Read Shallowford Falls Short Story Collection Page 3

“No, I have not seen your dog,” Jalco said, “but I saw Mrs. Helium next to your dog a few hours ago.”

  “Who is she?” I asked. Jalco pointed towards the dining room. I saw the couple he pointed out. They were big and strong.

  “I also saw Mrs. Craper next to your dog.”

  “Thank you. See ya’ later.”

  “I thought you wanted to see your dad; they are keeping him in the funeral room?” Jalco asked. “Let’s go.”

  I followed Jalco down the cold hallway until we reached the door. I opened the door to the funeral room, it was dusty. Right there laid a body. Written on the body in red were the words Herbert Craper.

  Later that night, I went to investigate the whereabouts of my dog. I found nothing. I did this for weeks until one day, I found a clue, my mom’s lay wallet where Jalco’s had been. Too many loose wallets lying around, I thought as I picked it up. Jalco and Mom must be working together. I found out that I was right. Later that evening, I found my mom meeting with Jalco and Mrs. Helium. I overheard them speaking. When I moved in a little closer, I gave away myself as I tipped over a tin can.

  “Who’s there?” my mom called. She looked at me. “Fine, I give up” my mom said. “Look, I did not want to hurt you. She opened up the door and out came Fluffy.

  “Here is your dog. Sorry. “

  Mom was looking at me with sadness in her eyes. “I know I owe you an explanation”,

  I looked at her with anger.

  “This is what happened. I went to college and where I met this cute boy. Everyone loved him. I knew I would never get him, I was ugly. But when Herbert looked at my bank account, I guess it made him love me. Yeah, and we married. Weeks before you were born, he demanded money from me. I said ‘no’ and he realized I wasn’t going to give money to someone who didn’t love me. We divorced. That’s when he left. He didn’t want anything to do with you. I was surprised he was on the ship so when the enemy ship came, I knew it was time to put my plan in action. I killed the captain, took his uniform and I hope you forgive me… I disguised myself as the captain and killed your father. I couldn’t let him hurt us.”

  “Why were our enemies here? How did they find us?” I asked.

  “They helped me plan things.”

  After our captain found out about Mom’s confession, she was punished and sent to jail along with Jalco and Mrs. Hellium, who were also part of the plan.

  A few months later Mom, Jalco and Mrs. Helium were released from jail. Things were sort of back to normal. It had been a long hard journey and everyone was ready to see America.

  Someone shouted. “Land!’ We all screamed with joy. “Better life at last. Home Sweet Home. My dearest America.”



  Malli Gutta is an eight year old in the fourth grade. She enjoys spending time with her dad, mom, and younger sister. Malli plans to become a doctor someday. She also loves creative writing. She hopes you will enjoy her first published work, Welcome Home.

  The Lost Whale

  by Juhi Rawat

  Hi! My name is Wilbur – Wilbur, the whale! Would you like to hear about a dramatic story of what happened when I was 1½ years old? Well, I was swimming in the Indian Ocean, when all of a sudden…whoosh! I was washed to the shore. My left fin got stuck in fishing net and I was hurt pretty bad. I was scared, crazy scared! Where was my family? My mom, dad and sister were gone. They had vanished. The water was very polluted and I couldn’t see anything but darkness. About an hour later, I was rescued by a very nice human couple. They took me to a very small ocean and cared for me.

  One Year Later…

  My fin had gotten a lot better in the past year. The nice human couple had moved me to a fenced area in the ocean, and I would swim around freely, coming back to shore every once in a while. One night, I overheard them talking about releasing me in one week. But, instead of being happy or excited, I was sad, mad, and scared. They were so nice to me, but still they wanted to let me go back into the harsh and rough ocean! How could they?! I knew exactly what to do. There was a hiding spot in a big cave. I would go hide there.

  I’d been hiding for a week. I knew I couldn’t hide forever. I had to find my family! What if they were washed ashore, too! The thought of my family being washed ashore made me terrified! I needed to know the truth. So, I came out of my hiding spot. The family spotted me. I told them I was ready to be released in to the vast ocean. They were sad, yet very proud of me. They kissed me on the top of the head and wished me good luck.

