Read Shattered Dreams Page 14


  “Rachel! Help!” Carson called out in a frantic panic.

  “What up, Chica?” Her best friend stuck her head in the doorway.

  “I can't find the little broach – the one that Emma gave me last night. Have you seen it?” She was pulling clothes out of her drawers, the fabrics raining down around them to settle on the floor. “It was their mother's. Crap! What if I've lost it already? It has to be here somewhere.”

  Rachel blew a strand of dark red hair out of her eyes and shook her head. “Honestly Car, you would lose your head if it wasn't locked on your shoulders. Now think, where did you last see it?”

  “Yesterday, maybe?” Carson flopped on the bed and dejectedly dropped her head into her hands and thought back to the day before.

  Chase's father, Terrence ('Call me Terry', he had insisted with a kiss pressed to her cheek) and his sister, Emma had arrived shortly after lunch. Chase had been almost nervous as the introductions had flown around but she had immediately felt comfortable with them both. Terry's easy laughter was echoed in the tiny lines that gently etched his face. Blessed with a werewolf's ageless beauty he looked more like their older brother than their father and Carson had taken an immediate liking to him.

  Emma looked like a female version of her brother, tall with long auburn hair and laughing chocolate eyes that threatened to consume you whole. She had hugged her tightly. “It’s so good to finally meet you. Chase has done little but gush about you for the past three months.”

  Chase wrapped his arm around his mate and growled at his sister. “I don't gush,” then grinned at them. Pressing a kiss to her head, his thumb stroked her elbow tenderly as he took the goodhearted teasing from Emma.

  His sister rolled her eyes and pulled Carson from his grasp. “You'll get forever with her; she's mine for now.” Laughter filled her eyes as she continued to ignore the frown on her brother's face. “We have so much to discuss. Like for instance, did you know he used to have nightmares about sunflowers? Oh and if you haven't figured it out yet, boiled eggs are an absolute never.” Tucking her arm in her future sister in law's she grinned at the discomfort on his face. “Yep we have a LOT to discuss.”

  Chase slapped a hand over his face and groaned as they walked off. Terry chuckled. “Ok son, let’s go find a cup of coffee. It's better to let them get this over now rather than wait until after the bonding and have her blurt it out to a packed room. You know how Em can be.”

  It was later, after the meal shared by the whole pack, that Terry had handed a small box to Emma and nodded to her. Turning to Carson, she opened the box and pulled out a delicate little broach in the shape of a hummingbird hovering above a lily. The entire thing was worked in white gold and contained several shimmering semi precious gemstones. Carson gasped when she saw it. It was exquisite.

  “This was our mom's.” Emma spoke softly, her fingers running over the gemstones. “She would want you to wear it on your bonding day.”

  “I can't... You should keep it for your bonding day.” Carson was choked up with emotion and gently closed Emma's fingers over the dainty piece. Their mother, Margaret, had passed away when Emma was just sixteen and Chase a tender twelve.

  Emma smiled through the tears that swam in the basins of her eyes. “Momma would want you to have it. She always told Chase that one day he would find the one that made his heart beat as fast as a hummingbird. I know she would have been so proud to see what a wonderful mate was waiting for him.” She pinned the gem on the lapel of her shirt and kissed her cheek.

  “My shirt,” Carson jumped up and hunted through the piles of clothes, finally finding the camel colored top slung over the back of her chair. With fumbling fingers she found the front and gave out a sigh of relief. Unpinning the gemstone she clasped it in her hand and sat back on the bed, the shirt forgotten in a puddle on the floor.

  “Crisis adverted?” Rachel smirked at her.

  Carson glared at her best friend, then thrust the gemstone at her. “Pin it on me... please. My hands won't stop shaking.”

  Rachel let out a huff. “What would you do without me?” She pinned the broach on Carson's dress just above the swell of her right breast. “No, don't answer that.” She took a step back and grinned at her. “Yep, its official, you are gorgeous and I’ve gone from mildly envious to full blown jealous.”

  Carson turned and looked in the mirror. “I clean up pretty good” She grinned at her friend. “Even if I do say so myself. Mrs. Patterson was right. This dress is absolutely perfect.”

  Carson's eyes found Rachel's in the mirror. “Do I still get to meet Jack later? I'm a bit excited to finally meet... the.... oh no! What happened?” Rachel's face had fallen and pain flashed briefly in her eyes before she looked away. Carson turned towards her.

  She shrugged. “He found his mate. His brother called me to tell me because Jack completely forgot I existed. They went to a ballgame at the local high school and boom, there she was at the concession stand selling pickles and french fries.” She painted a smile on her face. “No biggie. I mean we all know it can happen at any time. Not the first time I've lost a boyfriend to a mate and I'm sure it won't be the last.”

