Read Shattered Dreams Page 19


  It had taken more than an hour to get back to the compound and another one to tend to Carson's head. The professional that Chase was, analyzed the wounds, carefully cleaning them, but the mate in him was seething. Luckily there didn't seem to be a concussion, but he had almost lost dominance of his wolf again when he slid his hand behind her neck, finding the bite mark and causing her to flinch in pain. Furrowing his brows, he gently pulled her hair aside and stared at the puncture wounds on her neck, fury turning his vision to red. “He's lucky your animal was still suppressed,” he growled. “If he had forced you to imprint, I would have already torn him to pieces.”

  “I thought that was what happened,” she mumbled.

  He finished cleaning the punctures and dressed them then pressed his lips to her shoulder in a tender kiss. “How about now? Has the serum worn off?”

  Carson concentrated, calling inside for her wolf. She was there, awake and basking in the love of their mate. She relaxed. “Yes, she's there and pretty happy at the moment.”

  He chuckled. “So is mine.” He nuzzled her gently then pressed his lips to her cheek. “Rest.” He started to get up and her hand shot out grabbing his wrist.

  “Please not yet.”

  He sat back down, taking her hand in his. “You want me to stay with you?”

  She chewed her bottom lip and his wolf growled. It was just so damned sexy when she did that. Reaching over, he tugged her lip free with his thumb. “You keep that up and we won't make it to our bond night.” He chuckled softly.

  “Chase, I'm serious,” she began.

  “So am I,” he retorted. “Baby, you don't know what you do to me.”

  She sighed. “Please, be serious for just a minute. About the challenge...”

  He tucked her hand back under the cover and gently pressed her back into the pillow. “We're not talking about this. He challenged and I accepted. Now get some rest. I'm going to be right here in the next bed, okay?”

  She growled. “Chase, if you die,” she started.

  He arched one perfect auburn eyebrow. “So much for faith in your mate,” he teased her.

  She shook her head, causing the stars to make another appearance. Blinking her eyes a few times she tried again. “Chase, please, just listen to me.” When she was sure she had his attention she continued. “Micah is very strong. He's been captain of the Enforcers a long time, has been fighting and hunting a very long time. He's over a hundred years old – that's a lifetime to build up experience, skills and hatred.” Her voice trailed off.

  He cupped her face in his palm again and smiled gentle. “I'm going to be fine. He may be older, but I have you to come home to. That’s a mighty big incentive. I wasn't about to let the challenge go unanswered. This has to end now. If I don't do this, he's going to keep thinking he can have you. That's not going to happen, Carson. Not now, not ever. He's already tried once, I won’t allow a second.”

  “But, you're a healer and a challenge is...”

  “Sometimes to the death. Yes, I know, Love. I know I have to fight smarter than him. I'm no match for him in strength or ability, but I think perhaps he's no match for me mentally. If I can wear him down, stay focused, I can find a weakness and utilize it. I don't want to take a life – I’ve sworn to uphold life. But Carson, make no mistake about it. I may be a healer, but I'm a wolf and you are my mate. Between the two, there's no question. I will do what I must.” His eyes had grown hard and she shivered.

  “If you die,” she whispered, “I'll die too. I can't live without you.”

  “If I die you'll go on, Carson. You'll survive and I want you to. You have responsibilities to this pack that you can't ignore. Especially, if I die, you'll have to watch out for our people. If he becomes beta or Luna forbid, alpha, Jeff is going to need all the support he can get. Promise me. You will continue on. PROMISE ME!” His hands had curled into fists.

  The tears poured freely. “I promise,” the words were so soft, if it hadn't been for his augmented senses, he wouldn’t' have heard her. “For you, Chase. Not for responsibilities or for pack, but for you and you alone.”

  “He leaned in and kissed her again. “I plan on winning. I plan on living a very long life with you at my side and half a dozen pups running us ragged. I plan on watching our children grow old and find their mates and our grandchildren as well. So don't count me out just yet.” He smiled at her. “Now sleep. Dawn is still a couple of hours away.”

  She heard him crawl into the bed next to hers and turn over. Within moments, he was asleep and snoring softly. She closed her eyes and willed herself to relax but she was too keyed up. What if he didn't survive the challenge? How could she keep her promise to him and continue on? Shaking her head, she chastised herself for even contemplating him not winning. Some mate she was – already showing no faith in him. He would win, he had to. Rolling over she pulled the thin blanket up under chin and listened to the sounds of her mate sleeping nearby and waited for the morning to come.


  The dawn was imminent, bringing with it a sky fat and sullen with thick gray clouds hanging low, threatening to spill a torrent of rain at any moment. A brisk wind blew through the alleyways created from the intersection of buildings and the commons. Whirls of mini tornadoes danced across the grounds bringing with them a flurry of gold, brown and red leaves. On the perimeter of the commons, stood a ring of wolves, men women and children, all huddled in groups waiting for the challenge to begin. Soft whispers intermingled with the gusts of wind, nervous laughter and the shuffle of fidgeting feet. A challenge was a huge event for werewolves, one of the few that would pull them from their warm beds just before dawn. A hush settled over the assembled and the circle parted, allowing the tall form of the former captain of the Enforcers to enter, before closing behind him. On the other side a similar breech had formed, spitting forth the pack's healer. The two wolves approached one another, stopping ten feet apart, glaring at each other, hate radiating off them like mid-day heat from desert rocks. To the east, the gloomy sky brightened marginally, signaling the start of another day.

