Read Shattered Dreams Page 24


  Sunlight streamed brightly through the window, casting its gaze on the still sleeping form of Carson. She lay on her stomach, facing him with one arm thrown carelessly over her pillow. Beside her, Chase lay propped up on his elbow, watching the soft rise and fall of her back. Reaching over, he gently lifted one of the heavy ebony curls that lay across her cheek and tucked it tenderly behind her ear. His heart swelled as he watched her peacefully sleeping. This beautiful woman was so much more than he could have ever hoped for and though he knew he didn't deserve her love, he would do everything in his power to ensure he kept it.

  His finger slowly slide along her bare arm, the gentle stroke making tingles flow through his nerves. He smiled as he remembered their lovemaking last night after the funeral. Since the bonding, they had taken time to explore each other slowly and tenderly. Last night, however, they had attacked each other with an almost desperate fire that threatened to consume them. His eyes glazed over and a smug grin lifted his lips as he recalled how she had growled at him, rolling over until she was on top. They had loved long into the night until finally collapsing spent and sated into each other's arms just before dawn.

  “That's some grin on your face. What are you thinking, Dr. Blackston?” Her softly whisper interrupted his thoughts.

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “Thinking about last night and again this morning.”

  She rolled over and stretched, reaching far above her head, causing the sheet to slide down her front, exposing her breasts and the red and white mating mark to his eyes. He watched her appreciatively then leaned down kissing the place just over her left breast, his hand slipping under the sheet to splay on her flat stomach.

  She sighed happily, clutching his hand in hers. “I know what's on your mind, but you're going to have to wait. It's almost noon and Poppa called this morning wanting to see us at one.”

  He growled and pulled her naked form against his. “Jeff will have to wait,” he breathed into her ear.

  She squealed and pretended to fight against him, but he wasn't fooled. With a kiss, she stilled and with a touch, she was captured. Pressing herself against him, she kissed him passionately, twining her fingers in his auburn hair. When the kiss broke, she closed her eyes, tipping her head back and exposing her neck to him. He growled softly, nipping at her chin before following the line of her neck to that place where her pulse thumped in time to his. His bite mark, already healed to pale white scars beckoned to him and he closed his mouth over it. Fangs slid from his gums as he again sunk them into her tender flesh.

  Carson felt his bite and gasped. Steeling her resolve, she gently pushed him. “Chase, we really need to go,” she sighed softly.

  Reluctantly let her shoulder go. Snarling softly he breathed into her ear, “do you really want to leave?”

  “No. I don't want to leave but we have to. He said it was important and that it involved my capacity as dreamer for the pack. It's my duty and I have to go.” She searched his eyes and saw the desire burning for her. She shivered. “Please?”

  He closed his eyes and fought to get himself under control. “If you say we have to then I guess we do.” He said evenly.

  She nodded sadly. “Poppa said it was important. Otherwise, I would just ignore it. We have to go.”

  He nodded and rolled over on his back, throwing his arm over his eyes and took several cleansing breaths, fighting the need to take her. Quickly she slipped out of the bed, stepped carefully around the tangled covers and looked back at him.

  The look he gave her almost sent her back to the bed with him. She stared at him then pulled her bottom lip into her teeth and chewed gently. He stood up with a growl and pulled it out, rubbing it with his thumb. “If you don't stop doing that, I don't care what my alpha says, we aren't going anywhere for at least a day or two.”

  She shivered and tore her gaze from the golden brown eyes that burned into her soul. Without another word, she slipped into the bathroom and closed the door. A moment later he heard the shower start.

  He thought about her standing naked as the warm water sluiced over her delicious curves. His crotch tightened and he heard his animal whine. I want our mate. Forget about the alpha. I want our mate now. Raking his fingers through his hair, he growled softly. “You and me both buddy.”


  “This better be good, Jeff. You do know we are on our honeymoon?” Chase strolled into Jeff's office and fell onto the sofa, pulling Carson into his lap. He glanced at the clock and noticed it was still ten minutes till one. “See I told you we would be on time.” He squeezed her tenderly.

  Jeff huffed and arched an eyebrow. “Yeah, I know you're on your honeymoon. This is important. The Council has called a meeting and insisted you both be here. Be thankful I was able to stall till now. They wanted to meet at eight this morning.”

  Chase snorted.

  “Thanks, Poppa,” Carson settled in her mate's lap. “So what's the big meeting about?”

  He shook his head. “I'm not sure. Probably they want to just clear everything up before leaving.”

  A gentle rap at the door was followed by it opening and admitting the remaining four members of the Council. Carson slid off Chase's lap and sat beside him with her hand wrapped protectively in his. There were a few murmured greetings and polite inquiries regarding health. Once everyone found a seat and got comfortable, Councilor Carl stood up.

  “I know you are all wondering why we've called you here today.” He started. His voice was calm and even, so unlike his normal manner. Carson glanced at her mate. He shrugged his shoulders slightly and they both looked back at the Elder.

  Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly. “First off, we find ourselves in much the same situation that brought us here last summer. Your pack, once again, has no beta. We, the council, talked about this at length last night and have decided that we are going to appoint Chase as your new beta.”

  Carson's mouth flopped open. Beside her he sat in shocked silence. “I'm what?” he finally asked.

  Gretchen snickered softly. “You're the new beta, Chase. You have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the strength, will and intelligence to handle the position.”

  He shook his head disbelievingly. “I can't. I'm a healer and I have too many responsibilities. People depend on me. Thank you but I decline.”

  Carl's eyes had hardened. “You will not decline, Blackston. As for responsibilities and people depending on you, they will continue to do so in your new position. The council has spoken.” He slapped his hand on the desk.

  He growled and shook his head. “Molly can't handle the healing here alone...”

  “She's not going to. We are going to move your father, Terry, here to help.” Gretchen said quietly. “Your sister, Emma, is fully capable to take care of Roanoke pack.”

  He sat back and couldn't help but smile. Emma would be thrilled at this opportunity to take care of their pack and he could think of few he would rather see assume his position at Sapphire Lake than his own father. “Very well. But only until a more suitable candidate turns up.”

  The council stood as one. “If you'll excuse us, we need to be getting back to our compound. We need to start to work on finding someone to fill Maggie's place.” Carl said.

  “I know the perfect person,” Chase grinned at them.

  “Who?” Gretchen asked.

  “It's simple,” Chase replied. “Molly.”


  The first birds of spring sang softly outside the Healer's hall as Chase worked on getting the last of the pack records into the computer. Grumbling softly, he tossed another stack of files onto the growling pile marked completed and cupped his face in his hands.

  “That bad?”

  He looked up and smiled as his mate stood framed in the doorway. “I'm a healer not an I.T. Guru.” Standing up he moved to the door
and kissed her tenderly, resting one hand on the gentle swell of her belly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. I think maybe I'll survive this whole pregnancy thing after all.”

  He laughed. “Love, you are only in your first trimester. Believe me it'll get worse before it gets better.”

  She groaned. “Just remember our deal. I take care of the first 9 months, you take the next.”

  He laughs and hugged her close. “Deal.”

  Turning, he moved out of the way and pointed to the chair. “Sit.”

  “Gladly.” She sighed grateful and dropped into the chair. “If I'm this miserable now, I'm going to be a nightmare when its time.”

  “I'll still love you, Baby” he grinned.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. I heard from Molly. She's finally settling in with the Council and as she says, 'Getting them whipped in shape'.” She chuckled. “Poor Councilor Abernathy. I don’t' think he knew what he was getting when they accepted her as a new member.”

  He leaned back. “Did you tell her about the records we found?”

  She nodded and then sighed. “Poor Leo. He had no idea that discovering Maggie Watson was actually Micah's mother, Margaret Simpson, would result in his death. He deserved better than that.”

  “He did,” he agreed and smiled at her.

  “Well I can't sit around all day. I have a million things to do, including a trip into Roanoke with Mother to meet Emma for tea and baby shopping.” She stood up and patted the tiny bump of her belly. “Never can get too much shopping”

  He groaned. “The new nursery we're building on the cabin is going to be too small before we even get it done. You do know that it’s not necessary to buy out every store for 100 miles around, don't you?”

  “Of course I know. But I prefer to be prepared.” She took a step towards the door then stopped. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your father is over checking on Devon's son.”

  Chase groaned. “Don't tell me he's been fighting again.”

  She laughed and nodded. “Yep. Only this time he picked on the wrong one. Patrick's boy gave him several good knocks including a rather nasty slash on his thigh. I hear it'll make a pretty impressive scar. He's been trying to get Gemma's attention for months now. That may very well do it.”

  He shook his head. “Well, boys will be boys I suppose.”

  “And wolves will be wolves,” she retorted. “Are you going to be late tonight?”

  He looked at the desk with its slowly dwindling pile of papers. “Don't worry. I'll be ready to pamper your poor tired shopped out feet by the time you get home. I think another few hours or so and I'll call it a night.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You know this isn't your responsibility now. Terry is our pack healer since the council elevated you to beta. He should be the one doing all that. You have other responsibilities.”

  “I know, Love. I just want to finish getting these records entered. I hate leaving anything half done.”

  “Well okay,” she tossed her hair over her shoulder, then tied it into a knot at the nape of her neck. “Please don't forget the time. My feet are already anticipating a nice massage, and I would like to go for a swim before bed.”

  He crossed the room and swept her up in his arms. The gentle golden glow of his eyes fastened on and then plunged into the endless depths of hers. His wolf was growling softly, a low rumble in his chest. Leaning in he murmured. “I'm already swimming.”

  The End

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Shattered Dreams, book one of Luna's Children. I hope you enjoyed Chase and Carson's story.

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