Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 10

  Robbie sat in his seat, hands clenched tightly in fists. Tevin could only shake his head as his friend tried to regain his calm. The anger was threatening to bubble out and it worried Tevin.

  Damn it, Robbie thought.

  He had this under control. He did. He was not going to let it take over. The pain and anger of Zoe’s betrayal was a thing he was determined to forget. He couldn’t think about it too long, the emotions that reared their ugly heads made him feel like he would choke.


  Chapter Seven

  ‘Rock star jilted by virtuoso’.

  The headline was large and pictures of Robbie and Zoe were splashed all over the entertainment magazine.

  “It’s never ending,” Zoe murmured to herself, as she crumbled the paper into a ball. “Why can’t they leave it alone?”

  Throwing the ball to the floor, she buried her face into her hands. It was mid-afternoon in Athens, a week after the day she was supposed to have been married.

  Athena wasn’t talking to her because she was still clearing out the structures she’d put up for the ceremony. The wedding cake was given to Alain to deal with, he had moaned at the gorgeous waste of art. He was barely civil to her. Her uncle was scrambling to control the press and the consequent chaos on her business with Chris. Every time he spoke to her she had a feeling that he wanted to shake her to death. Kenny was done with her, that’s what he had told her when he called the house.

  The ‘break up’ as everyone was calling it was supposed to be old news, but the world seemed stuck on it. Most papers were blaming her for breaking Robbie’s heart. They had decided she was a cold hearted bitch.

  If only they knew, she thought.

  It hurt to watch Robbie on the news or see the photographs they took of him. He looked so withdrawn, so tired. He needed her although she knew he’d never accept her again. He hated her now.

  Tears slid through her fingers and she wondered how she’d ever imagined it would be easy.

  A door slammed and Athena came hurrying into the sunroom. For the first time in a week, she spoke to Zoe.

  “You have to see this.”

  Turning on the television, Athena changed the channel to international news and Zoe glanced up. There was Robbie being hounded by Paparazzi down the steps at their penthouse building. He refused to comment on the questions they were asking and he was doing great until a young man jumped in front of him.

  Zoe wasn’t sure how it happened but suddenly the young man was holding on to his nose while he was sprawled on the tarmac. Robbie’s bodyguards were swiftly moving him to the car.

  “Looks like he’s hurting as much as you are,” Athena said her gaze on Zoe and the tears streaking her face. “Aren’t you tired of watching it? Don’t you want to call him? He still loves you.”

  Zoe stared at the newscasters now discussing the scene. Shaking her head, she got up and said, “He hates me. I can’t change that.”

  Leaving the room, Zoe hurried upstairs to her bedroom and barely made it to the bathroom to puke her breakfast. Anxiety was the worst. The nausea was bearable, but added with worry and she could scarcely keep anything down.

  “Robbie,” she cried, remembering the disgusted look on his face that day.

  He’d never forgive her. She’d seen it in his eyes, really seen him start to hate her.


  “Isn’t this convenient,” Jessica said changing the channel. “They are on every channel. I’m sure they are selling many records now.”

  “Its hot news,” Danny said watching his sister surf the television like her life depended on it. “Just admit it.”

  “Admit what?” Jessica asked, switching off the television and getting up to stride to the tea tray standing in the middle of the drawing room.

  They were at their mother’s town house in London waiting for Gabriella so that they could have dinner. Gabriella had arrived in the city a week before and was spending her time circulating her usual social circles. She seemed unmoved by the news of her youngest daughter’s break up.

  In fact, Danny frowned, their mother looked happy about it.

  He’d called Kenny for an explanation, but there didn’t seem to be one. Kenny was livid with Zoe. It was hard to get a clear picture of the entire situation. His secretary, Tamia was devastated by the McClaire/Mya falling out. It was amusing to watch her go on about them. Shaking his head, Danny watched Jessica pour herself a cup of tea.

  “You’re worried,” Danny said.

