Read Shallowford Falls Short Story Collection Page 4

  I looked around to see where I was and almost had a heart attack. . . I was in a jail cell. “Hello? Mason?” I started panicking.

  “Relax, this place is safe. The High Techs can’t find us here.”

  I jumped, startled, and looked around. A boy that looked about my age was unlocking my cell. He had dirty-blond hair, hazel eyes, and freckles.

  The boy opened my cell door and the dogs ran out. I cautiously stood up and walked to the door. He smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Adam.” I nodded a greeting to him, “A.J.”

  He started walking away, so I had no choice but to follow him.

  {“Stop smirking, Mason!”}

  I followed him until we were in a big circular room with lots of tables and people, even a few animals.

  The next thing I knew, Mason was hug-attacking me. I staggered back before hugging back. When Mason (finally) let go, he nodded his thanks to Adam before he walked off. Mason suddenly started dragging me over to a table.

  We sat down right across from two girls about our age. One had her nose buried in a book, and the other was poking Book-Girl. They looked like they were twins, too.

  “Grace, Emma, this is my twin that I was telling you about earlier. A.J., meet Grace.” He nodded at the Book-Girl, “---and Emma.” He nodded to the other girl. “Girls, meet A.J.,” he introduced.

  Emma smiled “Hello!!” She glared at Grace and nudged her hard in the ribs.

  {“Ouch! Knock it off, brat!” Grace snapped. }

  After glaring at Emma, she smiled at me.

  “Hello. Does A.J. stand for anything?”

  I made a face but nodded. Mason put his hand over my mouth and said, “It stands for Alexandria-Jennifer.” I kicked him under the table.


  He quickly moved his leg farther away.

  “Never call me what he just called me or else,” I said darkly.

  “Yeah, I advise you to call her Alex, A.J., Al, or Death Machine!”

  Mason groaned. I kicked him in the other leg.

  {“It still hurts!”}

  Grace rolled her eyes and went back to her book while Emma laughed. “Hiya!” Two boys sat down, one next to me and one next to Grace (who was across from me). They both had dirty-blond hair, hazel eyes, and freckles.

  “As you know, I’m Adam,” said one to Mason.

  “And I’m Aiden,” the other one said.

  A bell chimed somewhere. “Finally! Food time!” Aiden exclaimed. He pointed to his cup lazily and said, “Montem Ros.” I was amazed to see it suddenly fill. Grace pointed her finger at her cup, “Nigrum Cerasis Fresca,” her cup filled as well. “Noua Calce Citri,” Emma’s cup filled. “Radix Cervisiam,” Aiden’s cup filled. “Pineapple cocoes glaciem potum,” Adam’s cup filled.

  Grace and Emma pointed at their plates, “Calidum canes.” Hot Dogs appeared on their plates. “Pullum cum barbecue diam,” chicken with barbecue sauce appeared on Adam’s plate. “Carnis,” a steak appeared on Aiden’s plate. “How…?” I started to ask, but everyone was too into his or her food and Grace into her book to answer.

  So all throughout dinner and dessert, Mason and I watched Adam, Aiden, Emma, and Grace eat and drink.

  The bell rang again. “See you guys in the morning,” Emma said. She and Grace walked off. Adam started walking off, too. But Aiden stayed.

  He handed me a folded up piece of paper. “It’s a map to find your way around,” he explained before leaving, too. I unfolded the map and looked at it.

  Mason skimmed over it. “Okay, so, apparently the Boys’ dorm is over here.” He pointed to a spot on a map. “And the Girls’ dorm is here,” he pointed to another spot on the map.

  When Mason and I finally got to our dorms, we each hesitated. “Eeeerrrrmmm. . . . G’night!” I nodded to him before opening the Girls’ dorm and walking inside.

  Chapter 3


  To be honest, the Boys’ dorm wasn’t that bad. The other boys (Adam, Aiden, Max, Danny, Mikel, Jack, Jake, Joe, James, Zack, Cody, Teddy, Franklin, and Luke) were really fun.

  Adam and Aiden were twins, Jack and Jake were twins, Max and Mikel were twins, Joe and James, Franklin and Teddy, and Luke and Teddy were twins. Zack, Cody, and I were the only boys with girl twins.

