save my son before they realize ...” I stop myself. Although I know Grant returned because he believes me and that his pack is fighting against them, I remind myself that his children are hostages and if they are still alive, they could be used to manipulate him.

  “Before they realize what? There is something more with you and your family isn’t there? It has to do with that healing thing and transformation that I witnessed, doesn’t it?”

  I hate lying to him, but at this juncture, without the protection of Sanctuary and my family, the less I reveal might be the better and safer for everyone involved. “Grant, I’m afraid that they will come to the realization that my son is not Lucas’ and then they would have no reason to keep him alive.”

  From his hum, he seems to accept my explanation. “Even if they realize this, I think they will keep him alive because of what David thinks that he can get from your son.”

  “But that’s just it, my son probably can’t help him in that, I didn’t lie to your sister when I said that today is the first time that he transformed. He didn’t even know how to do it without instruction. You saw how young my son is. I haven’t been teaching him how to really utilize his po
wers because I wanted him to grow up as normal as possible and learn to be good person first.”

  “So you’re telling me that he did that for the first time today and was that powerful without really knowing how!” His boisterous response makes me jump.

  “Who are you people and how strong are you really?” His voice is too loud and I shift away from him. Softly, he inquires, “How did anyone communicate with him? I know they couldn’t have had a phone or you would have tracked it to find them right away. What exactly is going on? Who are you in league with and does this mean more trouble for this area?”

  “I am not in league with anyone. I tried to tell your sister, I came here with my family because my father received a commendation for a heart transplant surgery that he performed and to assist my brother-in-law and sister-in-law with the setting up of a new terminal wing of a hospital that was just dedicated.”

  “I read about that dedication ceremony in the paper the other day, but someone named Jamison is running that.”

  Relieved that at least he knows about the hospital dedication, I continue. “He is a friend of Lucas who asked us for our help. My husband and his family run a hospital in Maine and they have developed a comprehensive record keeping system. We were transcribing the records of the transferred patients and helping Jamison in arranging the records so that the patients could get the best care in a proven, efficient environment. We did not come here to start trouble or to get involved with this family.”

  “Regardless of your initial intentions, I’m afraid you and your family are now directly involved with this family and once they get involved with you, they do not let you go until you are destroyed.”

  His words tear at my heart. Knowing the way everyone fears this family, how evil Lucas described them and how long they have lived, I can’t help but fear that some of their power comes from the demonic. My blood runs cold as I realize that they may be communicating with the netherworld and if they are, they could discover who they have! If those we fear learn that Jacob is exposed and alone, the only question is whether those who have him will turn him over to gain power with those we fear or if a contingent would be sent to take him. Either way, my son will be in a far worse situation than he is now, they will destroy him. I have to get him away from them before it’s too late.

  If I only had Damian’s abilities, at least I could send Jacob a message to hide his lineage. I gasp as the ramifications of Grant’s revelation that three other vampires were captured hits me. Even if Jacob is smart enough to hide his parentage if the others are not from our family, would they protect that information too?

  I am unaware Grant is touching me and hears my thoughts until his outburst tears me from my introspection. “I knew it, you are powerful, but who is it that you people are afraid of and could they be coming here?”

  Wrenching my arm from Grant’s grip, my tone is harsher than I intend. “Please stop reading my thoughts. Can everyone in your pack do that?” Out of all of the creatures with talents that I had to encounter, it has to be a mind reader.

  “Actually, no, it is some side effect from the original spell that Amanda cast. In the ability to read others thoughts around me, I am alone. I’m sorry, I didn’t do it purposefully, it just happens. However, I am right, you are hiding information, you are more than just what you seem and you have been hiding your children from someone. Is it because they are even more powerful than I suspect you of being? I can’t believe that I am asking or considering this, but are they fiercer than this family?”

  “Grant, understand, you are right in what I am, I am a witch, but other than that, there is nothing that you need to know about my background. I assure you that my family and I are on the side of good just like you, but for their sake, my son’s sake and even your own safety, I implore you to stop trying to discover anything further.”

  He is silent for what feels like an eternity. “Fine” He said gruffly, “but you have to promise me something.”


  “If what you’re trying to hide brings even more trouble, you will try to protect my children and my pack as well.”

  “I promise you that my family and I always try to protect those who are aligned with good.”

  Silence stretches between us for an immeasurable moment. My body relaxes as I hear a sigh. He did not silently retreat, leaving me on my own. His voice is softer now. “I brought you something. Put out your hand.”

  As I do, he places something cold and circular in my palm. “It’s just water. When I came running after you, I grabbed my emergency backpack. I have some dehydrated fruits and granola.”

  “Thank you.” I turn the cap and feel the twist break the little ties on the cap.

  When I finish drinking, he hands me a package. “It’s just some granola and raisins. I figure it may help you feel better.”

  “Thank you. Grant I’m sorry if I seemed abrupt with you earlier. I really do appreciate you coming for me. I am not trying to be deceptive. It’s just that your pack is not the only one who has lost family members to dark forces. My family and I have also been through some very trying ordeals.”

  “You don’t have to say any more. The witch who helped me couldn’t talk about certain things either. She always said it was safer for me that way. You have the same tone in your voice when you speak. I didn’t take offense. It’s just that like you, all I want to do is protect my family. I don’t want to lose anyone else.”

  “Do you have a telephone on you?”

  “Yes, but I don’t think that it would be wise to try to contact your family if Marlena and whomever took your son’s place is with them, they will hear your voice and even if you don’t convince your family that it is you on the telephone, she will still have my children or those other vampires which they captured killed as punishment.”

  “I wasn’t going to call my family, not yet. I was going to call the hospital that we were expected to return to and see if they returned there.”

  “If they did return there, Marlena is with them and when they patch you through, it will be over for everyone.”

  He’s right, I can’t just call. Even if I asked them not to patch me through, there is a chance they could pass the message that someone called to see if they returned. Knowing Marlena could have only survived this long by being the suspicious type, she would know immediately who called.”

  As I consider her suspicions, I gasp at the realization that my being in trouble could raise Andrew’s suspicions if the protectionist spell I cast so many years ago is still working. Would his seeing her next to him cause him to dispel such feelings or images? Before I can contemplate this further, my heart seizes as I realize she will be with Gabriel too. As Grant just read my thoughts, Gabriel can read hers, if he hasn’t already. If he goes after…alternative outcomes flash violently before me, each one leading to a grave outcome for someone I love.

  The situation is getting graver by the minute with every road leading to someone’s impending demise. I have to risk trying to get in contact with Gabriel before he exposes what is going on. “Grant, I need you to make a call for me now, the safety of all of our children depends upon you getting in contact with my brother-in-law, Gabriel.”

  “Is he with the rest of your family?”

  “Yes, I just hope he hasn’t figured out what is going on yet.”

  “I don’t think that it would be wise to try to reach anyone who might be around your family.”

  “If he is around the family, it is imperative that I speak with him.”

