Read Secrets of Sanctuary Hospital Andrew and Mia's Encounter Page 2

  Chapter Ten - The Final Reveal


  Note To The Reader


  Our friends and family gather as the graying twilight sky blankets the waning crystal clear day. My father guides me down the aisle as the gentle waves roll toward the white sand. Searching through the sea of serene faces, my gaze finally rests upon his sparkling eyes which glisten with satisfaction as he waits for me below the flowery lattice. Placing my hand in his, the world around us seems to disappear. A triumphant smile lifts the corners of his lips as he places the ring on my finger. He draws me closer as the officiate pronounces us husband and wife. “You may kiss Satan’s mistress.”

  His eyes flare and the world around me turns to an inferno, heat and flames spring all around. The flowered lattice transforms into a thorny cage crawling with serpents. My eyes dart to the ocean which is now a fiery lava pit with fierce flaming creatures springing into the ashen air and crawling toward the shore. My once white dress is red as blood and the realization of who Jonathan is and what was always holding me back finally pushes to the forefront of my once shrouded mind.

  My eyes scan the rising flames only to find the tortured faces of the St. Cloud family which I had once forgotten and my loving children. Wriggling out of his arms, my flesh rips away as I throw myself through the prickly cage and run toward my family’s engulfing inferno, desperate to pull them from this torturing abyss. Raising my hands, I gasp at the new born nestled in my arms whose eyes burn brighter than the flames around us and whose face is darker than any demon I fought against. Despite my horror, I cannot drop him. I need to save him too from this hell. I can’t believe that my children and the St. Clouds are being made to suffer because of my failure. Their torture is not right, not just, and not fair. It is one thing to claim me because I am not strong enough to remember who I was before the decision to end my existence with Andrew to right a wrong, but quite another to claim the innocent lives of those who my sacrifice has already hurt.

  They need to be returned to the life that was not supposed to change with my absence. Michael promised me that my decision to ensure Eva’s life would not end to save mine would not place my children in harm’s way and would not end Andrew’s existence. As the child scrambles to cling to my chest, I thrust my hands into the fire. The excruciating pain rips through every nerve cell, but I do not care. As my hands burn, I grab Nicole but cannot budge her from the fires that threaten to consume her. Struggling, fear grips my heart. How can I pull them free before nothing remains of my arms but ash? This cannot be happening!

  A voice calls to me. Jacob has somehow escaped his blazing confinement and grabs my arm, wrenching it from Nicole and the fire.

  “Mom, let go, it’s alright; it is only a dream. You can open your eyes, everyone is safe, trust me please.” He pleads.

  My eyes fly open. I am in the living room. Jacob and Andrew are holding me as the others look on, their faces wrought with concern. Alexander is crying in the kitchen as Eva instructs Jackson to warm a bottle.

  The light pink hew shining in from the window tells me it is early morning. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake everyone up.”

  Jacob hugs me. “Mom, we’re just glad you’re here, we missed you so much.” They move closer.

  “I’m sorry that I left you. I never meant to hurt you, it’s just…”

  Kayla crawls next to me. “Mom, we know why you did it.” I look at her stunned. “Dad explained everything a little while ago. We’re just glad that Jacob could get you out of your dream, it sounded pretty bad.”

  I hug her closer and put my arms around the children. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you like that.” Then I turn to Jacob. “Were you in my dream?”

  “Not really, Aunt Eva saw what you were dreaming, and I don’t know how, but because of the connection you opened between us, I could project myself there. I didn’t see what you were seeing, but I could get the message that she told me to tell you in your dream and it helped you wake up.”

  His power and ability to cross so many lines at such a young age stuns me. My body relaxes as Eva enters with Alexander whose perfect features in no way resemble the impairments of my nightmare.

  Looking around the room, I am overwhelmed by the warring emotions struggling in me as guilt over what I put my children through the past several months slams into the outpouring of love from Andrew and my family. Although my reasoning at the time seemed solid, looking into their eyes, I see past their joy to what I cost them, not only did I force them to grow up so quickly, but I left them without a mother in a time of turmoil for what I believed would be forever. Pulling them closer to me, my emotions well up causing a lump in my throat that I must force back down to speak. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for everything that I did to our family; I don’t know how you can ever forgive me for putting you through that.”

  Andrew interrupts. “Mia, stop now. You made the only choice you could. You could never let someone else die for you. We are just happy that we have all been granted the miracle of a second chance at our family. There is no room for guilt and because of your choice we were rewarded, our family has grown and we have you and Eva with us. Our family has never been stronger. We love you.” He gently caresses my cheek.

  Nicholas hugs me. “Mom, dad’s right, we spoke about what you did and why while you were dreaming. Even though we missed you, we don’t blame you for leaving. We know that you didn’t want to give the darkness an opportunity to hurt our family. We understand so much better now because of William and his coven what you were always trying to teach us about what can happen when such darkness grabs hold of your life. We’re just so happy to have you back.”

  Stroking his cheek and looking into their precious faces, a lump rises in my throat choking me as I try to force the words out. “I missed you so much, even when I was confused I knew there was something missing, something not right with what was around me.”

  “Jacob said that.” Kayla kisses my cheek.

  My jaw inadvertently drops. I knew from the fight, Jacob was getting stronger, but how could he know what I was feeling. Before I have a chance to ask, he answers my unspoken question. “I saw you in my dreams. You saved a lot of lives and still loved children like us. I caught glimpses of the life you were living. It was almost as if you were calling to me and telling me not to let go. Everyone thought I was dreaming about Katrina, but they couldn’t make sense of what I was seeing or hearing. I’m just glad that it wasn’t my imagination and that you’re here and not just in the elements that are surrounding us.”

  “I am too. I dreamt about the four of you and your dad too, something was helping me to hold on to you and not make a decision that would have taken me away from you. I love you all so much.” Rising, “I’ll make some breakfast since I got everyone up so early?”

  Nicole rises quickly. “Mom, go and get changed. We’ll make you breakfast. We are pretty good at it.” She smiles widely.

  “She’s right; they have become pros in the kitchen. They have even been helping Gabriel serve meals to our patients.” The pride in Andrew’s voice rings through and each of them beam.

  Jacob moves toward me, kissing my cheek. Looking at him, I realize they are all dressed. “Really mom, get cleaned up and by the time you come out, we’ll have breakfast ready.” He turns to Andrew. “Dad, why don’t you help mom find her stuff and then we can eat.”

  Taking my hand, he helps me into our room, probably noticing that I am still a little shaky. When we’re alone, he enfolds me in his arms. “Mia, it’s alright, you’re home and we all love you. Jonathan’s gone. You’re safe, the children are safe, and everything is going to be fine.”

  “But look at what I have done to our family. How long have I really been gone from this life? Has it really only been several months or was it longer, the children seem so grown up.”

  “They have been quite eventful months.” He tries making light of it, but I just can’t smile. ?
??You’re right the children have grown up quite a bit and are very mature. They are quite remarkable and have gained significant control over their abilities, but their capacity to love and their strength surprises me most. Despite what they went through in England and then thinking that they lost you, they never let it grab hold of them or drag them under. They wanted to be strong like their mother and could feel you with them always. We told them that it was your energy that would never leave them. They wanted to do the right thing for you, to carry on all the good that you started, and wanted to stay strong because of what we were facing with William’s clan.”

  “What did go on with William’s clan? Did you get any answers about Marlena and why she and David changed?”

  “Mia, I know that you have a lot of questions, but you should give yourself time to adjust to being home. From your dreams last night and this morning, I think you should concentrate on feeling safe here and give yourself time to recover and enjoy being with the children. You did just give birth, you lost a lot of blood when Marlena sliced your back open and your mind seems to be racing in so many different directions, from what Eva saw, maybe it would be best if we waited to deal with everything other than the joy of your coming home.” He strokes my cheek gently and for the first time I see the concern in his eyes.

  His gentle touch ignites my warring factions once again as my overwhelming love for my family struggles against the guilt of what I put them through over the past several months. I hate the consequences my choice hoisted upon them. Looking up toward Andrew, I try to blink the mist from my eyes. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for everything. I don’t know how you and the children can ever forgive me for putting you through that.”

  Bringing his index finger to my lips, he speaks deliberately. “Mia, stop now. You made the only choice you could. We know that, and the children really did understand when I spoke to them. I love you and never truly accepted that you were gone. I understand now, how you spoke of something when you thought that I was dead that tugged at you and pushed you forward. There was always something, despite what everyone told me that knew you were not gone. There is no room for guilt, I understand why you did it and believe that because of that, we are granted this miracle. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I don’t think that my heart ever let go of that love, even though my mind was confounded by what was around me and the life I was leading. I just can’t believe that I could have forgotten any of this and that I’m actually home now, with you.”

