Read Shattered Page 11

  Jasmine still had her smile in place. “What’s up with Chase?”

  “I don’t know; guess my sister is driving him crazy. Think he finally snapped.” She gave me a confused look. “I know how he feels about her, he told me.”

  “You okay with that?”

  “No but it’s not my place to say anything.”

  “But it was your place with Jay?”

  “I see Kris finally told you. Jay never should have lied to me. But let’s not talk about that. How have you been?”

  Her smile dropped; all traces of her light humor gone. “I’ve been better, but I’ve also been worse. I’ve learned that I have to take things one day at time and eventually it will get better. But how’ve you been Angel? I haven’t seen you in a while. You know I didn’t take you for someone who hid. I didn‘t scare you off did I?” She smirked and there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. It was good to see her like this. Looks like those weeks I was gone, she must have made some progress.

  She was being playful now, a side of her I hadn’t had a chance to enjoy in a long time. I definitely `was going to enjoy it now.

  “Don’t worry Jas, you could never scare me off. I’m a Marine sweetie; we don’t get scared and we sure as shit don’t run.”

  “Could have fooled me, Angel. But if you weren’t busy running, what have you been up to?” She scrunched up her face, “Ahh, never mind then. I see you’ve been busy; nice hickey. I hope you didn’t downgrade. Is it anyone I know?”

  “No one you’d care to know about. Why, does it bother you Jasmine?” She shook her head, “Not in the slightest Angel.”

  I liked this game we were playing, it was turning me on in ways I couldn’t even begin to explain. I couldn’t help myself; I stepped into her space. She tried to retreat but I wasn’t going to let her. I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to me, making her feel exactly what she was doing to me. She didn’t panic; there wasn’t any fear in her eyes. It was all heat, she was jealous. A small part of her was jealous that I was with some other girl and not her. On some deep level, it thrilled the shit out of me and I wanted to get a rise out of her. “You know you’ve always been a horrible liar. I know it bothers you. You wish it was you don’t you? You wish it was you that I had pinned to my bed. The one I got so lost in the passions of pleasure with that I couldn‘t even remember my name.”

  She brought her hands to rest on my chest, “Marine, I don’t have to wish. I can feel you. I know you were thinking of me when you with her. You clearly can’t handle being with me. It’s okay; everyone’s always scared of something.”

  I chuckled the brat was right. She was the one I pictured every time I fucked the redhead. But Jas didn’t need me to confirm she was right; not yet anyway. “Understand love, I can handle you just fine. You’re the one who can’t handle me. Trust me when I tell you that.”

  She tippy toed, bringing her lips to my ear. “We’ll see who can handle who Angel.” She placed a kiss on my cheek and it took all of my strength not to pull her in to devour her lips. She pushed at my chest to let her go but I wasn’t budging. She started giggling, “You gonna let me go Angel? I think you’re girlfriend’s coming.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend, Jas.” I didn’t know what prompted this change in her but I was sending my praise to that being right now. God, she was so sexy. She was defiant and confident; so sure of herself. She had every nerve ending on my body coming alive. My body was so taut with anticipation and need, I wanted to strip the barrier of clothing between us and just take her right here right now.

  She bit her bottom lip and I nearly came. “Um, Angel, she doesn’t look too happy right now.”

  Who? I didn’t care about anything or anyone but Jasmine. I did not like that she wasn’t focusing on me right now. I fisted a hand in her hair forcing her face to mine. “Ain’t no one worried about her. You wanted my attention baby, you got it.”

  A seductive smile stretched across her face, “Angel I always had your attention.” I barely suppressed my groan. Jasmine was going to be the death of me.

  * * *

  “Fuck is going on here?” I had to laugh; this poor girl thought a couple of nights spent in Angel’s bed made him hers. Angel ignored her, still solely focused on me. “Angel, she wants an answer.” He didn’t even bother to look at her.

  “Go wait over there Vivian; I will be with you in a second.”

  She huffed but turned around and went to wait like a good puppy. “I see you trained her well already.”

