Read Sequoia Trail-A Bo Jon Littlehorse P.I. Novel. Second Edition Page 23

Turning-point, and the mass at ‘Ole Man River’…

  The reverse of discovery, and repudiation, the Point of Arkansas.

  The work by discipline, fore-shadowed his present-action and experience... In a sort of digest, David had been surmising-in circumspect. The duty and enduring, dubbing by the role of answering honor and acceptance... The man codes, disciplines and distinctions-in achieving, incursion... The plying-in accounting to de-salvo, decision and demand-objectified in composite, consistency and collaboration. In defuse, arraigning-of law-of-service. The precepts, by ’‘liturgical’-commence. Competence and commitment, converse-in extrication; an advocacy and advantage; devising and developing, in-purport, auspicial. In the many, facets of proponent... The transaction-of conforming, intention and interest. A vocal, out-spans in the ideals-of field-work, affirmative-formation and vast, ’‘verisimilitude’. A profunction, conversion availed-in lassitude... Each soldier, through defining and commented, carried their personal, recompense. Avoided, inter-rated and guided-by exchange... The definition of military college was to become a skilled and talented officer. These men, in summons and scale; invoked terms of working, engaging, and entertained the academic-discipline...

  An officer in-training, found the ’‘worthiness’-of recognition. Idyllic, pursuing and preponderate the coda-of professional-principle. In interest, induction and intention to attend, to the mantle-of militarist... Many joys, concision and self-arenas; came-out of implication and impact. Becoming of prized, more proven. Thus, the serious yet vesticular accomplishment was incentive, installed and given insemination. The pre-various, presiding and interpretation, the commending-recognizance; the virtue and vocal-of willingness to take-up role in rector... Many men were guided, provision and perceived-in incentive-wars. Brave dependable and encouraged to be manifest, made and mission. The inculcation and incursive to follow, lead and perform military-agency. The perceiving; the illuminating, and proving... The unit, of the defense-regency. The idea of serving-in a commending-officiating. The civil-’artistry’ in human-perception, objectivity; loyalty and admiring-competence to following and carrying-out, assignment... An essence-or en-told, epitomic logic. The feasible and confirming; forged-fortuity and foundation. And deeding, illustrated in-’warfare’... The relying, regiment-in position, profundity and intercession. ...Protocol, provision and prelude; an ‘ever-stance’-of professed-condition...

  The plot-of honor, is a theory-principle with manyfacets. In argent; necessary and redemptive, precise... In ever-fashioned clause, contention and evolving. Rarely, did ‘self’-identity; a ‘grace’ of civility, enter-in... David called for an ‘answer’-to life, and private-action was the heading basing of his-life, lived-in circle-of-command. This notion of heralding, prevailed-in; yet the point-of-view individually, had been inherent... The aspect of inhibition, of no-consequence in compulsory. Many of the eliciting to the forces convened, a limited dissention... Many obvious considerations were diverted-in the contending of pragmatic, adversities of armed-forces, defection. A purpose-of-division, a pride of pre-text, domination... Yet the following of ‘order’ in-class, envisioning was rested-upon preliminary, protocol. An individual-legitimacy went-through culminating, resign... With consent, social-derivative and design in accustomed, reticence almost always fell-upon lines. It was easier-to follow-through then ‘advance’-in, against-vestige... In the many-stage allotment, much fell-on witnessing-hands. David now as convolution, the distant-lines of wit-some and willingness... He’d be in the ‘regimented’, facilitating the instance-of-duty, in code-of-honor, for decades and now that duty-extended the overcoming-of obstacles, in-contention.

