Read Shallowford Falls Short Story Collection Page 2

  “Well, Maisy…. Oh, I guess so. I’m not allowed to leave you here alone unless you have a family member or guardian here with you, but I’ll stay with you until he gets here,” she said.

  “Thank you, thank you.” I screamed, hugging her.

  Now all I had to do was wait. “Hang in there, Lila,” I silently prayed.


  “I must have dozed off on the bus ride,” I said with a yawn. “You wouldn’t believe what I dreamed,” I mumbled with my eyes still closed. Finally, I opened my eyes. “Ahhhhhh!” I screamed. I was still there, in the bottom of that cold, damp volcano. I realized that my stomach was rumbling. That protein bar was nothing compared to my regular meals. I touched my wrist and my ankle. They were feeling a little better. Then, I noticed a cord-like thing on my hip. My bungee cord! I had brought it with me in case we were able to rock climb. The bungee is at least 15 feet long. I couldn’t believe that I had forgotten about it! I tied a little loop so I could lasso it onto something. I looked around and then I saw a HUGE rock. I threw the cord and I missed. I must have tried at least 15 other times before I finally hooked that stupid cord around the rock. I started climbing up the side of the volcano. Then I went higher and higher and then… SPLAT! I landed right on my butt. “This is going to be a lot harder than I thought,” I mumbled.


  “Mr. Richards! Mr. Richards!” I screamed, running to him.

  “Maisy! I got an emergency alert on my phone and it just told me to come here. What happened? Is Lila okay?” he asked.

  “Sorry to tell you this, but Lila fell into the volcano!” I said in a worried tone.

  “She what?!” he asked, horrified.

  “She was fighting with Gabby and then Gabby pushed her and she broke the rail and then she flew into the volcano,” I said.

  “Where is your teacher? I need to get my Lila out of that volcano now!” he said.

  “Well, let’s go save her then!” I said, with bravery in my voice.


  I felt like such a baby down in the volcano. I had tried everything that I could to get to the point where someone could at least hear me. Finally, I just gave up. I got down on my bloody knees and sobbed. What else was I supposed to do? I glanced over to the left because I thought I saw something shine. I looked but I didn’t see anything. Then I glanced over there again and saw it. I knew that shiny purple color! It was my cell phone! I totally forgot about it and hadn’t searched for it at all and suddenly I found it. I thought, this must mean that the universe must want me to live! I turned it on and my heart sank—only 8% battery left and NO BARS. No bars means no signal, and no signal means no call, and no call means that I will die. Thanks a lot for your help, universe! Then I suddenly remembered that I could text with no bars. You see, when I was nine years old, I begged my dad for a phone. Finally, he got a new phone and gave me his old one. The only problem was he took away the SIM card. So that means no calling or texting. Then later I hacked the code that locked the texting and I got unlimited texting. I didn’t have to have internet connection and my dad didn’t have to pay for it so that worked out great. When my dad actually got me a SIM card I still had that texting thing locked on my phone. Anyway, I have no internet service which means that I can’t call but it doesn’t mean that I can’t text. So, I pulled up the texting app with only 7% battery left. I typed in Dad’s number and wrote:

  Soon my phone was dead. Just great, I thought. He probably thinks I’m joking unless he’s here right now. I don’t know what to do. I am so confused and scared. “Please help,” I thought to myself.


  You won’t believe what just happened. Lila texted her dad, somehow. That means she’s alive. I think that made her dad even more nervous because he was shaking and walking even faster.

  “Mr. Richards, are you okay?” I asked nervously.

  “I’m fine,” he said, and then he started crying. “My little girl is in a volcano and I know that she’s afraid. I can feel it in my gut,” he said. “I’m sorry, I just feel so helpless,” he added.

  “It’s fine. I get scared sometimes. I was scared when they told me my mom had a brain tumor. I was afraid that she was gonna die. But Lila will be fine. You’ve got to have at least a little ray of hope,” I said.

  “You know… you’re right, Maisy. I’m going to have faith and believe that Lila will be okay,” he said.