  “Without so much as a fight. It was quite boring actually.” He brought his lips close to my ear. “Any time you think you’re up to the task of handling me, I’m all yours Jasmine. I would love to know exactly how you taste, how you feel wrapped around my dick.” He pressed himself even closer to me. “You feel what you’re doing to me? That’s all for you if and when you choose to come and play.” He pressed a kiss under my ear and it sent a wave of anticipation through me.

  He looked up at me and smirked before walking away. I took a deep breath, trying hard to hold on to all these new sensations and feelings. It was exhilarating. I missed so much being a victim. I felt free, finally. I still had my days but they were getting fewer and fewer. I was too determined now to hold on to the good and the fun in my life.

  It was fun messing with Angel; this was the most fun I had had in a long time. I was feeling like things were finally going back to some type of normal. I opened my eyes and was startled by the number of eyes on me. Apparently, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the exchange between him and me.

  Kristal was staring at me smiling. She made her way over to me. “What was that about? Don’t even think about telling me nothing your face is beet red.” It was amazing these past weeks; it was like me and Kris never skipped a beat. We managed to pick up right where we left off, as if no time had passed between us. I was grateful for that.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She laughed, “Hey, no judgment. Look, look, look, little miss redhead is giving you the death stare.” I turned in her direction and smiled. “That’s because she knows she’s easily replaceable.” Man the look Kristal gave me before she busted out laughing. It was a cross between shock and triumphant. “What?”

  “Nothing, I‘ve just missed this. Oh, look she’s heading over here. Aww, Jasmine, I think she wants to play.”

  The girl was of average height and she was pretty or would be if she didn’t cake her face with makeup. She had a nice pair of boobs, probably the only thing going for her. Her hair was a nice shade of red, but judging from her eyebrows that wasn’t her natural color; Angel and his twits. “You’re Jasmine right? I see you every morning at the gym.”

  This should be entertaining enough, “Your point?” She was taken aback. Okay, so I could admit I was a little more than pissed. I was pissed that Angel had much rather waste his time hiding out with this skank, than face me. But Vivian and I weren’t friends. I didn’t have to be nice. Girl hadn’t spoken two words to me all the time I was going to the gym. Now, because she’d finally gotten into bed with Angel, I was supposed to play nice while she gloated . . . Not happening, sweetie. “Is there a reason you’re standing here talking to me?” I could hear Kristal snickering in the back.

  “Um, well I just wanted to let you know, he’s mine. I know you’ve seen the hickey on his neck.”

  Now Kristal was full out laughing and so was I “Aye que cute. Mija, listen you cannot be this dense. What’s a hickey mean? He fucked you and he will move on once he’s used you up and becomes bored. Don’t get ahead of yourself sweetheart; it’s not a good look for you.”

  That pissed her off and she huffed out her chest, “Yea, well don’t think he’s gonna come crawling to you.”

  “He won’t be crawling, he‘ll be running.” Oh, she really was amusing. She must have not known. I think it was my duty to let her know her place “Let me tell you a little secret. Any and every time he was fucking you, he was t
hinking about and imaging it was me. You won’t be more than just an itch to scratch. Guess it sucks to be you.”


  “Um Angel, you going to break them up?” Tony, like the rest of us was watching the exchange. We were all waiting to see what was going to happen, if anything.

  “For what Tony? Vivian’s not stupid, she see Jas at the gym everyday sparing.” Besides, I really didn’t want to. I was definitely enjoying the view. Jasmine was so calm and in control. But there was something deadly about her calmness. I almost expected her to strike out at any moment.

  Remembering how she fought me at the gym, I started to feel a little bad for Vivian. She was stepping to Jasmine with Kris at her back. This wasn’t going to end well.

  “Yo, Ton, I think we should go over there. I don’t think Jas is going to do anything, but Kris is over there. She has a short temper. It‘s not going to take much for her to pop Vivian in the mouth.”