  “Haven’t you been listening? If she is near him, she will hear you speaking to him. What do you think he will do if he hears your claims on the telephone while he is looking right at you?”

  “He will know that the one before him isn’t me, believe me and if I tell him not to do anything, he won’t.”

  “Maybe we should wait and try to get into town to get an untraceable telephone before we try this.”

; “We don’t have that kind of time. We have to call now!”

  He grabs my arms. “Mia, what occurred to you that caused this type of urgency?”

  I don’t want to tell him, but considering he has the telephone and with each passing moment, we are closer to it being too late, I have no choice! “Gabriel can read minds like you can. If he gets close to that Mia and realizes that it is not me...”

  Quickly placing the telephone in my hand, his anxious voice is at my ear. “What number would you like me to dial?”

  “207-555-7742" It goes directly to voice mail. I thrust the telephone forward to Grant. “Leave a message that you are Dr. Smythe from Boston and have a special patient that you need an emergency consult on and leave your number.”

  In a muffled tone, probably to disguise his voice, he repeats what I said. Hysteria bubbles within me. I need to get hold of myself and think clearly, there are too many people at risk and too much that can go wrong quickly. “Grant do you think that they would take the children and our group to the dungeon?”

  “Normally I would say yes, but since they know that your son escaped from there, I’m not sure. They may take the others there, but I would think that they would hold your son somewhere else and have someone watching him so that he couldn’t transform and escape.”

  Could they possibly be so preoccupied with Jacob that they would not think about the others? “If they did take them to the dungeon, do you think that you and I could get to them? They would be expecting your pack or a large contingent, like the ones we sent to get the children, they would never expect something like you and I trying to get them back.”

  “You can’t be serious!” I can hear the utter shock and disbelief in his voice. He grabs my arms again. “I know you’re frightened, but all we would accomplish by going further into their territory is getting ourselves caught and then there would be absolutely no chance of anyone getting rescued. They will kill us and all those that they have now. Mia, please you need to be reasonable and think this through! You can’t even see and I would not be able to protect you if something were to happen. Even if you were to regain your sight, although you may be a powerful witch, they have numbers and brutality on their side. They would not hesitate to kill you or anyone connected to you and if you were to hesitate at all, that would be it. I have seen what they could do and alone, I would not even be any type of challenge for them at all.”

  “But I heard you and you did destroy one of them, the one that was trying to kill you.”

  “How could you have heard that?”

  “Grant, please that is a very long story and now isn’t the time. You have the strength to hurt them and if we could reach the others, maybe we could save the children and then I can go after Marlena and the other one and rescue my family.”

  “Mia, I caught one off guard, but there is absolutely no way that I would catch them off guard again. I’m telling you that we would get killed and our children will pay the price!”

  “We just can’t stay here and do nothing! There are just too many people at risk to let their deception go on and do only who knows what to our children. What if they are hunting them now!”

  “I don’t think that they would be. They want to know more about how your son did what he did, they would not hunt him before figuring out how to master his powers because I am sure that even though David made Marlena look like you, it has to be an illusion of some type, he would want the power your son possesses, the power to actually turn himself into someone or something else. As far as the others and my children go, they do not know if you are dead or alive and I am holding on to the hope that they will keep them alive so that they could use them as bate if Marlena fails or a bargaining chip so that she will not be compromised.”

  Considering this, a new thought occurs to me. “If we cannot get to them, is there anyone that you can trust to enter the hospital. If they went there, maybe that person could get to Gabriel and we could get help on that end and formulate a plan. Grant, keep trying Gabriel’s cell.”

  Lifting the phone, he intertwines our hands. “I hope you don’t mind, but we should try to get moving. I think that we have been on their land long enough. I don’t think that they are hunting again so soon, but they could be keeping watch to see if the pack tries to attack or come on to their land to rescue my children. There is someone that I could send to the hospital but we should talk to him in person so that there are no mistakes or errors.”

  We walk for what seems like hours, with him retrying Gabriel, each time the call goes to voice mail. Finally, we stop. He releases my hand as I hear a car door open and then he helps me in.

  He places the telephone in my hand. “Can you feel this button?”


  “That is the redial for Gabriel, why don’t you keep trying while I drive. While you are doing that, could you tell me now how you knew that I had killed one?”

  Knowing that if I keep too much from him, he will become distrustful of me and considering this only has to do with me and I need his help to save my family, I decide to be honest. “I heard you outside of the dungeon window when you surprised and attacked one.

  “I don’t understand. You weren’t a prisoner.”

  “No, I was not, but when my children are in trouble, I can feel and hear what is going on around them. That’s how I heard you.”

  “Can you do this with anyone that you know or is it just your children?”

  “It is only my children and I’m not sure exactly how it is that I can do it other than to say that I concentrate on them and somehow feel a connection to them and their surroundings.”

  He tries to joke, probably to relive the stress which is evident in my voice as I struggle to find the right words. “If you can do that without really knowing how, just think about what you could do with a stronger grasp on your power. Can your children do the same?”

  “No, it is only something that I can do.”

  “Well, you never know, maybe as they grow older, they too will develop that talent.”

  “I never thought of that. I only hope that we can make sure all of our children can grow older. Are we almost there?”

  “We are about twenty minutes out. I’ll try to get hold of him and let him know that we are on or way.”

  Handing him the phone, his voice is soft and pleading. “Kenneth, I need your help and it is extremely important, several lives depend upon it. Can you stay at the house and I will be there shortly...very good.”

  “He will wait for us.”

  “Are you sure that you can trust him?”

  “Yes, although he is not of our world, he is very trustworthy.”

  “What do you mean that he is not of our world?”

  “He does not belong to the surreal world, like we do, but he has strength and goodness behind him.”

  After a while, the car stops and he opens his door. Opening mine, he leads me down a path. A door creaks. “Good afternoon sister Christopher, he is expecting me.”

  “I’ll let him know that you are here, you can wait in the library.”

  Grant takes my hand again and then we are sitting down.

  “What brings you to town, you old dog. I thought that you and the children were staying on some estate.”

  “That is what I came to talk to you about. Kenneth, this is Mia and we need your help to save her son, Julianne and Paul.”

  “Grant what is going on?” His voice resonates concern.

  “I don’t have time to explain everything right now, but do you remember the stories about the family that I told you about?”

  “Please tell me that you are not getting into those fantastical stories again. I told you, there are no such things as vampires or mythical creatures”

  “Kenneth is anyone other than Sister Christopher here?”


  “Could you have her leave, I need to reveal something to you and then we need to discuss why I need your
help, but the less people who know about it, the safer for everyone.”

  “Grant this is highly strange, even for you, but just give me a moment and I will be right back.”

  While he’s gone, Grant whispers. “May I tell him about you?”

  “He’s a priest?”

  “I told you he could be trusted.”

  “He won’t believe us.”

  “He will when I show him what I am.”

  “He doesn’t know already?”

  “No, he runs the school that my children went to. We have been friends for the last twenty years, but he does not know what I am.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this now, maybe if I just sought his help, your secret could still be safe.”

