Read Secrets of Sanctuary Hospital Andrew and Mia's Encounter Page 4

  Chapter Two – New Lives New School

  Entering the classroom, I am glad the principal kept us together. Although the others are strong, I am the strongest and need to make sure that whatever we are going to face, everyone stays safe. Our family just came together again, and I don’t want anything to interfere with that or risk having something like what happened in England happen here. At least from what Uncle Francis said, it doesn’t appear demons are coming after us, it sounds more like something from this realm. Despite our powers, I know because of our age, we have some serious limitations. In truth, from what I saw about mom’s life when she was away, the dreams I had which I did not share with anyone, not really, of what happened to her in the woods, Jonathan’s warning and shadows grabbing at her, which I cannot explain, it would be too frightening to think of facing those creatures outside of the walls of Sanctuary and without all of our family around to fight with us. At least in facing human issues, not only do we have the benefit of our powers, but Grant, Julianne and Paul are here and dad will be here soon.

  Looking at the turning faces as we pass chatting students, I see faint glows emanating from them. Many are shrouded in shades of gray, but a few boarder more toward black or mahogany. Sitting in my seat, I wonder if this is what dad sees when he looks out upon a sea of new faces.

  Thankfully, the back row is empty and we scoot into those seats. Kayla appears nervous, but Charlie leans over. After whispering in her ear that everything will be fine and he is here for her, he retreats and points to his charm. As she brushes her fingertips over her own charm, I am happy to see her smile.

  A woman strolls through the entrance. Placing her books and purse on the desk, the students in the classroom continue talking and glancing back at us. Her glow is almost stark white and she smiles widely. Taking in a breath, my eyes widen. She isn’t human. Glancing over at my siblings and Charlie, this same fact registers with them.

  Moving down the aisle, she stops in front of Charlie’s desk. From her facial features, she knows what we were as well. Holding out her hand, Charlie rises to shake it. “I’m Miss Wolf.” Charlie quickly pierces his lips together tightly, as do we, to stop a chuckle. Her name fits what she is perfectly. A moment later, Charlie gains control over himself. “I’m Charlie; it’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s a pleasure meeting all of you.” She moves down the row, shaking all our hands. A moment later, she is back up at the front of the classroom. “Please take out your readers; we have a lot to accomplish before the football rally. As most of you know, our team is going to the semi-finals in Rochester and there will be an assembly at 1:00 to send them off. Let’s hope that this Thanksgiving, they will be playing in the finals right here in our own field.”

  Looking around, some of the bigger boys are smiling and I notice they are wearing letter jackets.

  The class is pretty quiet after that and the material they are reviewing is a subject we covered three years ago with Rachel. From the look on Charlie’s face, he must have covered it as well.

  Moving through the hallway to our next class, I notice more of the jackets and the glows or shadows emanating from the students. Leaning toward Nichole, “Can you see what is surrounding the students?” At first her eyes dart as if she is looking for a threat, but then I place my hand over hers, “I mean their essences.”

  Her eyes narrow as we continue walking and then she whispers to me. “I can see light shadows around some of them, while others are darker, but most of them aren’t really clear.” Her forehead creases. “Can you see them?”

  “I can, it’s pretty strange, I don’t really remember seeing this when we were at Sanctuary.”

  “Do you think this is something new or maybe we just never noticed it there?” She shrugs as we enter our next class. I can’t help but giggle as I catch Charlie winking at Paul as we pass. He has something set up in the front of class for a demonstration. Standing to the side as the rest of the students take their seats, they mumble about the new teacher and one girl comments. “It looks like Mr. Anderson did run off with Ms. White from math; I hear there’s a replacement for her as well.”

  All the students cram toward the back whispering about hoping this teacher doesn’t have the old seating chart and leaving the first two tables open. Quickly moving, Nicholas and I take the second table while Charlie, Nicole and Kayla sit at the first. From the look on Paul’s face, he is straining to keep from smiling. Charlie must be doing something trying to make him laugh. Kicking the back of his chair, Charlie turns around. “Alright, I’ll stop.” He quickly faces front. Knowing Charlie and seeing the mischievous look in his eyes, I just hope Paul can look past him.

  He moves around the desk, leaning up against the front of it. “Good morning, I’m Mr. Grayson and I am taking over for Mr. Anderson.” I could see him smile slightly. “I know Mr. Anderson had you sitting in a particular manner.” The students grumble behind me. “However, since I am a new teacher and my style may be different than his, I think we will try something new. Everyone stand up please and move to the back of the room.” Everyone moves quickly and he continues. “Since we will be working in groups of two and three, get into small groups and these will be your partners for the rest of the year. Please choose individuals who you can work with but not chat with all through class. I want us to get as much as possible out of each class and although I want you to enjoy working together, I also want you to make sure that you are next to someone who you can pay attention with as well.”

  The others pair off and move to seats, but still leave the first two tables open. One of the boys backs away from the others and gravitates toward Nicholas and me. He wasn’t in our homeroom, and his eyes are focused more on the floor than on who is around him. I elbow Nicholas who now catches sight of him too. As we move closer to him, I realize he is more like us than I first realized. I hold out my hand. “Hi, I’m Jacob and this is my brother Nicholas, would you like to pair up with us?”

  His eyes shift up in disbelief. “I’m Brian, would you mind?”

  “Are you kidding, come on, let’s go sit down.” Charlie, Kayla and Nicole head for the first table, but I scuttle around the outside desk and sit where Charlie was previously sitting, laughing. As Nicholas and Brian sit by me, Brian is puzzled, but Nicholas is laughing, knowing why I did it.

  “Brian, this is our friend Charlie and our sisters, Nicole and Kayla.”

  “It’s nice to have some new students, where are you from?”

  Nicole answers quickly. “We live in England, but where spending some time with our uncle here.” Brian’s features tell me he knows that we are lying, but considering what he is and where we all are, he is probably very familiar with this type of game.

  As the rest of the students sit, we chat before Paul starts class. When the bell rings, Brian turns to us. “Thanks for letting me sit with you.”

  “Are you kidding, it’s going to be great. What class do you have next?” Charlie inquires as we move out into the hall.

  “I have Spanish and then gym and algebra.”

  “We have English, but then have gym and algebra too. We’ll see you there.”

  He smiles. “That’s great.” As he moves, his eyes drop to the floor and he puts his head down before slinking along the lockers. It almost appears as if he is trying to avoid being seen.

  Charlie’s boisterous voice tears me from my contemplation as we move to our next class. “Why did you sit in the front row, are you seriously going to ruin my fun?”

  I nudge him in the shoulder. “Absolutely” As much as I love having Charlie around I know how much he likes to clown around and give his family a hard time, it is going to be hard enough without his antics for them to keep their eyes open for whatever encounters may come our way and teach class. “How about you give them a hard time at home and let them be here.”

  “That’s not as much fun” He grumbles.

  “I know but Paul looked nervous enough up there, at least give him a few weeks bef
ore you start.”

  “Alright” I can hear the disgruntled humph coming.

  “Come on, we’ll be late for class.”

  Entering the gym, the athletes are in one corner, a bunch of girls are chattering in another corner, but a few students seem to be separated out. From their demeanor, they look as if they are wishing the floor or walls would just swallow them whole. They aren’t even talking to each other. This is so different from our school. At least there everyone gets along. Here it appears to be something quite different going on, even among those who gather together. As I listen, I detect a definite pecking order and some very unpleasant talk.

  It is strange, but as I look over at some of those who appeared to have gray auras about them in homeroom, they are now surrounded by something darker. I have to ask dad if their aura can change depending on who they are around. As we move past one girl, I get the strangest feeling, but when I look at her, I see nothing around her, no indication of what she is like.

  As Nicholas passes her, she mumbles. “Are you new?” He stops to introduce himself, but I keep moving toward Brian, knowing that we shouldn’t keep moving around together for fear that someone may really take notice of us, more than the occasional glance we receive as the new kids now. Considering what Brian is and the strange feelings I get passing some of them, there could be more here than we bargained for. Moving next to Brian, I smile.

  “So did you ever play capture the flag at your old school? We played that a lot with the old gym teacher”

  “Sometimes, but at my old school we used to go outside in the good weather and play a great game of hide and seek.” Charlie chuckles and I know he is thinking of it wolf style.

  Brian shudders slightly and then shakes his head. “What about you Jacob, what game in gym do you like best?”

  “I think I like baseball the best, but basketball is alright too.”

  “I like swimming” Nicholas adds.

  Brian’s eyes light up. “You swam at your old school that must have been so cool.”

  Julianne blows her whistle and instructs everyone to line up as she introduces herself. She has an obstacle course set up and I could hear some of the bigger boys whispering to try and get behind certain people. Hearing Brian’s name, I realize the other names mentioned must be the other kids who are standing alone along the wall. Nicholas and Charlie must have heard Brian’s name too because they move to sandwich him, but as he runs into the course, a larger boy jumps in front of me and runs. A second later, he is pushing Brian toward the floor with such force I can feel the vibration in the souls of my feet. Before I even move, Julian is already upon the boy.

