Read Shattered Dreams Page 20


  The scream that echoed through the compound tore at Chase's heart, but he forced himself to remain unmoving. By a stroke of luck, when Micah clamped on his throat, he missed the arteries by less than a half inch and instead caught the thick muscles. Micah squeezed a little harder, almost cutting off his air and he forced himself to remain limp beneath him. It was taking every ounce of strength he possessed to keep his wolf quiet, to wait out the opportunity that he knew was coming.

  Fight smarter not harder.

  Finally, he felt the jaws relax, confident that Chase was dead, Micah threw his head back and howled his victory. Suddenly, the supposedly lifeless body under him moved, flipping Micah over on his back and locking his own jaws on the soft tissues of his neck. Unlike Micah, he didn't make a mistake in anatomy. He tasted the thick arterial flow as it flooded his mouth, felt the thump of fear as is pulsed against his canines. With a growl, he snapped his neck to the right and tore the flesh from Micah's neck, spitting it out on the ground beside him. With wary eyes, he watched as the flow first spurt forth heavily then slowed to a trickle until finally stopping completely. The glow faded from Micah's eyes until they became dull honey, his muzzle hanging open and tongue lolling out. At once, Micah's body changed again to that of a human. Chase approached him warily and examined the corpse, confident that he was dead, took a step back and gave in to the pleasure of his wolf, throwing his head back, he howled triumphantly. Quickly he shifted into human and hobbled to the porch, the throng parting ahead of him, until he reached her side. Cayson scooted back. “She just fainted,” he whispered and Chase acknowledged. Scooping her up in his arms, Chase cradled her against his bloody body murmuring endearments.

  “The challenge is completed and the law has been upheld. Remove the corpse and disburse from the area. It's finished. “ Carl turned and retreated to Jeff's house, the rest of the council following behind.

  Chase heard the Elder's declaration and sagged with relief. Someone put a blanket around his shoulders. He heard, rather than saw the crowd hurry away from the commons until only he, Carson, Cayson, and Jeff remained.

  “Doc,” Cayson spoke softly. “You need to get inside. It's getting colder”

  Chase ignored them. His fingers gently pushed a lock of her inky black hair behind her ear. “Wake up beloved. Let me see those beautiful green eyes.” Pressing his lips to her cheek, he flinched at the bloody mark left behind.

  “Chase,” Jeff began.

  “I know,” he acknowledged. Pressing another kiss to her beautiful face, he allowed Cayson to pick her up out of his arms. His eyes stayed glued to her as he slowly got to his feet. Now that the adrenaline was no longer coursing through his body, he felt every bruise, scrape and wound in his body. Looking down, he saw the odd swelling in his leg along with dark purple bruising. “Fractured fibula,” he murmured.

  Jeff slid his arm around his waist, Chase's arm on his shoulders. “Come on healer, let’s get you to Molly.”

  Looking over his shoulder to ensure that she was close by he nodded. “Okay.” Slowly they made their way to the healer's hall just as the first icy drops fell from the sky to wash the blood from the commons.


  Carson opened her eyes and blinked in bewilderment. She was obviously in the healer's hall but why? She heard the gentle murmur of Molly coming from the back and turned her head, blinking as objects came into focus. Her eyes fell upon the next bed and the form of her mate laying still, a sheet pulled up to his neck, spots of blood staining the pristine white where four punctures sat in his skin. Suddenly it all came back to her; the challenge, the vision of Micah standing over him, his maw clamped tightly on her beloved's neck, the light in his eyes beautiful eyes dimming. Horror and pain like she had never felt in her life washed through her. Instinctively, her wolf knew she would not be able to handle the pain. The beast clawed at her insides insisting on taking control, to spare Carson the worse of the agony. As much as she would like to sink into oblivion, she couldn't right now, so she pushed her back down. Instead, she slipped out of the bed and took the few steps to where he was laid out, so peaceful and serene. They must have known she would want to say goodbye to him, must have surmised that she needed closure. Tears, fat and hot, streaked down her cheeks, landing ignored on her chest. White hot torment tore at the shreds of her heart and a huge black hole opened in her soul. She had lost him. Throwing herself across his chest, she let the sobs come, spilling tears on his body, weeping and pouring the tattered remnants of her soul out.

  “Shh Baby, shhh. I'm alright. It's all okay,” she heard him say and then felt a hand in her hair. She screamed, took a step back, clutching her hand to her heart, eyes wide in fear. His gorgeous eyes were open and looking at her, a smile on those sexy lips. She blinked a couple of times thinking she had truly gone over the deep end after all. Stumbling backward, she stopped as her butt hit her bed. He chuckled softly. “No, Love, I'm not a ghost.”

  Molly laughed and shook her head, reaching up and pulling the curtain closed to give them some privacy. “Ten minutes Chase. You need rest.”

  “Quit doctoring the doctor,” he called out good-naturedly then turned his eyes back to her, the corners crinkling with concern. Tossing the sheet off he started to rise off the bed. Her eyes flickered over his form, noticing an air cast covering his right leg and bandages wrapped around his neck. “Come here baby.” He held out his hands towards her.

  She flew into his arms, covering his face with kisses, her arms gently twining around his injured neck. “How? I saw you die. I saw him...”

  He shook his head gently. “He didn’t have a good hold. I think he was so overconfident that I wasn't a real threat he got sloppy. I just waited my time until he made a mistake.”

  “Then he's...”

  His eyes clouded. “Dead.” He took a deep breath. “He will never bother you again, Love. Just like I promised you, I will always take care of you.” He scooted over just a little on the narrow bed and gently pulled her up beside him, grimacing when he jostled his injured leg.

  “Let me down, your leg...”

  “Is healing quickly. Wolves heal very fast you know. In a day or two, I’ll be good as new. But just the same, I think a little Carson TLC would be perfect.”

  She melted against his side, laying her head on his shoulder, her body pressed tightly to his. She sighed in contentment, nuzzling, as his arms wrapped around her.

  That's how Molly found them a few minutes later, wrapped tightly around each other, sound asleep. Smiling, she re-closed the curtain and walked away.