  “Oh please,” Jessica scoffed as she added cream and one sugar cube. “Zoe lives like a wild child. Whoever imagined that wedding would happen was nuts.”

  “She’s not crazy,” Danny said, thinking about his own desperate call to Robbie.

  Robbie was not talking to anyone related or associated with Zoe. His band mates and their management were following suit.

  “Zoe never does anything without a reason,” Danny said. “I’m worried.”

  The quiet confession had Jessica scrutinizing her older brother. He seemed more thoughtful than usual, which was disturbing. Danny was always wearing a serious look on his face. For it to be more intense, Jessica gave a shiver.

  “I’m sure she’s fine, Danny,” Jessica said sipping her tea. “Uncle Thad will make sure of it; he is so protective of her it’s disgusting. I’m surprised my husband hasn’t gone to find her.”

  “That too sounds disturbing,” Danny pointed out, moving to take a seat in an armchair. Crossing his legs, he studied Jessica. “Do you even talk to your husband?”

  “Talking is not a concept that is easy in the Williams house,” Jessica said. “We shout, and we have loud silences that communicate a lot about the situation our marriage has become. My husband is drifting further away from me.”

  Danny shook his head. He was tired of the problems that were plaguing this family. He wished he could just shake everyone and wake them up to reality.

  “Are you seeing Tamia?” Jessica interrupted his thoughts.

  “Why? Is office gossip getting creative?” Danny asked amused by the question.

  “Well,” Jessica shrugged. “You haven’t brought a date home in a couple months. I’m just curious. I’m always so involved in my problems. It’s not fair to you; you should have a life too.”

  “No, I’m not seeing Tamia,” Danny said with a smile, although they were sleeping together. He had promised Tamia not to tell. “I’ve been a bit busy, no time to date.”

  “You’re a handsome man, don’t give me that bullshit,” Jessica said. “I think I’ll call Alex. He’ll get you out there.”

  Alex Chang was Danny’s best friend and a bona fide playboy who spent his time all over Europe living it up. It had always awed Jessica that the two of them could sustain a friendship considering their different personalities. Where Danny was a serious conservative, Alex Chang was wild and spontaneous. He loved to be frivolous and being a playboy was engraved in his bone marrow.

  “Alex is in Tokyo at the moment. Believe it or not, his father has asked that he attend a consortium on shipping there. I can’t wait to see what happens,” Danny said in amusement. “I’m giving him a week.”

  “An hour,” Jessica countered with a laugh. “Especially after I talk to him about you big brother.”

  “I’m fine,” Danny protested. “I don’t need a relationship. Besides, judging by the current situation, no Castille should attempt one right now.”

  “Why Danny, I never realized you were the type to be cynical,” Gabriella Castille said from the doorway making both her children glance up with surprise. “Buona Sera, my darlings.”

  “Mamma,” Jessica said, smiling in greeting. “Good evening to you too.”

  “You look lovely,” Danny said standing up as Gabriella walked into the room.

  Gabriella accepted kisses on her cheeks from both of them before she settled on a couch across from Danny’s arm chair.

  “Tea,” Jessica asked.

  “No, my dear, how is everyone?” Gabriella asked as Danny sat back in his chair and Jessica took a seat in the armchair beside him.

  “Not too much,” Danny answered. “I had meetings all day. I was negotiating new contracts with a factory owner in Tuscany. He’s a very difficult man to convince. I might have to go to Italy and talk to him in person.”

  “Traditions are a powerful thing,” Gabriella said in understanding. “I imagine it is like having to sell Castille Co. God forbid. Be easy on him.”

  “I will.” Danny assured her.

  “Jess, how is my son-in- law?” Gabriella asked. She genuinely loved Kenny Williams. Although she was well aware of the problems the marriage was having, she would never be Kenny. He was a good man.

  “He is fine. He’s been working on a project here in London this week.”

  “That’s good. You get to spend time with him then,” Gabriella said.