  “I know that I can trust him. He is a very good man and like you said, there are too many people in jeopardy. I can’t lose anyone else and I don’t know what my pack will do. I think that secrets can only hurt us. If he sees what I am, he will better understand what type of supernatural forces that we are dealing with and he will be better equipped to convey the message carefully and not believe what he sees. You need to remember Mia, he may go to the hospital and you may be with Gabriel. He needs to understand how dangerous it could be and the necessity that he follows our instructions so that there are no mistakes or hesitations.”

  Footsteps approach us. “Kenneth, sit down, I need to show you something and I need you to keep an open mind, I know you didn’t before and convinced yourself you were seeing things, but lives depend upon my getting through to you and not just the ones I mentioned.”

  A loud growl fills the room. He transformed and I hear Kenneth gasp.

  “Kenneth, are you alright?”

  He doesn’t respond, but a moment later, Grant does. “Mia, I’m going to get him some water.”

  I feel for his hand. “Kenneth, it’s alright, I know that it was a shock to see your friend like that, but he is still the same friend that you have always known. He doesn’t mean you any harm and we desperately need your help.”

  There is still no response. Cool water drips on my hand, Grant must have secured a cold cloth to put on Ken’s neck. “It’s alright. I’m sorry for the shock, but I need you to understand what we are dealing with. Please say something.”

  He stutters. “What...what did you did you do that trick?”

  “Here drink this. It was no trick, I’m a werewolf and vampires do exist. The family really is a family of vampires and they have Julianne and Paul. They also have Mia’s son and some of her friends. They have killed Charlotte, Steve and Pauline. They can do things that even I never thought possible and now two of them could be here and they are pretending to be members of Mia’s family, they are planning on trying to kill them all, just the way they have taken out other families in the past. We need your help to save her family, my family and anyone else who may try to go against them for their atrocities. Kenneth, you are the only one I can trust to do this, you are the only one that they would not be able to detect and they would never suspect a priest of getting involved with something like this.” Grant’s desperation rings through his impassioned plea. “You could go and contact Mia’s family without anyone being suspicious. Besides, isn’t it a priest’s job to help preserve life? If you don’t help us, I can assure you that many lives will be lost.”

  The moments of silence overwhelm me. I’m not even aware of how much I am thinking about Jacob until I hear his plea.

  “I’m telling you that I don’t know exactly how it happened, it just did”

  “You will tell us little boy how you possess such power and how we can control it! Maybe a few days without food and water will change your mind. Throw him in the dungeon with the others. We still have to check to see if we can find his mother’s body or if the wolves have her. If she is still alive, we have to make sure that they understand that we have some of theirs and that any interference will mean the immediate death of those in the dungeon and then their pack.”

  Grant shakes me, breaking my connection. “What happened to you?”

  “They’re alive!”


  “The children and my friends, but I heard one of them threatening not only them but your pack. They are not sure if I’m alive or dead, but they plan on getting a message to your pack that if they help me, your children will die and so will the pack.”

  Kenneth interrupts us. “Grant what’s going on and what is she talking about?”

  “She has a connection to her son that is captured and heard the children being threatened.”

  Kenneth’s boisterous voice makes me jump. “I don’t know what type of game you are playing or why you are trying to trick me, but you need to stop this and leave now.”

  “Kenneth, this is no game I assure you and what I did was no trick. In fact, I will transform again and you can even stroke my fur and see my teeth. I swear to you that I am not playing a game and neither is she, but if you don’t help us and do it quickly, we will lose our families.”

  His fur brushes my hand. “Go ahead, touch him, he is very real, it is not a trick and we are not trying to deceive you.” My voice is commanding but quiet.

  I hear him drop to his knees. “This can’t be real. This is the work of the devil.”

  “I assure you father, your friend is not evil but it will triumph if you do not help us.”

  Grant’s grave voice is imploring. “Please I am not asking you to do anything wrong, I just need you to make contact with someone. We need his help and we need to warn her family about the imposters who plan on taking their lives. A message-that is all I’m asking. However, when you deliver the message, you must be alone and deliver it only to the one called Gabriel. Mia, do you have a picture of Jacob?”

  Taking the watch from my neck, I fumble to open the locket revealing a picture of my family. “He is the one on the bottom row, left hand side.”

  “Kenneth, when you take the message to Gabriel make sure that this boy or a woman who looks like Mia is nowhere in sight. They are not who they are pretending to be.”

  Kenneth’s sharp intake of breath concerns me, but I slump in relief at his resigned response. “Only a message to someone named Gabriel. Where am I going? What is the message?”

  “You are going to the hospital and ...” I turn toward Grant’s voice and hold out my wallet. “The third or fourth picture is a family picture and there is a man standing...third from the left, show it to Kenneth. “That is Gabriel and I need you to tell him that things are not what they seem with Jacob and Mia but that he cannot let on what he learns because their lives and the lives of others depends on him not showing that he is suspicious. Tell him to have Reginald or Emma call this number when they are away from the others. Remember, only to him and with no one else around. Pretend that you are there to see a patient. Can I ask one more thing from you?”

  “What it is?”

  “If they are not there, could you please pretend to know him, just him, not the rest of the family and find out where he went?”

  “I can do that. You two can stay here and I will leave right now. It shouldn’t take that long, the hospital isn’t that far.

  Removing my wedding ring for the first time since Andrew slipped it on my finger, I search for Kenneth’s hand and press it into his palm. “Father, if he has any trouble believing your message, show him this and I promise he’ll understand.”

  He rises and the door shuts moments later. I can’t stop running over my barren ring finger and thinking about my family. Grant lays his hand gently upon mine. “He will deliver the message and your friends will contact us.”

  “I’m sorry you had to reveal yourself to him.” I know I’m making small talk, but my nerves are wound so tight by the thought of how much could go wrong with even this simple message, I need a distraction. “Do you think that it will cause a problem?”

  “I will deal with everything else later, but honestly, Kenneth is a
very cool clergyman. Despite his trying to force down his suspicions, I think he has always known, but was trying not to admit it to himself. We thought he even caught some of our pack members on one of his outings in the woods one evening. Generally we stay away from camp areas and well-traveled trails, but one evening after Amanda had converted some of our new pack members, we were teaching them how to transform at will. One of our young boys started a game of tag, werewolf style. They were running through the woods and transforming back and forth when we ran across Kenneth. He was camping with some of the children, they were asleep in their tent, but he was outside having a cup of coffee by an extinguishing fire. Although he never spoke of seeing them, after that evening, we caught him walking in the woods more and watching the group of boys more closely.”

  “Would you mind my asking how your family originally became werewolves?”

  “I don’t mind at all, if I get to ask you questions too. I could use the distraction as well.”

  I laugh. “I guess that’s only fair.”