  Finally, we made it to the top of the volcano. The yellow CAUTION tape caught my eye.

  “Does anyone know who the little girl’s parents are?” asked the officer.

  “That’s me, I’m Lila’s father,” Mr. Richards screamed.

  “Sir, your daughter has taken a bad fall,” said the cop. “But we have a plan.”


  As I was sitting on one of the big rocks, crying my eyes out, something flew down next to me. I screamed. I sat there looking at it until I realized it was… A WALKIE TALKIE! The cops must have lowered it down here so that they could communicate with me! I felt so much better. I pressed the “talk” button. “Hello?” I squeaked into the walkie talkie. I heard crackling.

  “We got a signal!” I heard someone yell. I recognized the voice.

  “Dad?” I asked.

  “Oh, sweetie, we are trying to get someone to go down there on a rope, grab you, and return you back up to the surface,” he said. I heard nothing else for at least five minutes.

  “Dad?” I questioned. “Oh, sorry, honey, we are just having some minor flaws in the plan. I’m going to have to work it out. Hang in there!” he said.

  All I wanted to do was cry. I knew that the “minor flaws” excuse meant that their plan was failing. I just had to stay calm and be patient while I waited. Calm and patient. I thought


  Mr. Richards was communicating with Lila on the walkie talkie when suddenly, he stopped talking.

  “Okay, people, so in our plan to save Lila, we need a volunteer,” the officer said. A ton of people raised their hands (but not me). It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help; it’s just that I was scared. I knew that this “volunteer” thing was going to be risky. I noticed Mr. Richards and a cop communicating in whispers.

  “Okay, guys, this will require someone being lowered into the volcano,” said the officer. About 25% of the people lowered their hands.

  “We also need someone that is under 100 pounds and under 5 feet tall,” the officer continued. He was looking right at me now. I raised my hand (but not all the way) because I am 89 pounds and I’m 4 feet 11 inches. All the other students were sent home on the bus so the only two students left were me and this girl who looked like she was at least 150 pounds. Mr. Richards bent down in front of me and smiled.

  “Would you please do this for Lila?” he asked me. I felt scared, and uncomfortable.

  “Um, I don’t know,” I said.

  His smile went away.

  “Maisy, would you please just do it for Lila?” he begged again.

  “I guess,” I muttered, already scared by the thought.


  “Hello?” Dad said through the walkie talkie.

  “Dad!” I screamed.

  “You won’t believe it, you just won’t!” he said excitedly.

  “What, what?” I asked, curious.

  “Maisy is going to save you!” he said.

  “Maisy? Dad, are you sure?” I asked, nervously.

  “Look, she’s being really courageous and she finally agreed to help. The rangers are getting her ready to lower her down,” he said. “She should be down there in just a few minutes. I’m so sorry that this has happened, honey. I love you. The whole family misses you,” he said.

  Suddenly, I lost my signal! “Just great!” I thought. Maisy’s my friend, but I know her. She’ll probably chicken out right when she’s about to come down. And after she chickens out, I’ll be left to die in here, alone.


  “Okay, sweetie, when we
lower you down there, just strap her in like we showed you, and pull this little latch right here. Then, we’ll pull you both back up. Now, it will be about a four- to five-minute ride down there, so just sit tight,” said one of the cops.

  “Here we go,” I said nervously as they started to lower me down. I hadn’t been that scared since Mom died. I started to cry at the memory. “Stop, Maisy, Mom is probably watching you right now with a proud smile on her face,” I said to myself. I looked up. I could see the large hole that was the opening of the volcano getting smaller and smaller as I was lowered down. “I never thought that this would happen,” I said to myself. Then I saw Lila’s face “Lila!” I yelled.


  I sat on that rock for so long. Then, I heard my name. The voice sounded rather familiar. I hadn’t eaten since that little protein bar. I had a MASSIVE headache. I guess you could say that I was desperate. I looked around, still seeing nothing. Then suddenly, I heard a thump. I kind of jumped.

  “Lila, it’s me, Maisy,” I heard my friend say.

