Read Shallowford Falls Short Story Collection Page 5

  “Alex, are you scared being on your own?” I asked nervously.

  “No way.” Alex said. “I’ve lived on the streets my whole life. What’s scarier than that?”

  “True.” I smiled at my brave new friend.

  “We’re here.” Alex said.

  I grasped the big brass door knocker and banged it a couple of times. The door opened and there stood an old man with a very long beard wearing a bright yellow robe with stars all over it. Maybe he can help.

  “Hello, I am Dumbledore,” the old man says. “Why have you come to my office?”

  “I’m Alexandria Jennifer Black and my friend is trapped here. As for me I would like to attend this awesome school. I didn’t get an invitation and I don’t have enough money. I’m homeless without any parents. So I was just wondering if you could offer me a spot here.” Alex stated quickly.

  “She can have my spot.” I added.

  “Well.” Dumbledore says. “The spirit says you, Grace, are supposed to be here. And you, Alex, are not.

  “Please.” We both begged. “No one would know and it’ll be just like swapping places.”

  “Well, I’ll be breaking the rules….okay, fine. Alexandria Jennifer Black you are now officially a Hogwarts student. Congratulations.” Dumbledore said happily.

  “Thank you. Thank you! I’m so happy,” Alex said while jumping for joy.

  Alex hurried through the door. When I looked at Dumbledore he had this strange look on his face. I wondered what I had gotten myself into. And more importantly how do I get myself out? I’m not sure Dumbledore knew.

  To Be Continued


  Grace Lawton is a ten years old fifth grader. She lives with her mom, dad, and brother in Marietta, Ga. In addition to writing, she enjoys working with animals and plans to become a zoologist with her best friend, Elise. Grace enrolled in the Fun Creative Writing Class at her school, where she created her first published story, Trapped in the Sorcerer’s Stone. She plans on becoming a bestselling author.

  Locked Up

  by Blake Moore

  Chapter 1

  If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime,” the cop said as he threw me in my cell. Hi I’m Stan. You’re probably wondering what such a nice and fair man like me is doing in jail? All I can say is there’s another guy out there who looks just like me and he’s a big time criminal. Yup, another case of mistaken identity. Well anyway, I’m bunkmates with a man they call Rex Fury. His profile states that he’s a master kick boxer, a master wrestler, and he likes to play the harmonica. He’s got a tattoo on his arm for every time he’s killed someone. Tattoos cover both his arms. So that’s what I have to deal with for the next TWENTY YEARS!

  Chapter 2

  “Time to get some grub!” the cop yelled as we lined up to go to the mess hall. Before I could sit down with my tray of food, Rex walked right up to me and said, “Hey punk gimme’ that food.”

  I said, “Why should I?”

  Everybody gasped right after I said that. I wandered why everybody looked beet red? Then Rex picked me up and said, “cause’ I said so.” He punched me right in the face then let go. Blood gushed from my face and my vision was blurry. But I had enough eye sight to see another guy trying stealing his bread. I said in a weak voice, “He’s trying to steal your bread.”

  He turned around and yelled to the thief, “Why you tryin’ to steal my bread?”

  “Because you stole my bread yesterday,” the thief said.

  “So!” Rex shouted. He picked up the thief and punched him. Blood gushed from his face. The guards rushed in and grabbed all of us.

  Chapter 3

  Doctors and nurses surrounded me and began poking, taping, and injecting me with shots. I felt numb but dizzy. After what seemed like hours, finally the bleeding stopped. I was healed! Dr. Bender came up and asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good,” I replied.

  “Good” he said. He handed me a mirror. I looked at myself. There was a bandage on my right cheek. I was pretty much ok with it because I have a scar on my knee from a car accident. Before I knew it, I was back in my cell having a dreary day. That is until Rex wanted to talk to me.

  Chapter 4

  “I wanted to talk to you about something,” Rex said in a calm voice.

  “Ok,” I replied.

  “Remember the time you saved my bread?”

  “How could I forget,” I replied.

  I decided to repay you by letting you be my friend,” he said firmly. I couldn’t believe my ears! Was this actually happening? He was the toughest guy on “C” block.