  “Believe it, you are home and this is exactly where you belong, if you didn’t we would have never found each other again. You are truly my better half and I won’t ever let you go.” His lips softly brush mine as he pulls me into his chest.

  Although I know he is right and this is where I belong, flashes of the life in New York and the benefit cross my consciousness. “Andrew, what did happen last night when I passed out at the benefit?” Although it was less than twenty-four hours, it seems like a lifetime ago.

  He steps back gazing at me as if trying to read my thoughts. “Why don’t we have breakfast with the children first, there is plenty of time for that.”

  I can smell the apple pancakes they are making so I quickly shower and change. As we join them in the kitchen, their faces beam with pride. “You really have grown up so much, but how did you learn how to cook?”

  They laugh. “Dad helped us, but so did Julianne and Paul. Wait until we make you chicken and stuffing.” Jacob chuckles.

  “Well these pancakes are wonderful.”

  “We found your recipes.” Nicholas hugs me before sitting down. “We couldn’t believe that you even labeled our favorites.”

  We finish eating and I rise to clean the dishes. Nicole puts her hand on mine as I reach for her plate. “Mom, I’ll clean up, I think that you should rest with Alexander, I don’t want…” She stops abruptly.

  I suspect what she is going to say, but I want to be sure. “Nicole, what were going to say?” Her eyes shift to the floor and she remains silent. “Nicole, it’s alright, I didn’t leave because I was sick and nothing is going to happen to me.”

  “But what if you get weak, maybe something can go wrong, what if William comes back and something else drags you back to that existence and away from us again. Maybe this is not over.” Her panicked words rush like a raging river and I can see the worried looks passing between them. “We know that William was not destroyed and that Marlena is still alive.”

  Although I heard the others on the plane whispering, I didn’t realize that Jacob heard and told the children. “Nicole, nothing is going to drag me back to that life and away from you again. I love you. I know that it is very difficult to understand and forgive me for the choice I made to leave you, but if there was any other way, I would not have left. I know that I hurt you more than anyone has ever hurt you and that you went through some unbelievably frightening experiences, but even with all of that, I can see how strong you have become. Sometimes, life is very strange to understand, but we have been granted a second chance to be together and neither William or Marlena will tear us apart. I won’t let anyone do that again. You need to believe that.”

  Andrew moves over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “Nicole, your mom is right. Although William escaped, most of his coven was destroyed. He won’t be coming back, especially alone. Marlena is very far away from here in a hospital that some friends of ours run. She will not be leaving any time soon.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nods. “I’m sure that we are a very strong family, with remarkable friends that stand by us when we need them. Your mom’s strength in making the right decision is what brought her back to us. I know that it is difficult for you to understand why she made the decision she made, but I hope that you understand that she did it to protect you and our family.”

  Nicole interrupts. “I do understand that. I know what you told us and although I get it, I’m just afraid that this is too good to be true and that something bad is going to happen because of the gift we got with mom coming home.”

  “Honey, it doesn’t work that way. Your mom coming home is the reward for everyone trying to make the right decision. You and your brothers and sister fought to stay strong and help out here despite suffering her loss while your mom saved all those lives and did good work in New York despite not even knowing who she was and wouldn’t let someone else suffer in her place.”

  Just then, there’s a knock. Julianne, Paul and Charlie are at the door.

  “Come in.” Jacob moves aside to let them in.

  “No, we just came by to see if you are coming to help out at the recreation center this morning or if you are going to stay home with your mom.” Paul smiles in at me from the doorway.

  The children look at me. “Why don’t we all go and help out” Moving toward the door, Andrew puts his hand on my shoulder. “Mia that may not be a good idea, the patients believe you died and we need to come up with something regarding your return.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. Turning to the children, I can tell they don’t know what to do. “Why don’t you go and help out and then I’ll see you when you come back.”

  “Are you sure that is alright?”

  “I’m sure. I know how much everyone must appreciate your help and I don’t want to leave Gabriel shorthanded.”

  “Promise you’ll be here when I get back?” Nicholas grabs my hand.

  “I promise, sweetie. I’m not going anywhere.”

  They all hug and kiss me, but I see the concern etched in their features. As they enter the hallway, I hear Paul trying to reassure Nicole that I won’t disappear.

  Eva hands me a now sleeping Alexander. “I’ll give you some time alone. Don’t worry, the children will be fine.” She kisses me and leaves.

  “She’s right, they will be fine and so will you. Everyone just needs some time.” Andrew kisses my forehead.

  Placing Alex in his crib, I don’t even realize I’m mumbling to
myself until Andrew puts his hand on my shoulder. “Stop that now. You haven’t complicated anything. We just need to come up with something for the patients. They know we had trouble here, we even moved them for a while when William’s coven was attacking. Do you still want to go back to New York because if you do, maybe we should consider doing that now to give Eva some time to prepare the patients for your return?”

  “I would like to go and ensure that the wing is built. I know that I have so much to repair here, but I don’t want that to get lost either.”

  Pulling me into his embrace, he leans down meeting my eyes. “Mia, there is nothing here to repair, we only need time. Remember how you first felt after your incident with Daniela, even though you knew you were safely home, you were still waiting for everything to disappear?”

  “I do, and everyone was so patient with me.”

  “We have to be patient with them. Maybe going to New York to secure that project will provide a new venue and do us all some good. The children can see all of the wonderful work you started there.”

  He is interrupted by another knock at the door. Cassandra steps through. “I hope this is not a bad time, but I saw the children leave and wanted to talk with you before I depart.” Crossing the room, she stops at Alexander’s crib. Leaning down, she gently brushes his cheek and her eyes become momentarily unfocused. A strange look crosses her face, but quickly vanishes. “You truly have remarkable and strong children.” She turns to me. “Don’t worry, they really do understand your choice, Mia, they do not hold it against you and although you feel guilty, if you had let Eva die in your place, it would have changed you and your relationship with everyone in your life would have suffered more than you could imagine and more than you feel that they are suffering now. You need to be patient, they love you and with each passing challenge which they refuse to allow consume their lives, they become stronger and their true powers are beginning to reveal themselves in their actions.” She crosses the room and sits on the couch. “Come sit with me I know what you are considering and have good news on that front.” We sit on the loveseat next to her.

  “What do you mean you know what we’re considering?”

  Andrew takes my hand. “Mia, Cassandra has a very special gift; she can see the future and helped us with many of the problems and questions we had.”

  Remembering her ability to stop my pain, I stare at her wondering if that too came from a gift. I can feel Andrew’s eyes staring at me. “She is what they call a gatekeeper and is definitely one of the good guys, but I will have plenty of time to explain that to you later.” His eyes shift to her. “You seem to be anxious about something. Is something wrong? Is William returning or is something going to happen to Mia?” His tone turns concerned.

  She reaches across to him. “Andrew, nothing is going to happen to Mia or anyone here. Everything is going to be quite calm. You are right, I am anxious, but not because of you, I need to help Reginald with a journey that he will be departing on.”

  Knowing how Reginald came to check on me and tried to lead me in the right direction, trepidation grips my heart hearing the anxiety in Cassandra’s voice. “What is wrong? Where is he going?”

  “I will let him explain that to you, he requested that much. He is not tied by the same rules that I am. That is not why I came. I know your concerns regarding what you started and you have good reason to worry. If you do not return, Dr. Davis will get his wing built and the pediatric wing will no longer be an option. I am here to help you with that.”

  Andrew interrupts. “I thought you said that you could only gently lead, but not always directly help.”

  “Normally you are correct, but when Michael put her in that life, he only expected her to be a physician and agreed to allow Ann to guide her until it felt more natural to her. They did not envision that she would actually secure the wing or establish something that we can see it helping so many. She even convinced Jonathan to help her. Granted, he thought that it would serve his purpose and that it really would not come to fruition, but it can truly become something wonderful, something that the real Jonathan Taylor wants to see accomplished. The money that you raised with the benefits was phenomenal and if you return, there will be considerable funds set aside for those children who do not have sufficient insurance or for families that need help, just like you wanted. The existence that Michael put you in took on a life that no one expected. Normally when this is done, the individual lives an ordinary life. They do well, but do not touch the lives that you have, nor make the sacrifices that you did. Despite not knowing who you really are and losing your powers, you did utilize the insurance which Michael provided to make your life a little easier to help those in need, saved lives and went on to help others and do well for more than just yourself. Your actions, those of Reginald and Andrew in protecting me from Calib and returning the dagger to our side, needs to be rewarded. Although you both have many roads to travel and things to do which will impact our world, your travels are best diverted so as to finish Mia’s earlier journey and to give Jonathan Taylor’s life a legacy. The real Jonathan Taylor, despite some of his womanizing ways, was on his way to creating a legacy that would benefit many people in need.”

