Read Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 7

  Chapter Seven - A Fight To Rescue The Captives

  “Mia, it’s me, don’t scream.”

  His hand quickly retreats. I turn and throw my arms around Jackson and whisper. “How did you know? How...”

  He sits down taking me with him and someone sits on the other side.

  “We were returning to the hospital to retrieve the map of the area when we caught your scent off of someone who entered. We listened and heard him inquire about us and then followed him here, but we had to wait until the werewolf left and we were sure no others were present.”

  Rising quickly, he is next to me. “Jackson, we need to warn the wolves! Help me downstairs.” Thrusting my hands out in front of me, I begin walking, searching for the door.

  Damian stops me. “Mia, what’s wrong?”

  “I can’t see, you have to help me downstairs, we have to warn the wolves that their party is or has been attacked and they may be attacked too!”

  Mia, the wolves are the ones that bit Nicholas and Kayla.”

  “It was a mistake, they didn’t mean too, please, I don’t have time to explain right now, just get me downstairs.”

  He lifts me and we are downstairs just as a door shuts. I call out to Kenneth. “How did you two get in here? Where is Grant?”

  “Father, please, you have to call Grant’s sister and warn them that their search party is being attacked and if they interfere, they will be attacked. Grant is there trying to get supplies to rescue his family, they can all be hurt.”

  As he leaves a message, Jackson questions me. “What’s going on?”

  “The werewolves that bit the children thought they were part of the family that was shooting at one of their own. The wolf that was shot rescued me and his children are trapped with Jacob, Gabriel, Eva and Emma in a dungeon somewhere on that estate. The family is pure evil and they are going after the wolves because of me. You have to warn them, their scouts are being hunted and they are going to send one back bitten demanding that the wolves stay out of their plans and turn me or my corpse over to them immediately.”

  I hear paper unfolding.

  “Can you show me where the wolves are located?” Damian must be asking Ken.

  “Mia, are you safe to stay here?”

  “Yes, go please.”

  The door flies open, but I feel someone’s back to my front, as several angry growls fill the room. Someone has backed me up to the wall and I can feel a hand around me. The growls turn even more vicious. There are too many, this is not Grant. One must have lunged at whoever is before me, I’m pushed into the wall and there is a yelp.

  Realizing who it must be, I scream. “Elizabeth, these vampires are part of Lucas Master’s family, not the ones that hunted you! Stop please, everyone!”

  The growls continue, but movement seems to have stopped. Jackson’s voice rings out. “We mean you no harm. Our family is being held by those vampires and we were leaving to warn you of their attack.”

  A woman’s authoritative voice inquires, “What attack.”

  I interrupt. “Elizabeth, they are attacking a search party that the elders from Grant’s pack sent out to assess the situation and will attack the wolves if they try to interfere, they have to be warned. It may have already happened.” I grumble before Elizabeth retorts. “Why should we believe this is any more than a trick so that you can escape? Where is Grant?”

  “He went back there for weapons. He may even be caught in the middle of it now.”

  “How do we know that you didn’t kill him and are now trying to escape?”

  Ken intervenes. “They just arrived and the girl came in with Grant, she is injured and he is helping her. He said he trusts her and that some family has her children and his.”

  A pounding on the door silences us all. Grant bursts into the room. “Elizabeth, we have to get on to the estate now, they attacked one of our pack members and two in the scouting party are dead. David has two of my children and will kill them if we don’t rescue them.”

  The shuffling continues and the room feels quite warm. “Grant, what happened? Why are these vampires here claiming to be family of Lucas’?”

  “I don’t have time to explain that now, if my pack finds me, they will find her and drag me back.”

  “If you want my help, especially against David, you have to tell me what is going on so that I can prepare my pack, they are over at the church, waiting. When we smelled the vampires, only a few of us came in while the rest stayed behind getting ready to attack.”

  “Elizabeth, these vampires are not with David, they are with Lucas.”

  “Then why is your pack looking for you and why are your children with you?”

  I hear a deep sigh. “We were sent to David’s estate to monitor and determine if there was any way to attack them successfully. Before we completed our assessment, David decided to hunt my family. We made the mistake of thinking that we were strong enough and could take out a few of their men before returning to our pack. My children were not ready for the stress and did not transform in time. I lost Charlotte, Steve and Pauline and thought Paul and Julianne were also dead, but they were captured along with Mia’s children and some of her family and brought down to the dungeon.”

  “David doesn’t take humans prisoner, he converts them or devours them, there has to be something that you are not telling me.” She must sense I am not a vampire.

  “Your right, David saw Mia’s son transform and wants to know the source of his power and how to use it.”

  “You can’t be correct, even David knows that vampires can’t transform into werewolves.”

  Grant’s response is hushed. “He didn’t transform into a werewolf, he was a mouse and then was a human.”

  “That’s not possible! Don’t lie to me! I won’t go up against David blind. You know what happened to my pack the last time.”

  “I’m not lying to you I swear. I saw him transform with my own eyes. They are different. I even saw Mia send David flying through the air before she got thrown up against a tree and hurt. I’m telling you there is something about her family and that is why David is keeping captives.”

  “But why keep your children?”

  “When I avoided their capture, I came across Mia and took her back to our lands. They don’t want her to interfere with David’s plan to wipe out Lucas and his family after learning their secrets. David transformed two from his coven and sent them back to the states with Mia’s family to take out all of her children and family members.”

  “Why does David want to take you out?” She’s addressing me and moving closer. I try to move around whoever is in front of me.

  “David thinks that I am Lucas wife and my family is his. He is seeking revenge for Lucas saving you and the werewolf plague that he believes Lucas brought upon his land because of you. He came after my children and during our attempted rescue, he saw that my son is unique and decided that he would be more use to him alive than dead, but since he lost my remaining family in the ambush, he sent two of his family back home with mine to destroy Lucas and his entire family. Now they are seeking me so that I can’t warn my family or interfere with their plan.”

  Grant interrupts. “How did you know? Were you with Jacob? Are my children still alive?”

  “They were when I was there, but then David left to attack the scouting party.”

  “Mia, that happened an hour ago and there is not much more time before they will kill them, my pack is searching feverishly for you and almost caught me, that’s why I brought my children here. I couldn’t risk having them stay there.” He must have turned to Ken.

  “I know this is more involvement than I said, but do you think that you could get my children to the tower at St. Steven’s until we return. I have no place else to hide them. If my pack finds them, they will try to use them to find me and Mia and if David finds them, he will kill them. Please Ken, you know they are good children and I desperately need your help.”

  “Dad, we can help, especially if you are going back to the estate.” The young voice pleads.

  “No, you are not old enough or strong enough, please just go with Ken.”

  Although Ken does not reply, I hear retreating footsteps and then Grant’s impassioned plea. “I need your help to save my children, the way my grandfather saved you and your men. Please I would not ask, but I have nowhere else to turn.”

  “Grant why is your pack hunting you, instead of helping in the rescue?”

  “My sister convinced them that Mia bewitched me and that she is in league with David in an attempt to destroy us because of what happened today.”

  “Grant you have to admit that what you are saying does not add up. Although I know David can change, we never heard that any of the others could, and they have never hunted outside of their own lands, not even for revenge. Besides you know how we were fooled once with the idea of Lucas’ return. What is to say that we are not being fooled again?”

  I have to interrupt. “Elizabeth, please, you are not being fooled and there are lives depending upon your help. How can I convince you that what we are telling you is true and that not only the lives of the captures are in danger but Lucas and our whole family that returned to the States as well as those we have living with us are in grave danger from the two barbaric vampires that returned with them especially if they contact others to help?”

  “If you are truly Lucas wife and he told you my story, you would know who ran away with me. I have never given that name to anyone.”

  Without even a second hesitation, I answer. “Florence was the woman that you and Lucas stayed with the spring that you escaped, you were on the estate of a distant relative of Lucas’ in France and Florence had a son. One day, when Lucas went to work she ran with you and her son. Lucas did find you, but knew that you could have a normal life with Florence and he even ensured that she was hired by a new nobleman, that you were taken care of until Florence remarried and you had a family. Then he left for the states and hadn’t returned until now. I am not his wife though, I am his sister-in-law and the children that David is trying to kill are my children, not Lucas’. David was mistaken, but they will die and so will Grant’s children if we don’t act soon. The first thing we have to do is to turn me over to David so that he will not attack Grant’s pack or kill the captures and you have enough time to plan an attack.”

  I hear several gasps around me.

  “Mia, you can’t be serious. We won’t allow you to be handed over to this David. I’m sure that he will kill you.”

  “Jackson, if I don’t he will kill them. What if he decides that Jacob can’t help him or that it is too much trouble to keep him alive and kills him. At least if you turned me over, you could have time to plan an attack. Maybe I can even get Jacob to transform if he knows that you are waiting for him. I can’t just stay here and do nothing while that monster has my son! You know as well as I do that vampires can’t change, what if he is also a demon. We know all too well how lines can be crossed. What if he were to discover...” Sobs rip through my chest, giving me a moment of clarity to realize we are not alone and I stop abruptly.

