Read Sequoia Trail-A Bo Jon Littlehorse P.I. Novel. Second Edition Page 24

‘If and’...-fusion and the convincing-pariah.

  The story of inner-struggle and the promise-of-insight.

  David got the job at Pressman Oil. Under the name of ’‘Dutch’ Delman, a proxy to oil off-loading... He was a superior-worker. Three-days into his position he was performing, with ease. Yet David wasn’t so self-assured. He’d been through it before. He knew his time was of the essence. He started to feel the stressors of deceit. Knowing where-ever he went there’d be the pressure of devalued-deception. Pretension was how he-willed the circumstance from his false name-to the ’‘illusion’-of hisbackground... It was accepted yet, was untrue. His-life used to be full. Full of studiousness and composure now its at preta-natural and ‘unreal’. He was positive yet as, in the other times in the past it was a lie. Reorienting, himself to appear in itself. He’d worked suitably, and correlatively yet the unsure-parallels stood as stark contrast to what was a colluding-situation. David C. Garr was a frank and justified man. Once brownish red-hair, well shaven, healthy and well-built. Exercised regularly clean; worked-out at the gym kept up on his duties some-times spending a weekend at Elite base check-in weekly with his-supervisor; a well-competent older-gentleman, who knew his-job and what to do to fulfill-it. He’d earned his distinguished-career, looked-after and kept a close-tie to David. 'Mr. Garr, your report has per dictum I’ll report this to the head-coordinator. He’ll be glad to here from you.' 'Georges, out.' Harold K. Georges was system attaché. He and David had known each other for several-years ever since his-assigning. Men in government work were primed in-principle. They didn’t come from outside the community. He’d been well-established as a staffer, vocal in the system.

  Ordinate in U.S. government-agency. A ’‘regular’ looked-to to facilitate agency protocol, addendum and prefix. He had to write a report quarterly-reports and yearly a progressprofile... Installed, as a regent-of office. His contemporaries was men-of the system; agents, commiserates, and the like. Proclamation-unity running semantically, with agency-mission and duty... Four years-of duty earning six-figures, and a retirement-fund. He’d been treated favorably, categorically and assigned, espousal. David had a profound affect on the work-load he carried out. Initially, he was to expand and had skill; the basis of fire-fighter role. A contract he’d been establish to get that done. As attaché he was given free reign with his efforts and exactions being under-scored... After what happen, he lost all that was left-of his-life. But poignantly it was gone dissolved in the flash of mortal-backlash... He knew everything existed in’ ‘denial’. A denial as a once-honor governmental worker he’d betrayed... David didn’t want to think about. But a year running from those he stood-for had laid-on his conscience. The core of what he knew was how to serve, authoritatively. Mentality and motion, had not been the thence of what had happened. Dimensionally, he knew he had to take responsibility. And the ’‘dishonor’ of the deliverance was what was necessary.

  David had rarely thought of how he why he was affirmed in proficiency. He realized he could stay more places due to the growing adversaries of what could have been unfair, duress... The clock showed 4:48 p.m. He’d worked since 6 a.m. The crew-bell was soon to sound. He’d grown hardened toward his job the great-theory of work and performance was meaning-less, to him. As he worked at the Point of Arkansas the job was becoming diffuse. He tried the same things day-in and day-out. He was doing his job well. But as the anxiety grew, he began to think it was time to move-on. The time not long ago he invested in being an agent, was shrewd. He accounted for things from life systems to work dockets; he’d made sure everything was sufficient and up to code. He regularly, received accolades for his hard-work. He was known for his self-sacrifice yet now the nearest he’d come was diagnostic, which no one else wanted to do... He’d had an imitable background yet now that meant next to nothing. He worked in a grease and dirt, with accolades. The work had become ‘mundane’ which had been a rare and un-even thing. David got paid in hours which come to $1,600 per month. In their field it just paid bills. He didn’t think too much about it yet he was becoming serious about it.

