Read Shattered Dreams Page 15


  The deep black darkness slowly receded until her consciousness began to resurface. There was a rotten musky odor of old wood and composting vegetation, compounded with dry dust and mold which made her sneeze. On top of that, her body felt sluggish and unresponsive. Slowly Carson opened her eyes and blinked several times before forcing her head to move and look around. She was sitting in a smallish room, no more than eight feet wide, ten feet long, made from rough log walls with a dirt floor. Above her, the low pitched roof stretched with dirty thatch falling through the cracks. Dull moonlight slid through a single dirty window situated near the top of one wall. It had to be some sort of shack, but not one that she could recall being in before. It looked old and rickety as if a good wind might send it to the ground in a heap of debris. She sat in the middle of the room, tied to chair and so weak that she could barely hold her head up, much less pull enough energy together to free herself. Her muscles felt like lead and her head throbbed; it didn't just hurt, it was a baby elephant dancing on her skull. She moaned and closed her eyes letting her head tip back wearily. Though her body was tired, her senses slowly sharpened and she could hear the heartbeat of someone in the corner, could even smell his scent. It was familiar and she worked to pull the memory out of her addled brain.

  “Feeling better?”

  Her eyes snapped open and she raised her head, staring at him. “Micah?” she asked incredulously. “Is it really you?”

  He grinned and crossed the hard packed floor to stand before her in the pool of moonlight. Setting his feet shoulder width apart, he clasped his hands behind his back and began to rock back and forth. “Yes, Princess, it's me.”

  She blinked at him and sighed wearily. “This isn't a very funny joke. Untie me please.” She struggled weakly then realized he hadn't moved. “Micah?”

  The frown that marred his face was focused on her. Slowly he took a step forward.

  “Yes, my mate?” His golden gaze flickered openly over her body, a smile and nod of appreciation accompanied it. Reaching out with one hand, he wrapped a single ringlet around his finger then let it go.

  She shivered as a feeling of unease crept up her back leaving icy goose bumps behind. Swallowing, she forced herself to look in his face. “M...mate?,” she croaked.

  “Yes,we will be mated soon, you and I, and then we will rule Sapphire Lake together.” He leaned forward and closed his eyes, taking a long draw of her scent. “A long reign that will be continued with our pups. Well, once I grow bored of ruling. Things will be different, you see. Different and so much better for all werewolves. We'll take our rightful place and the humans will take theirs – as our servants.” He opened his eyes again. “And you will be right at my side, my mate.”

  She shook her head. “No. You're mistaken. I'm not...”

  He took a menacing step forward. “I'm not mistaken” he snarled at her. “You are definitely my mate, Carson. Willing would be preferable, but unwilling works just as well for me.” He licked his lips.

  “I'll never be your mate!” She whispered. Terror froze her blood and she began to pull harder. “Let me go, Micah. I have to go home, get back to Chase.”

  In an instant his hand grasped her neck, squeezing until her air was almost cut off. She quit struggling and stared up at him with wide eyes. He snarled, “Chase is just a healer. You are a dreamer. You deserve a real wolf that can keep you safe, protect you against the horrors of the world. You need someone older, wiser...”

  “Or Insane,” her wolf mumbled. She was finally rousing from the adrenaline pumping through their shared body.

  “... and stronger. You deserve someone like me,” He finished.

  “Like you?” She hissed at him incredulously. She resumed her struggles, pulling hard at the bindings, causing them to bite into her flesh and spill small trickles of her blood. “Have you lost your mind?”

  He raised his hand as if to strike her and she flinched. He let his hand drop and took a step back, letting her neck go. She took several deep breaths then began to struggle again. The wooden chair creaked then a loud pop echoed in the room. She almost howled in joy when she felt one of the ropes loosen marginally.

  He hurried to a corner then returned with a small syringe. “We can't have you hurting yourself,” he mumbled.

  “What is that?” Her eyes were fixed on the syringe.

  “Just a little wolf's bane serum.” He thrust the syringe in her leg but only pushed the plunger half way. “Enough to make you docile but not knock you completely out. Don't want you comatose when I claim you.” He snickered.

  “Wolf's bane? What's that?,” she asked.

  He capped the syringe and took a step back. “Wolf's bane is a little drug that works on weres. It suppresses your beast, effectively putting it to sleep, taking with it its superhuman strength, hearing and smell.”