  Jackson wraps his arms around me. “Mia, we will get them back, Jacob is a very smart and powerful young man, he will come home to you, but you are in no position to turn yourself over to them, you couldn’t even see an impending attack to try to protect yourself. You know what will happen to you if your heart or brain is impaired, you will die. Stay here and we will see what we can do. Andrew should be back soon and Reginald and some of his contingent are still here, we can meet up with them and form a plan.”

  “But I can buy you some time. If he thinks that he is getting what he wants and can proceed with his plan, it will buy you time. I’m telling you that David is irrational and if he doesn’t get me, people will die and not just here, but at Sanctuary. Please trust me. He has already killed so many.”

  I grab his arms and my tone reflects my resolve. “If you won’t take me I’ll find a way to get there. I won’t take a chance with Jacob’s life!”

  “She is right.” Elizabeth responds authoritatively. “Turning her over may buy us time to formulate a plan. I know that she at least must have been with Lucas to know that Florence took me and ran with her son. Only he and I know this and if you are with Lucas, maybe we could work together to rescue everyone involved and put an end to this family and their reign of terror once and for all.”

  Damian’s response surprises me. “We can take out those who might be attacking, but we cannot take out anyone who is not a direct threat to the rescuers or captives.”

  “What do you mean you can’t help take out the family? They need to be stopped!”

  “I’m sorry, but we can only rescue those captured. We cannot openly attack.”

  “Does that mean if you were to come with us you would interfere with our plans?”

  “It means that our goal is to get those who should not be on that land off; and that is what we are going to do.”

  “Fine, but if your friend wants to go and buy us time, you need to let her go. If we can gain any advantage at all in an attack on this family, we have to take it. They will be expecting an immediate attack because of the scouts, but if she were to be turned over, and they thought the wolves would go back to being docile because of the loss of Grant’s family and the scouts, maybe we could plan a proper attack and catch them off guard. Trust me; we need any advantage that we can get to even hope to get out all of those being held. We’ll have our people try to take out as many of them or all if we can. Since you refuse to help us take them out, you will be in charge of retrieving the captives and getting them safely off of the land. I owe that much to Grant, just don’t interfere with our plans. How many do you have in your party and would any of them be willing to help us take them out?”

  From Jackson and Damian’s hesitation, I know they have no idea. “Grant, where did they instruct your pack to leave me? Did they give them any point of destination?”

  “Yes, but Mia, your friend is right, you aren’t in a position to do anything but go there to die.”

  “Where am I supposed to go?” I say more aggravated than I hoped.

  Cold hands grab my arms. “Mia, please be reasonable, you can’t do this.”

  “I have to, you know what could happen. I have to get to Jacob. I may be blind but I’m not weak and I can buy you time.” Frustration at this delay wells within me and I send Jackson flying across the room. As he crashes against something, I sink to the floor. I have never turned on anyone close to me and although I know he isn’t hurt, I know I’m losing control. “I’m so sorry.”

  He enfolds me in an embrace. “You didn’t hurt me.”

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” I hug him closer. It’s just...”

  “I know, you’re frustrated and afraid, but Mia do you really think giving him another hostage is going to help?”

  “Jackson, I know that my son is in trouble, his cousins have been bitten, his sister almost died and he has witnessed atrocities that I always hoped to keep from him. He may even think we’re dead. He needs his mother and he has to get out of there. If you were close and he could come to you, at least he would be safe. I even have an idea to possibly confuse and distract them, but we need to speak with Reginald on the way to see if it is possible.”

  “What are you considering?’

  Knowing the company and my desire not to give them any more information to make them suspect us or for David to use against us if they are captured, I want to speak with Jackson and Damian in private. “We can discuss that in the car, we need to get going. Jackson, please I need your help! I’m going with our without you, but I would feel much better if I could tell Jacob that you and Damian are waiting for him.”

  “You know that Andrew would be against this.”

  “Well then it’s a good thing he’s not here. Come on, is there a car available, and then you can t
ell me how you knew and what the plan is at home on the way.”

  “Let me call Reginald and let him know that we found you and what is going on. Elizabeth, would you be willing to work with those we send this way and then you can meet up with us at the drop off point?”

  “Have these vampires you are sending also been with Lucas?”

  “No, these individuals are locals who came to help us try to rescue the children and most of them are witches.”

  “Can they be trusted?”

  “They were sent to us by someone Lucas trusts implicitly and they risked their lives on the estate to rescue the children and our party when David and his entourage ambushed us to grab Jacob and replace Mia.”

  “Send them our way.”

  Grant grabs my hand. “Mia, my car is outside, we can take that.”

  “Grant, you should stay and coordinate with Elizabeth, but if we could take your car that would be very helpful.” As much as I trust Grant and know we have the same goals, I need to talk with Jackson and Damian alone. He hands the keys to someone.

  “Mia, please be careful and if they take you to the dungeon please tell my children that I love them and that we are coming for them.”

  I hug him. “I will get them the message either way, I promise.”

  Jackson takes my hand and leads me to the car. Placing me in the back, Damian sits next to me. “You want to send another message don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do, but it will be very dangerous without Emma so I understand if you don’t want to do it.”

  “You are about to enter a barbarian’s den blind and you are worried about me. When do we go?”

  “First I want to ask you something. Have you ever apparated as something other than yourself?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I was wondering if I could get Jacob to leave, if we could fool David and the others for a while with you appearing to be Jacob still in the cage they have him in and then fool them into believing that he escaped at the moment of attack so that they will be preoccupied with finding him. Maybe that would give us the advantage we need to get everyone off the grounds safely. I know that it is risky, but maybe Reginald has something that could protect your energy to minimize the risk to you.”

  He hesitates a moment. “Mia, I am willing to try, but I have never appeared as anyone other than myself. I’m not sure if it is possible, but maybe Reginald knows how I can change my appearance.”

  A moment later, he is speaking to Reginald. “We found Mia. We were right, the Mia and Jacob who returned are part of the family... No, we can’t call them and have them take her out, they have Jacob, Gabriel, Eva and Emma along with two children of a werewolf who rescued Mia that they will kill...No, it is no longer just about killing Lucas’ family. David knows that Jacob is special and can transform. He is trying to force Jacob to reveal how he has this power...I’ll put her on.”

  “Reginald, David is not just a vampire, I have been told he is like you, also a witch, but he is dark and I wonder from what I have been told, if he also has some connection to the demon world. There is a man back at St. Ann’s named Grant who knows a lot about this family. You and the others need to go there and meet with him and Elizabeth, she is there with her pack and they are planning on attacking. I have to warn you, they also plan on trying to destroy the family and will ask you if any of you are willing to help. We told them our goal is only to get the captures out, but I needed to warn you...No, I am not there, we are heading toward the estate now. David knows that a werewolf either took my corpse or rescued me and is insisting that I be delivered back to the estate to ensure that I cannot interfere with his plans or he will kill again. I have to get to Jacob and get him out of there... No there is nothing that you can say or do that would change my mind...I understand that I am under a lot of stress because this is like a hostage situation, but you also know that if I am correct and David is in league with demons and he finds out who he really has that I will never see my son again. I have a plan, but need to know if it is possible if Damian apparates to take Jacob’s place if there is something that we can do to make his energy appear as the image of Jacob. If we can do this, then you can go with the others and formulate a plan to rescue us, but ensure that Jacob is hidden away somewhere where no one will find him until we can get him back to Sanctuary. Yes I know Emma is there...She does. Could you also tell me how to manipulate the energy to make it appear as Jacob in case Emma is incapacitated?” Listening intently as he instructs me, I am more confident in my plan. “Yes I can put Damian back on.”

  Jackson pushes the engine to its limits. From his aggravated grunts, I know he can hear whatever Reginald is telling Damian. “Yes, I can do that. Grant can show you where we will be...Yes I do remember them, we will be expecting them.

  Taking my hands, he strains to make his voice sound reassuring. “Mia, Reginald is sending two very powerful witches to escort Jacob if we can get him to come our way so that Jackson can watch and keep anyone who comes along off me.

  “How much further?”

  “We are traveling as fast as we can, but are still about thirty minutes out.”

  “How did you know that it wasn’t me or Jacob and has anyone else been replaced?”

  “No one else was replaced. Andrew knew as soon as we all reconvened at the hotel that the person returning as yourself and Jacob were imposters and so did Martina, but Martina warned him not to let on because she read the boy’s thoughts about the ones that got captured and then the woman’s thoughts about you and what was happening.