  David had over $64,000 in the bank but that had been taken over by the Feds. He’d rarely known what it was like to incur poverty. Yet the work he now did he could see that the job kept you fed. Perhaps it was to surreptitious but he saw little to appreciate, anymore. That’s when the reality of ‘post-rector’, came to him... But this was no time to ‘appose’, what he caused-to happen. In all the things which had happened his roots were deep in his vocations, the connections which still steered in him, and the guises of institution and discipline would never be reached and the guises of perpetuation was forever-ended... The judgments, distensions and division set ‘transposed’ across a void of pro-conviction... And his conviction was to be way-laid in demonstrably excoriated, exaction. A pariah of choice and turn of events he would not ever be the same. He remained productive, a functional presence, and accomplished performance. It became a strange ‘tax’ on terms. David began to realize it was going to require deep strength to follow his-journey. Where once his-life was stable. He thought about how it would be, if he took a couple of weeks off to plot his next-move. He wanted to go East. Through Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and all the way to Vermont that, he’d taken too long to find his way. He was no longer afraid of being caught. He knew his small re-quaint would be growing shallow by the end of week. He had to start making his move to reach the conclusion to what had been a game of ‘cat and mouse’...

  The reports were growing less frequent for the Seattle division of the F.B.I. Detective William Johnson, Paul Watts and Sam Thompson had been on the case six-months. Turn-over from forward department, to standby Unit... They handled cases as they matured. It went through several levels-of-activeness before reaching its present state. The deliberations had went through a ‘not’-period. After, all the buzz wore-off. In the dragnet and pronounce-of multi-murder by a government agent. Sam was team-leader for it, in early February. He was to be coordinator of the established detail. This was after regular-enlistees grew to cool and stand-down point was reached. The evidence was collected-only from the scene and David’s home was searched. The evident crime stopped-at the mountain-scene. All the evidence pointed to spree. Someone killing five-men on the spur-of-the-moment. Detectives wanted to consider it a deranged act. Yet D.A. and assistant-A.G. wanted him for the position, he held. Not many men in high-office with crucial-status, killed for no-reason. They brought in forensic psychologist, scientists and official adjuncts to pronounce government entity in perhaps, political-stance.

  After all the fanfare wore-off they went on to more important duties. Yet F.B.I. wanted him, on a multistate-run. His body was never found. Yet a private-detective sighted him in Los Angeles; since then no one knew of his whereabouts. His name was Little-horse an astute criminalist who had an inside track. He was aware of David’s brother and helped him resolve issues. Which was a good political move. He was no ’dummy’, many of the agents felt he was a good man to know. He embraced the case when others would have been intimidated... Some said he was still on the case fulfilling the picture of the criminal. Paul and William had done footwork in Los Angeles and Arizona coming up empty. They interviewed Littlehorse and Chris on several occasions. They knew that F.B.I. Protocol had to chase every lead with as many questions as possible, as anything in-veritably, would-have been leads... But Littlehorse was impeccable. He didn’t work the system. He was a ’loner’ who had competence in his field. William figured he had a fix in the case and was following-up. He knew Littlehorse had the advantage. If only through circumstantial-evidence. The system though deliberative was top-heavy. The men who did their job often followed the method of the system which worked in pretense.

  Although the system had more man-hours it tended to go through segments. Paul, Sam and William were veterans and the pretext was to work systematic where they realiz
ed Bo Jon was a maverick whose talent could follow-through... He knew people inside who could guide him to ordinate a rule-of thumb. While the system everyone needed to go through the ’procession’. All the evidence, established David Calvin Garr. Yet his behavior was still up-in-the-air. The questioning of Chris Garr, Lost Angeles resident and the footwork of investigation that lead no where, so they understood that this was going to be a pragmatic-case. With several levels of inquiry, he was still, on the run. As much as they had differing-levels of interests the Captain would only give so much ’leeway’... So their time was-of-the-essence. Yet practicality in-professional-terms meant you played by the book... Defining their-efforts was to exfoliate the many trees of questions and clues. Expounding plurality meant you began to use smaller-’grasps’ of things. Propriety as a Fed was to decipher due to resolve a crime, ‘intuitions’ and clues aside... Perpetual leniency on a larger scale tended to let instances fall through the cracks. There was in many-ways still tension... So detection had a background of detail not having to do with the crime.