  Carson hissed, knowing she was in big trouble. As the drug raced through her body, she felt her beast curl up and fall unconscious, even as she mentally screamed for her to stay awake. But it was just too strong and soon she was left alone, human, weak and drowsy, facing the grinning smirk of her once friend and protector. She struggled to keep talking, “Why do you keep saying that?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Say what?”

  “That you are going to claim me,” she whispered.

  He laughed. “Well, because I am. You see, you were going to be my mate. The night of the run, it was me who was to beat all the others and capture, claim and imprint you. But that was then. Now, we're doing this the slower, easier way.”

  She shook her head, eyes widening in fright. Swallowing she forced herself to look into his eyes and not flinch. “Micah, I have a mate. You know that. We are going to be bond...” She flinched as he let out a snarl and began to pace.

  “He is not your mate, I am! Just as I've always known I would be alpha, I knew I would have you at my side as my mate. I've known it ever since before you left to go do that training. You were too young then, but now,” his eyes raked her form appreciatively, “that’s not a problem. You have definitely grown out of that gangly teen that left us three years ago and I have to admit, I rather like how well you’ve filled out.”

  She licked her lips nervously. “I’m not meant for you. I belong to Ch...”

  “YOU BELONG TO ME!” Flecks of spittle foamed at his lips as his arms flew out with aggravation. “It was me that watched you. I was the one to follow you when you went on your runs. I stayed nearby when you got lost in daydreams at the lake. Me, Carson. I have always been there for you. Me!” His eyes glowed as he stared at her. Taking three steps, he bent over until their noses were almost touching. “Not your father, not your brother, not your healer joke of a suitor; it was always me. You don't even know what I've had to go through to get here, what I’ve done!”

  Her heart dropped into her stomach and the icy tendrils of dread crawled up her back. She swallowed again, then let her eyes close. At that moment, Carson had an epiphany; Micah Simpson was truly, completely, totally and utterly insane. Panic flared hot in her and she frantically tried to rouse her wolf. Come on girl, I need you. Wake up! It was no use; the serum had her knocked completely out. She fought to calm herself, remembering what her father had taught her 'Always keep a calm head and think through a situation and if that doesn't work – stall!' “What... what have you done, Micah?” She asked the question even though she was sure she wouldn’t like his answer.

  He took a step back and grinned at her. “Did you like my gifts? I left them for you at your house. I even left one for you on your rock at the lake. Mating offerings. You know that males used to do that. They would prove to the female that they were capable of taking care of them and providing for them. I believe in the old ways. My mother always taught me that the old ways were the best ways.” He crossed his arms over his chest and watched her face.

  She w
himpered as realization dawned on it. “You killed Leo,” she whispered.

  “I did what I had to do,” he shrugged. “He went poking around where he wasn’t supposed to be and found something he shouldn't have. It was just dumb luck that I happened to be walking by and intercepted him looking for your father. He never even knew it was coming. You should have seen the look of surprise on his face.” He chuckled, obviously very pleased with himself, and walked closer to her, driving his nose deep into the hollow of her neck and shoulder. Slowly he breathed her scent then puffed into her hair, putting his scent on her. “Mine,” he murmured.

  She turned her head to the side, away from him, and shuddered. Now would be a really good time to get up. Move your furry ass! She screamed to her animal. There was no answer.

  He made his way behind her and untied the ropes securing her to the chair but leaving the ones binding her arms together behind her back. “Bathroom break,” he stated and tugged on the rope.

  She chewed her lip a moment. “Can't you untie my hands at least? It's going to be hard to go like this.”

  He shook his head. “It's like this or not at all. I'm not going to take a chance on your abilities. What's it going to be, Princess?”

  She sighed and nodded. “Okay.”

  “Good girl,” he said approvingly, then led her outside and to a nearby bush.

  Carson was mortified. “I can't...” She whispered then swallowing, her face turning a deep red. Please Micah, I can't even pull down...”

  He sighed. Reaching under the dirty rag of her dress, he locked his fingers in the hip of her panties and ripped them off. “There. I'll even turn my back.” He wrapped the rope around his hand, “Just to make sure you don't get lost,” then turned around.

  When she was finished, Micah led her back to the chair in the shack and secured her once again. Taking a step back he caressed her face then moved his hand towards the back of her head. Slowly, he slipped his fingers up and pulled down the artful waterfall of curls that Rachel had created in her hair. He chuckled low in his throat. “You'll come around soon enough.” Lifting a strand to his lips, he kissed it. “Mmmm. I could devour you.” He opened his eyes and she was faced with the golden stare of his wolf. Letting her hair go, he shuddered, whispering, “and I will...soon.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed, not wanting to see the madness staring at her. She heard him back away, then the door opened and closed. Then she was alone.