  A strange look crosses her face and she appears deep in concentration. Finally, her voice has an underlying menacing tone. “His life was cut short in a plane crash, but it has come to our attention that the plane crash was not an accident; it appears the other side arranged it in order to allow Jonathan to get close to Mia. As such, we are bending the rules where my involvement is concerned. Mr. Taylor’s body is not going to be found, he and his companion’s body have become nourishment for the ocean’s wildlife. Even if the remnants were to ever be found, they will not be traced to him. This provides a unique opportunity for the two of you, but you must be up to it.

  Turning to Andrew, she seems to be assessing something. Waiting for her to speak again, I can feel my heart pounding. What does she have in mind? “Andrew, you can temporarily assume the identity of Mr. Taylor and ensure that not only the wing is completed, but that the legacy of good that he desired, is fulfilled. Mia, the story that you read about Jonathan and his employee is true. He did make dramatic changes for his employees, but what that story did not reveal is how it truly changed him. Mr. Taylor had a wife and child that were lost to him because of insufficient medical care they received after suffering an accident while the family was on safari. No one knew of the marriage because it was before he had become known in the business world, before he assumed his new name, and come to this country. You see, his real family was one that your Jonathan would have loved, they were aligned to the darkness and did everything they could in England to take people’s money and ruin lives. Jonathan’s wife, Miranda took him away from that and showed him what he could become. Before their dreams came to fruition, she was ripped from him and he became sidetracked until that incident which you read about. It truly brought him back. He resides with our side now and has requested that we allow you to return and finish what you have started, ensure that his vast estate and business is arranged to carry on his work and to take care of a private matter. Our side will ensure that we take care of all of the collateral issues surrounding his disappearance and that of his partner so you will not have any trouble with that.”

  Andrew’s features turn serious. “How can I assume his identity? He is well known. It would be one thing if he was some unrecognizable recluse, but his picture was all over the newspaper.”

  She shakes her head. “Andrew, are you forgetting about your ability to change your appearance?”

  “No, it’s just that I can only do that for short periods of time. The only time I ever did it as a person was with Jacob, but that was an even shorter period of time than when I have changed into an animal.”

  She smiles and her features take on a look of understanding. “Andrew, you can do it for much longer, you are stronger than you give yourself credit, you limit yourself because you always believed t
hat his side limited your abilities, but in truth, you are the only one limiting them because you feel unworthy, held to the darkness because of what it made you.” She chuckles. “If only you could see what I have seen and what I am starting to discern you would realize that none of you have even remotely touched upon your abilities. You marvel at your children’s abilities, but they get them from both of you and are not limited by your fears and guilt. Stop limiting yourselves and take lessons from your children. Believe in yourselves and take this journey of self-discovery together. Go and finish Mia’s work and that of Mr. Taylor’s. Give your family a new venue to heal. Sanctuary will be fine and you will be back soon. Take Jeff and Grant with you, they can watch over the children while you spend time at the hospital and Jeff will be needed to operate on a young wolf. Their life cannot be lost, they have much to do and Jeff needs to understand that he and his pack can still protect and help people while he continues his medical work. His proceeding in this area is important to his kind, their physiology and ability to heal is different from that of humans. He has been running far too long. Surprisingly, his pack has many that could go on and develop their medical skills which would be the best way to help their species, but they have been chasing covens such as William’s for so long, they have lost site of the bigger picture, not to mention, the bonds between, Charlie and Kayla, Paul, Julianne, Jacob, Nicholas and Nicole are growing stronger. I’m sure, Mia that you have seen where some of it is going and I would hate to see that future change.”

  As she says this, another glimpse of their future flashes before me, confirming what I have already seen. “You said our journey is being diverted and that Reginald is going somewhere. Why do I have a feeling that we are being diverted from helping him?”

  “Probably because you are quite perceptive and correct, however, do not worry, I will help him with this part of his journey. He is going to be fine and your family will only become stronger in following this diversion. Your journey in New York will allow your family to deal with the ramifications of such surreal events that have consumed your existences lately. You all need time to realize your abilities and heal from this experience so that you can face upcoming challenges that will cross your path soon enough.” She rises. “I need to prepare to leave and put some things in place while Reginald and Amanda get ready. Go back to New York, stay at the Taylor residence, by the time you arrive, all of the remnants of the fight will have been removed. There are papers on the ideas that Jonathan had for foundations that he had spoken to his lawyer to put in place, you will find all of that there. Have your children enroll as juniors at the local high school.”

  I interrupt her. “They are not old enough for that.” She laughs.

  “Mia, they may be young in years, but they are far beyond that in maturity and even your schooling has placed them far ahead of the pack.” She snickers at her own joke. “Their physical appearances and advancements will allow them to fit right in. I’m sure as far as everything else goes, Catherine can ensure that the paperwork is in order. It is important that they go to the high school and their interactions with children will be wonderful learning experiences. The school even has openings so that Grant and Julianne can even secure positions there as teachers to ensure the children are watched over. Tell Grant to apply for the math teacher position and Julianne the gym, it will be fine, trust me. Mia, you need to introduce Jeff as a surgeon friend of Jonathan’s so that he will be able to operate on the child. Trust me; you will know which child needs his assistance as soon as they are brought in.”

  “How can I return to the hospital though, I can’t operate on anyone. I don’t have that type of skill.”

  She shakes her head. “Remember what I said, stop limiting yourself. You are wrong about this as well. You need to return to ensure the wing moves forward and you have the skills which you possessed while you were there. Trust yourself and everything will be fine, I promise you.”

  Cassandra flicks her wrist opening the door as Reginald stands there about to knock. “Reginald has come to say good-bye and I must leave.” Unexpectedly, she turns and hugs me. “You have a remarkable family, don’t worry so much, everything will be fine and I will see you again.” She turns and hugs Andrew. “Thank you for assisting me that day in the cabin. I am very glad that you did not forget that sometimes appearances can be deceiving and trusted your heart; it would have been a shame to lose any of you. Stay strong and don’t limit yourself because of what he turned you into. He did more damage to himself and I wonder if even now he realizes what he has done.” She pauses. “In some ways, you should consider it a gift. Immortality and strength on this plane gives your new life meaning especially from whence it comes. Use it wisely.” She chuckles. “I bet even he didn’t count on you meeting Mia ag…” She clears her throat. “And the wonderful immortal children he can no … I wonder if he would have rethought converting you if he had foreseen such.” She laughs again and nods to Reginald before leaving.

  Reginald crosses the room and sits by me. “How are you feeling?”

  “Unbelievably blessed” Alexander cries and Andrew picks him up, so I head into the kitchen to get him a bottle. Reginald follows.

  “Mia, I am sorry that I could not tell you who you were when we first met, but I had to follow the rules, otherwise the results would have been very different.”

  I turn and see his face wrought with concern. “Reginald, don’t give it a second thought. I am just so glad that you did come that night. I know that you were watching over me and ensured that William got the letter so that Andrew could find me. Our talk that evening was very helpful.” Andrew takes the bottle from me and squeezes my hand reassuringly. “I realize now why you seemed so desperate to tell me something and how you were trying to jog my memory of who I really am. Reginald, did Amanda see where I was going and who would be waiting for me when I arrived, is that how you kept tabs on me?”

  “She did see you. I can’t tell you how afraid I became when I saw who was waiting for you. Amanda saw me trying to warn you the next morning when we were running because I just couldn’t stand the thought of you falling into his hands, but she stopped me by showing me what would have happened if I interfered. We would have lost you all.” His face contorts as some thought flashes before him. “I couldn’t just leave you on your own either, Amanda let me know that we could watch and even make contact with you as long as I didn’t reveal the truth. I never imagined that you would have accomplished so much however. I knew you were strong and special from the moment we met. I guess that holds no matter what life you are living. However, since you are returning to this life, I think that you need this.” He removes something from his top pocket and opens his hand. I recognize the pendant immediately.

  “I thought part of the deal with Michael included my giving up my powers?” I can’t stop my fingers from stroking the pendant which still has the colors running through the onyx.