  “What is your name?”

  The boy turns to her with a huge smirk on his face. “Greg”

  I help Brian up. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m used to it,” he rubs the side of his arm that first hit the floor.

  “Does it happen a lot?” I hear snickers from the other athletic boys as my tone reflects my surprise.

  “Every class”

  Julianne’s tone is authoritative and so low, no one else probably hears. She orders the boy to apologize. Greg’s reply is not so low. “I don’t apologize to dogs.”

  “Until you learn to behave like a human being in my class you can march yourself right now down to the office,” she commands.

  “I never go to the office” He retorts and flicks the whistle around her neck. In a flash, she has his hand and is straining not to break his fingers, while putting enough pressure on them to show him that she is not some petite woman he can push around.

  “Greg, you will go where I instruct you.”

  He moves closer to her and despite his features revealing that he is feeling pain; he smirks and answers her like a real wise guy. “I know you are new here, so let me educate you on something, my group doesn’t go to the principal, I see him at home every night.”

  “You’re right, I am new here and I will not sit idly by while you push around another student in front of me.”

  Brian moves closer and I move with him. “Ms. Gray, it is fine. We should just get back to class.”

  Julianne makes the mistake of turning to Brian to answer him. “No it’s not.” Greg maneuvers his hand to try and hurt her, but thankfully, she appears unaffected and he is confused. She turns back toward Greg. “Please do what I told you so that I may return to class.” He flinches as she puts additional pressure on his hand. As he moves, she lets go.

  He is quickly at her ear whispering something so low, the other students cannot hear, but from the look upon our group’s face, we all heard correctly. As he storms past her and then Brian, he pushes Brian again to the ground. The next moment he is gone.

  Despite Julianne’s best efforts, class does not go well. Those who were with Greg are uncooperative and plant themselves before the obstacle course while those against the walls are too afraid to go around them. As we move, she shakes her head in such a way only we can see, to stop us. As I stand by Brian, I realize she is right waiving us off, despite being able to pass ourselves off as high school juniors, our physical appearance would align us more with those who stay away. It wouldn’t help to put a target on our backs on the first day out. Thankfully, a few moments later the bell rings and we change classes.

  Those with Greg turn and the way they stare at Julianne as if they are passing along some unspoken warning that this is not over ignites a fury inside me that I have never felt before. They are going to give her trouble and as the darkened shadow around one of them turns pitch, I see red. Knowing how dangerous anger is and what it could lead to, I scrunch my eyes tight, envisioning my fury as a ball and throw it in my mind far past the football field we saw driving into the school. A moment later, I realize Nicole’s hand is on my shoulder and she is whispering in my ear. “Are you alright?”

  Opening my eyes, I am at least in control again. Starting to move so we won’t be late, my reply is more clipped than I intended. “I’m fine. Let’s get to class.” Maybe I’m not as much in control of myself as I hoped. I’m never short with Nicole.

  Although algebra goes fine, as we travel to the cafeteria I can feel my nerves standing on end. Knowing how hard I had to fight against using my powers to send Greg and the other boy across the room when I thought he was going to hurt Julianne and the other boy seemed to be threatening her, will I be able to combat such an impetuous response if they do something to another student in front of me? Knowing if I unintentionally flick my wrist they will fly across the room, I force my hands into my pockets and keep repeating a simple mantra. “We never use our powers in anger and never on humans, even when they are being cruel.”

  Stepping inside, I jump as Nicole puts her hand on my shoulder and is at my ear. “Jake, it’s alright. They’re not even here, relax.”

  Looking around, I see letterman jackets, but the boys and girls wearing them were not those with Greg in the gym. Thankfully, I don’t see any of them, but I do see the girl who spoke to Nicholas sitting alone in a corner, pushing around her food and staring down at the pages of a book. She appears even more uncomfortable here than in the gym if that is possible.

  Brian’s voice causes my head to turn back to the others. “Do you guys want me to show you what’s good here or would you prefer just to sit down?” From his tone and the way his eyes focus on Nicole and me, I know he is trying to figure out if we eat in a way not to offend so I respond quickly. “I’m starved. What’s good here?”

  He smiles and I sense his relief as we move to a counter serving hamburgers and hot dogs. Grabbing a dog and milk I wait for the others not wanting to be on my own if Greg does come in with his cohorts. We follow Brian over to the table where the girl is sitting. As he sits, a look of sadness crosses his face.

  Nicholas sits near the girl. “Hello”

  She doesn’t even glance up from her book, “I hope you enjoy lunch.” The anxiety in her voice is the same that developed in the gym after Nicholas stayed to say hello to her. “I
hope you enjoy it here” she whispers, rising and moving away from the table, despite having a full plate, she picks up her book and tray and throws it away, before exiting. Her strange tortured expression preoccupies me as I try to force my attention back to our table only to meet the same preoccupied, concerned look on Nicholas and Brian’s face. Finally, Brian breaks the uncomfortable silence by inquiring about the other classes we have. Despite answering him, I can’t stop my eyes from staring out into the sea of people surrounding us, seeing how the lights and shadows around them meld together and change as they speak with different people. A voice over the loudspeaker makes me jump, pulling me from my introspection. “All seniors and athletic teams, please report to the rally.”

  “Brian rises. We should put away our stuff and get ready. They will be calling for us soon.”

  Outside, the students fill the football bleachers while the teachers and administration gather in the middle of the field. Looking around, the seniors and athletes align the bleachers closest to the field, while many of the other students appear to be clumped together. Looking at the goal posts, however, there are several students sitting at the top most bleachers, spread out, as if they want to be away from everyone. Scanning their faces as we follow Brian to some seats in the last row behind a group of girls from our homeroom class, I see some of the people from our gym class; I recognize some of the faces as those I saw in the hallways slinking along the lockers. Since they are so spread out I can easily see the auras surrounding them, but gasp as my eyes see what is next to one girl.

  “What’s wrong?” Nicholas whispers. I’ll tell you later.” When I look back at the girl, it is gone, but I am left with the strangest uncomfortable feeling. I try to concentrate on what is going on, but these strange feelings will not leave me. To make it worse, as I look down on the field, my eyes lock with Greg’s before I tear them away, only to view the others. The coach introduces them as the first string football team and he also congratulates some of them for bringing the championship back home to the school in hockey.”

  Thankfully, when the rally is over, he announces dismissal. We walk back down to the lockers and grab our books. “Have a good day guys and thanks for letting me hang with you today.” Brian grabs his jacket and hurries off.

  Uncle Francis is waiting for us when we get out. “So how was your first day?”

  I hear the rest of them say it was alright as they scoot into the car, but not like our school at home. As he slides into the driver’s seat, he stares at me, waiting for me to say something, but for some reason, I just can’t. Dropping my eyes down to my folded hands, I don’t know if it is that I don’t want to say anything to worry Nicole and the others or if what I saw is not the only thing concerning me. Maybe I can’t say anything because I am just too ashamed of almost losing my temper. As I look up, Uncle Francis’ stare is even more intense and he speaks low so as not to draw the attention of the others who are singing along to a song on the radio. “Your parents should be home shortly and the grounds around the house are really interesting, maybe a walk with one of them or both would be really good for you. “ His voice is filled with understanding and I just nod my head.

  When we arrive, Sarah tells us that mom and dad called and will be home within half an hour. Even though I’m not really able to concentrate, I know the homework is easy and want to get it over with. We finish just as mom comes through the door. From the look on her face as her eyes shoot to mine, I know she has a sense of what I was feeling today, she nods slightly, probably aware that I don’t want to talk in front of the others, especially Nicole. I know our abilities frighten her and that she tries to shut them out, and I don’t want to ruin this new experience for Nicholas and Kayla because of my temper or what I see around us, especially since I’m not even sure what it means.

  “So how was everyone’s day?” She smiles sitting down next to us.

  The school is very big; there are so many students there. There is even a teacher and a student that we encountered who are wolves” Nicholas chuckles.

  Concern immediately shadows her features, so I interject. They are both very nice and even have very good souls around them

  “You could see them?” Dad inquires coming over to me as a look passes between he and mom.

  “I could see most of the souls around people; it was very strange, some of them even changed.”

  “What do you mean they changed?” His tone reveals genuine curiosity.

  Stopping for a moment, I need to think about the best way to describe it. “Well it’s not so much that they change completely, they just become different.” Even as I say it, I become frustrated, because that isn’t quite right, but I don’t know how to really convey what I saw.

  “Jacob it’s alright, I know what you’re trying to say. You saw their essences go from a light to a darker color or the opposite depending upon who they were with and what they were doing.”

  I’m surprised that he knows exactly what I mean. “How did you know, have you seen that too?”