  Evidently, David’s emphasis-on hard-work adept, and vision-compensated very-well. ...His ‘pilgrimage’-from the ‘line’ was, in a definite-proffering... As he drew from focus of cordiality; he ensconced, a series of ‘lets’ which trans-originated-in lancet... The ‘ardor’ and enlisting of rank and fortitude. As much as the ‘imprint’-of culminating; so was the actual-of a ‘prudence’. The arrow and originative-were fact and original. The definitive-facing was the comparative-of accordance, comporting in adaptive, forging. The power of David to ornate, ‘confutation’-law. Was the ‘fission’, of pre-laying-’atonement’... He was made for efficiency. In the ‘average’-scheme of things he’d commode the better-work of compilation-soldiers’ edifice and archetype. With the ‘mutative’-forces taken to terms in discourse and vitalized framing... From the pre-latent, etching of provocation. The etching and ‘elegy’ of work and wherewithal to create the enlightening the fortunate chances in the sway of things. Taken away from the mantra of permitting and interpretative-culture. He had pre-defined his life of which had now, shown full-baring. As he was engaging, in technical he was fully-originated in confirmation.

  He was a comprehensive-command, ‘machine‘. The many-roots of David’s analogous, having contentiously arrived at assimilation... As he again met, and over priority he-was the frugalness, of auspicial... The town of ‘Ogden Shade’ was visibly a simple inlet of black African-American families... Each member a centrist in the vice-of attrition, asylum. He angled the ploy-of-chase and charter; he did not betray, as many in his-meanderings... Yet it-assize his situation; and contempt for the irrational... The Mississippi-life, on road and in hospitality was an advantage taken like no other. The post-antebellum residency of primary black-people was an advancing against the loneliness of sorts, out-of sorts. The lust-for wayward-thinking, wayward-advancing and inter-continental, void was in-total a fear-of-authority, oracle and authenticity. David traveled never very far-from the little hamlet; as they themselves. Yet as they too became adjusted and accepting, was he found ‘wonder-lust’ to the shores; the Mississippi shorelines was visited by David and several journeying-townsfolk. These were religious members who’d went to church near there. David had been curious and decided to go along. A mass-meeting to enjoy the riverside scenery. Many blacks were regulars an interest going-back centuries.

  Ole Man river had been a big part of black culture from river-boats, work and travel. The largest and more expansive river shipped blacks across America. Many had felt in-debt to the river for keeping them alive and vibrant. They sat at the shoreline which passage over-looked the area for miles. As they sat and enjoyed the gentle-breezes they chatted and told stories from down through the ages. Simple, proud earnest-tales of love, loyalty and family. Then ate from prepared meals brought with them. The significance-of this to David moved him, in reminisce. The service and grand, black-devoting moved him. He thought of his own pride, love and devotion. David did not join-in. He knew he had to be true to his path in life... He’d been through much hardship yet not all his own. He’d become welcomed by these people but he knew he was kidding himself. He gathered the vegetables from his garden and gave it out to his friends, emptied his little farm-house packed everything up in his truck said his-goodbyes and set-off to go across the Mississippi bridge to Arkansas. He had to rediscover the images which were his life... He entered the Point of Arkansas and headed for Little Rock were land as Mississippi, Georgia and oil-rigs existed where he’d been...

  He’d enjoyed the Southern forests and to see it again might decide his resolve before moving on East. The resolve given, in his many travels had absolved the frustration of running-from the authorities. It had become a mission of vision; place, people-proven and supplanting he’d understood that life was indeed, fulfilling. Yet he’d missed the formal and emphatic-life. Of duty and function that relayed a sense of affirm and respect. Dimension of challenged stability installed in life. One, was a reality of worthiness and reliance. The abatement no-longer ‘taxing’, had established a sense of obstensive and insight. The improbable, consequence was to re-arrive at sated probability, the suiting certainty, and sentiment acted-to resolve imminent-cause. The augmented, design-of-diligence comported, resignation in interstitial-of resolve and focus.
Reclaiming, design and awareness of convocation-decorum. The way-of superficial-design. He’d been careful of things; availing of experiences and socialism. The density-of correlative, introspection. A succinctness caringly, ‘willed’... He’d met many people, times and events... Yet he inured to get-by.