  “Yes,” Jessica answered with a shrug. “Let’s talk about you mamma. I heard you’ve been chosen to speak at the Silver Garden celebration.”

  Gabriella beamed in excitement. She had gotten the call that morning. The Silver Garden was a prestigious fashion design school in Leeds. Castille Textile often supported the school by sponsoring fashion projects. It would be an honor to talk before all those aspiring designers.

  “Your friend Christine has even asked to publish a piece in the Paradise about it. I feel very flattered,” Gabriella said. “We can have some positive press now that Zoella has tarnished our image.”

  “Mamma, the public doesn’t know she’s Castille,” Danny said in irritation.

  “Danny, the people who know matter to me, she’s acted very disgracefully,” Gabriella said. “I must admit I always thought the cheating would be the other way round. Nevertheless, I’m glad the wedding is off. They weren’t suited.”

  “Mamma,” Danny frowned. “Why do you make hasty judgments? She was happy with him. And I don’t believe a word about the cheating. Something else is wrong and we should all try to find out what it is.”

  “Come on, it’s Zoella we’re talking about here,” Gabriella chuckled. “She’s lived her life to piss me off. This is just another such incident. Starting from the day she started this absurd career of hers.”

  “Her music is her life,” Danny stood up to pace. “You wouldn’t be talking like that if you knew how important that relationship was to Zoe.”

  “Importance is relative,” Jessica said. “Our family should be important, but if I remember correctly, when I told her that in Paris she told me to fuck off and promptly changed her name.”

  “What are you saying?” Danny asked. “When did you talk to her in Paris?”

  “She’s talking about the beginning of Zoe’s career,” Gabriella answered with a sigh. “I asked Jessica to go and persuade her to join Castille Co., even though it would be with Castille Media in Greece. It didn’t matter. She’s a part of the family. She should be a part of the company. Instead of flouncing the Castille name all over the papers. The girl decided to drop her father’s name and continued with her career path.”

  “It was a while ago, Danny. I can’t believe you didn’t know this?” Jessica placed her cup of tea down. It was getting lukewarm and she didn’t like the taste of it.

  Danny took a step back from them. Turning away he ran a hand through his hair. Remembering an incident he rather wished he could forget.

  About five years ago, when Zoe had been nineteen, she’d been living in Paris while she did her music in a studio that Thaddeus had bought for her. It had been an experiment both Thaddeus and Athena had been conducting. They were trying to get Zoe back to regular society after being away from it for so long. Zoe had been living at the family island for three years straight, they’d felt it was important to have her contend with the world again.

  She’d been doing alright. He even remembered visiting her briefly at the apartment she’d been staying at. A month later, Athena had called him to warn him off. She’d been raving mad. She demanded that he tell her what he’d said to Zoe, word for word. When he asked why, she’d said that Zoe had tried to commit suicide and almost succeeded.

  He’d always felt responsible for it. She’d been so fragile those days. To know that it had come from his sister and mother for something as stupid as a career, he shook his head in horror.

  “Danny?” Jessica said worried by how still he was, “is something wrong?”

  “No,” Danny said, and then because he couldn’t stand it anymore he said, “Yes.”


  “One of these days you’re both going to have to stop sticking your heads in the sand.” He interrupted his mother. “Pay attention to what’s happening. I’m hoping it’s soon before I lose a sister.”

  The emotion filled words stunned both women into silence. They both watched as Danny stalked out of the elegant drawing room and slammed the door hard behind him.

  “What was that?” Jessica recovered first.

  “Well, I’d imagine Danny is angry about something we’ve said,” Gabriella said with a sigh.

  She was well aware of what had happened in Paris. She’d had her suspicions that Jessica had triggered Zoe’s attempted suicide, but Danny’s reaction confirmed it for her.

  Jessica, remembering that her husband was also acting like a crazy person at home, stood up. She was tired of all the men in this family acting like idiots whenever Zoella’s topic came up. Spurred on by anger, she hurried out of the drawing room and rushed out toward the foyer where Danny was taking his coat from the butler.