  “I have.” Since most people make good and bad choices, they are somewhere in between, like a shade of gray, but when they are making bad choices, the gray becomes darker, while when they make a good choice, the color around them is illuminated, becoming almost white.”

  “That’s exactly what I was seeing. I’m so glad that you see that too, I thought I was concentrating too much or hallucinating.”

  “Not at all, but considering how many people are in your new school and how distracting it can become, I can teach you how to tune it out so that you don’t see it.” From his tone, I know he thinks that seeing this is why I’m upset.

  “No, it’s alright, I’m sure I’ll get used to it and it’s interesting to see it on such a large scale.” My response confuses him and he stares at me as if trying to pull the cause of my mood directly from my thoughts like uncle Gabriel sometimes does.

  “If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to show you.”

  Hugging him, I whisper in his ear so low, I hope no one else can hear. “Can we talk about it later?”

  “Whatever you want,” He turns to the others, “How about a nice game of baseball on the front lawn?”

  Just then, the door opens and Grant, Paul and Julianne come in. “I have a better idea, I know Charlie was talking about how much he liked hide and seek, wolf style of course, so how about we play that?”

  “Really” Charlie interjects excitedly.

  “Sure, if you don’t mind some vampires joining. The estate looks big enough to play; even though I’m sure in the woods it would be much more fun.”

  “That’s alright, there are enough trees and we could still have fun.”

  We head outside. It is good to see Nicholas and Kayla phase without even a hint of worry. Paul, Charlie, Grant, Jeff and Mark phase quickly and begin running. Nicole and Francis quickly follow them. I move but notice Julianne come next to me and stop.

  “Jake can we talk a minute.”

  “Sure” I follow her over to a bench.

  As she sits, she faces me, looking directly into my eyes. “I know what happened today got you very upset, seeing Brian get pushed down and then thinking that Greg was hurting me or that Tim was threatening me and that there would be trouble. You have been through a lot over the past several months, I could see you struggling probably trying to tell yourself that they are human, but you also have to realize that I can handle myself.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I have encountered people like that before, when we were off of our land for a while before we entered David’s estate. We had to learn how to act like everyone else so that David would not suspect what we are and learn how to mask our scent. I encountered people like Greg and his little followers. I too had to remind myself that we can’t use our powers against them. I know what they are doing is rotten, but there are other ways, human ways, to deal with people like that. I can take care of myself so don’t worry about that. Although I appreciate your wa
nting to help, don’t get yourself into trouble at school. Let us as teachers handle it and give yourself time to observe how adults handle these types of situations. You are very lucky to have Sanctuary and an accepting place to grow up, but the world outside of Sanctuary is filled with people like Greg and his followers, they are not nice, but their degree of nastiness does not call for our type of intervention. Despite your maturity in some areas, this area is very new to you and will upset you greatly because you are a good person, but give yourself time to observe the human ways to deal with this. Considering who your grandfather is you don’t want to let the darkness which people like them bring to your life into your heart, don’t let it change you.”

  “But we are stronger than they are and we have always been taught to protect those who are weaker.”

  “You’re right” Dad’s voice rings out behind me and from the second set of footsteps near him, I know mom is close behind. Julianne rises. “I’ll let you talk.” She phases and is gone instantly and they come next to me.

  “Jacob, we are stronger and we do need to protect those who are weaker, but there are human ways to do that too. In teaching you to use your powers it is more so to combat those in our realm, not teenagers behaving badly.”

  “I know that. I didn’t use any of my powers, I swear.”

  Mom puts her hand on my shoulder. “We know that.”

  Looking directly at her, “Mom, I hated standing by while they could have hurt Julianne and they hurt Brian.”

  “But Jake, think about what could have happened if you threw Greg across the gym.” As she says this, I realize she was with me at that moment. “I know it’s wrong and that I could have seriously hurt him or maybe even killed him.” I shudder at the thought. “That’s why I fought so hard to concentrate. I even used the visualization technique you showed me and turned my anger into a ball and threw it very far in my mind. Then I kept my hands in my pockets when I thought he might be around. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our being here and I don’t want to do the wrong thing, this is just so new and I didn’t expect that it would be like this.”

  Mom’s eyes turn soft and fill with understanding as she wraps her arms around me. “I know and I’m sorry that you have to see how people can be nasty towards one other. I am very proud of the way you channeled your fear and anger over what you saw. I’m sorry that you had to experience that, especially after everything else.”

  “It’s alright. It’s isn’t like we hadn’t heard about this from Stephanie and some of the others. It’s just new, but it will be fine.”

  “Jake, as you get older you will be able to better utilize both your powers and human ways to deal with these types of situations. They do sometimes mix and the results can be quite satisfying, but while you’re still young, trying to combine the two, may cause you to slip and use the combatant powers in a human type situation, which could lead to disaster.”

  “I know you’re right and I do understand.” I hope that what I ask her next isn’t going to hurt her feelings, but I don’t quite know how to talk about this in front of her and know that she will think that I am too young for it to even be possible. “Mom, do you mind if I talk to dad for a few minutes.” From the change in her features, I know I haven’t hurt her feelings, but wonder if she knows what I am going to talk to him about.

  “Sure, I’ll go inside, start dinner and check on Alexander.” She kisses me on the head and leaves.

  Turning back to dad, he is studying my features intently. “Dad, I know we are never to use our powers in anger and I know that what happened today didn’t call for it because it wasn’t like what we see when some of our own are bad, but will you teach me how to fight like a human?”

  He appears torn over my request. “Jacob, I know what you saw and what you thought would happen upset you greatly, but it really wouldn’t be wise for you to go looking for trouble.”

  I have to be careful answering him, knowing that if he thinks that I’m going to start a fight, he will never agree to help me. In truth, I’m not looking to start anything, but I can feel trouble coming and I want to be prepared if it does. “I’m not going to look for trouble, I promise, but truthfully, I got the distinct impression that trouble is coming for Julianne and I want to be able to protect her the way you have always tried to protect mom. I figure since we are playing in their realm now, maybe it would be best if I know how to defend her in acceptable ways.” Looking at him, I know he is seriously considering my plea.

  “Dad, I promise you if you teach me I won’t initiate anything. Maybe once you’re there, you could help, but for now, please teach me. I know everyone thinks I’m young and Julianne believes she can handle herself, but I’m not so sure. I had some very strange feelings come over me. I’m not as young as everyone thinks I am, a lot has happened that has caused us to grow up. I don’t think that I have done anything to cause you concern. Just the opposite, I think that from what I have shown you that you know you can trust me. I have to protect Julianne and the others.”

  “Jacob, besides what happened in the gym was there something else? I know you told me about being able to see the light or darkness that surrounds the other students, but from the determination in your voice, I am getting the impression that there is something more.” His tone is laced with concern.

  Taking in a deep breath, I hope that he won’t think that I was seeing things. “I saw something really strange around one of the students when we were at the rally.”

  “What did you see?”

  “I saw a man, but I know he wasn’t really there. I saw his spirit.” As his image flashes through my thoughts, I shudder and dad’s arm is instantly around me. His voice turns soft and reassuring.

  “Jacob, it’s alright, you know that sometimes those who have left this plane return to help those that they love or to watch over them.

  “I know, but dad I don’t think that’s what is happening here.”


  “It’s just that from everything you told us, wouldn’t the person have some sort of light around them or look peaceful?”

  “Most of the time the people are peaceful. Jake what is it that you saw that has you worried?”

  “When I looked across the field, the person next to this girl didn’t look peaceful at all. He looked upset, maybe even angry and…and he looked as if something had ripped at his skin.”

  “Did you see any type of shadow around him?” The hitch in his breath betrays his own anxiety, despite his trying to hide it.

  “No, I didn’t and he didn’t look like the creatures that were around this house the other night or …” I stop short knowing that I haven’t disclosed some of the things I was seeing when we thought mom was dead.

  His features turn scrutinizing and I know he must be disappointed that I have been keeping things from him, but he already had so much to deal with these past months. He quickly gives me an explanation trying to put me at ease. “It sounds as if you saw an apparition of someone who was ripped away from this person quickly and without warning. When the one who gets ripped away leaves someone they love behind, it takes time for their essence to leave. Did it appear as if the person you saw was in an accident? Maybe that is why they appeared disfigured to you.”

  Thinking about the face in this way, I see it differently now. “Maybe, but I’m not really sure.”

  “Jacob, I need you to do something for me. Until I get to the school, I need you and the others to stay away from this person. I believe you when you say you don’t think that it is one like those who were here the other night, but until we are sure, I don’t want you taking any chances.”

  “I promise. Dad about the other thing I asked you, will you teach me?”

  “How about after dinner you and I go down into the workout room and spar. I’ll even show you some moves my father showed me. Granted, in my day, they were to fight against feudal knights behaving badly, but I think those moves still work.” He chuckles, but then his voice turns ser
ious. “Jake, even when you learn these, don’t go looking for trouble, they are only to be used in defense.”