  The ’fast-track’ was attained by those with a freer hand. Restrictive though it was the number of eyes and ears helped to even the playing field. As Bo was a loner so was more assertion in his findings... Deduction in some terms come in talisman and temperament. Owning, to each holding their own. Despite differences each contributed to the authenticity of the case; some men ‘sharper’ than others. Bo Jon, was experienced and talented yet David was still free. Which became a widening yaw to his eventual capture. Independent-sleuthing had its own parameters. Dependable conciseness had a developmental-potential that with availing psyche if having expertise outwitted all but the most frugal-individuals... What the Feds didn’t know was Bo Jon was finitizing all aspects, incidents and cues of the assailant... The Feds, didn’t know Bo Jon was acting in repose. He’d acquired much during his stay with his brother and was only now, waiting up; for the final-leg of his discovery of David’s whereabouts. He’d interviewed officers and got in on the first leg of legalism of the crime. He’d carried the case forward with every consideration. The Feds were wrapping-up the third stage of th crime-investigation, the crime was not only in the framework.

  Being re-activated, on the spur-of-the-moment itinerary. Yet these three-men were assigned to the case on precipitated, advance. A priority owed to successive deliberations. If ever evident. Unlike Bo, that sat in their offices-hoping for a change in the case... Bo was never as much of a office-worker for criminal affirmation. His ranch was his HQ. When he came home to Secato S he stayed there solving a crime. His clients had grown to learn that his work was sometimes fulfilled in his-time, in solitude. When he was working there, he left with an extensiveness in solving the crime. Many times both Feds and their contemporaries thought similar but not often. Schematics in crimesolving were similar with the establishment, taking the ordinal route. Those who worked inside the agency had to ’serve’, while independents taking-up the slack. In this case optimal circumstance were being applied exhumatiously. The decease; the crime scene in an out-flex; and the designs of murder, the motis and ’manhunt’ all were designs and hallmarks of the crime-system. Bo had gotten in early on the crime, idealizing all he could to press all he had for the case... With an ideal the crime unit couldn’t pursue and proof. Bo realized early, this was no simple case.

  Bo Jon understood David’s brother. He was practical, above-board and sincere. All the things Chris told him was evident and honest. Deliberatively, putting them on common-ground and empathic. Chris confided in Bo and in so-doing, gaining access to David’s history. That’s when the theory of “If and” came about... If and, is a calculus assumption with a play on case-study. The ‘If and” theory is probability, posturing the outer-edge and effort-understanding. If the circumstance arises and a functionality result and-the element of change factors in then certain plurals come into play to a deliberate-feasibility... In philosophy it would be the consummate parable. Bo Jon rarely had use for it, until now. He applied only twice before-in solving of scenario and plotting-motive. It was in-detection, as conscript and experimental. Yet he used it now to understand David’s whereabouts in thinking. He began contemplating, meticulating and solving the equation of, in-terms David C. Garr’s location along with situation and circumstance could be interpreted. It was a component exaction. The framework was crucial-priority. Working to save, raise and explicate this took all the factors and variables to reach a theory solution. He gave each sequences, in David’s plot.

