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Shattering Zoella’s Demons


  Elly Kamari

  Shattering Zoella’s Demons

  Copyright 2012 Elly Kamari

  Shattering Zoella’s Demons is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Life had been perfect until his obsession had walked into his life. Beautiful and innocent, she’d been so sweet and young. Her talent so entrancing he’d wanted to possess her. He still wanted her even now. But he couldn’t tell anyone about it. He never told any one about it. Other wise he would never get out.

  That hearing couldn’t come fast enough. He wanted to know what she was doing now. How she looked, the years would have been kind to her; her heritage gave her that advantage. The years would not ravage her beauty; they would only intensify it. He was careful not to let it be known that he still wanted her. That he still thought of her and how beautiful her screams had been.

  How she’d pleaded with him.

  Sighing at the arousal building at his thoughts, he turned to his side and wondered which arena she was playing in tonight. He’d been careful about gathering information on her, and he knew that she was successful. He kept up with her news even though she was in a different continent. He knew how great she was, and she would be his eventually. He just needed to bide his time. November was not so far away, he would get to see her again. He would make sure she remembered that she belonged to him.


  “He can’t come out.” Julia Girgorio stared out the windows of the District Attorney’s office and felt a shiver run down her back at the thought of Steve Harden out of jail. “We can’t let that happen.”

  “There’s one last option.” Sandra Carpenter offered her gaze on the slender woman standing by the window. “It’s a long shot, but I don’t think we have a choice anymore. We’ve followed every other route. Your husband’s lawyer is very good.”

  “What is it?”

  “We have to contact the victim. She’s the only one who can stop a parole. If she testifies he’ll remain in jail.”

  Julia sighed at the sound of those jail doors sliding open for her ex-husband in her head. There was no way they would get the victim to testify for that parole hearing.

  “Are you sure there is no other way?” Julia turned around to meet Sandra’s gaze. “You know how it is between my family and hers. She won’t come if I ask her.”

  “I’ll write the letter.” Sandra understood the fear in Julia. Steve Harden was a man who needed to remain in jail for the sake of his children and his ex-wife. Not to mention the victim of his crimes. “I’ll send it right now.”

  “She is in London. I don’t have the address.” Julia sighed in regret.

  “I do. I kept in touch with her. She was special to me. I always wanted to make sure that things turned out okay for her.”

  Julia nodded. “Who would have thought I would need her after all this time. I was truly horrible to her then, things end up coming back to you.”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll come. She’s stronger than we all realized. Otherwise, he would have broken her.”

  Julia nodded and watched as Sandra slipped a typed letter she’d had on her desk into a white envelope. Sandra called in her secretary. She instructed her to send the letter right away and once the young woman was gone, Sandra turned to Julia,

  “Don’t worry. She will testify at the parole hearing. Steve Harden is not getting out of prison.”


  Chapter One

  It wasn’t everyday that all the most important people in her life attended her concert. Her gaze slid down to her left hand and the ring shimmering there. Zoe adjusted her thoughts. Almost all the important people in her life, her fiancée was not in house tonight.

  Cheer up, she reminded her heart. He’ll be home soon.

  Just two more weeks and she could hold him

  Oh Robbie, I miss you.

  Zoe shrugged off the threatening melancholy and concentrated on the more positive. This concert was a finale. It would close a twenty-city tour of Europe to promote her latest album. She was a contemporary classical musician. Traditionalists of classical music hated her, new age junkies loved her, but all of them acknowledged her brilliance.

  Her talent was the kind that lived in her blood and her soul, the kind that could kill if ignored. It demanded an outlet. Craved attention at all times. It had caused her many experiences, some good and memorable. Others were too rotten and memorable.

  Too rotten, she thought with a shiver. They were too rotten and memorable.

  But, the memories and experiences fanned her music to life. So far, her career was in a place that she could safely assume she was doing something right. She was a two time British Music Award winner for best composer. The Grammies had awarded her best female talent. She’d carved a name for herself in people’s hearts with her music. It certainly was a well paying gig. She really couldn’t complain.

  Somewhere along the journey, she’d gotten engaged to the most handsome man on earth. Staring at the engagement ring she wore, she wondered if all women described the men they loved the same way.

  Not that it mattered. In her world, Robbie was the most gorgeous creature she’d ever encountered. He was beautiful inside and out. He made her laugh. He understood her; including her peculiar habits. There wasn’t anything she couldn’t tell Robbie. Turning her wrists over to adjust a bracelet, a shiny white scar caught her attention and she grimaced.

  Well, there was something she couldn’t tell him. But it was more about protecting him and keeping their relationship.

  She didn’t want to risk their happiness. He was everything.

  She touched her right hand to her chest. He made her feel worthy of love.

  “I saw that.” A perky voice broke into her thoughts; she glanced up into hazel eyes. “You’re besotted.”

  Kelly Jones, her manager. Kelly planned her life. It scared her sometimes to realize how much she needed Kelly. She was glad the tall, slender woman with a tough attitude understood enough not to point it out.