  “A challenge has been issued and accepted.”

  The voice of Elder Councilor Carl rang out over the assembled. Every eye turned to Jeff's porch where the entire council along with Jeff, Will and the object of the challenge, Carson stood. “Micah Simpson has challenged Chase Blackston for mating rights to Carson Hennison. The tradition of challenges date back to the beginnings of our race. Only the strongest, most agile and cunning survived to become leaders and to mate producing another generation of wolves. In those days, every challenge ended only with the death of one of the combatants. Today, we are more civilized and our laws, even on this serious matter reflect it. Therefore, as it is decreed, the challenge ends only when one of the participants either dies or submits.”

  “There will be no submission,” snarled Micah. “I believe in the old ways. One of the two of us will not leave this ring alive.”

  Carl looked at Chase who quickly nodded. “It’s to the death then.” There was a hushed murmur circling the gathered and he waited until it quieted before continuing. “As the Elder of this council, I declare the challenge to be legal and binding. May the best wolf win. BEGIN!”

  The air shimmered as bits of clothing exploded and littered the commons. In an instant, two wolves, one black, the other red, appeared and crouched, facing each other. Lips peeled back from fangs as growls sounded in warning. They warily circled each other, golden eyes locked, snarls and snaps the only sound to break the silence. Suddenly Micah snarled and sprang into action. Chase saw the attack coming and stepped out of the way at the last moment, twisting his head and snapping at the larger wolf as he moved past. Micah was too fast though and Chase only pulled a few tufts of fur away, spitting them to the ground. Once again they circled each other then Chase lunged forward and landed where the
other wolf had just been standing. Suddenly a howl broke his muzzle as pain lanced through his hind quarter. Micah had struck and latched onto Chase's leg, sinking fangs deep into the muscle and barely missing the bone. There was a scream from the porch followed by Jeff's bark for Carson to not move. Chase pulled his leg but could not dislodge his attacker. Thinking quickly, he instead bunched his muscles and pushed his leg deeper into his attacker's muzzle, relying on the gag reflex to force him to release. The ploy worked and Micah's jaws opened marginally. Chase yanked his leg free.

  Carson watched from the porch as the two faced each other again, circling and growling. Her heart all but stopped beating when Micah feinted to the left then leaped to the right pinning Chase under his heavy paws. Chase twisted his body, barely avoiding the snapping jaws as they descended towards his neck. She let out a held breath as he managed to roll out from under the bigger wolf and regain his feet.

  “He's going to have to fight smarter if he has any chance,” murmured Jeff. “Micah is too big, too accustomed to fighting to be beaten with brute strength. Chase has to think, use his brain.”

  Carson nodded numbly, her eyes not leaving the two as they again circled each other. “He knows, Poppa,” she whispered.

  Once again, Micah feinted to the left but this time Chase didn't fall for it and instead, held his ground. Micah snarled and bunched his muscles throwing his body at Chase and bowling him over. He landed on his back, the larger wolf straddling over him, jaws snapping towards the vulnerable softness of his neck. Pulling his back paws up, Chase dug claws into the tender underside and raked down. Micah howled and lunged away from him, a trail of blood dripping into the hard packed dirt. Chase flipped over, hobbling on three legs, his eyes never leaving Micah as they again circled each other. The pool of blood dripping under Micah expanded and his legs became shaky. His tongue lulled out of his mouth and he began to pant. He whimpered softly.

  Chase quit growling and let his fur settle back against his form. Taking a step forward, the healer in him turned his attention to the bloody mess of Micah's stomach, analyzing it from sight already thinking of what needed to be done.

  It was a trap.

  Time stood still for Carson as she watched Micah spring again at Chase, slamming into him with the force of a bulldozer. The two rolled over and over, kicking up dirt and leaves until the dust settled and she screamed. Chase was lying on his side, his injured leg bent under his body, Micah's huge black form standing over his body with jaws clamped firmly around his throat. He squeezed and blood welled up from the puncture wounds, thick and richly red, pooling on the ground under him. He raised one paw feebly in an attempt to ward off the attack but let it fall to the ground. Slowly the golden hue of his eyes dimmed as they closed and he lay still.

  There was a scream, long and high pitched made of agony and loss, coming from the porch. All the color had drained from Carson's face and she sagged heavily. In a flash, Cayson jumped the steps and grabbed his sister, gently lowering her to the hard wood deck. His voice echoed dimly, “Carson... Carson are you alright. CARSON!”

  Micah let out a triumphant howl and Carson moaned. It was over. She retreated into her center and collapsed against her wolf, both of them howling their distress as the world receded from their conscious and they were alone in their misery. He was gone. Dead. Her heart shattered in a billion pieces and dissolved into white hot torment. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think. What would she do without Chase? How could she survive knowing a part of her was forever lost and never to be returned? In that instant she knew - there was no doubt that she could never live through this. The pain was too great, too strong and powerful. Inside, she was already dead; her body just hadn't realized it yet. But soon it would. Soon she would join her love in death.