  Extirpated history, actions and results. What was the implications, assumptions and variables. He then set up cause terms. The deductive-ins and outs of decisions, deliberations and assessments. His issues, aligning and instances that co-variable, in-chance... Then he came up with a scale. With percentages of probabilities. With implications, imposing and implicit. He then, had a picture of projections... Devised along the thinking of Descartes and Copernicus he was ready to come to a deducing. Like plotting the paths of planets across the sky he’d predicted his behavior; ready to make finite. The size and scope of Bo’s task was nothing new to him. Holding a Masters in Economics he was proficient in technical terms; the office, in suspect instead of sums, in the case. Bo Jon had his own ideas but he wanted to see how conclusive it was. Subjugated, adjudicated and surmised with his results he begin check-listing his next-move... Standing-up the many questions and ardent-itineraries, he-guised the incidents, at issue... Bo scored, in many points, as possible. He-decided to begin the possibly, long-search for David Calvin Garr. He was essentially, the concurring-by the supposition-of David and, in Bo Jon’s case. He no-longer needed the ‘preamble’-of once, antiquated-realities by crime once ‘high-order’ in David C. Garr’s contention; first: David had something on his-side.

  Circumstantial evidence, if anything his case was arguable. Proof lay unseen, he was only possibly the ‘guilty’-suspect; second: he was last seen acting on behavior-of his agency... Which he had did dedicatedly, without-resign. Third: David was seen by Bo Jon yet he was last seen with his crew, not in incrimination... Fourth: His sighting was imperative, to mint the case, would decide. As that, the refinement in a Court and capture weighed theory, on being-there. A situation based on alternative. Fifth: His whereabouts and the conclusion of a crime still lay upon this single-’entity’... Bo Jon oriented his thinking, around one-aspect. A stand-up agent of U.S.F.S. Being seen after the murders. It could have easily, been coincidence; Bo knew his-defense would be coordinated around this situation. A court-affiliating. Then, if David was found, the case had to be brought to leeward-terms. Any, that would depend-on the finding of him, without incident. This and finding David without, incident was nearly-parallel. Bo-would have to give this as much thought as possible. Illuminating as much of where he was, as what to do in finding him. He was going to start his detection in the month of October. He knew in the South they’d probably, be low on work. David would possibly be on the run close-to, turn-over. Thus, would have been remembered-as, if anyone who left, immediately...

  David had three-months to move and he decided-to leave before the out-flux so no one would remember him. Obviously, he was forgettable yet oil-worker had good-memories. He wanted to set-up an ‘individual turn-stile’, and head East. Summer’s mid-point would be reached then he’d leave. Bo’s theoretic admission had fewer errors than most and his skill at exactness supplemented and underscore. Suggesting the efficiency of efficacy had been easily, a la carte was renouncing with Bo Jon’s acute scintillating-mind. A deniable-mental scope of calculating, scheme and schematic for which Bo could fulfill, confute. The authorities had made the case done, by the police. Structured-by the Washington-D.A. then passed-onto the F.B.I. The APB lasted three-months then the most wanted status was established. An imperative, cooperation in court and legal-system working, the framing of David C. Garr wanted for questioning. Before it was all said and done c
harges were brought and he was given federal-warrant for multiple-murders... A statutory-ruling was made. The police was the ‘lee end’ and the Feds were the most protracting-in his-case... Bo Jon kept up on the legal decision; erupting, and established. Before he went in further into the investigation he had to know the facets contained in and contention in the crime-sense.

  He was acting an accounting to fulfill evidentiary-proxy with Bo Jon advocating his-own elaborative, he had to extenuate through the system. He had to make ’‘sure’ the avenues were open that in acting alone... Working alone-the case for capture had to be right. For David’s sake his eventual apprehension would lead to his crediting to Bo’s officiate and the legal-evaluation. All the possibilities had to congealed into due process. Legal officials had since approached the bar with their indictments in the case. Passed-on to the F.B.I.-information, had the case pared-down to three-active duty-men, doing multi-tasks impact... A retinue of workload and file had... Pre-summations to the thinking of court, trial not in all and charges sitting-at the bench. So Bo Jon had theories, he didn’t want stepping on toes. An issue with the State Department was the dissemination of case contention... Either obvious or sullen-wit, media coverage dropped the case and was wide-open. With him being a government-adjunct that filled itself out. ‘Policy’-ing the case as official violation and rampant. It had taken nine-months to let it run its course. Perfunctory to the case he had to act in-synch-with all this. And begin his ascent to capture Mr. Garr.