  “Someday, it will be your turn.” Zoe winked at her. “Then I’ll be making fun of you.”

  “Keep wishing, darling.” Kelly moved to check that the microphone on her bodice was well placed. She smoothed out an invisible wrinkle on the red skirts. “You look gorgeous.”

  “All thanks to you.” Zoe took in a deep breath. She closed her eyes and let it out slowly, her heart was beating fast. “Did you see my family out there?”

  “Yes, front row seat. They are settled. Don’t worry. I have my minions seeing to their every need.”

  The audience cheered and clapped. The sound carried down to her dressing room. Zoe’s eyes opened and she breathed out.

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’ve done this every day this week. It shouldn’t be different tonight.”

  “You’ll be fine. You’re amazing. Now go show them why.”

  “What would I do without you?” Zoe mused as she picked up her skirts to walk out to the stage.

  “Everything,” Kelly assured as Zoe stepped out onto the stage to wild applause.


  She’s beautiful, Thaddeus Castille noted with pride.

  Zoe stood under the spotlight, her red outfit a stunning contrast to her olive skin. Her hair always kept long and down her back shimmered with life. Her face, with full lips, button nose and cat like eyes was so familiar and dear. She smiled and a pair of dimples

  Seeing them reminded him of the six year old girl she’d once been. Her beauty had been sweet and innocent in those days; her temper endearing. He could still remember the tantrum she’d caused in order to get her first guitar. No one in the family would have ever imagined that the same passion for music would lead them here.

  Here, in this magnificent theatre, in the oldest of cities, Prague. His niece, now twenty-four and a very stunning woman, stood on a stage before thousands of people with a bona fide philharmonic orchestra behind her. She would perform her music for them all.

  Her father would have been so proud of her.

  A gentle squeeze on his hand brought his attention to the woman seated to his left. His wife, Athena Castille, was also as emotional. Tears shimmered in her eyes when she glanced at him. They were thinking the same thing. Sharing a smile, they returned their attention to the stage.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Zoe started her voice husky and warm. “I’d like to welcome you to the finale concert of this tour. It has been a wonderful and very exciting ride. I’d like to thank you all for your support and love.”

  The audience cheered and clapped forcing Zoe to stop momentarily.

  “Prague is beautiful, and I thank you for having me. Before we go on with the concert, I’d like to take this opportunity to dedicate this night to a group of people who are here tonight.”

  Athena squeezed Thaddeus’s hand in excitement and reached with her left hand to the young man seated to her left. She grinned at Kenny Williams.

  “These people have seen me through thick and thin. They have shared so much with me, that this dedication is a very small part of my gratitude to them. I’m thankful for their support and for weathering the storms with me, ladies and gentlemen, my family.”

  Thad urged Athena and Kenny to stand up as Zoe clapped her hands pointing them out to the rest of the audience. The audience applauded wildly until they all sat down again. Zoe sat on a stool and arranged a cello between her legs. She struck the first cord with a flourish and the audience held their breaths collectively.

  Music filled the theatre after that, each note swelling with emotion. Zoe played with passion and so much energy that it drove the audience into frenzied appreciation. Each piece that followed captured hearts and brought such anticipation that when she pushed a climatic note, its beauty blending with the amazing acoustics offered by the domed ceilings of the theatre, not a single eye was dry in the audience. Her music moved even the hardest soul.

  The concert ended too soon with an astonishing harmony with the orchestra which spurred the audience to their feet in a standing ovation.

  “She’s done it again,” Kenny Williams said to Athena and Thaddeus above the deafening claps.

  “Of course,” Athena said smugly, clapping when Zoe bowed gracefully. “It’s in her nature.”

  “She can’t do anything else.” Thaddeus commented as they took their seats. A few people in the audience came to congratulate them on behalf of Zoe. They were rescued by a group of security men who showed them out to a quiet lounge. Athena sat on the couch and adjusted her evening gown with a sigh.

  “I forget how friendly the audience gets sometimes. Not to mention the press.” She shook her head stealing a glance out the windows at the frenzied press madness downstairs. “I don’t know how Zoe copes with it everyday.”

  “Kelly does a good job of managing the madness.” Kenny assured her.

  “Yes, you’re right.” Athena agreed. She patted the seat beside her and urged him to join her. “How was your trip here?”

  “Hectic,” Kenny replied. “This is supposed to be a business trip. I am needed in New Zealand but I couldn’t disappoint Zoe.”

  “How many hotels do you think Davenly Corporation will own by the time you are done?” Athena teased. “At this rate, I’m never going to have any grandkids playing around who’ll call me Nonna.”

  Kenny laughed.

  Thaddeus shook his head with amusement as he paced around the lounge. He paused by a bronze statue and said, “She’s going to whine about it until you stop traveling so much and get babies with that lovely wife of yours.”

  “They’ve been married for three years. Don’t blame me for expecting little feet running around.” Athena protested her eyes wide with drama. “Kenny, what do you think? You need an heir for this great empire you’re building so furiously.”