  “I’d like that,” I replied.

  Chapter 5

  The next day Rex and I went to the yard. It was the first time I wasn’t alone. Rex taught me how to protect myself, so I did whatever he told me. Was I slowly becoming like Rex? Then in the lunchroom, Fred stole my water. I yelled, “Give it back or you’re gonna get it!” but he didn’t listen. He took off with my water, but ran right into Rex.

  I heard Fred mumble under his breath, “Oh man!”

  Rex towered over Fred. “You better give him back his water or else!” Rex yelled.

  Fred said “Pfffft or else what?”

  Rex gave Fred and evil look then Fred set the water down. It was good to have a friend that everyone else was scared of. Days later, I got a call from the prison warden that changed everything.

  Chapter 6

  I went to the office where a scruffy man was waiting for me. We started to talk about my going home. Turns out, one of the prisoners admitted to the crime they originally charged me for. I was so very happy to be leaving but kind of sad that I couldn’t help Rex like he had helped me so many times. I went home the next day feeling thankful that prison hadn’t changed me into another Rex. I left without saying goodbye and vowed to never return again. I was reunited with my family and that was the best gift of all.



  Blake Moore is a fourth grade student at Shallowford Falls Elementary. His hobbies are tennis, two square, and tag. His favorite subject is math. He hoped to become a great author one day as a kid or as an adult. Locked Up is Blake’s first published story.

  Phoenix Chronicles

  Fiery Rise

  by Safa Siddiqui

  Chapter 1

  The wind swayed the leaves on the trees, causing them to shake uncontrollably. A bush rustled as a Fire Phoenix stepped out. She was surrounded by flaming fire particles and had a beak perfect for survival.

  She caught sight of a mouse scuttling across the dry earth. She dug her claws into a tree, careful not to startle the mouse. Then she swooped down, aiming for her prey, and killed it with one sharp claw.

  I’m great, she thought. She was training for the battle to defeat the Dark Phoenix, Darkey.

  This is perfect, she thought. Bird forest was absolutely the perfect place for training.

  A loud screech interrupted her thoughts as a gang of Phoenixes jumped on her. Then her world went black.

  Rosella woke up startled. She was inside a nest, a big one. A large Water Phoenix swooped in. “You’re awake at last!” he exclaimed.

  “W-W-W-Where am I?” questioned Rosella.

  “You are at the Water Phoenix Medicine Nest. Thanks to Star Phoenix, you’re awake,” replied the Water Phoenix.

  He had a weird screech.

  “Then who are you? How did I get here? Who blacked me out?” Rosella was panicking. She wanted to sink into the ground. She wanted to fly away. And most of all, she wanted answers.

  “I’m Watermed. I heal all Phoenixes, especially ones who don’t belong to the Water Phoenix Big Nest. As for your second question, the Early Bird Patrol found you lying on the ground. And as for your third question, I have no idea.”

  Suddenly a screech sounded above, loud enough to startle them. Rosella and Watermed jerked their heads up.

?I’ll see her first!” yelled a baby bird.

  “No, I will,” yelled another one.

  Great, thought Rosella. The news must have spread about her arrival. What will they do with me? What if they kill me?

  Chapter 2


  Watermed guided Rosella to the Water Phoenixes’ big meeting spot. Rosella was trembling with fear. When the flock guider came out, she was shaking so that everybody could see her.

  “Uh-oh,” Rosella thought. “Here I go.” It was one of those moments when she remembered being in the Fire Phoenix Big Nest as a baby bird. She hated when that happened.

  The flock guider interrupted her thoughts, which flashed her back to the real world.

  “Who are you, Fire Phoenix?” he challenged.

  Great! Now he wants my identification, Rosella thought.

  “I am a Fire Phoenix,” Rosella answered disrespectfully. They were the ones who took my family away from me, ripping my heart apart. Rosella was ready for any unexpected attacks. But all the flock guider did was stare at her. Then, wait, was that laughing? It was true, the flock guider was laughing.

  “You think that’s funny? You are embarrassing yourself.”

  As if on cue, the other Water Phoenixes joined in on the laughing. All except one.

