Read Shattering Zoella's Demons Page 9

  “Very well, it’s good to hear from you, mi bella,” Franco said and rang up.

  Switching the phone off, Zoe stared at it for only a moment, and then got off the bed and into the bathroom before she lost the nerve to do this.


  “Where is Zoella?” Athena asked Alain when she returned from the office two hours later. It was three o’clock in the afternoon and she’d been hoping to spend some time with Zoe. There was so much that still needed planning for the wedding.

  “She left in a hurry,” Alain said. “She had that look in her eyes.”

  “What look?” Athena frowned. “Alain, be specific, I worry about that child these days. Where did she say she was going?”

  “She said, ‘I’ll be back’,” Alain said, “with that look in her eyes.”

  “What look?”

  “She’s going to do cause trouble,” Alain said with a shake of his head, “something stupid.”

  “Stop predicting doom.” Athena sighed, reaching for a carrot. Alain was peeling them furiously and laying them out on a chopping board. He threatened to hit her fingers at the action.

  “I think we’ll wait about a bit. Maybe she went shopping,” Athena said thoughtfully. “Crazy girl.”

  “I don’t know,” Alain said, “that girl has something up her sleeve.”


  “What are you up to?” Franco Antonio asked as he ushered Zoe into a limousine in London.

  Dressed in a long jersey and baggy black jeans, Franco could have easily been mistaken for a hip-hop rapper. His neck spotted a gold chain and his head a black cap with the signature New York sign. He also weighed a serious two hundred and fifty pounds all muscle. His protective instincts always reared whenever he was with Zoe Castille. The woman was just so fragile looking.

  “I’m breaking a man’s heart,” Zoe answered as she sank into the limousine seat.

  “The rock star,” Franco stated. “Why? You seem happy.”

  “Don’t ask me why,” Zoe said her eyes hidden behind dark glasses. “I can’t explain it.”

  “You know,” Franco said watching as the car sped through traffic. “I’ve always wanted to see you very happy. Bella, you deserve so much happiness. Now, I ask myself, why the long face?”

  “I want you to play a role,” Zoe said without answering his question. “Make it as real as possible. He has to believe it. You might get into a fist fight about it.”

  “I can take it,” Franco said. “It will be a pleasure to meet this rock star of yours. He has my respect for winning your heart.”

  “Yeah,” Zoe said, “tell me how you feel when you see the headlines tomorrow.”

  Franco sighed. “You called paparazzi. This must be serious. Are you trying to destroy the both of you? Your wedding is so close.”

  “It has to be this way,” Zoe said quietly.

  Franco nodded at that and fell silent. The one thing he knew about Zoe was that she didn’t do things without a reason. Whatever the cause there would be no one who would be able to stop her.

  He’d first met Zoe when she’d been sixteen. She’d been painfully shy and drawn into herself. She’d been unable to stand even a simple touch from another person. Thaddeus Castille had hired him to make sure she was safe at all times. They’d been staying at the family island in Greece. An exotic beautiful place called Aledeus. Franco’s job description had forced him to live in the impressive sprawling mansion that had stood on the island for an astounding one hundred years now.

  It had been an amazing experience. He’d learned a lot about life and what it could mean when it was threatened so brutally.

  Seated beside Franco, Zoe could feel her heart hammering wildly in her chest. What she was about to do was unimaginable. She couldn’t believe she was doing it.

  The limousine pulled up at the entrance to her building and she froze. Panicking for a moment, she could barely breathe at the thought of walking in there.

  “Zoe,” Franco prompted when the driver opened the door.

  “Yes. Let’s go,” she said. Swallowing hard, she composed herself and nodded to Franco. “I’m ready.”

  Franco studied her face for a moment before he decided to get out. A flood of camera flashes started, quickly turning into frenzy when Zoe emerged from the car. She’d made the anonymous calls to the most popular magazines and tabloids. As the driver closed the doors behind them, she slid a hand around Franco allowing him to pull her closer.