  So off I went swimming and swimming, looking for a pod of whales to see if they could point me in the right direction. After a while I spotted a group of whales, and asked them if they had seen my pod. Since it was around winter, they were going south like all whales. They invited me to go with them. I felt a lot better, because at least I was with other whales. About a day or two later, we met a different pod. But, this one looked familiar. I swam closer and closer. I discovered it was my pod! My family was safe. I thanked the pod and swam off with the family I always knew I had.



  Juhi is a 9 year old who loves to dance. She wrote her first book in the second grade. Some of her favorite types of writings are opinion and narratives. The movie, Free Willy inspired her to write her first published story, The Lost Whale

  The Sorrow of the Dragon

  by Ellen Kim


  Beware! This book is sad in some parts and can affect your feelings. If you want to read this book, you’ll need to understand dragon language – all words start with either “dr” or “dra”, and so on. If you want to translate the language, remove the “dra” or “dr” from the word. You may need to add additional letters in order for it to make sense. For example, if the word is drady, it means lady. Get it? Now, follow my rules or else....

  Chapter 1: The Journey to the New World

  Dumis Gudimacabus was walking with his family near King Zemus’s castle when his family noticed a sign that said “Human World (Earth) This Way”. They were wondering what humans looked like. They decided to fly toward Earth. But then, the first human who spotted them yelled “Dragon!” They got their spears and weapons. They started to fly away. But one dragon didn’t make it. It was Dumis’s mother. Humans stabbed her and blood gushed everywhere. “No!!!!” Dumis cried as they flew toward Zemus. Now she was officially dead.

  Chapter 2: The Funeral and the Interesting News

  The funeral had air of heavy sadness. Other families were very sympathetic toward them. Her death had made it to the daily newspaper!!! It was an awful time for all of them.


  A few months later news came that Dumis’s dad, Beril had fallen in love.

  He announced, “I will marry a very kind drady named Firesetta. She will be your stepmom.”

  My little sister Waterella whined, “Me want real mama!”

  There was silence.

  Again, she shouted, “Me want REAL MAMA!”

  No one said a word. Then, she screamed, “ME WANT REAL MAMA!!!!!!”

  Dad cried. “I’m sorry your mom died. It’s my fault for trying to go to the human world just to see what it looked like.” Dad sniffled. Then he wept. He went to his room. His happiness turned to sadness.

  Chapter 3: Firesetta’s New Home

  The next day, we had to pick up Firesetta from Transville. (It’s like an airport but all dragon-style). When Firesetta first met Dumis and Waterella, she complimented them saying, “ooh! Wonderful dragdren children!”

  Dad stated, “Well, thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  They blushed, stared, and blushed some more. It was really disgusting, all that blushing, smiling, and blushing some more. Once we got to our house, Firesetta was surprised that our house was five stories tall including our storage room and balcony.

  “We are a very rich family.” I showed her all the rooms in the h
ouse, or should I say, mansion. Our dramaids took her stuff into the guest room. Dad told the chef to make turkball with blood, a dragon’s favorite meal. We had a splendid feast, especially Firesetta. We had a remarkable but gross day.

  Chapter 4: The Dredding

  The dredding was gross. I was the dring man, and Waterella was the drower girl. Again, smile, kiss, blush, and smile, which grossed me out. They danced until they were tired. Dad decided to take us to Heather Creek after the dredding to see the exquisite viewings in the dark sky. Once we got there, we could hear the rushing water and a school of fish gliding through the fresh, cool water. We could see the midnight view shining above the sky. Squirrels were still waiting for the sunrise. Then we walked slowly to see the last view before we left.

  On the way back home, the nice, breezy wind gently blew over my head. The leaves from the trees made a soft crackling sound as they fell onto the ground. Once we got home, I thought about my day. Maybe it hadn’t been so bad after all.