  “I know, but I think it will be helpful to know them and may help me better cope and feel more comfortable.”

  He rises. “Why don’t you go and hide, I’m sure they will miss you if you don’t play, dinner should be ready soon.”

  At least the game, allows me to get some of my energy out. By the time we eat dinner, I feel a little more relaxed, but mom keeps glancing over at me and I can tell she knows what we will be doing and is concerned.

  The workout room is amazing, it is almost as good as the one at home, but this one has mats as if set up for martial arts, I even notice some Japanese swords hanging on the wall and dad explains about them and which era’s they were used in. I always knew he had seen a lot of history, but listening to him now, I wonder if I will sound like this in a few hundred years. After two hours, we go back upstairs to join the others so that I could look over one more thing for school and get ready for bed.

  While the others fall asleep quickly, I find it very hard to. I can’t shake the images that surrounded me or the strange feelings. Rising, I head downstairs, maybe a glass of milk will help. I hear mom and dad’s voices coming from the living room.

  “Do you think that maybe you should try to speed up getting in there?”

  “I thought about that, but I truly believe what he saw was an apparition and not a shadow. If I try to push too much, we will draw attention that we may not want. Mia, you should also know that Jacob is worried about Julianne and feels very protective of her.” He clears his throat and I wonder if he knows how I feel and is debating whether to tell mom.

  “I know what you’re thinking and you’re right.” She interjects. “I wasn’t going to say anything because I know that the future can change, but I caught a brief glimpse of Jacob when he is older and I believe that he and Julianne will end up together.”

  “Did you see anything else?”

  “I did. Do you remember that I told you Jeff suspected that you were a watcher?”

  “Yes, but …” Before he even has time to finish, she speaks again.

  “I know that you aren’t, but Charlie is and I know that he is tied to Kayla in that way.”

  This revelation doesn’t surprise me, nor do I suspect that it surprises my father, but I wish I knew more of what a watcher does. Deciding that I shouldn’t be eavesdropping on their conversation and should let them know I came down, I head into the living room.

  “Do you mind if I just grab some milk? I can’t sleep.”

  Mom rises. “I’ll get it for you while you relax by the fire; it always helps me when I can’t sleep. As she rises, I can tell by the way she is searching my eyes that she’s concerned that I overheard what she said and that it may affect my choices in the future. I grab her hand as she moves past me.

  “Mom, you didn’t change anything, I already saw that too.”

  Despite her continuing into the kitchen I can tell this surprises them both. When she returns, my father asks the question that I know he was contemplating even earlier.

  “Jacob I know when your mother was gone, we talked about some of the things you were seeing, but what else did you see that you’re not talking about?” From his tone, he isn’t mad, but is very concerned.

  “Dad, I told you about a lot of it. I know that you say to always be honest, but you were dealing with a lot and then mom disappeared and everyone was trying to convince me that I wasn’t seeing what I thought and that I was only dreaming, but I’m not always asleep when it happens. Sometimes the images just appear.” I know I’m rattling, but as the floodgates open, my nerves take over thinking about what I have withheld and how he may now think that by not telling him, I was being deceptive, when really, all I wanted to do was not have him worry about me.

  He moves his hand to mine as mom hugs me. “It’s alright, I know it has been very difficult the past few months, but maybe now that things are better, you could tell us what you saw. I know you are very mature for your age, but Jake, some of the things I now suspect you see or have seen through your mother’s eyes could be very upsetting and disturbing.” Thankfully his voice is filled with understanding without a hint of anger, but still I can’t help but shudder as the images of the dark shadows grabbing for mom flash before me and a new image of dad lying on the ground dying in her arms rips through my mind like a flash fire consuming a forest.

  As I see this, dad grabs my arms. “How often have you seen those images?” My eyes tear from the fire to his and my jaw drops as his expression reveals that he saw what I did.

  “How did you see that?”

  “I’m not sure, but Jacob, that wasn’t me dying.” His tone is emphatic.

  “Yes it was, and I saw mom with you, you’re going to die!” My body shakes violently. We just got mom back and now we are going to lose dad in a fight.

  “No, Jake that happened a long time ago.” He releases me and stares into my eyes. “It is not something that is going to happen.”

  “Dad you’re not making sense, you’re here so it couldn’t have happened yet.”

  Mom awkwardly embraces me and I can feel her anxiety at what we are saying, but dad responds to me before I can say anything to her. “Jacob, that happened a long time ago, there is no danger from what you saw and I’m fine now.”

  “Are you sure?” I fight to hold back the tears. We can’t lose him, not now, it’s not fair.

  “I am. Have you seen that before?”

  Inhaling deeply so that not even one tear will escape and I can answer him, “I saw the shadows ripping at mom before but not you. How did you see it though? I thought only Uncle Gabriel could see things like that.”

  He hesitates. “I’m not really sure, but Jacob, that happened before you were born” As he explains what happened back then, it is finally making sense, all of the strange images, but the idea of him being split like that frightens me. “Dad, could that happen to us?”

  I catch a look passing between him and my mother before he answers. “I don’t believe it could, Jake what happened to me didn’t even happen to my siblings. From what I know, it hasn’t happened to anyone else, so I don’t think that it is something that you have to worry about.”

  Inadvertently, I yawn and mom looks at her watch.

  “We should get you up to bed?” She rises. I follow her and she tucks me in. “Jacob, I know that what you saw and what your father told you is very disturbing, but try to put this out of your mind. Hopefully, while we’re here we can step away from all of that for a while and with any luck tomorrow will be better at school.” She leans down to kiss me. It is so nice having her back and being able to feel her hugging me again. Despite her comforting words, considering what I saw and our already coming across two wolves, I highly doubt we are leaving anything of the surreal world behind, we are only changing venues.

  The next few days go by fairly normal. Paul and Grant are keeping a close eye on Julianne. I overhear them talking at night about how certain athletes are giving her trouble in the class, probably on Greg’s instruction. I hate that she has to go through this, despite all her reassurances that it is nothing and doesn’t bother her.

  By Wednesday of the following week dad comes to school as a temporary guidance counselor. The administrators have asked him to guide students who want to enter business until they can arrange for a replacement counselor. They have even asked if it is possible for him to finish the school year if they do not find someone before then. He informs them he is only too happy to help. Although I have given him the names of the boys who are with Greg, I doubt he will have a chance to see any of them since Brian let me know that they usually speak to the coaches or the other counselor. I also gave him the name of the girl who spoke to Nicholas and he let me know that he believes he caught sight of the girl who I described in the bleachers and that her name is Alice. Hopefully, he can figure out who is around her.

  Waking up on Friday, m
y head feels as if I have fallen out of bed and hit the dresser. Despite not finding any lump or indication that I hit something in my sleep, I can’t escape the feeling that my brain is swimming in a sea of confusion. As I rise to get ready for school, I fall back onto the bed. I can’t ever remember feeling this way. Nicholas, who comes in to grab his pack before heading down to breakfast, runs over to me. “Are you alright? You look terrible.”

  “I’m not sure, I don’t feel so great.”

  He calls for mom. She and dad both come in. Mom immediately touches my head. “You don’t have a fever.” I can see the concern on her and dad’s face. Dad checks me out thoroughly, but doesn’t find anything wrong.

  “I think you should stay home today.”

  As I sit up, my head feels as if it is scraping against sandpaper and I don’t want to even argue about it, all I want is for the feeling to go away. Placing my head back on the pillow, my mind begins drifting through images of what has occurred over the last few months, but then all of a sudden, I see the school parking lot before me and feel a blow to the back of the head. Jumping out of bed, I feel as if my body hits the floor, but I’m still upright. Screaming out for mom, knowing she stayed home to be with me, I can hear her rushing up the stairs. As she comes toward me, I stumble, grabbing her sweater. “Get me to the school now, Julianne has been taken!”

  Helping me down the stairs, she takes out her telephone and tells dad what’s going on. “Jacob what do you see?” Despite her helping me move forward and knowing that my legs are moving, I feel myself on my back as my body is being dragged over a rough terrain. Although I can make out the blue sky, my eyes are fighting against a graying midst threatening to cut off my vision and are barely open.

  “Mom we have to get to her, she’s being dragged, I can’t really see where yet. Please.” After helping me into the car and buckling me in, she thrusts the telephone into my hand. It’s your father, keep talking to him. Tell him what you see.” She floors the engine.

  It is so strange, I feel the car speeding toward the school, but at the same time, I feel what I realize now is happening to Julianne. I can feel her fighting to keep her eyes from closing and struggling through the pain and encroaching unconsciousness. As she struggles someone kicks her. Her eyes widen momentarily from the pain and I see a fleeting image of the top of the goal post. She is passing the football field and heading for the trees. “Dad past the football field, they’re taking her into the woods!”