  We started to make our way over to the girls when it was clear something was about to happen. Vivian must of said something neither of the girls liked because Jasmine and Kristal’s stance changed. Ah shit. We couldn’t get over there fast enough. Jas sidestepped and Kristal took a swing, clocking Vivian in the face. She went to hit her again when Chase came and scooped her up. “Take her in the house now Chase.”

  “Aww Angel, why do you always have to ruin my fun?”

  “Jasmine, knock it off!” I went to check on Vivian. If it was one thing I knew for certain, it was that my sister had a killer cross. She must have pulled her punch though; Vivian was still standing on her feet holding her face.

  “Oh my god Angel; you see what your bat shit crazy sister did to me?” She threw herself at me. “I can’t believe she hit me. I just wanted to talk and be friends.”

  Great, she’s going to cry all over me now. Thank you very much sis. Vivian screamed, “I can’t believe she hit me. Oh my god.”

  “Oh shut up. You’re lucky that’s all she did, dumb ass.”


  “Oh get off it Angel. The bitch had it coming. You know what? Whatever; go console your girlfriend. I’m going home.”

  She turned and started walking towards the back gate to leave. I dislodged Vivian and threw her at Tony. “Come on Angel we not teenagers anymore. Why you can’t clean up your own mess.”

  “I’m about to. Just take Vivian home please.”

  “Are you fucking serious? I came here with you. Your crazy sister hit me and you running after her?”

  Jasmine turned back around and smiled at Vivian. “What did I tell you sweetheart? He’s running not crawling.”

  Vivian was seething. She started towards Jasmine but Tony scooped her up and headed in the opposite direction. I had to jog to catch up to Jas, who was already at the back gate. She pulled the gate open but I slammed it shut pushing up behind her. She wasn’t running from this or from me.

  * * *

  Angel had me pinned up against the back gate. His hard chest was against my back and his hands were on either side of my head. For a brief moment panic flared. Easy Jasmine. One, two, three. I brought myself back remembering where I was. I was good. Good.

  “You going to tell me what this is about Jas?”

  “Ask your girl. She likes to run off at the mouth.” He chuckled and brought his lips down to my ear. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were jealous Jasmine.” He went to place a kiss on my neck but I brought my elbow up to clock him in the jaw. He stepped back grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. He grabbed both arms and pinned them up above my head. He pressed his whole body into me. I swallowed, and counted again to three. “Jasmine, focus on me. Stay here with me.” Angel’s green eyes were on my face searching to see if I was all right. “You OK, Jasmine?” I nodded my head. “Good now you gonna tell me what all that was about?”

  I wasn’t giving him the satisfaction of telling him how pissed off I was that he fucked her; or even that he had the balls to bring her here. Who does that shit? It was irrational, but damn it, how can you tell me you want me, and all this gooey shit yet, you’re over there fucking other girls? I let out a breath; I had no reason to be pissed off. He thought I wasn’t ready for him, and I probably wasn’t. I couldn’t very well ask him to wait for me. “Don’t worry Angel, it was a misunderstanding. Now let me go.”

  He chuckled and brought his lips down to my neck. He started placing small kisses there and goose bumps spread across my body. “That was no misunderstanding Jas. What happened?” He kissed his way back up, stopping just short of my lips. He licked his lips, “Tell me the truth Jasmine.”

  “There’s nothing to tell Angel.”

  “Why do you insist on being so damn defiant?” He kissed me hard causing my head to bang against the gate. I didn’t even feel the pain. I was focused on him and how rough and demanding his kiss was. My body instantly melted into his, as if it instinctively knew the pleasure he could give it. I wanted to enjoy this, I wanted to stay like this or see where it could lead to, but he brought Vivian here after he fucked her. He probably didn’t even wash the taste of her off his damn mouth. Strike two; and he had the balls to kiss me? I bit down hard on his lip and he growled, pulling away, “You bit me.”

  “I didn’t say you could kiss me.”

  “I didn’t ask.” He went to kiss me again but I moved my face to the side. “Try it again and I will bite you harder.” He placed a small kiss on my cheek, “I like it when you talk dirty to me. You enjoyed the kiss Jas; I felt your body relax against mine.”