  “No way,” I said in disbelief.

  “Yeah way, now come on. Strap this around you and hold on tight!” Maisy said. She gave the rope a tug. “Now let’s get going.”

  “Oh, I’m going alright,” Lila said. “Going to get my revenge on Gabby.”


  “Lila, I came down here to save you from dying, not to bring you back up to fight,” I said, frustrated.

  “Well, she made me fall into this volcano! She just has an evil heart…” she started to say.

  “No, no! Lila, you should have seen Gabby’s face after you fell in. You wouldn’t believe it!” I said.

  “What’d she do, laugh?” asked Lila.

  “No, she cried hard and she looked like her puppy had just died!”

  Lila looked startled. “I’m sorry. I just think that you should just give her a chance to apologize. If she does, I think she deserves forgiveness,” I said calmly.

  “Okay, maybe you’re right,” said Lila. “Come on, let’s get ready to go up,” I said. And up we went.


  I started seeing a little bit of light after about three minutes of being roped together with Maisy. Finally, we came out of the opening. Everyone cheered and then Dad started crying with joy. He ran over to me and wrapped me in a hug. Suddenly, I fell down. Dad rushed the medics over to me, and they lifted me onto a stretcher.

  “Oh, Daddy, um… where’s Mom, and Selena?” I asked.

  “They’re at home preparing a ‘welcome home’ meal just for you,” Dad said. Dad followed me as I was loaded into the ambulance. He sat next to me, holding my hand. They closed the door.

  Moments later there was a pounding at the door. I tried to look to see who it was but the nurse had me strapped in pretty tightly.

  “What is it, what is it?” I asked. The EMT opened the door and there she stood. The girl who’d made me fall into the volcano. A police officer was standing next to her “Um… I’m Gabby and I’d like to say that I am very deeply sorry about what I did to your daughter. I didn’t mean for her to fall into the volcano. It was a big mistake and one I’ll never forget. I hope you can forgive me, but if you can’t, I understand. I probably wouldn’t forgive me, either,” said Gabby with a tear hanging off her eyelash.

  Dad looked a little sad, but he had that same look on his face when I do something great and he wants to congratulate me.

  “Oh, Gabby, you really are sorry,” I said.

  “In life, you are always going to make mistakes. I was very angry until now.” Dad said. “But you deserve a second chance.”

  I forgave Gabby and I did it without having the need for revenge. I’m a new Lila with a whole new life. There’s just one thing in my life that hasn’t changed, my hero and BFF: Maisy.


  “Maisy!” My twin Kaylen screamed as I walked through the door.

  “Maisy, oh my gosh, are you okay?” asked my snobby teenage sister Kylie.

  “Oh, darling, are you okay?” asked Grandma.

  “I swear I thought that I was going to die when I went down to get Lila,” I started to say. Dad walked through the door, which made us all freeze. The room got quiet really fast. Then Dad said, “Come here, my little hero!” I ran over to him and wrapped him in a hug.

  “I never thought that you would be the famous courageous little girl that’s the top news story on every channel. I’m so proud of you, Maisy,” he said, starting to cry.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I said, hugging him tighter.

  “I love you and I’m really sorry. This apology isn’t just to Maisy, though. It’s to all of you. I thought that I was the only person feeling sad after losing your mother, but then I realized how deeply sad you all must be too,” he said.

  We all eventually forgave Dad and grew closer. I guess you can say we lived happily ever after.


  So, after our long adventure, we all made some improvements. Lila doesn’t get in trouble (as much) anymore. Maisy’s dad is finally happy again and hanging out with his daughters more. Maisy can stand up for herself whenever she needs to. Finally, believe it or not, Lila, Gabby, and Maisy are all one group of tween best friends.



  Samantha Flores is an eleven year old fifth grader at Shallowford Falls. She lives in Roswell, Ga. with her dad, mom, brother, and two cats. Samantha loves cheerleading, piano, reading, and writing. She wrote her first published story, Horror in Honolulu in her creative writing class. She credits her best friend, Payton Crowe for helping her to complete her story. Samantha hopes to become a best-selling author. She is currently working on the second book in this series, entitled Murder in Maui.