  “Jacob it’s alright” My parents say at the same time, but their voices are being drowned out by a deep male voice.

  “You have been giving the wrong people trouble and asking the wrong questions! Keep your nose out of other people’s business b… and just do your job. This is your only warning!” His putrid, hot breath rises up my nostrils, churning my stomach. The pain in my head explodes as someone lifts Julianne’s head and slams it against the ground. Everything before me turns black and then my own eyes focus on my present surroundings as panic engulfs me. If she’s unconscious she has no chance of fighting them off or getting away. We are pulling into the school. Before mom even stops the car, I unbuckled my seatbelt and throw myself out. Moving faster than I ever have, my earlier confounded feeling dissipated and I breathe deeply as I pass the football field. Catching her scent, I push forward. I need to get to Julianne. In seconds, I come across someone with their back toward me, kneeling over her with his hands on her head. “Get your hands off her!” I yell, flying at him. As he turns, dad catches me.

  “Jacob, it’s alright, she’s alive and should regain consciousness in a few minutes.” He releases me. Scuttling toward her, I lift her head gingerly. Although I see some blood on the ground, I can no longer feel a gash. Dad must have already healed that. I cannot stand seeing her unconscious. Closing my eyes, I place my hands upon her temples, concentrating and hoping that it will help her regain consciousness quicker.

  “Jake you can stop, I’m alright” I hear her mutter weakly. Opening my eyes, her eyes are open too as Paul and Grant approach with mom.

  I move as Grant comes near, taking my place holding her head. “Are you alright? How badly are you hurt? Can you tell me what happened?” His questions are pouring out, his tone laced with anxiety as he hugs her to him.

  “I’m alright now, as I was blacking out, I could hear Andrew coming toward us and he must have scared whoever it was away. I was going to the car to meet you and someone must have snuck up on me and hit me from behind.” The weakness of her response makes my stomach churn in a manner that I cannot understand and I wonder if it is her stomach I am feeling.

  Before, I can dwell on this, I hear Paul take in a deep breath and rise, about to bolt. Taking in my own deep breath, I tackle him to the ground. “What did you do that for?” His boisterous response echoes off the trees making me jump. Almost losing hold of him, I scramble to regain my grip and hold him toward the ground.

  “I know who you smell, but smell again; there is another scent and what if you’re wrong?” As reason returns to his eyes, I jump off him.

  Inhaling deeply, he turns back to me. “How did you smell that? Greg’s scent is so much stronger; the other scent is barely noticeable.”

  “Maybe because I was looking for something else, the voice I heard wasn’t his, it was too deep.”

  “What did you hear?” Grant asks but Julianne replies before I can.

  Mom interjects. “We should get her out of here, go back to the house, and take a better look at her to make sure she’s alright.”

  Grant picks her up and dad moves over to mom. “Mia, go home with them and leave me your keys in case Julianne shows any signs in the car of not feeling well. I’m going to see if I can find anything out or trace the scent.”

  “Andrew, I’ll stay with you.” Paul comes closer to us.

  “No, it would be better if you went with them. We don’t know who it is or if they are still around, but it is definitely a human scent and we don’t want to draw too much attention. Besides, no one here knows that you two are related, so you can keep a better eye on your sister and do her more good if that revelation does not come to light. I promise as soon as I get back, I’ll let you know what I find.”

  We head toward the car, and thankfully, by the time we arrive at the house, Julianne appears much more alert. Grant still insists on carrying her inside. The others are waiting as we walk in. As soon as Jeff sees Grant holding Julianne, he runs over and takes her from him. “What happened?”

  “It’s nothing, I’m fine really. You can put me down.” Julianne insists, but Jeff carries her up to her room.

  Nicholas comes up to me. “What happened, did you see what was happening to her?”

  “I did.” I see the others staring at me intently. Charlie moves closer to me and surprises me when he throws his arms around me. “Thank you for saving her.”

  “I’m just glad my dad caught up to her and nothing worse happened.” My body inadvertently shudders as images of what could have happened to her flood through my consciousness. The fear of her being hurt pierces my very core. Closing my eyes, I force myself to calm down, she is upstairs, safe. Repeating my mantra that she is safe and will be fine, I can finally wrench my eyes back open. Looking to the upper hallway, Grant is pacing outside of Julianne’s room. He has always been so good to us, I want to go up and say something to him, hoping to make him feel better. “I’ll be right back.”

  I’m glad that mom doesn’t stop me as I ascend the stairs. He is talking to himself. “I should have met her in the school. I should have seen something like this coming.”

  “Grant, it’s alright, I’m sure Jeff is going to come out and tell you that she is fine. I know what happened to her is really bad, but we found her quickly, and she was even doing better before we left.”

  “Jacob, I’m just glad you saw where she was.” Before I can reply, her door opens and Jeff steps out.

  “Dad, she’s fine, really, even the bump on the head is healed and I’m
sure the effects of the concussion which she probably suffered are almost gone as well, but we’ll keep an eye on her. I just need to go and get something to clean the cuts on her back from being dragged.”

  “Can I go in and see her?”

  “Go ahead. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  I follow Jeff downstairs. “Jacob, did you see who did this to her?”

  “No, I only saw what was happening to her, from her point of view. I’m sorry.”

  He turns. “You have nothing to be sorry about, you saved her, it could have been a lot worse, I was just trying to get any information about who did this.”

  “I did smell him sort of.”

  “What do you mean sort of?”

  “Whoever did this was wearing something that smelled heavily of Greg, the one who gave her trouble a few weeks ago, but it wasn’t him.”

  “Are you sure, why would you say that if you smelled him?”

  “I heard him talking to Julianne.” Jeff’s features tell me he’s shocked at this revelation, but I continue without explaining how it happens because in truth, I don’t know what causes something like this. “The voice of the man speaking wasn’t Greg’s and something is telling me the lesser scent is important, but I can’t really tell you why, it’s a feeling.” I wish I could explain it to him better. He must think I’m crazy for saying it is a feeling.

  “Jacob, if you think of anything else that you saw or heard, could you tell me, I don’t care what time of the day or night it is.”

  “Sure, I’ll tell you.”

  “Thank you.” He grabs some supplies from the closet and turns back to me. “I should get back up there.”

  “Could you tell her I hope that she feels better and I wish I saw it earlier?”

  “I’ll tell her.” He moves quickly upstairs.

  Mom comes over to me. “Jacob, could we go into the living room and talk for a minute?” I follow her in and sit down. “Had anything like that ever happened to you while I wasn’t here?”

  “No, this was the first time I ever felt anything like it. It was so strange, but I think that’s what I felt earlier when I wasn’t feeling well. Maybe I dreamt of it last night and didn’t realize it when I woke up.” As this realization hits me, my hands inadvertently grab my mom’s. “I should have realized that this is what made me sick before, if I had, she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Why didn’t I remember this?” Aggravation wells within me. “How could I have been so oblivious to what was going on? I could have stopped this! I could have prevented her from getting hurt.”

  “Jacob, calm down. You may not have seen it last night. Maybe you only felt what was going to happen, it’s not something you can control, especially when it first starts?”

  “But mom, she got hurt because I couldn’t figure this out earlier.”

  “You can’t think of it that way. You did see it when it was happening and you got help to her so that something worse didn’t happen.”

  “Your mother is right. This isn’t something you can really control. Do you feel weak at all, now?”

  Thinking about it, I feel better now, there is not even any remnants of the sick feeling I had this morning. “No, I feel fine.” I rise and go over to him. “Did you find out who did this to her?”

  “You are right about the scent, I smelled Greg near where we found her, but as I followed the trace scent, it became stronger back near the football field but then disappeared by the parking lot.”

  I don’t mean to, but I bang the table he is standing near, it splinters with pieces flying across the hardwood floor. Immediately bending down to pick up the pieces, I can’t believe I did that. “I’m sorry, I…”

  “Jacob, it’s alright, I’ll clean it up. Try to sit with your mother a few minutes and calm down. I know you’re upset, but we got to her, she’s alright.”

  Sitting beside mom, I close my eyes, trying to concentrate on calming my raging heart, but as the blood courses through my body, heating every crevice, the incident once again flashes before me. I feel the blow and her panic as she fell coursing through me and my heart races faster. A voice as gentle as the wind flows through these thoughts. “Jacob, it’s alright, try to calm yourself so you can see more details. Hold my hand and we can do this together.” I feel someone reach for my hand through the darkness. As the hand touches mine, I turn and can see mom, she is surrounded by a light. “Mom, how are you doing this?”

  “I’m not sure. Your father could hear your raging heart and you didn’t respond to us, so I was going to shake you but when I touched your shoulder, I could feel what you are feeling and thinking. Closing my eyes, the images that began floating through your consciousness started floating through mine and I could see you. Jacob, listen, you need to detach yourself from the events. I know that it is hard because Julianne is involved, but you will see more if you do. Concentrate with me and focus on what you hear.”