  “My mother was bitten when she was a little girl and her family was vacationing in France. They had rented a home and she had gone exploring and got lost. When they found her, they thought that she was bitten by some sort of wild dog. They took her to the hospital and she was treated and they thought everything was fine, but then she started disappearing for days at a time and would wake up, sometimes very far from home, without any memory of what occurred during that time. This went on until she was at college. There, she met my father. He knew what she was immediately and confirmed it when he followed her the night of the first full moon. He had taken a video camera with him so that he could tape my mother transforming and then running. At first she thought it was a trick, but the more she got to know him, she began to trust him and he took her here and showed her others of her kind, after that, they were together all the time, fell in love and had us. We are natural born wolves so our powers of transformation did not come until we were twenty-one, but my mother was only thirteen when she began to change.”

  As the realization of what this means seeps into my consciousness, I freeze.

  “Mia, what’s wrong.”

  “Nicholas and Kayla both got bitten. Does that mean that they will be turning into werewolves when the first full moon occurs?”

  “Y...”I could hear the yes coming from him at first, but then he stops.

  “Grant, does it mean that they will be werewolves?”

  “I don’t know, normally I would say yes, but with all of the commotion going on around them about curing them, I’m not sure if you guys have the power to repel such a transformation and if the cure stopped this possibility.”

  I can’t believe that this could be happening. “When is the next full moon?”

  “We just went in to the new moon phase so we have time.”

  Despite our accepting the surreal world as part of our lives, I cannot believe how it is throwing us a new curve where surreal creatures are crossing mythical lines in the same way that Reginald’s life had. “Grant, does your pack have any werewolves that are also witches?”

  “I’m sorry I don’t have an answer to that worry, but from the little that I have seen your Jacob do, I’m not sure that you have to be overly concerned. I’m sure that they will do fine with it. Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, what would you like to know?”

  He hesitates before his voice drops to a mere whisper. “What are you really and is there a chance of what you’re afraid of coming for your son?”

  “I am a psychiatrist at a hospital in Maine.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know that.”

  “I know, but I don’t think that you will believe me if I tell you that I’m just a witch. I know that you think that I am more, but I’m not. In fact, I’m not sure that I am even really good at being a witch. I learned about what I was after I was already taking care of my first twins so my life was more about my children and my work than this surreal world. My parents never knew about this world, my dad is a great doctor and researcher and so was my mom. They were very pragmatic people and would have never in their wildest imagination consider that such things could exist.”

  “Mia I know that this may sound strange, but Nicholas jumped in front of Jacob because someone was shouting that if Jacob got bit, he was part vampire and would die. Who was yelling? If you are only a witch, how are your children vampires? Are they all vampires?” His questions are quick.

  Considering what we may be facing and what he is, I may need his help if we do get to the children and learn that they will turn into werewolves. My instincts scream that he is a good man and although he can be manipulated, anyone can. He did disregard his sister and his pact to come back for me. I let out a huge sigh. “Their father is a vampire and two of my children are vampires while the other two are just witches.” I can’t believe how normal that sentence sounds to me.

  “Is that why Nicholas jumped in front of Jacob, because Jacob and Nicole are the vampires while Nicholas and Kayla are the witches?”

  Before I respond, the door opens. Kenneth is back. “Did you see Gabriel and give him the message?”

  Sitting next to me, he takes my hands. “Mia, I’m sorry, Gabriel was not there.” His tone tells me there is more, but he is hesitating.

  “What aren’t you telling me? Please, any information that you have, we need to know, there are too many lives at stake!”

  “I saw some of the others that were in the photograph. I waited until they moved away from the nurses’ station and then asked one of the nurses where he was. She said that Gabriel did not return with them and that they were getting ready to go home. I stayed around and went over to talk with one of the patients sitting next to two of them who seemed to be whispering in a corner. They were discussing staying behind to retrieve their family members who had been captured. I could tell that they didn’t want the rest of them to know what was going on. I heard one say that they could use the excuse of taking Andrew’s place to help with the record keeping to throw off any type of suspicion.”

  From what he was saying, someone suspected that something was off besides the missing family members. Maybe they realized it was not me and Gabriel is already searching for the ones who were captured. “Did they say anything else? Did they mention if Gabriel is out there looking for the ones who got caught?”

  “Mia, Gabriel was one of the ones captured. I’m sorry. I thought about going up to the ones who were talking and giving them the message, but you said to only speak with Gabriel and I wasn’t sure what to do. If it is of any consolation, I think they suspect something in their group is wrong because they didn’t want someone in your family to know what they were doing. I would have stayed around longer, but you came up to me and asked if you could help.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told her that I had seen the patients and already given last rights to those in need so I was just seeing some of the patients in the lobby before leaving.”

  “She didn’t suspect anything, did she?”

  “No, she went back over to your husband and the others.”

  My stomach churns at the thought of her with my family, but at least it sounds like no others were replaced. “Mia, I’m sure that everything will be fine.” He places the ring in my palm.

  “Thank you so much for trying to get the message to them for me.”

  “Grant can I see you for a moment?”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I just need to talk to you a moment.”

  Putting my ring back on, I feel a strange sense of relief knowing that Gabriel is with Jacob, despite their danger. Concentrating, I try reconnecting with Jacob. Finally, I hear rattling, but not the familiar chains as a familiar voice whispers.

  “Jacob, you are not strong enough to break the bars, they must have a spell attached to them like the shackles. All you are going to do is make yourself exhausted.”
r />
  A strange voice bellows from a distance. “Stop making that racket. Even if you do break the bars, I’ll stop you from escaping and I don’t care if that means I have to kill you. David might get mad, but he’d get over it, so stop the racket, you are giving me a headache!”

  Jacob’s nervous voice quivers. “What do you think will happen to us? Do you think the others are alright or do you think they are being held somewhere else in this awful place?”

  “Sweetie, I know that you are nervous, but I’m sure that the others have made it away and that everything will be alright, you just have to hold on to hope.”

  The male, menacing voice is now taunting. “Oh yes hold on to hope, or maybe you should be practical and give David what he wants. If you do, he may let you join us instead of killing you the way he killed the others in your group.”

  Sobs rip from Jacob’s chest. I can’t stand that he is suffering and believes he lost his family. Knowing the loneliness engulfing him, pulling him into an endless surf, I desperately need to communicate with him, reassure him that he is not alone, they are alive and will rescue him. If he could only feel me in the same way that I feel him or feel his sister so that he would know that he is not alone. My heart breaks for the pain that I know he is enduring now. If I could only wrap my arms around him and make him feel safe and comforted. I’m unaware of how hard I am picturing him in my arms and hoping that I could bring him comfort until I hear his surprised voice.


  I feel him relax slightly. He felt me!

  “Jacob, it’s me Eva, not mom.”

  I could tell from her tone that she knows something is going on but wants him to stop talking because of the inquisitive ears.

  “Your right, I’m sorry.” His voice sounds distracted.

  I concentrate harder wanting him to know that his family is alive and wish that I could tell him, but I doubt that he can hear me, so I focus on my holding him. Hopefully he will continue to feel me. Even though he doesn’t say another word, his body relaxes.