  Nicole also knew immediately it was not you or Jacob. As Andrew and Lucas were trying to help Nicholas and Kayla, we got attacked. They carefully separated out the children, Lucas and Andrew from the rest of us. Then as we were rushing them to the car, Gabriel and Jacob got attacked and only Jacob returned to the car. We were in such a rush to get the children off of the land, that at first we stayed behind and Andrew went ahead, but then he called all of us back to the hotel. I am not sure exactly what happened because we didn’t want to make them suspicious, but by the time we arrived back at the hotel, Nicole was calling Lucas dad and saying how happy she was that they found you and Jacob while Nicholas and Kayla were hugging Andrew.”

  “So you don’t know how they knew, but are you sure that they did not make her or that Jacob suspicious?”

  “I saw the smug looks passing between them when they thought no one was looking. They have no idea that we know.”

  I feel slightly better knowing that at least everyone is aware of the switch. “I called up to Sanctuary to warn them. Jason, Ryan and Rachel will be prepared for them.”

  “Mia, they are not returning to Sanctuary, we couldn’t have them there not knowing how much power they really have or if they have any help in the states, so Lucas, Martina, Catherine, Francis and Nicole are returning with Victor to the farm, this way we can isolate them there. Victor called ahead to his family and they are gone from the main building so they will be safe but can aid in the protection of Nicole. Andrew went with Nicholas and Kayla to the airport and Serena will travel home with them. Jason is waiting to take them back to Sanctuary, Ryan will be waiting at the farm to give added protection to Nicole. Andrew should be back in the area at any moment, if he is not already back, I know he was anxious to return.”

  “Why isn’t Nicole returning to Sanctuary so that she would be away from Marlena and the imposter?”

  “They believe that she is Lucas’ child and if we had her leave, they may become suspicious, since we don’t know what they set up in the way of communications, we did not want to risk tipping our hand while they still have Jacob. Don’t worry. Victor has some of the same protections as Sanctuary to incapacitate demons if they enter his main farmhouse so that if they are part demon, their stronger powers will be impaired and there will be others with Nicole all the time, she is protected. They won’t leave her and will kill the imposters if something even looks as if it is going wrong.
They are hoping to buy us some time by pretending to all be gathering at Lucas and your farm for an upcoming anniversary celebration. They are even pretending to be waiting for your other children to come home to celebrate. Andrew came up with this story to give us a few days to rescue Jacob and the others before capturing Marlena and that Jacob.

  “Why didn’t Andrew fly back with them? What if Nicholas and Kayla need more help because of the wolf bites?”

  “Nicholas and Kayla were perfectly fine when they left here. I understand that you are worried about them, but their hearts and minds are strong. Andrew is confident that they are fine. Nicole will be safe at the farm. Remember, they have only two that are on the actual lands. The perimeter is being watched and she has plenty of protection inside. Andrew only went to the airport to make sure that our story was holding up and that the children were fully protected before getting on the plane and that the other two did not become suspicious, but he already heard from Martina and called me on the way back. The story is holding up perfectly. Your children are very intelligent. They kept talking about how excited they are to see their cousins and siblings. Marlena and the other one are eating it up. They are salivating at the thought of getting a chance to take out Lucas’ entire family.”

  I hear him sigh. “Mia, Andrew is very concerned that Jacob is out there exposed and doesn’t know we found you. You need to call him and let him know what is going on.”

  Unsure about calling Andrew, especially if he is in a position to stop me, I try to distract Damian. “Is he sure that they are healing alright and Nicole is alright? I know that she didn’t dispel the wolf venom in time and needed help?”

  “She’s fine. I promise you. Andrew would have never left her if there was even a hint that she was in danger, you know that.”

  “I know. How long has it been? I have lost all concept of time between channeling and not being able to see.”

  “It’s been about thirty hours. Have you slept at all or are you working purely off of adrenaline.”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. When I was channeling, I may have drifted off.” I jump as the telephone rings knowing who it is and that they will not lie to him about what is going on. I only hope he will listen to reason..

  “Andrew, how far out are you?...Yes we found her, she’s alive.” Damian places the telephone in my hand.

  “Andrew, are you sure the children are alright?”

  “Nicholas and Kayla are safely on their way to Sanctuary. They are perfectly fine and very strong. Nicole is at Emma’s farm. All the effects of trying to cure Nicholas and Kayla have worn off and she is feeling stronger than ever. She is trying to hide her fear for Jacob so as not to give anything away and Victor is helping her with that. She is also being carefully monitored and watched. She has even mastered a protectionist light similar to yours. She’s amazing, just like her mother.” His voice reflects his pride. “Where are you? Are you at the hospital? I’m almost there.”

  Steadying myself hoping to make him understand that I have to protect Jacob at any cost, I clear my throat. “Andrew, I am just outside of the estate territory, I am going to turn myself over to David in hopes that he will put me in the dungeon with Jacob.”

  “Mia, what are you talking about?” Panic resonates in his tone.

  “Just listen. You know their plan changed, and I’m sure Martina told you that they grabbed Jacob because they saw him transform, but what you don’t know is that a werewolf saved me and his children are also trapped with Jacob. David is threatening to kill the captures and the wolf’s entire pack if I’m not turned over to him so that I cannot interfere with his plans.”


  “No, Andrew listen Elizabeth, the girl that Lucas rescued is actually a powerful werewolf and her pack is here to help rescue our family and impair David’s, but everyone needs time to formulate a plan. David is extremely erratic. He’s placed Jacob in a cage and threatened him. I have to get to him, see if I can placate David and get Jacob to get out of there. I forced Jackson and Damian to take me to the estate. Jacob is afraid to transform and leave Gabriel and Eva. He is terrified of what David will do to them and to him if he gets caught. I’m hoping to convince him that Jackson and Damian are waiting for him and that we will be safe if he leaves. I’m afraid that David has been untouchable because he is also in league with the demons and if he realizes who he has, we could lose him!” I can’t stop the sobs ripping through my chest.

  “Mia, I know that I can’t convince you not to go and I understand you want to protect Jacob, but do you think that by going, it will buy us time with David?”

  “I do. I think it will placate him, especially if he has been in contact with Marlena and they believe the story Jackson told me you came up with, which is brilliant.”

  “Where exactly are you going on the property? I will meet up with you. Mia, if you wait, I can go in with you and get Jacob. I can transform into an insect that you can place in your pocket and I will lead Jacob out and then Jackson and I can return for you and the others?”

  Thinking about this, a question comes to mind. “When you transform, does your scent change or could they detect that someone is with me. I know that after David bit me, they had Marlena bite me so that she would have my scent.”

  “You were bitten!”

  Startled, I drop the phone. “Yes, but I’m fine. Andrew, do you know if you lose your scent?”

  “I don’t know, we can test it out when I arrive. Wait for me. Mia, have you fed since your transformation, otherwise you will get very weak?”

  “I haven’t transformed.”

  “That’s not possible. A bite either transforms you or kills you.”

  “I can’t explain it, but I can still hear my heart beating so I don’t believe that anything has happened to me.”

  “Mia, put Damian on the phone.” His tone is beyond concerned.

  Damian must have heard because his hand grasps the phone. “I can still hear her heart, it is strong and beating. Mia, can I remove your bandage a moment?”

  “Go ahead.”

  His cold hand lifts the side of the bandage and I hear his gasp. “She was definitely bitten.”

  He hands me back the telephone. “Mia, I don’t know how you haven’t transformed, especially since the bite is over twelve hours old, but wait for me.”

  “Andrew, we’re running out of time and I’m sure that David will scrutinize my scent very carefully. I think that it would be best if I went out alone and if you could transform into the eagle that I love so much and fly around the castle, I know that Jacob successfully transformed into a mouse before and I’m sure that I could get him to do it again, especially if he knows that his father is flying overhead.”

  “But if he doesn’t take you to the dungeon, you won’t be able to get him a message.”

  “If Jacob isn’t out within a half hour from your arrival then you will have to risk transforming and getting close to the dungeon, but otherwise, wait until you see him and he is clear enough that you can grab him and get him out of there. Damian and I have a plan that we think can fool David into believing that Jacob is still caged until the plan to get us all out can be solidified. I love you. We stopped, so we are here. I will see you soon.”

  “Mia, I love you too. Be careful, you know if your head or heart becomes damaged you could die. Also, there could be repercussions from that bite. I don’t know why you haven’t transformed, but if it was somehow delayed because you are a witch and it were to happen while you are captive, you’re not drinking right away is going to leave you extremely weak and vulnerable. Have you spoken to Reginald to see if his transformation was delayed because he was a witch first?”

  “Honestly, I haven’t even thought about the issue. I will be fine. I have to go. I’m afraid with each passing moment that David could become more erratic and hurt Jacob. I love you.” Hanging up, I turn my head toward Damian. “Call Lucas and get the number for David so that I ca
n tell him I’m here. Drop me off and then get as far away from here as you can so that he won’t detect you. When I’m gone, come back and wait for Andrew and Jacob.”