  Carson hugged her. “Yeah but I know it's hard on you anyway. I could tell you really liked him. You know that's why most people don't try to date at all.”

  Rachel slapped at the air. “Pshaw, I'm fine. You know me, just another notch in my gun. It's not going to stop me from dating, just maybe I'll go after humans now.” She grinned at Carson. “Now, let's get you all mated up. It's just about time.”

  Right on cue, there was a gentle knock on the door followed by a gruff “Ready?”

  Rachel grinned and hugged her friend again. “Showtime,” she murmured. Smoothing her own dress quickly, she crossed the room and went to open the door.

  Carson turned back and disappeared into the tiny bathroom one last time to check her appearance in the full length mirror on the back of the door. Eyes flickered over the soft cream colored dress with spaghetti straps purchased at the little shop last month, looking for wrinkles or creases. She smoothed the soft knee length fabric over her thighs and walked out the bathroom door. “I'm rea...” She stopped a gasp escaping her lips.

  Rachel lay crumpled on the floor, a drizzle of deep red seeping into Carson's pale tan carpet. She flew to Rachel's side, dropping to the floor and touched her friend's wrist. Holding her breath then letting it out slowly, she could detect the weak thump of her pulse moved under her fingers. She opened her mouth to scream for help but it was cut off when a rough burlap bag jerked down over her head and a sharp pain jabbed in her thigh. There was a burn on her leg then the world started to spin and darken. “I’m not going to make it to my bonding,” was the last thought that crossed her mind before inky black nothing claimed her and she surrendered to it.


  The hushed whispers had grown in volume over the last ten minutes as heads would turn and glance up the hill from the clearing to where Carson was soon to make her appearance. On the small dais, Chase stood looking around nervously. He had dressed in tight black jeans, a cream colored shirt unbuttoned to the third button and a pair of pale tan loafers. His hair was pulled back and fastened with a leather thong at the base of his head. Glancing at the sky, he could see the sun was saying her goodbye to the daylight, gifting the world with a magnificent display of golds, reds and oranges that accented the ring of autumn trees surrounding them. He smiled. It was as if nature herself was blessing their union. In front of him, Jeff waited, talking quietly with his beta. As alpha of their pack, he would have the honor of performing the ritual that would bind them together forever.

  Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Cayson running down the hill full speed, alone, and fear gripped his heart in an iron fist. Leaping off the platform, he ran through the crowd of guests murmuring his apologies and met his
future brother in law at the bottom of the little hill. Grabbing the younger man's arm, he swallowed several times before he found his voice again. “Where is she?”

  He shook his head. “I... I don't know, Chase. I went to get her and she's not there, but Rachel was. She's unconscious and there's blood all over the floor.”

  Chase snarled and took off at a run towards her house. “Get the others,” he shouted over his shoulder as he topped the little hill and flew towards Carson's house. Flinging open the door he took the steps two at time then turned the corner towards her room. Stopping dead in his tracks he saw the still form of his mate's best friend... and no sign of his love. The beast inside rose up snarling in outrage, demanding they find her now, but he pushed him back down. Not now. I have to see to the girl. We'll deal with everything else in a moment, he chastised the beast. His wolf backed down, marginally, and began to pace. Internally, he agreed with the beast, but right now he was needed here. Rachel required medical attention and as much as he didn't like to think about it, he couldn't worry about Carson's absence. Well, not yet.

  He checked her pulse and felt relieved finding it a bit thready but beating steadily and she was breathing evenly. He pulled her eyelids back and checked her pupils, finding them sluggish but responsive. Turning her head slightly he gently probed the back of her head and found a gash leaking sticky blood onto the floor. Even as he watched it slowed considerably. Thank Luna for a wolf's metabolism that fostered speedy recovery.

  A pair of feet stood just inside his peripheral vision. Not even checking to see who they belonged to he snapped, “I need my bag; it's in my office by the desk. Also, bring a stretcher and blankets. We need to get her to the hall before shock sets in.” The feet took off back down stairs where he could detect several wolves had gathered. Sitting back on his heels, he surveyed the destruction of the room. Clothes littered the floor and bed, the drawers pulled out haphazardly and spilling their contents everywhere. Inhaling, he could smell Carson's scent. His wolf perked up again and began to whine. Our mate needs us. The beast inside clawed at his ribs to escape. We need to find her NOW. It snarled. Chase closed his eyes and after several moments, he forced it to retreat only after promising me they would find her as soon as Rachel was stable.