  Grant’s anxious voice and grabbing my arms breaks my connection. “Mia, are you hurt? Why are you crying?”

  “I’m sorry, I was just...” I stop not knowing if Kenneth is with him and unsure if I should say anything.

  “We’re alone. Kenneth went to the church to pray. He wanted to talk with me because he got a call from Amelia and she told him that I was bewitched by you and on my own. She asked if he would contact her if he heard from me so that the pack could grab me and try to break the spell. Now will you tell me what is wrong?”

  “They have my son in some sort of cage and they’re trying to make him believe that they killed the rest of us. I was trying to let him know somehow that I was still alive, that he was not alone. They have my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and now you’re telling me, that he called your pack and they are on their way. I just don’t know what to do. I knew that one day we would face something else, but I never expected that it could come from a mistake.” Frustration envelops me.

  “You need to think of it another way. At least Jacob is alive and so is your family. We will get our families back and the pack is not going to come for me.” He takes my hands, squeezing them reassuringly. “I convinced Kenneth not to call them and he is praying because I have asked him to go back to the hospital and try to get the two that he heard talking about staying to come here. He is a little leery about getting involved. Maybe we should go and see if we can get to your family members.”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea, what if the others haven’t left yet or someone is watching the hospital. It would be better if he went to get them, but either way, the others would have to be gone and I only hope that if they are suspicious, maybe some of the others know that there is something that they have to be on their guard for. She is ...Grant I need you to dial a number for me now.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “He said that they are going home. We have children, families and helpless patients at Sanctuary, I can’t just let Marlena and whatever brutal vampire is with her go there without warning them. What if she decides to hunt there or just kill brutally? I can’t give into my fear and do nothing. There are other families there.”

  “Mia, contacting them is dangerous, you know what could happen.”

  “I have to make the call. There is someone there that I can trust implicitly and they will not reveal anything, but at least they can be on guard to protect all of those innocent people.”

  “I hope that you know what you are doing.”

  “I’m doing what I have to.” I just hope I know what I am doing as well.

  Telling him the number, he hands me the telephone. “Jason it’s Mia are you alone.”

  “Actually, you caught me in the middle of a meeting.”

  “Don’t say who you are talking to. I need you to move away from the group or if you can’t, call me back at the number on your screen, it is a matter of life and death.”

  “I will call you right back.”

  Kenneth returns. “May I speak to you alone?”

  Thinking he is talking to Grant, I clasp the telephone tightly until I hear Grant’s reply. “I’ll go get something to eat. What could I bring back for you Mia?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine thank you.”

  The cushion dips beside me. “Mia, I’m sure Grant told you his sister telephoned me and he wants me to go back and get those individuals I heard speaking about staying behind. Before I get any further involved, I need some answers from you.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Grant’s sister believes that you have placed a spell on her brother and that you are trouble, but Grant swears she is mistaken. I can see how desperate you seem to get back to your family, but why should I believe that you haven’t done something to my friend to cause what is going on now.”

  “Father let me assure you that I am not what made your friend a werewolf, but I believe that you already know that from the night that you saw some werewolves in the forest transforming back and forth. It is very easy for us to ignore things that we cannot explain, I can say that from experience, because relatively speaking I am new to this word as well. I came here because my father saved the life of a young boy who is the son of your minister. I will not lie to you, I am a witch, but I have never used my powers, such as they are to do anything but good. I know all too well the nightmare and loss that using gifts that one has to bewitch someone or do evil could cause. In fact, I’m a psychiatrist at a hospital in Maine that primarily deals with patients who have been impaired by evil. My family and I have always tried to protect those who are weaker than we are. There is nothing that I can say or do to convince you that I have not bewitched your friend, all I can do is beg you to help us. All I want to do is make sure that my family does not suffer and neither does his.” The telephone rings. “Father, I need to answer this, but if you wait one moment, I will be happy to answer whatever questions you have in order to get you to help.” He does not rise to leave.

  “Jason, are you alone now?”

  “Yes, but what is going on? You sound very upset.”

  “Andrew and some of the family are coming home but we have had trouble here. What I am going to tell you, you can’t tell anyone, except for Rachel and Ryan, but you have to do it alone and make sure that they understand that they cannot reveal what they know to anyone, not even my family.”

  “Mia, what are you talking about?”

  “Jason, please just listen. Andrew will be returning with someone who looks like me and someone who is pretending to be Jacob, but they are not who they appear to be.”

  “Mia, back up, you’re not making any sense.”

  “I’m sorry. Let me start from the beginning. Did Lucas ever tell you the story of his time here in England?”

  “Yes, but that was centuries ago, what could that have to do with anything now.”

  “Did he tell you of the lit
tle girl that he rescued?”

  “Yes, but I’m sure that she is dead.”

  “That would be correct, if she was just a little girl, but she was a werewolf and a very powerful one from what I understand. The family that Lucas was with blames him for rescuing her and causing a werewolf plague upon them which killed Lucas’ wife and some other family members. When Lucas was here dedicating the hospital, the dedication made the papers and the family found out he was back. They wanted to take revenge and got the children.”

  I hear Jason gasp. “Why would they take your children to get revenge upon him?”

  “They thought that they were his children, he was watching them at the time.”

  “When we were trying to rescue them, they grabbed me and got Jacob. They also got Gabriel and Eva and someone else, but I don’t know who the third one is.”

  “Mia, if they have you how are you calling me and didn’t you say that Jacob and you are heading home?”

  “That is where this gets difficult so I need you to just listen to what I’m telling you and take it as truth even if it sounds ridiculous. Can you do that for me please?”

  “After what we have all seen is there really anything that we can classify as ridiculous.”

  “I’m not even sure I can fathom it all but it is essential that you believe me and do what you can to protect everyone up there. We were on their estate trying to rescue the kids. I had been channeling with them, so I was slower than our group. I sent Lucas to go and find Andrew because he went on ahead and Nicholas and Kayla were hurt.”

  He interrupts. “Are they alright?”

  “I hope so, but that is something else that we have to talk about. Jason, please just listen, this is confusing enough and I have to make sure that you are prepared. The woman coming back as me is dangerous, she is part of the family that Lucas spoke of and so is the one who is coming back as Jacob. They want to kill the family because of his rescuing Elizabeth, they are looking for revenge and I’m telling you they are barbaric and have no conscious. They are holding Jacob in some sort of cage because they saw him transform and know he can escape from shackles, they are also holding Eva, Gabriel, another of ours, and two other children in a dungeon. If they believe for even one minute that you suspect anything, they will kill them and take you out.” I have to stop as sobs tear up my throat.

  “Mia, if there are only two of them, we can take them out when they get here.”