  It was an obvious statement. One the media was ready and eager to document and did so splendidly. The pictures were uploaded instantly. This was hot news.

  Once they were inside the lobby, Zoe took in a deep breath and punched in the key to send the elevator to the tenth floor. When the doors closed, she leaned on the elevator wall and tried to gather courage.

  “Are you sure about this?” Franco asked worried by the effect it was having on her.

  She nodded her answer and almost panicked when the elevator doors opened. Straightening up, she braced herself for the coming storm. Franco could only follow as she walked with determination toward the white double doors. Opening them, she stalked in battle ready.


  Robbie was just about to start packing a bag when he heard the sound of the door banging closed. Pausing in the act of pulling his suitcase out from the closet, he wondered if Kenny was early. He’d said four o’clock.

  Dropping the suitcase on the bed, he started out of the bedroom and met with Zoe in the living area of their master bedroom.

  “Where the hell have you been?” He roared in relief and exasperation.

  “Hey McClaire,” she said walking by him negligently; a whiff of gardenias flooded his nostrils as she passed. “Miss me?”

  “I’ve been worried sick. Why are you not answering your phone?”

  “Lost it,” Zoe said stopping by their bed. Her gaze falling on the suitcase on the bed, she asked. “Going somewhere?”

  “I was. I was going to Greece to find you,” Robbie said his hands on his hips. Something about her was not right. She was obviously on edge, the sunglasses were also unusual. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

  “Which one, I thought I just answered it,” Zoe said, walking to the closet.

  “Where have you been, Zoe?” Robbie asked again. Green eyes glittered with emotion as she started to rummage in the closet. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m packing,” Zoe said. “I’m leaving, Robbie.”


  “Yes. Leaving you,” Zoe said firmly. “I’m not marrying you.”

  The words sounded so loud in his head he could barely think.

  “What did you say?” he asked, not sure he’d heard her right.

  “I said we’re not getting married,” she said again, moving around the closet.

  She seemed so calm it enraged him.

  “Do you want to tell me how you’ve come to this decision?”

  “It’s been two months since I saw you, Robbie,” Zoe said trying to hold on to her tears as she did so. She was going through this even if it killed her. “A lot of things have changed.”

  “Are you telling me you don’t love me anymore?”

  “Yes,” Zoe said grabbing a bunch of dresses and stuffing them into a bag. “I want you to let me go. You deserve better, than this.”

  “Damn it, Zoe,” Robbie yelled.

  On cue, Franco appeared at the bedroom door. Arms folded against his chest, he asked, “Problems, mi Cara?”

  “Did he just call you darling?” Robbie demanded, turning to stare at the Italian man standing at the door, “who the fuck is this?”

  “Her boyfriend,” Franco answered with pride. “She told me that you might be trouble.”

  “Are you stepping out on me Zoe? This whole time you’ve been seeing someone else?” Robbie asked in quiet anger, the possibility of this being true was suffocating him.

/>   Fisting his fingers, he went for the smug bastard standing by the door.

  “Robbie,” Zoe gasped in disbelief as Robbie punched Franco in the face. “Stop it.”

  “Stop,” Robbie scoffed. “If you think I’m going to watch you walk away with this bastard, you’ve got another thing coming. I want explanations. How long has it been? How could you cheat on me, Zoe? I was worried sick thinking that something else was going on, but this?”

  “I love him. Don’t fight Robbie, please.” Zoe begged abandoning her clothes to rush to them. “Stop fighting.”

  “Are you protecting him from me?” Robbie demanded when Zoe clung to his arms trying to pull him away from Franco. Franco held on to Robbie’s t-shirt as they struggled. “I’ll kill him, Zoe.”

  “Please let me go, Robbie,” Zoe said, her hands reaching for his fists, trying to undo his grasp on Franco’s shirt. “Don’t do this; you’re only making it harder. Let me go, you deserve better than this.”

