Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 2

  “Don’t forget to say hi for me.” Robbie yawned.

  “Have you slept?” She knew what his tours meant. Rock bands could really get into things and Haden was no exception. They’d probably partied all night long and were now dead on their feet.

  “I’m about to. Tevin, Mick and Ron are already passed out. It was a wild L.A. party after the concert. You know how it gets.”

  “As long as you kept away from those bimbos, Robbie”

  “Are you jealous, love?”

  “I can’t help it. You’re all mine.”

  Robbie laughed. “I know. And you too, stay away from those uptight refined classical musicians. You’re hands off, Castille. Or else…”

  “Yes master,” Zoe teased back. “I have to go.”

  “Call me later before you sleep. We can talk. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too,” Zoe said, her heart breaking because she couldn’t be with him.

  “I love you, pixie,” he said.

  Zoe swallowed hard, trying to dispel the lump in her throat. “I love you too. Get some sleep, McClaire.”

  She hung up quickly and closed her eyes at the emotion that flooded her. She wasn’t sure what was worse. Not calling or calling. Not hearing his voice or hearing it and wishing he was here with her. Damn it, these emotions were so overwhelming it scared her sometimes. How could she need a person this much and not fall apart because of it?

  She dumped her cell phone into her bag and grabbed a coat. It was April but the chilly winter weather still lingered. Pulling on the black knee length pea coat, she picked up her bag and headed out of her dressing room.

  Making her way through the busy backstage where Kelly was overseeing the crew as they packed up, she headed for the lounge where her family waited. She needed them tonight, especially after that call with Robbie.


  The bedroom was darkened by the heavy curtains at the windows. They kept the afternoon sun out. Robbie was sprawled in the middle of the king sized bed, the covers tangled around him and on the floor. His black hair looked as tumbled as the covers. His naked torso, with well defined muscles, moved gently with the motions of his breathing. He wore nothing under the sheets. When the alarm clock on the bedside table went off, his head jerked up in surprise.

  A groan followed as his bleary eyes tried to open. The noise persisted and he forced himself to reach out and turn off the annoying object. In the process, the darned clock fell to the carpeted floor. It didn’t matter Robbie decided, the noise was gone. Lying back on the pillow he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes again.

  He didn’t even want to know what time it was. There was no doubt in his mind that Gloria Swanson, the band’s manager, would be budging in soon. She took pleasure in torturing them awake. Sighing, he wished for his own bed.

  He wished for Zoe and her softness. She made it difficult for a man to get out of bed in the morning. It was unsettling how much he missed her. He’d never allowed anyone to matter the way Zoe did. For a long time before Zoe, he’d preferred his life as lonely as it could. Women had just been one night stands that he’d never see again.

  Then Zoe came along and suddenly he wanted everything about her. He loved her in a way he could never describe. He sometimes could not believe that she belonged to him. She was everything. Thinking about her reminded him that she’d sounded tired on the phone that morning. Making a note in his head to call Kelly about it, he got up and headed for the shower.

  An hour later, he was dressed in a white t-shirt and Levis. He sat at the dining room table eating toast that had been brought up by room service while he read music sheets. Tevin Whittaker strolled in yawning.

  “Afternoon,” Robbie greeted without glancing up from his reading.

  “Dude, did you even sleep?” Tevin picked a slice of bacon from Robbie’s plate. He chewed on it as he pulled out a chair.

  “Yep,” Robbie pushed his plate over to him. “You guys were really out of it. It’s good that we don’t have much to do today. Gloria’s been here already. She’s laying out a press junket.”

  “Did you call Zoe?” Tevin was now into the third slice of bacon.

  “Yeah, she’s okay.” Robbie sipped his orange juice. “Her family was with her. I figure they’re planning the wedding. You know how Thad gets. He’s so protective of her.”

  “It might end up being a huge affair after all,” Tevin mused. “You do realize Athena gets carried away.”