  “I wish that you could, but you can’t take them out before we get to our family here. If they have some sort of plan that requires them to communicate with each other and she misses a communication they will kill our family here before we have a chance to get to them! You can’t take them out, you have to let them think that they are fooling you and see if you can discover their time table. I know that they want to find out how to acquire our powers before killing our family to torture Lucas, so I’m hoping it may buy us some time, but I also need you to be on guard and try to keep the children away from Jacob and keep me away from the patients. I know that I am asking a lot, but they are not like our family, they hunt and they do so brutally and barbarically, if they were to ever hunt there...”

  “I understand. I will talk to Ryan and Rachel and we will make sure that someone is watching them at all times, what about talking to the family without them being present?”

  “I am going to have to leave that up to you, but you have to be careful and no one can let on that they know. So if you do talk to them, do it alone and not in a big group without even Ryan and Rachel present. We don’t want them getting suspicious.”

  “What about you, how did you get away and where are you now?”

  “They may think that I am dead. The one who is pretending to be me caught me in the woods with another and they bit me. They left me for dead but I was rescued by a werewolf and am with him now.”

  “Mia, if you were bit, are you alright? Reginald told me that his transformation was brutal, more so than usual because he was a witch.”

  “I don’t think I transformed. I don’t feel as though I have changed, in fact, if I had changed, I couldn’t have been bleeding from the gash in my head. No, I’m sure that I haven’t changed.”

  “How could that be?”

  “I don’t know, but that isn’t important now, Jason, please, you need to protect them up there and if something should go wrong here, you are going to have to tell Andrew before the first full moon that Kayla and Nicholas may be turning into werewolves.”

  “What!” His loud response causes me drop the telephone.

  Kenneth places it back in my hand. “Mia, what in the world is going on? You get bit by a vampire, they are turning into werewolves and you are with a werewolf now!”

  “Jason, please I know this is a lot to take in but Nicholas and Kayla were bitten, it was a misunderstanding and Andrew, Nicole and the real Jacob tried to heal them before Jacob was caught, but we don’t know what the repercussions of their being bitten may lead to. You just need to be prepared. I also need you to do something else for me. I know that some of the family is staying behind, someone overheard their suspicions and with Eva and Gabriel missing, it must have been decided to have them look for the others while getting the children safely home. When everyone returns, you need to determine who stayed behind and give them this number to contact me. We are going to try to get into contact with them, but if they are already gone, you can call them to get in contact with me, but don’t say it is me. Tell them it is someone who can help. We need to be very careful.” Taking in a deep breath, “I need you to do one last thing for me. After they all return, if Emma and Reginald return with them, have them leave Sanctuary and get in touch with me, but again, don’t say that it is me. The less you say on Sanctuary grounds near the imposters, the better. Please Jason, you need to be careful and tell Rachel and Ryan to be careful as well, if we slip it will be disastrous.”

  “Mia, are you sure that you are safe with this werewolf? If he or his pack bit the children, you cannot be safe with them. Maybe they are in league with that family.”

  “I am safe with him. The family has two of his children so we both have the same goal in mind. Jason, if you do tell Andrew and he has trouble believing you, tell him to look at her ring finger. But if you think it is too dangerous to tell him or that his reaction will give anything away, leave him in the dark. I can’t risk the children.”

  “Mia, are you sure that you are alright? This is quite a lot to take in.”

  “I’m fine as long as we can protect the children. Jason, promise me, that you will do everything you can to protect yourselves and our family at Sanctuary. These vampires are more barbaric than you can imagine and we can’t afford for them to hurt anyone there.”

  “I promise. Can I reach you at this number you’re calling from?”

  “Yes, if that changes, I’ll call you again. I have to go, be careful.” With that I hang up.

  “I’m sorry Kenneth, or do you prefer father?”

  “Ken is fine actually.”

  “Ken, just tell me what it will take to convince you that I have not done anything to bewitch Grant and to get you to go back to the hospital one more time in search of those family members who are staying behind.”

  “Actually, I am already convinced. I know what a good man Grant is, maybe that is why I never truly wanted to admit to myself that I knew something had touched his life that could not be explained. I listened with an unobstructed heart to your conversation and although I could only hear your end, your concern for individuals besides yourself and your immediate family rang through ever word. No one can feign that type of concern. Although, I do have to ask you something, Grant told me that you became blind in the struggle, why didn’t you tell your friend that you are blind and that you and Grant are on your own?”

  “He is going to have a difficult enough time keeping the people at Sanctuary safe. If he does decide to tell my husband what happened, I can’t affo
rd Andrew being distracted worrying about what is happening here with me in this condition. Any distraction could lead to a mistake which could cost someone their life. There is too much that can go wrong, everyone needs to be focused on protecting the children who are held captive here and the children and helpless patients that we have at the hospital, telling him would have served no purpose.”

  “I will be back as soon as I can, hopefully with your friends. In the meantime, if you need to rest, there are extra rooms upstairs that we have for visiting guests, have Grant show you to a room.”

  He retreats as Grant sits beside me. “Do you think that Jason can keep it from Marlena and whoever is Jacob?”

  “Jason is a very good man and knows the importance of what I asked, he will be very careful.”

  “What about the other two?”

  “I can trust them implicitly besides I cannot protect my children who are there from here and knowing their father unless he is sure that it isn’t me, he won’t attack me or Jacob. I know that in that moment of hesitation, one of my children or someone that I love will die. I know that Kenneth said that two of them were suspicious and staying behind, but we don’t really know what they are suspicious of. What if it isn’t about the imposters, they may only be searching for our missing family members. I can’t have two barbaric vampires with only who knows what kinds of strength and power looking like myself and my son go into a hospital and school area where there are not just our kind but humans who have no special power or strength to protect themselves and who have already suffered. I have to hope that giving them the heads up as to what is coming their way will prevent injury and death to those there and hopefully we can work on getting those here out. Do you think that if you go back to your pack without me that you could convince them that they have to move now and cannot wait to speak with anyone else or wait for their arrival?.”

  “Mia, when I left the pack to come and find you, I violated a direct order to stay on our lands, I have never broken from a direct order before. This type of behavior would only go to prove my sister’s argument that I have been bewitched. If I go back there now, it is likely that they will hold me in one of our cells.”

  “What are you talking about, what type of cell?”

  “We have holding cells. On occasion, we have had instances where our kind have gone crazy, been bitten or been bewitched and we have had to hold them until the elders decide what to do with them. If I were to return now, I would probably be held in the cell until they could determine that I was either not bewitched or that there was no help for me. Either way, it would be precious time lost.”

  I hear something in his voice. “Grant is there something that you are holding back?”

  I hear him sigh. “Mia, you need to understand something first, it wasn’t that I thought I was holding something back from you and I wasn’t trying to mislead you, it’s just that I didn’t believe that it was possible and it was determined that my great, great grandfather had gone crazy because of the vampire bite that eventually killed him.”

  My mouth drops open. “What do you know?”

  “Mia, please I’m sorry that I wasn’t totally honest with you, but you have to admit you are not fully forthcoming with me either. It’s just that I was listening to you talking to Jason and if you really do trust him I think that you should know something and that you should call him back and let him know of this possibility.”