  “Jesus,” Robbie cursed, teeth gritted as he pushed Franco against the wall. Stormy green eyes moving to look at Zoe and the concern he read there shattered him. It was concern for this man. How could she do this?

  Zoe seeing the pain in his eyes turned away and pretended to make sure that Franco was fine by straightening his shirt. The action made Robbie curse in disgust and step away from them. Running a hand through his hair, he shook his head.

  Zoe closed her eyes and removed the engagement ring he’d given her. Hiding the pain removing it caused her, she stretched out her hand.

  “I came to give this back and pick my stuff. But I’ll have Kelly get the clothes for me,” she said quietly. “I think that would be best.”

  Robbie stared at the ring glittering on her palm, a palm he’d pressed kisses into countless times, and he sneered. Love turning to hate, he slapped her hand away making the ring fall to the ground.

  Zoe winced at the action, but she didn’t protest. Franco moved then, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

  “Let’s go, bella,” Franco said. “I think you’re done here.”

  “Yes, I think you are,” Robbie said icily, “Leave Zoella, I never want to see you again.”

  Zoe stared at him then because this is what she’d wanted, she nodded and allowed Franco to lead her out of the bedroom. They made their way down the hallway, her gaze sliding over a life they’d shared and been so happy.

  “You’re almost done.” Franco urged as they walked down the stairs.

  They met Maria at the bottom. Her eyes were glazed with tears as she shook her head at Zoe.

  “How could you?” Maria asked her voice full of disappointment.

  Zoe breathed in. “Look after him, Maria.”

  That was the best she could manage. Once they were out of the penthouse, Zoe managed to reach the elevator before she broke down. The tears came in a flood that made Franco pull her fast into his arms. Supporting her as her knees gave out.

  In the lobby, Franco took charge and carried her out using the service doors. Once they were in the limousine, Franco stared at her.

  “Was that necessary?”

  “Yes,” Zoe said wiping tears away with the back of her hand. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “I know,” Franco said with a tired smile. “I’ll take you to Athens.”


  At the penthouse, Robbie overturned everything in the bedroom they’d shared. Breaking pictures and all the delicate vase flowers she’d chosen. Maria could only watch helplessly as he tore the room apart.

  Sobbing she rushed back downstairs and reached for the phone. Dialing Kenny’s number, she waited.


  “Master Kenny, you’d better come quickly.”

  “What’s wrong, Maria?”

  “It’s Miss Zoe. She’s just been here. She broke up with Master Robbie.”


  “What have you done?” Athena demanded when Zoe walked into the house at eight that evening. “It’s all over the news, what’s going on?”

  “I’m tired,” Zoe said quietly, dropping her car keys on the table in the foyer.

  “Oh no,” Athena shook her head. “I want to spank you senseless right now. How could you do this to him? Are you out of your mind?”

  “These things happen. I’m sorry, but there is not going to be a wedding,” Zoe said her voice flat.

  She was all out of emotion because she’d spent the entire flight back crying over how cold Robbie had gotten. The way he’d looked at her with so much disgust. She closed her eyes to shake off the memory.

  “I know all those stories the media is circulating are lies. You’ve fabricated them. I want to know what would make you throw away the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

  “Nothing,” Zoe said a bit too quickly. “Besides, this is my life. I can do what I want with it. The wedding is not happening, Aunt Athena. It’s over between Robbie and me. I’m sure I’m the last person he wants to see right now.”

  “You’ve just broken his heart!” Athena said in anger.

  She’d almost lost her mind when the first call came in about five o’clock. The media was too fast these days. The story had hit the streets within minutes. She wanted to shake some sense in to Zoe.

  “He loves you.”

  “Don’t.” Zoe shook her head.

  She didn’t think she could take anymore. She wanted to find the darkest corner in this house and hide there for a while, perhaps forever.

  Insanity, Athena thought pacing furiously.

  That’s what this was.

  There would be chaos in the morning, Athena frowned. The caterers were coming in to set up, the flowers she’d ordered to decorate the lawn, the workmen who were putting up the dais structure by the beach, the cake!