  “As long as Zoe sticks with me, I’m good.” Robbie shrugged. “I want this tour to end so badly.”

  “I never imagined the day would come.” Tevin chuckled. “You’re whipped men. It’s bad for your badass image you know.”

  “You cultivated that image. I’m okay, besides, I’m not the only one here. That girlfriend of yours is practically a wife.”

  “Don’t even go there.” Tevin imagined the lovely brunette Robbie was talking about. Jenny Taylor. She was a mess of contradictions and he couldn’t figure her out. May be that was the appeal. “She’s not answering my calls. I don’t want to know why.”

  Jenny lived in London working as a photographer. She and Tevin had been seeing each other for a while now, but their relationship was a chaotic series that amused the entire band. Robbie couldn’t help being grateful that his fights with Zoe did not mean breaking up each time since there were days when all they did was fight.

  “Maybe she caught you in the tabloids again. I’m sure that’s it. Seeing as how every concert we do, your groupies end up in the hotel room with us.”

  ‘Don’t point fingers. Last night those two blondes were in here for you. Since I love Zoe too, I just did my part to ensure your faithfulness.”

  Robbie laughed. “Jeez, thanks you martyr. Speaking of concerts, I have a new song I want to run by you.”

  “You’ve been writing a lot this tour.” Tevin leaned back in his seat to study Robbie. ‘Is she that good for you?’

  Robbie met blue eyes that were keen to miss nothing. “She is. I can’t help it.”

  “Well,” Tevin smiled. “She is a character. I remember the night she came to her first Haden concert. That ridiculous t-shirt she pulled on when some of those girls tried to push up on stage.’

  Robbie laughed at the memory. “How could I forget? It read, ‘I’m with the lead singer, shove off.’ She gave every one of them a bad look. It was frightening.”

  “She can be very possessive of you.” Tevin shook his head. “You’re suited for each other. All that emotion should be illegal. It simply rolls off you two when you’re even apart.”

  “It keeps things interesting,” Robbie said, thinking that he would steal Zoe away when he got back. They would go some place for a week or two and just be alone. “Come on, I’ll play you that track. I’d like to lay down a series of violin for it. Tell me what you think.”

  Tevin got up to follow Robbie to the studio that was set up in their pent house for the duration of their stay. ‘Did anyone ever tell you how annoying it is to be this awake?”

  Robbie shrugged. “Come on, Whittaker.”


  “I’ve typed up all the minutes from the annual general meeting. I’ll send them for printing, that way we can post them to the share holders,” Tamia Cooper said.

  “Did you call Thaddeus?” Danny Castille asked as he arranged folders that he needed her to file.

  “Yes. He is not in Athens. I believe he took a trip to Prague. Miss Mya is having her final concert there.”

  Danny handed her the folders and stared at her for a moment. “Was she really finishing there?”

  “Yes sir. The tour was supposed to end today.” Tamia glanced at her watch. “I do believe it has already ended.”

  “Hmm…” Danny sat down in his seat and ran a finger over his desk.

  The massive mahogany desk was old. It had seen many years of service. But one could hardl
y tell. Maintenance in the Castille Textile building made sure the structure was highly polished and in good condition. Its age was expertly hidden just like the inner problems of the Castille clan.

  “Well, thanks Tamia. Go home now. I don’t want to keep you. I might be at it for a while yet.”

  “But sir, you have are having dinner with your sister. She’s expecting you.”

  “Do I?” He’d completely forgotten about her. “What time is it?”

  “Nine o’clock, sir,” Tamia answered.

  Danny turned to his computer and typed a few keys bringing up his schedule. Sure enough, Tamia had already keyed in the dinner.

  “Marie’s, she’s not happy. We always end up there when she’s unhappy. I don’t know if I have the patience tonight.”

  “You want me to cancel?”

  Danny leaned back in his chair and swung it back and forth for a moment. “Is Kenny in town?”

  “No,’ Tamia answered.