  “Grant what is it that you didn’t tell me?”

  “It wasn’t entirely true that I didn’t know of the possibility that David could change before this time. I told you that the story of Elizabeth was famous among our kind, but what I didn’t tell you was that she had come on to our land when she returned here for revenge against the family that took hers. She had taken several wolves, they stormed the estate during a hunt. She had underestimated them though and her pack was severely decimated. My great grandfather heard the cries that night and he and his brothers went into the woods against the elders’ orders. Two of his brothers died, but my great grandfather got Elizabeth and some of the others in her pack off of the estate. Elizabeth stayed here for a while to allow some of her members to recover from their injuries. While she was here, David must have caught her scent and I have heard vampires never forget a scent. She was walking the grounds when he came to her. She said that he was safe. She identified him as the one that had rescued her. However, that evening, two of our Elders were found bitten and then he went after Elizabeth. My grandfather leapt in between them and he was bitten. Elizabeth stayed with him until the end in the cell, the elders believed that Elizabeth was too young to remember what Lucas looked like and that somehow an imposter convinced her that it was him. Elizabeth insisted that she did not forget and my grandfather insisted that she was deceived by David saying that he saw the vampire transform from Lucas to David just before he lunged for Elizabeth. They thought that he was impaired because of the bite and that he could have never seen what he claimed. Obviously, we were all wrong. I’m sorry I kept this from you, but if they all have that power, Marlena might be able to change into someone else if she thinks that they suspect her, so if they tip their hand in any way, they need to grab her and find some way of holding her so that she or the one pretending to be Jacob can’t transform into anyone else.”

  As this sinks in, I remember David telling Marlena that after she bit me he would transform her. With any luck, maybe he is the only one with that power and found some way to transform them into one person. Hopefully, they can’t do it themselves. Calling Jason, I convey the possibility that if she or Jacob catch on or are out of their sight they could change into another persona. He tells me that he has already talked to Rachel and Ryan and that they are prepared to keep an eye on both of them and ensure that they don’t get to anyone, but that they aren’t sure if they will tell Andrew or any of my family until after they talk to Emma and Reginald since we don’t know enough about the family to know what their powers are and what they are capable of.

  “Mia, can I ask you something? You said that your son did not know how to transform and you didn’t know how so it couldn’t be from his being a witch, what are you people really because vampires don’t change.”

  “Grant, I’m sorry, I can’t say what allows him to change.”

  “Mia, please if he can do it and David can do it, at least if you told me what it is about you people that allow this type of transformation, we could learn what to look for. I need to understand what allows David to do this if we are ever to even have a chance at defeating them.”

  “I know that you are looking for answers, but I assure you that what allows my son to transform is not what allows David to change.”

  “How do you know? I understand that you want to protect your family, but if there is a new breed of vampire that could transform into anything they want, the way we transform from human to wolves; I need to know. I understand that your son is not evil, but those in the family that is near our territory are monsters and if you have answers, you need to share them please!”

  Feeling around for his hand, he puts it in mine knowing what I am searching for. “I know that you are frustrated and I can understand why, you have an evil force that is a constant threat to your family and all future generations and feel helpless to stop them because even when you get some, there are others out there and new ones being created all the time. I understand that feeling very well, but I assure you that what allows my son to change is not what allows David to transform. What he does must be a type of illusion and it must have limits, otherwise, he wouldn’t need answers from Jacob. Grant, the information that I am withholding from you can’t help you with this problem and may only bring more problems to you if you knew.”

  Before he responds, Kenneth enters, but his are the only footsteps. My heart sinks at the thought of it only being Grant and I. Despite our willingness, my impairments and his solitude against only who knows how many on the estate is a recipe for defeat.
The cushion bows and Kenneth is next to me. “They have all left the hospital. I was speaking to the nurse at the front desk and she told me that they were a family that came to help out temporarily and were returning to their home. I had commented to her how that was too bad because we had a new parishioner who was very ill from the states and that I had heard some of the family were specialists in rare cases and wanted to see if they could come and see if there was anything that could be done to help. Antoinette informed me that two of them had let her know that they would be returning later on to finish up here, so I asked her to convey my plea that they come and see me. I explained that it was a matter of utmost importance and their assistance may save a life. I’m sure that they will come. In the meantime did you eat or would you like me to show you where you can rest? I think that it would be best if you and Grant waited upstairs, sister Christopher will be back shortly with father John. We were supposed to go over the schedule for visiting the patients at the hospital. Normally, I would reschedule, but he is a visiting priest and when I could not reach him at St. Steven’s rectory, the receptionist told me that she believes he is already on route.”

  “Thank you for trying father.”

  “It’s Ken and don’t worry, my meeting will be short and I’m sure that your friends will come when they return and get the message, especially if their concern for helping people is anything like yours.”

  Grant takes my hand. “Let me help you upstairs.”

  “Thank you.” With each step, the thought of having to wait weighs upon me. Any delay could lead to disaster.

  Reading my thoughts, Grant pulls me from my introspection. “I think it would be best if we are patient. I’m scared too, but on our own, I don’t think that we are equipped to save them.” Despite his words, his voice reveals his own distraction at this new conundrum.

  “If we wait and they don’t come, we will have wasted more time. We should try to get onto the land and see if there is anything that we can do to help them.”

  “Mia, be reasonable, you can’t see, the only one outside of my pack is Ken and he is no match for even the weakest among them. I can call my son and see if they have heard anything from the ones we sent out for help.”

  As Grant talks to his son, my mind reels at the possibilities of what my family, both those here and now headed for home could face. If we could only free those here, they could easily grab the two who would be isolated in our territory. It’s quite ironic. Grant and I isolated here and Marlena and her family member isolated there with everyone’s lives hanging on which pair of lone fighters are victorious.

  Grant’s aggravated tone pulls me from my reverie. “We can’t wait that long...Don’t they understand that Julianne and Paul will be dead by then...We have already allowed this family to live too long and cause too much carnage...”

  His frustration rises with each word. He is getting louder. I reach and touch his arm reminding him of why we came up here and his tone turns hushed. “I do realize that the world does not believe we exist and that it would be dangerous for us if they learned about our existence and whereabouts, but maybe by giving into this fear, we have handicapped ourselves and allowed their reign of terror to flourish. If we were to get together and attack them, even if some of theirs escaped, who would they tell?...I understand that if they left the land they could attack in public and risk everyone, but I can’t sit idly by as I lose another family...No, you stay there. When a plan is in place, if I need you, I will call.

  The phone clicks and he is pacing wildly in what I can now tell is a small room.

  “Grant, please sit down. We don’t want anyone to hear that we’re up here.”

  A guttural growl escapes before he is next to me.

  “What happened?”

  “The others returned with a small contingent who will hear our plea and take it back to their elders. Although they understand that two of ours are captured, they want more information on the family before deciding whether to attack. They too know of what happened when Elizabeth tried to attack and do not want to be caught underestimating the family. They sent out scouts who will report back to their pack before a decision is made, but that could take days and I don’t think we have that kind of time.”

