Read Shattered Dreams Page 23


  Will was just waking and had walked out on his porch stretching, contemplating going for a run. Looking behind him, he saw Amanda curled up asleep on the sofa. She had gotten so much better since Cayson had found his mate and no longer had any interest in her. True, he would have loved to have seen his daughter with a Hennison, but the events of that night had so affected her, throwing her into a coma that took nearly a week to wake from, he could understand her fear. Oh well, it worked out better when nature took care of these things.

  Taking a step off the porch, he heard a crash and saw Chase and Carson run into the commons like they were being chased by a pack of demons. Jumping off the porch he stopped them. “Hey! What's going on? Shouldn't you two be at the breakfast?”

  Carson's face had drained of all color and her eyes were wide. Immediately, he looked at the forest where they had just emerged, expecting … something to come crashing through, but nothing appeared.

  Turning back to them he furrowed his brow. “What's going on here? What are you two running from?”

  “She's going to kill him.” Carson gasped then leaned over, bracing her hands on her knees. Fear had sapped her strength.

  “Who's going to kill who?” Will scratched his head.

  Chase put an arm protectively around her waist. “She had a dream, Will. She saw Councilor Maggie Watson kill Jeff.”

  “Kill Jeff? Why in the world would she do that? Are you sure she didn't just have a nightmare?” He frowned uncertainly

  Carson stood up and grabbed Will's arm. “It was a dream. I was in her stream and I saw it. She was driven from this pack as a child and has been waiting for revenge ever since. I saw it Will. She is planning on killing Poppa with a silver knife in her dress pocket.”

  He snarled and whirled, running to the alpha's house. With a leap he cleared the steps and landed on the porch. Turning the knob he raced inside, Chase and Carson close behind, then motioned them to be quiet. He tiptoed to the door and they heard Maggie, starting her toast.

  “Attention. Please a moment of your time.”

  Carson hissed and started forward. Chase pulled her back.

  “Although the newly bonded couple decided to not join us, not that I can blame them for being young and so... in love,” she paused, “I would like to propose a toast to them and to the strength of Sapphire Lake Pack.”

  “She’s going to do it,” Carson hissed. “Right now she's putting her hand into her dress pocket and getting the knife.”

  “... May it never know another day of loss, of pain, of distress...”

  Will snarled and burst through the door, startling everyone. “Will? What's the meaning of this?” Jeff stood up and set his raised glass on the table.

  Will marched over to Maggie and pulled her hand out of her pocket wrapped around the handle of a long blade. “A silver knife, Councilor? What were you going to do with that? Maybe thrust it into Jeff's chest?”

  She screamed and yanked her hand out of his. Turning towards Jeff she raised her hand back and prepared to plunge it into his chest. Will roared, grabbed Jeff and pushed him out of the way. The knife arched downward until it was buried to the hilt in Will's back. He hissed then sagged against his alpha. Cayson snarled and grabbed the woman. Flipping the bloody blade out of her hands and pinning her arms behind her back he dragged her back out of the way. Jeff caught the beta as he fell forward, gently lowering him to the ground. “Somebody find Chase,” he yelled.

  “I'm already here.” Chase made his way to Will and knelt beside him. Checking his vitals, the room held its collective breath. Sucking in a deep breath, Chase closed his eyes and shook his head. “I'm sorry, he's gone Jeff.”

  There was a gasp. Jeff raised his eyes to Maggie. “Why?”

  “It was a Hennison, a filthy Hennison that killed my father, that forced us from our home – this home. Your grandfather killed my father for challenging him for alpha of this pack. He died and my mother and I were forced to run, to turn rogue without a home or family. She died much too young and left me to this world alone.” She narrowed her eyes. “Then that damned mate run was supposed to fix everything. Micah should have won. He should have claimed Carson and secure the alpha position. Finally my family was going to get back what it deserved. My son was going to be alpha!”

  She screamed hatred at them and kicked out. Cayson held her tightly in his arms as she fought against him. After several moments, Patrick burst in the door followed by Ellis and several other members of the Enforcers. “Take her out of here,” Jeff growled and turned his attention back to the cooling form of his beta.

  “Hold her in the pack room. I want to talk to her.” Carl's eyes never left Will's body lying in a spreading pool of blood. He reached out and touched Jeff's shoulder. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and instead gave the alpha's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  Chase stood up and turned away, pulled a still shaking Carson in his arms. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he felt her tears wet the front of his shirt. “Shh, baby,” he murmured softly.

  “Will's dead. Poor Amanda and Gemma, what will they do without him?” she croaked brokenly.

  “Survive,” he murmured.


  The next evening, Sapphire Lake pack gathered again in the clearing. Unlike the evening two days ago, this union was not in joy but rather the sadness of saying goodbye. Solemn faces surrounded the pyre that had been erected, Will's prone body laid on top. Carson stood with his daughters, their faces ashen and tear-stained.

  Gretchen stood before the pyre and addressed the masses. “Tonight we come to say our goodbyes to a wolf, a friend, a father, a beta. William Thistle was a good man, father of two beautiful girls and a protector of our people. He gave his life so that evil would not win, that darkness would not take this world. And though we may never fully understand why he was taken from us so young, we know that this world was made so much better by his presence.”

  The eulogies continued, people stepping forward to share their thoughts, anecdotes and memories of Will and all he had done. Nearby, Gemma and Amanda stood stonily as words that were meant for comfort spoke of how great a wolf their father had been. Afterward, they were given the honor of setting the wood to blaze, then stood by watching as it consumed his lifeless body. When the fire was reduced to embers, Miriah and Carson gently guided them back to the village and into their house, getting them settled in for the night.

  Carson stepped out on their porch and hugged herself. “I feel so bad for them. First their mom died when Gemma was born and now to lose their father.”

  Miriah slipped a hand around her daughter's waist. “They've lost a father but we will always be here for them. Pack takes care of pack.”

  She nodded. “I know Mother, but I just can't help but think how horrible it would be if something happened to you or Poppa. It makes my chest hurt just to think about it.”

  They took a step off the porch. Miriah squeezed her daughter's hand. “I know. I have the same fears about you and Cayson. It's part of who we are. It's part of family.”

  Ellis appeared out of the shadows. “Excuse me ladies. Jeff sent me over to get you. I need to escort you two back to your houses.”

  Miriah frowned. “Why do we need an escort?”

  He fidgeted slightly, rubbing his hand across his neck. “While we were at the funeral, Maggie escaped.”