  “You didn’t lose your powers, you just lost the ability to remember them or what can offer you protection. Now that you are back, it may be returned to its rightful owner, she still has a lot of work to do.” He smiles, placing it around my neck.

  Andrew’s voice softly interjects. “Cassandra says that you are leaving on a journey that she is helping you with. After everything that you have done for us, what can we do to help you?”

  “You can go to New York and finish what Mia started. I’m sure Cassandra and Amanda will be able to help me. You need to spend some time away from the surreal and concentrate on your family.”

  From the way his eyes are darting, I can tell he is hedging and that he is about to confront something big. Placing my hand on his arm, I am about to ask him what it is he is hiding, but an image flashes before my now unfocused eyes of David and Reginald surrounded by the flames of hell. I can feel the intense heat, my hand involuntarily recoils from him and the heat and images dissipate. “Please tell me that you are not going after David in his realm.”

  His widen
ing eyes meet mine. “What did you see?”

  “I saw you surrounded by an inferno and heading for David. You can’t do that. Reginald, please, I know that you want answers as to why your brother changed, but you can’t seek out David. How could you even enter that realm? Please, we need you here. Sometimes there are no answers.” My voice is a high pitched crescendo making Alexander jump.

  He interrupts me. “Mia, I don’t know how you saw it, but I am not seeking answers, I am going to bring my brother home, he has been held down there for too long. When I destroyed the vessel, I destroyed the only other possibility of his being released.”

  His words make no sense, but as my eyes catch Andrew’s expression, I realize I’m missing something that he seems to understand. “Reginald, are you saying that everything Cassandra spoke of regarding innocent souls is true?”

  He turns to Andrew. “I believe so. Amanda has seen it, so we are going to reclaim him if we can.”

  “How can you even enter that realm, I thought crossing realms was impossible for those of us tied here?” His voice is low, but surprised at this new possibility.

  “I am hoping that we can enter through one of openings to hell’s mouth. We may have even been provided a clue to its location from when Mia was hurt.”

  I grab his arm. “Reginald you can’t believe that, you yourself said I was never there.”

  “Although your body was always here, you did cross dimensions and I am hoping that we can do the same once we reach the actual location.”

  “Even if you were to get there, Cassandra can’t help you, she said it herself. You and Amanda would be on your own. You can’t consider this. Have you really thought this through, what if she is wrong or you both get trapped there?”

  “I have thought about that. Mia, I have spent my existence, protecting others and if my brother, the one that I love, know, and can understand, is trapped there because of the demon which stole his existence on this plane, I have to seize even the slightest possibility to try and bring him home. The two of you know best of all what someone is willing to risk if the one they love is suffering.” His eyes glance toward Andrew. “Just look at what Mia did when she thought you were being held there and what you were willing to give up not to have her suffer.”

  My eyes shift to Andrew who is staring at me. Bringing my hand back to his, my tone turns authoritative. “You can’t do this alone. What can we do to help?”

  “You can go to New York. Although Cassandra can’t help me directly if I enter hell, she has friends who can and Amanda will be with me. When I return, I will come to see you. I promise.” Removing a key from his pocket, he hands it to me, clasping my hands. I can feel his energy and wonder what else he is passing to me, but remember how worried Andrew was the last time about my physical reaction to the transfer and resolve to remain mute. “I don’t have time to put this away, keep it safe for me.” He rises to leave, but as another flash crosses my vision, I reach for him, clasping his wrist.

  “You knew when you stabbed Marlena, didn’t you?”

  “I did, but I couldn’t have David return again, I saw what would result and someone who I cannot close off the possibility for would be forever lost. By doing this, they still have a fighting chance. Don’t worry, I will be back, I can feel it. You still have a lot to discern and I still have a lot to teach and share with you. We both have to make this journey, right now; it is just taking us on separate paths. I have to go and get ready and so do you.” He hugs me. “I will see you soon, I promise.”

  “I’m going to keep you to that promise. Be very careful. Don’t let the wall close on you. Don’t take your eyes off of it, once it closes, you will only be able to look on and I don’t want you to be lost.”

  Andrew places a now sleeping Alexander back in his crib and turns to me. “What did you see when you touched Reginald, besides his being surrounded by hell and seeing David?”

  “I saw a white light around David. It is very strange, David was illuminated, but his face appeared really frightened as he stared at an even brighter light that was coming from his arms which appeared folded around mid-chest, but I couldn’t really see on account of the light being so bright.” I shake my head. “If I did see David, wouldn’t his soul be enshrouded in crimson and why was the area around his hands so bright?”

  “If what Cassandra said is true, there are cases where innocent souls are captured so that true demons can enter this plane. If Sebastian was taken over by David and held so that David could remain, maybe the soul you saw is innocent and not the demon, David, but Sebastian.”

  “But why would Reginald believe that he can enter that realm through an area I saw all those years ago. Could that really be some type of point of access?”

  “I don’t know, maybe Cassandra told him something or Amanda saw something. From what he said, he doesn’t want us involved in this and truthfully, after what you have been through and what we put the children through, it is not a journey we can consider. I know that the children understand what I told them and that they have matured, but they need us, they need to be reassured that we are here for them.”

  “Do you think taking them to New York will be too disruptive?”

  Enfolding me in his comforting embrace, his voice is soft. “Going there will be a good thing. They can see how much you accomplished even while you were at a disadvantage. You weren’t even yourself, yet you managed to get Jonathan to unwittingly do something good. Maybe one of your gifts is to turn all us bad demons to your side.” He jokes, but his eyes are filled with sincerity.

  “Neither side of you was ever a bad demon, but I am glad you decided to fight to save me that night and every night since.” I hug him tighter and feel him shiver. Withdrawing from his embrace, I can see the pain in his eyes. Bringing my hand up and running my knuckles down his magnificent cheek I become concerned that despite his knowing that I was never truly with Jonathan, my spending time with him hurt Andrew deeply. “I’m sorry that my being with Jonathan hurt you and that you had to see that.”

  He shakes his head. “Mia, it’s not that. I just can’t believe how close I came to losing you. If you committed to him, despite my finding you, I would have lost you all over again. The months that you spent with him, if he convinced you that you did belong with him…” He pulls me back into his chest.

  After a moment, I withdraw myself. “Andrew, I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry. Despite the time I spent with him, something inside of me always knew he was not the one who captured my heart. The more I tried to force it, the more you were coming to me. I could feel your love surrounding me and what we shared. Even when my mind was veiled and would not reveal your face, my heart refused to let go of you.”

  “Mine will always belong to you, although I loved the beautiful letter you left me, how could you even think that I would be able to move forward without you.”

  Placing my head against his chest, I can feel a lump rising in my throat. “Truthfully, the thought of you being lonely was just unbearable. It was bad enough that I was leaving you and the children, but to think of you going through eternity alone, I just couldn’t stand it. You are too good of a person to bury yourself back in your work or turn back into the person that you described to me when we first took a trip to New York.”

  His hand travels slowly down my spine sending tingles throughout my entire being. One moves across my waist and as he picks up my left hand, I feel him placing my rings on my finger. Kissing my hand, he withdraws his sculpted lips as my eyes shoot down. Staring at them, I hear him whisper. “Then it is a good thing my heart found its home again.”

  Looking up into his sparkling eyes, I can barely speak. “Where did you find these?”

  “Eva gave them to me. She said that they were on the ground when you disappeared.” As his hands move up my arms, brush across my collarbone and cup my face, a forest fire ignites, spreading throughout my being, a feeling that only he unearths in me. His angelic face moves closer to mine. H
is lips touch mine, and my overheating blood explodes within, passion consumes me, and our life and love overwhelms my mind. This is the first time that I am alone with him, truly knowing who I am and where I belong. My hand moves to his collar and he shivers as my fingertips glide down his neck to his button. Slowly unfastening his shirt buttons, I allow my fingers to linger on his perfectly sculpted abdomen. Rising, he lifts me in his arms and moves into our room, laying me gently on our bed. Opening my eyes, I see his glistening with love and desire assured that he can see in mine a love that no matter what tries to confound it will never be extinguished. Drawing him closer, I feel every curve of his body aligning itself with every contour of mine, falling perfectly into place. As his cool lips glide across my shoulder, up my neck to the lobe of my ear, my heart explodes, beating like an out of control freight train forging down the tracks. I can barely hear his soft sultry voice. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Making love to him after all our time separated is more intense than even my most vivid dreams. Curled into his side, I run my fingers along his muscular torso. He shivers, drawing me even closer to him. I want to stay in his loving embrace, but know that the children will be back soon and Alexander will be waking shortly. Foisting myself on my elbow, I trace his perfect lips before kissing them one last time. “We should get dressed.”