  Welcome Home

  by Malli Gutta

  The beds were scratched up and dirty. I had a bad feeling I would be sleeping in them. We were sailing to America for a better life. Today was my first day on board. There was nothing for me to do on this long ship ride. I, Sarah Craper, wanted to see land.

  I found my best friend, Lizzie, whose family also wanted a better life. It was late but we sneaked onto the top deck to get some fresh air.

  “Sarah, come inside,” called my mom. She was always so scared for me. We hurried back in.

  “Why did you two young ladies get out of bed and go on deck?”

  “I’m sorry,” Lizzie said softly.

  “Now get back in bed,” said Mom.

  “Fine,” I said.

  I slept on the bottom bunk. My dog, Fluffy, slept on the foot of my bed. She was the one thing that kept me from going crazy on these long journeys. I’d be really sad if she got lost. My dog climbed up my horrible, smelly bed. She gave me lots of love and filled my heart with precious love. I jumped out of bed and went to tap my best friend on her shoulder. I ignored my mother’s orders and went outside, again. The air was cool and it felt perfect. We talked for some time until…. Someone yelled “FIRE!”

  The air was full of smoke, then I saw enemy ships sailing our way. Mother wouldn’t tell me our country’s name or our enemy’s country’s name, but I needed to know in order to warn people. I knew what they wore; they wore ugly brown uniforms with brass buckles. She was so private with everything. She kept me in the dark, not even wanting me to have an education. We raced inside this time, and mother had no time to be mad with us. We all went into hiding. I hoped my father made it to safety. He was in a different room where only soldiers were allowed. I peeked into the crowded room. There was tons of furniture piled on top of each other.

  I spotted the enemies hiding behind the furniture. The captain was a girl. She was ordering people around who I am pretty sure could destroy the place.

  “Coast clear!” she shouted, and then the whole ship shook. They fired bullets everywhere but nobody got hurt. I was scared yet I felt snug and warm with my dog Fluffy.

  A few hours had passed before we came out of our hiding place.
Everyone was safe but still scared. They were starving and very tired. The enemy was gone, but for how long, who knows. Just then, a man, a soldier I recognized, came in. He was covered with dark red blood.

  He announced that man one of their men had died during the struggle and that the funeral would be held tomorrow after lunch.

  The next day we ate lunch quietly, while everyone else screamed with joy when they met their dads or husbands.


  Later that day we walked to the funeral room. Inside the room, on the walls were pictures of every soldier, including my dad. It had been a while since I last saw him. Many wars had taken him away.

  We found a first row seat. Dad must have decided to skip the funeral and get some rest. He worked so hard. Most of the other soldiers who came back were bruised and beaten.

  I overheard a man say, “Herbert Craper has helped us a lot and we will miss him.” I gasped. My dad was the soldier who had died! Tears rolled down my cheek. I really wanted to see him just once more. I looked around for my dog to comfort me, and then I realized my dog was gone. I didn’t even have him to hold. Tears continued to roll down my cheek.

  I looked everywhere but only one clue was found. Right where my dog had been, there was a wallet, Jalco’s wallet. I spotted Jalco looking for his wallet. I hid it in my skirt that I had been wearing for a long time. It had been weeks since I last took a bath.

  “Hey, Sarah,” Jalco said. “Did you see my wallet?”

  I didn’t answer. Jalco walked a few paces and then stopped. He turned around kneeled next to me. His blue eyes shone like the sea.

  “I am sorry about your father,” Jalco said.

  “I never actually knew him. The first and last time I saw him was when I was born. Then he left and joined the war. Years later he came back to this ship, but I never saw

  “I wanna go see him,” I said loudly.

  “OK, but don’t get into any trouble” Jalco said.

  My golden hair tickled my face, and suddenly I realized why Jalco was here. Did he have anything to do with my dog missing?

  “Have you seen my dog?” I asked Jalco, but the words that I tried to hold in just went out faster than I could control.