  The pack room was crammed with bodies. Will stood at one end, talking to Patrick, newly elevated Captain, as the scout reports filtered in. Near the front, Miriah was talking with Emma as the two of them tried desperately to keep Chase calm. Pacing nearby, Cayson was shoving his fingers through his hair in frustration and mumbled to himself. The door opened and Jeff strolled in, making his way through the crowd and hopped up on the platform. Raising his hands, he yelled above the din, “attention, everyone”

  The volume dropped until there was quiet. He let his hands drop to his side as he looked over the crowd. “Thanks all for gathering so quickly. All we know right now is that Carson is missing and that it appears that Micah has something to do with it.” There was a lot of angry muttering and gasps of shock. “Until we know more, I'm asking everyone to please keep close to home, don't go out alone. Also, we are using the pack room as a headquarters, so if you don't have to be here, I would appreciate if you could stay away to avoid confusion. Thank you again for your cooperation.” He gave them a nod and a confident smile that he didn't feel, then jumped down from the dais, making his way to William. “Any news?”

  The beta shook his head. “Her scent fades right outside the front door. I have scouts still scouring the area but it’s like she just vanished into thin air. I don't get it Jeff; it takes days for a wolf's scent to fully dissipate. We should be able to follow her.”

  Jeff scrubbed his chin with his hand. Looking around the room, his eyes fell on Molly sitting in the corner speaking quietly with Terry. “Excuse me,” he grunted then walked through the people to her. “Molly?”

  She looked up and nodded to him. “Yes, Alpha?” Her eyes were clear, bottomless and held a world of knowledge.

  He chewed his cheek a moment then just plunged in. “I know this sounds a little weird, but I was curious if you knew of any reason why our scouts can't find Carson's scent.”

  Her brow wrinkled, the lines on her ancient face deepened.

  Terry blinked. “No scent at all? That's really strange.”

  Jeff nodded. “We have it in the house but just outside the door it's gone. We can detect traces of older ones but nothing strong enough to have been since her abduction. Nobody can figure it out – a wolf's scent stays for several days. Her's just disappeared.”

  “Unless her wolf was somehow incapacitated” Terry mumbled. “Scent is tied to the animal and not to the human half.”

  “Wolf's bane serum,” Molly declared with a nod. “That has to be it.”

  “Of course.” Terry nodded sagely. “But it's been outlawed for what, 100 years or so?”

  “Longer. I was a child the last time it was used, so more like 150 years.” Molly replied.

  Jeff scratched his head as he watched the two of them talk back and forth. “What is wolf's bane?”

  Terry settled back. “Wolf's bane is a very strong drug made from a specific unique plant only found in Europe.”

  Molly nodded. “It was only used in the isolated occasion of a wolf going full feral. It was the only way to subdue the beast and give the human side a chance to regain control. Dosage had to be precise or both parts would succumb; too little and the wolf would kill the one administering the drug, too much was fatal. There was a death of one from overdose when I was young. Those kinds of accidents are the reason why the knowledge to create it was purged from the healers records.”

  Jeff blew out a breath. “I think we should keep this from Chase for the time being. He's barely holding on as it is and I'm afraid this may push him over the edge.” He glanced around the room and saw the healer pacing near the window, pausing every few seconds to look out. “If we don't find her soon, I'm afraid he's going to go rogue.”

  Terry nodded and got up. “Excuse me Alpha, Elder Healer,” he mumbled and made his way to his son.

  Jeff watched him go then turned back to Molly. “So wolf's bane serum is the most likely culprit, meaning we probably won't be able to find her.” He dropped into the chair next to the healer and tipped his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. “An outlawed serum that supposedly nobody knows how to create, made from something found only in Europe, using a recipe I'm assuming is complicated.” He opened an eye and looked at her.

  “I've never seen the recipe as you call it. But from the texts I've read, it takes years to master the formula. Only an Elder Healer could produce it.” Molly studied the gnarled knuckles of her hand.

  Jeff nodded and sat quietly for a few minutes. “So, what are the chances that Micah came across an old stockpile?”

  Molly shook her head. “200 year old wolf's bane would be useless as it loses potency within months of production. If that's what he used, and I can't think of anything else it could be, someone would have to have made it for him recently. So, the question is...”

  “Who made it?” Jeff finished. “If we figure that out, maybe we can find out where she is.”