  He sighs and for the moment this special time for us is over. “You’re right. Why don’t you wait here for the children to return and I’ll talk to Gabriel about our plans.”

  “Andrew, before you go, what did the people at the benefit see last night regarding my abrupt departure?”

  Leading me into the living room, Alexander is sleeping soundly so Andrew draws me to the couch. “When you keeled over in pain, I picked you up and was moving you out the door when Jonathan stopped me. We couldn’t make a scene there because there were too many innocent people and we calculated that Jonathan had several men positioned in the banquet hall which we were sure would not hesitate to harm anyone who got in their way so I handed you to him. One of the men at your table approached Jonathan and said that he had called for an ambulance and tried to get a look at you, but Jonathan snapped at him and said he was getting you to a specialist. He practically knocked the man over and got you out the exit. Considering what could have happened, it was over fairly quickly for those who were at the hall. He exited quickly with his men backing him up and us chasing him. However, I don’t believe anyone saw any of that.”

  “Do you know who came up to me?”

  “I heard a woman call him Julian and ask what was going on. Mia since we are returning, you should call him. He seemed very worried and we don’t want anyone thinking that you disappeared.” Rising, he crosses the room and pulls a telephone from his jacket pocket. “I lifted this from your costume. You probably have his telephone number in it. Call him and tell him that Jonathan took you to a specialist friend outside of the city but that you will be returning shortly to ensure the money for the wing is well spent.” Handing me the phone, he kisses me gently before leaving.

  Scrolling through the telephone, I see Julian’s name and hit send. The voice of the man who picks up sounds frantic. “Mia, where are you? Paul and I have been trying to reach you and Jonathan all evening. Are you alright?”

  “I’m sorry I worried you, I am at a private hospital owned by a friend of Jonathan’s, they have been running tests all night and this is the first chance I had to wrestle my telephone from him.”

  “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine. I am still a little fuzzy about last night’s goings on. I must have had a bad reaction between the new vitamins, cold medicine and my nerves working over-time trying to mingle in such tight spaces.” I wish my voice sounded less shaky. “You know how cautious Jonathan is about this entire thing. We will be back probably by tomorrow. Please tell me that Geoffrey hasn’t used my absence to poison the board.”

  “Don’t worry about that, with all of the publicity over the proceeds of last night’s benefit and the calls the Board is still receiving regarding whether they are going to put some of the money which the papers are reporting they are sure is excess, the Board hasn’t had time to listen or deal with him, they are too busy hamming it up trying to boost their own causes. Mrs. Ford, however, did come by to see if you were doing alright. I’ll make sure I see her and let her know that you are doing better and will be returning tomorrow. I’ll also ask her to push back the final meeting by a few hours the next day so you can attend.

  He chuckles at something. “I had Janet bring coffee to Reynolds in finance. She secured the figures from last night’s auction from him. I’ll send them to you so that you and Jonathan can work your magic with the numbers and put together your pitch to have the proceeds put aside for the children. I’ll send them to your phone when we’re through.”

  “Thank you so much. I’m sorry for worrying you and Jonathan wants me to apologize for his being short with you last night, he was just really concerned.”

  “Tell him not to give it a second thought. Call me if you need anything else. Mia, are you sure you’re alright, I mean why wouldn’t you just come here?”

  “I’m fine. Jonathan was afraid that if we went there, the press might follow and he didn’t want me to endure anymore stress.” Alexander begins to stir and I need to hang up before he cries. “Julian, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you again for everything.” I hang up just in time and pick up Alex, as Jacob comes in.

  He turns. “I told you mom would be here.”

  As they enter, the relief on their faces is evident. “Mom, do you want me to get Alex a bottle?” Kayla asks, hugging me.

  “No, he ate a little while ago. Are you hungry?” When they shake their heads, I seize the opportunity to talk to them. Despite my wanting to go back and finish what I started, I need to ensure that it is not too much for them first. I won’t put them through another upset. “Could we talk about something for a minute?” Their faces immediately fall. “It isn’t anything bad, don’t worry, I just want to get your opinion on something.” I’m glad to see their shoulders slack in relief as they sit down.

  My nerves inadvertently spike and I take a deep breath. “You know how you helped William pick out pictures for a new wing to help children?” They nod immediately. “The people who are approving the project need to see me again in New York and I am wondering how you would feel about taking a trip there for a while so that I can ensure the wing is built. I know how much you love it here and how many changes you have experienced and can understand if doing this would be too much, but I would like you to consider this and be honest about how you would feel if we do this.”

  Jacob straightens up and I can see the looks passing between them. “Mom this project is really important to you isn’t it?”

  “When I didn’t know who I was, this project is the only thing in my life that felt right and thankfully it brought you and your dad back to me, but I understand if you don’t want to leave Sanctuary right now considering everything that has happened.”

  “We did have fun walking around with William there.” Kayla voices as the children seem to be communicating to one another without uttering a word.

  Jacob places his hand upon mine and Alexander’s. “When are we leaving?” He smiles widely.

  “I still have to work out some details with your dad and speak to Grant and Jeff. I need for them to come with us as well.”

  “They’re coming too, but where will everyone fit?” Kayla asks excited.

  Turning my attention to Jacob since he was already there during difficult circumstances, I direct my answer to him. “If it wouldn’t be too hard for you Jake, we are thinking about staying at the house that you saw me at.”

  “Why would we be going there? Some of William’s coven escaped, what if they come back there?” His rising tone reveals his panic.

  “Honey, William’s men didn’t own that house, they weren’t even using it. They won’t be coming back there a
nd the demon that was using it has been destroyed. Although William escaped, he has no reason to return there or to even stay in the area.”

  “I still don’t understand why we would stay there.” Although his voice sounds calmer, his features remain concerned.

  Although I know what I am about to say is confusing or difficult, we always promised no secrets and after everything that I already put them through, I wouldn’t start now. “Honey, you know how our world sometimes impacts those who do not belong to it. Well, the man who you saw me in the picture with, his plane went down and he died. However, we believe that it was because the one who was pretending to be him needed his identity. The real man was a good man; he had helped a lot of people and still had a lot of work to do. Since our world prematurely ended his life, your dad and I have been asked to help finish some of his work while we help ensure that the wing gets finished.”

  “How can staying in his house help?”

  I didn’t realize Andrew entered. “I was told that if I take on his persona in public for a while, I can institute the plans he wanted to initiate. He was a very wealthy man and wanted to put his assets to good use.”

  “How do you know what he wants to do, is he talking to you?” Nicholas asks.

  “No, but his home has a lot of paperwork showing what he wanted to accomplish.”

  Jacob turns to Andrew. “Mom said that she doesn’t think William will go back there, do you think he will stay away too?”

  “I do. Jake, we would never return there if I thought that going back there would put anyone in danger from those we have come across lately. We just got our family back. I don’t want anything to tear us apart.” He moves closer to Jacob. “You know how we have always strived to help those here and teach you that helping others is so important, well, this would be an opportunity for us to help people beyond our own little haven and beyond those who live in our world. It will also give you an opportunity to meet new people and children, experience another part of the world. While we are there, you can attend the local school and get a new perspective of how children who don’t have any special powers live. I know you love learning about your powers and have done wonderfully in controlling them, but maybe for a while, it would be good for us to live in a world away from all of that, time to just be a family.”

  “Dad, it sounds important to you too for us to go.” Kayla places her hand upon his, her voice sounds as if she is twenty.

  “The wing that your mother was working toward would be your grandmother’s legacy, she devoted her life to helping children and it was what prompted your mom to write to William for help. If she hadn’t, we may have never crossed paths and gotten her back. I think that considering the miracle that we received, it would be a wonderful thank you for us to complete the project and bring Mr. Taylor’s projects to fruition as well.”

  “Why do you want Jeff and Grant to come with us?” Nicole looks over to me.

  “We were told that it would be important for them to come. Jeff has allowed our world to overtake his practicing medicine and this trip may help him see that he can truly combine the two and it will give Grant and Julianne a chance to work at the local school.”

  “Is Charlie coming too?” Kayla inquires.

  “That will depend on Jeff and Sarah.”

  There’s a knock on the door. Andrew rises. “I asked Jeff and Grant to stop by.” As they come in, their children are in the hall and mine pop up. “Can we go and play while you talk?”