  “Why are you laughing?” asked the Phoenix with a serious expression. She wasn’t shy at all about speaking against the leader. Rosella wondered why. “Remember, we are having a meeting, not a humiliating party,” she said.

  “Is there such a thing as that? Because if there is, I haven’t had one in ages!” Rosella exclaimed. All the Phoenixes stopped laughing and stared at their leader, who nodded his head.

  “Anyways, what’s your name?” he asked.

  “Rosella and I don’t like it here,” she answered coldly.

  “She wants to have some friends, I’m guessing,” said the Phoenix who didn’t laugh at her.

  “Yes, friends, I’m guessing with Water Understand,” replied the flock leader.

  “For the millionth time, don’t call me Water Understand!” she shrieked at him. “My name’s Waterstands!”

  “I want to know your name first,” Rosella demanded.

  “Fine. My name is Waterled.”

  “OK, I come from the land.” Rosella gave another ridiculous answer.

  “More specific?” Waterled demanded.

  “Bird Forest!” Rosella said. Everybody gasped.

  Chapter 3

  “Y-y-you are from the Fire Phoenix flock!” Waterled exclaimed.

  Rosella didn’t care what he thought of her. All she needed to do was get away from this stupid flock. Besides, what kind of flocks eats fish?

  “Well, you will be staying in our finest nest,” Waterled told Rosella.

  “Waterstands, make a separate room for Rosella. And Waterstand your punishment for talking back—all three patrols for the next 24 hours: Early Bird Patrol, Almost Late patrol, and The Late Patrol.”

  Rosella herself had been on each of these patrols in the past, but never at one time

  That’s harsh, thought Rosella.

  Waterstand asked, “Which nest do I make Rosella’s room in?”

  Waterled answered, “In the Flight Fighter’s Nest.”

  “Rosella, go with her to make sure it’s comfortable.”

  Waterstands flew up, followed by Rosella. Waterstands gathered some sticks. “Now stand right there,” she said.

  After some time, Rosella was escorted to her room. Some Water Phoenixes were coming to the Flight Fighters, so Rosella decided to stay out of the way. She settled in her room and fell asleep.

  Rosella’s eyes flew open as she found herself in a clearing. Her eyes adjusted to the light as two starry Phoenixes stepped out of the bushes.

  “Where am I?” she asked.

  “You are in the Star Phoenixes’ Territory,” answered the first starry Phoenix. Then Rosella asked her next question, who were they?

  “Mother!” Rosella exclaimed. “Father!” Rosella was so happy that her parents had made it to the Star Phoenixes.

  “Rosella!” Her parents answered. Then their expressions turned serious. Instantly Rosella knew something was bothering them.

  “What’s wrong”? Rosella asked.

  “Darkness is coming. The forest and island will be destroyed. Only you can save us.” Rosella’s mom, Firerette said.

  “I’m proud of you, but it’s time you decide if it’s life or death.” Rosella’s dad, Reddick said wisely.

  Then her parents started to fade away. “Wait!” Rosella screeched. “What do you mean?”

  Chapter 4

  Rosella felt a nudge from her side. She woke up in the real world. A male Water Phoenix was standing over.

  “Wake up!” he said, blushing a little.

  Does he like me? Rosella wonderee.

  Yes, came the answer as he gently helped her up. Rosella thought he was a handsome too.

  “Are you coming?” he asked, blushing even more.

  “Yes.” Rosella blushed more.

  “What’s your name?” She asked.

  “My name?” he asked. “My name is Hurricaney,” he answered. “Come on, let’s go. You need to go to the Water Phoenix Planner Nest,” he urged.

  Hurricaney led the way to the nest. When they got there, Hurricaney introduced Rosella to the Water Phoenixes’ second leader. “

  Yes, Rosella, you are going to the Early Bird Hunting Patrol with Hurricaney, Bluette. And how about Bluerick?” he said.

  “Why am I going on the Early Bird Hunting Patrol?” asked Rosella.

  “To learn to fish. You will be staying here for a while,” the Water Phoenix’s second leader said.

  “What’s your name?” Rosella asked, as Hurricaney went to get the rest of the patrol.