  I scrunch my eyes tighter and within seconds can hear a thud and feel another blow to my head from behind, but she fell backwards which makes no sense because the second blow came before I felt the back of her head hit the pavement.”

  My mother’s voice is close in my ear. “Jacob, step back a moment and think about what you feel when she’s hit in the back of the head and immediately after.”

  Concentrating very hard, I feel the blow again, but this time, I also feel a quick, forceful push against my chest, thrusting me toward the ground. “That is very good. Now think about the fall, your eyes are not closed yet. “What do you see?”

  Slowing it down, pushing the pain out of my mind, I feel my head bob, but there is someone in front of me. No, there is not just one, there is two, but I can’t see their faces. They are hidden within the shadows of their oversized hoods.

  “Concentrate on what you can see.” Focusing, I realize what she means. Although, I cannot see their faces, their builds tell me that they are too big to be students. They are adults. My eyes fly open and I see my parents staring at me.

  Shutting my eyes again quickly, this time I feel two hands upon me. Glancing about quickly, not only is my mom with me, but so is my dad. Neither say a word, but I can feel the intensity surrounding my father. The sky is moving quickly overhead, it is dim, but not dark. I feel the cool ground against my back from being dragged by someone is gripping my ankles tightly. I feel her struggling to keep even the slits of her eyes from closing, there are two dark gray hoods before her. I gasp as I realize two men grabbed her and are dragging her into the woods. “It’s alright Jake, she is upstairs safe.” My father’s voice calls through the darkness. “You are only an observer of a past event, detach yourself. She is fine. Concentrate on when they turn around and speak to her.”

  After a few moments, they stop. I scrunch over from the pain of a swift but powerful kick to my side, but neither man turned around. Their heads are scanning the area making sure that no one is approaching. The kick could not have come from either of them. There had to be a third person. Fog overtakes my mind and I realize she is losing consciousness. Hot, putrid breath fills my nostrils as a gruff, male voice bellows in my ear. The haze becomes thicker and she can no longer fight the blackening of her unconscious abyss. Just before she enters the darkness, I hear my father’s voice, quick paced footsteps and feel her relief as she slips into nothingness.

  Opening my eyes, concern resonates through my parents’ features and I feel someone behind me. Instinctively jumping off of the couch, I turn with my fists clenched. It takes a moment before I realize it is Jeff. I immediately drop my fists.

  “Jacob, I didn’t mean to startle you. Julianne is asking for you.”

  My peripheral vision catches my parents’ nods and I swiftly pass Jeff who is entering the room. I hear my father ask how she is, but don’t wait for a response. Knocking, Grant opens the door and slips out as I walk in.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Very lucky, my dad says that you saw what was going on and that’s how everyone found me so quickly. Tha
nk you.”

  “I’m just sorry; I didn’t realize what was going to happen to you sooner. I should have stopped this.” Responding more aggravated than I desire, I quickly shut my mouth, not wanting to bring any more to her already trying day.

  “Jacob, come here.”

  Grabbing a chair, I sit beside her bed.

  “Jake it’s alright, you alerted everyone in time and they got to me before anything could happen. You know that we can’t control some of the things that develop in us. I’m sure as you get older and more in tune with this new power you will have some control, but even if you don’t you can’t let it aggravate you this way, it will eat away at you and make moving forward so much harder.”

  “That’s what my dad said happened to him and he shut himself off and didn’t feel he was helping people like he should.”

  “He’s right.” As she sits up, I see her wince and my stomach twinges as she struggles to turn her features stoic. I hate that her back is causing her pain.

  “Don’t sit up, turn over, I can help you.” Moving to the edge of the bed, I place my hands over her shirt, I close my eyes and concentrate. I want to relieve her discomfort. As I do so, a strange sensation besides the energy flowing out of my hands begins to form in my back. Not only do I feel on my own back where I am releasing the energy, but twangs of pain clueing me in to where my hands should go next. I can’t believe how my own body is guiding my hands. My concentration is suddenly interrupted when the door opens. Looking up, Grant moves toward us. I can’t understand it, but my eyes immediately fall back toward the floor and a strange feeling comes over me. Rising, I quickly cross the room and turn at the archway. I can’t meet their eyes and whisper. “I hope you feel better.” Although I can’t understand my strange feelings, I need to leave and turn on my heels.

  Rising the next morning for school, although my body feels fit, my mind continues to be troubled by yesterday’s events. Knowing I will encounter Greg today and that his scent saturated the clothes of the man who kicked Julianne, probably hit her from behind, and threatened her, I know I have to be very careful. Just thinking of seeing him in the hallway causes a flash of red across my eyes and my hands involuntarily clench into fists. This is not good. Closing my eyes before leaving the room for breakfast, I fight to gain control of my now raging emotions, reminding myself that we don’t know what his involvement is or what his ties are to this man.

  Hearing someone’s footsteps approaching, my eyes open and my body automatically thrusts itself forward, right into my father. Realizing it is him, I whisper. “I’m sorry.”

  “I was worried when you didn’t come down for breakfast. Are you feeling alright?”

  “I’m fine, I was just…” I stop, unsure of how to explain myself and feeling ashamed that I am allowing my temper to get the better of me.

  Putting his hand upon my shoulder, causing me to sit at the edge of the bed, his eyes fill with understanding as he sits next to me. “Jacob, I know that you are still very upset about what happened last night and are probably worried about seeing Greg today, but you can’t let this grab hold of you or show him that you are aware he has any connection to the man that hurt Julianne last night. If you do, it will alert him that we know they are connected and may even have him taking a closer look at us because, remember, it is only his scent that made us aware that they are connected at all and humans cannot detect such.”

  “I know. It’s just that …” Stopping immediately and closing my eyes, hoping to gain enough control to release my now clenched fists, I feel my father’s hands prying my fingers gently apart.

  “Jake, I know how hard it is to get a hold of yourself when someone you care about has been hurt, but you help Julianne more if you stay calm and do not let on that we know Greg is somehow connected to the man who hurt her. We are going to be watching more closely both her and him. After school today, he has practice and I am going to see if anyone comes around him or where he goes afterwards, but in the meantime, you have to stay calm and let the adults handle this.”

  “Dad, I’m not just a little kid.” I answer quickly, angrily, and without thinking. My eyes shoot up towards his hoping that I haven’t made him too angry.

  Before I can even apologize, he is trying to comfort me. “I know that you are not. Your abilities and level of maturity over the past several months amaze me, but Jacob, the hardest thing for us to see is that our striking out can hurt those that we love and are trying to protect more. I know you don’t think that I understand, but I do. I also know how hard it will be for you today, but I’ll be there if you need to talk.”

  Throwing my arms around him, “I know. Thanks for understanding.”

  “You can always talk to me, but in the meantime, why don’t we go downstairs so you can eat before leaving.”

  Entering the kitchen, Julianne is cleaning her dish as Grant calls for her. Turning and seeing me, she stops and calls out to him. “I’ll be right there.” Despite knowing that her wounds are healed and she is physically better, I wasn’t expecting her to be returning today. Her voice turns consoling as she places her hand on my arm. “Jake, I’m fine. Don’t worry. I won’t be caught off guard again. I’ll see you in class.”

  Grant calls out again and she’s gone. My stomach feels as if it is dropping out from under me. Returning today and seeing Greg was already going to be hard, but knowing that she is inside, exposed to whomever wants to cause her harm, is too much. The walls close in around me and I need to leave, to clear my head. I jump as my mother touches my shoulder, unaware that she was even speaking to me. “Would you like to take a run before we leave? Your dad left with Grant, but I’m sure Uncle Francis or Jeff can keep up with you.”

  I hear Jeff in the living room on the telephone with someone. Waiting until he’s off, I approach. “Would you mind running with me? I need to work off some energy and mom won’t be able to keep up.”

  His eyes fill with understanding. “You saw Julianne this morning didn’t you?” I nod before moving toward the back doors. Moving at full speed, some of the tension leaves me and I can think clearly. Jeff must feel it too because suddenly he stops and phases into himself. “Do you feel well enough to walk and talk for a few minutes?”


  “Jake, I know that you’re worried, but Julianne is smart and they won’t catch her off guard again. Don’t let your worry and anger consume you. I did and it was very hard to let go. You have to hold on to the fact that you did save her and because your dad got there so quickly, nothing that bad happened. We even have the scent of the man who did it thanks to you. My dad, Paul and your father are more equipped to handle this situation. Despite your maturity, you are still young and this situation is very new to you. I need you to do something for me, when you go to school. I know that you are going to see if you can detect who it is or if you get that scent off of anyone. Considering how you detected it in the first place, you may be the one who does find it first, if that person hangs around school.” He turns to me, placing both hands on my shoulders and his stare turns intense. “If you find out anything, you need to tell your father or mine, let them handle it. You cannot try to handle it on your own, do you understand?” Opening my mouth to argue with him, I snap it shut knowing, just from my reaction yesterday and this morning that he is right. Continuing to stare at me, his words take on an authoritative tone. “Jacob, I mean it. You need to let the adults handle this. You cannot bring that kind of trouble down upon yourself. Although you are strong enough to take care of it, the person is human and you haven’t been outside of Sanctuary, so let those who are familiar with dealing in their realm handle this, please.”