  At breakfast, I sat next to Zack while Cody sat on his other side. “Pancakes et lardum,” Cody pointed to his plate. Pancakes and bacon appeared. “Donuts,” doughnuts appeared on Zack’s plate. “Lac,” milk filled both of their cups. “How do you guys do that?” I blurted out.

  Their eyes widened. “You haven’t learned it yet?!” Cody asked, bewildered. “Learned what?” I asked blankly. Zack shook his head, glaring at Cody. “Nothing, dude. Here, let me help you with that.” He pointed to my plate and said, “Donuts et lardum.” Doughnuts and bacon appeared on my plate. Cody pointed to my cup, “lac.” Milk filled my cup.

  “Butyrum et surrepo,” Butter and syrup appeared on Cody’s pancakes. We all started wolfing down our food. I looked up to see four girls walking over to our table. One of them was A.J., and I could tell that the one who had her nose buried in a book was Grace. I didn’t know who the other two were.

  “Sup,” A.J. nodded to us and sat down across from me. The girl who looked exactly like Zack (light brown hair, hazel eyes and bangs) sat down across from him. The girl who looked like Cody (not exactly blond-or-brown hair, light brown eyes, no bangs) sat down across from him. Grace sat down next to A.J.

  “Mason, meet my twin sister, Zaria,” Zack introduced. She smiled and waved. “And this is my twin sister, Katie,” Cody introduced. Katie smiled.

  “Nice to meet you girls,” I smiled at them. A.J. snickered then winked at me. I ignored her. A.J. suddenly gave Grace an annoyed look. “You’ve had enough reading for a lifetime” She made sure that Grace’s bookmark was in the book before snatching it out of her hands. “Hey!” Grace protested. “Give i—“ “Ehhhn!” A.J. interrupted. Grace glared at A.J., who glared right back. Grace tried to reach for the book, but A.J. slapped her hand away.

  The boys, Katie and Zaria were all taking sides. Zack, Zaria and I were all on Team Alex. Cody and Katie where on Team Grace. Both teams glared at each other.

  Alex suddenly whispered something to Grace. She hesitated before answering, “You wouldn’t.” Alex raised an eyebrow, making her look slightly evil. “Try me.” Grace sighed and frowned. “Fine. No more reading for today. Can I at least have my book back?” Alex frowned and hesitated before giving the book back.

  Grace set it on the bench. We all broke into our own little conversations. I talked with Zack and Cody, Zaria talked with Katie, and Alex talked with Grace. When the bell rang again, we all stood up. I still didn’t know what this place was all about or why we were here.

  I looked away from Zack to see a little boy walking over to us. He looked so excited that it looked like he was about to pee his pants. “F-for you” He handed me a scroll. Then he gave Alex a dreamy look and handed her a scroll. When she took it, he looked like he was about to faint. [Alex is standing here, glaring over my shoulder, so I should be careful about what I type next.]

  He suddenly started acting all cool. He winked at Alex and started to say something. “Hey, babe. You free Friday night?” That’s when O.P.B.S. (Over-Protectiveness-Brother-Style) kicked in. I grabbed the midget’s shirt and yanked him up to eye level. “Don’t you ever talk to my sister like that again if you want to wake up to see the next day,” I said in a deadly voice. Pipsqueak nodded eyes wide.

  I dropped him and he cast a fearful look at me before scrambling away. A.J. had a look on her face that was disgust, horror, and confusion, which made me laugh. She was too deep into her moods and her own thoughts to punch me. [Ouch!]

  A.J. and I unfolded our scrolls and started to read them. “What is it?” Zack and Zaria asked. “Some guy wants to see us.” We shrugged and handed the scrolls to them. They glanced nervously at each other before showing the scrolls to Cody,
Katie, and Grace. By the look on their faces something was definitely going on. We were about to figure out exactly why we were here.

  To Be Continued


  Elise lives in Marietta, Georgia. She wrote her first published book, Dark Moon Rising, as a student at Shallowford Falls Elementary. She hopes to one day become a zoologist and a bestselling author. She has three younger siblings and two lovely parents. She loves to write, read, draw, listen to music, and play drums.