  Mr. Williams was one of the priority people she kept tabs on at all times. The other was Zoella Mya. Tamia had needed to pull extreme stunts to get an in with the virtuoso’s assistant manager. She’d never understood why her boss needed to know where the elusive musician was at all times. It was as if there was a hidden story between the Castilles and Miss Mya.

  Danny closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “I’ll go. Before you leave, can you call the foreman at the factory in Bristol? I need the progress report on that new equipment. Production is under review there and it would be useful to know we are on the right course.”

  “Yes sir,” she said quickly and turned to leave.

  “And Tamia,” Danny looked at her.

  She was cute today in a black plaid skirt and a white blouse with a black tie. Her brown hair was held in a tight ponytail, giving her a professional look. He couldn’t ask for a better assistant. She was hard working and didn’t bat an eyelash at dealing with the eccentricities of working for Castille Textile.

  “Yes sir?”

  “I won’t be in early tomorrow.”

  She paused to look at him then with a quick nod, she was gone and Danny was left alone with his thoughts.

  Turning his chair to stare at the darkening London skyline, he marveled at how silent the scene seemed. Buildings were lighted up and the roads below looked like rivers with the cars moving fast in twin lights. The city always looked so tame and picturesque from in here. Just like his family must look to the outside world.

  Wiping a hand down his face, his thoughts turned to his sister. Jessica Castille Williams was a mess at the moment. He’d always imagined marriage meant happiness. Having watched his parent’s marriage and then his Uncle’s had given him that view on the institution. His parents had been so happy with each other. It had devastated his mother when Alexis Castille died. That had been an extremely difficult era for them all.

  Not wanting to dwell on grief that still hurt, his thoughts returned to his sister again. Since her wedding three years before, things seemed to have deteriorated. She and her husband were not getting along. They fought about everything. It was disgruntling to watch them.

  They’d looked so happy at the wedding.

  To see them now, he shook his head sadly.

  Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head and decided to leave.

  Castille Textile would still be here in the morning. Rolling down his sleeves, he freshened up in the private bathroom adjacent to his office. Pulling on a fresh shirt, he came out of the bathroom and retrieved his suit jacket from the coat closet. Turning off his computer, he grabbed his car keys and wallet and left making sure to lock his office door.

  Tamia was already gone.

  Seeing that, Danny locked the outer door too and headed for the elevator. There were few people in the building, most of his executives still lingered. Danny knew that they were probably trying to impress the boss by leaving with him or after him. It was sometimes exhausting to see people behaving this way. Other times, when it was truly genuine, it was heartening because it meant those individuals cared for the company’s well being.

  Being Chief Executive Officer required that he learn to differentiate these traits. It meant knowing those people who were an asset to him and the company and those who weren’t. Unfortunately, he met those who weren’t more often.

  The world was full of opportunistic bastards. The textile industry was riddled with them. Most companies kept their every day operations a tight secret. Too many people wanted to steal the ideas generated by companies in order to gain profit. Castille Textile required each of its employees to sign contracts that ensured there would be no divulging of company secrets to others. It was important to remain on the cutting edge in the industry. Always ahead and ready for whatever adaptation the industry demanded. He made sure that his human resources department understood that the people working for Castille Textile needed to adhere to the company’s policies one hundred percent.

  It was the only way to keep the company on top as long as he had. At the moment Castille Textile boasted branches in London, Australia, New York and Italy. Fabric had a big market in the world. Castille Textile owned factories across the globe that provided various ranges of fabric. The company also had researchers working in labs constantly experimenting and creating new ways to increase the quality of fabric produced. It was a business he loved. A business he understood and valued. Danny couldn’t help thinking that he was glad he was Castille Textile.

  When he’d been younger and accelerating his education in order to take over the company, he’d chafed against the responsibility. He’d hated the fact that his life had already been predetermined. It had seemed unfair that he couldn’t just walk away from it all and do what he wanted. But that had all changed the moment he’d walked into the C.E.O’s office that first day.