  The many possibilities, were fulfilled-in extraneous, convolution and ‘confluence’ of circumstance. The high standards regiment and skills were supplicant yet, the un-derisive-edge of his-field had made a redress-of things... Yet as he evaded-law he evade his diminutive, intentions. The long days at work were only nearly matched by temperate-days as an oil-rigger... He could not perpetrate reasonably, the successful-extension, of endeavors... Per-function amorous, so fastidious... His aim had been to recover and accept what he did in some sort of decision. An answer of the willingness to conform issues he’d had when the black-out ended, were still there. The formativeness of vice, versatility and valence. The difficulties of factors so combined, in events... A superfluous, set of inculcations. A submit-of regency and rationale, toward the considerations-defined. What he complied-to because... How the work, reliance and occupation dispensed, in ways. He had successfully, adjusted; did-complete... The many arenas, of faring-through the elements in transition to arrange-acceptance, to avail. The environment was accessible and had inter-played, to definitive... His chances of fitting-in the circumvention-of crime; in-relevance of incidents.

  He was beginning to realize the graveness of his-actions. The decision-to be forever on-the-run, being near-exposure; being satisfied with irrationality, he-felt everyday. Deciding-on efforts to fore-go elements, of imposing and imperfections, installed-by elusion. A set dynamism and ‘constitution’, an impression owned-by one man unto one-man... The distinction of distance and disturbance; instrumental-by oracle in intraconviction. He wasn’t so much disturbed as idling-in incursion. Incidents of realism, and exaction. He sat at a terminus-unfounded. He was satisfied but it was hollow, a hollowness of design, distance and prefix. He knew his-time was limited and limiting. Now matter how well-founded or frivolous the tendencies of loathing, logging and loneliness are, fully-fulcrum in-situation... He couldn’t progress no further. As he rode South into Arkansas he understood that impact projected-in ardent-implication. He remembered discipline was a pro-faction of order and that he still held such precepts. And in this reality, he knew it would never-be; now, on the preliminaries... The epithetical-of promotion and probabilities, had now become compliant... Divesting-of curatives or ‘parallels’ didn’t make any sense.

  In fact, resigning to daily-life proved of a deeper-reality than understanding and dissemination of proper-prosperity. To digest-fully in exoneration; issues could make life un-bearable and quotient. He’d been through military, war and government work yet the ease of average duty-work didn’t fall-short, but elaborated... He’d known he’d got a raw-deal that wasn’t so ’‘raw’. He’d come-up against many parables; ‘demise’, drastic-ism, fear and fault; but these all depended on other-things... He was to blame in the recesses of his-mind... The possibilities were greater-than the probabilities. He understand-it was doubt. Yet he’d learned not to fear and blame in direness-of-war. This-aspect was illusionary to men-of war not that the ‘discipline’, taught-was to survive and carry-out their-mission as ordered. He-possessed those mitigating-intents, conventions and skills. So it was no coincidence, what was, was that the illegitimate foster-congealed into usefulness, duty and skill. David was no-average perpetrator, and as such, his intentions fell between the lines and proved-of value. Yet it was difficult in simplest.

  He’d still be an officer, a soldier, a government agent in standing but now, it had been ended... The hard-work-came at junctures, roots of solitude, severity and ‘lodesome’. There fear and distraught didn’t enter but turned into surmising and acceptance... The general understanding was in-relation, and recidivism the squares and situ of role-guided commitment. Eventually, he’d be captured, taken in and enlisted. He’d be taken to federal-prison for sometime. Yet that he had-to possibly face, was being put in a mental-institution for violent-offenders. Lead into a facility for the inept, dressed-down in a white gown and taken to a quiet-ward for the insane for a number of years. This as a tantamount-aspect; he’d given few-considerations. He’d heard of men ‘going’ insane while there-to seek help. He’d heard-of generals disciplined, competent and excellent-officers, losing all control. He knew from the start the he was inordinate, defunct; back when he’d witnessed death and its reality... The imposing of killing, command meant to survive or be killed. It was an act-of survival and he’d proven his abilities-over ’‘Dover’. But that night-mare, reality was many stones-of home-side normalcy.

