Read Shattered Dreams Page 18


  She didn't feel different – in her heart she still longed for Chase, feeling a rightness that screamed he was her life mate and she, his. Inching a hand between her body and the ground to the mark on her chest, she could feel the swirls and lines still raised on her skin. Closing her eyes she breathed a slight sigh of relief, even though the sharp pain of fangs sunk into the back of her neck. Nothing had changed, she hadn't imprinted on Micah after all. Perhaps it was because she had her true life mate or maybe imprinting didn't work for dreamers. Then it hit her. Imprinting only worked with wolves and hers was still asleep. She suddenly felt very grateful for that damned serum. Stay asleep honey, she thought to her animal. You just keep on snoozing for a little while longer.

  It seemed like an eternity before he unclenched his jaws and backed off from her. Pressure relieved, she pushed herself up to her knees, and her head bowed as her thoughts whirred in her head. He had said once she was imprinted, he would take her back to the pack. If she could make him believe it had taken, once they were back in the grounds proper, she could get help. It would be difficult but surely she could put forth a good performance and make him think she had imprinted even though she wasn't sure what one looked like. But then, maybe neither did he. Steeling herself, she forced her face in what she hoped was adoration and raised her head.

  “Feeling better, my mate?” He asked. He had shifted and was standing over her with a sardonic grin on his face. It was all she could do to keep from shuddering in revulsion. How had she ever thought he was handsome and sexy? Now she could see he was manipulative, bitter and there was a hardness about those eyes that was anything but friendly. This wouldn't have to just be a good performance, it would have to be Oscar worthy.

  “My Beloved,” she whispered then forced herself to wrap her arms around his legs in a tight hug. His scent filled her nostrils; it was rancid like old oil mixed with decaying trees. Choking off the need to gag, she gulped air through her mouth and looked up at him, holding a tight rein on her revulsion. Closing her eyes she tried to convince herself that it was Chase then nuzzled against his knee with her face. She was never so thankful that he could manifest clothing with his shift than she was at that moment.

  He dropped to the ground and pulled her into his arms, cradling her against his body, running his hands through her hair. “See I told you it would all be okay. Now you know you can trust me. I'll take care of everything,” he murmured against her ear. “Cold? You're shaking.”

  Her skin crawled wherever it touched his. She swallowed back the bile that burned the back of her throat. “A little chilled,” she lied. “I wish I could have a nice shower and some clean clothes. I'm so embarrassed that you see your mate looking such a mess.”

  He chuckled and hugged her against him. “You look lovely” .

  She stiffened slightly then made herself relax. “Still I want to look presentable... for you.” she added hastily. “Can we go home now? I want everyone to know about our bonding.”

  He pulled her back and searched her face, frowning slightly. “Eager to be around others this soon? This is our bonding night; I thought for sure you would want me all to yourself for a while. We'll go back in a couple of days, after...”

  “After?” she asked even as her stomach fell into her feet.

  He laid her back on the grass bathed in the baleful gaze of the moon. Slowly he ran his hands up her thigh and slipped it just passed the ragged hem of her torn dress. She couldn't help it, she froze with a look of utter horror on her face. His hand stopped and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

  “I...” she swallowed, her mind racing to come up with a plausible excuse. “It's just that I'm... ah”

  “Of course, you're a virgin.” He chuckled and removed his hand. “You're shy, unsure. Forgive me, Love. It's been a long time since this old wolf has been around innocence.” He stood up and reached for her hand. “Come, we'll go back to the cabin and I'll show you the joys of love, though I do prefer the outdoors. No matter, it’ll wait for another time. One of many, I’m sure.” She put her hand in his, panic racing through her as she tried to find some way out of this.

  There was a rustle behind Micah followed by a howl. She almost fell back to the ground from relief when she heard the low growl of a voice. “She's not going anywhere with you.”

  Chase had found her.

  Micah jumped, whirled around growling as three wolves appeared behind Chase and shifted into humans. He moved in front of her, cutting her sight off from him. “You're too late, she's imprinted on me. Carson's mine!” He gloated.

  She leaned to the side behind Micah's back and her breath caught in her throat at the stricken look on her mate's face. He was staring at her, all but pleading with her to deny it. Slowly she shook her head, her hand clamped over her mating mark throbbing on her skin. Chase's hand shot to the reciprocating mark over his heart and he almost sagged in relief, closing his eyes, he whispered, “thank Luna.”