  “Grant, what did you mean when you said that you wouldn’t lose another family?”

  His tone turns distant. “About fifty years ago, Amanda had returned to place the spell on our children. My son had just turned twenty-one and my wife, my two sons and I were on the outskirts of our land so that he could practice. We were trying to see if he could transform at will and track us. We heard screams in the woods and my first wife and oldest son ran to help. David and Kristen caught them before they could transform and they were gone before Jeffrey and I could reach them. We saw it all, the brutality and horror in Gwyneth’s eyes before they took her life. Jeffrey was so distraught after that, I sent him to live with a family we knew in Virginia. He never came back and now I’m faced with losing more of my children. You’re right, we can’t wait.”

  “So when do we leave for the estate. They shouldn’t be expecting us and maybe, we could get to the others undetected. I know some spells that we can utilize if someone gets too close and maybe with some luck, if we can get to my family, they can help us get the children and get out of the estate.”

  He places his hand on mine. “Mia, I want to go but I need to get us a little help, otherwise, we are sure to be caught or killed.”

  He is on the phone again, his tone conveying his impassioned plea. “Elizabeth, it’s Grant Sheffield, I need your help to save my children.”

  Listening, I wish I could hear her response as he reiterates what has occurred. He thanks her before telling her where we are.

  “She and some of her pack will be here in a few hours. In the meantime, I need you to stay here.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to sneak back onto our territory in order to retrieve stakes and some makeshift guns which we retrofitted to shoot them.”

  “You can shoot them?”

  “Yes and no. You see, I know that David is untouchable with something like this, he can repel it. Also, some of the older ones are very quick and their hearing is so good that they can hear the stakes flying at them. However, I am hoping if their younger ones are out patrolling on their own, we can incapacitate them long enough to get the children out.”

  Although I’m relieved we have a plan in place, his returning to his land fills me with fear. “Didn’t you say that it was dangerous for you to be caught by them, that they would lock you up? Can’t you just call your son and have him bring you the weapons?”

  “No, I need more than the one that each of our households are equipped with. I am going to have to break into our armory in order to have enough for Elizabeth and anyone she brings. I can’t get him involved in something like that. I will be back before Elizabeth.”

  “Grant it’s too dangerous for you to go back now.” I can’t do this alone. If he gets caught would Elizabeth even listen to me or would she think that I bewitched him and then got him locked up. “Can’t they smell your scent?”

  “They could if they are looking for me, but I don’t think that they would ever think that I would sneak back on to our lands. Anyone detecting it may think it is something residual.”

  Remembering the spell we told the kids would make them undetectable to werewolves for a while, I hope it also works on a werewolf. “Grant, can I use a spell on you that may mask your scent for a while?”

  “Anything that might help, I’m all for. Go ahead.”

  I cast the spell and then hear the window open just before his fur brushes across my legs. He must be jumping out the window. Alone in the darkness unable to move for fear that those below will detect my presence, I decide to try to connect back with Jacob.

  All of a sudden, I feel as if I am back in the car accident so many years ago with my body being tossed about and broken. I
am hitting a wall and being thrust against cold, metal bars.

  Fog clouds my consciousness as David’s menacing voice pierces through the encroaching darkness. “Maybe that will teach you. Tell me what I want to know now.” His voice is closer and I feel myself moving upward.

  Gabriel shouts. “He can’t tell you anything, you knocked him unconscious. If you drop him again, you may kill him and then where will you be!”

  I’m descending and David’s response is even more distant. “Do you know anything about this boy and what he does?”

  “I know that if you kill him with your temper tantrums he will not be able to give you the information you are looking for.” I heard a crunch, a door slam and an anxious voice.

  “David, three werewolves have been detected at the outer perimeter. What do you want us to do? The young ones are nervous and will not go on patrol after what happened to Alexandra, Alex and Kristen?”

  His angry response echoes off the walls. “Must I do everything myself! Who caught the scent is it from their pack? Do we know which ones are on the grounds?”

  The sudden rattling of shackles, a thud, and scream shock me and I almost lose my connection. “Stop it!” There is more rattling and another thud. “Stop, they are just children!”

  “I don’t have time to deal with this, but maybe when I come back I will deal with you and then I will get my answers from the boy. Paul, I asked you if the wolves are from the pack.” I shudder hearing the deafening crash, His weak response is barely audible even to Jacob’s remarkable hearing.

  “Only one scent is familiar, the other two are not.”

  Quick footsteps retreat as the door slams again. Jacob fights through the fog to hear their fading conversation. “Get Nathaniel and Edward, we will kill two and send the one from their pack back bitten with a message that any further interference will result in the death of our captures and their lands will no longer be safe. Tell their member, they are to turn the woman over if she is alive or her body if dead. We need to make sure that there is no interference in our plan!”

  Shackles fall and Gabriel’s hushed voice is in Jacob’s ear. “How badly are you hurt, do you think that you can transform. I need you to try now.”

  After several moments, I feel Jacob’s tears trickling down. “I’m sorry, it isn’t happening.”

  “It’s alright, you can do it, you have to concentrate on releasing your fear, I know it is difficult, but Jacob, I know you felt your mother, you know she is alive and I’m sure that so are the others, we need to get out of here while they are occupied!” His tone is strained, probably to sound calm for Jacob, but he too is fearful.

  “But Emma and the others, we can’t leave them here, they’ll kill them.”

  “We won’t leave them here, Eva and I will work on the shackles, but you need to leave, these people are dangerous and if they find...” He stops short. I know why he doesn’t finish and am sure so does Jacob.

  “I can’t go out there on my own. They are too scary. If I involuntarily come out of my transformation and they find me, they will take me somewhere else.”

  He stiffens, paralyzed by fear.

  “Jacob it’s alright, we will work on the others’ restraints and leave together.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I just can’t...”

  “It’s alright, relax. We are here. It’s alright.”

  Eva’s panicked voice alerts Gabriel. “I hear footsteps approaching, you have to return.”

  Gabriel must have shifted out of his shackles and I now understood why they haven’t all shifted to leave.

  David’s aggravated voice is close. “Make sure you do not move from here and they don’t escape or I will kill you both myself and promise you that it will be slow and piece by piece.”

  Others run past as David barks orders. I wonder if Emma’s abilities are strong enough to protect them if David returns before they escape and if they do, can they get off the land. Knowing that it is extensive and not knowing how many brutal vampires remain frightens me. As the realization of David’s orders strike me, my own fear couples with Jacob’s, overloading my senses and I have to fight with everything I have to hold on to my connection. If Grant is still on the land when the remaining werewolf returns, he may be too afraid to leave his family to return or if the vampires don’t wait to attack, he could be caught in the middle of it. I need to warn them, but don’t even know how to get in touch with them.

  Breaking my connection, I start to rise hoping Ken can reach and warn them of the possible impending attack. A cold hand clamps around my mouth and someone’s cool breath is at my ear.