  “That’s fine, but don’t say anything about what we spoke of.”

  “We won’t, we know you have to talk first.” They leave quickly.

  Placing a once again asleep Alexander in his crib, I turn to them. “Can I get anyone some tea?”

  “No, we’re fine. Andrew asked us to stop by. How are you feeling?” Jeff asks sitting down.

  “Much better now that I’m home. Thank you both for everything that you did last night and for everything that you did to protect the children when I wasn’t here.”

  “Are you kidding, your children are wonderful and in helping them and staying here, it helped us as well.” Grant smiles and sits next to Jeff. It’s nice seeing how comfortable they are with each other now.

  “I just wish we destroyed William last night.” Jeff interjects.

  Grant shifts to face him. “He is nothing without the others and like I told you last night, you put a considerable dent into their existence and you helped stop David from returning, but Jeff you can’t lose yourself in trying to destroy them. You are better than that and you have a wonderful family, don’t ever lose sight of that because of those monsters.” Heat floods his cheeks and he glances at Andrew. “Andrew, I’m…”

  Andrew puts his hand up. “Grant, don’t worry about it. I have called our kind worse.” He laughs. “Truthfully, until Mia saved me, I thought of myself as even worse, you can always speak your mind, we don’t take offense here.” His eyes look to Jeff. “Your father is right, you can’t allow fighting them to consume you, that gives them power because they have taken a piece of you, don’t let that happen, they are not worth it.”

  “I know. It’s just sometimes…” He closes his eyes and I know he is fighting for control. As I watch him, I figure out the way to bring him back to what he used to love so much, even if it means stretching the truth a little.

  “Jeff, Andrew told me how you and your pack have found a home here, but I am wondering if I could impose on you for some help with something that I was working on while I was gone.”

  Opening his eyes, “Sure, what do you need?”

  “Are you familiar with what I was trying to do at the hospital?”

  “Yes, I saw the letters you sent William.”

  “If I want it to happen, I have to go back to New York and ensure that the physician who was fighting for the funds for a plastic surgery wing doesn’t kill it or make it so small that it can’t help anyone. When I was there, I was constantly at the hospital performing surgeries and working on emergencies, but that isn’t really me, I’m a psychiatrist not a surgeon and I can’t be there all the time as I was before. Not to mention, some people thought I was only about two months pregnant. I could never explain Alexander. I was hoping that with your vast knowledge and medical experience you could come back and help me and I could introduce you as Jonathan’s physician friend who returned with us and who is volunteering to cover for me while we get the project off the ground and eventually seek my replacement. In this way I will have time to convince the Board about those who I know can run the project while taking some time because of my recent episodes to recover. Normally, it would not even be an issue and the hospital would provide its own replacement, but the physician who is competing for the funds with me will use any excuse to cause me roadblocks and I need this to go through.”

  “Mia, I haven’t been concentrating on my surgical skills. I have been so submerged with the issue of destroying William, hoping that if we were successful there, we would gain enough strength and knowledge to go up against David. Although I worked in local clinics to provide for my family and performed the occasional surgery, I haven’t been on a regular surgical rotation in years.”

  Crossing the room, I sit on the opposite side of Jeff, placing my hand upon his. “I understand what was driving you, but Jeff, your mom wouldn’t want you to lose all that you worked so hard to achieve in avenging her death. I know that is not your only reason, I can understand how you would want to protect innocent lives against such forces, but David is gone and William and those like William will always be around, we can’t let them stop our lives no matter how good our intentions are in protecting others. Please, I remember how much you loved your work in medical school and working at the hospital.”

  I catch Grant’s smile as Jeff’s face softens. I know he is going to say yes before he even nods in agreement. “When do you want to leave?”

  “I need to be back there tomorrow. We are considering staying in Mr. Taylor’s home because
Andrew needs to pose as him to follow through on some of his unfinished business.” Turning my attention to Grant, “We are hoping that you and your children will come as well. We are going to enroll the children temporarily in a local school and Cassandra said that it is a good opportunity for you to spend some time at the school as a math teacher and Julian as the gym teacher.”

  “Did Cassandra tell you why she needed us there?” He inquires.

  “No, she just said that it was a good idea.”

  Jeff rises. “I should talk with Sarah. She grew up just outside of New York and loved spending time there before our lives, well, you know. What time do you want to leave in the morning?”

  “First thing, if that is alright. I need to get a report together and meet with the Board.”

  Jeff leaves, but Grant lingers behind. Alexander wakes up searching for a bottle and Andrew takes him into the kitchen. “Did Cassandra say anything else? Should I be worried?”

  “She said that it is important for Jeff to realize that his work is essential to helping our kind because werewolf physiology is different than normal human physiology. She said that he will be called upon to work on a wolf that still has a lot of work to accomplish but needs Jeff to save them.”

  “Did she give you any indication if it is because the wolf is caught in some sort of trouble?”

  “You know how she speaks so cryptically, but she indicated that as long as Jeff is there, they will be fine.”

  “Yes, she does tend to do that. She always mentions changing the future and not always for the better if she reveals too much. Although why she thinks I can pull off being a math teacher is beyond me, but if that is where she said I should be, I’ll give it a chance. Mia, thank you, I could see how much Jeff listened to you and you’re right, his mother would have been heartbroken to realize that this life was taking over his. Although she was one of us, she hated the way we lived in isolation, she always thought that we could live a normal life and wanted that for Jeff. Despite the circumstances in why he left, I am sure that she must have loved once he went to medical school as opposed to spending his life avenging her death, regardless of all the lives he saves in the process.”

  “I am glad he decided to come. I am hoping that this trip will be good for all of us. I hope that you understand why I didn’t tell him about what Cassandra told me. It’s just that he would have found an excuse to just send one of his men to help, but he can never resist helping a friend in need.”

  “I know exactly what you mean.” He smiles. “I’ll let you get ready and see you in the morning.”

  Walking into the kitchen, I hear Andrew singing to Alexander. It is so good to see him happy. “Since you have everything under control here, I’ll go pack.” I kiss them both before going into the children’s rooms.

  Finishing closing the last case, the cool hands I love so much wrap themselves around me. “You must be excited to return, I have never seen you pack so quickly before.” He kisses my cheek.

  “As much as I love it here, the idea of having this wing built does excite me. I just feel that I have messed up so much and failed so many, first not teaching the children enough about their powers, then leaving and hurting all of you, and never even truly understanding my own potential, I need to make amends for all of that. Maybe by at least following through with this and ensuring that it gets built, I can start to do something right and figure out how to fix all of the wrong I have done to our family.”

  I feel him shaking his head behind me as he turns me around. “Mia, you haven’t failed anyone. First of all, you left to save Eva and as awful as it was thinking that you were gone from our life, you’re doing the right thing to ensure that she didn’t suffer in your place was what gave us a second chance. As far as the children and teaching them about their powers, we agreed early on to raise them as children first. Trust me that was definitely the right decision. As much as we were frightened about them being taken, I have watched them while you were gone and they truly understand now when to use their powers and when not to, they would not have known that before and they would not have developed as strong in character if they had used them early on. They have matured beyond their years, but that is not because of their powers it is because our family provides them a very strong and loving base to grow on. You should have seen Nicole and Jacob’s face when they saved Rachel’s son or the control that Kayla and Nicholas showed even after they thought you were gone and involuntarily phased to ensure that no one was hurt.” He kisses my forehead gently and then bends to meet my eyes. “Our children are strong because of the decisions we made. If they developed and used their powers early on, they would not have the control, the devotion to each other, or the commitment to doing right that they have now. So stop thinking that you failed them. I am glad that this project means a lot to you, but don’t do it to make amends for anything because there is nothing to make amends for, do the project because you love to help children and you want to carry on your mother’s legacy. Look Mia, from the way your mind was racing last night, I know that you feel very guilty about everything that happened, but you need to stop. You left to protect Eva, the same way she was willing to sacrifice to protect you. As far as what happened between you and Jonathan while you didn’t know who you were, you have nothing to feel guilty about there either.”

  I interrupt him. “Andrew, how can you really ever forgive me for being with Jonathan? Although we weren’t physically intimate, I still spent time with him. I tried to force myself to love him and get close to him when I was committed to you.”

  Drawing me into his chest, his voice becomes slow and deliberate. “Stop right there. You had no idea I even existed. I am just glad that you didn’t commit to him because I would have lost you.”