  “I’m Waterick,” he answered. “You guys should get going now,” he said as Hurricaney returned with the patrol.


  “So now you know how to fish, you go with Hurricaney to the other end of the stream,” Bluette, a female Water Phoenix said.

  Bluerick was a strong male Water Phoenix. Bluette said that Bluerick wanted their fishing spot, so Rosella and Hurricaney went to the other side of the river. Hurricaney sat close to her, which made her a little uncomfortable.

  “I wanted to tell you,” Hurricaney began.

  “That you like me,” Rosella finished.

  Hurricaney stared at her in awe. “How’d you know?” he asked.

  “Of course! When you woke me up, you looked like you’d just found your mate, Rosella said. “And I like you, too.”

  Rosella wasn’t looking at him, but she knew that Hurricaney was staring right at her.

  “Why don’t we secretly meet?” Hurricaney asked. “I’ll come wake you up and you’ll know it’s time to leave.”

  Rosella didn’t know what he meant, but she liked secrets and agreed to meet Hurricaney.

  Chapter 5

  Rosella felt a nudge, and she knew it was Hurricaney. “Come on,” he called softly. It was like their millionth time going out in secret and having fun.

  Rosella headed out with Hurricaney. As quietly as they could, they flapped their wings and flew away. The first time they did this they had found a clearing. They created their own little flock of just the two of them, the Obsidian Flock. They made it suitable for both of them.

  “Now is the time,” Rosella thought. She took a deep breath. “Hurricaney,” she started, “I have good and a bad news,” she said.

  “Good one first,” Hurricaney said.

  “I’m having eggs,” Rosella said.

  “Really? Who is going to be their father?” Hurricaney asked, sounding happy.

  “That’s the bad part. Since my flock broke up, I don’t have a mate. I need to let Waterled know that I need one.”

  This time when Rosella woke up, she headed immediately to the leader’s nest.

” said Rosella into the nest.

  “Come in, Rosella,” Waterled said.

  Rosella stepped inside.

  “What do you need?” asked Waterled.

  “I have to tell you something. I’m having eggs, but my flock broke apart and I’m having them here alone. I need a mate….”

  Rosella’s screech trailed off.

  “I don’t believe in half flocks. Do you like any of the Water Phoenixes you’ve met so far?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Rosella answered.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s Hurricaney.”

  ”Yes,” he smiled. “He would be a good mate.”

  Rosella was so excited. She flew out of the nest straight to Hurricaney. She nudged him awake.

  “Guess what? You’re gonna be the eggs’ father!” she exclaimed.

  “Really?” Hurricaney screeched with excitement.

  Rosella couldn’t remember another time when she’d been this happy. She’d found a new home and a new life for herself. And now she was gonna have a family of her very own.



  Safa Siddiqui is a bubbly fourth grader. Her love of writing first began as a game in the third grade. Her best friend, Sara Rose, began writing stories at recess. A year later, she heard of a FAST CLUB at her school, called Fun Creative Writing. Her mom actually forced her to take the class. She wrote her first published story, The Phoenix Chronicles-Fiery Rise, while in this class. She is glad to have the opportunity to work with her awesome creative writing teacher, Mrs. Terri Whitmire.

  Mysterious Force

  by Jade Tu

  Chapter 1: Summer

  I am not normal. I know that, my family knows that, and basically everyone who knows me knows that. In fact, almost everyone in my neighborhood knows that, and my neighborhood is one of the biggest in Atlanta. I think one of my personalities told them, maybe the drama one or the cheerleader one, but definitely not the shy or C average one. My family says that being different is good, though. But they are my family, after all, and they can accept that. I think that I’m pretty nice. Well I am. I don’t know about the other personalities, though.

  By the way, having multiple personalities is a huge bump in the road for me. And, trust me, getting over that obstacle is like climbing Mt. Everest. But that’s not the only obstacle I have (no matter how big that one is). I’m pretty sure I have another mysterious personality. What are my reasons for saying this, you ask? Well, reason one: I once found myself chained to my bed. Reason two, I once went to go take out the trash and a bunch of butterflies surrounded me. I don’t know, but I have a hunch that this one personality is magical.