  “Mia, are you sure about this and why didn’t you tell Andrew that you are blind?” Consternation resonates in his tone.

  “It wouldn’t change the situation, please just call Lucas and get the number.” I fumble and grab his arm as it occurs to me that if he is with Marlena, it would ruin everything. “Call Grant instead, maybe he knows how I should let David know I have been turned over.”

  “Grant, it’s Damian, did David tell you how to get in touch with him when you turned Mia over. I will tell her.”

  “Mia, go in about fifty paces and then call out to him. Supposedly there will be someone that is coming out to get you. They doubt it will be David, but use his name either way.”

  I feel for the handle and open the door. Damian’s cold hand is on my shoulder. “Mia, you should wait for Andrew. Even if he doesn’t go with you, maybe he could do something to help your sight and at least you could see what is coming at you and hopefully defray any type of attack.”

  “I thought about that, but if he cannot cure my blindness he will try to stop me from going. Damian, David is extremely irrational. When Jacob could not give him the answers he threw the entire cage against the wall. I don’t know how much more he can take. These monsters will kill everyone we love or turn my son over to hell’s gates if they ever realize who he is. I can’t risk that. I need to do whatever I can no matter what the cost to get him out of there. As soon as I get out, speed away so hopefully they don’t catch any type of scent. Tell Andrew I love him again and as soon as he has Jacob, apparate.” Knowing that once I leave the car, I probably will lose my life, I only hope that David will give me a moment with Jacob and I can convince him to go and that Gabriel and the others can get away while he is occupied with me. Because of the misapprehension of who I am, I’m sure David won’t let me live for long.

  As I begin walking, the car’s engine revs and it speeds away. Stumbling over the undergrowth, I fall a few times, before calling out David’s name. I count another three hundred feet, then hit an immovable stone and know that I am flush against one of them.

  Their hands clasp my shoulders. Lifting me from the ground, we are traveling quickly. A gruff, young’s man’s voice cuts through the blustery wind. “I told you I smelled her blood and thought I heard her breathing after Marlena left her for dead. You owe me an extra body in the next hunt.”

  “Who brought you to us?”

  “The wolves followed your orders so you have no reason to attack them anymore.”

  “Did you contact your family?” He inquires and I can hear the threat in his voice.

  “They wouldn’t let me even have a telephone. They followed your orders to the letter so let the children that belong to them go. They will have no more involvement in this if you return their young ones.”

  The next thing I know I’m flying through the air and hit the ground with the thud. “You don’t tell us what to do!”

  Unbearable pain radiates throughout my breaking body, spiking my already palpitating heart and pushing inflamed blood into every crevice of my being making me feel as if I will combust.

  A panicked voice pierces through my pain. “Stop! David said if she was alive to bring her back that way. He wants to see if she can tell him about the boy or if he can use her to get his answers.”

  “Couldn’t we just say they dropped her body off and that she was dead?”

  “You know how good he is with knowing how long a body has been cold.”

  “Yes, but she is already cold since they bit her so what is another dead vampire.”

  I feel their presence as they move right next to me, neither saying a word for what feels like forever. I can’t understand their hesitation, especially if they think I’m a vampire, I wonder why I haven’t felt the flame of a lit match. Finally, and angry voice pulls me from my frozen state. “How did you not know this is an imposter? If we brought her back to David, he would kill us. Kill her now! I’ll tell David the wolves didn’t comply and to kill their children. We need to prepare for an attack and if she is there we have to find her before she interferes with the plan to take out Lucas’ children. I heard Marlena call him and say they are just waiting for the arrival of the rest of his family.”

  “Stop, please I am the one the David is waiting for. The wolves did comply, the young one said he heard my breathing after Marlena bit me, I’m sure he smelled my scent. It hasn’t changed. Please, just take me to David. I’m sure that he will know it’s me.”

  The older one retorts angrily. “Do you really think that we have been around this long because we can be fooled so easily? I can hear your heart beating. If I take you back to David, he’ll kill me. I’m sure that was your plan, have more of us being taken out by our own. You must be with the pack. Do you really think that you will be able to attack us? We took out your scouting party and we will take you out as well.”

  “I am the one David is looking for. I can show you the bite!” Tearing at my neck, I remove the bandage. “Please, no one else has to die! The wolves complied and I haven’t been able to contact anyone. In fact, when David thrust me against a tree, he made me blind. I can’t even see you. Please just turn me over. He’ll probably reward you. Maybe it is another power you are unaware of that stopped my transformation.” I bate. “I do have some interesting powers; just try this one on for size.” I flick my wrist and from the crash know I send one flying.

  My head spins and I feel faint, hanging on the precipice, knowing that if I tip the wrong way, the ones I love can die. “It does smell like her and that is definitely where Marlena bit the woman. She also looks like her.” The uncertainty of the younger’s voice halts my teetering, but will their decision pull me from the edge?

  “You know what he will do to us if we are wrong.” He retorts angrily.

  “I do, but she does look like the woman and her son did transform. What if she is telling the truth and Lucas’ whole family is somehow special and she survived the bite. David will definitely want to know how she did that and what else she can do. Just think about how he would reward us for a find like this. Maybe he would let us hunt a whole family. Because of everything that went wrong, I didn’t get my fill and I am still hungry.” The longing in his voice makes me ill.

  “In truth, so am I. Are you sure it smells like her? What if they did a trick like Marlena, he is in no mood for any more mistakes.”

  “I don’t think they would because we do have her son. I think it is the woman and just think of the gift that we could give David, maybe it would calm him down. He’s pretty upset and you know if the boy doesn’t give him the answers, he is going to take out his frustration first on us in hopes of preserving and cracking those in the dungeon.”

  “Alright, but if it is a trick, I’m going to tell him you forced me to take her.”

  His gruff sigh tells me he is right on top of me. “Fine, but if I’m right, I get the first kill.”


  Jerking me from the hard ground we are traveling at lightning speed. He pushes a door and we are through before it slams shut. I fight to calm my hyperactive heart as I’m thrust blindly into the unknown. I must keep calm and think of a way to get them to take me to Jacob. A woman’s shrill pulls me from my thoughts. “I see the wolves complied.”

  “Where’s David?”

  “I’m not sure. He flew out of here when the scouting party was discovered and hasn’t returned. Throw her in the dungeon with the others and find him. Maybe knowing that the wolves complied will put him in a better mood. Be careful, he is very aggravated with the lack of answers and having to wait for Lucas’ other children to return. You know how much he hates being separated from Marlena.”

  “Well we found another distraction for him. This is the woman they bit, but she didn’t transform, she must be special and prob
ably the reason her son is special. She may be more willing to talk than the boy, because although she is special, she appears to have human physiology that can be damaged easily.” The menace in his voice alerts me that he has plans and is looking forward to testing my limits, but as long as he throws me in the dungeon first and I can get Jacob out, I’ll endure it all. I only hope I last long enough to give the others time to escape.

  “This could give him a very interesting distraction. Maybe we can even watch him tear her apart. Throw her in the dungeon, Shawn and William are on guard, she won’t get past them and find David the sooner he gets in a better mood, the better for all of us.”

  I can’t believe my luck, if they throw me in without chaining me, I can get to Jacob quickly and get him out. With the delay in taking me here, Andrew must be overhead by now. He can grab Jacob as soon as he’s clear and have Damian appear in the cage to fool David when he comes for me.

  Taking in a deep breath, I need to ready myself, move past my fears. Once Jacob is free, it will be better and if I can find a way to occupy David long enough with my supposed talent, the others can escape. Someone grasps my collar, pulling me, grabbing my neck, I struggle to loosen my collar which now feels like a noose around my neck as my legs crash against the long flight of stairs.

  My heart races with joy as I hear the door creek and they toss me inside. My face crashes against the floor and I hear someone gasp, but scramble to my knees as I hear a gruff voice.

  “Lock the door. We’ll be back with David shortly.”

  Moving to I don’t know where as the footsteps retreat, I hear the voice I long for.


  My head whips toward his sound. “Jacob where are you? Keep talking.”

  “Mom, what happened, how did they get you?”

  Moving toward his panicked voice, I finally feel the bars. Reaching in, he throws his arms around me. “Jacob, are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m alright.”

  Hugging him tightly, I whisper as shackles hit the ground around me. The others are making noise to mask our conversation. “Jacob, listen to me, your father is probably flying overhead now and is waiting for you. Everyone is safe, but you need to leave here before David returns. You need to transform into the mouse again and get out of here. Once you are out, uncle Damian will project himself in the cage and we can make his energy look like you so it will look like you are still here. We will follow shortly, but you need to leave now!”

  Mom, the transformation makes me very weak when I come out of it, what if I come out of it before I reach dad and the others are around, they could kill me?”