  “I’ll have to talk to Jessica first,” Kenny said in amusement. “Why the rush to be a grandma, you have Zan?”

  “Zan is my son. He needs little playmates.” Athena patted his knee with an elegant hand. “The point here is that I want to be Nonna. I want to spoil some grand children. I have to be firm with mine.”

  Thaddeus chuckled then. “Give the boy a break, my love. He has it rough already.”

  Athena dropped the subject and pursued a discussion on business instead. It was an easily adopted topic because both men were prominent international business men.

  Her husband, Thaddeus Castille, was Chief Executive Officer of Castille Media Corporation which operated television stations, magazines and newspapers in various cities in Europe. Castille Media also ran a publishing and acquisition branch. Athena worked the acquisition branch because it allowed her time to deal with both her family and Zoe’s career needs.

  Kenny, born Kenneth Daven Williams, was into the hospitality business. He was the owner of the Davenly resorts and Hotels. At twenty-eight, Kenny owned real estate off the coasts of many countries. He had a knack for buildings and a greater touch with people. Any hotel or resort under the Davenly logo offered the best possible for its clientele.

  What was curious, Athena pondered, was the fact that despite all the money Kenny generated, coupled with his good looks, he remained a very unhappy man. She could see the sadness in his grey eyes. He hid it well, but she was a seasoned woman.

  Why was that wife of his making him this miserable?

  “How is the project in New Zealand?” Thaddeus asked capturing Athena’s attention.

  “The resort is coming up on schedule although a few architectural problems are threatening to delay the process. A solution will come soon.” Kenny settled back in his seat.

  “What will you call this one?” Athena asked.

  “Serenity,” Kenny said with pride.

  “How beautiful, we must see it when it is done.” Athena smiled in encouragement.

  “I’ll arrange it,” Kenny replied, touched by the support she always gave him. Like Zoe, he regarded Athena as the mother he never had. Her approval mattered to him very much.

  “My favorite Davenly resort is the one in Malaysia, I just love visiting there,” Athena said.

  Kenny agreed. He’d really worked hard on that project. “I love the people there too.”

  “It’s interesting how Zoe has decided to have the wedding at the villa. I’d have imagined she’d have the reception at one of your resorts, Kenny,” Thaddeus said thoughtfully. “Did she ask you?”

  “Not at all,” Kenny said. “I am sure she’d rather have her wedding in a place of comfort. Villa Thermopolis is special to her because it’s your home, her home.”

  “There isn’t a person at home who isn’t excited for the big day,” Thaddeus said. “Zoe has released a monster. Athena is a list machine these days. I can hardly breathe around her.”

  “Hey, I’m seated right here you know,” Athena protested. Her gaze moved back to Kenny. “I just want it to be perfect for my baby. She and Robbie deserve it.”

  “I know,” Kenny said gently. “I’m happy that she’s found someone to be with.”

  “There was a time I thought that person would be you,” Thaddeus commented.

  Kenny shifted his gaze to the wedding band on his hand.

  “Zoe and I,” he said. “We can never be that way. It’s just not meant to be.”

  Thaddeus frowned at that answer. He cou
ldn’t help imagining that perhaps there was a hint of regret in there somewhere. He’d have loved to call Kenny Williams a son in law but it didn’t matter. Zoe was happy. If Robbie McClaire made her that way, then she would marry McClaire.


  Zoe changed from the clothes she’d worn on stage into comfortable Levis and a form fitting blouse. She ran a brush through her hair and quickly restored her make-up. Dropping her lip gloss back into her hobo hand bag, she rummaged in it for her cell phone. A bottle of pills shifted and she stared at the bottle for a moment. It was still half full.

  She hadn’t needed to take them for a while now. It was hard to believe there had been a time she couldn’t have functioned without them. She dared to hope that this meant that she was getting better.

  Forgetting about the pills, she found her cell phone and perched on the seat before her vanity table. Dialing a familiar number, she listened as it rang.

  “Hi babe, you okay?”

  Excitement raced through her at the sound of Robbie’s voice.

  “I’m done. No more concerts for a while.”

  “You can get some rest before the wedding, love,” Robbie said, his tone full of concern. “I’ll be home soon. Two more weeks and our tour will be over. I can’t wait to kiss you.”

  “I want to kiss you too.” She wanted to do more than kiss. She missed Robbie physically. The moment she saw him she was going to cling to him for weeks.

  “Is your mother coming to the wedding?”

  “Look, I know you needed to ask her, but don’t expect too much from her, Robbie. My mother has never wanted any thing to do with me.”

  It hurt to say the words. She wished they could change the subject but Robbie was determined to get her mother to their wedding. She hated talking about Gabriella Castille.

  “She’s your mom, love,” Robbie said. “I know you well enough to understand that it will hurt you if you don’t ask. She might surprise you, alright?”

  “I’m just telling you not to get your hopes up.”

  “I’m still marrying you, Zoe. We have the support of your uncle and aunt, which is enough, but your mom should be there.”

  “Aunt and uncle came tonight. I’m going to have dinner with them in a while.”