  He moves his fingertips to my lips. “But nothing, you did nothing wrong. Look, normally I would have never invaded your privacy and had Gabriel and Eva look in on you, but last night, you seemed so disturbed, I thought it was just over leaving, but it was over being with him and causing me pain too. Eva saw how much you were wrestling with feeling as if the relationship with Jonathan that you tried to force upon yourself would hurt me. From what she saw, you didn’t even start to force yourself to try and fall in love with him until after you found out you were pregnant. Mia, knowing how traditional you are and your values, not to mention your misapprehension about who you thought the father was, I understand exactly why you tried to form a relationship with him, so stop beating yourself up over it. I love you, the children love you and we all know how much you love us. We are dealing with realms that affect us in strange ways and sometimes we make choices and sacrifices that set things in motion which far surpass human comprehension. You can’t feel guilty about that, nor can you allow the guilt to hold you back. As hard as it was thinking you were gone, we always felt you with us, your strength and your love, not even your physical absence could remove that and then just look at what you put in motion and the money you raised when you didn’t even know your true identity, not to mention you were suffering from a terrible loss. The feeling of loss, even though you thought it was for someone you didn’t know, was real and probably was in part feeling your children’s absence from your life. Yet, you committed yourself to making the lives of others better and from what I understand committed funds that could have made your life comfortable to making the lives of those who were injured and couldn’t afford surgery better. Maybe you should see the journey that you took as one of self-discovery. Despite our telling you that you are strong enough to accomplish anything, you never believed that, maybe this journey was to show you that you could.”

  Stretching, I kiss him. “Why are you so good to me and always say the right thing to make me feel less guilty.”

  As he runs his fingertips down my arm, my heart rate spikes. He stops at my engagement ring. “That’s easy, it is because I love you and do you remember what I told you when I placed this on your finger, I meant it. You are an
extraordinary person who saved nine lives and you should never forget what you are truly capable of. Mia you have always been so hard on yourself that I don’t think that you truly realize all the good that you have done and the wonderful family that you have helped to create and I do not just mean our children. They are beyond anything that I could have ever imagined, even before I was transformed, but after, I can’t even describe how much they truly blow me away each day, with not only their powers but also the little things they do. However, looking beyond us, look at the family here at Sanctuary, those that we have reached beyond these walls and all those who helped us in our time of need. They are all family, we band together and you are a part of that, a very integral part, don’t ever forget that.” He kisses me tenderly.

  I hear the door open and look at my watch. “I should start dinner.” I back away.

  “I’ll finish packing.”

  “Don’t pack anything for me, I’ll stop by the apartment and pick up the clothes there so that I can clear it.” Dinner is very nice; the children seem very excited and are asking to see different sites that Charlie spoke of. It is wonderful tucking them in. They even allow me to read to them. After they fall asleep and all the patients have retired, I turn to Andrew. “Would you mind if I went for a walk?”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, but before we go, I want to walk around home.”

  His features tell me he knows I have another motive, but he doesn’t press me. “I’ll see you when you get back, by then, I may have the numbers for your meeting, Catherine is working on a proposal.”

  “Thank you, I won’t be long.” The air is brisk, and the smell of pine welcomes me home as my eyes glance up to the sky glistening with thousands of stars. I stop by the main kitchen and grab a candle and lantern from the outdoor closet. Despite the bright sky, the woods will be dark. Walking past the cabin, I see the windows and door boarded up and the porch smashed. Stopping at the stairs and running my hand along the broken rail slowly, a very strange feeling comes over me as visions of intense fighting fill my mind. Touching the doorway, I see Nicole and Jacob running through it and healing Reginald as white souls surround them. I see what Andrew meant and how amazing the children have become. Moving away from the cabin and through the forest, I catch sight of a beautiful, new weeping willow tree by the lake. Touching the luscious branches, I see my family planting it as the children hold back tears and as Andrew’s strained features fight against revealing his overwhelming emotions. I hear the children’s voices talking about how much they love me and Andrew talking about how I will always live on in them and surround them the way the warm air surrounds our home in summer and the gentle snowflakes float toward our courtyard in the winter. My eyes mist as I see them place my favorite flowers in the lake and whisper into the wind as they float away. My heart is overwhelmed by the wonderful way they remembered me. I am grateful that it was not a typical sad service which I dreaded when Katrina, David and my mother passed. Despite the beauty, the guilt of what they endured because of my choice engulfs me and I foist myself up and away. There is something I have to do before leaving here tonight and I have already been away too long. Reaching into my pocket and pulling out the bottle of perfume I took from the bureau, I empty it along the shoreline and fill it with lake water.

  Traveling quickly now, I finally reach the gorge and drop to my knees. Taking out the candle, I place it in the small bowl I took and pour the water around it. Before lighting it, I close my eyes, knowing that there is one person I need to thank first and hope that Michael hears me. “Michael, I know that thank you just isn’t enough especially after what you have done for me, but I don’t know what else to possibly say. I can’t believe that you have given me a second chance with my family, but I promise you that I won’t fall into complacency this time and will do my best to ensure the children know their powers and fight for their side.” My eyes fly open as I receive an unexpected response. Michael stands before me.

  “Mia, you were never complacent, if you were, you would have never found Andrew and your family again. You did that. Your efforts and the efforts of your family is what brought you home, not me. I know you struggle with your choice with the children as well, but there is plenty of time for them to fight, don’t let them stop doing what they are doing and growing the way they are, it is a pleasure to see how well they are advancing and it is because they were not thrust into the fight from birth that they will be such a powerful force. I can’t stay, I am needed elsewhere, but you and your family will be fine, just keep to the course you are on.” He disappears.

  Lighting the candle, I place my fingertips in the water. Knowing the real Jonathan Taylor died when his plane crashed in water, I concentrate on its feel and the candle’s flame. When it flares, I whisper softly. “Mr. Taylor, I am very sorry that your life was cut short probably because of the demon who wanted to get to me. I want you to know that my husband and I will try to carry out your wishes and ensure that the projects you desired go forward. I hope that you don’t mind our staying in your home and my husband posing as you, but that would be the quickest way to ensure that your projects get completed.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” I jump and am astonished by all the responses I am receiving when I didn’t expect to get any at all. Keeping my fingers in the water unsure of whether or not that is providing his connection and knowing he isn’t that old, I look up.

  His faint echo moves closer to me. “I hope you don’t mind, but it is very hard for me to apparate, so if it’s alright with you I would rather just speak as a gentle breeze.”

  “That’s fine.” I look on as his image fades.

  “I watched you in my home and know what you are trying to do. Your cause is exactly something I could have gotten behind. I am glad that you got away from the one who was pretending to be me. His light was only white for a moment and then the crimson enshrouding him showed me what a strong demon he really was. If you could, I don’t have any family left, but the woman who was with me, Cindy Monahan has a son, twenty, who is attending NYU, could you look in on him and make sure that some of my money goes to him so that he can continue his education and then if it’s possible without tipping your hand, try to get him some seed money for when he gets out. I know that you can’t tell him his mother is gone or where the money is coming from, but please do what you can.”

  “I promise. I’ll make sure he gets it. What is his name?”

  “Scott. I have to go, thank you and good luck.”

  There is one more message I need to send before returning. I empty the water from the candle, blow it out and relight it. Taking the little cross from my pocket; sure that Ann secured it for her child, hoping it would protect him; I concentrate on the flame, hoping to get her a message while grasping the cross. When the flame sparks, I speak. “Ann, I am so sorry that you lost your son to the darkness and that I resent him there to cut the tie to your other children. For a moment, I thought that I touched the boy that you gave birth to and loved, the child of light, the one whom you had hoped to protect, but I couldn’t keep my hold upon him, I’m sorry that I forever sent your son back into the darkness and the abyss that was once your forever night. I wish that I could have saved him for you.” I scream as cold hands grasp my shoulder, terrified that it is Jonathan. As I turn to face him hoping that I am strong enough to escape, relief washes over me as Andrew’s eyes meet mine.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you, but you were gone a long time and I became concerned.”

  Blowing out the candle, I rise. “I didn’t mean to concern you, I hadn’t expected to get responses and lost track of time when I saw some of what went on while I was gone.”

  As we walk back, Andrew snakes his arm around me while asking me about what I saw and who I spoke to. The children are still asleep and from Gabriel’s expression, he knows the message I sent and had yet to tell Andrew about. “I’ll let you get some rest and see you before you leave. Andrew do you think
I could see you a moment before you retire?”

  Hugging Gabriel, my voice is softer than I want it to be. “You don’t have to be concerned or tell him who I sent the last message to, I’ll do it.”