  I didn’t realize that the transformations make them weak and wonder if that is why Gabriel or Eva did not transform and try to get him out before because then they could not help the others. Taking a deep breath, I make my voice sound confident, even though this new information spikes my fear. “Everything will be fine and your father will make sure that nothing happens to you. You don’t need to transform out of the mouse state until you are safely off of the grounds. Your father can fly with you in his mouth, so don’t worry, everything will be fine and you will be safe.” I hold him tighter, knowing that if he goes, he will be safe and that this will probably be my good-bye to him. “He is waiting for you so I need you to transform. Can you do that for me now? We don’t have a lot of time, they are looking for David now.”

  “Mom, I’m afraid, what if they catch me?”

  “They won’t your father will protect you, you know that.”

  “I know he will, but what about you, I can’t leave you and everyone here. If they discover I’m gone, they’ll kill you.”

  “Jacob, please, no one here will get killed and your father is flying as an eagle overhead. As soon as you clear the window start running and he will come down and get you, I promise you will be fine.” I feel for his face, stroking his cheek. “Jacob I need you to leave so that we can fight David and the others. We have friends coming our way to help us, but you need to leave before they realize who you are. Jacob, please do this for me now so that I can fight without distraction.”

  “Mom, why aren’t you looking at me? What’s wrong?”

  “Jacob, it’s alright, we can talk about that later. Right now, you need to go.”

  “Mom, you can’t see me, can you?”

  His tone tells me that lying to him won’t do me any good and that it is not the last thing I want him remembering about me. “Sweetie, it’s alright, I got hurt and my vision is impaired, but I’m sure it will come back soon. Don’t worry about that now. Do what I told you, please.” Hugging him one last time, his arms move from my back to my head. The most soothing heat emanates from his hands. It is the strangest sensation, passing through my bones. I can feel it reaching my very cells.

  “Jacob, transform now. Dad is waiting and so is uncle Damian. Go quickly so he can take your place. I love you and will see you soon.”

  After an all too short moment, his hands are gone and I can feel his retreat. Relief blossoms in my heart knowing that despite the risk, once he makes it out the window, Andrew will not let anything happen to him. I quietly call to Emma.

  “Mia, turn around on your knees. I am almost directly behind you.” She whispers.

  Turning, I crawl toward her as the vampires outside yell “Stop the racket.”

  They stop immediately. We don’t want them in before Damian arrives. Stretching, I feel Emma’s hair. Placing my lips close to her ear, I tell her about Damian’s appearance and Reginald’s instructions to keep the image strong and solid to fool David if Damian is unable to do it on his own. Knowing Gabriel and Eva can hear, I tell her the others are coming.

  I need to get to Julianne and Paul to let them know that their father survived and is on his way. “Julianne” I called out.

  “I’m here. Who are you?”

  “Keep talking.” As I get closer, she shuffles her feet. “Your father is alive and coming back for you, he is working with Elizabeth, just hold on. Don’t do anything to get them angry. I am going to try to distract David.

  “What about my mother, did she make it back?”

  Not wanting to upset her when she needs to focus and avoid inciting them, I can’t say too much. “Your father rescued me and then was isolated because the pack was nervous that they may have been fooled into taking someone in who is in league with David, so I don’t really know what happened to your family.”

  “Mia, he’s here.”

  I scoot backwards to be near the cage again and hear Julianne gasp and then whisper to Paul. “That’s not possible.”

  “It must be, you see him too.”

  “We have him.” Heat from my elation warms my being and a genuine smile threatens to split my face in two. No matter what else happens, my children will be safe. Hearing the distant voices, I shut down, if they look in, they must see fear and desperation, I still need to give the others an opportunity to escape.

  The voices are closer. “You fools, just because she is a witch that doesn’t mean she could survive a bite. Marlena and I were very powerful witches before we changed. She has to be an imposter.”

  The door hits the wall. Instantaneously, the cage screeches across the floor, crashing into another.

  Gabriel yells. “You’re going to kill him. Stop!” I scream out Jacob’s name hoping to help in the charade.

  David grabs the back of my hair, pulling me to my feet. His nose skims my neck near the wound as he inhales deeply. “The scent is the same and she does look like the woman I changed Marlena into.”

  Thrusting me forward, my head smacks the concrete floor, pain radiates excruciatingly through my body, I can barely concentrate. “It can’t be her.” He is becoming more irate by the moment. I need him to move away from the others.

  “I…” He’s on me, his sharp teeth graze across my neck over the bite that they had left, tearing it open anew. The blood spurts, I can feel him drink, and then he’s o
ff me. “Marlena and I definitely bit her there. I taste Marlena’s lips and teeth in the bite marks. Grab her and follow me, we will see what happens to her and get our answers.” They grab my collar once more. Automatically, my hand whips up holding the seam, right before they drag me across the cold, hard floor. Gabriel and Eva scream “No” while pulling at their shackles.

  The door slams and I am like a rag doll being dragged as my legs again whack the stairs. The darkness veiling my visions is becoming lighter and lighter. Hazy, yellowing concrete walls pass swiftly by, along with statutes of armor and large ornate oil paintings. The lights are dim. The doors are dark wood and closed. A tall, burly vampire brings up the rear. He appears nervous and is staring at the one dragging me.

  My pounding heart speeds the blood flow from my neck. I must calm down, I must calm down. I repeat my mantra, I need to slow my anxious heart, drag out my death to give the others time. I’m gone anyways, the least I can do for all they have given me is to fight to give them time.

  From everything I heard from David, he likes to see the fear in someone’s eyes as he drains their life force. I know when I cannot provide him answers, he will thoroughly enjoy watching me die slowly, unless his temper gets the better of him and he just throws me against the wall a few more times, which will hasten my death from blunt force trauma. My mind drifts momentarily and I’m not sure which outcome I’m hoping for.

  The one carrying me rushes through the only open door, knocks me to the floor just before standing by the opening.

  David pulls me up by my hair as his long fingers dig into the open wound on my neck. Screaming out in pain, trying to recoil from his grasp, he digs in deeper and then slowly brings his bloodied fingers to his lips before placing them in his mouth. “Still human”

  Digging in once more, I scream again, but cannot even move a muscle, he has locked me into place. “Tell me what you are really to survive a vampire bite or I promise you the pain you are feeling now will be nothing compared to the pain and suffering I will inflict upon you. You want to tell me, you want to spare yourself the pain, you want your death and the death of your loved ones to be quick and painless.”

  Staring into my eyes, his pupils grow larger and smaller. Despite the throbbing, my spiked adrenaline clears my mind. He is trying to hypnotize me in some way, yet I do not feel influenced at all. Digging his nails deeper, he lifts me by my shoulder and sends me sailing through the air. Crashing into a chair, I am surprised and grateful for the landing considering I expected to be propelled into a wall. David licks his fingers and then is instantly upon me grabbing my arm and digging his long nail into it causing yet another gash. “Tell me what I want to know or you will bleed to death slowly and we will feast upon your corpse.”

  His words churn in my mind and I know how I can draw out my death. “You’re going to kill me and my family anyway. Why should I tell you anything that would give you more power to continue your terrorizing ways?”

  His features turn slowly from irate to cold and calculating as my words register with him. As they transform, I can’t help but stare, something about his face seems so familiar, but I cannot determine quite what it is. Moving from me, he stops at a table, picks up a wine decanter and a beautiful crystal goblet and pours himself a drink of what I assume is blood. My stomach lurches as he holds his hand over the goblet allowing the remnants of my blood to drip slowly from his fingers to drip, mixing with the liquid.

  Looking at me, a slow feral smile touches his lips and he moves toward an antique, overstuffed leather chair before an oversized fireplace. Snapping his fingers, a roaring fire instantly appears.

  Sniffing the glass like a wine connoisseur would sniff the bouquet of an expensive wine, he takes a sip. “Mia is it?”

  “Yes.” I reply softly.

  “You know there is no chance of your escaping. Although you think that you are powerful, you’re not. I sent you flying across the woods with a mere flick of my wrist. You are no match for me, especially since you are human. Your kind’s physiology is so frail you know.” He shakes his head in mock sympathy. “I don’t know how you survived being bitten, but all that means to me is that I get to enjoy a tasty treat if you displease me.

  He pauses, letting the words sink in as he takes a slow swig. “You and your son do have something that I want. You look like a civilized person and I’m sure that you must have been fooled into marrying Lucas. He is very weak and no match for our kind, not really. He doesn’t like the kill. You know we will kill him for the plague he brought upon my land which killed his wife and my sister. He left her here to die, his own wife, just like he has left you here with me to die. He is a coward and that will cost him his life. Obviously you and your son are very talented and much more than just a witch and half vampire. I know the source of your son’s power must come from you. Lucas couldn’t even make a strong vampire, so I am sure there is absolutely nothing that he contributed to your children. Your son did not even scream as I threw him across the room despite my hearing his bones crack. I’m sure his vampire side has cured them however, but that wouldn’t allow him to transform, not the way he did. It was not a trick, he was really a mouse and then a man. I could smell the changes in him.”