  “Actually no I didn’t. I don’t enjoy the taste of the last person you fucked still on your mouth.”


  We were in the kitchen, her brother told me to take her inside and I wasn’t taking her back out until I knew the redhead was gone. Kris was wearing a hole in the floor pacing. I still couldn’t believe she hit the redhead. Well no, actually I could believe it. I just wanted to know what the hell prompted Kris to hit her. Why was she the one who swung and not Jasmine?

  “Kris, why did you hit her?” She ignored me and was still packing, probably itching to go back out. When I saw her and Jasmine talking to the redhead, I knew without a doubt that something would happen. Kristal was one of few words when it came to just about anything. She hit first and asked questions later. I guess I should just be happy they both didn’t beat this poor girl senseless. I’ll tell you one thing though, if this was any indication that the “terrible two” were back, we were all in for a lot of trouble.

  She was still pacing, not paying any attention to me; her thick legs wearing a hole in her kitchen. She had on these shorts that were like a second damn skin. The red button down shirt she was wearing was tied at the bottom revealing her belly button ring. I wanted to run my tongue over that piercing plenty of times. It always made me wonder what else she had pierced. My dick was getting harder and harder watching her move. She had her hair up, yea that wouldn’t do. Her hair always looked better down. Kristal stopped pacing to look at me, “Fuck are you staring at like that man?”


  Damn asshole pulled me out of the damn yard like a little misbehaved child, now he was staring at me like a doofus. I cannot wait to catch that bitch Vivian again. Had this douche not interfered, I would have been able to finish her ass off. Chase‘s lips turned up into a smirk that made me melt a little on the inside. “Come here Kristal.”

  “Don‘t want to.” He shrugged and moved towards me, his long legs eating up the distance within seconds. He stopped in front of me with barely an inch between us. He scooped me up and slammed me against the wall. “You are driving me fucking crazy you know that Kris?”

  His lips came crashing down on mine. His tongue slid inside my mouth to duel with my tongue in a dance for control. I loved the way his lips felt. We snuck kisses here or there but he always pulled away or I did. But those kisses were merely tap kisses nothing like the fire that was burning behind Chase now. I felt like he was trying his hardest
to devour all of me and I was very content to let him. Chase abruptly pulled away and rested his head on mine. We were breathing hard, as if we just ran a race. He carefully slid me down his body, holding me till my feet hit the floor. Since I was barely 5’3, I had to crane my neck to look up at Chase. He pulled my hair out of its rubber band.


  “Your hair always looks better down. Makes you look wild, sexy, like how you usually are.”

  He turned and started heading for the door. What just happened? I couldn’t get my brain to work fast enough. He was already half way out the door by the time I found my voice. “Chase, where are you going?”

  “Don’t worry Kris, it’s not time yet. When I have you, I want to make sure I have enough time to enjoy and devour every single inch of you.”



  We were outside in Chase’s backyard. He was cooking some steaks and I was lounging in his pool. His parents always had a nice house. I always thought that it was pretty dope that they left it to him when they moved to Florida. I had spent the past two days at his house. I refused to be home, not with Jas and Kris taking over the entire house. It was as if I was thrust back into the past when Jas used to stay over all the time. Now, instead of running around in her footie- pajamas, she was walking around in cloth shorts and tank, with no bra. The sight alone was enough to remind me that I couldn’t stay in the same house as her. There was no way I wouldn’t try to carry her off to my bed and taste every single inch of her.

  “Yo, Marine! You going deaf in your old age? I said the steaks are done.” I climbed out of the pool, adjusting the hard-on Jasmine constantly gave me. I heard Chase chuckling under his breath, the prick.

  “You know Chase, I like the service here. You got your own home gym, a nice size pool and you’re cooking me steak. Let me see . . .are you trying to seduce me?”

  “Hey, hey hey. Even if I was seducing you, ain’t no one taking you away from Jasmine. I concede defeat. Speaking of Jasmine; when are you going to stop hiding from her?”