  “Zoella Mya Castille, you’ll be the death of me,” Athena exclaimed

  Zoe ignored her, needing a drink. This was one long day. She’d effectively become single and been branded a pariah in hours. Her heart was a black mass and she was sure she’d never feel happy again.

  Athena’s anger was exactly what she deserved. And she had yet to face Thaddeus’s which would be considerable because of the media circus she had created. Her new life was doing great, she decided as she walked to the living room and the bar there.


  “Stay out of my way,” Robbie ordered, as he threw more of Zoe’s clothes into a suitcase. “I can’t stand to hear another word about her anymore.”

  “What do you want to do with these?” Kenny asked watching him warily.

  The guy had been storming about for hours, the place was a mess. It looked like a hurricane had passed over it.

  “Burn them,” Robbie said with a hiss.

  “You can’t.”

  “Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do. I’m not ready to accept that you didn’t know about this all along,” Robbie said bitterly. “Is it funny to you, knowing she was cheating on me, was it amusing to you?”

  “Damn it, Robbie. How many times will I tell you I didn’t know,” Kenny said. “Besides, I don’t think either of that is true, she’s playing games. Let me talk to her.”

  “I don’t need you to talk to her. I don’t want to ever see her again!” Robbie roared. “Stop looking at me like that. I don’t need pity either.”

  Robbie was fluctuating between misery and anger. He was sure when he stopped moving the reality was going to overtake him.

  He needed to keep moving, he thought, abandoning the clothes.

  He needed to get out.

  Walking out of the closet, he headed out of the master bedroom keenly aware of Kenny following close behind. He got downstairs, in the living room and the sight of the photographs on the shelves that documented moments in a life he’d assumed was happy shocked him.

  Anger at the deception had him walking around picking each frame. He was about to toss them into th
e fireplace when he glanced at the one picture on top of the pile. There was Zoe smiling into the camera, her eyes bright, he’d buried his face into her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her waist.

  Behind them a Ferris wheel stood lighted against a dark sky. It was the first night he’d ever told a woman he loved her.


  “I never want to hear about Zoe again,” Robbie said. Dumping the picture frames on the couch, he turned and looked at Kenny, “never again.”


  ‘McClaire/Mya couple in heartbreak hotel’, ‘Wedding of the year cancelled’, ‘Mya’s new lover breaks rock star love.’

  News traveled fast, especially bad news; it flew in speeds unknown to man. Dumping the magazines into a trashcan in the lobby, Tevin watched Robbie stride out of the elevator. Dark glasses covered eyes that were bloodshot because of lack of sleep and drinking.

  “You’ll grow tired of that chore,” Robbie said nodding to the glossy magazines in the trash can. “They’ll print more these evening.”

  “Stop acting like it doesn’t bother you,” Tevin said, hating how calm Robbie was.

  He’d always imagined Robbie and Zoe as the ideal model for relationships. If they weren’t working, no one was in luck out there.

  “You’re in a state of denial. How long are you going to treat this like it isn’t happening?”

  Robbie ignored the question and led the way to the front doors.

  Tevin sighed and said quietly, “Pretend with everyone else McClaire, but not with me.”

  Robbie stepped out into the breezy morning. A horde of paparazzi surrounded them and if it weren’t for the security that was now a vital part of their lives, they would have been mauled. The five men did there best to muscle the unrelenting press away as they fired questions at Robbie.

  “How do you feel about your break up with Zoella Mya?”

  “What are you going to do now that she’s left you?”

  “Have you talked with the man she ran off with?”

  Progress toward the limousine at the curb was slow, until a young man jumped in front of Robbie.

  “Is she in love with the new boyfriend?”

  The punch was automatic. Before anyone could react, the young man was on the ground holding on to a bleeding nose. The bodyguards maneuvered Robbie and Tevin toward the car quickly; they were inside the limousine before anyone could say anything.