  The Ghost Kill

  by Shweta Krishnan

  Eight-year-old Annabeth was in her mansion on Johnson Drive waiting for her parents to come back from their formal dinner an hour away. Her babysitter and she were happily eating dinner when the clock struck 10 o’clock. She was worried, very worried this time. Usually, whenever her parents went out for dinner or just out somewhere, she was nervous. But they’d never been this late. “Don’t you think we should call them?” Annabeth questioned the babysitter. “No, they are enjoying themselves so much; they’ll be back soon,” said Nicole, her babysitter.

  Days passed and they still never came. “Ugh! Seriously?” asked Annabeth. “How long have we been waiting?” “Just about a week,” her babysitter replied. “I am not going to wait anymore.” She angrily stomped away. “Well I can’t take you, so we’re just gonna have to wait.”

  They lay down for a nap, and when she awoke, the pot of vegetables was about to boil over when Nicole realized no one had eaten.

  “Oh! My! Anna!” she called.

  “What do you want?”

  “Come down NOW to eat,” she replied sternly.

  She thumped her legs and came and they sat down quietly all through lunch until Annabeth screamed. “Ouch! Why do you always make it so steamy and hot?”

  “Young lady! I’ve told you many times don’t scream while eating and don’t be so rude.”

  “Hmph!” she said. “Fine.” They quietly ate and were almost done when an unexpected arrival was at the door.

  Anna knew only grownups should answer the door, but she answered anyway, hoping it was her parents. “Yay!” Anna cried. “I bet its Mom and Dad!” So she raced to the door, but when she opened it, no one was there. I bet they are trying to surprise me. But when she turned to look onto the porch… on both sides of the walls, it said ‘TIME TO KILL’ in bright red blood. She didn’t have time to think before her eyes closed, her legs buckled and she collapsed.

  “Anna! Annabeth!” She finally awoke and Nicole was right in her face. “What happened? Are you okay? Why did you faint?” Nicole asked.

  “Be—cau—se…” and Anna pointed to both walls. There it was.

  “Oh! My! Does that mean…?”

  “What?” Annabeth asked.

  “I think someone killed your parents and now they are trying to kill you.”

  “What? Nooooooo…” she moaned and cried “I need them!”

  “I don’t know what’s going on but I’m gonna solve this mystery,” Nicole said quickly.

  Anna’s anger continued to build. I know I am impatient, but it’s been long enough. You know what? My babysitter is going to take me or I am going myself, Anna thought.

  So she stormed out of her room and jumped down the stairs. “I am ready!”

  “What?” her sitter asked. “Where in the world are you going?”

  “We are going to the dinner place or I will go myself,” Anna insisted.

  “Okay!” Nicole replied. Whoa, it was like a spell was on her. “Hurry up and we’ll go”. And off they went. Annabeth determined to solve this mystery.

  “I never thought it would take this long,” Annabeth said.

  “That’s partly why we shouldn’t have even come here, but anyway, too late, we’re here.” Nicole said.

  “Well, I’m going to figure out this mystery if it’s the last thing I do,” Annabeth replied.

  They marched on until something stopped them. Right there on the walls were the words. ‘TIME TO KILL’.

  “Ahhhhh!” Annabeth screamed.

  “Hold on,” her sitter said.

  “This is really creeping me out,” Anna stuttered, “This is the same person that came to our house. They must have been at the dinner with mom and dad.

  “Let’s go investigate,” Nicole said. They headed into the restaurant. They need to solve the mystery, and quickly.

  They stood there agape. Suddenly Annabeth broke the silence. “Somebody killed my parents,” she cried.

  A mysterious voice cackled, “I know; I did,” he laughed. “My name is Grimmer and I…am a ghost. I killed your parents.”

  “No!!!!How dare you kill my parents?” she said.

  She tried to calm down. I am going to play a trick that will kill him, she thought. Then she understood the meaning of ‘TIME TO KILL’. His time was coming.

  She was ready. She was determined to kill him.

  The ghost disappeared and Annabeth ran to Nicole. “I have a plan to kill him,” Nicole whispered as she consoled Annabeth.

  They called out to Grimmer and he re-appeared. “Hey, Grimmer, do you want to come to my house?” Anna asked.

  “I AM AN EVIL GHOST! Why would you invite me?”

  “You scared?” she screeched. “Follow me.”