  That un-resolved ever ate-at him. The advent of ’‘fire’-as-fortuity was a selfish deliberative; war-ended, as fire ate everything-up. He-read how ’‘Fiera’, was purified. He-accepted the judgment-of-flame; whom the elite-forces came to the point of no-return. He killed to understand how duty, officiate and war were demanding, utter annihilation by-order. Fire, forces and fore-swear meant each had to be appealed in their-own way. Unfortunately, wisdom had to be fore-sworn, as well; it, the ’‘debt’-rebuked. Few-times, had he refused anything yet those times sat on a pedestal; he could-not leave or forfeit... It was a strange-illusion him and his feted-fears; each, taking-from the same plate, sleeping in the same bed and serving two-gods in one-man. Instilling the fragile, ’‘fragility’ of devoid. Imperil and impairment, worked hand-in-hand until one-only, violate the other. His disturbance erupted-into drastic and ultimate-disaster... He didn’t have-to immediately, face a fear-it had not grasped him-in; still, he matched it from outside, outside-intercession and institution; until he watched in self-failure... A falsehood enveloped-in a life of diminutive-honor and at seemingly, casual-cost. Now, as the daylight drive-turned into evening dusks with fog-forming along the hilly rustic-road-route.

  He listened to Bluegrass night radio talk-shows by time he reached Little Rock it was night, he found a nice-little motel on the road to town and checked in. The check-in room was small and simple; a balding bespectacled man stood behind a counter. A clock sat behind him with a sign saying: ‘Check-out: 5 a.m.’ He paid $38.00 a night for two-nights and grabbed his necessities with a basket of food given him by one of the women at Ogden Shade for his journey. He went to his room turned on the t.v. and unpacked. He bought the evening-newspaper for reading and went to bed. He slept until 4:30 a.m. and left to get is car-washed, stored his belongings at a storage-facility then began the process of finding work... He was Dutch Delman professional oil-rigger. He decided to go to Pressman Oil Company. A hub there, where he applied on the run, now 11-months he change his looks, cut-off his beard kept the moustache kept his long-hair in a ponytail. He’d modeled himself after the Texas riggers and remained calm-yet unmoved. He even acted as though, a substance-re-coverer. Just as David C. Garr had changed his name so was the authorities adding-up the ‘twists’ and ‘turns’ of his propensity. They were gaining-on him. He knew that the perimeter of most forms of data was being weighed.

  Just as his brother was probably being investigated his life was a now transparent. And with fewer and fewer avenues left open, his time was running out. But ’‘Dutch’ had to buy time. He set up false leads in Oklahoma as he left and when riding to Tupelo. He gave 8-runs on duty-proofs, his them in personal-cachets then had particulars like addresses connected-to Oklahoma and Nevada. Yet, he knew each would buy him several weeks-to months. David now, knew he was running on a ’‘line’. This strangeness-of murder out of may-lay; the escape to unknowing,’ ‘escapement’-of success and the low-rise of legitimacy found-him fortuned... All a strange, innate-reality. And in that inner-reality; an answering to ‘honor’ and acceptance to realize. He’d avoided the stories about him, he’d never needed-to... The stories were probably, endless. Endless in that there was no suitable, conc
lusion. And only he knew that. He’d seen police, troopers and Sheriffs several dozen-times. Yet he walked right passed law-enforcement tending to live outside of wit yet criminal-elements were caught by simple relent. Yet David had known few relents in life, now would be no different. Bo was no where near the out-skirts of Little Rock, Arkansas.