  Chapter 5: Drollege and Research

  Yesterday was Dumis’s last day of drollege. He was awakened by the sound of rustling leaves hanging on the trees. The light sound of the wind carried on. The sun was rising, sun rays beaming through the sky. Velveria and Brustenis, his friends, were snoring and sleeping peacefully. Dumis was packing up his stuff into his suitcase. Then, he was ready to go home. It’s a one-hour ride home. Once he got outside he glanced down. There was morning dew on the ground. The cool air made him tingle. He went to Transville and boarded the train to Zemus. He was delighted; feeling grown up now since he’d finished drollege. Mom would be so proud of me, he thought. But she’s gone and it’s all because of the humans.

  Then the thought came to Dumis. I should research about humans,” he thought. Then he remembered his dad saying how dangerous it was.

  But since he was old enough, he decided it was time he made his own decisions. He owed his mother that much. He arrived home with his family waiting. Dad and Waterella both seemed the happiest. Firesetta was happy, too, but was busy baking pies and cakes for their celebration. “Home sweet home,” he thought.

  Chapter 6: The Strange Note

  The next morning, there was a strange note that left on Dumis’ desk:

  Dumis, we need you to help us research about humans. If you would like to help, please come to our meeting at 4:00 P.M at King Zemus’s castle.

  From V+B.

  The letter was from his college friends, Velveria and Brustenis! I rushed out of bed and zoomed to my closet, picking random clothes and just putting them on.

  Its 1:00 P.M. right now so I have three hours left. I thought. So I rushed downstairs and told Firesetta and Dad that I needed to attend a meeting and won’t be back for dinner. They agreed it was fine.

  Three hours later….

  It was exactly 4:00, so I rushed out and flew as fast as I as could all the way to King Zemus’s castle. Velveria and Brustenis were sitting on the steps, looking for me

  “Hi, Dumis!” both of them shouted, excited to see

  “I have a testing lab we can use that belonged to my dad,” Velveria said. We can plug in and record all the information we have so far, and then research the rest. Any questions?”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea,” I asked.

  I had an uneasy feeling about this but I really need to know why they killed my mom. I just hoped we didn’t get killed in the process.

  To Be Continued


  This is Ellen Kim’s first published story, entitled, The Sorrow of the Dragon. She wrote this story in her Fun Creative Writing Class, an after-school club at Shallowford Falls Elementary School. Ellen is in the fourth grade. She hopes to be a fashion designer or a famous best-selling author. She lives in Marietta, Georgia with her mom, dad, and brother.

  Dark Moon Rising

  by Elise


  Dedicated to


  Mrs. Whitmire,

  my family,

  and to all

  my readers



  ThAnK YoU! J



  Since my twin brother is horrible at starting anything, I’ll be the one typing this story.

  {“Oh, shut up!” Mason says.}

  My name is Alexandria-Jennifer Parker, but I go by Alex, Al, or A.J. My brother, Jason (Mason) Parker, is the only living family I have left.

  We live on Mahori Island, a small island where everyone knows almost everyone. Some (old) people say that the island was once called “North America.” Do I believe it? No. Oh, and, if you’re wondering about my parents, they’re dead. Don’t know how they died, and I don’t have time to care.

  {“Well, that’s mean,” Mason says.}

  The island’s government is the High Techs. But honestly, the High Techs aren’t helping Mahori Island, they’re destroying it.

  Now, here’s what I look like: I have messy black-brown-reddish hair, bangs, curls at the tips of my hair, freckles across my nose and under my eyes, front buck teeth, one blue and one green eye, scars all over my body, and I’m average height.

  Anyway, the High Techs are basically destroying the island, and no one has done anything about it until now.

  Chapter 1


  First of all, A.J. is a brat.

  {“Shut up, Mason.”}

  Second of all, A.J. is a drama queen.

  {“Shut up if you know what’s good for you!”}

  Third of all, the world’s not ending, the story’s not over, and A.J. is a freaky, scary, overdramatic brat. Seriously, she’s starting to scare me!

  {“Again, shut up!”}

  Before I continue, here’s what I look like: I have untidy black-brown-reddish hair, bangs that are swept/pushed to the side, blue-grey eyes, freckles, front buck teeth, scars, and I’m kinda tall. Basically like a boy version of A.J., but taller.