  From his continuing stare, he is awaiting a verbal confirmation. “I know. It’s just so hard sometimes.”

  Putting his arm around my shoulder, he heads back. “I know it is, believe me, but I also know that you are a good kid. I’m not saying this because I don’t think that you can handle it, I’m saying it in hopes of helping you avoi
d some of the same mistakes that I made when I first started interacting with those who we hide our existence from.” He chuckles as if remembering something amusing. I turn and as my inquisitive eyes meet his, he smiles. “After I left Grant and came here, I found myself moving around quite a bit because of my temper and responses to situations. Your mother calmed me down quite a bit. I’m just hoping to return the favor.” His tone is quite amused and I wonder if he unleashed himself on someone he shouldn’t have.

  When we return everyone is in the car. Slipping in the front seat, mom hands me an apple. “In case you get hungry.”

  Walking through the halls, I cannot help scanning the faces and taking in deep breaths as we pass those who have darker shadows around them. Despite knowing that the men I saw appeared to be adults, I never got a look at the third person and if they are here, they may lead us to the others. Slipping into my homeroom seat, Brian appears distracted. Before I can ask if everything is alright, the bell rings to switch classes and he is quickly out the door without even a backward glance.

  Entering the gym, Nicole whispers in my ear. “Don’t forget what everyone has been telling you, she’s fine and we don’t know what, if any, involvement Greg had in last night’s events, so no matter what happens, don’t lose your cool.”

  I nod and brace myself, locking every muscle into place. As my eyes scan the room, I catch Julianne’s apprising and warning eyes as well. Greg isn’t here, but some of his cohorts are already playing basketball despite class not starting. Catching sight of Brian who is standing along the opposite wall, his eyes appear fixated on us. Maybe I can distract myself and be useful if I see what’s wrong with him.

  Crossing the gym, I catch Tim in my peripheral vision running down the court with the ball, but instead of heading for the basket, suddenly he veers toward me, drops the ball and barrels into me, sending me careening into Laurel. As my upper torso slams into her, our fall feels never ending, as if someone just pushed us down a deep well. Despite hitting the cold, parquet floor, I still feel as if I am falling, deeper and deeper. My mind reels and images swirl around me as if I’m in a cylinder bombarding my thoughts and overwhelming my already overloaded senses. Descending further down, I am enveloped and submerged by disturbing images which Laurel stars in bringing forth feelings of cold, desolate, isolation, without any hope of emerging. As her descent flashes through my consciousness, I understand clearly how she has developed into the person she is today. The visions flash furiously all around me as I stand in the empty shell that is Laurel, amidst peers who slowly tear her down. I can see how desperate she is, desiring positive contact from anyone, but too afraid to expose herself to any more of the previous ridicule, degradation, and torment which stripped away her self-confidence. As the images fly at me, the voices of those she sought to befriend are deafening. “You’re ugly;” “You’re too stupid to give the right answer;” “We don’t associate with dogs;” “Looser;” You don’t belong here;” “Why would we want to be your friend?” “Losers are not allowed to sit with us;” “Your dad was a drunk before he got himself killed;” “I hear she disappears just like him, my mom says she’s just like her old man and will end up the same way.” As the insidious comments ring in my ears, there is one voice, softer than the rest and a hand stretched out toward her, trying over the years to reel her back from her ostracized isolation. As she looks up, I see Brian and hear his comforting words. “You’re better than all of them because you are different. Don’t let them take that away from you. I feel her fleeting hope and relief at finding someone who is willing to accept her for who she is, but the constant barrage of other voices overtakes her existence, submerging her once again as she struggles to hold on to the one good person who gives her some light in this silent hell. Suddenly my ears prick up as an all too familiar tone of the one I seek roars. “Tell your brother to stay out of my business or I’ll take it out on you B…..” The voice is directly behind her and I once again smell his putrid breath and feel her overwhelming fear. I wish I could force her to turn, to see his face, but this is a past image, a past event. Desolation blankets her as she sinks deeper and deeper, spiraling away from Brian as the light he fights to bring her towards fades to black and those who ostracize her entomb her into the isolated abyss forever.

  Before the images could drag me further into her desolate wasteland, the panicked voices of students surrounding us penetrate through the encumbering cone of disturbing images, and I fight my way towards them, desperate to leave this sickening loneliness. Through the sea of voices, I hear and hold on to Julianne’s voice as if it were a lifeline dragging me to the surface. “Brian, get the school nurse quickly. Make sure she knows to bring smelling salts. Tell her we may need an ambulance.” Knowing that this would not be something that worked on me, Laurel or Tim must have been rendered unconscious. “Charlie, go get Mr. Taylor.” Her voice sounds very authoritative as she orders the students to back away from Laurel and myself. Nicole’s panicky voice resonates through the crowd and I feel her hand upon me.

  Forcing my eyes open, she throws her arms around me. “Are you alright?”

  Sitting up, rubbing the back of my head, there’s no bump. “I’m fine.” Scanning those around us, I see Tim and now Greg’s smug looks as they stand with their friends, but cannot even waste a moment’s thought upon them. Laurel is lying next to me, still and crumpled against the wall. Julianne is talking to her, trying to revive her. Scurrying to her side, knowing that her head must have hit the hard surface, I move my hands closer to her temple, but Julianne pulls them away, quickly before anyone else sees. As my eyes meet hers, I see the warning and her voice was soft. “The nurse is on her way.”

  Dad rushes through the doors followed by the nurse and Principal Walker. Julianne backs away, giving the nurse room and I hear sirens off in the distance. Turning to my dad, he is struggling too, wanting to help, knowing that we can’t, at least not here.

  Nurse Barker tries the smelling salts to no avail, Laurel remains lifeless.

  “Jacob, how do you feel?” Despite his whispering, concern resonates in his tone and eyes as they shift between Laurel and me.

  “I’m fine, but why isn’t she waking up?”

  “I don’t know? What happened?” Responding in a hushed tone, I reiterate what I know. “Did her head hit the wall or the floor?”

  Nicole moves closer to him and whispers. “She hit both pretty hard.”

  My stomach drops as I realize that my slamming into her caused this, if I had only stood my ground and realized what Tim was doing beforehand, maybe I could have stopped this. Hearing the wheels of the stretcher coming down the hall, I move further back so they can have quick access to her as they come through the doors. As they work on her, Mr. Walker instructs the students to report to the library for study period, but as the students are leaving, he moves towards Greg and Tim.

  “The football coach wants to see you two.” He turns back toward us as they leave without another word. “Jacob, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine. “ My dad interrupts. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll take him down to my office for a few moments and call my wife, she may want to take a look at him.”

  Principal Walker nods and moves toward Laurel. The attendants moved her to the stretcher and I could hear them telling the dispatcher they were taking her to Mercy. As we are leaving a woman rushes past us and I freeze. “Dad, she’s a…”

  He interrupts me. “Jacob, keep moving.” Out in the hallway, we move quickly into his office, he already has his phone out. Shutting the door behind me, he is talking to mom. “Is Jeff with you…Good…tell him that there is a girl on her way in an ambulance, she’s unconscious but that she may be half-wolf. No we didn’t detect anything on her, but as her mother is a wolf…This could be the one that Cassandra was talking about…She was in the gym and got slammed into, her head hit the wall and floor and she is non-responsive…I’ll meet you there in a while and see what I can do as well…No, they are fine
…I promise.” Looking at his face, I can tell he doesn’t like hedging when he talks to her. As he hangs up, I put my hand on his.

  “I am fine. You didn’t lie.” Looking down at me, a small smile lightens his features. “How did you get so smart?” Hugging him tightly, “I learned from you.”

  Sitting me down, he checks me out thoroughly. “Dad, do you think she’ll be alright?”

  “I’m sure between your mother and Jeff she will get the best possible care and then right after school, we can go and see her if they haven’t already released her. Do you want me to call uncle Francis to take you home?”

  “No. I know Nicole and the others are worried, I should go join them in class, but dad, tonight, can we talk, something strange happened when I hit Laurel…” Concern flares in his eyes. “I don’t want to get into it now, not here.”

  “Alright, we can talk after school.”