  The joy she felt was suddenly quenched as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Her gaze tore from Chase, and landed on the furious face of Micah staring at her. Reaching over he grabbed her hand and pulled it aside, tearing the strap of her dress and causing the dirty fabric to fall exposing her mark to his eyes. “You lying Bitch!” With a snarl he pulled his hand back and backhanded her face, sending her careening into the boulders, striking her head and slumping into a heap. Stars flashed before her eyes and blackness threatened at the edges of her sight. She reached one hand up and pressed against the back of her skull, pulling it away bright with sticky blood. “Oh” she whispered then dropped her hand to the ground, too weary to hold it up. Closing her eyes, she fought against the darkness.


  Micah turned and roared. Chase was struggling, pulling, trying to get to her, held back by his pack mates. The deep brown of his eyes had turned golden, glowing with light, his wolf just below the surface and snarling to get free. “Back down, Doc.” Will had both arms around the man's shoulder, muscles straining to restrain him. “You move and he'll kill her,” he growled at him.” The howl that escaped Chase's mouth tore through the clearing.

  “Chase! Pull it back now.”

  The authoritative tone came from the right where Jeff and three more stepped out from the trees. “I said pull back now,” he roared. To the left four others shifted and stood quietly watching.

  Chase snapped one last time towards Micah then leashed his wolf, forcing the brute back into his belly and slamming the door closed. Our mate! He hurt her. We need to get to her! The beast snarled. Soon. Wait for Jeff. Wait for our alpha. He thought towards him and finally felt the fury dissipate if only slightly.

  “I’m fine,” he spoke bitterly. “You can let me go.” With a nod from Jeff, Will released him and took a step back.

  Jeff turned his gaze to Micah. “I'm so disappointed. You turned rogue? Turned against your own people?”

  Micah grinned wolfishly at him. “You're disappointed? I'm so surprised... not”! Crossing his arms over his chest he glared defiantly at his former alpha. “This is all your fault, Jeff.” He gestured behind him. “She was to be mine. The pack was to be MINE!” He snarled, “had you just finished the run, this would all be over. She would be my mate and I'd be the beta not him,” he nodded towards Will standing quietly beside Chase.

  Jeff saw the madness in Micah's eyes and marveled that he had been able to hide it for so long. Perhaps the signs had always been there but they had all refused to see it. Manna's words from the night of the mate run echoed in his head. “There are some issues in your people, Jeff, and you need to rectify them.” He felt a great sadness in his heart when he realized just how bad it truly was. “Micah,” he began.

  “Not this time, Hennison.” He turned towards Chase and narrowed his eyes. “You think you have everything. You come in here and steal her from me.”

>   “She's my life mate not yours,” Chase began.

  Micah roared, “She was to be MINE!” He whirled and glared at Jeff again. “I issue a challenge,” he snarled. “I challenge for Carson. Chase Blackston has attempted to take my mate and I demand justice!”

  “You're a rogue and cannot chall...,” Jeff started.

  “I accept,” came the calm reply from Chase. He took three steps closer and stood staring at Micah, his hands hanging loosely at his sides making fists.

  “Chase, no!”

  The words were soft but carried such heartfelt sorrow, it commanded their attention. Everyone looked behind Micah to where Carson was struggling to pull herself up against the rocks. Her hands shook and there was a thick smear of red across the tan boulders. She swallowed, “please don't do this.”

  His eyes softened. “I would rather face death than live another moment without you.” Tearing his eyes away, he looked back at Jeff. “I accept,” he stated again.

  Jeff's shoulders drooped marginally. Taking a deep breath and nodded. “A challenge has been issued and accepted. By the laws of our people, the one issuing the challenge specifies the time.”

  Micah's eyes never moved from his enemy. “At dawn.”

  Turning to Chase, Jeff continued. “The one being challenged specifies the location.” He lowered his voice. “Think carefully on this, Healer. Carson is injured.”

  Chase was just about to say 'here' but stopped, nodding in understanding. He knew he needed to get her back to the healer's hall. Even with a wolf's ability of heal, head injuries were tricky at best and he was unsure if she was still suppressed and what damage the serum had done to her system. “In the commons,” he ground out.

  Micah nodded. “Perfect. The more who witness this, the less to question it later. I'll be there at dawn.” He looked back at Carson. “Afterward, we’ll take up where we left off. With him gone, that mark will fade and you’ll truly be mine.” Then he shifted to his wolf and in an instant was swallowed up by the forest.

  Flying to his mate's side, Chase scooped her up, pulling her against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her face against his shoulder, closing her eyes again. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and turned around. Jeff stopped him. “Let me take her. You'll need to conserve your strength.”

  Chase shook his head. “No. If this is the last few hours I have to be with her, I'm going to take every second of them,” he growled then took off at a run back towards the compound.