  Yet in deliberation, he was closest and he was not going to give-up, now. Yet as David was planning his move Bo was crafting a simulative, conspicuous... Bo and David were alike in a few ways, ways that made provability an ad-vocation. Yet Bo had served longer in the order of fugitive basis. Prevailing even the best criminal-foes he’d given many assizes to the profile of culprit and its pretension... He-had adjured-test and times in foul of the law-testament, tenacity. He was becoming molded to the face-of the thinking and actions of a man both warrant, and warranted, for civility in law... The one-thing enforcement seemed precluded by was how servility, sophisticated; he was perhaps, self-effacing. Bo realized a lot was being lost to literal, litigation. He started his case-study in fragments; ’‘tossed’-ruan of factoids and facings, earning a man’s mental-ism motivation and mission, the arduous or inordinate passed-over. It had been no-coincidence that Bo Jon was at his ranch the last 40-days. He was deriving his resolve, to do in the case. The case was still open. And the intercession from leaving Oklahoma to arriving at his ranch, and entertaining Chris. He concentrated-on David’s life. The confluence of his gaining in-roads into the present-situation. He-realized David came with a number of attributes, serious venues, ventures and vantages.

  Deriving interest in David conjured-up few vices. He didn’t drink, he wasn’t married and functioned on a lone-status. This meant, he was adept skilled, and independent. Bo Jon focused on single-confunctionality. He had to withdraw from the clearly incessant-view of David as criminal. He had virtually, no criminal-record. Which meant he’d probably seek a normalcy of life, a sated-reality of self. In the South, a stranger received hospitality all, second nature. David was skilled perhaps working in simple, obsequiousness. In Southern Oklahoma was far from most towns so his identity could go unnoticed. Few considerations or issues; a life could-be consolidated. He-found many residents functioned privately, not asking questions minding their own business and carrying-on devise... He’d had his identity and no-one asked questions. One thing about David, he had skill in Hazmat and technical know-how. Many of the people he spoke to were oil-workers and some were loners; easily coming and going without notice. Bo Jon researched as many aspects of his-life. Like how discipline un-subjective and empowered; he-was rarely subject. It-was almost a parallel-parable in how a major, non-re-quaint; the individual turned-into an un-re-quaint-assailant. Things like that had a certain-complexity.

  Elaborate as his life, was perhaps Bo Jon thought he did not give it up, easily. And perhaps he fell ’‘into’ it. Bo had profiled an instigation, and a theory that he focused-on. A theory of provisioning Bo Jon to rationalize his technical side, how he performed in circumstance, his thinking and social-realities. As Bo investigated he was indented and ventures-of David developing-devising... The possibilities, perceptions and prevailing David was nearly a ’‘work’ unto himself. Defining his-character wasn’t easy. Which Bo realized with his interview of Chris he was always reliable, considerate and consistent. Yet no man, was a ’‘slave’. Chris, ’‘war’ and ’‘duty’ was an availed of a sentiment of dedication and loyalty. There were few self-embellishing. He had a right to be satisfied and proud... Yet somewhere in his reliant-past he had a ’‘fracture’ that was not abated. A diversion totally, outside him. He’d studied mass-murders, how most-times they work ’‘outside’ the profile. Bo Jon considered, Vietnam first. He scored high in this, duty yet his field; pyrotechnics had filtered, so far as Chris knew... Flames, fire and soldiering were strangely encompassing his duties in life. Chris had said something of ‘purging’, something Chris didn’t seem moved to tell anyone. ...He’d focused on this and military service.

  Many mentally, deranged-’crack’; due-to obsession a dement of issues there, an estranged, contention to have that all add-up... Preeminently, prevail of instance which can not be handled by the mind. In David C. Garr was acting with a sanity he rarely showed it. Perhaps this one instance proved itself. A dire consequence of penned-up energies obviously it took a long time to fulfill. Yet one point which hanged-over him was ’'fire’. He obviously, fell back on it to the point of action. David his service to his country and realities that he’d face could be the ‘key’ to the lack on what happened. He had decided to do more research and came up with subtle ’nuances’... Carefully he silhouetted a theory of David fulfilled of multi-murder. The order at which he saw comrades as sacrifices convincing in concert. Bo Jon studied everything from his men to the escape to his holding up in Arizona, Oklahoma and Arkansas. It had to coalesce into the whereabouts and thinking of one man. Bo came to know David if only ’‘second-hand’... Yet he knew he had certain character of conformity he, too had share-in war... He understood the great-weight of war, discipline and commitment. These

  would probably lead the case to the litany of David’s actions...