  The power, the responsibility, the pressure had made his blood rise and the excitement of it had given him a rush.

  It was like a drug, he thought as the elevator doors slid open admitting him into the basement garage.

  He thrived on his work. It made him happy. It made him closer to his father knowing that they shared the same passion. Alexis Castille had been an inspiring man. His death had broken a lot of people, his family being first on the list. Danny decided as he slid into the black Aston Martin Vanquish.

  Guiding the car out of the garage, he headed for Marie’s restaurant. A charming little place located in Greenwich. It was a relaxing place to escape after a hectic corporate day. It was also an ideal place to deal with family issues, Danny mused. No tongues wagging at the incidences of tycoon families breaking down.

  His family was a mess.

  His mother, Gabriella, lived her life immersed in useless society habits. She spent her time with three other wealthy ladies and dictated rules to others. She played at being a socialite, but he knew better. Gabriella was hurting inside and because she couldn’t do anything about it. She wallowed.

  His sister, Jessica Williams who was born after him, was destroying her own marriage. It went both ways, but he knew her well enough to know that she was messing it up. Kenny Williams was a great guy. He loved her, but Jessica could make even Bin Laden cry. She could be so difficult.

  As he turned the car into the restaurant entrance, his thoughts centered on his little sister, Zoella Mya. The one person everyone refused to discuss. She was a no go zone in the Castille family. Her name alone brought down the house in a conversation between the Castille women. It was difficult not to worry about Zoella. She was vulnerable and for most of her life, unhappy. Though he hoped that was about to change now that she was with Robbie. She was hardly the heartless bitch Jessica believed her to be.

  He would be happy the day they could all see that.


  Jessica Castille Williams was getting drunk. The amount of wine she was drinking was going to knock her down on her fa
ce the moment she stood up. But who cared, she thought, pouring more wine into her glass. Lifting it, she smiled at her dear eldest brother.

  “To marriage, I hope Zoe is happier at it.”

  “She will be,” Danny said firmly. “I don’t want to discuss Zoe. We’re here to talk about you, Jess.”

  “Of course you’re my little sister’s protector. Unfortunately, dear brother, she is my problem. She and Kenny are stuck together in a pea pod. He should have married her. Robbie is wasting his time.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Oh posh, Danny, don’t try. That girl is too selfish. How can she string along two men? Why won’t she let my husband go if she’s so happy with the rock star?”

  “Why do you dwell on this?”

  Jessica hiccupped delicately. “I can’t stand how unhappy we are. Kenny’s not been home you know. He’s been jet hopping for days now. New Zealand, Ireland, Greece, anywhere but London. He doesn’t want to see me.”

  “Did you have a fight?” Danny motioned the waiter over.

  Their plates were cleared and replaced with cups of coffee. Reaching across the table, Danny moved the wine bottle and made sure the waiter left with it. He would try and sober her up with coffee.

  “Fight,” Jessica was saying, “more like a series of them. Every moment seems like a fight around Kenny. I can’t seem to bring out that side of him that was in love with me. I’m afraid he doesn’t care anymore.”

  “Talk with him,” Danny suggested. “Have a nice dinner. Be nice to each other.”

  “It’s difficult.” Jessica was close to tears. “I feel tired of fighting. I want to shake him sometimes and demand that he look at me the way he used to. He just shrugs and walks away.”

  Danny waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, he allowed the silence and studied her instead. His sister had always been a pretty girl. Her hair was blonde and currently styled in a cute bob. Her eyes were a pretty sky blue, her lips tight and sweet. Her skin was soft and silky. She kept her figure trim; she was always in designer clothes, tailored to fit to perfection.

  All Castille women dressed well, he thought. They were fashion designer darlings. It had been a problem fighting off the sniffing men, Danny thought in amusement. He’d done it though. Well, not for all of them he remembered. Zoe had been living elsewhere, so he’d never gotten the chance to protect her like a brother should. Instead, that job had fallen on Kenny Williams.