  “What was that Danny? Why are you angry?” she demanded. “What’s with Paris?”

  “Ask your husband,” Danny said as he left the house.

  She was left to stare at the closing door, contemplating the answer.


  After dinner, Jessica bid her mother goodnight and headed home. She arrived in time to see her husband ushering Chris Stone out to his car. They were in deep conversation and for a moment Jessica sat in her car watching them. Chris Stone was C.E.O of Stone records and a celebrity music producer. He had brown hair, sharp hazel eyes, he was tall and lean, and years of success and wealth had given him power that simply oozed from his every pore.

  He also didn’t liker her very much, she thought. The fact that he was Zoe’s producer probably had something to do with it, because she’d also noticed that Kelly Jones, Zoe’s manager didn’t like her either.

  Sighing, she slid out of the car as they came down the steps. Chris Stone gave her a smile. One she’d come to realize was very deceiving considering his attitude toward her.

  “Good evening Mrs. Williams,” he said casually. “You look lovely as always.”

  “Mr. Stone,” Jessica said in return accepting the touch of his lips on her cheek. “It’s good to see you again.”

  “Yes.” Chris nodded, not returning the sentiment. To Kenny he said, “I have an appointment, thank you for your support. The board should be appeased for now. I’m not sure what’s next, but hopefully we can solve the media frenzy soon.”

  “I’m here if you need anything,” Kenny said.

  “Have a goodnight then,” Chris said; nodding to Jessica, he walked to the black Mercedes where a driver held the door open for him.

  “That man doesn’t like me,” Jessica said quietly as the car rolled away.

  “You assume a lot,” Kenny answered, turning away; he headed back to the house without even a greeting for her.

  No more, Jessica decided hurrying after him. “Kenny, I want to talk to you.”

  “I don’t,” Kenny said smoothly as they entered the house.

  Kenny headed for his study and Jessica followed. She wasn’t going to be deterred.

  “No? Well, I don’t care. You can listen to me talk then,” Jessica said striding after him into his study.

?d joked about it being his lair when they first moved in. The room was furnished with comfortable leather chairs, a mahogany desk where he worked, and a deep brown carpet. It was a masculine room that suited him perfectly. The windows behind his chair showed off the lawn behind the house. She knew there were many times he’d be sitting in his chair contemplating the scenery. She’d caught him at it.

  “What is it this time?” Kenny asked his shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his tie was long gone. He looked tired. Worry lines graced his handsome face. His voice came in a resigned tone.

  Jessica ignored it.

  “We’ve been married three years now. For the most part we’ve been happy. But lately, I feel like we’re pulling apart. Actually, pulling apart is not the word I’d use with us. It’s more like wrenching. I miss you, Kenny. Don’t you feel the same about me?”

  Kenny stared at her bewildered by her words. Then because he needed time to figure out if she was being sincere, he headed for the bar set up by the wall and proceeded to pour a scotch.

  “If you’re asking how I feel about you Jess, you already know the answer,” Kenny said leaning on the counter, and sipping his drink.

  “Sometimes knowing that you love me is simply not enough,” Jessica said. “Do you need me as much as I do you, Kenny?”

  Need, Kenny thought, of course he needed her.

  There had been a time he’d always known what she was thinking. They had communicated so much with a single glance. Romance and passion had filled their time. He missed that connection.

  But Jessica’s jealousy had sucked that part of their lives away. It was hard to remain happy and optimistic when your wife questioned every move you made.

  Kenny frowned.

  “I love you, Jessica. That will never change,” Kenny said, his gaze meeting her expressive blue ones. “But the problems we’ve been having lately have driven us so far apart; I can’t remember how happy we used to be.”

  “These are problems that we haven’t solved because you keep leaving me alone,” Jessica pointed out. “A marriage is two people, Kenny. I can’t fix the problems when you run off to wherever. It just prolongs the agony.”

  “Might I point out that these problems have been created by your paranoid tendencies?”