Read Shattered Dreams Page 13


  That Friday evening had turned cooler; a much welcomed relief from the stifling late summer heat and a sure indicator that autumn had finally arrived. Beyond the compound, the trees had fully donned their most beautiful cloaks of brilliant leaves which continued to fall in graceful spirals from the occasional gusts of wind. The soft songs of the crickets and frogs gathered at the pond lent a sense of peace and calm over the compound. It was a false peace when in truth everyone was on edge, and it showed in the clouded faces of the Sapphire Lake wolves. Normally, the young pups would be scampering about, lost in their childish games, but even they were subdued, mirror images of their parents. It was as if the entire village was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

  There was a soft knock at Zandria's door. She heard it for her hearing was much more acute than most humans, but she remained seated in the overstuffed chair. She knew it was the alpha's son, Cayson, for he came by every day about this time to talk to her. She had tried for days to dissuade him gently but he was stubborn and refused to give up. At first, she thought that perhaps he was song struck; that her singing had somehow ensnared him, but now, she could tell it was clearly evident that was not the problem. She wished things could be different; that she could give in and just relax and be his friend just as he kept asking her to be. How she wished she could have a real friend, but it would never work out for her. No, it was much better for her to stay in her tiny little bubble and push everyone else out.

  Moments went by and she could feel him on the other side of the door, stubbornly waiting for her to answer it. She could hear his heart beating faster, almost taste the anticipation and hope that clung to him. Pressing one hand to her chest she sighed sorrowfully. There was no other choice, she would have to dissonant him. She closed her eyes and began to hum softly searching for his song, that melody that she alone heard when he was nearby. When she found it, her tune changed and she sang into the air, pushing against the presence beyond the door. The tune changed slightly, slowly, building in energy and discord until she let it go towards the door. She felt the change immediately and knew he had taken a couple of steps back away from the door. She pushed again and he left the porch but still stood nearby. The timbre of his heartbeat changed as the song in him trying desperately to match her melody but she again changed it until the utter wrongness was thick and pulsed between them. Just when she thought she wouldn't be able to hold on, she felt him turn and leave. She let the song go and took a ragged breath. Pulling her knees up, she stared at the door until finally sleep and the accompanying nightmares finally claimed her.


  Miriah checked the hem in the mirror again of the dress she would be wearing to the bonding ceremony tomorrow evening. Pressing her hands on the pale orange that flared from her hips she frowned. “Maybe I should wear the lavender one,” she muttered to herself.

  “No matter which one you wear, you'll be beautiful.” Jeff's arms circled around her waist and his nose dropped to the place where the pale white scars from their own bonding ceremony still sat upon her skin. Her eyes closed and she tilted her neck slightly away from him, baring it for his nuzzling. He pressed his nose into the crook and blew his scent into her skin.

  “Marking me again, Beloved?” She whispered.

  “Always,” he breathed against her skin. His grip tightened around her waist and he let out a soft contented growl. “My wolf still finds you irresistible.”

  Looking into the mirror, she shivered to see two pairs of glowing gold eyes staring back. Taking a deep breath she gently cajoled the beast to calm. “I thought the dinner went well tonight,” she intoned. “Considering...”

  “Don't let Councilor Abernathy get under your skin. He has been trying to get to me for years.”

  She sighed. “I wish you two could bury the hatchet.”

  “Between his eyes?” He quipped. “I know a lot of alphas that would pay good money to see that.”

  She growled at him. “Be serious Jeff. He is the Elder councilor and though he's difficult, we have to obey him and the rest of the council.”

  He nodded. “I know. Gretchen keeps him in line most of the time.”

  She smiled. “I love her to pieces. She and Maggie want to have a tea tomorrow afternoon with the ladies to give Carson a chance to relax a bit. Too bad Manna couldn't be here for their bonding though. Carson tried to hide it but she was disappointed.”

  “Mmhm,” Jeff closed his eyes a moment and nuzzled his mate's neck again.

  Her wolf paced inside, whimpering to be freed. “I wish we could go for a run. You never know how much you miss something until you can't.”

  He chuckled softly, “I have a cure for that pent-up energy.” He pulled her gently into his arms and led her to the bed.

  “Jeff! There's too much to do. There are a million things to get finished before tomorrow night.” She pushed him away halfheartedly.

  He swept her up into his arms and growled softly. “The world can wait. I need my mate now.”


  It was dark, the full darkness that came as the moon relinquished her turn in the navy blue canopy of the sky. It would be another hour before the sun rose and bathed the world in light for the new day. In the forest, two shadows converged, both watching as the quiet slumber of the compound rumbled towards awakening. One of the shadows pulled from the inky blackness of the woodlands and stretched, elongated and reformed. Sinews realigned, thick fur pulled back into pores, claws retreated into fingertips and razor sharp canines slid back into gums. Standing, he stretched, the pop of joints sounding harsh in the quiet of the sleeping woods. “Councilor,” he murmured and dipped his head just slightly out of respect.

  Another shadow disentangled itself from the mass pooling in the undergrowth. There were pops and cracks then the human form stepped back into the shadows. “Future alpha,” the soft tone slipped through the air and the barest of nods returned the gesture. “Is everything ready?”

  He nodded. “It is. Just be sure you keep up your end of the deal. When this is all over, I get the girl. I get her and the pack leadership.”

  “Of course.” The words barely lifted above the gentle breeze that caused the limbs to sway. “All you have to do is imprint her as was your right and both of them are yours. She'll forget the healer, forget her so called love and you will be her entire world. Then once the imprinting is done, the beta and the alpha both die and you, her mate, will take over leadership of this pack.”

  His wolf growled in pleasure. Soon they would have their mate; not a life mate, but a mate for life and that made them happy. He almost pranced like a puppy though it had been many years since he was a pup. So lost in his vision of a perfect life, he never realized he was again alone until he heard the patter of paws again hurrying away. Turning back to stare at the house harboring his future mate, the soon to be dead alpha and the rest of his family, he hesitated a moment. “Come on,” he whispered to himself. “Let's go hunt.” He shifted quickly and turned towards the woods and sorted through the various smells. Grinning to himself he found the perfect one and took off at a run.