  “Okay, if you say so. Better watch out.” His voice trailed off.

  As they were heading home, Annabeth fell very sleepy. It was like she was under a spell. When she awoke, nobody was sitting in the driver’s seat. Nicole was sitting in the passenger seat and mysteriously the car was still moving. She noticed what I noticed and was suddenly frightened.

  “Uh! Nicole, who is driving the car?”

  “Oh! I am, of course,” Grimmer said. He was invisible. Why did Nicole let him drive? He’s going to do something to our car and it won’t work anymore. She sighed as they finally reached their driveway and Grimmer was parking.

  “Wait here, Grimmer. I’m going to go and get a game to play,” and Anna disappeared. When she came back, she excitedly said, “If I win, you die. If you win…. well, I guess I die.”

  “What do you mean, you guess? It’s true. You’ll die.” Grimmer replied nastily.

  “Let’s not argue; let’s play.” The game was on.

  “I won!” Grimmer cried. “I’m so good at cards. In fact, I’m good at everything. Time to Kill,” he howled.

  “So you were the one who wrote that at my doorstep,” she squealed.

  “Maybe…” he replied as his voice trailed off.

  “Wait. Let’s play chess,” she challenged.

  “No! Never! You’re gonna miss your babysitter when she’s dead,” he said in a babyish voice.

  “Please? I’ll pay the price for whatever happens in the next game,” Anna pleaded.

  “Fine. But this is the last game.”

  So they played and Anna screamed after the last move.

  “Noooo,” she moaned.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes, I won again!” Grimmer screamed in happiness. “Too bad you can’t catch me.” Annabeth took off. Grimmer followed her silently into the woods. Suddenly Annabeth stumbled on a tree root, then she fell to the ground.

  “Goodbye, little girl,” Grimmer called.

  Blood was gushing everywhere as she lay on the ground. Finally as she gasped for air, her eyes closed. “Never bargain with the enemy,” Grimmer howled with laughter.



  Shweta Krishnan is a nine year old, fourth grader. She lives in Marietta, Georgia with her parents and her sisters. In her spare time, she enjoys reading books, coloring, listening to music, and swimming. The Ghost Kill is her second published writing.

  Trapped in the Sorcerer’s Stone

  by Grace Lawton

  Chapter 1: Introduction

  I’m Grace Lawton and I live in Marietta, Georgia. My family is active in my
life. My twin sister Emma is okay. I don’t mind her, but we all have our weaknesses. My mom is really nice to me; she helps me out a lot. My dad isn’t around much, so I don’t see him a whole lot. I’m like most 5th graders, except, I’m not, not really.

  Okay, so here’s the thing, I can transport into books and writings, and I can get out of them pretty easily, just like that! But, this time I wasn’t so lucky. I was reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Book One), and here in Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry you don’t gain transporting powers until a later book.

  So, for right now I’m stuck in the book. Nobody knows, not my parents, not even my sister! If they found out, they would take all my powers away.

  Chapter 2: The Sorting Hat

  These are the house options the sorting hat chooses from.





  “Guess what house I got sorted into?!! GRYFFINDOR! I am sooo glad I didn’t get sorted into Slytherin. Creepy!” I said excitedly.

  Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

  Oh, my gosh, there are so many people here. Oh, look, a girl that looks around my age.

  “Hi, I’m Alex Black.” The girl said as she approached me.

  “I’m Grace Lawton,” I said. “I take it you’re doing the same thing as me, school shopping.”

  “Nah, I don’t go to Hogwarts.” Alex said casually.

  “Okay, well, do you at least know your way around?” I asked.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve lived here since birth,” Alex said happily.

  “Awesome, where should we start?” I asked.

  “I know, let’s get an owl—a Great Horned?” Alex asked.

  “Oh, yeah!” We said together.

  “We think alike. We could be sisters!” I said.

  “Come on, let’s go!” I said. “Alex, why aren’t you coming?” I asked.

  “Because… because I can’t afford to go.” Alex said. “Just get your stuff and… ” I tried to say.

  “I don’t have any parents,” she finally confessed.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said sadly.

  “It’s okay, I manage,” Alex said.

  “Anyways, let’s go talk to Dumbledore.” I suggested.

  Chapter 4: Dumbledore