  Finally, after what felt like forever, the bag was dropped beside him along with a blanket and stretcher. Opening the bag, he quickly pulled out instruments and began to assess her condition in more depth. Deciding she was stable enough to move, he carefully applied gauze to her head and pulled the stretcher over. Five minutes later, with blankets tucked around her form and two burly Enforcers handling the stretcher, they made their way down stairs, through the mass of people and out the door. It was another twenty minutes before she regained consciousness and Chase sent one of the nearby wolves for Jeff. Thanks to that metabolism, the wound was already healing and aside from a slight headache, she wouldn't be any the less for wear from her experience. Once he was satisfied she was completely out of danger, he picked up her hand and looked into her eyes. “Rachel,” his voice cracked from the strain of holding back his beast this long. “Where's Carson?”

  She closed her eyes and licked her lips. He picked up a cup with ice chips in it and gave her a few. “Not too fast. You have a slight concussion and I don't want you vomiting.” She took the chips and let them melt on her tongue, the water sliding down her parched throat.

  The door to the hall opened and Jeff hurried in followed by Councilors Oliver and Gretchen along with one of the Enforcers. “Nick said she was awake?” he asked, the stress clear on his features. Chase nodded briefly then turned back to her. “Rachel, where's Carson? What happened? What do you remember?”

  Her gaze swept the room before returning to Chase's worried one. “It's a little fuzzy,” she began.

  He swallowed and fought to keep his wolf calmed. “I know it is. Just take your time.” He couldn't keep the impatience out of his voice. “Please try.”

  She nodded and closed her eyes. “I remember Carson yelling for help because she had misplaced the broach. We found it and there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it...” she wrinkled her brow.

  “You answered the door. Who was there, Rachel?” Jeff prodded gently.

  She closed her eyes again and then they flew open. “I remember. I opened the door and he was standing there. I thought it was strange because Cay was supposed to come get her.”

  “Who?” Chase had stood, his wolf straining, waiting to know who would pay for taking their mate. “Who was it Rachel?”

  She shook her head. “I don't understand why he would hurt me? “ She looked around at the faces staring at her. It seemed impossible but she remembered so vividly now as he had growled at her, locking his hand around her neck. She could close her eyes and see the madness in his golden eyes as he had slammed her into the door casing before the world winked out in a burst of bright colored stars. She had trusted him – everyone had trusted him. He was, after all, the one entrusted with the pack's safety.

  “It was Micah,” she whispered. “Micah Simpson.”

  There was a roar of anguish thundering through the hall then hands were on Chase's arms, his shoulders, holding him back. He wanted to find that miserable flea encrusted mongrel, tear him apart until there was nothing left but blood and a memory.

  “Chase, pull in your wolf!” Jeff snarled at him, using his alpha to try and force him to obey.

  The words that forced out of his mouth were half growl, half human. “Our mate. He has our mate!” The world had turned monotone gray, scents were sharper, hearing enhanced. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the human was flung away as the raging beast ripped control from him. Fur, thick, red and full, sprouted from his skin, covering him from head to toe. A burst of pain made him draw a breath as his bones cracked, reformed, sinews and muscles realigned. Throwing his head back, he felt the pinch as sharp fangs ruptured his gums and he snarled. The clothing he had been wearing shredded and flew from his body in a circle. The wolf turned and snapped at the humans holding him back, but they danced just out of reach. The beast would not give up and continued to struggle against them. Finally, a set of jaws latched onto the back his neck and the hands pulled away. He felt the power of his alpha pressing down on his conscious and reluctantly obeyed, whining softly and lowering himself to the floor submissively. The pressure stayed for a moment more then was gone. In his place, a man stood, his dark green eyes glowing eerily.

  “Shift back,” Jeff growled at him. “NOW!”

  The wolf cringed and pulled back, giving dominance back to Chase. Quickly, he shifted to human form before the beast could again wrest control. He stood among the shreds of cloth that had been his bonding suit with his head lowered, breathing hard in the fury that he barely contained. “I apologize, Alpha. I thought I could control him,” he said. “She is our mate,” he offered in explanation.

  “And my daughter and the pack's dreamer. We will get her back, but you have to keep your head,” Jeff chastised him. Putting a hand on the healer's arm, he softened his words. “We will get her back, but it’s going to take brains not brawn.” Turning to his people he spotted Will glowering nearby. “Gather together the males and start a search. She hasn't been gone that long, so her scent has to be close.”

  His beta nodded and started to leave.

  “And Will,” Jeff's voice had deepened as his own eyes took on a golden sheen, “try to bring him back alive. At least for now, until we get some answers.”

  Will nodded with barely suppressed rage, “I'll try my best, Alpha.”