  {“Oh be quiet!”}

  Now, to the story…

  “WAKE UP!!!! YOUR KITTIES ARE MISSING!” My eyes flew open and I rolled over, letting out a sigh of relief when I saw my cats lying next to me.

  I sat up and glared at A.J. “Not funny. What if I scream at you, ‘your dogs are missing!!!’ just to get you to wake up?”

  She shrugged, “I wouldn’t care. I know when you’re lying.”

  I love my cats and she knows this. My oldest cat, Midnight, is a pure black cat with green eyes. Maple has black, white, red, and white patterned fur and amber eyes. She’s still a kitten. Chocolate, my cat with super soft milky-chocolate fur and pale blue eyes, is the youngest.

  A.J.’s oldest dog, Cooper, is a St. Bernese Mountain dog with brown eyes. Cooper’s almost a full grown dog. Cooper’s ear type is called the “filbert-shaped ear”. The second oldest dog is Blaze, a Siberian Husky with black fur and a white under belly, paws and legs. His face is a mix of black and white so it looks like he’s wearing a black mask. But the tops of his eyes, cheeks and muzzle are white. His ear type is called “cropped ear”. Blaze is still a puppy. The youngest dog is Shade. Shade has black fur with white paws and a white chest. The tops of her eyes are a light brown, like a Rottweiler’s. Her cheeks and part of her neck are a white-brown color. Her ears are the type of ears called “rose ears” and her eyes are different colors. One is blue and one is brown.

  Anyway, back to the story.

  I frowned and reached out to pet Chocolate, but she and Maple were playing with Shade and Blaze. And to my surprise, Midnight was playing with Cooper. “Glad I can count on you guys,” I muttered before lying back down to continue my sleep.

  {“Stop laughing, Alexandria!”}


  When I woke up again, A.J., the cats, and the dogs were gone. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out something was wrong.

  “A.J.?” I called out, “Al? ALEX?” No answer. I jumped out of bed when I heard a noise. I followe
d the noise until I saw blood. “ALEX?!?!” I yelled, getting seriously worried. {“Aww! He cares!”}

  I let out a yelp of surprise when I went into the kitchen and jumped back. Alex’s body was lying there with a blood stained knife lying a few feet away from her. I ran over to her body and checked for a pulse. I let out a sigh of relief. She was still alive.

  “What in the world happened?!” I scanned the counter for a rag. When I saw one, I snatched it up and wrapped it around Alex’s wound to stop the bleeding.

  “Don’t know. . .” Alex coughed, looking dazed. I opened my mouth to say something when I heard a loud BANG then CRASH! The dogs started barking and growling while the cats started hissing, their tails puffed up.

  Alex and I jumped to our feet. Well, at least, I did. Alex jumped up, stumbled, and then fell down again. Alex let out a muffled cry of pain and I helped her up.

  “Search the place!” a deep and gruff voice said, followed by the loud sound of several men walking (stomping around the place is more like it).

  I half-guided, half-dragged Alex to the back door and outside, leaving it open long enough for the animals to come outside with us. I tried to close the door quietly. Buuuuut, instead it closed with a loud SNAP!


  I saw the face of who I’m assuming was the leader. It was not pretty.

  I half-bolted, half-dragged Alex towards the forest, the dogs racing behind. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one guy take out his gun.

  Uh-oh, I thought, we are so dead.

  But we’re so close to the forest! The more positive part of my brain argued.

  I closed my eyes at the edge of the forest as the gun fired. I waited for the bullet to hit.

  “Scuto!” I heard someone hiss faintly. The bullet didn’t hit. When I opened my eyes, there was a faint blue shield around me, Alex, the dogs, and the cats.

  “Recesserimus!” I heard the voice again. The men were gone. So was the shield.

  “Somnus!” I felt my eyes get droopy and feet get heavy before everything went black.

  Chapter 2


  “Sana,” I heard someone whisper. I suddenly felt a searing pain in my side. But when I opened my eyes, no one was there except Cooper, Blaze, and Shade.