  He pauses, waiting for me to speak. If I stay calm and see where this change may lead, maybe I can keep him talking long enough for everything to fall into place. “What would be my incentive besides you’re not killing me to tell you anything?” My voice sounds weak, probably from the loss of blood, but deliberate.

  He’s upon me immediately, grabbing my wrist, holding it over the goblet allowing the blood to drip in. “No sense in wasting good blood.” When the cup is filled, he hands me a tapestry cloth. “You should tie it off or you will bleed to death before we have an opportunity to finish our conversation.”

  His voice turns icy. “I’m sure that you love your children and know that our plans were to wipe you, Lucas and your family out because of what your cowardly husband did to my family and the plague which he brought upon my land after we spent centuries eradicating this nuisance from our continent.” Pausing, his voice turns gentle. “I am curious about something though and wonder if you would tell me.”

  “Try me.”

  “Did Lucas know he was saving a powerful werewolf when he rescued her?” I’m surprised at his change in tact, but anything to delay the inevitable.

  “You may not believe me, but Lucas never meant you any harm. All he wanted to do was leave and get his kill off of the land. He just couldn’t live hunting people. All he rescued that day was a little girl. She was not a werewolf at the time. It was actually you who made Elizabeth the powerful werewolf she is today by killing her family.”

  “I did hear that, although I’m surprised that you would tell me.”

  Realizing I gave away too much, I wonder if I could use it to my advantage. “I told you, I am interested in whether or not you and I could come to some deal considering your desire to acquire information that can be used against your enemies.”

  His features turn contemplative. “I’m sure you are aware that after I saw what your son could do our plans changed slightly. That is why he is still alive and Marlena hasn’t done anything to those you love at home.”

  Wanting to keep him intrigued for as long as possible thinking I’m strong in ways he is not, I decide to push my luck and entice him with the only trick that I could possibly attempt, since I have no real answers nor would I ever tell him anything that could remotely place my children at risk. “Don’t lie to me David that is not the way to start negotiations.”

  I try to sound strong and determined, but in my weakened state, my voice waivers. “Marlena hasn’t done anything because she is awaiting the return of the rest of my children before she attacks.”

  His widening eyes betray his shock and I seize my opportunity.

  “Yes, I know why she is waiting, so don’t try to fool me. I also know something else that you have done.” <
br />
  Curiosity rages igniting flickering flames in his eyes. I sit back, watching him silently as this information sinks in.

  “I know you have not contacted your family. She is carefully monitoring that and has not left Nicole or Lucas’ side since they departed this land. Amelia assured me that the wolves refused to even allow you close to a telephone before she returned you to our land. She would not lie to me for fear of losing more family members. She, out of all of them, is very clear on what we have done to her family and what we will do if they interfere with us ever again, so how did you know this?”

  It’s my turn to be shocked. I didn’t realize he had direct contact with Grant’s sister, but thankfully he appears to be under the misapprehension that the wolves brought me back onto the land and never lost control over me.

  The longer he stays focused on me, the better the chances of our attack and their escape, so I continue my rouse. “When Marlena bit me, I connected to her tying us together. Not only can I feel her when I channel, but I also know her thoughts. When she arrived at our home, she learned of the anniversary gathering that we are having and the return of my other children to celebrate. She contacted you to let you know that she would not do anything until they arrive and then she promised to wipe out my entire family and my husband. She promised she would not fail you and would even try to learn the source of our power before taking them out.” His eyes grow colder, sterner, but still betray his shock. After a moment, they also betray his desire and longing to possess this type of power.

  “Do your other children possess such powers?”

  “Are we bargaining David?”

  “We could be.” He notes calculatingly. “You do appear to have something to offer me that I don’t have.” Suddenly, he doubles over grasping his stomach. Straightening himself, his features appear confused, afraid even before turning steely.

  “Tell me how did your son transform from that mouse into himself, the only ones who have ever been able to transform were the wolves and even they used to be governed by the full moon.”

  I decide to try something hoping to peak his intrigue with just me for now. “David, you haven’t offered me anything in trade for such information. Besides, that is not what you really want to know. You want to know if my son’s transformation was real and if that is how he escaped when you had his cousins. You want to know if his transformation is not an illusion the way your transformation was all those years ago when you made yourself appear as Lucas to seek revenge against Elizabeth or the way you are now trying to fool my family into believing the illusion of Marlena and whomever you sent to portray my son is real.”

  His resolve slips and features waiver, my gamble is working and he is considering my words. In his distraction, I loosen the tourniquet knowing he won’t be able to resist coming back for more blood.

  His nose flares, he rises and is upon me, grabbing my arm again allowing the blood which is once again flowing to fill his goblet. Pulling me closer to him, his voice turns harsh. “I am offering you your life. Now tie that tightly, you cannot afford to keep me fed, although I do appreciate your noble attempt at a distraction.”

  It’s strange, but at this moment, he is not at all the irrational individual I heard all day. He seems more refined, calmer. I tighten the band as he returns to his seat. “Since you know about the replacement of your son, tell me, is your Jacob also tied to my Alexander?”

  “Again you are seeking answers but all you offer me is my life. My life is meaningless if you are going to take my family from me, so why don’t you release my son, he can’t give you what you want, only I can. Release him and the others and then you and I can talk.”

  Taking a slow, long sip, he appears to be contemplating his next move. “If I release the others, I lose a very valuable bargaining chip and your incentive to give me what I want.”

  “David, stop toying with me. You still have Marlena and the other one at my home with my other children and husband. Knowing what you are capable of, I’m sure that they would take out my family before I could even find a phone to warn them. Consider my offer. In fact as an incentive, I will even answer one of your questions. My son is not capable of reading the thoughts of your Alexander. He is young and you know how young ones can be.”

  “Yes, but if I release them, they could warn your family.”

  “David, my family is an ocean away. You know those in the dungeon don’t have cell phones. Even if you were to release them, it will be hours before they are even off your vast estate. If I don’t give you your answers within the first ten minutes, not only would you be able to recapture those you freed, but you would be able to wipe out my entire family.”

  He stares silently at me, hopefully considering my offer. If I could get Gabriel and the others at least moving, they would have a better chance at being saved when the others arrive. David blurs before me as fog creeps into every facet of my system, I’m becoming weaker with each passing moment and wonder if it is only because of the loss of blood and lack of food or sleep or if I am actually going through the transformation Andrew warned me about.

  “Henry, Anthony go and release our captures from the dungeon but take her son to me.”

  “That was not the deal I offered you.” My insides are spinning out of control, as soon as they reach for Jacob, they will know it is an illusion and kill the others.

  He is out of his seat and upon me before I can even register his movement. Loosening my tourniquet, he pierces the wound with his talon like nails and extracts yet another goblet of blood. “Mia, I have shown you a courtesy and yet you play games with me. I will release the others because they are of no use to me and for that you will give me the information I desire or watch your son suffer knowing that your other children will suffer the same.” He grasps my chin, pulling my face up to his. “If you do give me the information without trouble, I may consider allowing you and your children to live and show me what other talents and tricks you have learned as my special guests. Do not trifle with me. I’m sure that my family would be all too happy to hear me call a hunt upon your friends if you should fail to give me what I want while I torture and feast upon your half-breed as you lay there helpless forced to watch the life force slowly escape from his eyes and the last scream escape his soon to be muted lips.” Releasing my chin, he flicks his wrist causing my body to fly across the room.

  Hitting the wall, I gasp, but not out of pain, the two have returned grasping Jacob. I can’t understand it, he escaped. Damian told me he was safely with Andrew. My head spins wildly. I can barely hear the others speaking. “We let them go, they are fast, but you have about an hour before they will reach wolf territory even at full speed.”

  “Gather the others and follow them. Henry, you stay with me. If I do not get my answers in five minutes, catch up to the others and you can enjoy the hunt on at least the two wolves and the witch. Just dispose of the two vampires.”

  I panic. Why would they allow Jacob to come back? Andrew would never risk him like that. He must have escaped from Andrew, but how and what am I going to do? I have no answers, David is not naïve and can’t be fooled by any parlor tricks of mine and my son will pay the price. Crawling, I try getting closer to Jacob in hopes of casting some sort of spell that will deflect David long enough for Jacob to run again.

  David is upon me, pulling me off the floor. “Now tell me about your special talents Mia. Tell me how your son transformed and how you have not become a vampire. What are you really?”