  Andrew’s eyes shoot between us. “What am I missing?”

  I turn to him, hoping this won’t hurt him further. “Gabriel saw that I tried sending your mother a message about her son.” His eyes lock on mine and I can’t tell if he is concerned or hurt. Either way, I need to explain and hopefully remove the look. “It’s just that, I know how evil the demon we saw as Jonathan was, but there was something and I think that the real Jonathan Taylor saw it too, it was just something, when we were talking and he was helping me that made me feel bad for your mother in sending the baby that she loved so much back into the abyss.”

  I can see the mask he uses enshrouding his features so that I won’t see his hurt and wish just this once, Gabriel had not spoken. “Mia, you know how much I hate to lose a good soul, but from what we found out, when her husband changed the baby, it was consumed, taken over or turned into the one we know as Jonathan, a dark, deceptive demon tied tightly to the underworld and advancing destruction to souls on this plane. Although what he did will lead to good, it was all in furtherance of his lie to trick you into committing to him so that we would lose you forever. You know how he deceived us for close to five hundred years and encased Martina for centuries because he hoped it would destroy our family. I know that my mother loved the child, but once he was destroyed, consumed by evil, there was nothing left. You cannot feel guilty about sending him back.”

  “I know the demon was beyond any evil that I ever want to encounter again and how fearful I am of him, but I still felt the need to send the message. I’m so sorry I concerned you.”

  Although his features soften, slightly, I catch a look pass between them before Gabriel leaves. Andrew pulls me into his chest, but cannot hide the hurt from his voice. “Why don’t you get ready for bed and I’ll make you some tea. I’m sure that your walk must have given you a chill.” He quickly darts into the kitchen, avoiding my eyes.

  When I come out, he is sitting on the bed sporting a cup of tea. Despite his calm looking demeanor, his eyes cannot mask his thoughts. “Andrew, I’m sorry I concerned you.”

  “Mia, maybe we should stay somewhere else. Staying where you spent so much time together may cause more complications than it is worth, especially considering your wrestling with such guilty feelings and how much you will be skirting between the life you were leading there and your life now, it may be too stressful for you.” His eyes dart everywhere in the room but toward mine.

  Putting down the tea, I grasp his face so that he is forced to look at me. “Andrew, the home is big enough to fit all of us and it would help with the charade. Besides, when I spoke with the real Jonathan Taylor, it seems he didn’t mind at all and I would really like to ensure that his desires get accomplished. It would be so much easier for you to appear as him if we were living where people know he lives. I know what I said upset you and I don’t want to hurt you further, but I had to send the message to your mother. I know what we decided about the children, but thinking about when they were born, they were so innocent, so perfect and loving and then in the case of your mom, a demon ripped her child away and turned him into the very darkness which she feared the most. She killed herself so the innocent soul which she brought into this world would not be alone in the abyss, in the darkness that consumes the light. I believe that the soul that was consumed was good, how could it not be, it was a child. From the stories that he told me of how the darkness overtook him and how it was too late after being left with a monster to know anything else, how could he turn from the darkness when all he knew was the thought his mother had abandoned him and his life with his keeper was shrouded in an endless abyss? Despite what she tried to do in killing herself, she never reached him, I know it. I can’t really explain what I mean, it’s just that when you were transformed, you were an adult and physically never changed after that, but the morality that was already engrained in you helped you, it made you the man I love and the one I can’t exist without.” As the meaning of what I am saying hits me, I elaborate. “I can’t understand though how Jonathan changed and grew. Aren’t you supposed to be frozen? But sometimes, for the briefest of seconds when he spoke, there was just something of that innocent child who searched for answers as to why it happened to him and who I knew your mother died for. I guess it is the mother in me and the wonders of such miracles that I have been blessed with that compelled me to apologize to your mother for sending the innocent piece of her blessing back to the shadows. I am truly sorry for putting you through this too, but I couldn’t let it go.”

  Reaching for my hands, he brings them to his lips, kissing them gently. “I do understand. I just know what guilt can do and how badly you already feel about what you think you did to our children, I don’t want this to be any harder on you.”

  “I’m fine, so please wipe the concern from your eyes.”

  “It’s not concern, I was just thinking about how the child was changed so young but then grew into the man who deceived us all. You’re right. We don’t change physically once we are converted, so I can’t understand how he changed.” He shakes his head. “It’s so strange. Every time I think that we are beginning to understand what is around us, I find there is still so much that we know nothing about, gatekeepers, an incredible dagger, super demons and now this.” I can feel my jaw drop at what he is talking about. “I’m sorry. You should rest. I’m just running off at the mouth. I will say one thing about our world though that I am glad surprised me, it brought you back to me.” He moves to kiss me and that is all it takes to make all the realms around us, confounding as they are, disappear.

  Waking, it is still dark. Andrew is not beside me, so I rise and look for him. Entering the living room, I hear muffled voices from the kitchen. Moving closer, Andrew is speaking. “Stop apologizing, we were all confused. Eva just look at what I could have done, what I had gone there planning to do. I could have killed my son and Mia.”

  “You weren’t fooled though and I tried to force your hand which would have led to disaster. It is just that before you leave, I want you to know how sorry I am and to make sure that you’re alright and will be careful while you are there.”

  “Is there something that you’re worried about?”

  “It just seems strange that Cassandra would want you to take Grant and Jeff and then what she said about the wolf he would operate on, I don’t know, but obviously if he is going to operate on a wolf, you are going to encounter something again from our world and it just seems that lately every time we encounter something, it has extreme consequences, so just be careful. I should let you put Alexander back to bed and get back to Mia. I’ll see you in the morning before you leave.”

  A chair moves and I quickly move to open the door. “I hope that we didn’t wake you.” She rises.

  “No, I was up. Is everything alright?”

  She hugs me. “I just wanted Andrew and you to know how sorry I am about the other night. I know I frightened you.”

  I interrupt her. “You were protecting Andrew and I would have done exactly the same thing. I love you Eva. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have my life.” I throw my arms around her. “I don’t know how I will ever show you how grateful I am for that.”

  Andrew rises as she leaves and places Alexander back in his crib. “You should try to sleep, we’ll be leaving in a few hours and something tells me that we will be hitting the ground running. Eva took the report that Catherine did and I think that you will be very pleased and so will your Board. There were plenty of funds raised between the benefits that you set up and the contributions to ensure a surplus fund that if invested wisely could ensure all children receive the best of care possible, regardless of insurance. Catherine even included some suggestions regarding investments that we have utilized to keep our endeavors running.”

ng my arms around his waist, I kiss the back of his neck. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  He turns still in my embrace. “Mia, it is a good endeavor and this could be very good for all of us.”

  Taking his hand, I move to sit on the couch and pick up the proposal. Reading over it, I’m surprised to see how much we did secure and the projections from the investments. It’s strange, before I never used to take an interest in finances and now I am reviewing reports to ensure that the numbers are manipulated enough to bring about the best results for the wing. I even discern that she included costs for equipment that we do not need with the initial startup because we could use equipment already in the hospital. I rise.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I just need to get dressed and change this report. I’ll be back to make breakfast before the kids wake up.” Putting on my coat, Andrew is staring at me and I realize that this change registers with him as well.

  When I return, the children are still asleep and the bags are by the door. Andrew is starting breakfast in the kitchen and I go to help. When the children rise, they are happy to see us. It feels so nice and strange at the same time. Less than forty-eight hours ago, my life felt so out of sync and I was trying to force a decision by convincing myself it was the right thing to do, but still, my work, the project, surgeries, and helping patients felt so right. Now, although I am so happy to be home with my children and the man who makes my heart beat, I can’t escape the anxiety I feel knowing where we are headed and who the people there think I am. I wonder which one of me is actually here and which one will emerge there. So many emotions flood through me, it’s so perplexing. I loved psychiatry and for the longest time thought that was the only way to stay in the medical field and still help people. Now, I can see why my parents loved what they had done and why they tried to share it with us. For the first time, the knowledge that I fought so hard in medical school against is fighting to stay in the forefront. I feel it bubbling to the surface as the two sides of me are engaged in battle, both wanting to work and help. I shake my head. We have to get the things to the car and leave before the patients start moving around, I don’t want to upset anyone else. Forcing these thoughts out of my mind, I pick up a dish and chide myself. I have already caused enough, pain, anxiety and feelings of loss, I need to concentrate on repairing the damage, if this is even possible, not causing more confusion and change. Closing my eyes, I hope I can find some way to bring some peace to those I love.