  For the rest of the day, no matter how hard I try, I can’t get my mind away from the disturbing images that pierce their way into every thought, despite my trying to push them from my mind and concentrate on the subjects before me. Knowing that we didn’t detect what she was also raises my concerns that there may be more from our world than I had even considered and they may have found a way to mask themselves. If there are, I don’t want to take a chance that they will overhear my concerns about Laurel’s private hell. Nicholas’ hand on my arm causes me to jump. “Didn’t you hear the bell? It’s time for the next class.”

  The day lags as my mind relives her events, dragging me deeper and deeper into her solitude with each passing demeaning stare, intentional push and derogatory comment ringing in my ears, I felt her slowly dying inside until there was nothing left but a blank stare. Occasionally, I see some spark, a comment to someone, her desperate side trying to reach out, to find anywhere where she belonged. I see her shutting out Brian and can’t believe that I can hear her debate in my head, her fears for him if she were to grab hold of him, her worry that she would isolate him further and make him an even bigger target than he already appears to be. I see her looking out at the sea of faces as she withdraws even further away from any chance of connecting with others as she is now too afraid to reach out to someone who her getting to know may cause problems for and her fear of experiencing yet another rejection, another cut upon her already battered soul. The information that our brief contact brings is amazing, but I can’t understand how I saw what I did after our collision and how my mind is just beginning to digest and process all that I saw and felt in such a short time. It’s strange, fascinating and disturbing all at the same time. Glancing at the clock, I can’t believe that we still have a few hours. I wish I knew what was happening to Laurel physically and if she has come around.

  The cafeteria is buzzing with the story. As we enter, eyes shift towards us and I can’t believe what some of them are saying. I knew that Tim would never tell the truth, but to say that I got in his way and that’s why it happened, has me seeing red. Feeling guilty enough and knowing that getting angry will only exacerbate an already unbearable situation, I turn to Nicole. “I’m going outside for some air. I’ll see you in the next class.”

  Heading toward the door, I am immediately joined by Charlie, Nicholas, Kayla and Nicole. Turning, “I’m fine, I’m just not hungry but you eat.”

  Nicholas leans into me, “Greg and his group aren’t anywhere in the cafeteria, they could be outside on the field, we’re going with you. We’ll eat at home.”

  About to argue, I hear someone whisper “That’s him; he got in Tim’s way and now that Laurel girl in the hospital.” Not even looking up, I move quickly outside trying to take in deep breaths. Why am I so angry about what they say, none of it matters?

  Sinking to the cold stone dead grass with my back against the building, Nicole tries to console me. “It’s alright. I’m sure she’s fine and probably has already been released. You can’t let what people say upset you. Don’t do this, you know where it leads.” She is right, I do know and I cannot become that person or even let that into my life, I know what a snowball effect that could have. Tightening my closed eyes, I once again picture the anger as a ball and fling it as far from me as I can. Finally opening my eyes, I see the concern in all of theirs. “I’m fine. I just needed a minute. Really, you can eat and I’ll be right in.”

  “You should come back inside too.” Charlie’s eyes are fixated on the field and as I look out to what he is staring at, I rise knowing why he wants me inside. Greg and the others are on the field and our little group has their attention. Six of them and two coaches are on the field, but there is someone else in the distant bleachers, wearing a jacket with the collar pulled up around their face, with their head hanging slightly down. His brown hair is showing, but I cannot even see his eyes as they appear to be staring at a phone. From the way he sits, he appears too big to be a kid in the school. Taking two steps forward, my intention must have registered with Nicholas who grabs my arm, pulling me back toward the door. “What are you doing?”

  “There’s someone else up there, do you see him on the bench?” Nicholas’ eyes dart up and then back to me.

  “You can’t go up there. Let the adults handle this.”

  “What if he’s one of the guys that went after Julianne, maybe he is the one I smelled.”

  “Go inside and tell dad. I mean it Jacob.” He pulls me harder trying to get me to the door as Charlie, Kayla and Nicole circled around nudging me toward the entrance, knowing that I would never try to go through them.

  Walking through the hall, they corral me in still. Have I really worried everyone so much? I knew I was slipping, allowing feelings in that I shouldn’t, but I thought that I was at least managing those feelings in a proper manner. Maybe I was just fooling myself and their response to this is their way of showing me that I need to do better and show everyone I am in control of myself. Almost at my father’s door, Mr. Walker steps out into the hallway. From his expression, he is surprised to see us walking about. “Why aren’t you in the cafeteria?”

  Nicholas answers. “Jacob got pale waiting in the lunch line and felt a little queasy so we thought we should take him to our uncle. I hope that’s alright.”

  He turns to me. “Do you want to see the nurse?”

  “No thank you, I’m sure everything is fine, they were just concerned. Have you heard anything on Laurel?”

  “No, she is still in the emergency room. You should get to your uncle and the rest of you should get back to the cafeteria. We can’t have students roaming in the hallways.”

  Dad must have heard us because he opens his door and steps outside before we can reply. As he walks toward us, Mr. Walker departs. His eyes are filled with concern telling me that he heard Nicholas’ reply. Moving quickly to his office, once we were inside, I close the door. “Dad, I’m fine, it’s just that someone is outside with Greg and the others and he’s not one of the students.”

  “Was he wearing a dark brown coat?”


  “I already saw him, and circled around out there. He was not the one who hit Julianne last night.”

  Something about his answer makes me feel unsure whether his response relives me or makes me more curious. Is he hedging? “Could he have been one of the men who was pulling at her legs?”

  “That I’m not sure of. By the time we realized there was more than one of them, last night’s rain had taken away any trace scents. Francis is outside watching, he will keep an eye on what’s going on until Paul can join him after school so that I can go to the hospital.”

  “Dad has there been any news on Laurel?”

  “Your mom called and said they were doing an MRI, she still hasn’t regained consciousness, but she is in good hands, both Jeff and your mom are with her and I’m sure they can help. You only have one class left and then I’ll take you home and go on to the hospital. I have an appointment with Alice for the last class.”

  Knowing what surrounded Alice, I am glad that he will be spe
aking to her. “Dad, can I come with you to the hospital?”

  His objection immediately registers in his eyes, but waivers as they meet the pleading in mine. “Sure”

  Entering the last class, we slip into our seats just as the teacher starts. Brian appears to be as distracted as we are. He is probably thinking about Laurel too. The clock ticks down the final moments and he can no longer contain his fidgeting, probably anxious to speak with his mother. As the bell rings, he springs up and is out before humanly possible. If he was someone that people paid attention to, it may have mattered. Instead, the breeze of his exit only leaves one girl commenting to her friend before departing. “You would think the teachers would be smart enough to close windows when it’s cold.”

  Moving into the hallway, I am hoping to catch up to him, but he is too quick and I don’t dare draw any attention to us considering, people are still looking at me and whispering about what had occurred. This time, I block my mind so as not to concern my siblings and instead move at a quick human speed to gather my books and go to my father’s office. I am happy to see Nicole relax as she looks into my eyes which show no trace of anger or aggravation. We pass Julianne who is slipping into Grant’s classroom. At least I know she will be fine with her dad.

  Moving toward the car, I slip into the front seat hoping to talk with dad about Alice, but he shoots me a look and I know that too must wait until we drop the others off. Despite the short distance, the ride feels like hours. As soon as they exit, he answers my unspoken question. “I thought it would be best if we waited because I think you are right about Nicole blocking some of her abilities because she is afraid of what she will see or what they will reveal. I don’t want to push her into something that she may not be ready for, but which you seem to embrace despite the images disturbing your thoughts.”

  “Was that person still around Alice when you met with her?”

  “Yes, but he is not trying to harm her, it’s her father. He and her mother were taken away in a car accident a year ago. Ever since then, he has been searching for a way to communicate with her about a piece of paper that his sister is withholding from Alice.” He shakes his head at whatever else he learned. “When Alice’s parents passed, they left a substantial life insurance policy to care for her. His sister, Jennifer, took Alice in and has been using the inheritance for her own selfish purposes.”

  “But why would she do that and how would that paper help her?”

  “Money makes people do some very strange and dubious things Jacob, which I’m sure that you will come to learn as you intermingle with people. As far as the paper goes, it is custody papers appointing Alice’s aunt, Sophie, her mother’s sister a legal guardian for Alice.”

  “How did you learn all of this?”

  “When Alice came to see me, Don, explained this to me.”

  “Can you help her?”

  He nods. “I just need to figure out a way to lead her to the paper without revealing who informed me of this. She doesn’t trust me quite yet, but from her openness to talk to me, I know she’s searching for someone to help her and I’m sure that it won’t be long before I can lead her in the right direction.”

  “Do you think you can help her before the aunt spends all of her money?”

  He smiles. “I’m sure I can. From what Don told me, she is not being so unreasonable that he believes the money will all be spent, it is more that she is somewhat old and unpleasant to live with and he wants his daughter to have a chance to live with a family, Sophie has two daughters close in age to Alice and that is why they chose her. Besides after what he has seen regarding her isolation in being in this school, he wants to see her have a new start somewhere else.”