  My eyes glance toward Henry whose fidgeting in anticipation of David ordering the hunt. I propel myself with hands outstretched hoping to repel David while yelling to Jacob. “Run, Jacob, now out the window.” David goes back, but quickly recovers and is upon me instantly, the goblet disintegrating in his hands which grasp my neck. About to thrust my head into the floor, he stops stunned, and stares at his hand. I feel a sticky ooze dripping down along my clavicle and wonder if he reopened my head gash.
  He cries out startling us both. “It’s not possible.” As he gathers his wits, he yells to Henry. “Kill them all.” Henry is out the door in a flash. Unexpectedly, Jacob hurls himself through the air at David.

  “Jacob, run!”

  The next moment, I know my eyes cannot be registering what they see. Flying through the air, it is not Jacob, but Andrew, his eyes fierce. Knocking David off of me, he tosses him across the room. Instantly, I am in his arms and we are at the door. Stunned, I can barely speak. “Where’s Jacob?”

  “He’s safe, don’t worry. Try not to talk. You are losing blood. Tie the tourniquet tighter. As we sped across the grounds, I hear vicious growls, screams for assistance and spells being cast all around us.

  “What about the others?”

  I don’t know how you got them to come down and release them, but that was brilliant. You will have to tell me later. They were out the door as I was brought up to you. I’m sure they got the children out and that Gabriel, Eva and Emma are fighting with the others. Mia, please don’t talk, your heart rate is extremely erratic and I need you to focus on calming it down. Everyone will be...” We are hit from behind, crashing toward the cold, hard ground. I hear a crunch, but feel no pain. Andrew is wrapping himself around me tightly, rolling. By protecting me, he is making himself vulnerable. I hear his grunts and the breaking of some bones.

  “Andrew, let me go, I’ll be alright.” He doesn’t, so I struggle. Finally he releases me, but stays close. With my hands freed, I gather the energy and repel the vampire attacking us. Picking me up again, Andrew starts running.

  A familiar voice bellows. “Andrew stop running, it will be fine.”

  Andrew halts as Reginald comes beside us, tossing the vampire who crashed into us at least one hundred feet into the air sending him crashing down before a wolf. The wolf drags him into the woods.

  “Andrew, get Mia back into the estate. The woods are crawling with our people, Elizabeth’s people and wolves from the neighboring land. They mistakenly attacked Gabriel and two of my men. I can smell Mia’s blood and hear her weakened heart. Emma told me she can’t see and was bitten. It’s too dangerous for you to be traveling now with everyone on the grounds. Emma took the children and is hiding in one of the rooms with Eva, see if you can find them. I know you will find this impossible to believe, but the estate is the safest place to be right now until I can gather some more of my people. We will come for you. Alone you are too vulnerable and the closer you get to the drop off area, the more wolves you will encounter who are afraid and out of control.”

  Turning, he runs back with us.

  “How many are on the grounds?” Andrew inquires.

  “There are twenty of my people. Elizabeth brought fifteen and I don’t know how many from the other pack. Elizabeth’s men are staying close to my people because two of my men got attacked near the drop off point by another wolf’s pack who were attacked just before Mia was dropped off.”

  “What about Gabriel, is he alright?”

  “He is fine. They roughed him up, but Grant’s children turned on their own and knocked them down to protect Gabriel and Eva and then ran with them and Emma. They are just waiting for my people to get all together and then they will leave.”

  “Do you really think it was safe for them to return to the estate?”

  “I didn’t like sending them back there, but honestly, I was more afraid to have them out here on their own with everyone out of control and not knowing each other. Emma is very strong and I sent Cecil, their way. I’m sure she has found them and that between all of them they will be fine until I can get the others to them. I think that it would be best if we stuck together and tried to leave as a group, this way, no matter who we encounter, we will have our bases covered. I only need a few moments. We only broke up into three groups. It shouldn’t take me long to find them, they were heading toward the estate anyway. Mia, do you know how many were in there?”

  “Honestly, no, but I did hear David give some of them the order to gather the others and follow Gabriel, so they would be ready to attack them if I didn’t give him what he wanted.”

  That’s good. They must have been the group that scattered when the wolves began to attack. We saw them as we were running toward Emma.

  “Do you think that there were any more in the estate?”

  Before I answer, several blood curdling howls rip through the atmosphere and Reginald is gone. Andrew runs quickly back to the estate. Hopefully we are not heading into disaster. Andrew is hurt, I am weak and if David is still in the house, I doubt we could fight him off successfully. “Andrew what if there are others in the house?”

  “Mia, it’s alright. We will be fine. Reginald is right. With the wolves out to kill all of the vampires, we need to leave as a group, it is safer that way. We just need to find the right side of the estate that they are in. I’m sure that Eva is at the window ready to have the others jump from it if anything goes wrong. They would never allow themselves to get trapped in there again. They are ready for an attack and are probably hiding in a room no higher than the second floor with at least two windows so that they can get everyone out if necessary. Circling the building, my heart rate accelerates with fear considering what we may encounter. Taking in a deep breath, hoping to calm it, instead my head begins spinning wildly and I wonder if I am going through the conversion now or if my body is finally registering the pain and loss of blood. My peripheral vision is obliterated by the encroaching darkness and I fear my blindness is returning. As my heart rate spikes, I quickly pierce my lips so my fears do not surreptitiously escape to compound and already overwhelming situation. Somewhere, my conscious registers that Andrew has run around two sides of the building and is leaping up to a second story window with me in his arms. I register a room full of familiar faces before my vision fails and my consciousness fades.

  Resurfacing, I feel Andrew’s hands at the back of my head exuding that same strange, yet comforting heat. A moment later, the veil is lifted from my eyes and my vision is clearer than before. Trying to sit up, his hands move gently towards his lips and mine before they are at my ear, speaking softer than a gentle breeze. “Mia, don’t move, you are healing, but there is activity in the hallway and they seem panicked. Something is happening.”

  My eyes dart around the room. Grant’s children are at the two windows with Eva, while Gabriel and the others are at the two doors. Emma is mumbling with her hands outstretched before one door, while Cecil is at the other.

  My voice is barely a whisper. “What are they doing?”

  “They’re chanting a repellant spell to keep the door immovable.”

  Eva moves to Andrew’s side. “Reginald is here with the others. They’re outside.”

  He enters through the window and Grant’s children jump out. Moving to take Cecil’s place, she jumps out. I’m shocked as he opens the door slightly and appears to be listening. Andrew lifts me. As we walk toward the window, Reginald joins us. In a hushed tone, “Mia, what spell did you cast upon David?”

  My eyes tear up meeting his which rage with curiosity. “I tried to repel him, but that didn’t work.”

  “Mia, you had to do something else, the three remaining vampires in the house are frantic, David is bleeding and they swear they can hear a heart beating within him.”

  Andrew answers before I can. “Reginald you know that’s not possible. If everyone is together, we have to leave.”

  “Go on ahead, I’ll catch up.”

  I grab his hand. “Reginald, come with us, you can’t stay here. It’s dangerous. If the wolves enter, they will mistake you for one of David’s clan, you could be killed. Elizabeth and the others are bent upon the destruction of every last member on this estate.”

  “There probably aren’t many left around the estate. They were either killed or escaped. The only ones left are the three that entered shortly before Steven’s group joined us and David. If what they are saying is true,
I have to investigate. Nothing like this has ever happened and probably will never happen again.”

  “Reginald, please, it is not a good idea.”

  He places his hand upon mine causing a very strange feeling to course through me. I feel better than well all of a sudden. “Mia, I will be fine, you know I can’t pass up gathering new information about our kind. I need to see this David for myself, see if what they are claiming is real. I will be quick, I promise and then I will meet up with you. I just need to see this for myself.”

  Knowing all he risked for me in the past, I can’t leave him alone in this. “Andrew we can’t leave him. You know what would happen if the wolves find him.”

  Cecil jumps back through the window. “What is keeping you?”

  “Cecil, take the others and go. I overheard the others, David is bleeding and they hear a heartbeat.”

  Her features turn to stone as she grabs his hand. “Reginald, you know that is not possible, this curse is not reversible. We cannot bleed and our heart stops for all eternity the day darkness engulfs us.”

  “I know what you are saying, but what if what they are panicked over is happening. I can’t leave such a question unanswered. You know that this is what so many of our kind have been searching for through the millennia. If there is even the remotest possibility, I cannot leave.”

  I hear her resigned sigh. “Go, find this David. We will keep the others at bay. Be quick, the sooner we leave, the better, we have three wounded, two dead and don’t forget three of his got back into the estate.”

  “Thank you.”

  My pleading eyes meet Andrew’s. “We can’t leave him, we know where David is and if he is hurt, he probably hasn’t left.”

  “Mia, do you even feel strong enough to move around? You lost a lot of blood. Even though your wounds are healed and I increased your body’s rate of replacing what you lost, I’m sure you are still very weak.”

  “I feel fine. I’m sure once we take him to David he will quickly see that it is not possible. Andrew please I don’t want to leave him here alone.”

  He turns to Reginald. “Alright, we’ll take you to him, but Reginald once you see it is not possible, we have to leave quickly.”

  He places his hand on Andrew. “Thank you.”

  The others are back now too, Gabriel must have heard. “Let’s go, we all stay together.”

  We travel through the hall quickly. I don’t know why, but I’m surprised Andrew remembers where we were.

  Entering, no one is there. Reginald moves inside more and leans down where David fell after Andrew knocked him off me. He inhales deeply and mutters to himself. “This is not possible. It can’t be.” Pain contorts his features. He sweeps his hand across the rug and brings now bloodied fingertips to his nose. Rising, he is out of the room in a flash. We follow, Andrew keeping me close. Outside, Andrew practically lifts me, plastering me to his hip as we hurriedly cross the land.

  We finally stop near a cottage with an abundant field. Reginald moves slowly now, finally stopping before a man crouched over tomato plants. Falling to his knees, Reginald is at eye level with David. As David turns toward him, I see tomato juice dripping from his mouth. I cannot make sense of the scene before me. Vampires do not eat and Reginald is extending a shaking hand out to touch David whose eyes dart between Reginald and our group wildly. He looks as if he has aged a century. He is a frail and withering shadow of the man who is aging before our eyes, but I know without a doubt that it is David.

  As the darkness from his black eyes fade, turning them blue, his voice is a shattered echo. “How is this possible?” Thinking he means what is happening to him, I nearly sink to the floor hearing what he says next.

  “I should have known brother that one of yours would be the downfall to this existence. I heard the rumors of you fighting our kind and all that you accomplished. I guess it was all true. But tell me, how? Grant me this one last wish brother. How did she make me human again?”

  If Andrew wasn’t holding me up, I would once again be acquainted with the cold, unwelcoming ground. Reginald appears frozen for what seems like hours, but I know is only moments. “Why? I don’t understand, I thought you were dead. How could you turn into this? How could you do this Sebastian?”

  His eyes turn back to black and his tone turns cold, maybe even maniacal. “Balance brother, for everyone good, there must be someone evil. The day we were ambushed you continued on a good path and I converted into a vessel for hell.” Holding the tomato to his lips, he bites it once more. “I forgot how wonderful food could be.” Before even swallowing, he is gone. Reginald is immobilized for the longest time then finally turns to us. “Quick, someone get a container with a cover.”

  A moment later, someone returns with a jug. Reginald’s nail grazes David’s arm opening a vein. Placing David’s arm over the opening, he collects David’s blood before handing the container to Cecil. “Keep it cold, it may give us answers.”

  Lifting David’s body, he moves forward. “We need to leave.”

  We travel in silence. Andrew carries me, but appears as stunned as the rest of us. As reason returns to me, the realization that the danger is not over hits me. “We have to contact the others, if they try to reach David or if the ones who were in the estate contact them, they will kill Nicole.”

  One of Reginald’s party hands Gabriel a cell phone. He speaks softly. “Ryan it’s Gabriel have them capture Mia and Jacob, we are all fine. Call me back at...” Eva almost crashes into him as he halts. “What happened, say it again.”

  My blood runs cold as Andrew and the others stop.

  “Are you absolutely sure? I’ll call you back shortly.”

  Andrew turns to Gabriel. “What’s going on?”

  “The one who was Jacob has been destroyed. He tried to attack the others when their Mia began screaming that it had to be a trick and demanded to know what they did to her.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The one who was Mia keeled over in pain and Ryan says her heart is beating. She is being well guarded, but they can’t understand what is going on. They think it is some kind of a trick.”

  “Where is Nicole? Is she safe?” I ask panicked.

  “She is fine. When that Jacob began to lose control, Catherine got Nicole out of there. She is on her way back to Sanctuary with your children, Emma. Victor wanted them off the grounds as well. Relief registers in her eyes and we being moving forward again.

  We’re back in the woods and have covered about half a mile when angry growls rip through the trees as menacing wolves surround us about to attack. One bursts through the tees, transforming and running towards our party. Paul and Julianne run towards him, throwing themselves at him and hugging him fiercely. Putting me down, Andrew slips me behind him. Standing stalk still, some of the others slowly transform, coming out from behind the trees to join us. A woman moves towards Reginald, her nostrils flair before her facial features freeze.

  After a moment, she moves closer, inhaling deeply. Her eyes scan David and then focus on Reginald. “Is this him?” The surprise in her voice is unmistakable.

  “Yes.” He responds quietly.

  Her eyes tear away from his as she grabs David’s arm. “Is this some type of a trick to get us to leave?” She retorts coldly.

  “This is no trick. Feel free to search the grounds, you will not find the one you are looking for because this is him, but be advised, there were still three in the estate when we left and I don’t know if the ones who had run off will return.”

  Her eyes scan David once more before she grabs his other arm, slits his skin and brings the open wound up to her nose. Dropping it, she jumps back.

  A man comes behind her, putting his hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  She turns to him, disbelief evident in her features as he enfolds her in an embrace. Her voice is soft, but audible. “It’s his scent, I can smell it in the blood, but that’s impossible

  The man steps before her, shielding her, the way Andrew is shielding me, his eyes cold and fierce. He motions for the others with them to back off. “What are you people?”

  I pull myself around Andrew, who holds me close to his side. “We are just a family who wants to go home and these are our friends who helped save my son and some of your own.”

  The man who was hugging his children moves toward me. “I’m glad that you are alright. My children told me that you negotiated their freedom. Thank you.” He hugs me.

  “Thank you for coming back for me when you did. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. He glances at Andrew. “Grant, this is my husband, Andrew.”

  Andrew releases me and they shake hands. “Thank you for all you did to help Mia.”

  Elizabeth moves closer to us finally. “Grant it looks as if we are done here now that David is dead. I think it is best if we leave here. Although the others are nothing without him, I have some men in need of medical attention and do not want to risk encountering any problems.”

  Andrew interjects. “If you accompany us back to the hospital, I’m sure that we could treat your men.”

  Her features reveal her shock. “You’re physicians?”

  “Yes we were working at a local hospital here with Lucas before this all started.”

  Her eyes light up. “Is he at the hospital now?”

  “No, he returned to the states to fool the woman pretending to be my wife into thinking we lived on a farm.”

  “How is he doing? Is he happy?”

  “I hope so. He’s married to my sister.” He laughs. “He is also a doctor and has been working with us intermittently over the centuries at a hospital we established in Maine and has now settled there.”

  “When you see him could you let him know that I could never thank him enough for saving me that night and that I didn’t stay with Florence because I was ungrateful for all he did, I just desperately missed my mother and it was comfortable with her. I heard him return one night, in fact I saw him, but I wasn’t ready to leave the possibility of feeling safe with a family instead of hiding out waiting to be caught by someone.” She sounds wistful.

  Andrew’s features soften. “Elizabeth, Lucas wanted you to stay with Florence. He understood completely and knew that he could never give you a normal life. All he ever wanted for you was to be safe and happy. I’m sure that he would love to hear from you. When we return, we could get your men healed and ready to travel back home and give him a call.”

  Traveling back, I didn’t realize Andrew dialed Jacob. “Jacob it’s dad we have mom and everything is alright. I’ll put her on.”

  “Jacob, are you alright?”

  “I am now that you are out of that awful place too. Mom I can’t believe you came for me when you couldn’t see.”

  “Honey, I would come for you anywhere and in any condition. I’m just so glad that you are safe.”

  “Mom, I just spoke to Nicole, she is fine too. She arrived at Sanctuary a few minutes ago and already saw Nicholas and Kayla. Where are you?”

  “We are leaving the estate and heading toward the hospital, some people who came to help us got hurt. Are you there?”

  “No, I’m at St. Stevens with Uncle Jackson. They didn’t want to return to the hospital, they didn’t think it was a good idea. Is Uncle Gabriel, Aunt Eva and Emma alright or did they get hurt?”

  “They are fine. Some of the people who came to help us from around here got hurt. I will be there as soon as I can. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I am, but I’m really sorry you got hurt mom. Do you think you will ever be able to see again?” His voice betrays how upset he is thinking I’m hurt.

  “Jacob, I can already see again. You are amazing. I could...” I stop knowing it is not wise to reveal anything to those surrounding them, despite all of their help.

  “Mom, are you alright?”

  “Yes, we are traveling back with the others. I will see you soon. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Mom, hold on, uncle Jackson wants to talk to you.”

  Knowing he wants to speak with Eva, I hand her the telephone. The cars come into view as she hangs up.

  We travel back with Eva, Gabriel, Emma and Reginald. Andrew cradles me in his lap as Gabriel drives. Emma is on the telephone with Victor. As my head lay on Andrew’s shoulder, I drift in and out of sleep. Reginald’s hand moves to my shoulder and he is asking me what happened between me and David, but Andrew interjects. “Why don’t we wait on that and give her some time to recuperate.”